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The bright limit to the dynamic range of intensified CCD photon-counting detectors is governed by coincidence losses. In this paper a theoretical analysis of the loss mechanisms is carried out and verified using laboratory data. For applications where the input source is stable, such as star field imaging from space, the theoretical dynamic-range curve can then be used for accurate quantification.  相似文献   

姚保安  张春生  林清 《天文学报》2006,47(1):111-118
Lick天文台的CCD控制器是一类新型控制器,它能够在同一CCD系统内实现MPP(Multi—pinned phase)和通常工作模式间的转换.自2002年起中国至少有4架 CCD照相机使用这类控制器.此控制器的弱点是溢出发生在非线性前,而且远在饱和以前.虽然这对亮的面光源观测不利,并且它妨碍了使用亮星构建点扩散函数(psf).但是由于电荷守恒原理,对亮的点源(恒星)的孔径测光依然可行.观测证明了此结论.  相似文献   

The Schmidt‐Teleskop‐Kamera (STK) is a new CCD‐imager, which is operated since begin of 2009 at the University Observatory Jena. This article describes the main characteristics of the new camera. The properties of the STK detector, the astrometry and image quality of the STK, as well as its detection limits at the 0.9 m telescope of the University Observatory Jena are presented (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper describes a new Heterodyne Array Receiver Program (HARP) and Auto-Correlation Spectral Imaging System (ACSIS) that have recently been installed and commissioned on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The 16-element focal-plane array receiver, operating in the submillimetre from 325 to 375 GHz, offers high (three-dimensional) mapping speeds, along with significant improvements over single-detector counterparts in calibration and image quality. Receiver temperatures are ∼120 K across the whole band, and system temperatures of ∼300 K are reached routinely under good weather conditions. The system includes a single-sideband (SSB) filter so these are SSB values. Used in conjunction with ACSIS, the system can produce large-scale maps rapidly, in one or more frequency settings, at high spatial and spectral resolution. Fully sampled maps of     size can be observed in under 1 h.
The scientific need for array receivers arises from the requirement for programmes to study samples of objects of statistically significant size, in large-scale unbiased surveys of galactic and extra-galactic regions. Along with morphological information, the new spectral imaging system can be used to study the physical and chemical properties of regions of interest. Its three-dimensional imaging capabilities are critical for research into turbulence and dynamics. In addition, HARP/ACSIS will provide highly complementary science programmes to wide-field continuum studies and produce the essential preparatory work for submillimetre interferometers such as the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA).  相似文献   

The first Heterogenous Telescopes Network (HTN) conference was held in July 2005. It aimed to bring together software developers, observatory staff and science users with the objective of defining the how and why of developing new ways of doing astronomical observing using geographically distributed and differently instrumented and operated telescopes. The papers included in this volume arise from that conference. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Robotic telescopes and grid technology have made significant progress in recent years. Both innovations offer important advantages over conventional technologies, particularly in combination with one another. Here, we introduce robotic telescopes used by the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam as ideal instruments for building a robotic telescope network. We also discuss the grid architecture and protocols facilitating the network integration that is being developed by the German AstroGrid‐D project. Finally, we present three user interfaces employed for this purpose. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The scientific need for a standard protocol permitting the exchange of generic observing services is rapidly escalating as more observatories adopt service observing as a standard operating mode and as more remote or robotic telescopes are brought on‐line. To respond to this need, we present the results of the first interoperability workshop for Heterogeneous Telescope Networks (HTN) held in Exeter. We present a draft protocol, designed to be independent of the specific instrumentation and software that controls the remote and/or robotic telescopes, allowing these telescopes to appear to the user with a unified interface despite any underlying architectural differences. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

For the majority of optical observing programmes, the sky brightness provides the fundamental limit to signal detection such that the scientific feasibility is largely dictated by the phase of the Moon. Since most observatories do not have the resources to build expensive high-resolution or infrared instruments, they are increasingly at a loss as to how to exploit bright time. We show that, with due consideration of the field and Moon position, it is possible to undertake 'dark-time' observing programmes under 'bright-time' conditions. Our recommendations are particularly appropriate to all-sky survey programmes.
In certain instances, there are gains in observing efficiency with the use of a polarizer, which can significantly reduce the moonlight (or twilight) sky-background flux relative to an extraterrestrial flux. These gains are possible in background-limited cases because the sky background can be highly polarized, caused by scattering, around 90° away from the Moon (or Sun). To take advantage of this, only minor modifications to existing instruments are needed.  相似文献   

ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ULTRACAM is a portable, high-speed imaging photometer designed to study faint astronomical objects at high temporal resolutions. ULTRACAM employs two dichroic beamsplitters and three frame-transfer CCD cameras to provide three-colour optical imaging at frame rates of up to 500 Hz. The instrument has been mounted on both the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope in Chile, and has been used to study white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, pulsars, black hole/neutron star X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, cataclysmic variables, eclipsing binary stars, extrasolar planets, flare stars, ultracompact binaries, active galactic nuclei, asteroseismology and occultations by Solar System objects (Titan, Pluto and Kuiper Belt objects). In this paper we describe the scientific motivation behind ULTRACAM, present an outline of its design and report on its measured performance.  相似文献   

提出了一种加工离轴非球面的预应力环抛方法,基于预应力加工方法的基本原理,利用环抛机来磨制离轴非球面.设计了一套专门的加载装置,将拼接镜面中具有不同离轴量的非球面子镜转化成曲率半径相同的球面子镜进行磨制,可以在同一台环抛机上进行抛光.利用这种方法,花费连续40 h的时间,磨制了一块按照中国30 m极大口径望远镜(CFGT)主镜参数比例缩小的离轴抛物面,顶点曲率半径21.6 m,离轴量3.6 m,离轴口径为330 mm,最大非球面度为16μm.试验表明该方法效率高,适用于批量加工,特别是极大口径天文望远镜拼接主镜的大批量非球面子镜研制.  相似文献   

We describe the current high level interfaces used for communicating with the Robonet‐1.0 Homogeneous Telescope Network. This is a network of three telescopes, the Liverpool Telescope and the Faulkes Telescopes (North and South). We describe our use of RTML and web‐services to enable control of the network by intelligent agents. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The acquisition of H  i Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) southern sky data commenced at the Australia Telescope National Facility's Parkes 64-m telescope in 1997 February, and was completed in 2000 March. HIPASS is the deepest H  i survey yet of the sky south of declination +2°, and is sensitive to emission out to 170 h75−1 Mpc. The characteristic root mean square noise in the survey images is 13.3 mJy. This paper describes the survey observations, which comprise 23 020 eight-degree scans of 9-min duration, and details the techniques used to calibrate and image the data. The processing algorithms are successfully designed to be statistically robust to the presence of interference signals, and are particular to imaging point (or nearly point) sources. Specifically, a major improvement in image quality is obtained by designing a median-gridding algorithm which uses the median estimator in place of the mean estimator.  相似文献   

The eSTAR Project uses intelligent agent technologies to carry out resource discovery, submit observation requests and analyze the reduced data returned from a meta‐network of robotic telescopes. Linking ground based telescopes with astronomical satellites, and using the emerging field of intelligent agent architectures to provide crucial autonomous decision making in software, the project has succeeded in combining data archives and research class telescopes, along with distributed computing nodes, to build an ad‐hoc peer‐to‐peer heterogeneous network of resources. We present the current operations paradigm of the eSTAR network and describe the direction in which the project intends to develop over the next few years. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We discuss work by the eSTAR project which demonstrates a fully closed loop autonomous system for the follow up of possible micro‐lensing anomalies. Not only are the initial micro‐lensing detections followed up in real time, but ongoing events are prioritised and continually monitored, with the returned data being analysed automatically. If the “smart software” running the observing campaign detects a planet‐like anomaly, further follow‐up will be scheduled autonomously and other telescopes and telescope networks alerted to the possible planetary detection.We further discuss the implications of this, and how such projects can be used to build more general autonomous observing and control systems. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

吴光节  张周生 《天文学报》2004,45(2):186-194
近20年来,随着CCD和像增强器的发展,小巧灵活的流星视频观测系统在世界上逐渐多了起来.并且,最终将可能逐步取代流星的目视观测和普通照相观测.介绍云南天文台I号流星彗星视频照相系统的研制及其初步观测结果.这一系统由容易转换的5组件构成.用于流星观测的大视场相机的视场约36度,单帧图像可观测到约6等恒星.实测的恒星星等测量精度可达约0.2等.还讨论了视频照相机比传统的感光胶卷照相的长处,以及视频照相系统的改进与发展.  相似文献   

Protocols for dealing with time‐sensitive observations have traditionally focused on robotic telescope networks and other types of automated dedicated facilities, mostly in the optical domain. Using UKIRT and JCMT as examples, which are infrared and sub‐millimetre telescopes with a traditional PI‐dominated user base, we discuss how such facilities can join a heterogeneous telescope network to their mutual advantage. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

I review the current architecture of the HTN and make three suggestions for the future. (i) We should retain the expertise split between agents which deal with the science programmes and those which deal with telescope constraints. This makes it easy to add new programmes or new telescopes. (ii) We should develop “look ahead” schedulers which attempt to schedule a whole night at once. This will give reliable calculations for the chance an observation will be carried out, and give a better chance that high priority time critical observations are successfully scheduled. (iii)We should strive to attract more science programmes to the HTN, in particular time critical observations spread over many nights, and non‐time critical work which can benefit from access to databases and the literature. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Networks are becoming a key element in most current and all future, telescope and observatory projects. The ability to easily and efficiently pass observation data, alert data and instrumentation requests between distributed systems could enable science as never before. However, any effective large scale or meta‐network of astronomical resources will require a common communication format or development resources will have to be continuously dedicated to creating interpreters. The necessary elements of any astronomy communication can be easily identified, efficiently described and rigidly formatted so that both robotic and human operations can use the same data. In this paper we will explore the current state of notification, what notification requirements are essential to create a successful standard and present a standard now under development by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA), called the VOEvent. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A baseband recorder for radio pulsar observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Digital signal recorders are becoming widely used in several subfields of centimetre-wavelength radio astronomy. We review the benefits and design considerations of such systems and describe the Princeton Mark IV instrument, an implementation designed for coherent-dedispersion pulsar observations. Features of this instrument include corrections for the distortions caused by coarse quantization of the incoming signal, as well as algorithms that effectively excise both narrow-band and broad-band radio frequency interference. Observations at 430 MHz, using the Mark IV system in parallel with a system using a 250-kHz filter bank and incoherent dedispersion, demonstrated timing precision improvement by a factor of 3 or better for typical millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

We report atmospheric turbulence parameters, namely atmospheric seeing, tilt-anisoplanatic angle(θ_0) and coherence time(Τ_0), measured under various sky conditions, at Vainu Bappu Observatory in Kavalur. Bursts of short exposure images of selected stars were recorded with a high-speed, frame-transfer CCD mounted on the Cassegrain focus of a newly commissioned 1.3 m telescope. The estimated median seeing is ≈ 1.85 " at wavelength of ~ 600 nm, the image motion correlation between different pairs of stars is ~44% for θ0≈ 36" and mean Τ_0 is ≈ 2.4 ms. This work was motivated by the design considerations and expected performance of an adaptive optics system that is currently being planned for the telescope.  相似文献   

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