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Water Resources - The oxygen regime of the channel flow of the small Maima River (Upper Ob basin) has been considered. A study of the spatial and seasonal variations of oxygen regime...  相似文献   

Bikbulatova  E. M. 《Water Resources》2002,29(2):191-195
Organic matter concentration and parameters of its seasonal variations in the waters of the Pleshcheyevo Lake and the Trubezh River at the present stage during the operation of the lake water intake facility are presented. Results of comparison of these data with the ones obtained earlier testify to the capacity of the ecosystem to cope with various internal and external loads.  相似文献   

The effect of anthropogenic pollution on the structure of benthic animal communities in the Barnaulka R. (Ob tributary) has been studied. Statistical analysis was used to assess the effect of habitat factors on macrozoobenthos structure. The structure characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities and the bioindication indices calculated from them are shown to depend on the hydrophysical and hydrochemical characteristics of water and bottom sediments.  相似文献   

New magnetic and paleomagnetic data from the loess-soil Volodarka section (the Ob River) are presented. In particular, a secondary magnetization aligned with the contemporary magnetic field and persisting on heating to 500–600°C is shown to be present. It is shown that the transition zone of the Matuyama-Brunhes reversal is most likely located within the soil complex, consisting of three paleosol horizons separated by two horizons of loesslike loam that belong to the same interglaciation.  相似文献   

Piskun  A. A. 《Water Resources》2002,29(4):360-369
Data on water discharges and levels, morphometry of river branches, elevation base, runoff, and granulometric composition of sediments in the Ob Delta over the period of instrumental measurements were analyzed and summarized. The obtained results served as a basis for the delta parameterization. Detailed characteristics of the hydrological regime and quantitative characteristics of reversible fluviomorphological deformations averaged for the deltaic water streams were defined at different water levels in the channel. A many-year trend of these deformations was revealed. It was found that in the period between two cycles of field studies of the Ob Delta, no noticeable changes occured in the distribution of water discharges by the main branches at the delta head. Some secondary water streams in the delta lower reaches, where field observations were carried out over the mentioned period of time, featured a certain decrease in the flow discharged by these water streams along with a simultaneous increase in the water turbidity. The area of possible application of the obtained results was outlined.  相似文献   

陈德亮  高歌 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):105-114
近几年来,国家气候中心己经建立了中国主要四大流域气候对水资源影响评估的模式框架.本文拟进一步证明其中之一的两参数分布式月水量平衡水文模式对长江之上汉江和赣江两子流域径流的模拟能力,结果表明该水文模式对目前气候条件下径流模拟效果较好,运行稳定,可用于实时业务运行.在此基础上,利用ECHAM4和HadCM2两GCM(General Circulation Model)未来气候情景模拟结果及目前实测气候情况,对汉江和赣江两子流域的径流对未来气候变化的敏感性进行评估.经检验,两GCM对未来气候,特别是降水情景模拟存在一定差异,因此,造成径流对气候变化的响应不同,这充分反映了全球模式模拟结果不确定性在气候变化影响研究中的重要性.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope and elemental C/N ratios of the organic fraction of a set of samples along a transect in the Ob and Yenisey Rivers into the Kara Sea in the Arctic were measured. Previously, the concentrations of 239,240Pu and 137Cs in these same samples had been determined. The coupled measurements were carried out to assess possible connectivity between organic carbon flow into the Kara Sea and transport of radioactive nuclides in this marine environment. Organic carbon flow into the Kara Sea is influenced significantly by terrigenous sources carried by the Ob and Yenisey Rivers. The carbon isotope-organic carbon relationship provides evidence that a rich source of terrigenous carbon exists in the riverine system. A weak, but significant relationship between stable carbon isotope ratio and 137Cs suggests that most of the 137Cs is derived from riverine particles, as compared to Pu which is also derived from in situ scavenging within the water column.  相似文献   

In the Rhode River estuarine/watershed area, increased acidity of precipitation from atmospheric acidic deposition has deleterious effects on the freshwater ecosystems. One of the characteristics of an acidic watershed is the mobilization of aluminum from soils to aquatic environment. Increased concentrations of aluminum in surface waters are toxic to living organisms. Detection of long-term changes of acidity and elevated Al concentrations in surface and soil waters is a central issue. In this present paper, the dynamics ofAl speciation in the shallow ground waters from Rhode River watershed 110 (la) were investigated. This research provides a unique, regional analysis of important controls on the transport of Al speciation through the rural watershed of the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional fluorescence spectra of water samples from an eucalyptus bleached kraft pulp mill and from a river, upstream and downstream of the discharge of the effluent, revealed the existence of a peak at δexc = 280 nm and δem = 340 nm Δδ = 60 nm), characteristic of effluentπs organic matter. Humic substances were isolated from the effluent by sequential adsorption onto resins XAD‐8 and XAD‐4 in series. Their synchronous fluorescence spectra with Δδ = 60 nm do also exhibit an intense signal at δexc = 280 nm (≈ 300 nm in the humic acid fraction). The peak is absent in the spectra of humic substances isolated from a non‐polluted site of the river, but it is clearly seen in the spectra of the humic substances from a site downstream of the discharge of the effluent. Synchronous fluorescence spectra (Δδ = 60 nm) of water samples from the river and its lagoon were recorded and revealed to be an easy and fast way of tracing the organic contamination from the effluent.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and the availability of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) to marine algae were determined in Xiamen Bay and in algal batch culture systems. Results showed that APA changed with seasons, increasing to the highest value in summer and decreasing to the lowest in autumn and spring in Xiamen Bay. Tests on natural populations of planktonic algae and bacteria community showed that algae were mostly responsible for DOP utilization, while bacteria could not take up DOP compounds. Results from algal batch cultures also supported the above conclusion. Relationships between APA and environmental factors indicated that APA was negatively correlated with phosphorus level such as phosphate and small molecular DOP, and APA played an important role in utilization of DOP by algae. All the results emphasized the ecological significance of DOP in subtropical coastal waters.  相似文献   

Thallium (Tl) is a rare element of high toxicity. Sediments sampled in three representative locations near industries utilizing Tl‐containing raw materials from the Pearl River Basin, China were analyzed for their total Tl contents and the Tl contents in four sequentially extracted fractions (i.e., weak acid exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual fraction). The results reveal that the total Tl contents (1.25–19.1 µg/g) in the studied sediments were slightly high to quite high compared with those in the Chinese background sediments. This indicates the apparent Tl contamination of the investigated sediments. However, with respect to the chemical fractions, Tl is mainly associated with the residual fraction (>60%) of the sediments, especially of those from the mining area of Tl‐bearing pyrite minerals, indicating the relatively low mobility, and low bioavailability of Tl in these sediments. This obviously contrasts with the previous findings that Tl is mainly entrapped in the first three labile fractions of the contaminated samples. Possible reasons were given for the dominating association of Tl with the residual fraction (>95%) of the mining area sediments. The significant role of certain K‐containing silicates or minerals of these sediments on retaining Tl in the residual fraction, discovered by this study, provides a special field of research opportunity for the Tl‐containing wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Mercury, cadmium, lead, copper, zinc and chromium were assessed in brown shrimp (Crangon crangon), swimming crab (Liocarcinus holsatus), hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus), starfish (Asterias rubens) and cut trough shell (Spisula subtruncata) from ten sampling stations off the Belgian coast, including three dredge spoils disposal sites. Calculations of time trends indicated that on the whole concentrations of trace metals had significantly decreased since 1981, also on dredged material dumping sites. Starfish and hermit crab were found to be the most promising benthic indicator species for metal contamination. Globally, the location of the sites, including the dredge spoils disposal zones, showed to be of little influence on the concentrations of trace metals.  相似文献   

The level of tanker shipments in the Mediterranean is relatively high, being approximately 8 million barrels per day in 1972 and 1975 (Lloyds, 1972, 1975). This represents an important proportion of world-wide shipments which in 1972–1975 were approximately 30 million barrels daily. Because of the tanker traffic and the Suez Canal opening in June 1975, there was particular interest in obtaining hydrocarbon baseline data prior to changed conditions caused by this event. In response, the present study was carried out in the latter half of 1975 when 0–1m and ?5m samples were collected along the tanker routes; Augusta, Sicily/Gibraltar; Augusta/Alexandria, and Augusta/Tunis. Total dispersed extractable organics (lipids) and nonvolatile hydrocarbons (C14+) were measured.Hydrocarbons were found to be complex mixtures of normal and isoparaffins, cycloparaffins and aromatics. Surface water showed a persistent pattern of n-paraffins of carbon numbers 16, 17, 18, and 19, with a preponderance of the C17 and C19's. Presence of these compounds and low concentrations of aromatics indicate that an important proportion of the hydrocarbons were of biogenic origin.  相似文献   

Water Resources - Changes in the runoff of rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean caused by climate changes and increasing anthropogenic load lead to foreseeable transformations of hydrological...  相似文献   


Understanding potential evapotranspiration (PET) changes under climate change is of great importance for hydrological research. The trends of PET changes and their driving forces were investigated in the Lancang (LRB) and Yarlung Zangbo (YRB) river basins, southwest China, using diagnosis graphs and the Mann-Kendall test. Analysis of variance was applied to examine the contribution of different climatic variables to PET. The results show that: (i) there was a statistically significant increase in PET in the period of 1957–2015 in the LRB, while it showed a markedly decreasing trend in the YRB; (ii) PET in both basins is fairly sensitive to wind speed, relative humidity, solar radiation and maximum air temperature, and the interactions between wind speed and relative humidity are also important; and (iii) the increase in PET in the LRB is due mainly to the increase in maximum air temperature and decrease in relative humidity, while declines in wind speed and solar radiation are the main reasons for the decrease in PET in the YRB.  相似文献   

The Sepik River is a major contributor of water, sediment and associated organic loads to the coastal waters of northern New Guinea and the Bismarck Sea. We compare dissolved and particulate organic carbon data from September 1997 during an extremely dry El Nino year with those from 1996, 1999 and 2000 during La Nina wet season discharges. Estimated Sepik River flux of DOC is 3.2×1010 mol yr−1 and POC is 1.1×1011 mol yr−1. The estimates for total river nutrient fluxes to the sea are 1.1×1010 mol yr−1 for nitrogen and 4.6×108 mol yr−1 for phosphorus. The Sepik DOC flux is about equal to that combined from all four major rivers that enter the Gulf of Papua on the south coast of PNG. The Sepik inorganic PIC flux is low (1.4×108 mol yr−1) as the river does not drain carbonate soils. With a narrow continental shelf, and strong coastal currents, much of this exported material is available for long distance transport into the coastal Bismarck Sea and beyond.  相似文献   

A new correlation scheme is proposed for the Belovo and Volodarka loess-soil sections on the basis of the author’s paleomagnetic studies. It is shown that the paleomagnetic stratigraphy and correlation of sections of the Loess Plateau, China, are not self-consistent. The paper gives recommendations for correct use of the paleomagnetic method in the study of loess sections.  相似文献   

Fourteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), six monosaccharides (SA) formed following the hydrolysis of polysaccharides, as well as water and organic matter contents were determined in river sediments sampled in thirteen points in the Odra basin after the catastrophic flood of 1997. The water content is related to the water absorbing capacity of the soil in the Odra catchment area. The PAH content increases together with the increase in the organic matter (OM) content which suggests that these species are mainly of anthropogenic origin. On the other hand, SA and OM contents decrease with increasing water content, which implies that both enhance biological life. The PAH content tends to decrease when the SA content increases. This relation goes hand in hand with the quality of water resources, which is greater when the quantity of polysaccharides is higher.  相似文献   

The concentrations of organic matter that enters the aquatic environment in dissolved form, organic matter fractions adsorbed on suspended mineral particles, and the total concentration of suspended matter in the Yenisei water were studied using rapid optical methods. Spectral characteristics of light attenuation and absorption by river water and its filtrates were analyzed in summer. Total discharges of organic carbon and suspended matter by the river were evaluated.  相似文献   

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