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1SeesawphenomenonofoceaniccrustSince 1996, Yoshino etal.(2002) have been us-ing the space geodetic techniques to observe crustal deformation at four sites in Tokyo metropolitan area. It is called Keystone project (KSP). At the end of June in 2000, volcanic and seismic events star-ted at Izu islands, south of Tokyo. Following the ev-ent, extraordinary crustal deformation was observed not only around the Izu islands, but also at the Key-stone network, where the closest site is over 100…  相似文献   

1StrongtideandastronomicalconditionsPartial solar eclipse occurred 4 times in 1964, 1982 and 2000 respectively. Time interval is about 3 Saros periods (one Saros period is 18 years and 10.33~11.33 days). Total lunar eclipse occurred 2 times in 1964 and 2000 respectively and 3 times in 1982. However, there was no lunar eclipse in 1966, 1984 and 2002. It seems that they had similar astro-nomical conditions and the best was in 1982. The studies about the effect of tide on the global climate…  相似文献   

The differential rotation between solid and fluid caused by tidal force can explain a 1500 to 1800-year cycle of the climate change. Strong tide increases the vertical and horizontal mixing of water in ocean by drawing the cold Pacific water from the depths to the surface (or by making the warm water flow from the West Pacific to the East as well as from the North to the South). It cools or warms the atmosphere above and makes La Nina or El Nino occur in the whole world. Astronomical data have shown that strong tide is often associated with El Nino events. Volcanic activities at submarine are also controlled by strong tide. Volcanic activities can also draw warm water from the depths to the surface in the Pacific and volcanic ash can keep out sunlight, which is the most important external forcing factor for El Nino. If volcanic ash reaches into the stratosphere, finer aerosols will spread throughout the globe during a few months and will float in it for one to three years to weaken the sun's direct radiation to the areas. It is one of the factors to postpone EI Nino just like the process of solar eclipse.  相似文献   

l Some problems on the astronomical theory of ice ageThe astronomical theory of ice age, as the up todate solution for the global climatic changes in theQuaternary period, has been accepted by the most ofthe scientists in the world. However, there are stillsome arguable problems to need further research.Zhou Shangzhe (t994) pllt forward three questionslike as follows:The astronomical theory of ice age suggestedthat the ice age occurred when the eccentricity of theorbit of the earth was at its…  相似文献   

Glaciation between northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere were synchronous, the ice age occurred not in high but in low value of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. Such facts went against the precession principle of the astronomical theory of ice age. The inhomogeneous distribution of climate consisted with the inhomogeneous distribution of ocean and continent. The north/south antisymmetry may be attributed to southward deviation of the thermal center and northward deviation of the mass center within the mantle demonstrated by seismic tomography. The core - mantle angular momentum makes rotational energy into thermal energy and mantle plumes erupt in the ocean bottom. The earth's deformation by tidal force makes the eruption of mantle plumes strong. They are the reason that glaciation between the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere are synchronous and the ice age occurred in low value of the eccentricity of the earth' s orbit. The tectonic movement is playing a most important part in global climate change.  相似文献   

The Effect of Tide on the Global Climate Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The differential rotation between the solid and fluid spheres caused by tidal force could explain the 1500 to 1800 - year cycle of the worlds temperature. Strong tide increases the vertical and horizontal mixing of water in the oceans,dra-wing the cold Pacific water from the depths to the surface and the warm water from the west to the east, where it cools or warms the atmosphere above, absorbs or releases CO2 to decrease or increase greenhouse effect and to make La Nina or El Nino occur in the global. The moons declination and obliquity of the ecliptic affect the tidal intensity. The exchange of tidal energy and tide -generating force caused by the sun, moon and major planets makes the earths layers rotate in different speeds. The differenti-al rotation between solid and fluid of the earth is the basic reason for El Nino and global climate change.  相似文献   

1 PresentSituationofResearchforGlobalClimateRecently ,theresearchfortheglobalclimatechangescausedbytidehasachievedremarkableresul  相似文献   

The differential rotation between the solid and fluid spheres caused by tidal force could explain the 1500 to 1800-year cycle of the world's temperature. Strong tide increases the vertical and horizontal mixing of water in the oceans, drawing the cold Pacific water from the depths to the surface and the warm water from the west to the east, where it cools or warms the atmosphere above, absorbs or releases CO2 to decrease or increase greenhouse effect and to make La Nina or El Nino occur in the global. The moon's declination and obliquity of the ecliptic affect the tidal intensity. The exchange of tidal energy and tide-generating force caused by the sun, moon and major planets makes the earth's layers rotate in different speeds. The differenti-al rotation between solid and fluid of the earth is the basic reason for El Nino and global climate change.  相似文献   

由于多年来大量开采地下卤水,莱州湾南岸已经形成多个地下卤水降落漏斗.该文根据区内盐场水位长期观测资料,较系统地分析了地下卤水水位动态变化规律,查明了卤水水位与开采量的关系,建立了区内卤水水位与开采量相关关系方程.通过分析说明开采对水位的影响,为改善区内地质环境,合理利用卤水资源提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

利用波形资料及地震目录分别计算2021年泸县MS6.0地震前视应力与b值,分析震源区的应力变化过程;同时,利用舒斯特(Schuster)统计检验方法和统计参量P对地震前中小地震与地球自转速率变化之间的相关性进行统计检验,分析震源区的不稳定性。结果显示,震中周边区域ML3.2~3.9与ML3.5~3.9震级档视应力在震前7 a多呈现上升变化趋势,主震前视应力达到早期的2倍水平。b值在震前经历7 a的下降变化,从2014年的1.2下降至2020年的0.8。视应力与b值在震前呈现较好的负相关性,反映了震中附近地区应力增强的过程。震中附近ML≥2.0地震P值在2020-08~2021-02期间低于1%,表明在泸县MS6.0地震前约0.5 a震源区的地震活动与地球自转显著相关,此时震源区地壳介质已处于极不稳定状态。  相似文献   

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