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The observed electromagnetic radiation from some long and short gamma-ray bursts,and neutron stars(NSs),and the theoretical models proposed to interpret these observations together point to a very interesting but confusing problem,namely,whether fall-back accretion could lead to dipole field decay of newborn NSs.In this paper,we investigate the gravitational wave(GW) radiation of newborn magnetars with a fall-back disk formed in both the core-collapse of massive stars and the merger of binary NS...  相似文献   

Rotating white dwarfs undergoing quasi-radial oscillations can emit gravitational radiation in a frequency range from 0.1-0.3 Hz. Assuming that the energy source for the gravitational radiation comes from the oblateness of the white dwarf induced by the rotation, the strain amplitude is found to be 10-25 for a white dwarf at 50 pc. We had calculated thermal energy losses through a magneto-hydrodynamic mechanism and found it smaller than estimated before. The galactic population of these sources is estimated to be 107 and may produce a confusion-limited foreground for proposed advanced detectors in the frequency band between space-based and ground-based interferometers. Nearby oscillating white dwarfs may provide a clear enough signal to investigate white dwarf interiors through gravitational wave astroseismology.  相似文献   

Intense low-frequency cosmic gravitational radiation in the Megaparsec wave band causes among other effects a small angular displacement of distant light sources. A short treatment of the effect is given.  相似文献   

We consider gravitational radiation in the nonspherical symmetrical evolution of supernovae. Unlike the gravitational radiation analysis of Imshennik & Popov performed using the formalism of Peters & Mathews, our analysis uses the (PN)5/2 approximation by Damour & Deruelle and Lincoln & Will. We show that the eccentricity is larger than 0.1 at the time when the Roche lobe is filled by the low-mass component, demonstrating that the conclusion of Imshennik and Popov that the final eccentricity is less than 0.1 is incorrect. If the supernova lies in the Large Magellanic Cloud (R = 50 kpc), we estimate the amplitude of gravitational waves to be h 8 × 10-20. The frequency of the emitted gravitational waves is about 1 kHz.  相似文献   

本文利用李立新和刘辽导出的黑洞视界附近的辐射态方程,计算了约束在一个球形盒子中的目引力辐射体系的墙(不含中心黑洞和含有中心黑洞两种情况).与Sorkin等人的计算比较,本文的结果不会出现发散困难,而且体系的总摘(包括中心黑洞的墙)的上阳正好等于坍缩后形成的同质量的黑洞嫡.作者认为,自引力辐射体系坍绩的合理模式是先形成中心黑洞,然后中心黑洞逐渐长大直至整个体系全部坍缩为黑洞.在坍缩过程中,任一中间态的媳总是比末态的黑洞墙小,到坍缩过程结束总熵才等于对应的黑洞摘.这一结果为黑洞滴的起源提供了一个合理的解释.  相似文献   

Undamped quasiradial fluctuations of rotating neutron stars and the gravitation radiation generated by them are discussed. Two possible sources of energy for maintaining these fluctuations are mentioned: the energy of deformation of the decelerating neutron star (spin down) and the energy released during a jump in the star's angular velocity (glitch). Expressions are derived for the intensity of the gravitational radiation and the amplitude of a plane gravitational wave for an earthbound observer. Estimates of these quantities are obtained for the Vela and Crab pulsars, for which the secular variation in the angular velocity is most often accompanied by irregular variations. It is shown that gravitational waves from these pulsars could be detected by the new generation of detectors.  相似文献   

类星体OJ 287的研究已经有100多年的历史,它呈现周期性双峰爆发现象,爆发周期为12 yr,比较好地解释观测的模型是双黑洞模型,即次黑洞绕主黑洞运动,并撞击主黑洞吸积盘从而引起爆发.此模型合理地解释了OJ 287的光变曲线并正确预言了未来爆发时间,这间接证明了广义相对论进动效应以及引力波的存在.星系中心大质量黑洞是一类重要的引力波源,而精确确定了其内部组分运动学方程的星系非常少,由于双黑洞模型提供了精确的黑洞运动轨道,故可以在这个运动轨道基础上研究其引力波辐射.在已有工作基础上,采用后牛顿近似方法首次得到了引力波辐射功率和波形随时间的演化关系,根据目前引力波探测设备IPTA(International Pulsar Timing Array)的进展情况,未来十几年内对OJ 287的引力波直接探测将成为可能.  相似文献   

本文在R.D.sorkin等人工作的基础上对自引力球对称电磁辐射体系坍缩为黑洞前的能量密度及最大熵值作了讨论,得到了一些有意义的结果.  相似文献   

Intergalactic gravitational radiation fields with wavelengths in the range of 1 to 103 Megaparsecs have remarkable observational effects if the energy density of the fields becomes comparable to the equivalent “critical” cosmological matter density χo = 3H02. In this case the perturbation in the space-time metric caused by the radiation field is high enough to change the frequency and to shift the path of light rays of extragalactic objects in a random manner by observable amounts. The present paper discusses the wave spectrum as a function of cosmic time and gives a statistical treatment of the redshift fluctuations.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the integrability of a dynamical system describing the rotational motion of a rigid satellite under the influence of gravitational and magnetic fields. In our investigations we apply an extension of the Ziglin theory developed by Morales-Ruiz and Ramis. We prove that for a symmetric satellite the system does not admit an additional real meromorphic first integral except for one case when the value of the induced magnetic moment along the symmetry axis is related to the principal moments of inertia in a special way.  相似文献   

The research on quasar OJ 287 has lasted over 100 years. OJ 287 exhibits the phenomenon of periodic two-peak outbursts with the eruptive period of 12 years. Observations are rather well interpreted with the black hole binary model. In this model, the secondary black hole moves around the primary black hole and crashes against the accretion disk of the primary black hole, causing outbursts. This model reasonably explains the light curves of OJ 287 and correctly predicts the time of future outbursts. These indirectly justify the precessional effect of general relativity and the existence of gravitational waves. The massive black hole in the center of galaxy is an important kind of gravitational wave source. However, the number of the galaxies with precisely determined kinematical equations of inner components is quite small. The precise kinematic orbits of black holes are provided by the black hole binary model, so the radiation of gravitational waves can be studied on the basis of these kinematic orbits. Based on the existing work, the evolutionary relations of the radiation power and waveform of gravitational waves with time are first derived by using the post-Newtonian approximation method. According to the current progress of the detection equipment of gravitational waves, i.e., IPTA (International Pulsar Timing Array), the direct detection of gravitational waves from OJ 287 may be possible within the future decade.  相似文献   

Gravitational radiation in a variant of the bimetric theory of gravitation is investigated in the case of slow motions and weak fields. Questions of the propagation velocity, polarization, and generation of a weak gravitational wave are considered. The Peters-Matthews coefficients and the dipole emission coefficient are determined.  相似文献   

We study the distortion of the gravitational force field of an N-body ring-typecluster due to the presence of many radiation sources. We basically apply theRadzievskii's theory in this general model, considering that each member of thecluster is an independent radiation source.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model is developed for the dynamics of a system of two bodies whose material points are under the influence of a central gravitational force. One of the bodies is assumed to be rigid and spherically symmetric, while the other is assumed to be deformable. To develop a tractable model for the system, the deformable body is modeled using Cohen and Muncaster's theory of a pseudo-rigid body. The resulting model of the system has several of the features, such as angular momentum conservation, exhibited by more restrictive models. We also show how the self-gravitation of the deformable body can be accommodated using appropriate constitutive equations for a force tensor. This enables our model to subsume many existing models of ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium. After the model and its conservations have been discussed, attention is restricted to steady motions of the system. Several results, which generalize recent works on rigid satellites, are established for these motions. For a specific choice of constitutive equations for the pseudo-rigid body, we determine the steady motions with the aid of a numerical continuation method. These results can also be considered as generalizations of earlier works on Roche's ellipsoids of equilibrium.  相似文献   

The distinctive feature of the relativistic restricted three-body problem within the c –5 order of accuracy (2 post-Newtonian approximation) is the presence of the gravitational radiation. To simplify the problem the motion of the massive binary components is assumed to be quasi-circular. In terms of time these orbits have linearly changing radii and quadratically changing phase angles. By substituting this motion into the Newtonian-like equations of motion one gets the quasi-Newtonian restricted quasi-circular three-body problem sufficient to take into account the main indirect perturbations caused by the binary radiation terms. Such problem admits the Lagrange-like quasi-libration solutions and rather simple quasi-circular orbits lying at large distance from the binary.  相似文献   

The influence of the gravitational radiation damping on the evolution of the orbital elements of compact binary stars is examined by using the method of perturbation. The perturbation equations with the true anomaly as an independent variable are given. This effect results in both the secular and periodic variation of the semi-major axis, the eccentricity, the mean longitude at the epoch and the mean longitude. However, the longitude of periastron exhibits no secular variation, but only periodic variation. The effect of secular variation of the orbit would lead to collapse of the system of binary stars. The deduced formulae are applied to the calculation of secular variation of the orbital elements for three compact binary stars: PSR19 13 + 16, PSR J0737-3039 and M33X-7. The results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

Maxwell's displacement current equation is interpreted in the light of recent work to show that static magnetic field in free space should have a colocated and contemporaneous mass that is neither embodied in, nor can be anticipated from, the mass-energy relation. Thus magnetostatic field in the universe represents an invisible mass. Some consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

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