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Abstract— The structural states of sodic plagioclase crystals of ~50 μm in size from three H6, two L6, and one LL6 chondritic meteorites have been determined by measuring the Δ131 parameter with a Gandolfi camera after analyzing chemical compositions. The temperature for each sodic plagioclase crystal has been determined by plotting the Δ131 parameter, corrected for the influence of K, on the relation diagram between the Δ131 parameter and the temperature of synthesis of sodic plagioclase by Smith (1972). The temperature obtained is assigned to the crystallization temperature of sodic plagioclase, and the maximum plagioclase temperature for each meteorite can be assumed to correspond to the maximum temperature attained by each meteorite during metamorphism. The maximum metamorphic temperatures estimated are 725–742 °C for the H6 chondrites, 808–820 °C for the L6 chondrites, and 800 °C for the LL6 chondrite. These temperatures are lower than those based on Ca contents of clinopyroxenes (Dodd, 1981; McSween et al., 1988) but are consistent with those based on Ca contents of orthopyroxenes (McSween and Patchen, 1989; Langenhorst et al., 1995; Jones, 1997). The K content of sodic plagioclase correlates with the temperature obtained from the structural state. This positive correlation suggests that sodic plagioclase has formed in the course of equilibration processes of alkali elements in prograde metamorphism (i.e., during heating processes). The results of this study (i.e., the maximum metamorphic temperature of the H6 chondrites is lower than that of the L6 chondrites by ~80 °C, and meteorites of the same chemical group show very similar maximum metamorphic temperatures) are in accordance with the predictions of calculations based on the 26Al heat source and the onion-shell structure model of the parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— The purpose of this study is to examine, using light optical and electron optical techniques, the microstructure and composition of metal particles in ordinary chondritic meteorites. This examination will lead to the understanding of the low temperature thermal history of metal particles in their host chondrites. Two type 6 falls were chosen for study: Kernouvé (H6) and Saint Severin (LL6). In both meteorites, the taenite particles consisted of a narrow rim of high Ni taenite and a central region of cloudy zone similar to the phases observed in iron meteorites. The cloudy zone microstructure was coarser in Saint Severin than in Kernouvé due to the higher bulk Ni content of the taenite and the slower cooling rate, 3 K Ma?1 vs. 17 K Ma?1. Three microstructural zones were observed within the high Ni taenite region in both meteorites. The origin of the multiple zones is unknown but is most likely due to the high Ni taenite cooling into the two phase γ″ (FeNi) + γ′ (FeNi3) region of the low temperature Fe-Ni phase diagram. Another explanation may be the presence of uniform size antiphase boundaries within the high Ni taenite. Finally, abnormally wide high Ni taenite regions are observed bordering troilite. The wide zones are probably caused by the diffusion of Ni from troilite into the high Ni taenite borders at low cooling temperatures.  相似文献   

In Lindsley's thermometry, a revised sequence of calculation of components is proposed for clinopyroxene, in which kosmochlor component is added. Temperatures obtained for the components calculated by the revised method are about 50 °C lower than those obtained for the components calculated by the Lindsley's original method and agree well with temperatures obtained from orthopyroxenes. Ca‐partitioning between clino‐ and orthopyroxenes is then thought to be equilibrated in types 5 to 7 ordinary chondrites. The temperatures for Tuxtuac (LL5), Dhurmsala (LL6), NWA 2092 (LL6/7), and Dho 011 (LL7) are 767–793°, 818–835°, 872–892°, and 917–936°C, respectively, suggesting that chondrites of higher petrographic types show higher equilibrium temperatures of pyroxenes. The regression equations which relate temperature and Wo and Fs contents in the temperature‐contoured pyroxene quadrilateral of 1 atm of Lindsley (1983) are also determined by the least squares method. It is possible to reproduce temperatures with an error less than 20 °C (2SE) using the regression equations.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of our petrological and mineralogical study of Fe‐Ni metal in type 3 ordinary and CO chondrites, and the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094. Fe‐Ni metal in ordinary and CO chondrites occurs in chondrule interiors, on chondrule surfaces, and as isolated grains in the matrix. Isolated Ni‐rich metal in chondrites of petrologic type lower than type 3.10 is enriched in Co relative to the kamacite in chondrules. However, Ni‐rich metal in type 3.15–3.9 chondrites always contains less Co than does kamacite. Fe‐Ni metal grains in chondrules in Semarkona typically show plessitic intergrowths consisting of submicrometer kamacite and Ni‐rich regions. Metal in other type 3 chondrites is composed of fine‐ to coarse‐grained aggregates of kamacite and Ni‐rich metal, resulting from metamorphism in the parent body. We found that the number density of Ni‐rich grains in metal (number of Ni‐rich grains per unit area of metal) in chondrules systematically decreases with increasing petrologic type. Thus, Fe‐Ni metal is a highly sensitive recorder of metamorphism in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, and can be used to distinguish petrologic type and identify the least thermally metamorphosed chondrites. Among the known ordinary and CO chondrites, Semarkona is the most primitive. The range of metamorphic temperatures were similar for type 3 ordinary and CO chondrites, despite them having different parent bodies. Most Fe‐Ni metal in Acfer 094 is martensite, and it preserves primary features. The degree of metamorphism is lower in Acfer 094, a true type 3.00 chondrite, than in Semarkona, which should be reclassified as type 3.01.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large number of ordinary chondrites contains micron-sized particles of metal and/or troilite dispersed in their silicate grains. Such metallic phases are responsible for the so-called darkening of the silicate grains and might be either precipitates, which formed during reduction of the silicates, or inclusions injected as a melt during a shock event. We have investigated these tiny foreign phases by analytical transmission electron microscopy in three unweathered, metamorphosed ordinary chondrites (Saint Séverin, LL6, Tsarev, L6 and Kernouvé, H6). We also looked for remnant shock indices. Our TEM observations suggest the following sequence of events in the three meteorites. First, a number of relatively strong shock events occurred on the parent body/bodies producing an Fe-FeS melt that was injected into silicate grains along a dense network of open fractures. Most of these shock defects were subsequently erased by high-temperature (700–900 °C) thermal metamorphism. Some remnants of the shock events are the observed trails of tiny metal and/or sulfide inclusions that formed as a result of fracture healing. Chemical homogenization of the silicates and limited oxidation of the metallic blebs also occurred during this high-temperature annealing event, resulting in Ni-rich inclusions. This effect was especially pronounced in the L and LL-chondrites studied. During subsequent cooling of the body/bodies, inclusions of chromite and phosphate precipitated, nucleating preferentially on lattice defects (dislocations, subgrain boundaries) and on the metal and sulfide inclusions. A later shock event of moderate intensity, probably corresponding to the separation of the meteorite from its parent body, produced new shock features in the silicate grains of the Saint Séverin meteorite, including mechanical twins in diopside and straight free screw dislocations in olivine.  相似文献   

Abstract— Many Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites Contain (Besides Chromites Of Constant Composition) Cr Spinel With A Large Spread In Cr/(Cr + Al) Ratios. They Occur Mainly As Large Grains In Chondrules Rich In Mesostasis, Preventing Complete Equilibration In Cr/Al But Not In Fe/Mg. This Partially Equilibrated Cr Spinel Turned Out To Be Particularly Useful For The Selection Of An Appropriate Olivine/Spinel Thermometer And For The Determination Of Equilibration Temperatures. The Main Results Are:
  • 1) The H3.7 To 3.8 And The L3.7 To 3.8 Chondrites Analyzed Show Temperatures Of 625 To 680 °C;
  • 2) Equilibrated Chondrites Show A Range Of Olivine/Cr‐Spinel Temperatures Between 700 And 820 °C, And The Same Average Temperatures For Type 4 To 6 (Number Of Analyzed Meteorites In Brackets): H4 (9) 766 °C, H5 (7) 774 °C, H6 (3) 775 °C, L4 (5) 752 °C, L5 (4) 754 °C, L6 (1) 754 °C. These Temperatures Are Interpreted As Equilibration Temperatures. One Indication Is That The Measured Isotherms Are Straight Lines Down To Low Cr/(Cr + Al) Ratios, Which Have A Higher Fe/Mg Interdiffusion Coefficient Than Grains With High Ratios. And There Is No Correlation Of Measured Temperature With Grain Size Of Cr Spinel.
  • 3) Chromites Sensu Stricto Show Temperatures About 50 To 100 °C Lower Than Cr Spinel, And A Correlation With Grain Size. This Is A Closure Temperature Established During Cooling And In Situ Crystallization.
These Results Can Best Be Interpreted By A “Rubble Pile” Model Of Parent Body Evolution. This Model Cannot Explain, However, The Absence Of Type 4 To 6 Chondrites With Temperatures As Low As For Type 3.7 To 3.8.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to investigate the relative importance of dry metamorphism and aqueous alteration in the history of chondrules, chondrules were hand-picked from the Semarkona (petrographic type 3.0), Bishunpur (3.1), Chainpur (3.4), Dhajala (3.8) and Allegan (5) chondrites, and matrix samples were extracted from the first three ordinary chondrites. The thermoluminescence (TL) properties of all the samples were measured, and appropriate subsets of the samples were analyzed by electron-microprobe and radiochemical neutron activation and the water and H-isotopic composition determined. The TL data for chondrules from Semarkona and Bishunpur scatter widely showing no unambiguous trends, although group B1 chondrules tend to have lower sensitivities and lower peak temperatures compared with group A5 chondrules. It is argued that these data reflect the variety of processes accompanying chondrule formation. The chondrules show remarkably uniform contents of the highly labile elements, indicating mineralogical control on abundance and volatile loss from silicates and loss and recondensation of mobile chalcophiles and siderophiles in some cases. Very high D/H values (up to ~8000‰ SMOW) are observed in certain Semarkona chondrules, a confirmation of earlier work. With increasing petrographic type, mean TL sensitivities of the chondrules increase, the spread of values within an individual meteorite decreases, and peak temperatures and peak widths show trends indicating that the TL is mainly produced by feldspar and that dry, thermal metamorphism is the dominant secondary process experienced by the chondrules. The TL sensitivities of matrix samples also increase with petrographic type. Chainpur matrix samples show the same spread of peak temperatures and peak widths as Chainpur chondrules, indicating metamorphism-related changes in the feldspar are responsible for the TL of the matrix. The TL data for the Semarkona and Bishunpur matrix samples provide, at best, only weak evidence for aqueous alteration, but the matrix contains H with approximately terrestrial D/H values, even though it contains much water. Secondary processes (probably aqueous alteration) presumably lowered the D/H of the matrix and certain chondrules. While chondrule properties appear to be governed primarily by formation processes and subsequent metamorphism, the matrix of Semarkona has a more complex history involving aqueous alteration as a meteorite-wide process.  相似文献   

Abstract— Black ordinary chondrite meteorites sample the spectral effects of shock on ordinary chondrite material in the space environment. Since shock is an important regolith process, these meteorites may provide insight into the spectral properties of the regoliths on ordinary chondrite parent bodies. To determine how common black chondrites are in the meteorite collection and, by analogy, the frequency of shock-alteration in ordinary chondrites, several of the world's major meteorite collections were examined to identify black chondrites. Over 80% of all catalogued ordinary chondrites were examined and, using an optical definition, 61 black chondrites were identified. Black chondrites account for approximately 13.7% of ordinary chondrite falls. If the optically altered gas-rich ordinary chondrites are included, the proportion of falls that exhibit some form of altered spectral properties increases to 16.7%. This suggests that optical alteration of asteroidal material in the space environment is a relatively common process.  相似文献   

Abstract— Densities and porosities of meteorites are physical properties that can be used to infer characteristics of asteroid interiors. We report density and porosity measurements of 42 pieces of 30 ordinary chondrites and provide a quantification of the errors of the gas pycnometer method used in this study. Based on our measurements, we find that no significant correlation exists between porosity and petrologic grade, chemical group, sample mass, bulk and grain density, or shock level. To investigate variations in porosity and density between pieces of a meteorite, we examined stones from two showers, Holbrook and Pultusk. Examination of nine samples of Holbrook suggests relative homogeneity in porosity and density between pieces of this shower. Measurements of three samples of Pultusk show homogeneity in bulk density, in contrast to Wilkison and Robinson (2000), a study that reported significant variations in bulk density between 11 samples of Pultusk. Finally, examination of two friable ordinary chondrites, Bjurböle and Allegan, reveal variability in friability and porosity among pieces of the same fall. We suggest that friable ordinary chondrites may have formed in a regolith or fault zone of an asteroid.  相似文献   

Abstract— The induced thermoluminescence (TL) properties of 16 CV and CV-related chondrites, four CK chondrites and Renazzo (CR2) have been measured in order to investigate their metamorphic history. The petrographic, mineralogical and bulk compositional differences among the CV chondrites indicate that the TL sensitivity of the ~130 °C TL peak is reflecting the abundance of ordered feldspar, especially in chondrule mesostasis, which in turn reflects parent-body metamorphism. The TL properties of 18 samples of homogenized Allende powder heated at a variety of times and temperatures, and cathodoluminescence mosaics of Axtell and Coolidge, showed results consistent with this conclusion. Five refractory inclusions from Allende, and separates from those inclusions, were also examined and yielded trends reflecting variations in mineralogy indicative of high peak temperatures (either metamorphic or igneous) and fairly rapid cooling. The CK chondrites are unique among metamorphosed chondrites in showing no detectable induced TL, which is consistent with literature data that suggests very unusual feldspar in these meteorites. Using TL sensitivity and several mineral systems and allowing for the differences in the oxidized and reduced subgroups, the CV and CV-related meteorites can be divided into petrologic types analogous to those of the ordinary and CO type 3 chondrites. Axtell, Kaba, Leoville, Bali, Arch and ALHA81003 are type 3.0–3.1, while ALH84018, Efremovka, Grosnaja, Allende and Vigarano are type 3.2–3.3 and Coolidge and Loongana 001 are type 3.8. Mokoia is probably a breccia with regions ranging in petrologic type from 3.0 to 3.2. Renazzo often plots at the end of the reduced and oxidized CV chondrite trends, even when those trends diverge, suggesting that in many respects it resembles the unmetamorphosed precursors of the CV chondrites. The low-petrographic types and low-TL peak temperatures of all samples, including the CV3.8 chondrites, indicates metamorphism in the stability field of low feldspar (i.e., <800 °C) and a metamorphic history similar to that of the CO chondrites but unlike that of the ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have carried out a study of feldspar compositions in a suite of H and LL ordinary chondrites, of petrologic types 4, 5, and 6, in order to examine the process of recrystallization and equilibration of feldspar as the degree of metamorphism increases. In the H chondrites, there is little variation in feldspar compositions among the petrologic types, suggesting that homogenization of chondrule mesostasis, from which feldspar is presumed to have crystallized, occurred before feldspar crystallization began. The LL chondrites we studied are more complex. In Bjurböle (L/LL4), plagioclase in individual relict chondrules has distinct compositions, with a range of An/Ab ratios and low Or contents. This heterogeneity is most likely attributable to original compositional heterogeneity among chondrule mesostases: localized recrystallization of mesostasis must have occurred before diffusional equilibration took place. In Tuxtuac (LL5), the An/Ab ratio of plagioclase is more homogeneous, and plagioclase includes a significant Or component. In addition, we observe what appears to be exsolution of K‐feldspar from albitic host grains. In Saint Séverin (LL6), the An/Ab ratio of plagioclase is homogeneous, but plagioclase compositions show a range of Or contents, corresponding to a patchy distribution of K in individual feldspar grains. The observations in these LL chondrites are difficult to interpret with a simple model of progressive equilibration with increasing petrologic type. We suggest that the current criteria for assigning petrologic types are poorly defined: it is possible that the assigned petrologic types of these chondrites do not correlate with their peak temperatures. We propose that feldspar compositions might record conditions during the heating stage of metamorphism, and that the early stages of metamorphism may have occurred in the presence of fluids, rather than under the dry conditions that are commonly assumed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Densities and porosities for 285 ordinary chondrites have been assembled and analyzed. Measured chondrite porosities are bimodal; finds have an average porosity of <3%, whereas fall porosities average 7% but range from zero to >30%. We conclude that mild degrees of weathering fill pore spaces, lowering grain densities and porosities without significantly changing the bulk size or mass of the sample. By assuming an original pristine grain density (as a function of the meteorite's mineralogy—determined by its class), we can derive model pristine porosities. These model porosities cluster around an average value of 10% for all classes of ordinary chondrites. Ordinary chondrites do not show any correlation of porosity (model or measured) with petrographic grade or sample size (over a range from 0.2 g to 2 kg). However, we do see a correlation between shock state and porosity. Shock-blackened meteorites are less porous than other meteorites. Furthermore, less severely shocked meteorites show a much broader range of porosities, with the maximum porosity seen among meteorites of a given shock class falling linearly as a function of that shock class. This is consistent with the idea that shock compresses and closes pore space. Analysis of meteorite porosity provides a lower bound to the fine-scale porosity of asteroids. Our densities, even with 10% primordial porosity, are significantly higher than inferred densities of possible asteroid parent bodies. These asteroids are probably loose piles of rubble.  相似文献   

Abstract— Carbon in the petrologic matrices of a number of ordinary chondrites of groups H, L, and LL, and of types 3 through 6 was studied with a nuclear microprobe and a Raman microprobe. The majority of the matrices had carbon contents in the narrow range between 0.03 and 0.2 wt%. The carbon content decreased only slightly with increasing petrologic type. Carbon-rich coats around troilite and/or metal phases occured in five meteorites. Poorly ordered carbon was found in the matrices. The carbon in the meteorites of higher petrologic types was slightly better ordered than in the meteorites of lower types. The narrow range of carbon contents and the similarity of the structural form of carbon in the matrices of the measured ordinary chondrites, which represent all groups and types, imply that their matrices may contain a common component, which might be of interstellar origin.  相似文献   

We performed in situ oxygen three‐isotope measurements of chondrule olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase from the newly described CVRed chondrite NWA 8613. Additionally, oxygen isotope ratios of plagioclase in chondrules from the Kaba CV3OxB chondrite were determined to enable comparisons of isotope ratios and degree of alteration of chondrules in both CV lithologies. NWA 8613 was affected by only mild thermal metamorphism. The majority of oxygen isotope ratios of olivine and pyroxenes plot along a slope‐1 line in the oxygen three‐isotope diagram, except for a type II and a remolten barred olivine chondrule. When isotopic relict olivine is excluded, olivine, and low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxenes are indistinguishable regarding Δ17O values. Conversely, plagioclase in chondrules from NWA 8613 and Kaba plot along mass‐dependent fractionation lines. Oxygen isotopic disequilibrium between phenocrysts and plagioclase was caused probably by exchange of plagioclase with 16O‐poor fluids on the CV parent body. Based on an existing oxygen isotope mass balance model, possible dust enrichment and ice enhancement factors were estimated. Type I chondrules from NWA 8613 possibly formed at moderately high dust enrichment factors (50× to 150× CI dust relative to solar abundances); estimates for water ice in the chondrule precursors range from 0.2× to 0.6× the nominal amount of ice in dust of CI composition. Findings agree with results from an earlier study on oxygen isotopes in chondrules of the Kaba CV chondrite, providing further evidence for a relatively dry and only moderately high dust‐enriched disk in the CV chondrule‐forming region.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review induced thermoluminescence (TL) data for 102 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs), many data just published in abstracts, in order to identify particularly primitive UOCs and further explore TL systematics that may have implications for the history of the chondrites and their parent body. We have identified 11 UOCs of petrologic types 3.0–3.1: Adrar 003, Elephant Moraine (EET) 90066, EET 90161, Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95502, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88477, Meteorite Hills (MET) 96503, Yamato (Y)‐790787, Y‐791324, Y‐791558, Y‐793565, and Y‐793596. These samples represent an important new resource for researchers interested in the nature of primitive solar system materials. Previously reported trends in which TL sensitivity increases with TL peak temperature and TL peak width, which we interpret in terms of crystallization of feldspar in the ordered or disordered forms during metamorphism, are confirmed by the new data. Importantly, the present data strengthen the trend described earlier in which the mean level of metamorphism experienced by UOCs increases along the series LL, L and H. This suggests either different burial depths for the UOCs from each class, or formation at similar depths in regoliths of different thickness.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites of the lowest petrologic types were surveyed by X‐ray mapping techniques. A variety of metamorphic effects were noted and subjected to detailed analysis using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and cathodoluminescence (CL) methods. The distribution of Cr in FeO‐rich olivine systematically changes as metamorphism increases between type 3.0 and type 3.2. Igneous zoning patterns are replaced by complex ones and Cr‐rich coatings develop on all grains. Cr distributions in olivine are controlled by the exsolution of a Cr‐rich phase, probably chromite. Cr in olivine may have been partly present as tetrahedrally coordinated Cr3+. Separation of chromite is nearly complete by petrologic type 3.2. The abundance of chondrules showing an inhomogeneous distribution of alkalis in mesostasis also increases with petrologic type. TEM shows this to be the result of crystallization of albite. Residual glass compositions systematically change during metamorphism, becoming increasingly rich in K. Glass in type I chondrules also gains alkalis during metamorphism. Both types of chondrules were open to an exchange of alkalis with opaque matrix and other chondrules. The matrix in the least metamorphosed chondrites is rich in S and Na. The S is lost from the matrix at the earliest stages of metamorphism due to coalescence of minute grains. Progressive heating also results in the loss of sulfides from chondrule rims and increases sulfide abundances in coarse matrix assemblages as well as inside chondrules. Alkalis initially leave the matrix and enter chondrules during early metamorphism. Feldspar subsequently nucleates in the matrix and Na re‐enters from chondrules. These metamorphic trends can be used to refine classification schemes for chondrites. Cr distributions in olivine are a highly effective tool for assigning petrologic types to the most primitive meteorites and can be used to subdivide types 3.0 and 3.1 into types 3.00 through 3.15. On this basis, the most primitive ordinary chondrite known is Semarkona, although even this meteorite has experienced a small amount of metamorphism. Allan Hills (ALH) A77307 is the least metamorphosed CO chondrite and shares many properties with the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094. Analytical problems are significant for glasses in type II chondrules, as Na is easily lost during microprobe analysis. As a result, existing schemes for chondrule classification that are based on the alkali content of glasses need to be revised.  相似文献   

Abstract— FeO-rich (Fs6–34) pyroxene lacking cathodoluminescence (CL), hereafter black pyroxene, is a major constituent of some of the chondrules and fragments in unequilibrated (type 3) enstatite chondrites (UECs). It contains structurally oriented zones of Cr-, Mn-, V-rich, FeO-poor enstatite with red CL, associated with mm-sized blebs of low-Ni, Fe-metal and, in some cases, silica. These occurrences represent clear evidence of pyroxene reduction. The black pyroxene is nearly always rimmed by minor element (Cr, Mn, V)-poor enstatite having a blue CL. More commonly, red and blue enstatites, unassociated with black pyroxene, occur as larger grains in chondrules and fragments, and these constitute the major silicate phases in UECs. The REE abundance patterns of the black pyroxene are LREE-depleted. The blue enstatite rims, however, have a near-flat to LREE-enriched pattern, ~0.5–4x chondritic. The petrologic and trace element data indicate that the black pyroxene is from an earlier generation of chondrules that formed in a nebular region that was more oxidizing than that of the enstatite chondrites. Following solidification, these chondrules experienced a more reducing nebular environment and underwent reduction. Some, perhaps most, of the red enstatite that is common throughout the UECs may be the product of solid-state reduction of black pyroxene. The blue enstatite rims grew onto the surfaces of the black pyroxene and red enstatite as a result of condensation from a nebular gas. The evolutionary history of some of the enstatite and chondrules in enstatite chondrites can be expressed in a four-stage model that includes: Stage 1. Formation of chondrules in an oxidizing nebular environment Stage 2. Solid-state reduction of the more oxidized chondrules and fragments to red enstatite in a more reducing nebular environment Stage 3. Formation of blue enstatite rims on the black pyroxene as well as on the red enstatite. Stage 4. Reprocessing, by various degrees of melting, of many of the earlier-formed materials.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of a survey of clasts and large (>5 mm) chondrules (macrochondrules) within the 833 ordinary chondrites of the Natural History Museum collection. Thirty-six macrochondrules and 24 clasts were identified and studied. Macrochondrules have textures and mineral assemblages like normal chondrules and so share a common origin. Clasts show evidence for fracturing from larger bodies and can be classified as either: (1) chemically fractionated if they have major and trace-element compositions differing substantially from most chondrules and clasts; (2) impact melt clasts if they have microporphyritic textures and signs that indicate they are derived from shock-melted chondritic material; (3) microporhyritic clasts if they are similar to the last category but lack evidence for derivation through shock melting; or (4) indeterminate clasts forming a diverse class that includes all those clasts that do not fit into the other categories.  相似文献   

The effects of particle size and mineral proportions on the spectral characteristics of plagioclase and pyroxene mixtures are investigated. Size separates (<25 μm, 25–45 μm, 45–75 μm, 75–125 μm, 125–250 μm, and 250–500 μm) have been prepared for the following labradorite/enstatite compositional mixtures: 100/0%, 95/5%, 85/15%, 50/50%, and 0/100%. Spectrally, the labradorite and enstatite samples are representative of the plagioclase feldspars and the orthopyroxenes: the labradorite exhibits a weak, broadband centered near 1.25 μm and the enstatite exhibits two well-defined bands centered near 0.9 and 1.9 μm. From analysis of the plagioclase bands of the mixtures, it is found that (1) the amount of plagioclase necessary for the plagioclase band to be observed as a discrete absorption band is dependent on particle size and (2) plagioclase can be detected by flattening of the pyroxene reflectance “peak” between the 0.9- and 1.9-μm absorption bands if significant amounts of plagioclase are present. Analogs for immature and mature lunar highland soils have been created to examine the combined effects of particle size and mineral proportions on spectra of plagioclase and pyroxene mixtures. bidirectional reflectance spectra of these soil analogs are used to examine the detectability of plagioclase in soil-like particle size distributions. Plagioclase in significant amounts is detected by the flattening of the pyroxene reflectance “peak” between the 0.9- and 1.9-μm absorption bands, and the plagioclase absorption band itself is observed with 85% plagioclase present. The soil analogs reveal that particle size accounts for only a minor spectral difference between immature and mature lunar highland soils. From comparisons with spectra of returned lunar samples, agglutinates are found to dominate the spectral variations associated with soil maturity. Spectra of the immature soil analogs can be used to estimate the minimum pyroxene abundance for immature regions observed remotely.  相似文献   

Abstract— Compositions of four metal nodules from two ordinary chondrites, WIS91627 (H3.7) and Juin (H5), were determined by instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analyses. Compared with bulk metal fractions, the metal nodules are characterized by strong and variable depletion of the refractory siderophile elements Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Rh but normal W and Mo, some fractionation of Co from Ni, and low Cu concentrations. These characteristics are difficult to explain by shock-induced vaporization followed by fractional condensation, a mechanism suggested by Widom et al. (1986). We propose formation of metal nodules during metamorphism in the parent body. Refractory siderophile elements, such as Ir, Os, Rh, etc., are partly locked up in noble metal nuggets and cannot participate in kamacite formation. The occurrence of metal nodules in both equilibrated and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites suggests that diffusion along grain boundaries was important in the development of kamacite and taenite in ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

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