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As the economic base of most American metropolitan areas relies increasingly on services, office industries have shifted to a more pivotal role in the new metropolitan service economy. Using primary office-space usage data of the time period 1985–1990, the changing spatial patterns of this new metropolitan service economy are investigated. It is found that the primary office activities are predominantly concentrated in a relatively small number of the largest metropolitan areas. However, an emerging spatial dispersion in primary office activities is also exhibited. Such dispersion is extremely strong at the upper end of the urban hierarchy. The Sunbelt-Snowbelt dichotomy fails to reveal any differences in the growth pattern of the new metropolitan service economy. A more diversified growth pattern of primary office activities is observed. Concentrated dispersion is the major spatial characteristic of this new metropolitan service economy.  相似文献   

北京城市办公空间的行业分布及集聚特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张景秋  陈叶龙 《地理学报》2011,66(10):1299-1308
以北京城区6 个行政区内的594 个抽样写字楼内公司数量、规模和行业隶属为研究样本和数据,运用缓冲区分析和Ripley's K(d) 函数等空间分析方法,探讨在城市经济转型过程中, 逐渐替代制造业的办公活动行业分布与空间集聚特征。即:① 从总体来看,北京城市各行业办公活动区位选择具有明显的向心性,其就业密度与公司密度表现在以天安门为中心,以5 km、10 km、15 km为半径的缓冲区圈层结构中由内向外逐渐递减的特点;② 各行业空间分异特征显著,整体呈现“东高西低”,城市高端功能区就业吸纳能力强的特点,其分布大体呈现 3 种集聚模式,即“大分散、小集聚”模式,“大分散、大集聚”模式和“小分散、大集聚” 模式;③ 各行业空间集聚趋势类似,均呈先增后减的倒“U”型结构特征,但其空间尺度存在差异,其中,社会服务业和批发零售业的办公区位可选范围最大,金融业集聚于特定区域,区位可选范围偏小,交通运输仓储和邮政业的交通区位指向显著。  相似文献   

Maltese symbolic and lived identities are examined to explore the changes that occur in cultural identity between generations and place of residence within metropolitan Sydney. The results are employed to problematise Sandberg's straight-line theory, that is, that ethnic identity will decline with each successive generation. Our results, exploring ethnic identity in both its symbolic and lived-experience forms, confirm arguments that global cities are not homogeneous territories, as implied by Sandberg, but rather sites of cultural difference. The results suggest that, regardless of place of residence or generation, the symbolic Maltese identities remain similar, combating the old, naive assimilationist assumption that all immigrants would quickly abandon their ethnic identity, and favouring arguments supporting hybrid identities. Similarly, results for Maltese identity as lived experience suggest that their Maltese identity is less important only for those second-generation Maltese living in census collection districts with less than 10 per cent of the population born in Malta.  相似文献   

王庆喜  胡志学 《地理科学》2018,38(11):1828-1836
利用2005年中国规模以上制造业企业数据,以长三角地区为范围,对企业地址进行地理编码,建立企业点对点的空间邻近关系,将距离从5 km逐次扩大到100 km,进行企业知识溢出的空间效应分析。研究发现,长三角地区的研发企业比较集中,大约在20 km范围内有明显的集聚状况,之后则有比较明显的分散,并与整体制造业活动空间分布趋向一致。知识溢出的空间强度随距离递增呈负指数幂函数形式加速衰减,于40 km处左右减势趋于平缓。与连续空间上的微观数据分析相比,区域层面上的归并数据分析放大了知识溢出的效应。  相似文献   

While linguistic diversity is an integral component of cultural landscapes, the spatial depiction of languages fails to represent all community members. Language is difficult to map and established guidelines are lacking. The perception of power conveyed is arguably the most meaningful design issue in language mapping, as most language maps inaccurately show one language per place. This research examines the cartographic visualization of linguistic diversity, contributing to our understanding of the perception of power through cartographic decisions, with the application of a linguistic diversity index. The resulting maps serve as new figures for linguistic diversity lessons in educational contexts.  相似文献   

The environment in which we live greatly influences our health. One particular factor that has been related to morbidity and mortality is dwelling crowding. A range of mechanisms have been proposed as links between dwelling crowding and disease, including increased exposures to allergens, respiratory irritants and infectious agents in crowded dwellings. While studies of dwelling crowding have been conducted in many locations around the world, this factor has received little attention in Australian health studies. We examine relationships between dwelling crowding and health in Sydney, using three case studies at the local government area (LGA) level within the Sydney Statistical Division. Dwelling and demographic data from the 1996 Australian census are used, along with four socio-economic indexes produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and hospital inpatient data for the period 1 July 1994 to 30 June 1997 as the health indicator. Results suggest that dwelling crowding is a significant factor in certain diseases in Sydney. Asthma hospital separations are not correlated with dwelling crowding, although multiple linear regression analysis produces three models which include crowding and three of the socio-economic indexes as significant variables. Separations for bronchitis and emphysema, and all causes combined, are positively correlated with dwelling crowding. Dwelling crowding is strongly negatively correlated with all but one of the socio-economic indicators.  相似文献   

As a signatory to the Paris Climate Agreement, Australia committed to reduce emissions significantly by 2030. In a country highly urbanised and dependent on fossil fuels as its primary energy source, one key avenue for meeting these commitments is energy transition in the built environment. Australia has emerged as a leader in the design and construction of high-performance buildings in the premium commercial office sector. In this paper, we address a significant gap in understanding the diverse mechanisms through which building energy transition is being constituted in this sector, focusing on Sydney and Melbourne. In the absence of substantive publicly available data, we draw on mixed methods comprising a database developed around high-performing CBD office buildings and qualitative interviews with a range of sectoral stakeholders. We characterise the building stock in each city, and document five trends constituting energy transitions. We demonstrate that building energy transitions are not only shaped purposefully by dominant governance regimes but also by opportunistic responses to specific material and commercial conditions and legacies in each city. Thus the urban built environment affords significant opportunity for energy transitions, but pathways towards such transitions are necessarily multiple and ultimately shaped by material as well as institutional geographies.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):434-452
Principal components analysis of small-area data provided by China's 2000 Population Census shows that major new economic and social forces largely shape the spatial composition of housing in Guangzhou. This is generally manifested in a series of concentric rings: the old urban core, the middle zone of reform housing, and the outer ring of new commodity housing. In addition, urban villages punctuate the metropolitan landscape. Corresponding analysis of sociodemographic attributes depict a metropolis in transition, with market elements and choice-based housing decisions beginning to impinge on the urban fabric. However, the deeply entrenched socialist institutions established during the early years of the People's Republic ensure the continuing dominance of the workplace and occupational attributes as factors structuring China's metropolitan space.  相似文献   

Since 2005, more than 78 Maya communities representing approximately one million Guatemalans have held referendums called consultas comunitarias, which ask the community whether they are in agreement with mineral, hydroelectric, and/or other megaprojects in their traditional territory. Participation in the consultas is a form of resistance to the granting of mineral rights to corporate interests. In Canada, where much of the Guatemalan mining investment is based, “socially responsible investment firms” (SRIs) promote corporate respect for Indigenous rights. Based on interviews and participant observation, we highlight the perspectives of Maya consulta organizers in three communities that have undertaken consultas to resist the mining licenses of the Canadian mining company Goldcorp, Inc. We argue that a strict policy of corporate respect for the right to free, prior, and informed consent of affected communities is a minimum requirement for Maya acceptance of SRI legitimacy.  相似文献   

城市绿地系统作为城市生态系统的一个非常重要的组成部分,在维护城市生态系统稳定、提供生态系统服务以及提高城市环境质量等方面起着积极的作用。本研究以北京市城市区域为例,基于城市绿地空间分布数据和遥感数据,分析了2000-2020年城市绿地景观格局的变化,以及城市绿地生态系统服务及其空间分布的变化,并研究了它们之间的相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)2000-2020年北京城市绿地建设成效较为显著,绿地面积增加了77.41%,主要由耕地和建设用地转变而来。(2)2000-2020年北京城市绿地滞尘量、吸收SO2量、吸收NO2量、降温增湿量、固碳释氧量和暴雨缓排量总体上均呈持续增加的趋势。(3)城市绿地景观变化与绿地生态系统服务之间关系密切,斑块总面积与生态系统服务的相关性最高,除暴雨缓排外,斑块总面积与各项生态系统服务之间的相关系数均高于0.85。研究结果可以为优化北京绿地、更大程度发挥绿地对生态环境的改善作用提供理论指导,为北京市的生态环境建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   


How can indigenous communities in illiberal regimes benefit from oil production? This paper compares the experience of two indigenous peoples in the Russian Arctic, the Nenets and the Komi-Izhemtsi, in their quest for environmental protection and the development of benefit-sharing arrangements with Lukoil, a Russian oil company. The Nenets people, recognized by the Russian state as indigenous, are marginalized political actors who identified a route to receiving compensation for loss of land and damage to the environment as well as economic benefits under the auspices of Russian law and Lukoil’s corporate policies. In contrast, the Komi-Izhemtsi, despite indigenous status in global institutions including the United Nations and the Arctic Council, are unrecognized as indigenous domestically and initially received no compensation. Their path to benefit sharing was more challenging as they partnered with local nongovernmental organizations and global environmentalists to pressure Lukoil to sign a benefit-sharing agreement. Ultimately, the comparison illustrates how transnational partnerships can empower indigenous people to gain benefits from natural resource exploitation even in illiberal political systems.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原水土资源利用的可持续性评价、开发潜力及对策   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:16  
吴凯  黄荣金 《地理科学》2001,21(5):390-395
黄淮海平原耕地顷均水资源量仅及全国平均水平的1/4,目前缺水率为19.3%,水资源利用可持续性综合评价指标属于中等偏下水平,为我国较为严重的缺水区,尤其是海河低平原区。土地资源利用对种植业而言,属于临界可持续状态,山前平原区指数值最低,有使耕地进一步向非农用方面转化的可能。2010年,本区水资源可供水量将比2000年增长22.4%,耕地面积仍能维持1998年水平。本区水土资源的区域匹配有明显的地区差异:山前平原区与海河低平原区水资源开发潜力不大,土地利用受缺水制约,水资源利用率已超过86%,平均可利用水资源量不足2500m^3/hm^2;但黄淮平原区和滨海低平原区水土资源均有较大的开发潜力,水资源利用率低于50%,平均可利用水资源量分别为3330m^3/hm^2和7020m^3/hm^2。本区水土资源利用的对策应为:积极开辟灌溉新水源(2010年外流域调水量和污水处理回用与微咸水利用量分别占可供水量的20.2%和4.9%),积极发展节水灌溉新技术,加快中低产地改造与高产农田的建设(中低产地改造后每公顷可增产粮食1950kg)以及实施稳定北部、提高中部、发展南部粮食生产的重点区域发展布局,以促进其农业和农村的可持续发展。  相似文献   

转型期杭州城市写字楼空间分布特征及其机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着转型期城市现代服务业的兴起以及信息经济的发展壮大,写字楼经济逐渐成为城市经济发展和城市文明的象征,并对城市空间结构产生了重要影响。通过运用GIS空间密度分析、区位熵和空间自相关等技术方法,探讨了转型期杭州城市写字楼的空间分布特征及其演化机制,结果表明:写字楼空间容量密度分布呈由中心向外围梯度递减格局,并出现多中心融合集聚的形态;写字楼规模容量特征呈现显著的内外围差异性,内城开发密度大而强度小,外围开发强度大而密度小;而规模容量的等级结构不够合理,主要体现在第三级区块发展规模的滞后;写字楼内部企业类型中,基础性依赖行业在空间上的分布较为离散,而生产性服务业则趋于集簇式分布;写字楼内部企业存在较大的区位熵差异,即出现一定的地域专业化特征,同时,发展较为成熟的区块一般具有较高的综合服务能力,而处于发展中的区块则呈现出功能的单一性。总体上看,政治、经济和企业微观主体等各种要素,通过相互交织的综合作用机制,有效地推动了城市写字楼及其生产性服务业在空间上集聚与分散相结合的时空演化进程,其中显著表现在城市经济形态转型、城市郊区化、城市空间结构调整以及政策与政府行为等方面。  相似文献   

1990年代,社会经济转型期中国城市社会空间演进机制成为城市地理学、城市社会学研究的重点。以广州市为例,分析出现的“城中村”、大学城、“华南板块”等若干“新社会空间”类型,发现“新自由主义”经济发展策略及其政府的企业化行为、市场力量的强大与投机成为该时期城市社会空间演进的内在动力,在此基础上总结其社会空间结构演进的抽象模式。  相似文献   

杨高  周春山 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1570-1580
基于社会空间辩证法视角,运用质性研究和定量研究相结合的综合分析方法,以深圳“四川村”为例,对中国“同乡村” 的空间生产和社会融合进行研究。研究表明:政府、当地村民、社区组织(流动党支部)和外来农民工共同作用于“四川村”的空间生产,政府和本地村民利用手中的行政权力和资本权力成为“四川村”物质空间生产的主体,追求聚居区的经济效益和和谐优美的社区环境;社区组织依靠跨地域投资、就业机会的供给及纽带作用,成为聚居区和谐环境建设和乡土社会重构的重要辅助力量;外来农民工展现出“扩散-竞争模式”为主的空间聚集,是物质空间实践的驱动力,寻求着自身文化符号的乡土社区,以实现文化认同和传统社会网络的异地构建。“四川村”为农民工提供了就业机会、职业培训和向上社会流动的路径,“四川村”农民工社会融合度相对较高,尤其体现在社区融合、社交融合和心理融合。  相似文献   

长江流域持续发展的态势、问题及对策研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
王合生 《地理科学》1999,19(5):392-399
通过研究长江流域经济的持续快速健康发展,上中下游的协调发展,产业结构的优化和产业政策的实施,外向型经济发展,基础产业和基础设施的发展与合理布局,大中小城市协调发展和城乡一体化,自然资源的合理开发利用,生态环境的治理与保护,分析了长江流域持续发展的基本态势,存在的主要问题,并提出对策。  相似文献   

刘云刚  王丰龙 《地理科学》2011,31(5):563-569
空间的生产是当今西方的主流社会理论之一,也在逐渐成为解释中国城市空间开发现象的有效工具。但是,目前国内对空间生产理论的运用主要集中于资本和政府作用下的"强"空间生产。通过对广州M垃圾猪场的案例研究,探讨了制度结构和社会行动等宏微观要素对城乡结合部空间生产的综合作用,并展示了一个由农村进城移民所发起的"弱"空间生产案例。农村进城移民通过积极的区位战略、社会经营网络的营造实现了空间的占据和空间的生产,其背后则折射了户籍、土地、卫生等诸多转型期的制度漏洞。空间生产的结果是一个以农村进城移民为主体的产业和生活单元,即黑色集群的形成,该集群具有非正规乃至非法特征,在城市管理者的制度挤压下呈现发展的不稳定性。研究结果表明,对此类空间的治理必须首先基于综合的理解,而不是取缔或粗暴管制。  相似文献   

焦华富  许吉黎 《地理科学》2016,36(11):1670-1678
在生态文明建设与服务经济转型的背景下,作为中国工业化阶段能源基地的资源型城市,正面临着经济、社会与生态环境多位一体的全面转型。选取成熟型煤炭资源城市淮南为案例,基于社会空间视角划分城市地域功能结构,构建社会-经济-空间多维因素的互动框架推进资源型城市的科学转型。研究发现:淮南市社会空间包括6个主因子,各主因子的空间集聚和街区分布均具有显著的异质性。基于不同街区的功能属性划分出5个空间功能组团,包括:政府机关、企事业单位组团;居住、商业、生活服务组团; 煤炭开采与加工工业组团; 非矿点区域、乡村区域组团;经济新增长点培育、转型发展组团。城市地域功能结构特征表现为:“城”、“矿”功能的隔离与排斥,连绵型低收入农业空间的嵌入,城市服务功能空间的紧缩,煤炭开采与初加工的空间共位,城市转型尚未形成规模与联动效应。在此基础上,进一步剖析了地域结构的形成原因及优化路径。  相似文献   

谭文柱 《地理科学》2012,(7):835-839
从企业社会关系网络嵌入的视角,以宁波服装企业和机构为访谈调研对象,追寻众多宁波服装企业早期发展的历史,研究上海与宁波两地基于历史原因形成的社会关系嵌入——"红帮师傅"对上海服装业转移中区位选择的影响。研究发现,上海国有服装企业中宁波籍"红帮师傅",是理解上海服装企业在向外转移加工业务的过程中为何选择宁波服装企业的关键因素。在宁波服装业的早期发展阶段,"红帮师傅"充当了宁波服装企业与上海服装企业建立业务联系的桥梁,不仅将自己所在服装企业的加工业务介绍给宁波的服装企业,还利用自己的社会网络,将上海其它服装企业引荐给宁波服装企业,使宁波服装企业从上海获得了大量的加工业务。另外,"红帮师傅"还亲自或引荐其它服装技师为宁波的服装企业提供必要的技术指导。对理解非经济因素对产业转移区位选择的影响提供了一个有意义的实证案例,为欠发达地区吸引发达地区的产业转移提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

中关村高校周边居住区社会空间特征及其形成机制   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
冯健  王永海 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1003-1016
目前国内城市社会空间研究偏重于宏观层次,对于微观层次社区社会空间特征的研究相对缺乏。基于质性研究(Qualitative Research)和深度访谈的调查方法,以北京大学周边若干居住区为例,探讨了中关村高校周边居住区社会空间的特征及其形成机制。研究发现:中关村高校周边居住区的社会空间经历了从"同质性"向"异质性"转变的发展阶段;社区居民的社会阶层分异显著;居民的整体流动性较强,且以水平流动为主,垂直流动相对较少;阶层内社会网络联系较强,阶层间社会网络联系较弱,存在明显的阶层分隔现象;空间结构呈现出在高校和社会双重力量作用下,各种类型居民分布既混合又有序的复杂型式。在市场经济体制下,中关村高校周边居住区外来人口与原住居民共同构建了一种具有高流动性、松散社会网络等特征的社会空间,它为理解社区流动性、社会网络特征和社会空间成熟度之间的关系带来启示。  相似文献   

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