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Core MD02-2508 retrieved from the plateau of the continental slope off Baja California recovered a 40-m-thick section of sapropel (up to 15% Corg), calcareous clay, and diatom ooze with the age of 120 ka at the core bottom. The section is subdivided into three units: Unit I (Holocene) consists of the laminated sapropel; Unit II comprising oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 2, 3, and 4 is represented by homogeneous calcareous clay with interbeds of slightly siliceous sapropelic mud; and Unit III (MIS-5) is composed of laminated sapropelic diatom ooze. Laminated intervals are characterized by the intercalation of two lamina types: (1) dark-colored organic-rich laminae containing multi-species “oceanic” diatom assemblages, as well as radiolarians, coccoliths, planktonic and benthic foraminifera; (2) lighter-colored laminae consisting of diatom ooze with the neritic colonial diatom assemblages commonly composed of one to three species of a single genera. The dark laminae are assumed to be generated within a high productivity zone over the slope, whereas light ones likely represent diatom mats produced by short-term boisterous phytoplankton blooms, possibly in the coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from the middle to lower slope of the southern continental margin of Australia between the Great Australian Bight and western Tasmania are compared in terms of marine and terrigenous input signals during the Holocene. The mass accumulation rates of carbonate, organic carbon, biogenic Ba, and Al are corrected for lateral sediment input (focusing), using the inventory of excess 230Th in the sediment normalised to its known production rate in the water column above each site. The biogenic signal is generally higher in the eastern part of the southern margin probably due to enhanced productivity associated with seasonal upwelling off southeastern South Australia and the proximity of the Subtropical Front, which passes just south of Tasmania. The input of Al, representing the terrigenous signal, is also higher in this region reflecting the close proximity of river runoff from the mountainous catchment of southeastern Australia. The distribution pattern of Mn and authigenic U, together with pore‐water profiles of Mn++, indicate diagenetic reactions driven by the oxidation of buried organic carbon in an oxic to suboxic environment. Whereas Mn is reduced at depth and diffuses upwards to become immobilised in a Mn‐rich surface layer, U is derived from seawater and diffuses downward into the sediment, driven by reduction and precipitation at a depth below the reduction zone of Mn. The estimated removal rate of U from seawater by this process is within the range of U removal measured in hemipelagic sediments from other areas, and supports the proposition that hemipelagic sediments are a major sink of U in the global ocean. Unlike Mn, the depth profile of sedimentary Fe appears to be little affected by diagenesis, suggesting that little of the total Fe inventory in the sediment is remobilised and redistributed as soluble Fe.  相似文献   

The concentrations of authigenic phases of Cd, Re, U, and Mo increase with depth in four 45-cm-long sediment box cores collected along the axis of the Laurentian Trough, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Average authigenic accumulation rates, estimated from element inventories, are similar to rates in other continental margin environments. Strong regional variations in sediment accumulation rate and sulfide concentration have little influence on the accumulation rates of Cd and Re. This suggests that slow precipitation kinetics controls the accumulation of Cd and Re in these sediments. The accumulation rate of authigenic U is more variable; it may be tied to the kinetics of microbially mediated U reduction and be controlled by the availability of reactive organic matter. Authigenic Mo is distinguished by a sharp subsurface concentration minimum, above which Mo cycles with manganese. Mo released to pore water upon reduction of Mn oxides diffuses downward and enriches the subsurface sediment. Mo accumulates most rapidly in the sediment with the highest sulfide content. Slow conversion of molybdate to thiomolybdate may explain the much slower Mo accumulation rate in the less sulfidic sediments. A component of authigenic Mo accumulates with pyrite in an approximately constant Mo:Fe ratio. The accumulation rate of pyrite and associated Mo is insensitive to AVS abundance. Pyrite formation may be limited by the reactivity of iron oxide minerals.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of relationships between the chemical composition and color of Quaternary marine sediments using the data of X-ray fluorescence analysis for the region of the Mendeleev Rise (Arctic Ocean). The contributions of sedimentation and diagenetic factors to color formation were estimated. It was shown that lithostratigraphic correlations should be performed (with certain limitations) using only sediment layers of dark brown and pink color.  相似文献   

An unusual association of authigenic pyrite and authigenic gypsum has been found in silty clays recovered from the South West African continental slope. Nannofossil content suggests that the sediments are Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene in age. Pyrite occurs as (1) granular masses, (2) ‘worm’tubes, (3) foraminiferal infillings, and (4) framboids. Gypsum occurs as euhedral single or twinned crystals of selenite. ‘Worm’tubes and foraminiferal infillings of pyrite are partially or completely enclosed in some gypsum crystals. Electron microprobe analyses show a relatively high concentration of manganese in both the granular masses and tubes. Present-day waters off this coast are dominated by the upwelling of cold, nutrient-enriched waters (the Benguela Current). These rich waters support an enormous population of plankton. Death and decomposition of these plankton consume oxygen, thereby creating a belt of anaerobic sediments close to shore. An Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene regression (Dingle & Scrutton, 1974) lowered sea level and shifted an older analogue of this upwelling zone seaward, eventually establishing an anaerobic environment in places on the present continental slope. Anaerobic bacteria thrived in these conditions. They reduced SO4 dissolved in sea water, initiating the formation of H2S. The H2S reacted with iron minerals present in the sediment to form FeS. Addition of elemental sulphur produced pyrite. This strongly reducing, low pH, environment became saturated with calcium obtained by the dissolution of planktonic calcareous organisms. Gypsum was precipitated once the product of the concentrations of dissolved calcium and SO4 exceeded the gypsum solubility product.  相似文献   

REE geochemistry has been studied of sea-floor sediments of the continental shelf of the East China Sea. The average content of RE2O3 is estimated at 175 ppm based on 68 sediment samples from the continental shelf. The absolute concentrations of Y and La-Lu in the sediments are shown in Table 3. The REE distribution patterns in the sediments demonstrate a distinct depletion in Eu and a negative slope. It is considered that the fragments of Mesozoie intermediate-acid igneous rocks widely distributed in southeastern China are the main source of REE in sea-floor sediments of the East China Sea continental shelf.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of marine environments show that dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in sediments are typically tenfold higher than in the overlying water. Large concentration gradients near the sediment–water interface suggest that there may be a significant flux of organic carbon from sediments to the water column. Furthermore, accumulation of DOC in the porewater may influence the burial and preservation of organic matter by promoting geopolymerization and/or adsorption reactions. We measured DOC concentration profiles (for porewater collected by centrifugation and “sipping”) and benthic fluxes (with in situ and shipboard chambers) at two sites on the North Carolina continental slope to better understand the controls on porewater DOC concentrations and quantify sediment–water exchange rates. We also measured a suite of sediment properties (e.g., sediment accumulation and bioturbation rates, organic carbon content, and mineral surface area) that allow us to examine the relationship between porewater DOC concentrations and organic carbon preservation. Sediment depth-distributions of DOC from a downslope transect (300–1000 m water depth) follow a trend consistent with other porewater constituents (ΣCO2 and SO42−) and a tracer of modern, fine-grained sediment (fallout Pu), suggesting that DOC levels are regulated by organic matter remineralization. However, remineralization rates appear to be relatively uniform across the sediment transect. A simple diagenetic model illustrates that variations in DOC profiles at this site may be due to differences in the depth of the active remineralization zone, which in turn is largely controlled by the intensity of bioturbation. Comparison of porewater DOC concentrations, organic carbon burial efficiency, and organic matter sorption suggest that DOC levels are not a major factor in promoting organic matter preservation or loading on grain surfaces. The DOC benthic fluxes are difficult to detect, but suggest that only 2% of the dissolved organic carbon escapes remineralization in the sediments by transport across the sediment-water interface.  相似文献   

Eighty-six surface sediments collected from the northwestern continental shelf of the South China Sea (SCS) were analyzed for grain size distribution, calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and major and trace element compositions to investigate sediment provenance and factors controlling their geochemical composition. Sediments from the eastern continental shelf of Hainan Island have higher sand and lower clay content, while the samples from the nearshore Hainan Island have higher contents of gravel and clay. Calcium carbonate contents in samples show a positive correlation with water depth in northwestern shelf of SCS, suggesting that it is related to biological factors. However, the nearshore sediments have higher contents of organic carbon compared to those of the outer shelf, possibly suggesting that the terrigenous organic matter usually deposited in nearshore environments such as bays and estuaries. Compared with the upper continental crust, the samples have relatively lower contents of SiO2 and Al2O3, higher than those of the Pearl and Red river sediments. The low contents of K2O and Na2O in sediments from the northwestern continental shelf are consistent with intense chemical weathering in the river basin due to the seasonally hot and humid climate regime. The sediments mainly consist of three components, including the gravel fraction composed of calcareous debris, the sand fraction composed of quartz, and the silt and clay fractions mainly composed of clay minerals. The content of each component depends on grain size, sediment source, biogenesis, and hydrodynamic conditions, which finally controls the chemical composition of the sediments. The distributions of Co/Al2O3, Cr/Al2O3, and Zr/Sc ratios for sediments in the northwestern continental shelf suggest that source rocks are mainly composed of felsic rocks rather than mafic rocks. There is a distinct difference in sediment source between eastern and western shelf sediments; the eastern shelf sediments are characterized by high Zr/Sc ratios mainly derived from the Pearl River, while the western shelf sediments have relatively low values of Zr/Sc indicating a main contribution possibly sourced from the Red River Basin. Terrigenous materials from Hainan Island usually influence the geochemistry of sediments deposited in the nearshore area.  相似文献   

Genetic sediment types have been identified based on the study of sediment core PS 1599 of bottom sediments recovered from the eastern continental slope of the Weddell Sea. The XRF analysis of 48 samples from this core carried out at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (Moscow) yielded the first comprehensive geochemical characteristics of all genetic types. Methods of correlation and factor analyses were used to outline geochemical associations of sediments and examine causes of their formation, including the role of grain size composition. The results obtained have revealed fundamental differences between sources, mechanisms, and methods of the transportation of sedimentary material for Holocene sediments, on the one hand, and Weichselian sediments, on the other hand.  相似文献   

Data from in situ piezocone tests (CPTU) and laboratory analyses are utilized for the interpretation of the stress history of Quaternary sedimentary sequences in the upper continental slope of the Gulf of Lion, northwestern Mediterranean Sea. A CPTU based preconsolidation pressure profile referenced to the current effective stress indicates that the deposit is underconsolidated from 12 meters below the seafloor (mbsf) down to at least 150 mbsf. Excess pore pressure below 12 mbsf is further supported by results from oedometer and dissipation tests. Subseafloor pockmarks and indications of free gas in seismic reflection profiles reveal four main overpressure sources (SI–SIV) with overpressure ratios >0.3 at subseafloor depths coinciding with levels where the dominantly silty-clayey sediment contains increased proportions of sand. We relate the excess pore pressure related to free gas due to gas exsolution processes and sea level variations driven by Pleistocene sea level changes.  相似文献   

A series of eight Tertiary coal and carbonaceous shale samples with vitrinite reflectance values between 0.50 and 0.58% were extracted, fractionated and the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons analysed for characteristic components by GC and GC-MS. Additionally, a microscopical study was undertaken in order to obtain a more precise picture of the samples under investigation.The saturated hydrocarbon fractions displayed the typical n-alkane distribution for coals of this rank, with CPI values between 2.0 and 3.1. Among the branched/cyclic compounds, pristane and α, β-homohopane were recognised as relevant components pointing to an oxic depositional environment. Detection of benzohopanes (C32–C35) in the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions suggests that bacteriohopanetetrol was a significant constituent of the coal biomass. Taking into consideration the Pr/Ph ratios, ash contents and microscopical characteristics of the samples, aspects of the possible degradation of hopanetetrol to homohopane are discussed. Resin-derived diterpenoids with the phyllocladane and kaurane skeleton were tentatively identified and, although minor compounds, they are interpreted to be a sign of the contribution of Podocarpaceae and Araucareaceae to the coal swamp.Aromatic compounds were dominated by alkylnaphthalene derivatives, presumably formed by C-ring cleavage and aromatisation of higher plant-derived pentacyclic triterpenois, which were main components in the high-boiling range of the fractions investigated. Angiosperms (especially Fagaceae) are postulated as source for these polycyclic compounds and, hence, for some of the polyalkylated aromatic bicyclics detected.  相似文献   

Ordination is a multivariate technique developed by plant ecologists which has proven effective in the interpretation of paleoenvironments. It allows gradational relationships among samples to be depicted in contrast to other quantitative techniques which classify samples into discrete groups. In this study, ordination is used to interpret textural data for 62 bottom samples taken from the Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, continental margin. The ordination suggests the existence of six sedimentary facies that are similar to those obtained by cluster analysis using a dendrograph display. The facies represented are: littoral sands and outer-shelf shelly sands; inner-shelf sands; outer-shelf sands and silts; outer-shelf slope silts; and two highly biogenic, deep-water silt and clayey silt facies with similar characteristics. The facies are related in a qualitative manner to the environmental processes operating off Cape Hatteras. Chicago Bridge Technical Paper No. 5139.  相似文献   

Isotopic and mineralogic data from an 8500-m thick section of the Great Valley sequence, northern California, indicate that changes in the δ18O values of authigenic minerals resulted from the conversion of smectite to a 10 Å clay-mineral as temperature increased with burial in the Jurassic- Cretaceous outer-arc basin. The clay-mineral assemblage in mudstone is characterized by a proportional increase of the 10 Å clay-mineral with increasing stratigraphic depth, and by a depletion in the δ18O value of the mixed-layer smectite/10 Å clay-mineral with descending stratigraphic position from +21.9 to + 15.5%. SMOW. Modeling of the oxygen isotopic data from authigenic phases, based on equilibrium fractionation during clay-mineral diagenesis, indicates that δ18O values of calcite in mudstones and of calcite cements in sandstone precipitated along a temperature gradient of about 25°C/km during maximum burial to about 6–7 km. δD values of the mixed-layer smectite/10 Å clay-mineral range between ?69 to ?44%. SMOW. Using temperatures calculated from the oxygen isotopic data, the deuterium and oxygen isotopic data indicate that the smectite underwent late-stage dehydration and probably buffered the composition of formation waters from sea water values to isotopic compositions of δ18O ≈ +8%. SMOW and δD ≈ ?25%. SMOW. The δ13C values of calcite from mudstone and sandstone imply that crystallization of authigenic calcite was linked to organic diagenesis during which dissolved HCOt-3 was continuously enriched in 13C as temperature increased with burial. At the base of the sequence and immediately overlying the ophiolitic basement rocks, several hundred meters of strata were altered by more oxygen-depleted (δ18O ? +4 to +5%.) hydrothermal fluids emanating from the ophiolitic rocks, probably at maximum burial depth.  相似文献   

Total dissolvable Cu and Mn have been measured in seawaters collected from the continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea. Copper concentrations of < 3 nmole kg−1 were measured over the shelf break but concentrations increased to >4 nmole kg−1 inshore of a hydrographie front over the 100 m isobath. Manganese concentrations also were low over the shelf break, <10 nmole kg−1, and increased systematically to concentrations >10 nmole kg−1 inshore of the hydrographic front. Depth distributions of Mn at all continental shelf stations showed gradients into the sediments, with concentrations typically >20 nmole kg−1 in a bottom layer extending about 30 m off the bottom. Benthic Cu and Mn fluxes are indicated by cross-shelf pore water profiles that show interfacial concentrations more than an order of magnitude greater than in bottom water. These data and the results of a model of metal transport across the shelf suggest that Cu and Mn fluxes, estimated at 2 and 18 nmole cm−2y−1, respectively, from continental shelf sediments may be one “source” of these metals to the deep sea.  相似文献   

Cupric oxide oxidation has been employed to characterize the lignin geochemistry of Narragansett Bay sediments. Lignin concentrations throughout the estuary are low when expressed on a carbon-normalized basis, but can be characterized as enriched when expressed on a mass-normalized basis. This implies substantial dilution of the sedimentary lignin by inputs of lignin-poor carbon. Lignin concentrations do not correlate with the 13C isotopic composition of the sedimentary organic matter. These results are consistent with a sediment lignin component consisting of varying amounts of vascular plant debris and lignin-depleted organic matter, the latter originating from both marine (planktonic) and terrestrial (uncharacterized) sources. Compositional plots of lignin-derived phenols show that sediments in the upper estuary are influenced to a greater extent by gymnosperm lignin sources than those in the mid-and lower estuary. Given the extent to which the upper estuary is affected by pollution sources, inputs from anthropogenic discharges are the most likely cause of these compositional differences. However, an evaluation of processed paper products as an “anthropogenic” lignin source indicates that the lignin content of these materials is insufficient to account for the levels found in the sediments. Subsurface lignin compositions at an upper estuary site reveal that lignin originating from the inferred anthropogenic sources disappears at a depth shallower than that which would be expected based on the distribution of other trace organic pollutants (hydrocarbons and several synthetic organic compounds). We speculate that differences in either the depositional history or the degree of preservation of these two compound classes are responsible for the observed trends.  相似文献   

 The San Antonio-El Triunfo mining district, located at a mountainous region 45 km south-east of La Paz, Baja California, has been worked since the late 1700s. Mine waste material produced during 200 years of mineral extraction area poses a risk of local groundwater pollution and eventually, regional pollution to the Carrizal (west basin) and the Los Planes (east basin) aquifers. There are different types of deposits in the mining area. These are dominated by epithermal veins, in which arsenopyrite is an important component. Carrillo and Drever (1998a) concluded that, even though the amount of mine waste is relatively small in comparison to the large scale area, significant As in groundwater derived from the mine waste piles is found locally in the groundwater. This paper shows the results of geochemical analyses of groundwater samples from the San Antonio-El Triunfo area and the Carrizal and Los Planes aquifers during several years of monitoring (1993–1997). The highest values of total dissolved solids (TDS) and As are in the mineralized area where the mining operations occurred (∼1500 ppm TDS and 0.41 ppm As). The lowest concentrations of TDS and As are, in general, away from the mineralized area (∼500 ppm TDS and 0.01 ppm As). Sulfate and bicarbonate (alkalinity) are, in general, high near the mineralized area and low away from it. The arsenic concentrations vary seasonally, especially after the heavy summer thunderstorms. Geochemical modeling (MINTEQA2 and NETPATH) and analysis of the regional geochemical evolution of the groundwater from the mining area towards the aquifer of Los Planes shows that the most likely hydrochemical processes include: dilution, precipitation of calcite, and adsorption of As onto surfaces of iron oxyhydroxides (ferrihydrite). These processes act as natural controls to the extent and amount of As pollution in the Carrizal and Los Planes aquifers. Received: 4 May 1999 · Accepted: 22 February 2000  相似文献   

Results of pore water and sediment analyses from the western Mexican continental margin strongly suggest the present day formation of apatite. The interstitial water phosphate and fluoride profiles indicate chemical removal at a depth which corresponds to a large maximum in the phosphorus content of the sediments. Apatite is identified within this maximum via X-ray diffraction but is elsewhere undetectable in the core. Radioisotopic thorium, uranium, and radium data support the conclusion that this deposit is modern. The present day depositional environment is consistent with those reported by other workers for phosphorite formation with the exception that pore water magnesium is not depleted below its seawater value.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of the non-carbonate fraction of sediments from the continental shelf and slope off northwest Africa has been investigated using R-mode factor analysis. The geochemistry is governed by a small number of factors controlled quantiatively by glauconite, phosphorite, quartz, clay minerals and secondary iron oxides. The distributions of the factors and of their controls are governed by mineral provenance and by depositional processes. Clay mineral factors predominate in fine grained sediments. Phosphorite, glauconite and oxide factors and quartz predominate in sands. Provenance controls the relative abundances of the minerals of the sand fraction all of which, except a proportion of the glauconite which is clearly recent, are relict and detrital. The recent glauconite is concentrated in poorly oxidised sediments off the southern Sahara. Provenance differences are detected between Saharan and Moroccan clays, and also exist between the clays of north and south Morocco.  相似文献   

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