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The patterns of variation of TiO2 conent during magmatic evolution are different in the so called “orogenic” and “anorogenie” basic associations; these last terms, which are the cause of much misunderstanding, can be replaced by the terms “isotitaniferous” and “anisotitaniferous”.  相似文献   

The “wave turbopause” is defined as the mesospheric altitude level where the temperature fluctuation field indicates a substantial increase in wave amplitudes in the vertical direction.The turbopause altitude is analyzed on the basis of four years of SABER data (2002–2005, Version 1.06). Substantial seasonal and latitudinal variations are found, with some interannual variability also present. Seasonal changes are annual at high latitudes, semi-annual at low latitudes, and a mixture of both at middle latitudes. Southern hemisphere data are similar as in the North if shifted by half a year. Latitudinal variations show a minimum in the tropics and two relative maxima at middle latitudes.The “wave turbopause” is found near to zero-wind lines or low-wind zones (zonal wind). It is compared to rocket and other measurements, and interesting similarities are obtained. The wave turbopause can also be found in the HAMMONIA GCM. A preliminary analysis shows results similar to those of the SABER measurements.  相似文献   

The Chisone Valley is located in the internal NW Alps, in the Pinerolese District, an area characterized by present low to medium seismicity. Fine-grained sediments (sand, silt and clay with interbedded gravel) crop out in the lower Chisone Valley: they were first interpreted as glaciolacustrine deposits, and then as a lacustrine infilling of the valley floor probably due to differential uplifting of the valley mouth. Review of this data, together with new field and palynological observations, lead us to refer the lacustrine deposits to approximately the Lower Pleistocene (Villafranchian). In many outcrops, the lacustrine deposits show strong soft-sediment deformation such as convolute laminations, water-escape structures and disrupted beds, some of them associated with folds and faults (cm to dm in size); only two sites show metric to decametric folds and faults trending E-W and N-S. Detailed structural analysis conducted along a recently exposed section (Rio Gran Dubbione site) shows several soft-sediment deformation features on the limbs of mesoscale folds. Because of their intimate structural association, the origin of these minor structures seems to be connected to synsedimentary activity on reverse and normal faults (m to dm in size) affecting the lacustrine deposits in the same locality. Soft-sediment deformation features can be interpreted as possible paleoseismites. If so, the present seismicity of the Pinerolese District, which is the major area of such activity in NW Italy, cannot be considered an isolated episode in the geological evolution of the region; even if there is no supporting evidence for continuous seismicity, the deformations in the lacustrine sediments of the Chisone Valley testify to Early Pleistocene seismic activity, probably related to the recent tectonic evolution of the internal side of the NW Alps.  相似文献   

Intrusive degassing and recycling of degassed and dense magma at depth have been proposed for a long time at Stromboli. The brief explosive event that occurred at the summit craters on 9 January 2005 threw out bombs and lapilli that could be good candidates to illustrate recycling of shallow degassed magma at depth. We present an extensive data set on both the textures and the mineral, bulk rock and glassy matrix chemistry of the “9 Jan” products. The latter have the common shoshonitic–basaltic bulk composition of lavas and scoriae issued from typical strombolian activity. In contrast they differ by the heterogeneous chemistry of their matrix glasses and their crystal textures that testify to crystal dissolution event(s) just prior magma crystallization upon ascent and eruption. Comparison between mineral paragenesis of the natural products and experimental phase equilibria suggest water-induced magma re-equilibration. We propose that mineral dissolution is related to water enrichment of the recycled degassed magma, via differential gas bubble transfer and to some extents its physical mixing with volatile-rich magma blobs. However, all these features illustrate transient processes. Even though evidence of mineral dissolution is ubiquitous at Stromboli, its effect on the bulk magma chemistry is minor because of the subtle interplay between mineral dissolution and crystallization in magmas having comparable bulk chemistry.  相似文献   

Design seismic forces depend on Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values and on the shape of Response Spectrum (RS) curves dictated by Building Codes or which need to be evaluated in every particular case. The PGA values and RS curves strictly depend on earthquake magnitude and distance, as well as on the regional and local geological conditions. At present, there is no doubt that it is necessary to construct so-called “Site & Region-specific” Building Code provisions reflecting the influence of different magnitude events at different distances that may occur during the life time of the construction, as well as the variety of local ground conditions. A scheme of Uniform Hazard Response Spectra and PGA estimation considering local site response is described in this paper. The assessments of these design parameters are obtained on the basis of Uniform Hazard Fourier spectra using the conception of “dominant earthquakes”. The effect of local geology is included by means of the soil/reference site spectral ratios.  相似文献   

Cancelling of multiple reflections by CDP stacking is generally incomplete. When the order of coverage is low, an improvement may be obtained by the use of special filters (e.g. Schneider et al: Geophysics 1965; D'Hoeraene: Geophysics 1966). But when the order of coverage is high, the efficiency of these filters is less obvious. On the other hand, the higher the order of coverage, the higher the efficiency in the solution presented. Schematically, our method includes three steps: Firstly: Searching for the multiple reflections. For this purpose Move Out corrections corresponding to the multiples are applied to each individual record, then CDP stacking is carried out. Secondly: Cleaning up of the individual records. “Decorrections” are firstly applied, then multiples are subtracted. For this, subtraction is weighed versus the energy of the multiples, that is to say versus the correlation between the original record and the pure multiple reflections. Thirdly: Normal processing with the cleaned records which have been obtained. The different steps of this method are illustrated with the help of theoretical examples. Its efficiency improvement in regard to normal CDP stacking is then demonstrated by means of true examples.  相似文献   

The Tadhak alkaline ring-complex of Permian age provides two whole rock UPb isochrons giving concordant ages in agreement within relative errors with the RbSr isochron age:235U207Pb isochron: 271 ± 32Ma(MSWD= 0.3);238U206Pb isochron: 254 ± 18Ma(MSWD= 7.8), both on 8 whole-rock samples. The existence of these isochrons indicates that in favorable conditions U (and Pb) can be immobile. This can be due either to the lack of hard oxidizing conditions and/or to the location of U, in very low concentrations, in weathering-resistant minerals. The initial ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.714 ± 70and207Pb/204Pb = 15.589 ± 16), corrected for their Permian age, lie in the range observed for oceanic island basalts or continental alkali basalts and indicate an origin in a similar mantle, without any significant crustal contamination. This was also suggested by the initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70457 ± 4. Moreover, these Sr and Pb isotopic characteristics belong to the field of the so-called “Dupal” anomaly and indicate that it existed already 270 Ma ago. This study shows the potential interest of isotopic investigations of within-plate alkaline ring-complexes to characterize subcontinental mantle compositions, particularly in the past.  相似文献   

Ground motion models for the Molise region (Southern Italy)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to evaluate empirical attenuation relationships in order to validate peak values and pseudo-velocity spectra to calibrate shaking scenarios for the Molise area, which was struck by two earthquakes of Mw=5.7 (INGV-Harvard European-Mediterranean Regional Centroid-Moment tensor project) on October 31st and November 1st, 2002. Before the earthquake occurrence this region was classified as not hazardous, according to the former Italian seismic code. After the main-shocks, felt in many towns of the Molise and Puglia regions, a strong motion and a seismic temporary network were installed in the epicentral area and surrounding regions. This allowed the collection of a large data set, useful to characterize this area. The joint velocity-acceleration data set has been used to derive ground motion models for peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-velocity response spectra for both maximum horizontal and vertical components of the motion.The results obtained for the Molise area have been compared with the attenuation pattern of the Umbria-Marche region (central Italy) and the Italian territory. Remarkable differences have been observed leading to a discussion of the possible regional dependence of ground motion.  相似文献   

Scum formation is a widespread problem in activated sludge nutrient removal plants. It often comes along with an excessive development of the filamentous bacterium “Microthrix parvicella” stabilizing the flotation process. As “M. parvicella” was found to depend on long‐chain fatty acids (LCFA) as sole carbon source not only in vitro but also in situ, some options of in‐situ substrate supply are discussed. Wastewater concentrations of fatty acids in the range of 2 to 15 mg L‐1 and homologue concentrations from synthetic surfactant degradation below 10 mg L‐1 rule out these substrates as source for excessive biomass production. They might, however, well be suitable for start‐up of a “M. parvicella” population. Build‐up of excessive biomass might rely on fatty acid supply originating in cell walls of lysed stationary phase bacteria of long residence time sludge fractions such as scum layers. Moreover, biogenic surfactants such as rhamnolipids have been proved to be an excellent carbon source for excessive biomass production in vitro.  相似文献   

Vorgestellt wird ein einfaches Verfahren zur schnellen und gleichzeitig differenzierten Ansprache des Vcrkrautungszustandes von Fließgewässern für Zwecke der wasserwirtschaftlichen Praxis sowie zur ökologischen Beurteilung des Gewässers. Das Verfahren beruht auf der getrennten Bestimmung von Verkrautungsform und Verkrautungsgrad mit Hilfe eines Schlüssels, wobei die Verkrautungsform eine Synthese aus ökologischen und hydraulischen Einheiten darstellt. Die häufigsten Verkrautungsformen werden anhand von Bildern, die Anwendung anhand von Beispielen dargestellt.  相似文献   

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