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A new model of the atmospheric entry of the Neuschwanstein fireball has been developed. The fireball was photographed in Germany on April 6, 2002, and three fragments of it were found during a subsequent search in the territory predicted according to observations. In this study, the form of the meteoric body is assumed to be a cube with rounded vertices and edges. The estimated mass of the meteoric body at its entry into the atmosphere is close to the literature data obtained using seismic, acoustic, and infrasonic analysis. It is noted that the analysis of this fireball was for the first time made without using the photometric approach.  相似文献   

Sporadic meteoroids are the most abundant yet least understood component of the Earth's meteoroid complex. This paper aims to build a physics-based model of this complex calibrated with five years of radar observations. The model of the sporadic meteoroid complex presented here includes the effects of the Sun and all eight planets, radiation forces and collisions. The model uses the observed meteor patrol radar strengths of the sporadic meteors to solve for the dust production rates of the populations of comets modeled, as well as the mass index. The model can explain some of the differences between the meteor velocity distributions seen by transverse versus radial scatter radars. The different ionization limits of the two techniques result in their looking at different populations with different velocity distributions. Radial scatter radars see primarily meteors from 55P/Tempel-Tuttle (or an orbitally similar lost comet), while transverse scatter radars are dominated by larger meteoroids from the Jupiter-family comets. In fact, our results suggest that the sporadic complex is better understood as originating from a small number of comets which transfer material to near-Earth space quite efficiently, rather than as a product of the cometary population as a whole. The model also sheds light on variations in the mass index reported by different radars, revealing it to be a result of their sampling different portions of the meteoroid population. In addition, we find that a mass index of s=2.34 as observed at Earth requires a shallower index (s=2.2) at the time of meteoroid production because of size-dependent processes in the evolution of meteoroids. The model also reveals the origin of the 55° radius ring seen centered on the Earth's apex (a result of high-inclination meteoroids undergoing Kozai oscillation) and the central condensations seen in the apex sources, as well as providing insight into the strength asymmetry of the helion and anti-helion sources.  相似文献   

Conventional meteoroid theory assumes that the dominant mode of ablation (which we will refer to as thermal ablation) is by evaporation following intense heating during atmospheric flight. Light production results from excitation of ablated meteoroid atoms following collisions with atmospheric constituents. In this paper, we consider the question of whether sputtering may provide an alternative disintegration process of some importance. For meteoroids in the mass range from 10-3 to and covering a meteor velocity range from 11 to , we numerically modeled both thermal ablation and sputtering ablation during atmospheric flight. We considered three meteoroid models believed to be representative of asteroidal ( mass density), cometary () and porous cometary () meteoroid structures. Atmospheric profiles which considered the molecular compositions at different heights were use in the sputtering calculations. We find that while in many cases (particularly at low velocities and for relatively large meteoroid masses) sputtering contributes only a small amount of mass loss during atmospheric flight, in some cases sputtering is very important. For example, a porous meteoroid at will lose nearly 51% of its mass by sputtering, while a asteroidal meteoroid at will lose nearly 83% of its mass by sputtering. We argue that sputtering may explain the light production observed at very great heights in some Leonid meteors. We discuss methods to observationally test the predictions of these computations. A search for early gradual tails on meteor light curves prior to the commencement of intense thermal ablation possibly represents the most promising approach. The impact of this work will be most dramatic for very small meteoroids such as those observed with large aperture radars. The heights of ablation and decelerations observed using these systems may provide evidence for the importance of sputtering.  相似文献   

Roche-lobe overflow and common envelope evolution are very important in binary evolution, which is believed to be the main evolutionary channel to hot subdwarf stars. The details of these processes are difficult to model, but adiabatic expansion provides an excellent approximation to the structure of a donor star undergoing dynamical time scale mass transfer. We can use this model to study the responses of stars of various masses and evolutionary stages as potential donor stars, with the urgent goal of obtaining more accurate stability criteria for dynamical mass transfer in binary population synthesis studies. As examples, we describe here several models with the initial masses equal to 1 M and 10 M , and identify potential limitations to the use of our results for giant-branch stars.  相似文献   

The Huygens descent through Titan's atmosphere in January 2005 will provide invaluable information about Titan's atmospheric composition and aerosol properties. The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) will perform upward and downward looking radiation observations at various spectral ranges and spatial resolutions. To prepare the DISR data interpretation we have developed a new model for radiation transfer in Titan's atmosphere. The model solves for the full three-dimensional polarized radiation field in spherical geometry. However, the atmosphere itself is assumed to be spherically symmetric. The model is initialized with a fast-to-compute plane–parallel solution based on the doubling and adding algorithm that incorporates a spherical correction for the incoming direct solar beam. The full three-dimensional problem is then solved using the characteristics method combined with the Picard iterative approximation as described in Rozanov et al. (J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 69 (2001) 491). Aerosol scattering properties are calculated with a new microphysical model. In this formulation, aerosols are assumed to be fractal aggregates and include methane gas absorption embedded into the extinction coefficient. The resulting radiance of the model atmosphere's internal field is presented for two prescribed DISR wavelengths.  相似文献   

A kinetic model is developed for the prediction of upper atmospheric i.r. radiation from the vibrational bands of NO. The model is appropriate to both the quiescent and aurorally excited nighttime atmosphere and has been exercised to examine the variation in NO radiation levels which can result from both natural atmospheric variability and uncertainties in kinetic parameters. Comparisons between model predictions and i.r. radiance data are presented.  相似文献   

The four entry probes of the Pioneer Venus mission measured the radiative net flux in the atmosphere of Venus at latitudes of 60°N, 31°S, 27°S, and 4°N. The three higher latitude probes carried instruments (small probe net flux radiometers; SNFR) with external sensors. The measured SNFR net fluxes are too large below the clouds, but an error source and correction scheme have been found (H. E. Revercomb, L. A. Sromovsky, and V. E. Suomi, 1982, Icarus52, 279–300). The near-equatorial probe carried an infrared radiometer (LIR) which viewed the atmosphere through a window in the probe. The LIR measurements are reasonable in the clouds, but increase to physically unreasonable levels shortly below the clouds. The probable error source and a correction procedure are identified. Three main conclusions can be drawn from comparisons of the four corrected flux profiles with radiative transfer calculations: (1) thermal net fluxes for the sounder probe do not require a reduction in the Mode 3 number density as has been suggested by O. B. Toon, B. Ragent, D. Colburn, J. Blamont, and C. Cot (1984, Icarus57, 143–160), but the probe measurements as a whole are most consistent with a significantly reduced mode 3 contribution to the cloud opacity; (2) at all probe sites, the fluxes imply that the upper cloud contains a yet undetected source of IR opacity; and (3) beneath the clouds the fluxes at a given altitude increase with latitude, suggesting greater IR cooling below the clouds at high latitudes and water vapor mixing ratios of about 2–5 × 10?5 near 60°, 2–5 × 10?4 near 30°, and 5 × 10?4 near the equator. The suggested latitudinal variation of IR cooling is consistent with descending motions at high latitudes, and it is speculated that it could provide an important additional drive for the general circulation.  相似文献   

We use a composite galaxy model consisting of a disk-halo, bulge, nucleus and dark-halo components in order to investigate the motion of stars in ther-z plane. It is observed that high angular momentum stars move in regular orbits. The majority of orbits are box orbits. There are also banana-like orbits. For a given value of energy, only a fraction of the low angular momentum stars — those going near the nucleus — show chaotic motion while the rest move in regular orbits. Again one observes the above two kinds of orbits. In addition to the above one can also see orbits with the characteristics of the 2/3 and 3/4 resonance. It is also shown that, in the absence of the bulge component, the area of chaotic motion in the surface of section increases, significantly. This suggests that a larger number of low angular momentum stars are in chaotic orbits in galaxies with massive nuclei and no bulge components.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the residual masses resulting from ablation of small meteoroid grains have been concerned with the ablation of particles which enter the atmosphere independently. There is widespread evidence that fragmentation is a common occurrence for meteors ranging from bright fireballs to the smallest meteors recorded with optical techniques. According to a widely accepted model, meteoroids can be considered to be a collection of tiny grains, with these grains being detached from the meteoroid during atmospheric flight. This investigation numerically solves the differential equations governing ablation of grains detached at different heights. Initial velocities from 12 to 70km s−1, and initial masses from 10−5 to 10−13kg, are considered. The ablation equations allow for thermal heating prior to the onset of intensive evaporation, and thermal reradiation throughout. The atmospheric density profile used is one based on the U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1962, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington). Calculations were completed for grains detached at 120, 100, 95, 90, 85, 80 and 75km height. For the purposes of the ablation model it is assumed that grains are ejected with an initial temperature of 1300 K, and that intensive grain evaporation begins at 2100 K. These values are consistent with grains emitted according to the model of Hawkes and Jones (1975a, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 173, 339; Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 185, 727). For comparison purposes, calculations were also completed for grains entering the atmosphere independently (initial height 140km and beginning temperature 280 K assumed).

It is found that particles ejected at heights of 100km and above behave essentially as independent particles incident from infinity. Hence the results of earlier studies (e.g. Nicol et al., 1985, Planet. Space Sci.33, 315) can be applied. For ejection at lower heights the resultant residual mass is somewhat less than that corresponding to grains of the same initial mass and velocity. The difference is greatest for high velocity, low mass meteors. For initial masses near 10−5kg, residual mass is almost independent of ejection height, at least down to an ejection height of 75km. The significant finding of Nicol et al. (1985, Planet. Space Sci.33, 315) that residual mass is almost independent of initial mass for a fairly wide range of initial masses is only loosely followed when in-flight ejection of particles at heights below about 95 km is considered.

Typical calculations are presented to show that in-flight fragmentation of dustballs can be an important source of macroscopic ablation product micrometeorites. The astronomical and atmospheric implications of this finding are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Guido Visconti 《Icarus》1981,45(3):638-652
We present computations of the photodissociation coefficients for NH3, N2H4, PH3, and H2S in the Jupiter atmosphere. The calculations take into account multiple scattering and absorption using the radiative-transfer method known as δ-Eddington approximation. The atmospheric models include two cloud layers of variable thickness and haze layers above the upper cloud and between the clouds. One of the results of the radiative computations deal with the reflectivity of the Jovian atmosphere as a function of wavelength. A comparison with available data on the albedo of the planet gives some important indications about mixing ratios and distributions of gases and aerosols. The results for the photolysis rates are compared with similar rates obtained by considering either the direct flux or the flux determined by the molecular gas absorption alone. The latter is usually the approximation used in aeronomic models. The results of this comparison show that a considerable difference exists with direct flux photodissociation but significant differences with molecular absorption flux exist only in atmospheric regions where photodissociation is relatively small.  相似文献   

Helium concentrations in the Martian atmosphere are estimated assuming that the helium production on Mars, comparable to its production on Earth, via the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, is in steady state equilibrium with its thermal escape. Although non-thermal losses would tend to reduce the estimated concentrations, these concentrations are not necessarily an upper limit since higher production rates and/or a possibly lower effective exospheric temperature over the solar activity cycle could increase them to even higher values. The computed helium concentration at the Martian exobase (200 km) is 8 × 106 atoms cm?3. Through the lower exosphere, the computed helium concentrations are 30–200 times greater than the Mariner-measured atomic hydrogen concentrations. It follows that helium may be the predominant constituent in the Martian lower exosphere and may well control the orbital lifetime of Mars-orbiting spacecraft. The estimated helium mixing ratio is greater at the Martian turbopause than at the terrestrial turbopause, and the helium column density in the lower Martian atmosphere may be comparable to that on Earth.  相似文献   

Net radiative flux measurements by instruments on the Pioneer Venus Day, North, and Night probes are too large below 30 km to be consistent with present estimates of atmospheric opacity. We evaluate the only known mechanisms which could potentially have caused significant errors in the deep atmosphere, namely, (1) radiation field perturbations behind each probe due to its thermal wake, (2) cloud particle deposition on the sensor windows, and (3) thermal perturbations within the radiation sensor produced by gas flow through the sensor window retainers. Thermal analysis of the wake effect shows that temperature perturbations are not large enough to produce significant flux perturbations when gas opacity and sensor field-of-view characteristics are taken into account. The particle deposition effect is rejected because it requires a signature in the measured radiation profile which is not observed. The absence of such a feature also implies that mode 3 cloud particles are either not sulfuric acid or are far less numerous than previously reported. We find that the third mechanism is the most likely source of the large net flux measurements. However, this error is not sufficiently constrained by laboratory data to allow rigorous corrections to the measured flux profiles. If we use radiative transfer calculations to constrain the fluxes at 14 km and limited laboratory data to estimate the altitude dependence of the error, then we obtain a plausible set of corrected flux profiles which are roughly consistent with reasonable H2O mixing ratios below the clouds.  相似文献   

An analysis of the collisional transition between the lower atmosphere and the collisionless exosphere is carried out based upon an integral formulation of the Boltzmann equation. This investigation utilizes a collision model which is a combination of Lorentz-gas and relaxation collision models. The results of this analysis indicate that intermolecular collisions act in two ways to affect the atmosphere. First, there is a critical layer, similar to the apparent photospheric surface of the Sun, from which the material escaping from the planet originates. This layer is determined by collision suffered by particles moving on orbits which skim tangentially by the planet. Secondly, collisions reduce the vertical flux of material in a manner analogous to the diffusion processes which occur in the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

Mass depletion of bodies through successive collisional disruptions (i.e., collision cascade) is one of the most important processes in the studies of the asteroids belt, the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, debris disks, and planetary formation. The collisional disruption is divided into two types, i.e., catastrophic disruption and cratering. Although some studies of the collision cascades neglected the effect of cratering, it is unclear which type of disruption makes a dominant contribution to the collision cascades. In the present study, we construct a simple outcome model describing both catastrophic disruption and cratering, which has some parameters characterizing the total ejecta mass, the mass of the largest fragment, and the power-law exponent of the size distribution of fragments. Using this simple outcome model with parameters, we examine the model dependence of the mass depletion time in collision cascades for neglect of coalescence of colliding bodies due to high collisional velocities. We find the cratering collisions are much more effective in collision cascades than collisions with catastrophic disruption in a wide region of the model parameters. It is also found that the mass depletion time in collision cascades is mainly governed by the total ejecta mass and almost insensitive to the mass of the largest fragment and the power-law exponent of fragments for a realistic parameter region. The total ejecta mass is usually determined by the ratio of the impact energy divided by the target mass (i.e. Q-value) to its threshold value for catastrophic disruption, as well as in our simple model. We derive a mass depletion time in collision cascades, which is determined by of the high-mass end of collision cascades. The mass depletion time derived with our model would be applicable to debris disks and planetary formation.  相似文献   

Using a combination of solar and interplanetary measurements, a topological model is developed of the overall magnetic and plasma structures.
(i)  The basic framework is the magnetic field, whose structure is found by combining measurements made at the photosphere, the transition region, and at 1 AU. It divides the atmosphere into three physically isolated regions having quite different processes of energy and plasma transfer, and very different properties.
(ii)  A magnetically open atmosphere is confined within 10% of the surface magnetic flux in the form of tiny nozzles. It expands from 0.1% of the photospheric area to 10% of the low corona and 100% of the solar wind. Energy absorption and resulting expansion is traced from chromospheric levels.
(iii)  A model of M-regions, high-speed plasma streams and interplanetary sector structure is based on refraction of acoustic waves and their focusing into the centres of sectors.
(iv)  The average magnetically enclosed atmosphere occupies1% of the photosphere, spreading to 90% of the low corona. Surface flux is concentrated into strands of 4×1018 Mx, with 30 per supergranule cell. The strands spread and also divide into smaller flux tubes to accout for chromospheric fine structure in which magnetic forces dominate. It is questionable that this complex of plasma elements should be called an atmosphere.
(v)  The third, non-magnetic part of the solar atmosphere comprises on averae 99% of the photosphere and a large part of the chromosphere (the network interior), but little if any of the corona. It is stressed that measurements or models of the solar atmosphere have little meaning unless they relate to a particular one of the three regions described here.
(vi)  It is confirmed that most of the energy needed to heat the solar atmosphere traverses the photosphere as Alfvén waves. Some energy is converted to acoustic waves at the boundaries of the magnetic fields, some is dissipated when the Alfvén waves become non-linear.

S. Close  M. Oppenheim  A. Coster 《Icarus》2004,168(1):43-52
Large-aperture radars detect the high-density plasma that forms in the vicinity of a meteoroid and moves approximately at its velocity; reflections from these plasmas are called head echoes. To determine the head plasma density and configuration, we model the interaction of a radar wave with the plasma without using assumptions about plasma density. This paper presents a scattering method that enables us to convert measurements of radar cross-section (RCS) from a head echo into plasma density by applying a spherical scattering model. We use three methods to validate our model. First, we compare the maximum plasma densities determined from the spherical solution using 30 head echoes detected simultaneously at VHF and UHF. Second, we use a head echo detected simultaneously at VHF, UHF and L-band to compare plasma densities at all frequencies. Finally, we apply our spherical solution to 723 VHF head echoes and calculate plasma density, line density and meteoroid mass in order to compare these values with those obtained from a meteoroid ablation and ionization model. In all three comparisons, our results show that the spherical solution produces consistent results across a wide frequency range and agrees well with the single-body ablation model.  相似文献   

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