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This work is a part of the TOR1 project (1996–1997) and is devoted to determining the lithospheric structure across the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone in Northern Europe. For the first time in Europe, a very dense seismic broadband array has offered the possibility of determining very sharp lateral variations in the structure of the lithosphere at small scales using surface wave analysis. We measure phase velocities for Rayleigh waves with periods ranging between 10 and 100 s, both within arrays with apertures of 40–50 km (small compared to the wavelength), and along long profiles of at least 100 km. Dispersion curves are then inverted and shear-wave velocity models down to the depth of 200 km are proposed. We show that the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone is a major tectonic feature within the whole lithosphere. North–east of this feature, in Sweden beneath the Baltic Shield, no lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary is observed to exist to depths of 200 km. South–west of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone, beneath Denmark, we find a lithospheric thickness of 120±20 km. The transition across the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone is sharp and determined to be very steeply dipping to the south–west. We also demonstrate the existence of a sharp discontinuity between the lithospheres beneath Denmark (120±20 km thick) and beneath Germany (characterized by thicknesses of 50±10 km in the northernmost part and 100±20 km in the southwest). This discontinuity is most likely related to the Trans-European Fault at the surface.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple semblance-weighted stacking technique to estimate crustal thickness and average VP/VS ratio using teleseismic receiver functions. We have applied our method to data from 32 broadband seismograph stations that cover a 700 × 400 km2 region of the Grenville orogen, a 1.2–0.98 Ga Himalayan-scale collisional belt in eastern North America. Our seismograph network partly overlaps with Lithoprobe and other crustal refraction surveys. In 8 out of 9 cases where a crustal-refraction profile passes within 30 km of a seismograph station, the two independent crustal thickness estimates agree to within 7%. Our regional crustal-thickness model, constructed using both teleseismic and refraction observations, ranges between 34.0 and 52.4 km. Crustal-thickness trends show a strong correlation with geological belts, but do not correlate with surface topography and are far in excess of relief required to maintain local isostatic equilibrium. The thickest crust (52.4 ± 1.7 km) was found at a station located within the 1.1 Ga mid-continent (failed) rift. The Central Gneiss Belt, which contains rocks exhumed from deep levels of the crust, is characterized by VP/VS ranging from 1.78 to 1.85. In other parts of the Grenville orogen, VP/VS is found to be generally less than 1.80. The thinnest crust (34.5–37.0 km) occurs northeast of the 0.7 Ga Ottawa–Bonnechere graben and correlates with areas of high intraplate seismicity.  相似文献   

Joint analysis of shear‐wave splitting parameters and directional dependence of teleseismic P residuals based on data from the seismic experiment TOR across the Trans‐European Suture Zone suggest that the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) in northern Denmark forms the south‐western margin of Baltica in the upper mantle. Different lithosphere thickness and different orientation of seismic anisotropy in the mantle lithosphere identify three domains separated by the STZ between Denmark and southern Sweden and the Thor Suture between northern Germany and Denmark. We suggest that the anisotropy reflects frozen‐in olivine fabrics, most probably created during early stages of the evolution of the European continent. The middle Danish block might represent a microplate caught in between Avalonia and Baltica before the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   

From July 1996 to August 1997 the TOR project operated 130 seismographs in North Germany, Denmark and South Sweden, with the aim of collecting signals from local, regional and teleseismic earthquakes. This data set is particularly interesting since the seismic antenna crosses the most significant geological boundary in Europe, the Tornquist Zone, which in the northern part is the border between the Baltic Shield and the younger European lithosphere. Previous studies have shown significant physical changes in the crust and upper mantle across this transition zone, including two independent teleseismic tomographic studies of the TOR data set. But these two studies disagree on the orientation of the slope of the transition. Both studies used an iterative linearized inversion method. We will in this work Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 27 July 2005 present an inversion based on Bayesian statistics, where the solution space is examined in order to study a very large number of tomographic solutions and to examine the solution uniqueness and uncertainty. The method is applied to measurements of 3345 relative teleseismic P-phase travel times from 48 teleseismic earthquakes with good azimuthal coverage with respect to the great circle arc of the TOR array. We find the lithospheric transition to be a north east inclination of around 30° to 45° off vertical.  相似文献   

A passive teleseismic experiment (TOR), traversing the northern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in Germany, Denmark and Sweden, recorded data for tomography of the upper mantle with a lateral resolution of few tens of kilometers as well as for a detailed study of seismic anisotropy. A joint inversion of teleseismic P-residual spheres and shear-wave splitting parameters allows us to retrieve the 3D orientation of dipping anisotropic structures in different domains of the sub-crustal lithosphere. We distinguish three major domains of different large-scale fabric divided by first-order sutures cutting the whole lithosphere thickness. The Baltic Shield north of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) is characterised by lithosphere thickness around 175 km and the anisotropy is modelled by olivine aggregate of hexagonal symmetry with the high-velocity (ac) foliation plane striking NW–SE and dipping to NE. Southward of the STZ, beneath the Norwegian–Danish Basin, the lithosphere thins abruptly to about 75 km. In this domain, between the STZ and the so-called Caledonian Deformation Front (CDF), the anisotropic structures strike NE–SW and the high-velocity (ac) foliation dips to NW. To the south of the CDF, beneath northern Germany, we observe a heterogeneous lithosphere with variable thickness and anisotropic structures with high velocity dipping predominantly to SW. Most of the anisotropy observed at TOR stations can be explained by a preferred olivine orientation frozen in the sub-crustal lithosphere. Beneath northern Germany, a part of the shear-wave splitting is probably caused by a present-day flow in the asthenosphere.  相似文献   

The crustal structure along a 312 km transect, stretching from the axial mountains of the North Atlantic Knipovich Ridge to the continental shelf of Svalbard, has been obtained using seismic reflection data and wide angle OBS data. The resulting seismic Vp and Vs models are further constrained by a 2-D-gravity model. The principal objective of this study is to describe and resolve the physical and compositional properties of the crust in order to understand the processes and creation of oceanic crust in this extremely slow-spreading counterpart of the North Atlantic Ridge Systems. Vp is estimated to be 3.50–6.05 km/s for the upper oceanic crust (oceanic layer 2), with a marked increase away from the ridge. The measured Vp of 6.55–6.95 km/s for oceanic layer 3A and 7.10–7.25 km/s for layer 3B, both with a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.81, except for slightly higher values at the ridge axis, does not allow a clear distinction between gabbro and mantle-derived peridotite (10–40% serpentized). The thickness of the oceanic crust varies a lot along the transect from the minimum of 5.6 km to a maximum of 8.1 km. The mean thickness of 6.7 km for the oceanic crust is well above the average thickness for slow-spreading ridges (<10 mm/year half-spreading rate). The areas of increased thickness could be explained by large magma production-rates found in the zones of axial highs at the ridge axis, which also have generated the off-axial highs adjacent the ridge. We suggest that these axial and off-axial highs along the ridge control the lithological composition of the oceanic crust. This approach suggests normal gabbroic oceanic crust to be found in the areas bound by the active magma segments (the axial and off-axial highs) and mantle-derived peridotite outside these zone.  相似文献   

The Moho topography is strongly undulating in southern Scandinavia and northeastern Europe. A map of the depth to Moho shows similarities between the areas of the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone (TTZ) in Poland and the Fennoscandian Border Zone (FBZ), which is partly coinciding with the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) in Denmark. The Moho is steeply dipping at these zones from a crustal thickness of approximately 32 km in the young Palaeozoic Platform and basin areas to approximately 45 km in the old Precambrian Platform and Baltic Shield. The Moho reflectivity (PMP waveform) in the POLONAISE'97 refraction/wide-angle seismic data from Poland and Lithuania is variable, ranging from ‘sharp’ to strongly reverberating signals of up to 2 s duration. There is little or no lower crustal wide-angle reflectivity in the thick Precambrian Platform, whereas lower crustal reflectivity in the thin Palaeozoic Platform is strongly reverberating, suggesting that the reflective lower crust and upper mantle is a young phenomena. From stochastic reflectivity modelling, we conclude that alternating high- and low-velocity layers with average thicknesses of 50–300 m and P-wave velocity variations of ±3–4% of the background velocity can explain the lower crustal reflectivity. Sedimentary layering affects the reflectivity of deeper layers significantly and must be considered in reflectivity studies, although the reverberations from the deeper crust cannot be explained by the sedimentary layering only. The reflective lower crust and upper mantle may correspond to a zone that has been intruded by mafic melts from the mantle during crustal extension and volcanism.  相似文献   

A total of 13 regional Ocean Bottom Seismograph (OBS) profiles with an accumulated length of 2207 km acquired on the Vøring Margin, NE Atlantic have been travel time modelled with regards to S-waves. The Vp/Vs ratios are found to decrease with depth through the Tertiary layers, which is attributed to increased compaction and consolidation of the rocks. The Vp/Vs ratio in the intra-Campanian to mid-Campanian layer (1.75–1.8) in the central Vøring Basin is significantly lower than for the layers above and beneath, suggesting higher sand/shale ratio. This layer was confirmed by drilling to represent a layer of sandstone. This mid-Cretaceous ‘anomaly’ is also present in the northern Vøring Basin, as well as on the southern Lofoten Margin further north. The Vp/Vs ratio in the extrusive rocks on the Vøring Plateau is estimated to be 1.85, conformable with mafic (basaltic) rocks. Landward of the continent/ocean transition (COT), the Vp/Vs ratio in the layer beneath the volcanics is estimated to be 1.67–1.75. These low values suggest that this layer represents sedimentary rocks, and that the sand/shale ratio might be relatively high here. The Vp/Vs ratio in the crystalline basement is estimated to be 1.67–1.75 in the basin and on the landward part of the Vøring Plateau, indicating the presence of granitic/granodioritic continental crust. In the lower crust, the Vp/Vs ratio in the basin decreases uniformly from southwest to northeast, from 1.85–1.9 to 1.68–1.73, suggesting a gradual change from mafic (gabbroic) to felsic (granodioritic) lower crust. Significant (3–5%) azimuthal S-wave anisotropy is observed for several sedimentary layers, as well as in the lower crust. All these observations can be explained by invoking the presence of liquid-filled microcracks aligned vertically along the direction of the present day maximum compressive stress (NW–SE).  相似文献   

Project Tor (Teleseismic Tomography across the Tornquist Zone in Germany–Denmark–Sweden) is now producing results. We are able to detect very significant deep lithosphere differences, and we can now discuss the sharpness laterally. In 1996–1997, our 120 seismographs constituted the largest seismic antenna ever in Europe. The Tor area was chosen along a well-studied crustal profile of an earlier project, and the inversion efforts are concentrated on the deep lithosphere and asthenosphere differences to depths around 300 km. The Tor investigation can be called two-and-a-half-dimensional, as it has a 900-km profile length with 100 km width plus a few seismographs off the profile. The Tor data have been subjected to P-wave travel time tomography, surface wave and receiver function analysis as well as anisotropy and scattering measurements. Through ray tracing in a compiled crustal model and subtraction of the modelled travel time anomalies, the influence of the lower lithosphere/asthenosphere on the seismic rays from distant earthquakes is being established. Travel time tomography results confirm very large lateral lithosphere differences of 4–6% in P-wave velocity. For several events of the large data base, it is demonstrated that the observed P-wave travel time anomalies of 1–2 s can be divided almost equally between known crustal effects and lower lithosphere/asthenosphere differences, which then must account for about 1 s of the travel time differences. The transition is interpreted to be sharp and steep in two places. It goes all the way through the lithosphere at the northern rim of the Tornquist Zone near the border between Sweden and Denmark, and here the lithosphere difference is large. A smaller lithosphere difference is found near the southern edge of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High just north of the border between Denmark and Germany. Also, this transition is sharp and steep, and goes all through the lithosphere. These two sharp transitions divide the Tor region into three different lithosphere structures distinguishable in P-wave travel time tomography, surface wave dispersion, P- and S-wave anisotropy, and partly in P-wave scattering.  相似文献   

Recently, two diverse seismic techniques were applied independently to the study of the crustal structure of the Cumberland Plateau, eastern Tennessee. One involved a reinterpretation of a refraction experiment performed in 1965 by the U.S. Geological Survey, consisting of two 400 km long, reversed refraction lines. The other entailed the inversion of broadband teleseismic P waveforms recorded at a single three-component broadband station, RSCP, located at the intersection of the two refraction profiles. A comparison of the two sets of velocity profiles revealed many similarities and some significant differences. Both sets of velocity models consist of three major crustal layers: (1) an upper crust (Vp = 6.1–6.4 km/s) down to about 17 km, (2) a mid-crust (Vp = 6.7–6.9 km/s) between 17 and 40 km depth, (3) a lower crust (Vp = 7.2–7.4 km/s) from 40 to 51 km depth. The refraction models have linear transition zones up to 11 km thick at the base of each layer, whereas the teleseismic models have more irregular transition zones at the base of the mid- and lower crust. The differences in the results of these studies are attributed to the differing frequency bandwidths of the data sets; the predominant sensitivity of the teleseismic data to shear velocities, compared to compressional velocities for the refraction data; and the different analysis procedures involved in each method. Nevertheless, the similarities indicate that the teleseismic waveform method with broadband data is capable of retreiving comparable crustal information as the Cumberland Plateau refraction survey. In addition, it provides the kind of complementary information required to constrain the composition of the continental lower crust and uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

The Achankovil Zone of southern India, a NW–SE trending lineament of 8–10 km in width and > 100 km length, is a kinematically debated crustal feature, considered to mark the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block in the north and the Trivandrum Granulite Block in the south. Both these crustal blocks show evidence for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism during the Pan-African orogeny, although the exhumation styles are markedly different. The Achankovil Zone is characterized by discontinuous strands of cordierite-bearing gneiss with an assemblage of cordierite + garnet + quartz + plagioclase + spinel + ilmenite + magnetite ± orthopyroxene ± biotite ± K-feldspar ± sillimanite. The lithology preserves several peak and post-peak metamorphic assemblages including: (1) orthopyroxene + garnet, (2) perthite and/or anti-perthite, (3) cordierite ± orthopyroxene corona around garnet, and (4) cordierite + quartz symplectite after garnet. We estimate the peak metamorphic conditions of these rocks using orthopyroxene-bearing geothermobarometers and feldspar solvus which yield 8.5–9.5 kbar and 940–1040 °C, the highest PT conditions so far recorded from the Achankovil Zone. The retrograde conditions were obtained from cordierite-bearing geothermobarometers at 3.5–4.5 kbar and 720 ± 60 °C. From orthopyroxene chemistry, we record a multistage exhumation history for these rocks, which is closely comparable with those reported in recent studies from the Madurai Granulite Block, but different from those documented from the Trivandrum Granulite Block. An evaluation of the petrologic and geochronologic data, together with the nature of exhumation paths leads us to propose that the Achankovil Zone is probably the southern flank of the Madurai Granulite Block, and not a unit of the Trivandrum Granulite Block as presently believed. Post-tectonic alkali granites that form an array of “suturing plutons” along the margin of the Madurai Granulite Block and within the Achankovil Zone, but are absent in the Trivandrum Granulite Block, suggest that the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block and the Trivandrum Granulite Block might lie along the Tenmalai shear zone at the southern extremity of the Achankovil Zone.  相似文献   

Hundreds of samples and 17 variables collected from coalfields of major coal-bearing strata over China except for Tibet and Taiwan, were used in this study. The dry, ash-free basis volatile matter (V r) and caking index (G (RI)) were chosen by means of correlation analysis and stepwise discriminatory analysis as major indices of a new classification. By means of the optimum section, the boundary value of the axis of ordinate (G (RI)) and axis of abscissas (V r) can be determined in the classification system. Thus, aV rG (RI) classification scheme diagram was formed and bituminous coal was divided into nine classes. Use of correspondence analysis reduced dimensions of sample-expressive space without losing initial information. The trend on the factor surface of samples shows that the classification obtained from correspondence analysis conforms to theV rG (RI) classification result and further verified the dependability of classification by two indices. At the same time, a certain relationship between the properties of a great variety of coal and their attributes can be explained. Hence, bituminous coal classification becomes more scientific, reasonable, and practical than before.  相似文献   

The NW-SE oriented Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) has been thoroughly studied during the last 25 years, especially by means of well data and seismic profiles. We present the results of a first brittle tectonic analysis based on about 850 dykes, veins and minor fault-slip data measured in the field in Scania, including paleostress reconstruction. We discuss the relationships between normal and strike-slip faulting in Scania since the Permian extension to the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary structural inversions. Our paleostress determinations reveal six successive or coeval main stress states in the evolution of Scania since the Permian. Two stress states correspond to normal faulting with NE-SW and NW-SE extensions, one stress state is mainly of reverse type with NE-SW compression, and three stress states are strike-slip in type with NNW-SSE, WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW directions of compression.The NE-SW extension partly corresponds to the Late Carboniferous–Permian important extensional period, dated by dykes and fault mineralisations. However extension existed along a similar direction during the Mesozoic. It has been locally observed until within the Danian. A perpendicular NW-SE extension reveals the occurrence of stress permutations. The NNW-SSE strike-slip episode is also expected to belong to the Late Carboniferous–Permian episode and is interpreted in terms of right-lateral wrench faulting along STZ-oriented faults. The inversion process has been characterised by reverse and strike-slip faulting related to the NE-SW compressional stress state.This study highlights the importance of extensional tectonics in northwest Europe since the end of the Palaeozoic until the end of the Cretaceous. The importance and role of wrench faulting in the tectonic evolution of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone are discussed.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of coexisting natural 3T and 2M 1 phengite samples (Cima Pal, Sesia Zone; Val Savenca; Western Alps, Italy) with similar chemical compositions have been studied by room temperature–high pressure powder diffraction, using synchrotron radiation on the ID9A beam-line at ESRF (Grenoble, France). The PV curves have been modelled by the Birch–Murnaghan model; a third-order expansion fitted to the experimental data yields for 3T and 2M 1 K 0=60.4(±0.7) GPa, K′=5.79(±0.11) at V 0=703.8851 Å3, and K 0=57.3(±1.0) GPa, K′=6.97(±0.24) at V 0=938.8815 Å3, respectively. The relative stability of 3T vs. 2M 1 has been explored as a function of pressure and temperature in terms of configuration and deformation contributions to the Gibbs energy, using the elastic properties determined here and other thermodynamic parameters from earlier investigations. The results presented agree with the hypothesis of stability of the 3T polytype in the high pressure regime.  相似文献   

A recent series of Swedish earthquakes at a focal depth not exceeding 2–3 km, the largest with IO = V + (MSK scale) andML = 3.2 shows that relatively strong seismic activity can occur in the uppermost part of the Baltic Shield. During the last 15 years several near-surface earthquakes have occurred in this region, as indicated by recorded Rg-waves and/or macroseismic data. Many events are located along the coast of central Sweden, suggesting a seismic belt of minor, near-surface activity, which should be considered in connection with the radioactive waste storage in the Swedish bedrock. The appearance of Rg, common in seismic records of explosions and rockbursts, is not a sufficient discriminator between artificial events and earthquakes.  相似文献   

The Central European Basin System (CEBS) is composed of a series of subbasins, the largest of which are (1) the Norwegian–Danish Basin (2), the North German Basin extending westward into the southern North Sea and (3) the Polish Basin. A 3D structural model of the CEBS is presented, which integrates the thickness of the crust below the Permian and five layers representing the Permian–Cenozoic sediments. Structural interpretations derived from the 3D model and from backstripping are discussed with respect to published seismic data. The analysis of structural relationships across the CEBS suggests that basin evolution was controlled to a large degree by the presence of major zones of crustal weakness. The NW–SE-striking Tornquist Zone, the Ringkøbing-Fyn High (RFH) and the Elbe Fault System (EFS) provided the borders for the large Permo–Mesozoic basins, which developed along axes parallel to these fault systems. The Tornquist Zone, as the most prominent of these zones, limited the area affected by Permian–Cenozoic subsidence to the north. Movements along the Tornquist Zone, the margins of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and the Elbe Fault System could have influenced basin initiation. Thermal destabilization of the crust between the major NW–SE-striking fault systems, however, was a second factor controlling the initiation and subsidence in the Permo–Mesozoic basins. In the Triassic, a change of the regional stress field caused the formation of large grabens (Central Graben, Horn Graben, Glückstadt Graben) perpendicular to the Tornquist Zone, the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and the Elbe Fault System. The resulting subsidence pattern can be explained by a superposition of declining thermal subsidence and regional extension. This led to a dissection of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High, resulting in offsets of the older NW–SE elements by the younger N–S elements. In the Late Cretaceous, the NW–SE elements were reactivated during compression, the direction of which was such that it did not favour inversion of N–S elements. A distinct change in subsidence controlling factors led to a shift of the main depocentre to the central North Sea in the Cenozoic. In this last phase, N–S-striking structures in the North Sea and NW–SE-striking structures in The Netherlands are reactivated as subsidence areas which are in line with the direction of present maximum compression. The Moho topography below the CEBS varies over a wide range. Below the N–S-trending Cenozoic depocentre in the North Sea, the crust is only 20 km thick compared to about 30 km below the largest part of the CEBS. The crust is up to 40 km thick below the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and up to 45 km along the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone. Crustal thickness gradients are present across the Tornquist Zone and across the borders of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High but not across the Elbe Fault System. The N–S-striking structural elements are generally underlain by a thinner crust than the other parts of the CEBS.The main fault systems in the Permian to Cenozoic sediment fill of the CEBS are located above zones in the deeper crust across which a change in geophysical properties as P-wave velocities or gravimetric response is observed. This indicates that these structures served as templates in the crustal memory and that the prerift configuration of the continental crust is a major controlling factor for the subsequent basin evolution.  相似文献   

The large-scale seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection experiment POLONAISE'97 together with LT-7 and TTZ profiles carried out with the most modern techniques gave a high resolution of crustal structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in NW and central Poland. The results of seismic investigations show the presence of relatively low velocity rocks (Vp < 6.1 km/s) down to a depth of 20 km beneath the Polish Basin (PB), and a high velocity lower crust (Vp = 6.8–7.3 km/s). The crustal thickness in the TESZ is intermediate between that of the East European Craton (EEC) to the northeast (40–45 km) and that of the Variscan crust (VB) to the southwest ( 30 km). Velocities in the uppermost mantle are relatively high (Vp = 8.25–8.45 km/s). The crust is three-layered with substantial differences in the velocities and thickness of individual layers. The area of the TESZ in NW and central Poland can be divided into at least two crustal blocks (terranes), called here Pomeranian Unit (PU, in the northwest) and Kuiavian Unit (KU, in the southeast). The postulated boundary between KU and PU is rather sharp at particular levels of the crust. Velocity distribution in the middle and lower crystalline crust in the TESZ area resemble values recognized in the EEC area, the fundamental difference being the much smaller thickness of both these layers. Our hypothesis/speculation is that the attenuated lower and middle crust of the TESZ belong to proximal terranes built of the EEC crust detached in the southeast and re-accreted to the EEC due to the process of anti-clockwise rotation of the Baltica paleocontinent during the Ordovician–Early Silurian.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the metamorphic evolution of pelitic, semi-pelitic migmatites and mafic granulites of the Chafalote Metamorphic Suite (CMS), Uruguay, which represents the southernmost exposures of high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguain—Sul-Rio-Grandense shield, South America. This belt is one of the Brasiliano orogens that crop out along the Brazilian and Uruguayan Atlantic margin, and the CMS is one of several disconnected segments of supracrustal rock in a dominantly granitic terrain. Petrological evidence from CMS mafic granulites and semi-pelitic migmatites indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved only as inclusions in porphyroblasts of the peak-metamorphic (M2) assemblage. Peak-metamorphism was followed by near-isothermal decompression (M3), which resulted in symplectites and coronitic textures in the mafic granulites and compositional zoning of Ca in garnet (decreasing rimwards) and plagioclase (increasing rimwards) in the semi-pelitic migmatites. The retrograde metamorphic assemblage (M4) is represented by hydration reaction textures replacing minerals of the M2 and M3 assemblages. Average PT calculations using the program THERMOCALC and conventional thermobarometric methods yield peak-metamorphic (M2) PT conditions of 7–10 kbar and 830–950 °C, near-decompressional (M3) PT conditions of 4.8–5.5 kbar and 788–830 °C and M4 retrograde PT conditions of 3–6 kbar and 600–750 °C. The calculated PT path for the CMS rocks is ‘clockwise’ and incorporates a near-isothermal decompression segment followed by minor cooling, consistent with a history of crustal thickening followed by extensional collapse at ca. 650–600 Ma. The metamorphism recorded by rocks of this crustal segment may be correlated with 650 Ma metamorphism in the Coastal Terrane of the Kaoko Belt in Namibia, being the first unequivocal match between South America and Africa provided by crystalline rocks south of the Congo Craton.  相似文献   

Since the early 1960s, deep seismic sounding experiments have been carried out on the Baltic Shield. In this study, we will mainly concentrate on the results obtained from two international profiles. Sveka and Baltic, carried out in Finland in 1981 and 1982. Results from these profiles are shown and discussed, and compared with those obtained from the FENNOLORA and from the other recent refraction profiles of the Baltic Shield in Fennoscandia. According to the results from Sveka and Baltic, and average crustal velocity is 6.6–6.7 km/s, which is rather high. Several distinct reflection boundaries have been found within the crust. In the lower part of the crust, a high-velocity layer with a P-wave velocity of 7.0–7.5 km/s has been found in some cases. In addition, the results indicate that the crustal structure has a clear block-like character, different blocks being separated from each other by deep fractures. The crustal thickness in the Baltic Shield is about 45 km on average, whereas around the Ladoga-Bothnian Bay zone in Central Finland, it is about 10 km thicker than this. Thus, there is a large-scale depression in the Moho boundary in the central part of the Baltic Shield.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the evidence for prograde high-pressure (HP) metamorphism preceding a peak ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) event in the northernmost part of the Madurai Block in southern India. Mg–Al-rich Grt–Ged rocks from Komateri in Karur district contain poikiloblastic garnet with numerous multi-phase inclusions. Although most of the inclusion assemblages are composed of gedrite, quartz, and secondary biotite, rare staurolite + sapphirine and spinel + quartz are also present. The XMg (=Mg/[Fe+Mg]) of staurolite (0.45–0.49) is almost consistent with that reported previously from Namakkal district in the Palghat–Cauvery Shear Zone system (XMg = 0.51–0.52), north of the Madurai Block. The HP event was followed by peak UHT metamorphism at T = 880–1040 °C and P = 9.8–12.5 kbar as indicated by thermobarometric computations in the Grt–Ged rock and associated mafic granulite. Symplectic intergrowth of spinel (XMg = 0.50–0.59, ZnO < 1.7 wt.%) and quartz, a diagnostic indicator of UHT metamorphism, probably formed by decompression at UHT conditions. The rocks subsequently underwent retrograde metamorphism at T = 720–760 °C and P = 4.2–5.1 kbar. The PT conditions and clockwise exhumation trajectory of the Komateri rocks, comparable to similar features recorded from the Palghat–Cauvery Shear Zone system, suggest that the Madurai Block and the Palghat–Cauvery Shear Zone system underwent similar HP and UHT metamorphic history probably related to the continent–continent collision during the final stage of amalgamation of Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

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