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The results of several sets of measurements of the frequency of radio signals during coronal-sounding experiments carried out from 1991 to 2000 using the ULYSSES and GALILEO spacecraft are presented and analyzed. The S-band signals (carrier frequency f = 2295 MHz) were received at the three 70-m widely spaced ground stations of the NASA Deep Space Network. As a rule, the frequency-fluctuation spectra at frequencies above 1 mHz are power-laws. At small heliocentric distances, R < 10R (R is the solar radius), the spectral index is close to zero; this corresponds to a spectral index for the one-dimensional turbulence spectrum p1 = 1. The index of the frequency-fluctuation spectra in the region of the supersonic solar wind at distances R > 30 R is between 0.5 and 0.7 (p1 = 1.5–1.7). The results demonstrate a substantial difference between the turbulence regimes in these regions: in the region of the established solar wind, the power-law spectra are determined by nonlinear cascade processes that pump energy from the outer turbulence scale to the small-scale part of the spectrum, whereas such cascade processes are absent in the solar wind acceleration region. Near the solar minimum, the change in the turbulence regime of the fast, high-latitude solar wind occurs at greater distances than for the slow, low-latitude solar wind. Spectra with a sharp cutoff at high frequencies have been detected for the first time. Such spectra are observed only at R < 10 R and at sufficiently low levels of the electron density fluctuations. The measured cutoff frequencies are between 10 and 30 mHz; the cutoff frequency tends to increase with heliocentric distance. The variance of the plasma-density fluctuations has been estimated for the slow, low-latitude solar wind. These estimates suggest that the relative fluctuation level at distances 7 R < R < 30 R does not depend on heliocentric distance. The cross correlation of the frequency fluctuations recorded at widely spaced ground stations increases with the index of the frequency-fluctuation spectrum. At distances R ≈ 10 R, the rate of temporal changes in irregularities on the scale of several thousand kilometers is less than or comparable to the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

Radio-sounding experiments using signals from the Japanese NOZOMI spacecraft to probe the circum solar plasma were performed from December 2000 through January 2001. They can be used to obtain information about the properties of the solar wind plasma in the region where it is accelerated at heliocentric distances of 12.8–36.9R s (where R s is the radius of the Sun). Measurements of the intensity and frequency of the received signals were carried out with high time resolution (~0.05 s for the frequency and ~0.0064 s for the intensity), making it possible to investigate the anisotropy of inhomogeneities and the spatial spectrum of the turbulence of the circum solar plasma. Analysis of these radio-sounding data has shown that the scintillation index and intensity of the frequency fluctuations decrease approximately according to a power law with increasing distance of the line of sight from the Sun. Measurements of the amplitude fluctuations and estimates of the solar wind velocity derived from spatially separated observations indicate the presence of small-scale inhomogeneities with sizes of the order of 50 km at heliocentric distances less than 25R s , which are elongated in the radial direction with anisotropy coefficients from 2.3 to 3.0. The inhomogeneities at heliocentric distances exceeding 30R s become close to isotropic.  相似文献   

Several new radiation defects with total electron spin S?=?1 occurring in electron-irradiated, synthetic ??-quartz have been observed by using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. These defects are considered to be biradicals, i.e., pairs of S?=?1/2 species. The concentration of these centers depends on the condition of the fast-electron irradiation. They have different decay behaviors that allow measurements of any individual species especially when it predominates over the others. The primary spin Hamiltonian parameter matrices g 1, g 2, D have now been determined for two similar defects, which herein are labeled $ E_{2}^{\prime \prime } $ and $ E_{4}^{\prime \prime } $ . Inter-electron distances estimated by using the magnetic dipole model, suggest that the structures of centers $ E_{2}^{\prime \prime } $ and $ E_{4}^{\prime \prime } $ both involve the unpaired electrons each located in orbitals of two silicon atoms next to a common oxygen vacancy but which have slightly different Si?CSi distances at 0.90 and 0.79?nm, respectively. This model is consistent with previous DFT calculations of the triplet configurations with local energetic minima. Observed decay behaviors suggest a transformation of centers $ E_{2,4}^{\prime \prime } $ to the analogous $ E_{1}^{\prime \prime } $ center. These triplet centers in quartz provide new insights into the structures of analogous defects in amorphous silica.  相似文献   

Property and behaviour of sand–pile interface are crucial to shaft resistance of piles. Dilation or contraction of the interface soil induces change in normal stress, which in turn influences the shear stress mobilised at the interface. Although previous studies have demonstrated this mechanism by laboratory tests and numerical simulations, the interface responses are not analysed systematically in terms of soil state (i.e. density and stress level). The objective of this study is to understand and quantify any increase in normal stress of different pile–soil interfaces when they are subjected to loading and stress relief. Distinct element modelling was carried out. Input parameters and modelling procedure were verified by experimental data from laboratory element tests. Parametric simulations of shearbox tests were conducted under the constant normal stiffness, constant normal load and constant volume boundary conditions. Key parameters including initial normal stress ( $ \sigma_{{{\text{n}}0}}^{\prime } $ ), initial void ratio (e 0), normal stiffness constraining the interface and loading–unloading stress history were investigated. It is shown that mobilised stress ratio ( $ \tau /\sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ ) and normal stress increment ( $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ ) on a given interface are governed by $ \sigma_{{{\text{n}}0}}^{\prime } $ and e 0. An increase in $ \sigma_{{{\text{n}}0}}^{\prime } $ from 100 to 400 kPa leads to a 30 % reduction in $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ . An increase in e 0 from 0.18 to 0.30 reduces $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ by more than 90 %, and therefore, shaft resistance is much lower for piles in loose sands. A unique relationship between $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ and normal stiffness is established for different soil states. It can be applied to assess the shaft resistance of piles in soils with different densities and subjected to loading and stress relief. Fairly good agreement is obtained between the calculated shaft resistance based on the proposed relationship and the measured results in centrifuge model tests.  相似文献   

Pore water solutes increase to depths of up to six meters in unsaturated 10 kyr-old glacial outwash sediments in the Trout Lake Basin of northern Wisconsin, USA. After correction for evapotranspiration, these increases reflect weathering gradients produced from plagioclase, calc-magnesium pyroxenes, and amphiboles. In spite of relatively abundant K-feldspar, solute K and Rb reflect negative gradients produced by nutrient plant uptake and cycling. Weathering rates are calculated from solute gradients (b solute), hydraulic fluxes (q h ), volumetric BET surface areas (S v ), and mineral-specific stoichiometric coefficients (β) such that $ R_{\text{solute}} = \frac{{q_{h} }}{{b_{\text{solute}} \beta {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} S_{v} }} $ Average plagioclase weathering rates (R plag = 1.6–3.1 × 10?15 mol m?2 s?1) bracket rates calculated for other Quaternary glaciated landscapes. Deeper soil pore waters are as chemically concentrated as underlying groundwaters which, based on hydrologic analyses, have traveled distances up to several kilometers over transient times of hundreds of years. Pore water recharge essentially sets solute compositions close to thermodynamic saturation, thus limiting additional weathering potential along these ground water flow paths. Solid-state elemental and mineral gradients, unlike solute gradients, are essentially invariant with soil depth, reflecting low weathering intensities produced over the relatively short geologic time since sediment deposition. A spreadsheet calculator reproduces modest mass loses from such profiles and indicates that present-day weathering is kinetically and not saturation/transport controlled.  相似文献   

We find clear intrinsic anharmonicity in the NaCl-B1 phase by examining the equation of state (EoS) based on previous ultrasonic velocity data for pressures up to 0.8 GPa and temperatures up to 800 K. The experimental EoS for this phase shows that its specific heat at constant volume (C V ) is significantly smaller than that based on a harmonic model. Also, the sign of $\left( {{{\partial C_{V} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial C_{V} } {\partial P}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\partial P}}} \right)_{T} ,$ which is normally negative in the quasi-harmonic approximation, is unexpectedly positive. The thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter (γ), which has frequently been assumed to be a single-variable function of molar volume, shows not only volume dependence but also negative temperature dependence. To understand these features of C V and γ, we introduce a thermodynamic model including positive quartic anharmonicity. To make an anharmonic model advancing the ordinarily quasi-harmonic approximation model, we introduce two parameters: anharmonic characteristic temperature (θ a ) and its volume derivative. In the anharmonic model, the value of C V is calculated along an isochore using classical statistical mechanics and a harmonic quantum correction. At high temperatures, the decrease in C V from the Dulong-Petit limit is related to the value of T/θ a . For infinitely large θ a , the system is approximately quasi-harmonic. The temperature dependence of γ is related to C V by the thermodynamic identity $\left( {{{\partial C_{V} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial C_{V} } {\partial \ln V}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\partial \ln V}}} \right)_{T} = C_{V} \left( {{{\partial \gamma } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial \gamma } {\partial \ln T}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\partial \ln T}}} \right)_{V} + \gamma \left( {{{\partial C_{V} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial C_{V} } {\partial \ln T}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\partial \ln T}}} \right)_{V}.$ Even though our modification of the quasi-harmonic approximation is simple, our anharmonic model succeeds in reproducing the experimental γ and C V simultaneously for the NaCl-B1 phase.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic calculation of dehydration reacton suggests very low activity of H2O during metamorphic peak of the Archaean granulite complex in the region studied.The αH2O values for Al-rich gneiss and hypersthene biotite gneiss-granulite in the Taipingzhai region are usually between 0.10 and 0.20,and those in the Louzishan region are 0.15-0.25.The fugacity of O2 in terms of lgf O2 in whole region ranges form-8to-14.The average coefficients of (δμH2O/δHMg^Bt)and(δμO2/δXMg^Bt)in the Taipingzhai region are-0.293 and-1.60 respectively,and those in the Louzishan region are-0.364and-1.420.The activity of H2O is very low in the whole region,but its values and other data mentioned above are considerably constant from place to place within a given region,even in rocks of dirrerent lithological characters.However,they show a certain gradient between different regions.Such characteristics are compatible with the genetic mechanism known as“carbonic metamorphism” put forward by Newton et al.,i.e.,the α H2O during the peak stage is controlled by permeation of pervasive CO2 influx of the mantle source,and shows features of external buffering.  相似文献   

Parameters of 100 radio pulsars detected outside the radio range (he pulsars) are compared with those of pulsars radiating only in the radio (n pulsars). The periods of he pulsars are, on average, appreciably shorter than those of n pulsars: 〈P〉 = 0.10 and 0.56 s, respectively. The distribution of the magnetic field at the light cylinder is shifted toward higher magnetic fields for the pulsars with high-energy radiation, compared to the distribution for pulsars radiating only in the radio. The magnetic fields at the light cylinder are 〈B lc〉 = 9×103 G for he radio pulsars, and 〈Blc〉 = 56 G formost purely radio pulsars. This suggests the generation of high-energy nonthermal radiation in radio pulsars at the peripheries of their magnetospheres. The distribution of the spin-energy loss rate dE/dt is uniform for he pulsars, and is characterized by a higher average value \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 35.53} \right) \) , compared to n pulsars, \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 32.60} \right) \) . The spatial distribution of he pulsars is nonuniform: they form two well separated clouds.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effect of trace and minor elements (e.g., P, Y, and the REEs) on the high-temperature solubility of Ti in zircon (zrc), we conducted 31 experiments on a series of synthetic and natural granitic compositions [enriched in TiO2 and ZrO2; Al/(Na + K) molar ~1.2] at a pressure of 10 kbar and temperatures of ~1,400 to 1,200 °C. Thirty of the experiments produced zircon-saturated glasses, of which 22 are also saturated in rutile (rt). In seven experiments, quenched glasses coexist with quartz (qtz). SiO2 contents of the quenched liquids range from 68.5 to 82.3 wt% (volatile free), and water concentrations are 0.4–7.0 wt%. TiO2 contents of the rutile-saturated quenched melts are positively correlated with run temperature. Glass ZrO2 concentrations (0.2–1.2 wt%; volatile free) also show a broad positive correlation with run temperature and, at a given T, are strongly correlated with the parameter (Na + K + 2Ca)/(Si·Al) (all in cation fractions). Mole fraction of ZrO2 in rutile $ \left( {\mathop X\nolimits_{{{\text{ZrO}}_{ 2} }}^{\text{rt}} } \right) $ in the quartz-saturated runs coupled with other 10-kbar qtz-saturated experimental data from the literature (total temperature range of ~1,400 to 675 °C) yields the following temperature-dependent expression: $ {\text{ln}}\left( {\mathop X\nolimits_{{{\text{ZrO}}_{ 2} }}^{\text{rt}} } \right) + {\text{ln}}\left( {a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} } \right) = 2.638(149) - 9969(190)/T({\text{K}}) $ , where silica activity $ a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} $ in either the coexisting silica polymorph or a silica-undersaturated melt is referenced to α-quartz at the P and T of each experiment and the best-fit coefficients and their uncertainties (values in parentheses) reflect uncertainties in T and $ \mathop X\nolimits_{{{\text{ZrO}}_{2} }}^{\text{rt}} $ . NanoSIMS measurements of Ti in zircon overgrowths in the experiments yield values of ~100 to 800 ppm; Ti concentrations in zircon are positively correlated with temperature. Coupled with values for $ a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} $ and $ a_{{{\text{TiO}}_{2} }} $ for each experiment, zircon Ti concentrations (ppm) can be related to temperature over the range of ~1,400 to 1,200 °C by the expression: $ \ln \left( {\text{Ti ppm}} \right)^{\text{zrc}} + \ln \left( {a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} } \right) - \ln \left( {a_{{{\text{TiO}}_{2} }} } \right) = 13.84\left( {71} \right) - 12590\left( {1124} \right)/T\left( {\text{K}} \right) $ . After accounting for differences in $ a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} $ and $ a_{{{\text{TiO}}_{2} }} $ , Ti contents of zircon from experiments run with bulk compositions based on the natural granite overlap with the concentrations measured on zircon from experiments using the synthetic bulk compositions. Coupled with data from the literature, this suggests that at T ≥ 1,100 °C, natural levels of minor and trace elements in “granitic” melts do not appear to influence the solubility of Ti in zircon. Whether this is true at magmatic temperatures of crustal hydrous silica-rich liquids (e.g., 800–700 °C) remains to be demonstrated. Finally, measured $ D_{\text{Ti}}^{{{\text{zrc}}/{\text{melt}}}} $ values (calculated on a weight basis) from the experiments presented here are 0.007–0.01, relatively independent of temperature, and broadly consistent with values determined from natural zircon and silica-rich glass pairs.  相似文献   

We present the results of radio sounding observations probing the inner solar wind near the minimum of the solar-activity cycle, using polarized pulses from PSR B0525+21 and PSR B0531+21 received when the lines of sight toward these pulsars were close to the Sun. The observations were obtained in June 2005 and June 2007 on the Large Phased Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute at 111 MHz. An upper limit for the scattering of giant pulses from PSR B0531+21 due to their passage through the turbulent solar-wind plasma is determined. The arrival-time delays for pulses from PSR B0531+21 are used to derive the radial dependence of the mean density of the circumsolar plasma. The resulting density distribution indicates that the acceleration of fast, high-latitude solar-wind outflows continues to heliocentric distances of 5–10R , where R is the solar radius. The mean plasma density at heliocentric distances of about 5R is 1.4 × 104 cm?3, substantially lower than at the solar-activity maximum. This is associated with the presence of polar coronal holes. The Faraday rotation measure at heliocentric distances of 6–7R is estimated. Deviations of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field from spherical symmetry are comparatively modest in the studied range of heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

The design properties and technical characteristics of the upgraded Large Phased Array (LPA) are briefly described. The results of an annual cycle of observations of interplanetary scintillations of radio sources on the LPA with the new 96-beam BEAM 3 system are presented. Within a day, about 5000 radio sources displaying second-timescale fluctuations in their flux densities due to interplanetary scintillations were observed. At present, the parameters of many of these radio sources are unknown. Therefore, the number of sources with root-mean-square flux-density fluctuations greater than 0.2 Jy in a 3° × 3° area of sky was used to characterize the scintillation level. The observational data obtained during the period of the maximum of solar cycle 24 can be interpreted using a three-component model for the spatial structure of the solar wind, consisting of a stable global component, propagating disturbances, and corotating structures. The global component corresponds to the spherically symmetric structure of the distribution of the turbulent interplanetary plasma. Disturbances propagating from the Sun are observed against the background of the global structure. Propagating disturbances recorded at heliocentric distances of 0.4–1 AU and at all heliolatitudes reach the Earth’s orbit one to two days after the scintillation enhancement. Enhancements of ionospheric scintillations are observed during night-time. Corotating disturbances have a recurrence period of 27d. Disturbances of the ionosphere are observed as the coronal base of a corotating structure approaches the western edge of the solar limb.  相似文献   

The large-scale stream structure of the solar wind near the Sun and its evolution during the 11-year solar activity cycle are investigated. The study is based on observations of scattering of the radiation from compact natural radio sources at radial distances R≤14R S (R S is the solar radius). Regular observations were conducted in 1981–1998 on the RT-22 and DKR-1000 radio telescopes of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pushchino, at λ=1.35 cm and 2.7 m, respectively. The radial dependences of the interplanetary scintillations m(R) and the scattering angle 2?(R) are considered together with the structure of large-scale magnetic fields in the solar corona at R=2.5R S. The entire range of variations in the level of scattering and the associated heliolatitude flow structures in the subsonic solar wind forms over the 11-year solar cycle, as a direct result of the large-scale structure of the evolving magnetic fields at the source of the solar-wind streamlines.  相似文献   

Weak, compact radio sources (~100 mJy peak flux, L~1–10 pc) with their spectral peaks at about a gigahertz are studied, based on the complete sample of 46 radio sources of Snellen, drawn from high-sensitivity surveys, including the low-frequency Westerbork catalog. The physical parameters have been estimated for 14 sources: the magnetic field (H ), the number density of relativistic particles (n e), the energy of the magnetic field $(E_{H_ \bot } )$ , and the energy of relativistic particles (E e). Ten sources have $E_{H_ \bot } \ll E_e $ , three have approximate equipartition of the energies $(E_{H_ \bot } \sim E_e )$ , and only one has $E_{H_ \bot } \gg E_e $ . The mean magnetic fields in quasars (10?3 G) and galaxies (10?2 G) have been estimated. The magnetic field appears to be related to the sizes of compact features as $H \sim 1/\sqrt L $ .  相似文献   

Crystals of challacolloite, KPb2Cl5, and hephaistosite, TlPb2Cl5, from volcanic sublimates formed on the crater rim of the “La Fossa Crater” at Vulcano, Aeolian Archipelago, Italy, were investigated. Chemical compositions were ${\left( {{\text{K}}_{{0.93}} {\text{Tl}}_{{0.02}} } \right)}_{{\Sigma = 0.95}} {\text{Pb}}_{{2.04}} {\left( {{\text{Cl}}_{{4.90}} {\text{Br}}_{{0.11}} } \right)}_{{\Sigma = 5.01}} $ and ${\text{Tl}}_{{0.94}} {\text{Pb}}_{{2.01}} {\left( {{\text{Cl}}_{{4.91}} {\text{Br}}_{{0.14}} } \right)}_{{\Sigma = 5.05}} $ , respectively. Single crystal X-ray measurements showed monoclinic symmetry for both phases, space group P21/c, with the following unit-cell parameters: a = 8.8989(4), b = 7.9717(5), c = 12.5624(8) Å, β = 90.022(4)°, V = 891.2(1) Å3, Z = 4 (challacolloite) and a = 9.0026(6), b = 7.9723(6), c = 12.5693(9) Å, β = 90.046(4)°, V = 902.1(1) Å3, Z = 4 (hephaistosite). The structure refinements converge to R = 3.99% and R = 3.86%, respectively. The effects of Br?Cl and K?Tl substitutions on the structure of these natural compounds have been discussed.  相似文献   

Photon correlation spectroscopy has been applied to the study of longitudinal strain relaxation of vitreous Jadeite (NaAlSi2O6) in the temperature range 811–1014° C. The correlation function $\left| {g^{\left( 1 \right)} \left. {\left( t \right)} \right|^2 \propto \exp \left( {\left( { - 2t/\tau _\beta } \right)^\beta } \right)} \right.$ obeys a Kohlrausch type function with β=0.64±0.01. Individual correlation functions fit altogether a master relaxation curve, thus demonstrating thermorheological simplicity (TRS). The temperature dependence of the measured relaxation times shows Arrhenian behaviour with $\log \left( \tau \right) = - 21.4 \pm 0.3{\text{s}} {\text{ + }} {\text{471}}{\text{.6}} \pm {\text{22}} {\text{kJmol}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} /RT$ . The time scale of longitudinal strain relaxation is consistent with the existing data on shear relaxation derived from shear viscosity and structural relaxation calculated from calorimetric C pmeasurements. Comparison with oxygen diffusion indicates that network forming elements relax at about the same time scale as viscoelastic properties. On the other hand, Na+ relaxation times derived from impedance spectroscopy are short compared to viscoelastic relaxation times at low temperatures. This difference is decreasing with increasing temperature and possibly disappearing at approximately 1100° C.  相似文献   

Sr- and Ca-rich waylandite, $ {\left( {{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.{54}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{r}}_{0.{31}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.{25}}}{{\hbox{K}}_{0.0{1}}}{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 1.12}}{{\hbox{H}}_{0.{18}}}{\left( {{\hbox{A}}{{\hbox{l}}_{{2}.{96}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{u}}_{0.0{2}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 2.98}}{\left[ {{{\left( {{{\hbox{P}}_{0.{97}}}{{\hbox{S}}_{0.0{3}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)}_{\Sigma 1.00}}{{\hbox{O}}_4}} \right]_2}{\left( {\hbox{OH}} \right)_6} $ , from Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, United Kingdom has been investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. Waylandite crystallises in space group R $ \overline 3 $ ? m, with the cell parameters: a?=?7.0059(7) Å, c?=?16.3431(12) Å and V?=?694.69(11) Å3. The crystal structure has been refined to R 1?=?3.76%. Waylandite has an alunite-type structure comprised of a rhombohedral stacking of (001) composite layers of corner-shared AlO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra, with (Bi,Sr,Ca) atoms occupying icosahedrally coordinated sites between the layers.  相似文献   

Magnesiowüstite, (Mg0.08Fe0.88)O, and wüstite, Fe0.94O, were compressed to ~36?GPa at ambient temperature in the diamond anvil cell (DAC) at the Advanced Light Source. X-ray diffraction patterns were taken in situ in radial geometry in order to study the evolution of crystallographic preferred orientation through the cubic-to-rhombohedral phase transition. Under uniaxial stress in the DAC, {100}c planes aligned perpendicular to the compression direction. The {100}c in cubic became { $\left\{ {10\bar 14} \right\}$ }r in rhombohedral and remained aligned perpendicular to the compression direction. However, the {101}c and {111}c planes in the cubic phase split into { ${10{\bar{1}}4}$ }r and { ${11{\bar{2}}0}$ }r, and (0001)r and { ${10{\bar{1}}1}$ }r, respectively, in the rhombohedral phase. The { ${11{\bar{2}}0}$ }r planes preferentially aligned perpendicular to the compression direction while { ${10{\bar{1}}4}$ }r oriented at a low angle to the compression direction. Similarly, { ${10{\bar{1}}1}$ }r showed a slight preference to align more closely perpendicular to the compression direction than (0001)r. This variant selection may occur because the 〈 ${10{\bar{1}}4}$ r and [0001]r directions are the softer of the two sets of directions. The rhombohedral texture distortion may also be due to subsequent deformation. Indeed, polycrystal plasticity simulations indicate that for preferred { ${10{\bar{1}}4}$ }〈 ${1{\bar{2}}10}$ r and { ${11{\bar{2}}0}$ }〈 ${{\bar{1}}101}$ r slip and slightly less active { ${10{\bar{1}}1}$ }〈 ${{\bar{1}}2{\bar{1}}0}$ r slip, the observed texture pattern can be obtained.  相似文献   

The present work aims in discussing a principle that distinguishes between elastic parameters sets, $ \{ \Upphi \} \equiv \{ K_{0} , \, K^{\prime}, \, V_{0} ,\ldots\} The present work aims in discussing a principle that distinguishes between elastic parameters sets, { \Upphi } o { K0 ,  K,  V0 ,?} \{ \Upphi \} \equiv \{ K_{0} , \, K^{\prime}, \, V_{0} ,\ldots\} , on the basis of an energetic criterion: once a reference set, { \UpphiR } \{ \Upphi_{R} \} , is given, another one can be fixed, { \Upphi min } \left\{ {\Upphi_{ \min } } \right\} , so that they are as close as possible to each other, but yield non-equivalent deformation energy curves \Updelta G({ \Upphi } )\textdeform \Updelta G(\{ \Upphi \} )_{\text{deform}} , i.e. they give \Updelta G({ \UpphiR } )\textdeform \Updelta G(\{ \Upphi_{R} \} )_{\text{deform}} and \Updelta G({ \Upphi min } )\textdeform \Updelta G(\{ \Upphi_{ \min } \} )_{\text{deform}} such that | \Updelta G({ \Upphi min } )\textdeform - \Updelta G({ \UpphiR } )\textdeform | 3 1×s[\Updelta G\textdeform ]. \left| {\Updelta G(\{ \Upphi_{ \min } \} )_{\text{deform}} - \Updelta G(\{ \Upphi_{R} \} )_{\text{deform}} } \right| \ge 1\times \sigma [\Updelta G_{\text{deform}} ]. ΔG deform, calculated using the equation of state (EoS), and its uncertainty σ[ΔG deform], obtained by a propagation of the errors affecting { \Upphi } \{ \Upphi \} are crucial to fix which mineral assemblage forms at PT conditions and allow one to assess the reliability of such a prediction. We explore some properties related to the principle introduced, using the average values of the elastic parameters found in literature and related uncertainties for di-octahedral mica, olivine, garnet and clinopyroxene. Two elementary applications are briefly discussed: the effect of refining V 0 in fitting EoSs to P–V experimental data, in the case of garnet and omphacite, and the phengite 3T–2M 1 relative stability, controlled by pressure.  相似文献   

The system Fe-Si-O: Oxygen buffer calibrations to 1,500K   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The five solid-phase oxygen buffers of the system Fe-Si-O, iron-wuestite (IW), wuestite-magnetite (WM), magnetite-hematite (MH), quartz-iron-fayalite (QIF) and fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) have been recalibrated at 1 atm pressure and temperatures from 800°–1,300° C, using a thermogravimetric gas mixing furnace. The oxygen fugacity, \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} }\) was measured with a CaO-doped ZrO2 electrode. Measurements were made also for wuestite solid solutions in order to determine the redox behavior of wuestites with O/Fe ratios varying from 1.05 to 1.17. For FMQ, additional determinations were carried out at 1 kb over a temperature range of 600° to 800° C, using a modified Shaw membrane. Results agree reasonably well with published data and extrapolations. The reaction parameters K, ΔG r o , ΔH r o , and ΔS r o were calculated from the following log \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} }\) /T relations (T in K): $$\begin{gathered} {\text{IW }}\log f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = - 26,834.7/T + 6.471\left( { \pm 0.058} \right) \hfill \\ {\text{ }}\left( {{\text{800}} - 1,260{\text{ C}}} \right), \hfill \\ {\text{WM }}\log f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = - 36,951.3/T + 16.092\left( { \pm 0.045} \right) \hfill \\ {\text{ }}\left( {{\text{1,000}} - 1,300{\text{ C}}} \right), \hfill \\ {\text{MH }}\log f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = - 23,847.6/T + 13.480\left( { \pm 0.055} \right) \hfill \\ {\text{ }}\left( {{\text{1,040}} - 1,270{\text{ C}}} \right), \hfill \\ {\text{QIF }}\log f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = - 27,517.5/T + 6.396\left( { \pm 0.049} \right) \hfill \\ {\text{ }}\left( {{\text{960}} - 1,140{\text{ C}}} \right), \hfill \\ {\text{FMQ }}\log f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = - 24,441.9/T + 8.290\left( { \pm 0.167} \right) \hfill \\ {\text{ }}\left( {{\text{600}} - 1,140{\text{ C}}} \right). \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ These experimentally determined reaction parameters were combined with published 298 K data to determine the parameters Gf, Hf, and Sf for the phases wuestite, magnetite, hematite, and fayalite from 298 K to the temperatures of the experiments. The T? \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} }\) data for wuestite solid solutions were used to obtain activities, excess free energies and Margules mixing parameters. The new data provide a more reliable, consistent and complete reference set for the interpretation of redox reactions at elevated temperatures in experiments and field settings encompassing the crust, mantle and core as well as extraterrestrial environments.  相似文献   

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