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Hydrochemical and biogeochemical processes in Lake Khilganta were studied during more than ten years. The lake was shown to pass through periods of wetting and drying. This is accompanied by considerable changes in water chemistry and microbiological processes. During the passage from a wet to a dry period, lake water mineralization increases from 40 to 260 g/l and pH decreases from 9.9 to 7.1. At the same time, the isotope composition of organic matter carbon in bottom deposits becomes lighter (from −15.6 to −30.6‰), as well as that of carbon in carbonates (from +4.1 to −8.6‰), due to the lower rate of photosynthetic processes in lake bacterial mats. The order of salt precipitation during the passage from a wet to a dry period and the mechanism of maintaining water pH are considered. A possible similarity between the modern processes in Lake Khilganta and the processes in analogous Pre-Cambrian water bodies is discussed, and the hypothesis regarding the possibility of wider development of soda water bodies at early stages of Earth’s history is considered.  相似文献   

青海湖水量平衡分析与水资源优化配置研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
在充分收集有关资料的基础上研究青海湖1959-2000年间降水径流蒸发湖泊水位地下水补给量的动态变化建立水量平衡分析方程.青海湖水位在波动中持续下降42年来年平均水位累计下降了 3.32 m平均每年下降了0.079 m近年来下降的幅度减小. 同时青海湖储水量不断减少而湖区降水呈增加的趋势河川径流量地下水的入湖补给量 蒸发量呈现下降的趋势. 根据青海湖水平衡分析计算结果预测2010年青海湖流域耗水量将达1.27108m3为维护生态平衡和社会经济持续发展需要跨流域调水量引大济湖4.1108m3.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The major shore-forming factors typical of Lake Baikal, the main types and subtypes of lake shore, and their current state are considered. The complex geological structure has...  相似文献   

Water resources of lakes with natural and regulated hydrological regime are evaluated, and estimates are given to the water resources of artificial water bodies in three federal districts in the Asian part of RF (Ural, Siberian, and Far-Eastern) and the constituent entities of the Federation they contain. The estimates were made by a new procedure, incorporating up-to-date satellite data and functions of Google Earth project. In the Asian part of RF, ~3140000 natural water bodies were analyzed, including ~1170000 lakes >1 ha in area and ~6000 artificial water bodies. Lake water resources in the Asian part of RF amount to 24537 km3, of which ~96% are contained in Lake Baikal. Other 638 km3 are contained in artificial water bodies.  相似文献   

The current state of the Ingoda River ecosystem is assessed. The orographic features, economic development, the structure of aquatic organism communities, and water quality allow the authors to substantiate the division of the river ecosystem into four areas for more sound water management. General estimation of the Ingoda water quality in different sites have shown that the river’s water is clearing its upper reaches, moderately polluted upstream of Chita, heavily polluted downstream of the city, and polluted downstream of Karymskaya Station.  相似文献   

A geochemical survey carried out in November 1993 revealed that Lake Quilotoa was composed by a thin (14 m) oxic epilimnion overlying a 200 m-thick anoxic hypolimnion. Dissolved CO2 concentrations reached 1000 mg/kg in the lower stratum. Loss of CO2 from epilimnetic waters, followed by calcite precipitation and a consequent lowering in density, was the apparent cause of the stratification.The Cl, SO4 and HCO3 contents of Lake Quilotoa are intermediate between those of acid–SO4–Cl Crater lakes and those of neutral-HCO3 Crater lakes, indicating that Lake Quilotoa has a ‘memory’ of the inflow and absorption of HC1- and S-bearing volcanic (magmatic) gases. The Mg/Ca ratios of the lake waters are governed by dissolution of local volcanic rocks or magmas, but K/Na ratios were likely modified by precipitation of alunite, a typical mineral in acid–SO4–Cl Crater lakes.The constant concentrations of several conservative chemical species from lake surface to lake bottom suggest that physical, chemical and biological processes did not have enough time, after the last overturn, to cause significant changes in the contents of these chemical species. This lapse of time might be relatively large, but it cannot be established on the basis of available data. Besides, the lake may not be close to steady state. Mixing of Lake Quilotoa waters could presently be triggered by either cooling epilimnetic waters by 4°C or providing heat to hypolimnetic waters or by seismic activity.Although Quilotoa lake contains a huge amount of dissolved CO2 (3×1011 g), at present the risk of a dangerous limnic eruption seems to be nil even though some gas exsolution might occur if deep lake waters were brought to the surface. Carbon dioxide could build up to higher levels in deep waters than at present without any volcanic re-awakening, due to either a large inflow of relatively cool CO2-rich gases, or possibly a long interval between overturns. Periodical geochemical surveys of Lake Quilotoa are, therefore, recommended.  相似文献   

Population dynamics and production of Eudiaptomus gracilis (G. O. Sars) were investigated in two basins of differing water quality of Lake Balaton from February through December, 1977. One of the basins (Keszthely) is considered to be hypertrophic. the other (Tihany) moderately eutrophic. Plankton samples were collected at weekly intervals. The fecundity was 9.61 ± 3.39 at Tihany, and 16.53 ± 3.60 at Keszthely. The difference between the two basins was significant (P<0.1%). At Tihany the average number of eggs per m3 was lower by 36% relative to Keszthety. The number of nauplii differed only a little between the two basins with the exception of April, when at Tihany the amount of individuals was nearly two times as great as at Keszthely. In the case of younger copepodites (Stages I … III) the difference in individual numbers between the two areas of water was marked from February to June, while in other periods it proved to be small. At Tihany, the number of young copepodites was greater by 8%, on the average, than at Keszthely. The amount of larger copepodites (IV … V) relative to the total number of younger individuals of the population was by 63% resp. 77% smaller at Tihany and Keszthely. In the whole period of these studies the number of adults was less by 44% at Keszthely than at Tihany. Their amount relative to that of nauplii was smaller by 6% at Tihany and by 45% at Keszthely. At Tihany, the population biomass was at a constant high level during winter and spring (40 to 50 mg/m3), in summer values being lower (15 … 35 mg/m3). In the Keszthely-Basin biomass showed more extreme changes, reaching a peak as high as 40 … 43 mg/m3 in April and November, but hardly exceeding 6 mg during July–August. During the period of investigation, total biomass in the Tihany-Basin was 342 mg/m3, at Keszthely 204 mg/m3. Net biomass production-two methods for estimation having been used – was higher in the Tihany-Basin (17.25 and 33.83 KJ/m2), while in the Keszthely-Basin it was considerably lower (13.06 and 9.50 KJ/m2).  相似文献   


Vrana Lake in Dalmatia is a karstic kryptodepression connected to the nearby sea through the karstic subsoil and a canal. Due to interactions with the sea, lake water salinity increases greatly during severe dry periods, seriously endangering the ecosystem. Trend analysis (1961–2010) reveals a decrease in precipitation and surface inflow, but an increase in air temperature, and in sea and lake water levels. Lake inflow and water losses are only partially monitored. Average annual inflow from the monitored part of the catchment is 1722 m3 s-1, but total inflow is significantly greater; the average difference between total inflow and cumulative water losses is 3072 m3 s-1. The paper uses modelling to evaluate total inflow into the lake system, taking into consideration projected climate changes/variations till 2100 from the RegCM3 and ALADIN climate models. The analysis indicates marked decrease in discharge values by the end of this century, by as much as 60%.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

目前大量景观类湖泊在人工布局下呈现形状不规整的特点,容易造成湖湾水体滞留形成死水区,水质恶化问题日益突出,本文以星湖为研究区域,建立基于环境流体生态动力学(EFDC)模型的星湖水动力—风场耦合模型,以水龄作为衡量水体交换速率的指标,设计12种工况模拟计算不同出入湖通道布局及流量配比、"引江济星"工程和风场对星湖水龄时空分布的影响.结果表明:星湖水龄存在季节性和空间性分布差异,春季主导风向与湖体流动主方向互斥,抑制了波海湖水体交换,导致水龄在春季较长,而秋季南西南季风促进中心湖等水体交换,致使水龄偏短,也反映出风向的影响存在湖区空间异质性,风向为南东南时星湖整体水龄最小;入湖口通道布局及流量配比对湖区水体交换速率存在影响,以外坑为波海湖入湖口且波海湖、中心湖、仙女湖入流比为4∶3∶3时,星湖整体水龄最小,拟建的青莲湖出水口和仙女湖出水口能有效加快青莲湖东北部和仙女湖东南部的水体交换速率;综合考虑调水引流效益、经济投资、生态开发和占地的成本,方案二为最优调水引流方案.本研究强调入湖口布局、流量大小和比例、及风场等因素对城市内湖水体置换的影响,为人为干扰下的景观湖泊的治理和管控提供科学支撑.  相似文献   

9711号台风对太湖水位影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对1997年8月出现的9711号台风,就其对太湖水位的影响作了分析,分析表明,这次台风对太湖东西两岸水位影响显著东岸以减水为主,水位降幅达0.66-0.93m,西岸以增水为主,增幅达0.67-0.77m,水位振幅达-0.67-1.22m,同一时间内,东西两岸水位差达1.17-1.42m。分析还表明,太湖风场变化与水位变化关系较为紧密,表现为:当风向相对一致时,背风岸望亭,胥口的水位随风速的增加而  相似文献   

基于CGCM2对未来100年气候的9个模拟试验,对中国半干旱地区青海湖、岱海和呼伦湖及其流域,运用蒙特卡罗分析法模拟湖泊水量对气候变化的响应以及相应的概率.结果表明,从2020s,2050s和2080s三个时期温度增加的发生频率高于75%的分布看,温度将稳定增加2-5℃.未来的年平均温度增幅将超过了过去50年的观测记录,与过去一万年期间高温期的变化幅度相当.三个时期75%以上发生频率的温度和降水变化将会分别引起青海湖流域为-5%至 10%,呼伦湖流域为-7%至 5%,岱海流域为 2%至 12%的降水变化.虽然未来年降水总量的变幅没有超过过去50年器测记录变幅,更不及全新世的降水变化量,但湖泊水量对气候变化的反映变率较变幅要大.模拟的气候变化在75%概率的情况下,未来3个湖泊水量将有累计30%-45%的变化,变幅在±10%之间.快速的湖泊水量变化不能不引起对不远未来的水资源状况的重视和警备.  相似文献   

本文建立了太湖风生流和风涌增减水的一个三维数值模型,该模型可对垂直方向进行多层次划分,且各计算网格点层数一样。模拟计算了1997年8月的11号台风对太湖水位和湖流作用,用环湖六个水位站水位过程资料对模型计算出的水位进行了验证,并用太湖梅梁湖湾口的实测流速资料对模型计算出流场进行了校验。  相似文献   

中巴资源一号卫星湖泊信息提取——以南京景为例   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
施晶晶 《湖泊科学》2001,13(3):280-284
中巴地球资源一号卫星(CBERS-1)是我国的第一颗地球资源卫星,它的发射成功及运行,解决了长期依赖国外卫星数据的缺陷,本文简要介绍了CBERS-1的传感器类型,并利用CBERS-1 1999年11月29日过境的南京景数据,根据图幅特点,将水质信息尤其是该区内的湖泊信息加以提取,进行分析,较为详实的分析了区内湖泊所面临的环境问题。  相似文献   

We examined the land use impact on the water quality of small water bodies located in northern Poland. Twenty nine ponds, located in the urban area or a typical agricultural land were analyzed based on physical-chemical parameters: water temperature, conductivity, oxygen concentration, content of particulate suspended matter and chlorophyll “a”, and nutrients concentration. Additionally, to describe and compare the trophic condition of investigated small water bodies, we used the Carlson type trophic state. Performed measurements showed that nutrient concentrations significantly differentiated the agricultural ponds from urban water bodies. Mean total phosphorus and nitrogen concentration in midfield ponds were about 5 and 3 times higher, respectively, than in urban ponds. Moreover the phytoplankton chlorophyll “a” mean values were on average fivefold higher in agricultural ponds. Furthermore, urban ponds were characterized by lower values of TSI, thus lower trophy level: generally on the border of meso- and eutrophy. The agricultural ponds trophy changed from meso- to hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Crimean water resources are limited, failing to fully meet the drinking and economic needs of the region. Over 50 years, the problems of water resources in Crimea were solved by using Dnieper water supplied through North-Crimean Canal; however, after the integration of Crimea into Russia, Ukraine suspended water supply. At the aggravation of political situation between Russia and Ukraine, the situation in the water-management sphere in the Republic of Crimea looks very complicated. The water-management problems of Crimea should be solved based on its own potential. Groundwater resources are the leading factor of sustainable development of Crimean Region at the present stage.  相似文献   

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