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In this paper an explanation is given of Rijkswaterstaat's need for hydrological and meteorological information. The present means to gather this information are described together with their limitations. Future developments in the field of HF narrow-beam groundwave radar systems are indicated and some recommendations are given for the design of an operational HF radar system for Rijkswaterstaat (RWS).  相似文献   

An analysis previously developed for rough surface scattering with narrow-beam reception is extended to wide-beam or omnidirectional reception. The source is considered to be a pulsed electric dipole. The analysis includes multipathing effects on the received signal. The results are used to develop a model for the backscattered radar cross section of the ocean surface, up to a second-order approximation.  相似文献   

Abyssal hills were delineated in a 185 × 185-km area by an 18.5 × 18.5-km grid of narrow-beam bathymetric and geophysical profiles in oceanic crust of Cretaceous age near 23°N latitude, 31°W longitude. The abyssal hills are similar to features located along flow lines of sea-floor spreading near the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This similarity indicates a primary origin for these abyssal hills related to axial processes at a mid-oceanic ridge involving construction (igneous) and tectonics (faulting), and secondary modification by volcanic activity.  相似文献   

This chapter describes two separate but complementary research echosounder systems originally developed by Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH for the new German oceanographic research vessel Meteor.The Hydrosweep is a Hydrographic wide-swathe sweep survey echosounder for both shallow and deep water applications providing accurate bathymetric surveys and terrain-following navigation capabilities.The Parasound system is a hull-mounted dual channel parametric narrow-beam deep sea survey and sub-bottom profiling echosounder enabling particularly high vertical and horizontal resolution of seabed features.  相似文献   

The paper describes a high-resolution seismoacoustic complex for studying the upper sedimentary stratum and seafloor relief. The described complex was used during the 57th cruise of the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent’ev in the East Siberian and Laptev seas in the autumn of 2011. The combination of an SES-2000 narrow-beam parametric subbottom profiler and a Gidra 250/500 sidescan sonar has enabled obtaining a series of unique data on the structure of the sedimentary layers and the seafloor relief.  相似文献   

An ultra-high-resolution seismic study of the eastern Bengal Shelf with the parametric narrow-beam echosounder Parasound allows the interpretation of late Quaternary depositional patterns in terms of seismic stratigraphy. Accommodation space was still present on the outer shelf during the last lowstand, where a prograding delta developed in the western survey area. Oolitic beach ridges were later formed on top of this lowstand delta. Farther east, large parts of the shelf were exposed to subaerial erosion and a river system extended seaward across the area. A subaqueous highstand delta prograded southwards following the maximum transgression about 7,000 years ago. Its foreset beds exhibit acoustic voids very likely generated by sediment liquefaction, possibly caused by episodic energetic events such as major cyclones and/or earthquakes. Bottomset sediments extend seaward close to the shelf break in the west, whereas no Holocene sediments cover the outer shelf in the east.  相似文献   

Computer simulations are carried out to study the feasibility of an adaptive equalizer applied to an hydroacoustic data-transmission channel. The channel is examined with a comprehensive acoustical model to acquire worst-case examples of the ocean acoustic transmission channel. The equalizer performance is investigated by simulations with a computer-generated channel response. Equalizer behavior in a mobile time-variant environment is also studied by use of a simplified, time-discrete multipath channel model. A stochastic gradient lattice equalizer is simulated for a channel which varies due to movement of the transmitter platform. The equalizer was able to track a velocity of up to 0.4 m/s for a favorable transmission geometry, using a transmitter beamwidth of 10°. The results demonstrate the feasibility of coherent modulation schemes for medium-distance ocean acoustic telemetry. It was found that small beamwidths are imperative in maintaining signal coherence and in facilitating adaptive equalization. In particular, narrow-beam transducers will reduce equalizer complexity as well as the frequency spread  相似文献   

A high-frequency, shallow-water acoustic measurement system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The US Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity has developed a high-frequency acoustic measurement system for use in shallow water. The heart of this system is a pair of submersible towers supporting acoustic transmitting and receiving instrumentation. These towers are transported to an experimental staging area, assembled, and acoustic instrumentation installed. They are towed to a preselected measurement site, then the chambers on each tower are flooded, thereby settling slowly to the ocean bottom. Stability and dynamic response analyses were used to determine the towing and deployment stability envelopes for the towers. The acoustic transmitting system uses a pair of narrow-beam parametric acoustic sources operating at secondary frequencies ranging from 20 to 180 kHz. The acoustic receiving systems consist of a pair of 16-hydrophone, two-dimensional arrays with broadband capabilities up to 250 kHz. These systems have been used to make high-resolution bottom scattering measurements in shallow water off the coast, south of Panama City, Florida  相似文献   

The application of a 30-MHz narrow-beam ground-wave ocean radar to the observation of wind directions is described. It is found that thecos^{s} (theta/2)model for wind-wave directions does not apply in a specific case of shallow water where swell waves are behaving nonlinearly. To experimentally extract unambiguous wind directions from this model requires sampling three different beam angles simultaneously. In practice some time and space stationarity is assumed. Detailed analysis in time and space reveals structure in the transition of the cold front from sea to land which, although unexpected, agrees with coastline observations where they are available. The nature of the structure is only briefly discussed. The response of thelambda = 5-m wind waves to the frontal change was two orders of magnitude faster than time constants for similar events previously modeled using pitch-and-roll buoy data. This discrepancy needs to be reconciled before lower frequency radars can be used without ground truth for wind-direction changes.  相似文献   

Measurement of ocean wave spectra using narrow-beam HE radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A data interpretation algorithm is developed to extract ocean wave information from HF radar backscatter observed by a narrow-beam antenna system. The basis of this measurement is the inversion of the integral equation representing the second-order radar cross section of the ocean surface. This equation is numerically inverted by approximating it as a matrix equation and pseudoinverting the kernel matrix using a singular value decomposition. As a test of this algorithm, comparisons are made between wave spectrum estimates obtained from a WAVEC buoy and a pair of 25.4-MHz ground wave radars, using data collected during the 1986 Canadian Atlantic Storms Program (CASP). Overall, the results of this experiment have been positive and have demonstrated both the basic feasibility of the inversion algorithm and the wave sensing capability of HF radar. For example, significant wave height estimates deduced by two radars differed from the buoy, in an absolute value sense, by only 0.12 m on average. When using only one radar, the mean difference of this important parameter from the buoy was a reasonable 0.33 m  相似文献   

In the autumn of 2004, during cruise 19 of R/V Rift, an “SES-2000 standard” super high-resolution narrow-beam parametric profiler was applied for studies of the fine structure of the uppermost sediments for the first time in the Caspian Sea. In this paper, we discuss the latitudinal seismoacoustic profile across the western slope of the Derbent Basin in the region of the Russian part of the Yalama-Samur hydrocarbon field. In the upper part of the slope, in the Neopleistocene deposits, a series of overthrust covers with a step-wise structure of displacement surfaces (duplexes) was revealed. They seem to have been formed by gravity processes. We also suggest the existence of a “pushed wedge” type of structure of landslide origin formed by the Bakinian-Khvalynian deposits intruding into the overlying Holocene sediments. Sufficiently distinct signs of disintegration of the bottom sediments and landslide-slumping processes were distinguished within the Eopleictocene deposits on the steepest lower part of the slope. The data of seismoacoustic profiling indicate that submarine landslide processes proceeded on the western slope of the Derbent Basin during the Neopleistocene-Holocene, which may have retained their activity up to present. These facts should be considered when designing engineering constructions over the Yalama-Samur structure.  相似文献   

A software detection model has been developed to predict the returned Doppler spectrum for an iceberg target for ground-wave Doppler radars. This software model is based on proposed new estimates for the backscattered Doppler-dependent iceberg cross section for assumed iceberg models, as well as the backscattered Doppler spectrum from the ocean surface. The model includes estimates for forward and reverse transmission losses, based on classical spherical earth derivations. In addition, the transmission losses account for the effects of surface roughness through a modified surface impedance. Standard estimates for man-made and atmospheric noise have been considered in the detection model. A comparison between the results predicted by the detection model and data acquired during an experiment conducted at Byron Bay, Labrador, Canada has been effected. The hardware used for the experiment was an HF Doppler radar operating at 25.40 MHz. The transmitting antenna was a three-element Yagi array and the receiving antenna a 24-element narrow-beam linear array. By using iceberg ground truthing information the Doppler spectrum for individual icebergs was predicted using the software model. The predicted spectra were compared with the received spectra on a target signal-to-noise power ratio basis. The results of this comparison give a degree of confidence to the detection model and show that ground-wave radars are effective ice hazard remote sensors.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry--An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acoustic telemetry from underwater submersibles and sensors has been pursued ever since it was recognized that the ocean could support signal transmission. While it has been evident that some form of communication is possible, the ocean has proved to be a distressingly difficult medium in which to achieve high data rates. High data rate transmission requires a wide bandwidth which is severely constrained in the ocean because of the absorption of high-frequency energy. Moreover, the ocean is a very reverberant environment with both time and frequency spreading of signals; this further limits data transmission rates. The net effect of the bandwidth and reverberation constraints has led to either acoustic telemetry systems with low data rates or to the use of tethered systems. Over the years, various forms of acoustic communication systems have been developed. These have included direct AM and SSB for underwater telephones, FM for sensor data, FSK and DPSK for digital data, and parametric sonars for narrow-beam systems. As offshore operations have increased, several other systems have been proposed and/or built to respond to particular needs. In this paper, we review the underwater channel and the limitations that it imposes upon acoustic telemetry systems. We then survey some of the systems that have been built (excluding military systems) and indicate how they use various communication system principles to overcome these limitations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for adaptively tracking bathymetric contours using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped with a single altimeter sonar. An adaptive feature mapping behavior is developed to address the problem of how to locate and track features of unknown extent in an environment where a priori information is unavailable. This behavior is implemented as part of the layered control architecture used by the AUV Odyssey II. The new adaptive feature mapping behavior builds on previous work in layered control by incorporating planning and mapping capabilities that allow the vehicle to alter its trajectory online in response to sensor data in order to track contour features. New waypoints are selected by evaluating the expected utility of visiting a given location balanced against the expected cost of traveling to a particular cell. The technique is developed assuming sensor input in the form of a single, narrow-beam altimeter sensor attached to a non-holonomic, dynamically controlled survey-class AUV such as the Odyssey II. Simulations of the Charles River basin which have been constructed from real bathymetry data are used as test missions. The 7-m contour line of a prominent trench in the river serves as the target feature. The adaptive contour following behavior tracks the contour despite navigation error and environmental disturbances, supplying the capability of autonomously detecting and following distinctive bathymetric features using a point sensor. This behavior provides a foundation for future research in tracking of dynamic features in the water-column and for concurrent mapping and localization over natural terrain using a point sensor  相似文献   

We present a gridded Sea Beam bathymetric map of a 5100 km2 area between 9° and 10° N on the East Pacific Rise (included as a color separate accompanying this issue). The raw bathymetric data are renavigated using a technique for calculating smooth adjustments to navigation that incorporates absolute constraints from satellite fixes and acoustically-located explosive shots, and relative constraints from the misfit of bathymetric data at ship track crossovers. We describe a back-projection technique for gridding the bathymetric data that incorporates an approximation for the power distribution within a narrow-beam echo sounding system and accounts for the variable uncertainties associated with multi-beam data. The nodal separation of the resulting map is ~ 80 m in both latitude and longitude, and the sampling of grid points within a 60 × 85 km2 region is in excess of 99%. A formal analysis of variance is applied to the gridded bathymetric data. For each grid point, the difference between the variance of data from within a track versus data from between tracks provides an upper bound on the magnitude of bathymetric misfits arising from navigational errors. The renavigation results in an 88% reduction in this quantity. We also examine the effects of renavigation on the misfit of magnetic and gravity data at crossovers and compare our results with other bathymetric surveys. A striking feature of the final bathymetric map is the sinuous regional shape of the rise axis. In plan view, the local trend of morphology sometimes varies by up to 15° and the distances separating changes in morphological trend are about 10–20 km. In cross section the slopes of the rise flanks are notably asymmetric and show some correlation with the offset of the axial magmatic system as detected by seismic methods.  相似文献   

浮游生物和大型底栖动物参与水体营养物循环, 影响着污染物的迁移转化与沉积物的稳定性, 对海洋生态系统的能 流和物流起着至关重要的作用。为系统了解渤海海域浮游生物和大型底栖动物多样性与优势种的时空变化状况, 本研究以生 态监测调查结果为依据, 站位重点布设在渤海海域重要的河口、海湾、海岛周边海域以及渤海中部海域, 同时结合相关历史 资料, 对渤海海域的浮游生物和大型底栖动物的种类组成 、密度 、生物多样性指数 、优势种等的变化趋势进行了分析。从 2016—2018 年浮游植物的细胞密度空间分布可以看出, 细胞密度均值在滦河口-北戴河海域相对较高, 而在锦州湾 、莱州湾 和庙岛群岛海域相对偏低。渤海浮游植物多样性在各调查海域之间相差不大, 但渤海湾海域的浮游植物多样性呈现明显的逐 年下降趋势。浮游动物细胞密度在滦河口-北戴河海域相对偏高, 其余各海域差别不大。2016—2018 年, 浮游动物多样性在 双台子河口 、渤海湾 、黄河口海域明显增加, 大型底栖动物群落物种数在渤海湾 、黄河口 、莱州湾和庙岛群岛均呈减少趋 势, 大型底栖动物多样性在锦州湾 、滦河口-北戴河的水平偏低, 在渤海湾有所下降, 耐污能力较强的多毛类成为目前渤海 近岸海域大型底栖动物最主要的优势类群。通过与历史数据对比可知, 2014—2018 年, 渤海浮游植物及浮游动物的群落种 类数、密度 、多样性指数总体变化不大, 主要优势种基本一致, 但大型底栖动物种类数 、生物量和密度总体上呈减少趋势, 主要优势种类由软体动物转变为环节动物多毛类。本研究丰富了渤海海域浮游生物和大型底栖动物群落的研究, 并为渤海生 态系统的健康评价与生物多样性保护提供了数据支持, 对合理开发海洋生物资源具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article is a brief and selective introduction to the literature and concepts concerning the fate and recycling of carbon compounds in the marine environment. It provides a framework for the other papers in the session and emphasises the areas of ignorance and the implications to be drawn from them.The fate of carbon compounds in oceanic water columns and sediments is reviewed in terms of regions and processes. Particular attention is given to certain regions — surface film and associated zone, the water column and the upper layer of the bottom sediments — and processes — microbial activity, association of organic materials and minerals and the formation and diagenesis of particulate organic matter.Most of the organic matter in the ocean is rapidly recycled but the processes, rates and fluxes are poorly understood. Major areas of ignorance include the half-lives of individual compounds and of classes of compounds and the role of microorganisms, both in the water column and in the bottom sediments. Measurements and experiments need to be conducted in the oceans and in the laboratory. Chemical and biochemical changes in the short and long term require recognition if the residual organic matter of sediments is to be interpreted in terms of past oceanic conditions.  相似文献   

基于量纲分析理论进行水槽试验,研究了潮流以及单向流作用下海底沙波的形成和发展过程。通过分析 海床地形数据,对海底沙波的特征尺度和发展过程进行定量描述,得出了潮流流速、周期、水深以及叠加单向流等因素对沙波特征尺度的影响。结果表明,潮流作用产生的海底地貌由大尺度的沙波和小尺度的沙纹共同组成,大尺度沙波在地貌形态塑造中占主导地位。从平坦海床开始,沙波波高和波长随水流作用逐渐增大,增长速度越来越慢,最终达到动态平衡。沙波特征波高和特征波长随流速和水深增大而增大,同时随往复流周期的增大而增大,并不断趋近于单向水流的情况。进一步对小尺度的沙纹地貌进行分析,得出了沙纹特征尺度随水流条件的变化规律。  相似文献   

In order to clarify the distribution and variation of silt and fluid mud in the Waiganmen shallow section of the 50000-ton intake channel of the Xiangshan Port, and to understand the influence of the channel excavation on the surrounding flow conditions and the strength of the backsilting, especially the impact of typhoon on the sudden silting of the channel, so as to demonstrate the feasibility and stability of the channel excavation. The fluid mud,hydraulic, sediment and topographic measurements were carried out in the study area, and the thickness of the fluid mud layers, tidal current, sediment and topographic data were obtained. Dual-frequency sounder, gamma-ray densitometer and SILAS navigational fluid mud measurement system were used to monitor the fluid mud, and the results were compared and verified. The adaptability and accuracy of the three methods were analyzed. The SILAS navigational continuous density measurement system and gamma-ray fixed-point fluid mud measurement are used to detect the density, thickness and variation of the fluid mud accurately. Based on the hydrological observation data,the process of erosion and deposition in excavation channel and its influence mechanism are analyzed, and the distribution characteristics and evolution law of siltation in engineering area are given in the form of empirical formula. The research shows that the super typhoon can produce large siltation, which results in sudden siltation of the channel. The tidal current is the main dynamic factor of the change of erosion and siltation of the excavation trench. Under the influence of reciprocating tidal current and excavation topography, the trial excavation trench is silted on the whole. There is fluid mud in the monitoring area of the trench, and the distribution of fluid mud is different in space. The thickness of the fluid mud at the bottom of the trench is generally larger than that outside the trench and the slope of the trench, and the siltation of the trench tends to be slow. The research results can provide scientific evaluation for channel excavation and maintenance, and support for the implementation of the project.  相似文献   

李磊  王云龙  蒋玫  袁骐  沈新强 《海洋通报》2012,31(3):329-335
根据2009年春季(5月)和夏季(8月)对长江口海域的调查监测资料,研究了海水中COD的时空分布特征,并对其污染水平进行了评价,同时分析了COD对海域富营养化的贡献,探讨了化学耗氧有机物的主要来源及与环境因子的关系。结果表明,长江口海域春夏季表层、春夏季底层之间COD均存在显著的差异,春季表层与底层、夏季表层与底层之间COD则无显著差异,春季表、底层COD的平均浓度、最高浓度均小于夏季,平面分布呈由近岸向远海逐渐递减的趋势;夏季研究海域COD污染高于春季;COD对富营养化的贡献范围为39.69%~63.58%,平均贡献为(46.53±4.49)%,贡献随着富营养化指数的增加而减小;陆地径流输入以及陆源排放是COD的主要来源;COD与环境因子均存在一定的相关关系;COD时空分布主要受制于长江冲淡水,对富营养化的贡献主要受营养盐影响,与海底沉积物再悬浮也有一定的联系。  相似文献   

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