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Lateral heterogeneities in the mantle can be caused by thermal, chemical and non-isotropic pre-stress effects. Here, we investigate the possibility of using observations of the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) process to constrain the thermal contribution to lateral variations in mantle viscosity. In particular, global historic relative sea level, GPS in Laurentide and Fennoscandia, altimetry together with tide-gauge data in the Great Lakes area, and GRACE data in Laurentide are used. The lateral viscosity perturbations are inferred from the seismic tomography model S20A by inserting the scaling factor β to determine the contribution of thermal effects versus compositional heterogeneity and non-isotropic pre-stress effects on lateral heterogeneity in mantle viscosity. When β = 1, lateral velocity variations are caused by thermal effects alone. With β < 1, the contribution of thermal effect decreases, so that for β = 0, there is no lateral viscosity variation and the Earth is laterally homogeneous. These lateral viscosity variations are superposed on four different reference models which differ significantly in the lower mantle viscosity. The Coupled Laplace Finite Element method is used to predict the GIA response on a spherical, self-gravitating, compressible, viscoelastic Earth with self-gravitating oceans, induced by the ICE-4G deglaciation model.Results show that the effect of β on uplift rates and gravity rate-of-change is not simple and involves the trade-off between the contribution of lateral viscosity variations in the transition zone and in the lower mantle. Models with small viscosity contrast in the lower mantle cannot explain the observed uplift rates in Laurentide and Fennoscandia. However, the RF3S20 model with a reference viscosity profile simplified from Peltier's VM2 with the value of β around 0.2–0.4 is found to explain most of the global RSL data, the uplift rates in Laurentide and Fennoscandia and the BIFROST horizontal velocity data. In addition, the changes in GIA signals caused by changes in the value of β are large enough to be detected by the data, although uncertainty in other parameters in the GIA models still exists. This may encourage us to further utilize GIA observations to constrain the thermal effect on mantle lateral heterogeneity as geodetic and satellite gravity measurements are improved.  相似文献   

Examples of observed and computed effects of crustal conductivity heterogeneities are described. The physical processes responsible for these effects are discussed with special reference to their characteristic dimensions. Simple criteria allowing the recognition of the physical phenomena which govern the circulation of Earth currents are given.These criteria are taken into account in a study of the electromagnetic fields relating to three typical effects of crustal conductivity heterogeneïties. This study suggest that we should begin by interpreting data in frequency ranges for which the static distortion approximation of currents hold. The rough but correct model thus obtained can then be used as starting model in the interpretation of the whole data set, involving numerical modelling.IPGP Contribution NS No 1003.  相似文献   

Wang  Xu  Chen  Ling  Ling  Yuan  Gao  Yifan  Zhang  Jianyong  Yao  Huajian 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(11):1819-1831
A new method is developed to constrain S-wave velocity structures of the shallow crust based on frequencydependent amplitudes of direct P-waves in P-wave receiver functions(P-RFs). This method involves the following two steps:first, the high-frequency approximate amplitude formula of direct P-waves in P-RFs of individual stations is used to fit the observed amplitude distribution against the ray parameters at different frequencies, and second, the S-wave velocity depth profile beneath each station is constrained according to an empirical correlation between frequency and depth. Unlike traditional inversion techniques, the newly developed method is not dependent on initial velocity models, and the lateral and vertical resolutions of the results are controlled by the interstation distance and the data frequency, respectively. The effectiveness of the method is verified by synthetic tests on various models. The method is then applied to teleseismic P-RF data from a NW-SEtrending linear seismic array extending from the northeastern Tibetan Plateau to the central Sichuan Basin to construct an S-wave velocity image of the shallow crust along the array. The imaged velocity structure is further analysed and compared with the regional geology. In particular, the structural differences of sedimentary basins in the cratonic area of the stable Sichuan Basin and tectonically active belts in northeastern Tibet are investigated. By combining our results with previous observations, the relationship between the surficial geology and deep processes in the study region is also discussed.  相似文献   

本文分别在直角坐标系和柱坐标系下,研究瑞利数从104逐渐增大到107对热对流的影响,数值计算结果表明:瑞利数越大,地幔柱越窄,地幔柱上升速度也越快;源自上地幔的地幔柱半径的范围为90到210 km.根据峨眉山内带的半径推算出地幔的黏性系数约为3.8×1021 Pa·s,地幔柱平均流动速度为2.5 cm/a.  相似文献   

Mean annual sea level (MASL) data for 25 Greek stations were analyzed for the time period 1969–1982. The data from 4 of these were unacceptably poor, and the record of 3 stations showed unexplained step functions that were interpreted as errors. Relative MASL between stations showed crustal stability at 10 of the 18 useful stations. The standard deviation from the long-term average of these stations was ±1.8 cm. We conclude that if station records are carefully kept in this area crustal movements in excess of 5 cm can be detected by relative MASL. A comparison of MASL data with gravity changes measured in the Peloponnese and Central Greece suggests that vertical movements occurred along a gradient equal to or larger than the free air gradient. We conclude that the gravity network should be reoccupied frequently such that the non-tectonic effects to be determined from the probable observed gravity changes, and the tectonic vertical movements may be better understood. A co-seismic subsidence of about 5 cm is inferred to have taken place near Korinth during the 1981,M s =6.8, earthquake, which occurred 20 km N of this tide gauge (Posidonia). During 2.5 years before the 1968 Thessaloniki,M s =6.6, earthquake, sea level was lower than average suggesting possible crustal elevation of 3.6 cm at about 28 km epicentral distance. Because of the small amplitude of this change we are not certain that it represents crustal uplift. At station Myrina (on Limnos) a strong and consistent trend of subsidence accumulated a 15 cm change between 1975 and 1980. Chios showed a trend of emergence (total accumulation about +5 cm), while Volos showed a trend of subsidence (approximately ?5 cm total). Kefalinia appears to have subsided about 10 cm during the data period. The six stations along the Hellenic arc plate boundary showed nearly constant MASL, suggesting that crustal stability existed there during the last 14 years. We conclude that MASL data in Greece can be useful for understanding tectonic processes, especially if these data are gathered carefully and at numerous locations, and are cross-correlated to high precision repeat gravity measurements, and geodetic releveling. Also, MASL data on active volcanic islands have excellent potential for detecting uplift before future eruptions.  相似文献   

Science China Earth Sciences - The Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) is a rift basin located in the extension direction of the oceanic ridge of the Northwest Subbasin of the South China Sea. This basin is...  相似文献   

Surface displacements due to temporal changes in environmental mass redistributions are observable in the coordinate time series of many Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sites. In this study, we investigated the effect of loading on estimates of tectonic velocity computed from campaign-style GNSS observations. The study region is in the Pyrenees mountain range between France and Spain (ResPyr campaigns). In this area, seismic activity is continuous and moderate and the expected amplitude of the horizontal tectonic velocity is less than 0.5 mm/yr. In order to determine the velocity, 4 sparse GNSS campaigns were carried out from 1995 to 2010. Considering this small rate of deformation, loading phenomena can contribute a non-negligible artifact to the velocity computation that could affect our geodynamical interpretation. In this investigation, we specifically considered the atmospheric, hydrological, and non-tidal ocean loading phenomena. The computed loading deformations for this region show the horizontal displacements are dominated by the non-tidal ocean loading (maximum 4 mm for the North and 3.1 mm for the East components); the main vertical contributions are due to the atmospheric and continental water storage loading (maximum 14.3 for the atmosphere and 8.1 mm for the hydrology, respectively). We have found that the dominant loading effect on the horizontal velocity is the non-tidal ocean loading (mean of 0.11 mm/yr), whereas the vertical component is dominated by the hydrological loading (mean of 0.21 mm/yr). Since the study area is in a mountainous region, we also analyzed the difference between the atmospheric and the topography dependent atmospheric loading models at our GNSS campaign sites. We did not find any significant difference between the two atmospheric loading models in terms of horizontal velocity. Finally, we performed simulations to identify the optimum timing and frequency of future GNSS campaigns in this area that would minimize the loading effects on tectonic velocity estimates.  相似文献   

The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen is the youngest and arguably most spectacular of all the continent-continent collisional belts on the Earth. There are not only north-south extrusions but also east-west extensions in the Tibetan Plateau. All these phenomena are the results of the Indian plate subducting into the Eurasia plate about 70 Ma ago  相似文献   


A coupled wave and ocean model is applied to the region of Galway Bay in the west of Ireland, using the numerical modelling suite COAWST. The coupled model was validated in a previous study. Here we focus on the impact of the currents and sea level on the sea state during Storm Hector (2018/06/14). The purpose of the research is to improve the wave dynamics knowledge specifically in Galway Bay by highlighting and quantifying the dominant current-induced mechanisms on the sea state observed numerically. We want to know where wave-current interaction is modifying the sea state in the bay, and if the change is significant to justify the use of a coupled model for an operational application. We show that the impacts of the tidal sea surface height on bottom friction and of the current-induced refraction on the spatial distribution of the waves are the dominant mechanisms. Those two effects are well-documented and observed in the literature already. A strong feedback impact of the coupling is also put into evidence. The wave-induced response in terms of currents leads to a noticeable variation in terms of wave height. Less documented in the literature, we discuss the link between current-induced refraction and the reduction of wave generation by wind.


Over the past decade, one important development was the rapid and significant improvement of instruments and observation techniques, such as the broad- band seismometers and the seismic-array observations, which permit to widespread collect seismic wave and then clearly demonstrate the crustal and upper mantle structure.  相似文献   

A nonstationary model of spreading with periodic intrusions of a molten material into an axial zone of a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) is applied to numerical analysis of the thermal state in MOR axial zones and the formation of crustal and mantle magma chambers in them. The model satisfactorily explains the positions, dimensions, and shapes of magma chambers, as well as variations in these parameters depending on the spreading rate, temperature, and composition of crustal and mantle rocks. The release and absorption of the latent heat of rock melting, hydrothermal heating of the crust, and variations in the solidus and liquidus temperatures of crustal and mantle rocks as a function of their composition are factors controlling the shape and position of crustal magma chambers.  相似文献   

The impact on a large-scale sea level pressure field to the regional mean sea level changes of the German Bight is analysed. A multiple linear regression together with an empirical orthogonal function analysis is used to describe the relationship between the sea level pressure and the regional mean sea level considering the time period 1924–2001. Both, the part of the variability and of the long-term trend that can be associated with changes in the sea level pressure, are investigated. Considering the whole time period, this regression explains 58?% of the variance and 33?% of the long-term trend of the regional mean sea level. The index of agreement between the regression result and the observed time series is 0.82. As a proxy for large-scale mean sea level changes, the mean sea level of the North East Atlantic is subsequently introduced as an additional predictor. This further improves the results. For that case, the regression explains 74?% of the variance and 87?% of the linear trend. The index of agreement rises to 0.92. These results suggest that the sea level pressure mainly accounts for the inter-annual variability and parts of the long-term trend of regional mean sea level in the German Bight while large-scale sea level changes in the North East Atlantic account for another considerable fraction of the observed long-term trend. Sea level pressure effects and the mean sea level of the North East Atlantic provide thus significant contributions to regional sea level rise and variability. When future developments are considered, scenarios for their future long-term trends thus need to be comprised in order to provide reliable estimates of potential future long-term changes of mean sea level in the German Bight.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of P- and S-wave velocities, velocity anisotropy, shear wave splitting and crack-porosity has been investigated in a number of samples from different crustal rock types for dry and wet (water saturated) conditions. At atmospheric pressure, P-wave velocities of the saturated, low-porosity rocks (< 1%) are significantly higher than in dry rocks, whereas the differences for S-wave velocities are less pronounced. The effect of intercrystalline fluids on seismic properties at increased pressure conditions is particularly reflected by the variation of the Poisson's ratio because P-wave velocities are more sensitive to fluids than S-wave velocities in the low-porosity rocks. Based on the experimental data, the respective crack-density parameter (), which is a measure of the number of flat cracks per volume unit contained within the background medium (crack-free matrix), has been calculated for dry and saturated conditions. There is a good correlation between the calculated crack-densities and crack-porosities derived from the experimentally determined volumetric strain curves. The shear wave velocity data, along with the shear wave polarisation referred to a orthogonal reference system, have been used to derive the spatial orientation of effective oriented cracks within a foliated biotite gneiss. The experimental data are in reasonable agreement with the self consistent model of O'Connell and Budiansky (1974). Taking the various lithologies into account, it is clear from the present study, that combined seismic measurements ofV p andV s , using theV p V s -ratio, may give evidence for fluids on grain boundaries and, in addition, may provide an estimate on the in-situ crack-densities.  相似文献   

依据穿过巴颜喀拉地块的北部、秦岭地块、祁连地块、海原弧形构造区和鄂尔多斯地块的玛沁-兰州-靖边人工地震剖面的P波、S波的速度结构和泊松比结构,对青藏高原东北缘的地壳组成进行研究,并探讨其动力学过程. 首先,系统地归纳总结出一套将地震测深得到的原位P波速度校正到实验室温压条件下波速的具体可行的方法,利用大地热流值求取地壳不同深度的温度是该方法的关键. 然后,将上述剖面的原位P波速度校正到600 MPa和室温条件下,结合泊松比与相同温压条件下的实验室岩石波速测量结果进行对比,确定研究区的岩性组成. 结果表明,青藏高原东北缘地壳平均P波校正波速为6.43 km/s,地壳整体像上地壳一样呈酸性. 巴颜喀拉地块和秦岭地块南部的下地壳底部缺失校正速度Vp>6.9 km/s的基性岩,下地壳中酸性互层,下地壳整体呈酸性. 其他地块下地壳底部有2~10 km厚的校正速度Vp>6.9 km/s的基性岩,下地壳整体呈中性. 最后,根据青藏高原东北缘地壳结构和组成的研究成果,支持地壳增厚主要发生在下地壳的观点;提出巴颜喀拉地块和秦岭地块南部曾发生过下地壳拆沉作用,并导致高原的加速隆升.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes data of leveling and meteorological observations conducted in the Kaliningrad region in the second half of September 2004, i.e., during a period including the few moderate seismic shocks of September 21, 2004. The analysis of long observation series and comparison of sea level variations recorded from September 15 through 30, 2004, with meteorological data have led to the conclusion that, most probably, the Sambiiskii Peninsula subsided tectonically by 25–30 cm over 12–24 h and a new sequence of seismic shocks occurred five to eight hours after the beginning of the subsidence. The geodynamic and prognostic aspects of the results obtained in this work are discussed.  相似文献   

The change in electronic structure of iron at high pressures to spin-paired states in ferropericlase, silicate perovskite, and post-perovskite may have a profound influence on the thermal conductivity of the lower mantle. Here, we present optical absorption data for lower mantle minerals to assess the effect of composition (including iron oxidation state), structure, and iron spin state on radiative heat transfer. We confirm that the presence of ferric iron in ferropericlase strongly affects the optical properties, while the effect of the spin-pairing transition may be more secondary. We also show that post-perovskite exhibits larger optical absorption in the near infrared and visible spectral ranges than perovskite which may have a profound effect on the dynamics the lowermost mantle. We present preliminary results from measurements of the phonon thermal conductivity of perovskite at 125 GPa using a pulsed laser heating technique. The available data suggest a larger value than what previously estimated, although the uncertainty is large.  相似文献   

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