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马凌  张媛媛  朱竑  陈晓亮 《地理研究》2019,38(8):2044-2057
快速城市化带来了行政区划的调整及城市土地、空间和边界的改变,也重构了传统的地方与地方认同。以广州市番禺小龙村为例,分析城市扩张和地方重构下影响地方认同的因素、机制与过程。研究发现:① 城市扩张过程中,居民户籍身份上的改变最为突出,农民对于其市民身份及新的行政地方的认同度不高,最终产生了一定程度的身份与区域的隔离;② 认同是多维度影响、深层次和动态变化的过程,地方认同需要从身份和地方双重维度进行分析,居民多元的自我身份感知与对地方的认知及其切实的个体需求共同影响其最终的身份归属和地方认同。因此,城市行政区划调整过程中需了解、重视区划调整变化后城郊居民的生产生活,同时注重社会基础福利的提升,以促进居民对于新的地方和身份的认同,进而促进城乡融合。  相似文献   

This article coins a neologism, place spoofing, to describe the unique transformation of a place when it purposefully replicates another alien place, thereby enabling the residents to live in the vicarious environment of that imitated place. Place spoofing captures how a place disconnects from its indigenous culture and historical heritage during the transformation. This framing enables us to further reflect on the causes of this unique urban development. To deepen our understanding of place spoofing, we elaborate on its connotation, different spoofing strategies, and its goal of delivering an alien sense of place. We further analyze its market price and then discuss the perspective of place spoofing as a type of conspicuous commodity. To put the theoretical framework in context, the xenophilic copycat residential communities in Beijing are examined. Specifically, the copycat communities are sifted out from all available Beijing residential community transactions from an online real estate database. The distribution of copycat communities demonstrates the (re)production of place spoofing in the geographic layout of the city. The empirical results show that the copycat communities tend to have higher prices, implying that the residents pursue an alien sense of place and the symbolic meanings carried by its sentiment. This study also discusses how buyers, developers, and governments react to place spoofing. Overall, place spoofing provides a lens to frame this long-standing, but often neglected, urban development. This article lays the groundwork for geographers to explore the spoofing phenomenon by examining its underlying spatial characteristics, economic benefits, and social implications.  相似文献   

九寨沟地方特质与旅游者地方依恋和环保行为倾向的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引入地方特质作为外生变量,构建旅游者地方依恋与环保行为倾向的结构模型,运用验证性因子分析与结构方程模型方法,以世界自然遗产地九寨沟为对象,探讨了自然观光地地方特质与旅游者地方依恋和环保行为倾向的内在关系。结果表明:① 地方依恋的不同维度对不同类型的环保行为倾向的影响存在显著差异;② 地方特质对旅游者地方依恋具有显著的正向影响,表明九寨沟地方特质是旅游者地方依恋构建的重要因素;③ 地方特质通过地方依恋对旅游者环保行为倾向产生显著的间接影响,是解释九寨沟旅游者环保行为倾向的有效因子,也是旅游者地方依恋与环境行为倾向关系中重要的影响因素;④ 九寨沟地方特质不同维度的影响程度存在差异,显著的地方特质(自然环境属性)具有更明显的影响效应。  相似文献   

This analysis of music in cultural geography, in the context of the inner Sydney-based band, The Whitlams, traces the creative links between sounds, 'scenes' and places. Based in Newtown, The Whitlams are associated with political values, evident in the band's name, and social values tied to and opposed to urban changes, such as gentrification, where community is threatened. The band's lyrics emanate from their experiences, challenging commercialisation of city life at different scales and reflecting the anomie of city living, but defending its virtues, whilst also fostering place stereotypes. The audience was similarly inner-city based until the band's recent commercial success, which has challenged The Whitlams' identity and radicalism, and resulted in mainstream appropriation. Though The Whitlams continue to reaffirm their local identity, and local audiences have remained, the popularity and commodification of their music has challenged concepts of shared meaning, the link between bands and their fans, and the connection between music and its place of origin. The Whitlams' music nevertheless remains a means of evoking and sharing a sense of place.  相似文献   

Geo-folksonomies link social web users to geographic places through the tags users choose to label the places with. These tags can be a valuable source of information about the user’s perception of place and can reflect their experiences and activities in the places they label. By analysing the associations between users, places and tags, an understanding of a place and its relationships with other places can be drawn. This place characterisation is unique, dynamic and reflects the perception of a particular user community that generated the geo-folksonomy. In this work, an approach is proposed to analysing geo-folksonomies that builds on and extends existing statistical methods by considering specific concepts of relevance to geographic place resources, namely, place types and place-related activities, and by building a place ontology to encode those concepts and relationships. The folksonomy analysis and evaluation are demonstrated using a realistic geo-folksonomy data set. The resulting ontology is used to build user profiles from the folksonomy. The derived profiles reflect the association between users and the specific places they tag as well as other places with relevant associated place type and activities. The methods proposed here provide the potential for many interesting and useful applications, including the harvesting of useful insight on geographic space and employing the derived user profiles to enhance the search experience and to identify similarities between users based on their association to geographic places.  相似文献   

广州城市居民地方依恋测度与机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴蓉  黄旭  刘晔  李志刚 《地理学报》2019,74(2):379-393
“地方依恋”问题涉及地理学、心理学、社会学、城市学等多个学科,已经成为中国快速城市化时期亟待解决的重要问题。伴随大城市内部空间的剧烈重构,城市居民对其居住空间的地方依恋也在不断变化,需要进行深入研究。本文选取广州23个典型社区,通过量表测度居民的地方依恋,并采用结构方程模型等计量方法,探索社区信任、社区满意度等要素对居民地方依恋的作用机理。同时,系统对比了居民对于不同空间尺度的地方依恋,如社区尺度和城市尺度,并对本地居民和外来移民两组人群的地方依恋及其差异进行了系统研究。研究发现:① 城市居民的社区依恋程度高于城市依恋程度;② 本地居民的社区依恋和城市依恋程度均明显高于外来移民;③ 城市居民的社区依恋同时受到社区信任和社区满意度的直接影响,但两者需通过社区依恋的中介效应间接影响居民的城市依恋;④ 社区信任与社区满意度对外来移民的社区依恋和城市依恋均具有显著作用,但对本地居民的城市依恋作用较弱。基于实证结果,本文认为,相同因素对于不同尺度的地方依恋作用机理存在差异,不同人群的地方依恋机理亦有不同,地方依恋同时具有尺度差异性和群体差异性。  相似文献   

黄嘉玲  何深静 《热带地理》2014,34(3):308-318
宗教地理是文化地理重要的研究内容之一,但在中国相关实证研究仍不多见。结合半结构问卷调查和访谈,对广州石室圣心大教堂的非洲裔移民宗教场所地方感特征及其形成机理进行探讨。研究发现:非洲裔移民宗教场所地方依恋和地方认同发展快于地方依赖;非裔移民较强的圣地地方依恋同时存在较强的空间可替代性,但又由于区位等因素存在宗教功能之外的非可替代性;圣地地方依赖则因被宗教教义视为功利性而被掩盖。回归分析表明,社交和场所互动时间是指示地方感的最显著指标。随着非粤宗教文化的融合发展,宏观政治环境以及语言文化隔离等外生因素正对宗教地方感的提高产生重要影响。  相似文献   

杨槿  徐辰  朱竑 《地理科学》2020,40(3):374-382
以广东揭阳的玉器生产专业村阳美村为例,从文化经济地理学视角解读本土产业发展中地方性的嵌入与重构。研究发现:本土产业在地方性多方要素的驱动与支撑下产生,在多重尺度政治经济过程作用与地方主体的响应下发展。地方性是本土产业产生并建立对外功能联系的初始条件,也是主体响应结构变动所做战略选择和地方营销的依托。在地方性嵌入产业发展的同时,生产、生活和宗教等地方活动被强化了与玉器生产相关的功能和意义,民居、街巷、宗祠等空间形制因传统功能被挤压而出现重塑。地方活动与景观的变化并未弱化地方意义,村民的地方依赖和依恋因本土产业提供了更好的发展机会与荣誉感而增强。  相似文献   

Geographically isolated within its own State as well as from the rest of the country, and with the highest percentage of metropolitan primacy of all Australian States, Perth is a city somewhat uncomfortable with its creative and cultural identity. The city is physically peripheral to networks in the arts and creative industries that operate at the national level. And, symbolically, many in Perth’s cultural sector feel a sense of isolation. Yet, in certain cultural sectors, such as music, Perth demonstrably punches above its weight, consistently generating high-quality cultural exports. This paper unpicks this curious juxtaposition. It examines the influence of Perth—as a geographical location and a site of creative inspiration—on the music created and disseminated by local contemporary musicians who write and perform their own indie pop/rock music. I discuss the nuanced relationship between creative clustering and place, drawing on theories regarding the relationship between music and place, the notion of the music scenes and creativity and creative practices. I explore how living in Perth, a geographically isolated city, with a highly concentrated population and associated music sector, influences creative expressions, desires and inspirations, for a select group of local indie pop/rock musicians who achieved national and international notoriety with their music in the late 1990s and 2000s. Navigating isolation but nevertheless energised by strong social connections and scene participation, Perth musicians catalysed creativity in ways that contribute to evolving debates on the links between place, creativity and music.  相似文献   

在现代性构建和人的城镇化社会进程推动下,地方认同在发生转换和迭代的变化。与静态视角下地方认同的断面研究不同,论文基于生命历程和家的流动性的动态研究视角,以具有70 a时间跨度的个体-家庭为研究主体,对其地方认同随时空迁移的变化和社会意义进行了生活史式的跟踪解读。研究发现:在城乡迁移过程中,随着时空的转移和生活经历的层累,个体-家庭的地方认同发生了转换、迭代的动态变化。① 这一动态变化与家的流动紧密联系在一起,流动中个体与家庭成员在不同生活区域的地方性产生了地方阻力与地方推力,二者综合作用的结果使得地方认同发生了迭代变化;② 社会环境与社会场景、家庭角色、文化适应与个体行为调整是人的城镇化过程中地方认同迭代的重要影响因素;③ 家庭类型变化和代际差异会影响到地方认同迭代发生的幅度。  相似文献   

杨蓉  黄丽萍  李凡 《热带地理》2014,34(4):463-472
现代性、全球化和城市化催生了当代的怀旧现象并使其成为国内外学界关注的重要话题。涵盖人们衣食住行和精神文化消费领域的怀旧消费风靡全球,以城市怀旧为主题的特殊消费空间和文化空间作为怀旧消费实践过程中的时空综合体,其地方建构的过程及社会文化意义值得文化地理学者进行探讨。文章以广州百年老字号西餐厅太平馆为案例,通过参与式观察和半结构式访谈等质性研究方法,并收集相关媒体报道作为资料来源。从怀旧餐厅的物质空间建构和情感空间建构2个维度对其地方建构的过程,以及此空间与消费者之间的互动关系进行探究。研究表明,太平馆作为怀旧消费空间,经营者通过对物质空间的主体性建构再现地方记忆,使得地方感得以再生产;而与此同时消费者则通过在怀旧空间中的消费实践获得归属和认同等情感体验,并成为了情感空间建构的积极主体,通过对太平馆的地方依恋与地方认同积极推动怀旧地方的持续建构。  相似文献   

迁居行为及其意愿反映了城市居民对美好生活的向往,揭示了城市居住环境是否能够满足居民的需要。论文从迁居意愿的视角,将地方依赖和社区认同引入迁居研究中,并采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法来分析城市居民的居住选择。运用Williams量表,在292份调查问卷和52份深度访谈的基础上,对北京中关村地区展开了调查研究。结果表明:中关村周边社区居民对就业和子女教育具有明显的地方依赖和较高的社区认同感。在292名被调查者中,共有115名居民有迁居意愿,占被调查者总数的39.4%。其中,在就业和子女教育地方依赖程度较低的调查人群中,这一比例分别上升至47.2%和54.2%。此外,有迁居意愿的居民大多社区认同感不高,在115名有迁居意愿的居民中,仅有4人对所在社区具有强烈认同感。论文从地方感的角度丰富了居住空间的研究内容,为理解当代城市居住空间的特点、提升城市空间建设质量提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Out-migration from rural areas and generational shifts create conditions whereby increasing numbers of private forest owners live at a distance from their forestland. Geographical distance and non-residency have been raised as issues that may possibly weaken these owners’ relationships with their properties. Drawing on the “sense of place” concept as a frame of analysis for 51 qualitative interviews with resident and nonresident private forest owners from two areas in Sweden, this study provides in-depth understanding of how geographical distance and place of residency shape owners’ feelings about their forest properties. The study shows that sense of place is constructed in complex and multifaceted ways over time and that social and historical contexts and processes beyond the forest environment can make owners feel closeness to their distant properties. Thus, geographical distance or residency alone does not explain variations in these forest owners’ feelings of distance or closeness to their properties.  相似文献   

以拉萨为案例,对古城区居民地方依恋及其影响因素进行解读。研究发现:居民地方依恋水平整体较高,居民对古城的情感性依恋要大于功能性依恋;但由于依赖类型、居住时间、文化背景、宗教信仰以及"家"的归属感不同,原住居民的地方依恋水平要高于非原住居民;从地方因素来看,宗教信仰、环境状况、活动参与和社交关系是影响居民地方依恋的关键因素,原住居民排在第一位的影响因素是环境状况,而非原住居民排在第一位的则是宗教信仰,这为提升拉萨古城居民地方依恋水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

甘肃省张掖丹霞与彩色丘陵地貌的形成与景观特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张荷生  崔振卿 《中国沙漠》2007,27(6):942-945
对发育在甘肃省张掖市境内祁连山山麓、白垩系中下统碎屑岩地层中的丹霞地貌与彩色丘陵形成的地层、构造、地貌、古地理环境和外动力条件进行了分析;将该地的丹霞地貌划分为窗棂状宫殿式、柱状式和巷谷式三类不同的地貌景观群,并分别描述了各类丹霞地貌和彩色丘陵的景观特征;从景观的典型性、美学价值、科考价值、观赏价值四个方面评价了丹霞地貌与彩色丘陵的科教旅游价值;认为张掖丹霞地貌既有南方丹霞之秀美、又有北方雅丹之雄浑,彩色丘陵色彩斑斓、绚丽多姿、气势宏大,这两种奇特的地貌景观相互衬托,成为国内独特的地质遗迹,具有极高的观赏价值和重要的科研价值,是旅游观光、绘画摄影、科普教育、科学研究和考察的最佳场所。  相似文献   

为探索大学生地方认同的组成结构,以武汉大学为例,通过非结构访谈手段获取第一手研究资料,运用扎根理论分析大学生地方认同维度,并在此基础上设计调查问卷,利用探索性因子分析方法进一步分析大学生地方认同维度结构特征。研究发现:武汉大学大学生地方认同具有认知、情感、行为、自我效能和承诺5个维度的结构特征;学生对学校的地方认同较高;入学时间、所属学部、高考志愿、籍贯是地方认同形成的主要影响因素。大学生的个人背景(年级、所属学部、高考志愿、籍贯)不同,在地方认同及其各个维度上有较大差异。  相似文献   

中国新愿景下的文化与空间有机融合的地理途径与机遇   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蔡建明  林静 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2001-2014
随着全球化的深入发展,国家竞争力日益依赖于以科技为支撑的硬实力、以人才为源泉的智创力和以文化为核心的软实力,以及能吸引并承载这些关键要素的多尺度创新空间。这些空间既包括有利于产生和激发创新的地方或场所,又包括叠加交织在这些场所中能促发各种思想交流碰撞、各类社会关系构建的文化氛围和生态系统。因此,如何使文化作为一个关键要素根植于空间,进而打造出具有文化品位且能生产新文化的地方,正逐渐成为亟须研究的核心议题和学界所面临的一大挑战。本文首先基于对中国新愿景的解读和文化本质的辨析,呼唤中国迫切需要形成一种与其大国综合实力相匹配的新文化;之后,基于历史发展透视论述了如何通过文化根植打造新地方,以提升城市和国家的竞争力;最后,本文强调了地理学人应高度关注有关文化与地方相互作用的一系列新研究命题,以在这个以人本化为导向,追求舒适宜人性、城市性、流动性、通达性、人文性和安全性的时代,进一步优化创新空间并推动城市的可持续发展。为回应这一召唤,地理学需要扩展其研究视角,在继续关注宏观区域分析的基础上,更加着眼于微观空间/地方打造的研究。  相似文献   


The extant literature on place location learning resolves in varying degrees that place location knowledge (PLK) is deficient in the United States and abroad. This is particularly true for younger school-attending age groups. This study has three main aims: to investigate the validity of that claim in regard to secondary-level students in Dublin by testing their PLK; to assess what characteristics of tested place locations render some sites more visible in students' eyes than others; and to investigate statistically what traits of the respondents shape their PLK. The implications of these findings on geographic education and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Montana's craft brewing industry has grown astronomically in the last few decades and has spawned many breweries with local names and themes. Using Montana's craft breweries as a case study, this paper demonstrates that craft breweries play a significant role in contemporary place‐making. First, brewery and beer names are analyzed to extract several place‐based themes, and it is argued that these perpetuate a particular New West identity for the state. Then, through the lens of tourism and the quest for “authenticity,” surveys of brewery visitors are used to identify the various attractions that drinking craft beer and visiting breweries offer their patrons. Besides the taste of the beer, the local nature of breweries and their community focus prove to be an important draw for brewery visitors and provide the chance to experience the community in a more authentic way, and thus, offer an opportunity to make a meaningful connection with place. This research proves that craft breweries have become an important venue for place‐making, not only in Montana, but in other cities and states with a significant craft‐brewing industry  相似文献   

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