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The carbon isotopic ratio of atmospheric carbon dioxide at Tsukuba,Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To find out the secular and seasonal trends of the 13C value and CO2 concentration in the surface air and the determination of the 13C in the atmospheric CO2 collected at Tsukuba Science City was carried out during the period from July 1981 to October 1983. The monthly average of the 13C value of CO2 in the surface air collected at 1400 LMT ranged from -7.52 to \s-8.45 with an average of -7.96±0.25 and the CO2 concentration in the air varied from 334.5 l 1-1 to 359 l 1-1 with an average of 347.2±6.3 l 1-1. The 13C value is high in summer and low in winter and is negatively correlated with the CO2 concentration. In general, the relationship between the 13C and the CO2 concentration is explainable by a simple mixing model of two different constant carbon isotopic species but the relationship does not always follow the model. The correlation between the 13C value and the CO2 concentration is low during the plant growth season and high at other times. The observed negative deviation of the 13C value from the simple mixing model in the plant growth season is partly due to the isotopic fractionation process which takes place in the land biota.  相似文献   

We have devised a partial differential equation for the prediction of dust concentration in a thin layer near the ground. In this equation, erosion (detachment), transport, deposition and source are parameterised in terms of known quantities. The interaction between a wind prediction model in the boundary layer and this equation affects the evolution of the dust concentration at the top of the surface layer. Numerical integrations are carried out for various values of source strength, ambient wind and particle size. Comparison with available data shows that the results appear very reasonable and that the model should be subjected to further development and testing.Notation (x, y, z, t) space co-ordinates and time (cm,t) - u, v components of horizontal wind speed (cm s–1) - u g, vg components of the geostrophic wind (cm s–1) - V=(u2+v2)1/2 (cm s–1) - (û v)= 1/(h – k) k h(u, v)dz(cm s–1) - V * friction velocity (cm s–1) - z 0 roughness length (cm) - k 1 von Karman constant =0.4 - V d deposition velocity (cm s–1) - V g gravitational settling velocity (cm s–1) - h height of inversion (cm) - k height of surface layer (cm) - potential temperature (°K) - gr potential temperature at ground (°K) - K potential temperature at top of surface layer (°K) - P pressure (mb) - P 0 sfc pressure (mb) - C p/Cv - (t)= /z lapse rate of potential temperature (°K cm–1) - A(z) variation of wind with height in transition layer - B(z) variation of wind with height in transition layer - Cd drag coefficient - C HO transfer coefficient for sensible heat - C dust concentration (g m–3) - C K dust concentration at top of surface layer (g m–3) - D(z) variation with height of dust concentration - u, v, w turbulent fluctuations of the three velocity components (cm s–1) - A 1 constant coefficient of proportionality for heat flux =0.2 - Ri Richardson number - g gravitational acceleration =980 cm s–2 - Re Reynolds number = - D s thickness of laminar sub-layer (cm) - v molecular kinematic viscosity of air - coefficient of proportionality in source term - dummy variable - t time step (sec) - n time index in numerical equations On sabbatical leave at University of Aberdeen, Department of Engineering, September 1989–February 1990.  相似文献   

The structure of atmospheric turbulence in the surface layer over the open ocean is examined under conditions of local free convection. The raw data consist of profile and fluctuation measurements of wind and temperature as obtained from a meteorological buoy. For near neutral conditions and for waves running approximately along the wind direction, wave-induced wind fluctuations can be described by a simplified linear theory based on Miles (1957). In this case, the spectrum of wind velocity is given as the sum of two parts; for the turbulent part, the parameterization as obtained by Kaimal et al. (1972) applies, while the wave-induced part is parameterized using a simplification of Miles' linear theory. For cases of local free convection, the measurements of the vertical component of the wind velocity are well described by similarity theory; as expected, w /(-uw)1/2 is proportional to (- z/L)1/3. In order to scale the longitudinal wind velocity component, it seems to be reasonable to extend the list of relevant parameters by the height of the mixed layer z i. We obtain u /(- uw)1/2 (z/z i)1/3(- z/L)1/3 with only a poor correlation coefficient of r = 0.6. Overall, the results of local free convection scaling obtained from direct measurements show good agreement with those obtained from profile measurements. A comparison between direct and indirect determination of turbulent fluxes of momentum shows an unexplained difference of about 20%. This discrepancy is mainly due to a gap in the uw-cospectrum at the swell frequency.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse diabatic wind profiles observed at the 213 m meteorological tower at Cabauw, the Netherlands. It is shown that the wind speed profiles agree with the well-known similarity functions of the atmospheric surface layer, when we substitute an effective roughness length. For very unstable conditions, the agreement is good up to at least 200 m or z/L–7(z is height, L is Obukhov length scale). For stable conditions, the agreement is good up to z/L1. For stronger stability, a semi-empirical extension is given of the log-linear profile, which gives acceptable estimates up to ~ 100 m. A scheme is used for the derivation of the Obukhov length scale from single wind speed, total cloud cover and air temperature. With the latter scheme and the similarity functions, wind speed profiles can be estimated from near-surface weather data only. The results for wind speed depend on height and stability. Up to 80 m, the rms difference with observations is on average 1.1 m s–1. At 200 m, 0.8 m s–1 for very unstable conditions increasing to 2.1 m s–1 for very stable conditions. The proposed methods simulate the diurnal variation of the 80 m wind speed very well. Also the simulated frequency distribution of the 80 m wind speed agrees well with the observed one. It is concluded that the proposed methods are applicable up to at least 100 m in generally level terrain.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, the author introduced a new viscous boundary layer, called the mesolayer, in turbulent shear flow. Its importance stems from its location between the inner and outer regions which are controlled by the law of the wall and Reynolds number similarity, respectively. This intrusion prevents the classical overlap assumption which appears to be fundamental in the derivation of the classical logarithmic behavior. The mesolayer has a thickness proportional to Taylor's microscale . This, and the analogy between the energy equation for the spectrum function of isotropic turbulence and the momentum equation for shear flow, suggest the existence of a similar region in wavenumber space with wavenumber k ~ -1. This mesoregion separates the inner region k ~ k s(where k s-1 and is the Kolmogorov length) and the outer region k k e(where k e -1 and l is the energy-containing eddy size) and again invalidates the overlap assumption which appears to be fundamental in the derivation of the classical k -5/3-behavior of the inertial subrange.Incorporation of the mesoregion into the argument leads to a new theory with k -5/3-behavior in two regions (-1 k k s) and (k e k -1) although with two different coefficients of proportionality (Kolmogorov constants). This leads to a wandering of the spectrum curve about the classical k -5/3 line similar to a wandering in turbulent shear flow about the logarithmic curve. This is clearly indicated by the data for the variation of the Kolmogorov constant.Other data support the new theory. In particular, the location of the point k mwhere the curve of the nonlinear energy-transfer function goes through zero shows agreement with the theory, i.e., k m-1.  相似文献   

The validity of a common radiometeorological application of Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory to potential refractivity (), which is a nonlinear combination of and q, is determined by whether the properly nondimensionalized gradient is a universal function of z/L. We develop expressions for the flux of (and its scaling parameter, *) in terms of temperature and moisture fluxes, and an M-O similarity expression for the vertical gradient. Results show that even if and q are accepted as exactly following M-O similarity expressions, when the surface layer is stable, does not obey such an expression. That is, when properly nondimensionalized, the vertical gradient of does not collapse to a single universal function of z/L. The assumption that behaves as a similarity variable is approximately correct for well-mixed surface layers under unstable and near-neutral conditions.The gradient of is an important factor in determining microwave propagation conditions. We demonstrate the error induced in a simple algorithm when is assumed to obey M-O similarity theory. An alternative methodology, consistent with the application of similarity theory to and q, is then developed without requiring that itself satisfy similarity theory.  相似文献   

TheConvectiveDiffusionObserved byRemoteSensors (CONDORS) field experiment conducted at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory used innovative techniques to obtain three-dimensional mappings of plume concentration fields, /Q, of oil fog detected by lidar and chaff detected by Doppler radar. It included extensive meteorological measurements and, in 1983, tracer gases measured at a single sampling arc. Final results from ten hours of elevated and surface release data are summarized here. Many intercomparisons were made. Oil fog /Q measured 40m above the arc are mostly in good agreement withSF 6 values, except in a few instances with large spacial inhomogeneities over short distances. After a correction scheme was applied to compensate for the effect of its settling speed, chaff dy/Q agreed well with those of oil except in two cases of oil fog hot spots. Mass or frequency distribution vs. azimuth or elevation angle comparisons were made for chaff, oil, and wind, with mostly good agreements. Spacial standard deviations, y and z, of chaff and oil agree overall and are consistent at short range with velocity standard deviations vand w 0.6w* (the convective scale velocity), as measured atz>100m. Surface release y is enhanced up to 60% at smallx, consistent with the Prairie Grass measurements and with larger v and reduced wind speed measured near the surface. Decreased y at small dimensionless average times is also noted. Finally, convectively scaled dy, C y, were plotted versus dimensionlessx andz for oil, chaff, and corrected chaff for each 30–60 min period. Aggregated CONDORSC y fields compare well with laboratory tank and LES numerical simulations; surface-released oil fog compares expecially well with the tank experiments. However, large deviations from the norm occurred in individual averaging periods; these deviations correlated strongly with anomalies in measured distributions.On assignment to the US Environmental Protection Agency, Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, RTP, NC.  相似文献   

This is one of a series of papers on the Askervein Hill Project. It presents results on the variations in mean wind speed at fixed heights (z) above the ground from linear arrays of anemometer posts and towers. Most of the data are for z = 10 m but some are for z = 3 m. Selected and directionally grouped data from the 55 Mean Flow runs are presented together with mean flow data from Askervein '83 Turbulence runs. Comparisons are made between the data and guideline estimates of fractional speed-up ratio at hilltop locations and between the data and MS3DJH/3 model predictions along the tower lines. There is good agreement in most cases.  相似文献   

Meteorological measurements taken at the Näsudden wind turbine site during slightly unstable conditions have been analyzed. The height of the convective boundary layer (CBL) was rather low, varying between 60 and 300 m. Turbulence statistics near the ground followed Monin-Obukhov similarity, whereas the remaining part of the boundary layer can be regarded as a near neutral upper layer. In 55% of the runs, horizontal roll vortices were found. Those were the most unstable runs, with -z i/L > 5. Spectra and co-spectra are used to identify the structures. Three roll indicators were identified: (i) a low frequency peak in the spectrum of the lateral component at low level; (ii) a corresponding increase in the vertical component at mid-CBL; (iii) a positive covariance {ovvw} together with positive wind shear in the lateral direction (V/z) in the CBL. By applying these indicators, it is possible to show that horizontal roll circulations are likely to be a common phenomenon over the Baltic during late summer and early winter.  相似文献   

Recently Wilson and Flesch (Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 84, 411-426, 1997) suggested that the average increment d z to the orientation = arctan(w/u) of the Lagrangian velocity-fluctuation vector can be used to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. Here it is demonstrated that the specification of d z constitutes neither a sufficient or universally applicable criterion to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. The hypothesis made by Wilson and Flesch that Lagrangian stochastic models with /PE irrotational are zero-spin models, having d z=0, is proven  相似文献   

The relation between the turbulence Reynolds numberR and a Reynolds numberz* based on the friction velocity and height from the ground is established using direct measurements of the r.m.s. longitudinal velocity and turbulent energy dissipation in the atmospheric surface layer. Measurements of the relative magnitude of components of the turbulent kinetic energy budget in the stability range 0 >z/L 0.4 indicate that local balance between production and dissipation is maintained. Approximate expressions, in terms of readily measured micrometeorological quantities, are proposed for the Taylor microscale and the Kolmogorov length scale .  相似文献   

A Field Study of the Mean Pressure About a Windbreak   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To provide additional field data for assessingwindbreak flow models, mean ground-level pressurehas been measured upstream and downstream from along porous fence (height H = 1.25 m, resistancecoefficient k r = 2.4). Measurements were madeduring periods of near-neutral stability and near-normallyincident flow, with the fence standing on bare soil(roughness length, z 0 0.8 cm;H/z 0 160), or within a plant canopy. The mean pressure field,measured far from the ends of the fence, was foundto be quite insensitive to mean wind direction( , zero for perpendicular flow), for| | less than about 25°.In the absence of a canopy, during each measurementperiod the minimum pressure occurred at the closestsampling location to leeward of the windbreak, thepressure-gradient in most cases beingmaximally-adverse in the immediate lee, and decayingwith increasing downwind distance (x). On one day ofmeasurements, however, the pressure gradient over2 x/H 6 (H = windbreak height) resembled theleeward plateau identified by Wang and Taklein their numerical studies. Perhaps thisoccasional feature was only due to instrumenterror. Nevertheless a plateau of sorts wasindicated in similar measurements by Judd andPrendergast (with H = 1.92 m, z 0 1.2 cm;H/z 0 160, k r 3). Therefore,existence of a leeward pressure plateau behind athin fence cannot be definitely ruled out.When the windbreak was placed in a canopy, minimumsurface pressure was displaced downwind. Thisagrees with the wind-tunnel study of Judd, Raupach and Finnigan,and is consistent with a simple simulation reported here.  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization is assessed by comparing values of the radiation parameters at an urban location with those of a rural site. Urban Delhi was divided according to land-use and the effects of urbanization was studied on incoming short-wave (K), albedo, incoming longwave (L, outgoing longwave (L), and net radiation (Q *), were individually studied at four representative sites (Rural, Commercial, Residential and Industrial). MaximumK was observed in the rural and commercial areas whereas highL was observed in the commercial and industrial locations. High depletion ofK of the order of 13% was observed for the industrial location in the winter season. An increase ofL in, the industrial location is of the same order as that of the commercial location, i.e. 20%. The residential location shows quite moderate (4.6%) depletion ofK in comparison with other sites.Nomenclature U Urban - R Rural - K Incoming Short-wave radiation - L Incoming Long-wave radiation - L Outgoing Long-wave radiation - Q * Net Radiation - Albedo - K * Net Short-wave radiation - L * Net Long-wave radiation  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical mesoscale model is used to investigate the internal structure and growth of the stably stratified internal boundary layer (IBL) beneath warm, continental air flowing over a cooler sea. Two situations are studied — steady-state and diurnally varying offshore flow. In the steady-state case, vertical profiles of mean quantities and eddy diffusion coefficients (K) within the IBL show small, but significant, changes with increasing distance from the coast. The top of the IBL is well defined, with large vertical gradients within the layer and a maximum in the coast-normal wind component near the top. Well away from the coast, turbulence, identified by non-zero K, decreases to insignificant levels near the top of the IBL; the IBL itself is characterised by a critical value of the layer-flux Richardson number equal to 0.18. The overall behaviour of the mean profiles is similar to that found in the horizontally homogeneous stable boundary layer over land.A simple physical model is used to relate the depth of the layer h to several relevant physical parameters viz., x, the distance from the coast and U, the large-scale wind (both normal to the coastline) and g/, being the temperature difference between continental mixed-layer air and sea surface, is the mean potential temperature and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Excellent agreement with the numerical results is found, with h = 0.014x 1/2 U (g/)–1/2.In the diurnally varying case, the mean profiles within the IBL show only small differences from the steady-state case, although diurnal variations, particularly in the wind maximum, are evident within a few hundred kilometres of the coast. A mesoscale circulation normal to the coast, and superimposed upon the mean offshore flow, develops seawards of the coastline with maximum vertical velocities about sunset, of depth about 2 km and horizontal scale 500 km. The circulation is related to the advection, and subsequent decay, of daytime convective turbulence over the sea.  相似文献   

From measurements in the atmospheric surface layer over a paddy field, the Kolmogorov constants for CO2 and longitudinal wind velocity were obtained. In this study, the nondimensional dissipation rate nc = (1–16 v )-1/2 for CO2 variance and = (1–16 v )-1/4 v for turbulent energy were used, assuming the equality of the local production term and the local dissipation term, and neglecting the divergence flux term in the budget equation. The value of the constant for CO2 was consistent with recent determinations for temperature and humidity. The constant for longitudinal wind velocity showed good agreement with other recent observations.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for the Ekman layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PBL equation that governs the transition from the constant-stress surface layer to the geostrophic wind in a neutrally stratified atmosphere for which the eddy viscosityK(z) is assumed to vary smoothly from the surface-layer value U *z (0.4,U *=friction velocity,z=elevation) to the geostrophic asymptoteK GU *d forzd is solved through an expansion in fd/U *1 (f=Coriolis parameter). The resulting solution is separated into Ekman's constant-K solution an inner component that reduces to the classical logarithmic form forzd and isO() relative to the Ekman component forzd. The approximationKU *d is supported by the solution of Nee and Kovasznay's phenomenological transport equation forK(z), which yieldsKU *d exp(–z/d), where is an empirical constant for which observation implies, 1. The parametersA andB in Kazanskii and Monin's similarity relation forG/U * (G=geostrophic velocity) are determined as functions of . The predicted values ofG/U * and the turning angle are in agreement with the observed values for the Leipzig wind profile. The predicted value ofB based on the assumption of asymptotically constantK is 4.5, while that based on the Nee-Kovasznay model is 5.1; these compare with the observed value of 4.7 for the Leipzig profile. A thermal wind correction, an asymptotic solution for arbitraryK(z) and 1, and an exact (unrestricted ) solution forK(z)=U *d[1–exp(–z/d)] are developed in appendices.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the report of the (U.S.) National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on atmospheric effects of a nuclear exchange leads to conclusions that differ from those of the NAS and of the earlier TTAPS and AMBIO studies. Any cooling of the earth's surface is likely to beshort-lived because of rapid removal of the smoke clouds originating from nuclear burst-initiated fires, andminor because of appreciable green-house effects due to several distinct physical causes. (One of these, neglected in prior analyses, is the infrared absorption from cirrus clouds produced directly by the nuclear bursts.) Taken together, these effects may even induce slight surface warming (nuclear summer) instead of cooling (nuclear winter). The consequences to atmospheric ozone are similarly ambiguous; depending on the detailed nuclear scenario, the net ozone content may increase-rather than decrease as argued by TTAPS. Experiments could settle some uncertainties.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

From measured one-dimensional spectra of velocity and temperature variance, the universal functions of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory are calculated for the range –2 z/L + 2. The calculations show good agreement with observations with the exception of a range –1 z/L 0 in which the function m , i.e., the nondimensional mean shear, is overestimated. This overestimation is shown to be caused by neglecting the spectral divergence of a vertical transport of turbulent kinetic energy. The integral of the spectral divergence over the entire wave number space is suggested to be negligibly small in comparison with production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy.Notation a,b,c contants (see Equations (–4)) - Ci constants i=u, v, w, (see Equation (5) - kme,kmT peak wave numbers of 3-d moel spectra of turbulent kinetic energy and of temperature variance, respectively - kmi peak wave numbers of 1-d spectra of velocity components i=u, v, w and of temperature fluctuations i= - ksb, kc characteristics wave numbers of energy-feeding by mechanical effects being modified by mean buoyancy, and of convective energy feeding, respectively - L Monin-Obukhov length - % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbqefm0B1jxALjhiov2D% aebbfv3ySLgzGueE0jxyaibaiiYdd9qrFfea0dXdf9vqai-hEir8Ve% ea0de9qq-hbrpepeea0db9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepeea0-as0Fb9pgea% 0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbaqaaeGacaGaaiaabeqaamaabaabcaGcba% Gabeivayaaraaaaa!3C5B!\[{\rm{\bar T}}\] difference of mean temperature and mean potential temperature - T* Monin-Obukhov temperature scale - velocity of mean flow in positive x-direction - u* friction velocity - u, v, w components of velocity fluctuations - z height above ground - von Kármanán constant - temperature fluctuation - m nondimensional mean shear - H nondimensional mean temperature gradient - nondimensional rate of lolecular dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy - D nondimensional divergence of vertical transports of turbulent linetic energy  相似文献   

A numerical model of airflow above changes in surface roughness and thermal conditions is extended to include cases with stable thermal stratification within the internal boundary-layer. The model uses a mixing-length approach with empirical forms for M and H.Results are presented for some basic cases and an attempt is then made to compare results given by the model with the experimental results of Rider, Philip and Bradley. Tolerable agreement is achieved. The importance of roughness change and thermal stability effects in the diffusion of heat and moisture near a leading edge is emphasised.Notation A Refers to Taylor (1970) - B Businger-Dyer constant (= 16.0) in forms for M and H - C Constant in form for in stable case - c p Specific heat at constant pressure - E Scaled absolute humidity - g Acceleration due to gravity - H Upward vertical heat flux - H 0, H 1 Surface heat fluxes for x <0, x0 - H E Upward latent heat flux - k Von Kármán's constant (= 0.4) - K H K W Eddy transfer coefficients for heat and water vapour - L Monin-Obukhov length - L H Latent heat of evaporation for water - m Ratio of roughness lengths ( = z 1/z 0) - RPB Refers to Rider et al. (1964) - RL* Non-dimensional parameter (see Equations (9), (20a), (22a), (24a)) - R* Net radiation less ground heat flux (see Equations (15), (16)) - T Scaled temperature - T 1 Downstream scaled surface temperature - u 0 u 1(x) Surface friction velocities for x <0, x0 - U, W Horizontal and vertical mean velocities - x, z Horizontal and vertical co-ordinates - Z i Local roughness length - z 0, z i Roughness lengths for x < 0, x 0 - Temperature - 0, 1 Surface temperatures for x<0, x0 - E Non-dimensional absolute humidity gradient - H Non-dimensional temperature gradient of heat flux - M Non-dimensional wind shear - = M = H = E an assumption used in stable conditions - Air density - Absolute humidity - w Density of water - Kinematic shear stress - Logarithmic height scale (= ln(z+z 1)/z 1)  相似文献   

Summary The integral aerosol optical depths (k ) at the hour of 08:20 Local Standard Time (LST), are compared with those calculated previously at 11:20 and 14:20 LST, for clear days during summer in Athens over the period 1962–1988. The mean values at 08:20 LST were consistently lower than the values at 11:20 and 14:20 LST. The influence of the vertical wind profile on the values ofk was also investigated. A comparison was made of the wind profiles at 02:00 and 14:00 LST, for days in which the 11:20 and 14:20 LST values ofk were 0.200 andk 0.350, respectively. The corresponding bulk wind shear s was also found for the period 1980–1988. The most significant results occurred with the first category of days. The resultant wind velocities from the surface to the 900 hPa level, in each hour were higher by 2–4 m·s–1 with respect to the corresponding values for the second category. At 02:00 LST the bulk wind shear showed a considerable difference (1.8) between the two categories of days in the surface to 700 hPa layer at 02:00 LST. Finally, the associated weather conditions that appear to initiate a period of low values ofk (k 0.200) at 11:20 and 14:20 LST were examined for the period 1980–1988. Fifteen such cases were identified and it was found that they all occurred after the passage of weak cold fronts.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

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