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Geminids and Quadrantids are probably observed for only about 100 years. Due to perturbations of their orbits rapid variations occur. A change in the Geminid rate profile can not be found from observations. Observations of Geminids and Quadrantids from Arbeitskreis Meteore are compared with Perseid results. Around their activity peaks we find an increasing number of bright meteors. At the same time the population index r decreases for Perseids and Quadrantids, while it increases for Geminids. From this behaviour we estimate the increase of the number density to fainter magnitude classes for the three showers.  相似文献   

A procedure of selection of meteoroids from major streams is suggested and applied to the IAU Lund photographic database modified by a check for internal consistency among orbital elements (3411 orbits). Limits for choice of stream members were defined by break points on the plots of the cumulative numberN C vs. the Southworth-HawkinsD discriminant. For the break points were considered the points from which the dependenceN C vs.D changes to a quasi-linear one, and with the increasingD, N C changes only moderately. Except for the Taurids which desire a separate analysis, theN C vs.D diagrams are presented for the following major meteoroid streams: Quadrantids, Lyrids, Aquarids, Capricornids, N and S Aquarids, Perseids, Orionids, Leonids and Geminids. The mean orbits, velocities and radiants of the streams are derived and compared with the osculating orbits of their parent bodies. The limitingD B was found to be a function of the number of the stream membersN CB. Omitting the exceptionally concentrated Geminids, the relation is in the formD B = 0.058 *ln(N CB) – 0.04.  相似文献   

We apply so-called break-point method to select the dense cores of 10 major meteor showers from the photographic, video, and radio-meteor databases. The major showers can well be selected from photographic and video data, in a lesser degree from radio data. The obtained mean characteristics of Quadrantids, Lyrids, η-Aquarids, α-Capricornids, δ-Aquarids N, δ-Aquarids S, Perseids, Orionids, Leonids, and Geminids are presented. A test to indicate the existence of a suspected shower in radio database is suggested.  相似文献   

In conducting a search through the IAU Meteor Catalogue at Lund, a peak in activity on April 8th, not corresponding to any known shower was discovered. Analysis of the orbit shows that a subset of those meteors originated on very coherent orbits. It is suggested that there could either represent a hither to unidentified stream or that they are meteoroids which, like the April Lyrids, were ejected from Comet Thatcher but have arrived onto their current orbits as a consequence primarily of Poynting - Robertson drag.  相似文献   

We present the first clear observations of meteor shower activity from meteor-head echoes detected by a high-power large-aperture radar (HPLAR). Such observations have been performed at the Jicamarca VHF radar using its interferometric capabilities allowing the discrimination of meteor shower echoes from the much more frequent sporadic meteors. Until now, HPLARs were unable to distinguish meteor shower from the much more common sporadic meteor ones. In this work we have been able to detect and characterize the η-Aquariids (ETA) as well as the Perseids (PER) showers. The shower activity is more conspicuous for the ETA than for the PER shower due to the more favorable geometry. Namely, PER meteors come from low elevation angles, experiencing more filtering due to the combined Earth-atmosphere-radar instrument. In both cases, there is an excellent agreement between the measured mean velocity of the shower echoes and their expected velocity, within a fraction of 1 km s−1. Besides the good agreement with expected visual results, HPLARs observe meteors with a variety of particles sizes and masses, not observed by any other technique. Taking into account the different viewing volumes, compare to optical observations Jicamarca observes more than 1000 times more ETA meteors. Our results indicate that Jicamarca and other HPLARs are able to detect the echoes from meteor showers, but without interferometric capabilities such populations are difficult to identify just from their velocity distributions, particularly if their velocity distributions are expected to be similar to the more dominant distributions of sporadic meteors.  相似文献   

P. Brown  R.J. Weryk  D.K. Wong  J. Jones 《Icarus》2008,195(1):317-339
Using a meteor orbit radar, a total of more than 2.5 million meteoroids with masses ∼10−7 kg have had orbits measured in the interval 2002-2006. From these data, a total of 45 meteoroid streams have been identified using a wavelet transform approach to isolate enhancements in radiant density in geocentric coordinates. Of the recorded streams, 12 are previously unreported or unrecognized. The survey finds >90% of all meteoroids at this size range are part of the sporadic meteoroid background. A large fraction of the radar detected streams have q<0.15 AU suggestive of a strong contribution from sungrazing comets to the meteoroid stream population currently intersecting the Earth. We find a remarkably long period of activity for the Taurid shower (almost half the year as a clearly definable radiant) and several streams notable for a high proportion of small meteoroids only, among these a strong new shower in January at the time of the Quadrantids (January Leonids). A new shower (Epsilon Perseids) has also been identified with orbital elements almost identical to Comet 96P/Machholz.  相似文献   

We deal with theoretical meteoroid streams the parent bodies of which are two Halley-type comets in orbits situated at a relatively large distance from the orbit of Earth: 126P/1996 P1 and 161P/2004 V2. For two perihelion passages of each comet in the far past, we model the theoretical stream and follow its dynamical evolution until the present. We predict the characteristics of potential meteor showers according to the dynamical properties of theoretical particles currently approaching the orbit of the Earth. Our dynamical study reveals that the comet 161P/2004 V2 could have an associated Earth-observable meteor shower, although no significant number of theoretical particles are identified with real, photographic, video, or radar meteors. However, the mean radiant of the shower is predicted on the southern sky (its declination is about −23°) where a relatively low number of real meteors has been detected and, therefore, recorded in the databases used. The shower of 161P has a compact radiant area and a relatively large geocentric velocity of ∼53 km s−1. A significant fraction of particles assumed to be released from comet 126P also cross the Earth’s orbit and, eventually, could be observed as meteors. However, their radiant area is largely dispersed (declination of radiants spans from about +60° to the south pole) and, therefore, mixed with the sporadic meteor background. An identification with real meteors is practically impossible.  相似文献   

Hong-Jin Yang  Changbom Park 《Icarus》2005,175(1):215-225
We have compiled and analyzed historical Korean meteor and meteor shower records in three Korean official history books, Samguksagi which covers the three Kingdoms period (57 B.C.-A.D. 935), Goryeosa of Goryeo dynasty (A.D. 918-1392), and Joseonwangjosillok of Joseon dynasty (A.D. 1392-1910). We have found 3861 meteor and 31 meteor shower records. We have confirmed the peaks of Perseids and an excess due to the mixture of Orionids, north-Taurids, or Leonids through the Monte Carlo test. The peaks persist from the period of Goryeo dynasty to that of Joseon dynasty, for almost one thousand years. Korean records show a decrease of Perseids activity and an increase of Orionids/north-Taurids/Leonids activity. We have also analyzed seasonal variation of sporadic meteors from Korean records. We confirm the seasonal variation of sporadic meteors from the records of Joseon dynasty with the maximum number of events being roughly 1.7 times the minimum. The Korean records are compared with Chinese and Japanese records for the same periods. Major features in Chinese meteor shower records are quite consistent with those of Korean records, particularly for the last millennium. Japanese records also show Perseids feature and Orionids/north-Taurids/Leonids feature, although they are less prominent compared to those of Korean or Chinese records.  相似文献   

We have analysed the meteor records in the chronicles that describe the era of the Song dynasty ( ad 960–1279). The data are complementary to the record-vacant 10th century of the Koryo dynasty ( ad 918–1392). The annual activity of sporadic meteors analysed shows a generic sinusoidal behaviour as in modern observations. In addition, we have also found that there are two prominent meteor showers, one in August and the other in November, appearing on the fluctuating sporadic meteors. The date of occurrence of the August shower indicates it to be the Perseids. By comparing the date of occurrence of the November shower with those of the Leonid showers of the Koryo dynasty, recent visual observations and the world-wide historical meteor storms, we conclude that the November shower is the Leonids. The regression rate of the Leonids is obtained to be     days per century, which agrees with recent observations.  相似文献   

The structures of the meteor streams of cometary origin—Draconids, Ursids, Perseids, and Lyrids—and the streams presumably connected with asteroids—Taurids and α-Capricornids—are compared. The comparative analysis was performed by the mass distribution of meteoroids in the stream and the activity profile for the meteors with the maximum recorded stellar magnitude +3 m and brighter. Visual observations of 1987–2008 from the database of the International Meteor Organization (IMO) and earlier sources were considered. It has been shown that the structures of the meteor streams of cometary and, presumably, asteroidal origin differ somewhat by the activity profile and the mass distribution of meteoroids in the cross-section of a stream along the Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   

A study of the Kappa Cygnid and other minor streams of the August epoch is presented based on a computer search in a sample of 3518 photographic meteoroid orbits. Four different meteoroid streams with radiants in Cygnus, Draco and Lyra, were found. Three of these: the Kappa Cygnids, the Alpha Lyrids and the Zeta Draconids are identified with meteor showers reported by nineteenth century visual observers. The fourth stream, the August Lyrids, consists of six meteors with radiants in Lyra centered on = 277°.6, = 46°.2. No previous visual reports of this stream have been found. It is interesting to note that all four meteoroid streams are coincident in time; their orbits are all of short period and they all have very nearly the same orientation of semi-major axis.  相似文献   

A cluster analysis procedure has been used to estimate the fraction of the sporadic interlopers (sporadis bias) identified as stream members among the observed meteor orbits. Using the artificial meteor orbits with the same distribution as the observed one, the sporadic bias is estimated for the given threshold value of the orbital similarityD c. It has been shown that in case of the radio meteor catalogues theD c values given by the formula proposed in Southworth and Hawkins (1963)and in Lindblad (1971) correspond to the sporadic bias of 8–21%. For the five radio meteor catalogues the values ofD c corresponding to the fixed bias equal to 10% and 15% are given.  相似文献   

The orbits of (69230) Hermes and 2002 SY50 are similar and the Earth approaches both of them twice: at the end of October the local orbital minimum distances are smaller than 0.007 AU, and at the end of April the distances are smaller than 0.04 AU. This gives us opportunities to observe the meteors associated with these asteroids. Using the geocentric parameters of the orbital close encounters (the theoretical radiants) and our D N distance function (Valsecchi et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 304 (1999) 743), we searched for meteoroids originated by Hermes and 2002 SY50. A search among 1830 good quality photographic meteors gave negative results: we found no meteor dynamically similar to Hermes or 2002 SY50. In a second search, done in a set of 62150 radio meteors, we applied two methods (M1, M2) and in both cases we found two streams; the streams found with the M1 method had 43 and 30 members, those found with the M2 method had 39 and 14 members. However, these results do not look convincing, due to the small number of common members in the corresponding streams. We therefore conclude that amongst the IAU meteors used in our search there are no compact streams associated with Hermes and 2002 SY50.  相似文献   

A new meteroid stream—October Ursa Majorids—was announced by Japanese observers on Oct. 14–16, 2006 (Uehara et al. 2006). Its weak manifestation was detected among coincidental major meteor showers (N/S Taurids, Orionids), as its meteors radiated from a higher placed radiant on the northern sky. We have tried to find out previous displays of the stream throughout available meteor orbits databases, and among ancient celestial phenomena records. Although we got no obvious identification, there are some indications that it could be a meteor shower of cometary origin with weak/irregular activity, mostly overlayed by regular coincidental meteor showers. With a procedure based on D-criterion (Southworth and Hawkins 1963) we found a few records in IAU MDC database of meteor photographic orbits which fulfill common similarity limits, for October Ursae Majorids. However, their real association cannot be established, yet. With respect to the mean orbit of this stream, we suggest for its parent body a long-period comet.  相似文献   

The results from 80 hours of simultaneous visual/video and VLF recordings made during the Lyrids, Perseids, Orionids, Leonids and Geminids are presented. All meteor magnitudes from –11 to +4 have been sampled at least once during these observations. The only positive VLF fireball detection was made at 19:57:32 UT on August 11, 1993 from the South of France. We present a Fourier transform analysis of this event and we also derive a lower limit to the electrical field strength produced by the fireball at the antenna. Our present observations suggest a lower limit of Mv –10 ± 1 for a fireball to produce a VLF signal.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of detectable meteor shower activity in the atmosphere of Venus. We compare the Venus-approaching population of known periodic comets, suspected cometary asteroids and meteor streams with that of the Earth. We find that a similar number of Halley-type comets but a substantially lesser population of Jupiter family comets approach Venus. Parent bodies of prominent meteor showers that might occur at Venus have been determined based on minimum orbital distance. These are: Comets 1P/Halley, parent of the η Aquarid and Orionid streams at the Earth; 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova which currently approaches the venusian orbit to 0.0016 AU; three Halley-type comets (12P/Pons-Brooks, 27P/Crommelin and 122P/de Vico), all intercepting the planet's orbit within a 5-day arc in solar longitude; and Asteroid (3200) Phaethon, parent of the December Geminids at the Earth. In addition, several minor streams and a number of cometary asteroid orbits are found to approach the orbit of Venus sufficiently close to raise the possibility of some activity at that planet. Using an analytical approach described in Adolfsson et al. (Icarus 119 (1996) 144) we show that venusian meteors would be as bright or up to 2 magnitudes brighter than their Earth counterparts and reach maximum luminosity at an altitude range of 100-120, 20-30 km higher than at the Earth, in a predominantly clear region of the atmosphere. We discuss the feasibility of observing venusian showers based on current capabilities and conclude that a downward-looking Venus-orbiting meteor detector would be more suitable for these purposes than Earth-based monitoring. The former would detect a shower of an equivalent Zenithal Hourly Rate of at least several tens of meteors.  相似文献   

The Lyrid Meteor Stream: Orbit and Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A filamentary structure in the Lyrid meteor stream based on photographic orbits available in the IAU Meteor database is identified and studied. About 17 Lyrids are found in the database and the stream mean orbit is derived. The shower radiant is compact, of a size 2° × 1.5°. Applying a stricter limiting value for the Southworth-Hawkins D-criterion, two distinct filaments in the stream, on a short and a long period orbit, are separated. To confirm their consistency as filaments, their orbital evolution over 5,000 years is investigated.  相似文献   

K. Krisciunas 《Icarus》1980,43(3):381-384
Visual counts of the 1969 Perseid and Orionid meteor showers are presented, comprising 288 Perseids and 56 Orionids. On the basis of the maximum-likelihood method of determining the power law luminosity function index, we derive s ≡ 1 + 2.5 log(r) = 1.56 ± 0.06 for the Perseids with mv = +1 to ?5, and s ≈ 1.85 ± 0.1 for the Orionids with mv = +2 to ?3. These values are somewhat lower than those found by other observers, but we confirm the approximate power law nature of the luminosity functions. Under the assumption that the masses of visual meteors are proportional to a power law function of the luminosities, this implies power law mass functions. If mass is directly proportional to luminosity, we have power law mass functions with the indices s given above.  相似文献   

The hyperbolic meteor orbits among the 4,581 photographic and 62,906 radar meteors of the IAU MDC have been analysed using statistical methods. It was shown that the vast majority of hyperbolic orbits has been caused by the dispersion of determined velocities. The large proportion of hyperbolic orbits among the known meteor showers strongly suggests the hyperbolicity of the meteors is not real. The number of apparent hyperbolic orbits increases inversely proportional to the difference between the mean heliocentric velocity of meteor shower and the parabolic velocity limit. The number of hyperbolic meteors in the investigated catalogues does not, in any case, represent the number of interstellar meteors in observational data. The apparent hyperbolicity of these orbits is caused by a high spread in velocity determination, shifting a part of the data through the parabolic limit.  相似文献   

The value of the upper limit of the Southworth-Hawkins D criterion for the Pons-Winneckids (June Bootid) and Perseids meteor streams is analyzed on the basis of the comparison of the parent comet orbit with the model orbits of meteoroids ejected at different points of the comet orbit with the most likely ejection velocities. The change of the D values is investigated depending on the dynamic evolution of the streams by integrating forward the orbital elements of the model particles using the Cowell method taking into account the perturbations from all planets. It is shown that after ten rotations, for Pons-Winneckids the upper limit of the D criterion is higher than 0.5 and for Perseids the D criterion does not exceed 0.2.  相似文献   

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