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Crete Island is located in the southmost border of East Mediterranean basin, facing exacerbating atmospheric conditions (mainly concentrations of particulates) due to Saharan dust outbreaks. It is worth to note that these episodes are more frequent during spring and autumn, when mild biometeorological conditions become intolerable due to the synergy of the so called Föhn winds. Cretan mountains, especially Psiloritis Mt. (summit at 2456 m), are orientated perpendicularly to the southwest air mass flow, generating the Föhn winds. Propagating from the leeward of the mountains, these dry, hot winds have an effect on prevailing biometeorological conditions. While descending to the lowlands on the leeward side of the range, the wind becomes strong, gusty, and desiccating. This wind often lasts less than an hour to several days, with gradual weakening after the first or the second day. Sometimes, it stops very abruptly. In this work, the authors examined and analyzed the abrupt changes of human thermal perception within specific case studies during which Föhn winds appeared in Heraklion city at the leeward of Psiloritis Mt, associated with extreme Saharan dust episodes, observed within the period 2006–2010. In order to verify the development of Föhn winds, Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METARs, meteorological observations every half hour), were acquired from the Heraklion meteorological station installed by the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS). The biometeorological conditions analyzed are based on human thermal bioclimatic indices such as the Physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) and the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). METAR recordings of meteorological variables, such as air temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, and cloudiness, were used as input variables in modeling the aforementioned thermal indices, so that to interpret the grade of the thermo-physiological stress. The PET and UTCI analysis was performed by the use of the radiation and bioclimate model, “RayMan,” which is well-suited to calculate radiation fluxes and human biometeorological indices. The results of the performed analysis showed even an increase of air temperature from 20 to 30 °C within 5 h, associated with a decrease in the vapor pressure from 11.5 to 9.3 hPa. In addition, the wind speed at 10 m increased from 5.1 to 20.1 m/s, 3.7 to 14.3 m/s with respect to 1.1 m height, during the events of Föhn winds. The biometeorological analysis has given evidence that slight/moderate heat stress classes of the examined thermal indices appear during Saharan dust episodes. Such conditions are uncommon at the beginning of spring season, indicating that Saharan dust episodes are not only responsible for acute health impacts but also for adverse biometeorological conditions, due to the very likely development of Föhn winds towards the wider area of Heraklion, a coastal city in the eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - We present a comprehensive analysis of four south föhn events observed during the Penetration and Interruption of Alpine Foehn (PIANO) field campaign in the Inn...  相似文献   

A simple energy balance model which simulates the thermal regime of urban and rural surfaces under calm, cloudless conditions at night is used to assess the relative importance of the commonly stated causes of urban heat islands. Results show that the effects of street canyon geometry on radiation and of thermal properties on heat storage release, are the primary and almost equal causes on most occasions. In very cold conditions, space heating of buildings can become a dominant cause but this depends on wall insulation. The effects of the urban greenhouse and surface emissivity are relatively minor. The model confirms the importance of local control especially the relation between street geometry and the heat island and highlights the importance of rural thermal properties and their ability to produce seasonal variation in the heat island. A possible explanation for the small heat  相似文献   

1. Introduction In our previous paper, MSPAS (Modi?ed Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme) was fully introduced andthe e?ectiveness of the model was also well proved (Liuet al., 2004). In this paper, some sensitivity experi-ments are performed to test the sta…  相似文献   

The study has analyzed influence of an atmospheric circulation on urban heat island (UHI) and urban cold island (UCI) in Poznań. Analysis was conducted on the basis of temperature data from two measurement points situated in the city center and in the ?awica airport (reference station) and the data concerning the air circulation (Nied?wied?’s calendar of circulation types and reanalysis of National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)). The cases with UHI constitute about 85 % of all data, and UCI phenomena appear with a frequency of 14 % a year. The intensity of UHI phenomenon is higher in the anticyclonic circulation types. During the year in anticyclonic circulation, intensity of UHI is 1.2 °C on average while in cyclonic is only 0.8 °C. The occurring of UHI phenomena is possible throughout all seasons of the year in all hours of the day usually in anticyclonic circulation types. The cases with highest UHI intensity are related mostly to nighttime. The cases of UCI phenomena occurred almost ever on the daytime and the most frequently in colder part of the year together with cyclonic circulation. Study based on reanalysis data indicates that days with large intensity of UHI (above 4, 5, and 6 °C) are related to anticyclonic circulation. Anticyclonic circulation is also promoting the formation of the strongest UCI. Results based on both reanalysis and the atmospheric circulation data (Nied?wied?’s circulation type) confirm that cases with the strongest UHI and UCI during the same day occur in strong high-pressure system with the center situated above Poland or central Europe.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - This study introduces the climate of Iran determined according to Köppen-Geiger, Feddema, and UNPEP climate classifications, computed with a...  相似文献   

This paper discusses the scale at which the weather is experienced and modified by human activities in urban environment. The climates of built-up areas differ from their non-urban counterparts in many aspect: wind-flows, radiation, humidity, precipitation and air quality all change in the presence of human settlement, transforming each city into a singularity within its regional weather system. Yet this pervasive category of anthropogenic climate change has always tended to be hidden and difficult to discern. The paper first describes the sequence of discovery of the urban heat island since the early nineteenth century, and the emergence and consolidation of a scientific field devoted to the climatology of cities. This is followed by a discussion of various attempts to apply knowledge of climatic factors to the design and management of settlement. We find that real-world application of urban climatology has met with limited success. However, the conclusion suggests that global climate change gives a new visibility and practical relevance to urban-scale climate science.  相似文献   

The evolution of sea surface temperature (SST) and thermocline (represented by 20 °C isotherm depth, D20) in the east equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO) associated with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) years is studied for the period of 50 years from 1958 to 2007. A new IOD index based on combined anomalies of surface winds, D20 and SST over the equatorial Indian Ocean is defined to identify strong and weak IOD events. It is found that the evolution of strong IOD events is driven by ocean dynamics in the form of thermocline–SST coupling and is strongly interactive with the atmosphere, whereas the weak IOD events are mere response to surface winds without such dynamical coupling. The easterly wind anomalies extend up to the western equatorial Indian Ocean (WIO) during strong IOD years and support enhanced EIO air–sea interactions. On the other hand, the evolution of zonal wind anomalies is weak during the weak IOD years. Thermocline–SST coupling is robust in both EIO and WIO during strong IOD years, which is primarily responsible for the enhanced SST gradient, strong enough to establish anomalous Walker circulation within the Indian Ocean. The strong convection over the WIO associated with the Indian Ocean Walker cell triggers a secondary cell with subsidence over the African landmass. This double cell structure over the equatorial Indian Ocean is not reported before. Such double cell structure is not evident in weak IOD years and instead the convection over WIO extends up to African landmass. These are well supported by the spatial pattern of anomalous precipitable water during strong and weak IOD years. Strengthening of monsoon flow and local Hadley cell associated with strong IOD events enhances precipitation over the Indian subcontinent, whereas weak IOD years have less impact on the Indian summer monsoon circulation and rainfall. Analysis reveals that the EIO thermocline index and combined index could be potential predictors for the central Indian rainfall during summer.  相似文献   

Summary ¶In order to better understand land-atmosphere interactions and increase the predictability of climate models, it is important to investigate the role of forest representation in climate modeling. Corresponding to the big-leaf model commonly employed in land surface schemes to represent the effects of a forest, a so called big-tree model, which uses multi-layer vegetation to represent the vertical canopy heterogeneity, was introduced and incorporated into the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) regional climate model RegCM2, to make the vegetation model more physically based. Using this augmented RegCM2 and station data for China during 1991 Meiyu season, we performed 10 experiments to investigate the effects of the application of the big-tree model on the summer monsoon climate.With the big-tree model incorporated into the regional climate model, some climate characteristics, e.g. the 3-month-mean surface temperature, circulation, and precipitation, are significantly and systematically changed over the model domain, and the change of the characteristics differs depending on the area. Due to the better representation of the shading effect in the big-tree model, the temperature of the lower layer atmosphere above the plant canopy is increased, which further influences the 850hPa temperature. In addition, there are significant decreases in the mean latent heat fluxes (within 20–30W/m2) in the three areas of the model domain.The application of the big-tree model influences not only the simulated climate of the forested area, but also that of the whole model domain, and its impact is greater on the lower atmosphere than on the upper atmosphere. The simulated rainfall and surface temperature deviate from the originally simulated result and are (or seem to be) closer to the observations, which implies that an appropriate representation of the big-tree model may improve the simulation of the summer monsoon climate.We also find that the simulated climate is sensitive to some big-tree parameter values and schemes, such as the shape, height, zero-plane displacement height and mixing-length scheme. The simulated local/grid differences may be very large although the simulated areal-average differences may be much lower. The area-average differences in the monthly-mean surface temperature and heat fluxes can amount to 0.5°C and 4W/m2, respectively, which correspond to maximum local/grid differences of 3.0°C and 40W/m2 respectively. It seems that the simulated climate is most sensitive to the parameter of the zero-plane displacement among the parameters studied.  相似文献   


In this study we present the seasonal chemical characteristics and potential sources of PM10 at an urban location of Delhi, India during 2010?2019. The concentrations of carbonaceous aerosols [organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and water insoluble organic carbon (WIOC)] and elements (Al, Fe, Ti, Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Cr, F, Cl, Br, P, S, K, As, Na, Mg, Ca, B, Ni, Mo, V, Sr, Zr and Rb) in PM10 were estimated to explore their possible sources. The annual average concentration (2010–2019) of PM10 was computed as 227?±?97 µg m?3 with a range of 34?734 µg m?3. The total carbonaceous aerosols in PM10 was accounted for 22.5% of PM10 mass concentration, whereas elements contribution to PM10 was estimated to be 17% of PM10. The statistical analysis of OC vs. EC and OC vs. WSOC of PM10 reveals their common sources (biomass burning and/or fossil fuel combustion) during all the seasons. Enrichment factors (EFs) of the elements and the relationship of Al with other crustal metals (Fe, Ca, Mg and Ti) of PM10 indicates the abundance of mineral dust over Delhi. Principal component analysis (PCA) extracted the five major sources [industrial emission (IE), biomass burning?+?fossil fuel combustion (BB?+?FFC), soil dust, vehicular emissions (VE) and sodium and magnesium salts (SMS)] of PM10 in Delhi, India. Back trajectory and cluster analysis of airmass parcel indicate that the pollutants approaching to Delhi are mainly from Pakistan, IGP region, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.


Both increasing and decreasing 20th century growth trends have been reported in forests throughout Europe, but only for few species and areas suitable modelling techniques have been used to distinguish individual tree growth (operating on a local scale) from growth change due to exogenous factors (operating on a broad geographical scale). This study relates for the first time observed growth changes, in terms of basal area increment (BAI) of dominant trees of pedunculate oak, common beech and Scots pine, in north-west European temperate lowland forests (Flanders) to climate, atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 concentrations, N deposition, site quality and forest structure for more than a century (the period 1901?C2008), applying mixed models. Growth change during the 20th century is observed for oak (increasing growth) and beech (increasing growth until the 1960s, growth decline afterwards), but not for pine. It was possible to relate growth change of oak and beech to climate time series and N deposition trends. Adding time series for CO2 and O3 concentration did not significantly improve model results. For oak and beech a switch from positive to negative growth response with increasing nitrogen deposition throughout time is observed. Growth increase for oak is mainly determined by the interaction between growing season temperature and soil water recharge. It is reasonable to assume that the observed growth trend for oak will continue for as long as early season water availability is not compromised. The decreasing trend in summer relative air humidity observed since the 1960s in the study area can be a main cause of recent beech BAI decrease. A further growth decline of beech can be expected, independent of site quality.  相似文献   

微量元素铁是浮游植物生长所必需的营养元素,对于促进海洋初级生产力和增加海洋吸收二氧化碳的能力等具有重要作用。相对于世界上其他海域,铁限制使得北太平洋成为典型的高营养盐、低叶绿素(HNLC)区域。陆源铁主要通过河流输入和大气沉降进入海洋;海洋中垂直混合等物理过程也是输送生物可利用铁进入上层海洋的重要过程。目前,随着人类污染的加剧,人类活动排放的铁对海洋生态系统的影响也变得更加显著。为了研究铁循环过程及其对北太平洋海洋生态系统的影响,以国家自然科学基金资助的"北太平洋铁的来源与传输及其对上层海洋生态系统的影响"为依托,该项目将主要关注三个重要科学问题:(1)北太平洋上层生物可利用铁的主要来源是什么?(2)海洋中铁络合配体的循环会对北太平洋上层海洋生态系统产生怎样的影响?(3)未来全球变化对铁循环及上层海洋生态系统的可能影响是什么?项目将对铁在当前和未来海洋酸化和物理环境变化背景下的分布特征及其对海洋生态系统产生的影响进行研究。项目研究结果有望加深我们对北太平洋海洋生态系统的认识和理解,实现对未来北太平洋生态系统变化趋势的预测。  相似文献   

A coupled atmosphere-ocean model developed at the Institute for Space Studies at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Russell et al., 1995) was used to verify the validity of Haney-type surface thermal boundary condition, which linearly connects net downward surface heat flux Q to air / sea temperature difference △T by a relaxation coefficient k. The model was initiated from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) atmospheric observations for 1 December 1977, and from the National Ocean Data Center (NODC) global climatological mean December temperature and salinity fields at 1° ×1° resolution. The time step is 7.5 minutes. We integrated the model for 450 days and obtained a complete model-generated global data set of daily mean downward net surface flux Q, surface air temperature TA,and sea surface temperature To. Then, we calculated the cross-correlation coefficients (CCC) between Q and △T. The ensemble mean CCC fields show (a) no correlation between Q and △T in the equatorial regions, and (b) evident correlation (CCC≥ 0.7) between Q and △T in the middle and high latitudes.Additionally, we did the variance analysis and found that when k= 120 W m-2K-1, the two standard deviations, σQ and σk△T, are quite close in the middle and high latitudes. These results agree quite well with a previous research (Chu et al., 1998) on analyzing the NCEP re-analyzed surface data, except that a smaller value of k (80 W m-2K-1) was found in the previous study.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the main sources and features of the Mediterranean synoptic cyclones affecting the basin, using the cyclone tracks. The cyclones’ tracks are identified using sea level pressure (SLP) from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1956–2013. The identified cyclones are classified into two categories: basin affected and basin non-affected. Most of the basin-affected (non-affected) cyclones are internal (external), i.e., generated inside (outside) the Mediterranean basin. This study reveals four (five) main sources of internal (external) cyclones. These four (five) main sources generated about 63.76% (57.25%) of the internal (external) cyclones. Seasonal analysis shows that most of the basin-affected internal (external) cyclones were generated in the winter (spring) season. The lowest number of cyclones were found in the summer. Moreover, the synoptic study of the atmospheric systems accompanied the highest- and lowest-generated years demonstrates that the deepening of the north Europe cyclones and the relative positions of Azores- and Siberian-high systems represent the important factors that influence the number of internal cyclones. Essential factors influencing the external cyclones are the strength of the maximum upper wind, Azores high, Siberian high, and orientations of their ridges.  相似文献   

A method for determining the distribution of supermicrometer nitrate between size-segregated sea-salt and soil derived particles is presented. The analysis is based on field data from six measurements at a coastal site in southern Finland, and on a theoretical treatment taking into account the transfer of gaseous species onto particle surfaces and their subsequent reaction. Significant amounts of nitrate were found in both the particle types, with the fraction of nitrate associated with soil particles varying from 20–50% in the 1–2 m size to near 90% in particles larger than 10 m. Overall, the nitrate accumulation followed closely the relative abundances of these two particle types. Two overlapping modes in supermicron nitrate mass size distributions could be identified. The lower mode, associated with sea-salt, was located between the surface-area and volume distribution of sodium peaking at about 2–3 m of EAD. The upper mode peaked at 3–5 m and followed more closely the surface-area distribution of calcium in all samples. At our site, the accumulation of nitrate into both particle types was shown to be limited by an effective surface reaction rate rather than by gas-phase diffusion. This rate was estimated to be considerably larger for sea-salt particles. Strong evidence in support of the saturation of nitrate in sea-salt particles were obtained.  相似文献   

Several different inventories of global and regional anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions are assessed for the 1980?C2010 period. The species considered in this study are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and black carbon. The inventories considered include the ACCMIP historical emissions developed in support of the simulations for the IPCC AR5 assessment. Emissions for 2005 and 2010 from the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) are also included. Large discrepancies between the global and regional emissions are identified, which shows that there is still no consensus on the best estimates for surface emissions of atmospheric compounds. At the global scale, anthropogenic emissions of CO, NOx and SO2 show the best agreement for most years, although agreement does not necessarily mean that uncertainty is low. The agreement is low for BC emissions, particularly in the period prior to 2000. The best consensus is for NOx emissions for all periods and all regions, except for China, where emissions in 1980 and 1990 need to be better defined. Emissions of CO need better quantification in the USA and India for all periods; in Central Europe, the evolution of emissions during the past two decades needs to be better determined. The agreement between the different SO2 emissions datasets is rather good for the USA, but better quantification is needed elsewhere, particularly for Central Europe, India and China. The comparisons performed in this study show that the use of RCP8.5 for the extension of the ACCMIP inventory beyond 2000 is reasonable, until more global or regional estimates become available. Concerning biomass burning emissions, most inventories agree within 50?C80%, depending on the year and season. The large differences between biomass burning inventories are due to differences in the estimates of burned areas from the different available products, as well as in the amount of biomass burned.  相似文献   

One of the main concerns in regional climate modeling is to which extent limited-area regional climate models (RCM) reproduce the large-scale atmospheric conditions of their driving general circulation model (GCM). In this work we investigate the ability of a multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations to reproduce the large-scale weather regimes of the driving conditions. The ensemble consists of a set of 13 RCMs on a European domain, driven at their lateral boundaries by the ERA40 reanalysis for the time period 1961–2000. Two sets of experiments have been completed with horizontal resolutions of 50 and 25 km, respectively. The spectral nudging technique has been applied to one of the models within the ensemble. The RCMs reproduce the weather regimes behavior in terms of composite pattern, mean frequency of occurrence and persistence reasonably well. The models also simulate well the long-term trends and the inter-annual variability of the frequency of occurrence. However, there is a non-negligible spread among the models which is stronger in summer than in winter. This spread is due to two reasons: (1) we are dealing with different models and (2) each RCM produces an internal variability. As far as the day-to-day weather regime history is concerned, the ensemble shows large discrepancies. At daily time scale, the model spread has also a seasonal dependence, being stronger in summer than in winter. Results also show that the spectral nudging technique improves the model performance in reproducing the large-scale of the driving field. In addition, the impact of increasing the number of grid points has been addressed by comparing the 25 and 50 km experiments. We show that the horizontal resolution does not affect significantly the model performance for large-scale circulation.  相似文献   

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