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Eclogite facies metatroctolites from a variety of Western Alps localities (Voltri, Monviso, Lanzo, Allalin, Zermat–Saas, etc.) that preserve textural evidence of their original form as bimineralic olivine‐plagioclase rocks are considered in terms of calculated mineral equilibria in the system Na2O‐CaO‐FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O (NCFMASH). Pseudosections, based on a new petrogenetic grid for NCFMASH presented here, are used to unravel the metamorphic history of the metatroctolites, considering the rocks to consist of different composition microdomains corresponding to the original olivine and plagioclase grains. On the basis that the preservation of the mineral assemblage in each microdomain will tend to be from where on a rock's P–T path the metamorphic fluid phase is used up via rehydration reactions, P–T pseudosections contoured for water content, and P–T path‐MH2O (amount of water) pseudosections, are used to examine fluid behaviour in each microdomain. We show that the different microdomains are likely to preserve their mineral assemblages from different places on the P–T path. For the olivine microdomain, the diagnostic mineral assemblage is chloritoid + talc (+ garnet + omphacite). The preservation of this assemblage, in the light of the closed system P–T path‐MH2O relationships, implies that the microdomain loses its metamorphic fluid as it starts to decompress, and, in the absence of subsequent hydration, the high pressure mineral assemblage is then preserved. In the plagioclase microdomain, the diagnostic assemblage is epidote (or zoisite) + kyanite + quartz suggesting a lower pressure (of about 2 GPa) than for the olivine microdomain. In the light of P–T path‐MH2O relationships, development of this assemblage implies breakdown of lawsonite across the lawsonite breakdown reaction, regardless of the maximum pressure reached. It is likely that the plagioclase microdomain was mainly fluid‐absent prior to lawsonite breakdown, only becoming fluid‐present across the reaction, then immediately becoming fluid‐absent again.  相似文献   

A new petrogenetic grid is presented for the system NCKFMASH (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O), in which Ca is incorporated in garnet, and CaAlNa−1Si−1 solid solution is considered for both the plagioclase and white-mica structures. A compatibility diagram for plagioclase-bearing metapelitic assemblages within the NCKFMASH system also has been derived. A dominant feature of the NCKFMASH grid is the singularities and associated singular reactions which occur along plagioclase+margarite- and plagioclase+paragonite-bearing univariant equilibria. The singularities represent compositional coplanarities which occur in response to the CaAlNa−1Si−1 substitution occurring at different rates in plagioclase and white-mica. This is controlled by a fundamental difference in the mixing within the two mineral structures. The singularities give rise to a number of intriguing phase diagram features, including azeotropes. From the results presented here, it is predicted that the occurrence of margarite and paragonite in pelitic rocks is controlled by equilibria related to the singularities. The presence of these white-micas is strongly dependent upon bulk composition, and plagioclase-bearing, margarite/paragonite-free assemblages, typical of Barrovian-type terranes, are predicted for bulk compositions of Mg/(Mg+Fe)≈0.4 and Ca/(Ca+Na)≈0.4 at for example 5.5  kbar.  相似文献   

A calibration is presented for an activity–composition model for amphiboles in the system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–O (NCFMASHO), formulated in terms of an independent set of six end‐members: tremolite, tschermakite, pargasite, glaucophane, ferroactinolite and ferritschermakite. The model uses mixing‐on‐sites for the ideal‐mixing activities, and for the activity coefficients, a macroscopic multicomponent van Laar model. This formulation involves 15 pairwise interaction energies and six asymmetry parameters. Calibration of the model is based on the geometrical constraints imposed by the size and shape of amphibole solvi inherent in a data set of 71 coexisting amphibole pairs from rocks, formed over 400–600 °C and 2–18 kbar. The model parameters are calibrated by combining these geometric constraints with qualitative consideration of parameter relationships, given that the data are insufficient to allow all the model parameters to be determined from a regression of the data. Use of coexisting amphiboles means that amphibole activity–composition relationships are calibrated independently of the thermodynamic properties of the end‐members. For practical applications, in geothermobarometry and the calculation of phase diagrams, the amphibole activity–composition relationships are placed in the context of the stability of other minerals by evaluating the properties of the end‐members in the independent set that are in internally consistent data sets. This has been performed using an extended natural data set for hornblende–garnet–plagioclase–quartz, giving the small adjustments necessary to the enthalpies of formation of tschermakite, pargasite and glaucophane for working with the Holland and Powell data set.  相似文献   

The high- P , medium- T  Pouébo terrane of the Pam Peninsula, northern New Caledonia includes barroisite- and glaucophane-bearing eclogite and variably rehydrated equivalents. The metamorphic evolution of the Pouébo terrane is inferred from calculated P–T  and P–T  – X H2O pseudosections for bulk compositions appropriate to these rocks in the model system CaO–Na2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. The eclogites experienced a clockwise P–T  path that reached P ≈19  kbar and T  ≈600  °C. The eclogitic mineral assemblages are preserved because reaction consequent upon decompression consumed the rocks' fluid. Extensive reaction occurred only in rocks with fluid influx during decompression of the Pouébo terrane.  相似文献   

A recent thermodynamic model for the Na–Ca clinoamphiboles in the system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–O (NCFMASHO), is improved, and extended to include cummingtonite–grunerite and the orthoamphiboles, anthophyllite and gedrite. The clinoamphibole model in NCMASH is adopted, but the extension into the FeO- and Fe2O3-bearing systems is revised to provide thermodynamic consistency and better agreement with natural assemblage data. The new model involves order–disorder of Fe–Mg between the M2, M13 and M4 sites in the amphibole structure, calibrated using the experimental data on site distributions in cummingtonite–grunerite. In the independent set of end-members used to represent the thermodynamics, grunerite (rather than ferroactinolite) is used for FeO, with two ordered Fe–Mg end-members, and magnesioriebeckite (rather than ferritschermakite) is used for Fe2O3. Natural assemblage data for coexisting clinoamphiboles are used to constrain the interaction energies between the various amphibole end-members. For orthamphibole, the assumption is made that the site distributions and the non-ideal formulation is the same as for clinoamphibole. The data set end-members anthophyllite, ferroanthophyllite and gedrite, are used; for the others, they are based on the clinoamphibole end-members, with the necessary adjustments to their enthalpies constrained by natural assemblage data for coexisting clino- and orthoamphiboles. The efficacy of the models is illustrated with P – T grids and various pseudosections, with a particular emphasis on the prediction of mineral assemblages in ferric-bearing systems.  相似文献   

The solid-solid reaction magnesiocarpholite = sudoite + quartz has been bracketed between 350 and 500°C, 6.3 and 7.8 kbar. Because it is impossible to synthesize end-member sudoite, all experiments were carried out using natural minerals as starting materials. Although mineral compositions were very close to those of the end-members, the effect of the fluorine content in carpholite was significant. Particularly in those experiments where sudoite grows at the expense of carpholite, electron microprobe analysis of the run products shows that a more stable F-rich carpholite crystallizes too, and consumes the fluorine released in solution by the breakdown of the original carpholite.
Our experimental results are combined, through a thermodynamic analysis, with a previous data set and with previous experimental data concerning the relative stability of chlorite, talc and magnesiocarpholite with excess of quartz and water as a function of P–T and AlAl(SiMg)-1 substitutions in phyllosilicates. This allows us to constrain the feasible thermodynamic parameters (H°f, sud; S ° sud) and (H°f,car; S °car) for the Mg end-members. Using the partition coefficients calculated from natural parageneses, we have computed a petrogenetic grid for the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. It demonstrates that parageneses involving sudoite and carpholite can be used as indicators of P–T conditions, up to 600° C, 8 kbar for sudoite, and at higher pressure for carpholite.  相似文献   

Silica‐undersaturated, sapphirine‐bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide. Such rocks have historically been under‐utilized for estimating PT evolution histories because of limited experimental work, and a consequent poor understanding of the topology and PT location of silica‐undersaturated mineral equilibria. Here, a calculated PT projection for sapphirine‐bearing, silica‐undersaturated metapelitic rock compositions is constructed using THERMOCALC for the FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 (FMAS) and KFMASH (+K2O + H2O) chemical systems, allowing quantitative analysis of silica‐undersaturated mineral assemblages. This study builds on that for KFMASH sapphirine + quartz equilibria [Kelsey et al. (2004) Journal of Metamorphic Geology, vol. 22, pp. 559–578]. FMAS equilibria are significantly displaced in PT space from silicate melt‐bearing KFMASH equilibria. The large number of univariant silica‐undersaturated KFMASH equilibria result in a PT projection that is topologically more complex than could be established on the basis of experiments and/or natural assemblages. Coexisting sapphirine and silicate melt (with or without corundum) occur down to c. 900 °C in KFMASH, some 100 °C lower than in silica‐saturated compositions, and from pressures of c.≤1 to ≥12 kbar. Mineral compositions and composition ranges for the calculated phases are consistent with natural examples. Bulk silica has a significant effect on the stability of sapphirine‐bearing assemblages at a given PT, resulting in a wide variety of possible granulite facies assemblages in silica‐undersaturated metapelites. Calculated pseudosections are able to reproduce many naturally occurring silica‐undersaturated assemblages, either within a single assemblage field or as the product of a PT trajectory crossing several fields. With an understanding of the importance of bulk composition on sapphirine stability and textural development, silica‐undersaturated assemblages may be utilized in a quantitative manner in the detailed metamorphic investigation of high‐grade terranes.  相似文献   

Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh‐temperature metamorphism in aluminous rock compositions. Here a new activity‐composition model for sapphirine is combined with the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset used by THERMOCALC, for calculations primarily in K2O‐FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O (KFMASH). A discrepancy between published experimentally derived FMAS grids and our calculations is understood with reference to H2O. Published FMAS grids effectively represent constant aH2O sections, thereby limiting their detailed use for the interpretation of mineral reaction textures in compositions with differing H2O. For the calculated KFMASH univariant reaction grid, sapphirine + quartz assemblages occur at P–T in excess of 6–7 kbar and 1005 °C. Sapphirine compositions and composition ranges are consistent with natural examples. However, as many univariant equilibria are typically not ‘seen’ by a specific bulk composition, the univariant reaction grid may reveal little about the detailed topology of multi‐variant equilibria, and therefore is of limited use for interpreting the P–T evolution of mineral assemblages and reaction sequences. Calculated pseudosections, which quantify bulk composition and multi‐variant equilibria, predict experimentally determined KFMASH mineral assemblages with consistent topology, and also indicate that sapphirine stabilizes at increasingly higher pressure and temperature as XMg increases. Although coexisting sapphirine and quartz can occur in relatively iron‐rich rocks if the bulk chemistry is sufficiently aluminous, the P–T window of stability shrinks with decreasing XMg. An array of mineral assemblages and mineral reaction sequences from natural sapphirine + quartz and other rocks from Enderby Land, Antarctica, are reproducible with calculated pseudosections. That consistent phase diagram calculations involving sapphirine can be performed allows for a more thorough assessment of the metamorphic evolution of high‐temperature granulite facies terranes than was previously possible. The establishment of a a‐x model for sapphirine provides the basis for expansion to larger, more geologically realistic chemical systems (e.g. involving Fe3+).  相似文献   

The reaction muscovite+cordierite→biotite+Al2SiO5 +quartz+H2O is of considerable importance in the low pressure metamorphism of pelitic rocks: (1) its operation is implied in the widespread assemblage Ms + Crd +And± Sil + Bt + Qtz, a common mineral assemblage in contact aureoles and low pressure regional terranes; (2) it is potentially an important equilibrium for pressure estimation in low pressure assemblages lacking garnet; and (3) it has been used to distinguish between clockwise and anticlockwise P–T paths in low pressure metamorphic settings. Experiments and thermodynamic databases provide conflicting constraints on the slope and position of the reaction, with most thermodynamic databases predicting a positive slope for the reaction. Evidence from mineral assemblages and microtextures from a large number of natural prograde sequences, in particular contact aureoles, is most consistent with a negative slope (andalusite and/or sillimanite occurs upgrade of, and may show evidence for replacement of, cordierite). Mineral compositional trends as a function of grade are variable but taken as a whole are more consistent with a negative slope than a positive slope. Thermodynamic modelling of reaction 1 and associated equilibria results in a low pressure metapelitic petrogenetic grid in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH) which satisfies most of the natural and experimental constraints. Contouring of the Fe–Mg divariant interval represented by reaction 1 allows for pressure estimation in garnet‐absent andalusite+cordierite‐bearing schists and hornfelses. The revised topology of reaction 1 allows for improved analysis of P–T paths from mineral assemblage sequences and microtextures in the same rocks.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metarodingites occur as deformed dykes in serpentinites of the Zermatt‐Saas ophiolite (Western Alps). They formed during the subduction of the Tethys oceanic lithosphere in the Early Tertiary. The metarodingites developed as a consequence of serpentinization of the oceanic mantle. Three major types of metarodingites (R1, R2 & R3) can be distinguished on the basis of their mineralogical composition. All metarodingites contain vesuvianite, chlorite and hydrogrossular in high modal amounts. In addition they contain: R1 – diopside, tremolite, clinozoisite, calcite; R2 – hydroandradite, diopside, epidote, calcite; and R3 – hydroandradite. Both garnets contain a small but persistent amount of hydrogarnet component. The different metarodingites reflect different original dyke rocks in the mantle. In each group of metarodingite, textural relations suggest that reactions adjusted the assemblages along the P–T path travelled by the ophiolite during subduction and exhumation. Reactions and phase relations derived from local textures in metarodingite can be modelled in the eight‐component system: SiO2‐Al2O3‐Fe2O3‐FeO‐MgO‐CaO‐CO2‐H2O. This permits the analysis of redox reactions in the presence of andradite garnet and epidote in many of the rocks. Within this system, the phase relations in eclogite facies metarodingites have been explored in terms of TXCO2, T–μ(SiO2), μ(Cal)–μ(SiO2) and P–T sections. It was found that rodingite assemblages are characterized by low μ(SiO2) and low XCO2 conditions. The low SiO2 potential is externally imposed onto the rodingites by the large volume of antigorite‐forsterite serpentinites enclosing them. Moreover, μ(SiO2) decreases consistently from metarodingite R1 to R3. The low μ(SiO2) enforced by the serpentinites favours the formation of hydrogarnet and vesuvianite. Rodingite formation is commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of oceanic lithosphere at the ocean floor, in particular to ocean floor serpentinization. Our analysis, however, suggests that the metarodingite assemblages may have formed at high‐pressure conditions in the subduction zone as a result of serpentinization of oceanic mantle by subduction zone fluids.  相似文献   

Previous models of hydrodynamics in contact metamorphic aureoles assumed flow of aqueous fluids, whereas CO2 and other species are also common fluid components in contact metamorphic aureoles. We investigated flow of mixed CO2–H2O fluid and kinetically controlled progress of calc‐silicate reactions using a two‐dimensional, finite‐element model constrained by the geological relations in the Notch Peak aureole, Utah. Results show that CO2 strongly affects fluid‐flow patterns in contact aureoles. Infiltration of magmatic water into a homogeneous aureole containing CO2–H2O sedimentary fluid facilitates upward, thermally driven flow in the inner aureole and causes downward flow of the relatively dense CO2‐poor fluid in the outer aureole. Metamorphic CO2‐rich fluid tends to promote upward flow in the inner aureole and the progress of devolatilization reactions causes local fluid expulsion at reacting fronts. We also tracked the temporal evolution of P‐T‐XCO2conditions of calc‐silicate reactions. The progress of low‐ to medium‐grade (phlogopite‐ to diopside‐forming) reactions is mainly driven by heat as the CO2 concentration and fluid pressure and temperature increase simultaneously. In contrast, the progress of the high‐grade wollastonite‐forming reaction is mainly driven by infiltration of chemically out‐of‐equilibrium, CO2‐poor fluid during late‐stage heating and early cooling of the inner aureole and thus it is significantly enhanced when magmatic water is involved. CO2‐rich fluid dominates in the inner aureole during early heating, whereas CO2‐poor fluid prevails at or after peak temperature is reached. Low‐grade metamorphic rocks are predicted to record the presence of CO2‐rich fluid, and high‐grade rocks reflect the presence of CO2‐poor fluid, consistent with geological observations in many calc‐silicate aureoles. The distribution of mineral assemblages predicted by our model matches those observed in the Notch Peak aureole.  相似文献   

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