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报道了突泉盆地南部牤牛海地区发现的植物大化石15属26种,主要包括有节类Noecalamites sp.、Equisetites sp.,真蕨类Todites goeppertianusT.williamsoniCladophlebis argutulaC.hsiehianaC.shansiensis,松柏类Pityospermum staratschiniP.nordenskioldiPodozamites schenkiP.lanceolotus,银杏类Czekanowskia rigidaGinkgo huttoniGinkgoites cf.SibiricusG.sibiricusG.cf.marginatusG.lepidusVittifoliolum paucinervePhoenicopsis speciosaSphenobailra sp.,苏铁类Nilssonia sinensis以及裸子植物花果和种子Carpolithus sp.等,其中以真蕨类(26.9%)和银杏类(38.5%)占优势,松柏类(19.2%)占一定比重,含少量的木贼类(7.7%)、苏铁类(3.8%)以及裸子植物花果和种子化石(3.8%).结合前人在该地区发现Raphaelia diamensis,指示该套含可采煤层的细碎屑岩组合具有浓厚的中侏罗世早期的时代特征,应为中侏罗世万宝组.根据植物组合中主要发育真蕨纲的Cladophlebis,银杏纲银杏目的GinkgoGinkgoitesSphenobailra以及松柏纲苏铁衫杉科的Podozamites等分子,结合当时整个万宝组植物群面貌以及地层中含煤、发育沉积铁矿等特征,可推测研究区当时具有温暖潮湿的古气候环境.  相似文献   

概要报道产于辽西北票市常河营乡长垅地沟村东山中侏罗统海房沟组中一种大型苏铁类叶部化石——金原篦羽叶Ctenis kaneharai Yokoyama.这种化石最早被报道于辽宁东部凤城县赛马集碾子沟中侏罗统大堡组,后来在日本和英国也被发现.但是,以往发表的该种所有材料都是些植物叶部断片标本,对它的全貌并不了解.在本文中报道的该种标本,不仅数量多而且保存得特别完整.可以说,这是迄今在我国辽西中侏罗世燕辽植物群中大型苏铁类保存最完整叶部化石的又一次重要发现.它为正确了解我国燕辽植物群的性质,苏铁类的整体形态特征和古气候状况分析,提供了更为可靠的化石依据.  相似文献   

新疆早侏罗世植物群特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文根据新疆早侏罗世各组中所产的植物化石,提出了疆新早侏罗世植物群分属于毛羽叶—锥叶蕨植物群与锥叶蕨—拟刺葵植物群的过渡植物群和锥叶蕨—拟刺葵植物群.过渡植物群中苏铁类比较丰富.锥叶蕨—拟刺葵植物群以真蕨类和银杏类为主,真蕨类中锥叶蕨,托第蕨,枝脉蕨最为发育.两个植物群按照不同层位均可分出上下两个组合.本文还探讨了八道湾组时代,认为无疑属早侏罗世,塔里奇克组植物组合也应属早侏罗世(塔里奇克组的地质时代为T_(?)—J_1).早侏罗世早期新疆气侯曾一度炎热,向后转为湿暖潮湿.  相似文献   

长江中下游早侏罗世植物化石垂直分异及其意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
黄其胜 《地质论评》1988,34(3):193-202
苏、皖、鄂东南沿江一带的早侏罗世沉积,下部以河流相为主,银杏类化石大量聚集;中、上部以湖沼相为主,苏铁类、蕨类特别丰盛。裸子植物的银杏类和苏铁类在剖面上的聚集分异现象,称植物化石垂直分异。影响分异的主要因素是;1,受生物进化律的支配,2,受古构造的控制,3,受古地理、古气候的影响。苏皖鄂坳陷,夹于秦岭-大别山隆起与江南隆起之间,内部发育不均衡,产生一系列次级盆地,各个分散盆地的岩性、沉积特征、植物化石十分相似,应该采用统一组名,建议坳陷内的早侏罗世统一称为武昌组,归属于象山群下部。  相似文献   

在丁青蛇绿岩以西的色扎岩体顶部单元硅质岩中首次发现早侏罗世菊石化石;在丁青县雪拉山口南的雀莫错组、布曲组中新采获双壳、桦树等化石;在巴青县雅安大山雀莫错组、马里组板岩中新采获云雀贝化石;边坝县的多尼组可分为3套岩性组合,在灰岩中发现大量的双壳类化石,可望建立一个新的岩性地层单位;拉孜北凼木曲东岸的拉贡塘组碳酸盐岩应为一套多旋回凝灰岩,发现丰富的苏铁类和真蕨类植物化石,具有晚侏罗世至早白垩世植被面貌;在索县次汝乡北多尼组中新发现白云母花岗岩岩滴;将嘉黎断裂带南侧娘蒲乡至错高乡一带的原蒙拉组解体为4套地层,并在其中发现变质侵入体;新发现几处蛇绿岩.  相似文献   

在丁青蛇绿岩以西的色扎岩体顶部单元硅质岩中首次发现早侏罗世菊石化石;在丁青县雪拉山口南的雀莫错组、布曲组中新采获双壳、桦树等化石;在巴青县雅安大山雀莫错组、马里组板岩中新采获云雀贝化石;边坝县的多尼组可分为3套岩性组合,在灰岩中发现大量的双壳类化石,可望建立一个新的岩性地层单位;拉孜北凼木曲东岸的拉贡塘组碳酸盐岩应为一套多旋回凝灰岩,发现丰富的苏铁类和真蕨类植物化石,具有晚侏罗世至早白垩世植被面貌;在索县次汝乡北多尼组中新发现白云母花岗岩岩滴;将嘉黎断裂带南侧娘蒲乡至错高乡一带的原蒙拉组解体为4套地层,并在其中发现变质侵入体;新发现几处蛇绿岩.  相似文献   

董曼  孙革 《世界地质》2011,30(4):497-507
首次报道了新疆东部沙尔湖煤田中侏罗世17 属27 种植物大化石和35 属50 种孢粉化石。该植物群以蕨类、苏铁类及本内苏铁类、银杏类为主要组成成分,时代可能为中侏罗早期。其地质古生物特征表明,该植物群生长的古环境可能为温暖潮湿并具季节性变化的暖温带的湖沼地区。  相似文献   

鄂西香溪组植物化石的新发现及时代问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了发现于鄂西香溪组的两种植物化石Ctenozamites sarrani Zeiller和Eboracia lobifolia(Phillips)。香溪组下部Todites prinjceps-Czeklanowskia植物组合和上部Coniopteris murrayana-Ptilophyllum植物组合虽都以真蕨类Coniopteris和双扇蕨科植物为特色,但下组合银杏类很多,苏铁类却较少,而上组合苏铁类则很发达,尤其是Otozamites hiangchiensis,O.mixomorphus,Ptilo-phyllum contiguum等未在下组合中出现,银杏类亦相对较少,上,下植物组合的这种差异明显与当时的气候环境有关,同时,依据上组合含Ctenozamites sarrani和Thaumatopteris等分子和它们尚未在中侏罗世发现,提出香溪组上部的时代为早侏罗世晚期。  相似文献   

在丁青蛇绿岩以西的色扎岩体顶部单元硅质岩中首次发现早侏罗世菊石化石;在丁青县雪拉山口南的雀莫错组、布曲组中新采获双壳、桦树等化石;在巴青县雅安大山雀莫错组、马里组板岩中新采获云雀贝化石;边坝县的多尼组可分为3套岩性组合,在灰岩中发现大量的双壳类化石,可望建立一个新的岩性地层单位;拉孜北凼木曲东岸的拉贡塘组碳酸盐岩应为一套多旋回凝灰岩,发现丰富的苏铁类和真蕨类植物化石,具有晚侏罗世至早白垩世植被面貌;在索县次汝乡北多尼组中新发现白云母花岗岩岩滴;将嘉黎断裂带南侧娘蒲乡至错高乡一带的原蒙拉组解体为4套地层,并在其中发现变质侵入体;新发现几处蛇绿岩。  相似文献   

吉林南部杉松岗植物群及其地质时代   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
吉林南部杉松岗盆地早侏罗世植物群主要由松柏类、银杏类、真蕨类和茨康类组成,迄今已发现22属37种。其典型特征是锥叶蕨(Coniopteris)与准苏铁果(Cycadocarpidium)共生,显示了欧亚大陆早侏罗世植物群早期组合的特征,其地质时代似为早侏罗世早期。这一发现对确定杉松岗盆地含煤地层的地质时代和建立我国北方侏罗纪植物群序列具有重要的科学价值,对探讨吉林南部的地质发展史也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

邓胜徽 《现代地质》1998,12(2):168-172,T001
内蒙古赤峰市东南部的平庄—元宝山盆地杏园组和元宝山组为含煤地层,时代归属有争议。杏园组所产6属7种植物,主要为早白垩世的常见分子,反映时代为早白垩世早期,相当于凡兰吟期到欧特里夫早期,与辽西的沙海组、内蒙古霍林河盆地霍林河组下含煤段和海拉尔盆地大磨拐河组可以对比。元宝山组含19属21种,主要为阜新植物群的常见代表,说明其时代为早白垩世中期,相当于欧特里夫晚期到巴雷姆期,可同辽西的阜新组、内蒙古的霍林河组上段和伊敏组相对比。  相似文献   

根据产于黑龙江鸡西早白垩世城子河组一种侧羽叶属(Pterophyllum)植物化石的外形特征及表皮构造研究,确认该种属于本内苏铁类(Bennettitales)植物,并有别于其他植物类群。据此,新建一新种—城子河侧羽叶(新种)Pterophyllumchengzihensesp.nov.,并讨论了该新种在研究中国东北地区早白垩世植物化石中的意义。  相似文献   

Aragonitic chlorophyte (green) algae, typical of the warm seas of the Tethyan area, reached as far north as the present Cotswolds of Southern England in mid-Jurassic times, when conditions made colonisation possible. Few in numbers and species, they appear to show features similar to those of their living descendants found today in warm seas marginal to the tropics, so confirming the Jurassic palaeolatitude arrived at independently from palaeogeographical studies.  相似文献   

叙述了松辽盆地东缘早白垩世早期营城组之上的一个新的重要含煤层位。有植物化石30属60种,未发现原始被子植物化石。此含煤层位代表松辽盆地东缘一个重要成煤期,应建立一个新地层单位——大羊草沟组,其时代为早白垩世早期。  相似文献   

下侏罗统红旗组主要分布在大兴安岭东南部吉林洮南万宝盆地的红旗-碱土一带,由一套含煤的陆源碎屑沉积岩组成,其上与中侏罗统万宝组底砾岩平行不整合接触,其下与中二叠统大石寨组凝灰岩角度不整合接触,属局部山间断陷盆地的湖相、沼泽相沉积.1982年杨学林和孙礼文首次报道了红旗组植物化石,其中缺乏苏铁植物.最近,在红旗组化石研究中,发现了数块伊什假篦羽叶(Pseudoctenis eathiensis)植物化石,伴生植物有拟刺葵和异羽叶等.尽管该组已发现的新芦木、枝脉蕨、假篦羽叶、异羽叶、茨康叶、苏铁杉和松型叶可以和柴达木盆地东北缘下侏罗统植物化石相比较,但假篦羽叶和异羽叶等苏铁植物实际并不丰富,反映了暖温带到"似热带"气候控制下的大陆植物区的植物群特征.这一特征可与热带气候控制下的具丰富苏铁植物的滨海植物区形成明显的对比.  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical data are presented for the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in northeast China, with the aim of determining the tectonic settings of the volcanism and constraining the timing of the overprinting and transformations between the Paleo-Asian Ocean, Mongol–Okhotsk, and circum-Pacific tectonic regimes. The new ages, together with other available age data from the literature, indicate that Mesozoic volcanism in NE China can be subdivided into six episodes: Late Triassic (228–201 Ma), Early–Middle Jurassic (190–173 Ma), Middle–Late Jurassic (166–155 Ma), early Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma), late Early Cretaceous (133–106 Ma), and Late Cretaceous (97–88 Ma). The Late Triassic volcanic rocks occur in the Lesser Xing’an–Zhangguangcai Ranges, where the volcanic rocks are bimodal, and in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces where the volcanics are A-type rhyolites, implying that they formed in an extensional environment after the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The Early–Middle Jurassic (190–173 Ma) volcanic rocks, both in the Erguna Massif and the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces, belong chemically to the calc-alkaline series, implying an active continental margin setting. The volcanics in the Erguna Massif are related to the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate beneath the Massif, and those in the eastern Jilin–Heilongjiang provinces are related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. The coeval bimodal volcanic rocks in the Lesser Xing’an–Zhangguangcai Ranges were probably formed under an extensional environment similar to a backarc setting of double-direction subduction. Volcanic rocks of Middle–Late Jurassic (155–166 Ma) and early Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma) age only occur in the Great Xing’an Range and the northern Hebei and western Liaoning provinces (limited to the west of the Songliao Basin), and they belong chemically to high-K calc-alkaline series and A-type rhyolites, respectively. Combined with the regional unconformity and thrust structures in the northern Hebei and western Liaoning provinces, we conclude that these volcanics formed during a collapse or delamination of a thickened continental crust related to the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture belt. The late Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks, widely distributed in NE China, belong chemically to a low- to medium-K calc-alkaline series in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces (i.e., the Eurasian continental margin), and to a bimodal volcanic rock association within both the Songliao Basin and the Great Xing’an Range. The volcanics in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces formed in an active continental margin setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent, and the bimodal volcanics formed under an extensional environment related either to a backarc setting or to delamination of a thickened crust, or both. Late Cretaceous volcanics, limited to the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces and the eastern North China Craton (NCC), consist of calc-alkaline rocks in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces and alkaline basalts in the eastern NCC, suggesting that the former originated during subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent, whereas the latter formed in an extensional environment similar to a backarc setting. Taking all this into account, we conclude that (1) the transformation from the Paleo-Asian Ocean regime to the circum-Pacific tectonic regime happened during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic; (2) the effect of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture belt on NE China was mainly in the Early Jurassic, Middle–Late Jurassic, and early Early Cretaceous; and (3) the late Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous volcanics can be attributed to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent.  相似文献   

新疆吐哈盆地侏罗纪古植被与古气候及古环境的探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对新疆吐哈盆地侏罗系孢粉植物群、特殊岩性、泥质岩中的元素和粘土矿物分布规律的研究 ,探讨了古植被、古气候及古环境的纵向演化特点 ,认为研究区内侏罗纪古气候特点是早侏罗世至中侏罗世早期为温暖潮湿的亚热带 ,局部有干旱趋势 ;中侏罗世中晚期为半潮湿、半干旱的温带—亚热带气候 ;从中侏罗世末期开始转为炎热干旱的亚热带气候。  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarize results of studies on ophiolitic mélanges of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone (BNSZ) and the Shiquanhe–Yongzhu–Jiali ophiolitic mélange belt (SYJMB) in central Tibet, and use these insights to constrain the nature and evolution of the Neo-Tethys oceanic basin in this region. The BNSZ is characterized by late Permian–Early Cretaceous ophiolitic fragments associated with thick sequences of Middle Triassic–Middle Jurassic flysch sediments. The BNSZ peridotites are similar to residual mantle related to mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs) where the mantle was subsequently modified by interactions with the melt. The mafic rocks exhibit the mixing of various components, and the end-members range from MORB-types to island-arc tholeiites and ocean island basalts. The BNSZ ophiolites probably represent the main oceanic basin of the Neo-Tethys in central Tibet. The SYJMB ophiolitic sequences date from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous, and they are dismembered and in fault contact with pre-Ordovician, Permian, and Jurassic–Early Cretaceous blocks. Geochemical and stratigraphic data are consistent with an origin in a short-lived intra-oceanic back-arc basin. The Neo-Tethys Ocean in central Tibet opened in the late Permian and widened during the Triassic. Southwards subduction started in the Late Triassic in the east and propagated westwards during the Jurassic. A short-lived back-arc basin developed in the middle and western parts of the oceanic basin from the Middle Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. After the late Early Jurassic, the middle and western parts of the oceanic basin were subducted beneath the Southern Qiangtang terrane, separating the Nierong microcontinent from the Southern Qiangtang terrane. The closing of the Neo-Tethys Basin began in the east during the Early Jurassic and ended in the west during the early Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

内蒙古霍林河盆地早白垩世植物化石   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
邓胜徽 《现代地质》1991,5(2):147-156,T002
本文研究了内蒙古霍林河盆地霍林河组下含煤段的植物化石,共鉴定了21属36种。植物组合以蕨类占优势,银杏类、苏铁类和松柏类均有一定比例,同海拉尔盆地大磨拐河组所含植物组合成分相似。地层对比表明,霍林河组与海拉尔盆地的大磨拐河组和伊敏组可以对比,也能同阜新盆地的沙海组和阜新组对比。植物组合成分及地层对比都表明该植物组合时代为早白垩世早期。本文还描述了5个新种: Coniopteris huolinhensis sp.nov,Cladophlebis neimengensis sp.nov,pterophyllum huolinhense Sp.nov.pl.angustifolium Sp.nov,Nilssonia zelimunsia Sp.nov.  相似文献   

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