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Abstract– We present 40Ar‐39Ar dating results of handpicked mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of Nakhla, Lafayette, and Chassigny. Our data on Nakhla and Lafayette and recently reported ages for some nakhlites and Chassigny ( Misawa et al. 2006 ; Park et al. 2009 ) point to formation ages of approximately 1.4 Ga rather than 1.3 Ga that is consistent with previous suggestions of close‐in‐time formation of nakhlites and Chassigny. In Lafayette mesostasis, we detected a secondary degassing event at approximately 1.1 Ga, which is not related to iddingsite formation. It may have been caused by a medium‐grade thermal event resetting the mesostasis age but not influencing the K‐Ar system of magmatic inclusions and the original igneous texture of this rock. Cosmic‐ray exposure ages for these meteorites and for Governador Valadares were calculated from bulk rock concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar. Individual results are similar to literature data. The considerable scatter of T3, T21, and T38 ages is due to systematic uncertainties related to bulk rock and target element chemistry, production rates, and shielding effects. This hampers efforts to better constrain the hypothesis of a single ejection event for all nakhlites and Chassigny from a confined Martian surface terrain ( Eugster 2003 ; Garrison and Bogard 2005 ). Cosmic‐ray exposure ages from stepwise release age spectra using 38Ar and neutron induced 37Ar from Ca in irradiated samples can eliminate errors induced by bulk chemistry on production rates, although not from shielding conditions.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 7325 is an anomalous achondrite that experienced episodes of large-degree melt extraction and interaction with melt under reducing conditions. Its composition led to speculations about a Mercurian origin and provoked a series of studies of this meteorite. We present the noble gas composition, and results of 40Ar/39Ar and 129I-129Xe studies of whole rock splits of NWA 7325. The light noble gases are dominated by cosmogenic isotopes. 21Ne and 38Ar cosmic-ray exposure ages are 25.6 and 18.9 Ma, respectively, when calculated with a nominal whole rock composition. This 38Ar age is in reasonable agreement with a cosmic-ray exposure age of 17.5 Ma derived in our 40Ar/39Ar dating study. Due to the low K-content of 19 ± 1 ppm and high Ca-content of approximately 12.40 ± 0.15 wt%, no reliable 40Ar/39Ar age could be determined. The integrated age strongly depends on the choice of an initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio. An air-like component is dominant in lower temperature extractions and assuming air 40Ar/36Ar for the trapped component results in a calculated integrated age of 3200 ± 260 (1σ) Ma. This may represent the upper age limit for a major reheating event affecting the K-Ar system. Results of 129I-129Xe dating give no useful chronological information, i.e., no isochron is observed. Considering the highest 129Xe*/128XeI ratio as equivalent to a lower age limit, we calculate an I-Xe age of about 4536 Ma. In addition, elevated 129Xe/132Xe ratios of up to 1.65 ± 0.18 in higher temperature extractions indicate an early formation of NWA 7325, with subsequent disturbance of the I-Xe system.  相似文献   

Abstract— We performed a comprehensive study of the noble gas isotopic abundances, radionuclide activities, and mineralogical and chemical composition of two mesosiderites and two iron meteorites. For the mesosiderites Dong Ujimqin Qi and Weiyuan, the silicate and the metal phases were studied. The anomalous ataxite Rafrüti is not chemically related to any other meteorite class, whereas Ningbo is a type IVA octahedrite. The mineralogy and major and trace element abundances of the silicate phases of Dong Ujimqin Qi and Weiyuan are similar to those of other mesosiderites and distinct from those of the howardites. The cosmic‐ray exposure history was studied based on the concentrations of the cosmogenic noble gas nuclei and radionuclide activities. For the iron meteorites, cosmic‐ray exposure ages were calculated from the pairs 10Be‐21Ne, 26Al‐21Ne, and 36Cl‐36Ar. Rafrüti yields the youngest exposure age of all ataxites (6.8 ± 1.7 Ma), whereas that of Ningbo with 107 ± 15 Ma falls within the range observed for the other octahedrites. The parent body break‐up times of the mesosiderites Dong Ujimqin Qi and Weiyuan are 252 ± 50 and 25.9 ± 5.0 Ma, respectively. We find no evidence for a common break‐up event for the mesosiderites and the howardites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Eucrite meteorites are igneous rocks that derived from a large asteroid, probably 4 Vesta. Past studies have shown that after most eucrites formed, they underwent metamorphism in temperatures up to ≥800°C. Much later, many were brecciated and heated by large impacts into the parent body surface. The less common basaltic, unbrecciated eucrites also formed near the surface but, presumably, escaped later brecciation, while the cumulate eucrites formed at depths where metamorphism may have persisted for a considerable period. To further understand the complex HED parent body thermal history, we determined new 39Ar‐40Ar ages for 9 eucrites classified as basaltic but unbrecciated, 6 eucrites classified as cumulate, and several basaltic‐brecciated eucrites. Precise Ar‐Ar ages of 2 cumulate eucrites (Moama and EET 87520) and 4 unbrecciated eucrites give a tight cluster at 4.48 ± 0.02 Gyr (not including any uncertainties in the flux monitor age). Ar‐Ar ages of 6 additional unbrecciated eucrites are consistent with this age within their relatively larger age uncertainties. By contrast, available literature data on Pb‐Pb isochron ages of 4 cumulate eucrites and 1 unbrecciated eucrite vary over 4.4–4.515 Gyr, and 147Sm‐143Nd isochron ages of 4 cumulate and 3 unbrecciated eucrites vary over 4.41–4.55 Gyr. Similar Ar‐Ar ages for cumulate and unbrecciated eucrites imply that cumulate eucrites do not have a younger formation age than basaltic eucrites, as was previously proposed. We suggest that these cumulate and unbrecciated eucrites resided at a depth where parent body temperatures were sufficiently high to cause the K‐Ar and some other chronometers to remain as open diffusion systems. From the strong clustering of Ar‐Ar ages at ?4.48 Gyr, we propose that these meteorites were excavated from depth in a single large impact event ?4.48 Gyr ago, which quickly cooled the samples and started the K‐Ar chronometer. A large (?460 km) crater postulated to exist on Vesta may be the source of these eucrites and of many smaller asteroids thought to be spectrally or physically associated with Vesta. Some Pb‐Pb and Sm‐Nd ages of cumulate and unbrecciated eucrites are consistent with the Ar‐Ar age of 4.48 Gyr, and the few older Pb‐Pb and Sm‐Nd ages may reflect an isotopic closure before the large cratering event. One cumulate eucrite gives an Ar‐Ar age of 4.25 Gyr; 3 additional cumulate eucrites give Ar‐Ar ages of 3.4–3.7 Gyr; and 2 unbrecciated eucrites give Ar‐Ar ages of ?3.55 Gyr. We attribute these younger ages to a later impact heating. Furthermore, the Ar‐Ar impact‐reset ages of several brecciated eucrites and eucritic clasts in howardites fall within the range of 3.5–4.1 Gyr. Among these, Piplia Kalan, the first eucrite to show evidence for extinct 26Al, was strongly impact heated ?3.5 Gyr ago. When these data are combined with eucrite Ar‐Ar ages in the literature, they confirm that several large impact heating events occurred on Vesta between ?4.1–3.4 Gyr ago. The onset of major impact heating may have occurred at similar times for both Vesta and the moon, but impact heating appears to have persisted for a somewhat later time on Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new 40Ar/39Ar data set is presented for tektites from the Central European strewn field (moldavites). This is the only strewn field that is entirely situated in a continental environment and still characterized by scattered ages (14–15.3 Myr). The main objectives of the study were to define more precisely the moldavite formation age and provide a good calibration for a glass standard proposed for fission‐track dating. The laser total fusion ages obtained on chips from 7 individual specimens from the Southern Bohemian and Moravian subfields are restricted to a narrow interval of time, with an average of 14.34 ± 0.08 Myr relative to the 27.95 ± 0.09 Myr of the Fish Canyon Tuff biotite. This result gives a more precise age not only for the tektite field but also for its producing impact. If the genetic link between the moldavites and the Nördlinger Ries impact crater is maintained, then this new age has to be considered a reliable estimate for the Ries crater also. This new value places the formation of Central European tektites within the Lower Serravallian period in the latest geologic timescales. Evidence of their impact products, such as glass spherules or shocked minerals, can, therefore, be sought in sedimentary marine formations in a more precisely defined age interval.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 40Ar‐39Ar dating technique has been applied to the lunar meteorites Northwest Africa 032 (NWA 032), an unbrecciated mare basalt, and Northwest Africa 773 (NWA 773), (composed of cumulate and breccia lithologies), to determine the crystallization age and timing of shock events these meteorites may have experienced. Stepped heating analyses of several different samples of NWA 032 gave complex age spectra but indistinguishable total ages with a mean of 2.779 ± 0.014 Gyr. Possible causes of the complex age spectra obtained from NWA 032 include recoil of 39Ar, or the presence of pre‐shock 40Ar incorporated into shock‐melt veins. The effects of shock veins were investigated by laser fusion of 20 small samples expected to contain varying proportions of the shock veins. The laser ages show a narrow age distribution between 2.61–2.86 Gyr and a mean of 2.73 ± 0.03 Gyr, identical to the total age of ?2.80 Gyr obtained for the bulk sample. Diffusion calculations based on the stepped heating data indicate that Ar release can be reconciled by release from feldspar (and possibly shock veins) at low temperatures followed by pyroxene at higher temperatures. The exposure age of NWA 032 is 212 ± 11 Myr, and it contains low trapped solar Ar. Stepped heating of cumulate and breccia portions of NWA 773 also give a relatively young age of 2.91 Gyr. The presence of trapped Ar in the breccia makes the age determination of this component less precise, but release of Ar appears to be from the same mineral phase, assumed to be plagioclase, in both lithologies. A marked difference in exposure age between the 2 lithologies also exists, with the breccia having spent 81 Myr longer at the lunar surface; this finding is consistent with the higher trapped Ar content of this lithology. Assuming that 2.80 Gyr and 2.91 Gyr are the crystallization ages of NWA 032 and NWA 773 respectively, these two meteorites are the youngest lunar mare basalts available for study.  相似文献   

No meteorites from Mercury and Venus have been conclusively identified so far. In this study, we develop an original approach based on extensive Monte Carlo simulations and diffusion models to explore the radiogenic argon (40Ar*) and helium (4He*) loss behavior and the range of 40Ar/39Ar and (U‐Th)/He age signatures expected for a range of crystals if meteorites from these planets were ever to be found. We show that we can accurately date the crystallization age of a meteorite from both Mercury and Venus using the 40Ar/39Ar technique on clinopyroxene (± orthopyroxene) and that its 40Ar/39Ar age should match the Pb‐Pb age. At the surface of Mercury, phases like albite and anorthite will exhibit a complete range of 40Ar* loss ranging from 0% to 100%, whereas merrillite and apatite will show 100% 4He* loss. By measuring the crystal size and diffusion parameters of a series of plagioclase crystals, one can inverse the 40Ar* loss value to estimate the maximum temperature experienced by a rock, and narrow down the possible pre‐ejection location of the meteorite at the surface of Mercury. At the surface of Venus, plagioclase and phosphate phases will only record the age of ejection. The (U‐Th)/He systematics of merrillite and apatite will be, respectively, moderately and strongly affected by 4He* loss during the transit of the meteorite from its host planet to Earth. Finally, meteorites from Mercury or Venus will each have their own 40Ar/39Ar and (U‐Th)/He isotopic age and 38Arc cosmic ray exposure age signatures over a series of different crystal types, allowing to unambiguously recognize a meteorite for any of these two planets using radiogenic and cosmogenic noble gases.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Zagami shergottite experienced a complex, petrogenetic formation history (McCoy et al. 1992, 1999). Like several shergottites, Zagami contains excess 40Ar relative to its formation age. To understand the origin of this excess 40Ar, we made 39Ar‐40Ar analyses on plagioclase and pyroxene minerals from two phases representing different stages in the magma evolution. Surprisingly, all these separates show similar concentrations of excess 40Ar, ?1 × 10?6 cm3/g. We present arguments against this excess 40Ar having been introduced from the Martian atmosphere as impact glass. We also present evidence against excess 40Ar being a partially degassed residue from a basalt that actually formed ?4 Gyr ago. We utilize our experimental data on Ar diffusion in Zagami and evidence that it was shock‐heated to only ?70 °C, and we assume this heating occurred during an ejection from Mars ?3 Myr ago. With these constraints, thermal considerations necessitates either that its ejected mass was impossibly large, or that its shock‐heating temperature was an order of magnitude higher than that measured. We suggest that this excess 40Ar was inherited from the Zagami magma, and that it was introduced into the magma either by degassing of a larger volume of material or by early assimilation of old, K‐rich crustal material. Similar concentrations of excess 40Ar in the analyzed separates imply that this magma maintained a relatively constant 40Ar concentration throughout its crystallization. This likely occurred through volatile degassing as the magma rose toward the surface and lithostatic pressure was released. These concepts have implications for excess 40Ar in other shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Monahans H‐chondrite is a regolith breccia containing light and dark phases and the first reported presence of small grains of halite. We made detailed noble gas analyses of each of these phases. The 39Ar‐40Ar age of Monahans light is 4.533 ± 0.006 Ma. Monahans dark and halite samples show greater amounts of diffusive loss of 40Ar and the maximum ages are 4.50 and 4.33 Ga, respectively. Monahans dark phase contains significant concentrations of He, Ne and Ar implanted by the solar wind when this material was extant in a parent body regolith. Monahans light contains no solar gases. From the cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar in Monahans light we calculate a probable cosmic‐ray, space exposure age of 6.0 ± 0.5 Ma. Monahans dark contains twice as much cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar as does the light and indicates early near‐surface exposure of 13–18 Ma in a H‐chondrite regolith. The existence of fragile halite grains in H‐chondrites suggests that this regolith irradiation occurred very early. Large concentrations of 36Ar in the halite were produced during regolith exposure by neutron capture on 35Cl, followed by decay to 36Ar. The thermal neutron fluence seen by the halite was (2–4) × 1014 n/cm2. The thermal neutron flux during regolith exposure was ~0.4‐0.7 n/cm2/s. The Monahans neutron fluence is more than an order of magnitude less than that acquired during space exposure of several large meteorites and of lunar soils, but the neutron flux is lower by a factor of ≤5. Comparison of the 36Arn/21Necos ratio in Monahans halite and silicate with the theoretically calculated ratio as a function of shielding depth in an H‐chondrite regolith suggests that irradiation of Monahans dark occurred under low shielding in a regolith that may have been relatively shallow. Late addition of halite to the regolith can be ruled out. However, irradiation of halite and silicate for different times at different depths in an extensive regolith cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Abstract– Bunburra Rockhole is the first meteorite fall photographed and recovered by the Desert Fireball Network in Australia. It is classified as an ungrouped achondrite similar in mineralogical and chemical composition to eucrites, but it has a distinct oxygen isotope composition. The question is if achondrites like Bunburra Rockhole originate from the same parent body as the howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) meteorites or from several separate, differentiated parent bodies. To address this question, we measured cosmogenic radionuclides and noble gases in the Bunburra Rockhole achondrite. The short‐lived radionuclides 22Na and 54Mn confirm that Bunburra Rockhole is a recent fall. The concentrations of 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl as well as the 22Ne/21Ne ratio indicate that Bunburra Rockhole was a relatively small object (R approximately 15 cm) in space, consistent with the photographic fireball observations. The cosmogenic 38Ar concentration yields a cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age of 22 ± 3 Myr, whereas 21Ne and 3He yield approximately 30% and approximately 60% lower ages, respectively, due to loss of cosmogenic He and Ne, mainly from plagioclase. With a CRE age of 22 Myr, Bunburra Rockhole is the first anomalous eucrite that overlaps with the main CRE peak of the HED meteorites. The radiogenic K‐Ar age of 4.1 Gyr is consistent with the U‐Pb age, while the young U,Th‐He age of approximately 1.4 Gyr indicates that Bunburra Rockhole lost radiogenic 4He more recently.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied 42 impact‐melt clasts from lunar feldspathic regolith breccias MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88105, Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069, Dar al Gani (DaG) 262, and DaG 400 for texture, chemical composition, and/or chronology. Although the textures are similar to the impactmelt clasts identified in mafic Apollo and Luna samples, the meteorite clasts are chemically distinct from them, having lower Fe, Ti, K, and P, thus representing previously unsampled impacts. The 40Ar‐39Ar ages on 31 of the impact melts, the first ages on impact‐melt samples from outside the region of the Apollo and Luna sampling sites, range from ~4 to ~2.5 Ga. We interpret these samples to have been created in at least six, and possibly nine or more, different impact events. One inferred impact event may be consistent with the Apollo impact‐melt rock age cluster at 3.9 Ga, but the meteorite impact‐melt clasts with this age are different in chemistry from the Apollo samples, suggesting that the mechanism responsible for the 3.9 Ga peak in lunar impact‐melt clast ages is a lunar‐wide phenomenon. No meteorite impact melts have ages more than 1s? older than 4.0 Ga. This observation is consistent with, but does not require, a lunar cataclysm.  相似文献   

Abstract– Noble gas isotopic compositions were measured for a eucritic pebble and bulk material of a silicate–metal mixture from the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite as well as pyroxene and plagioclase separated from the eucritic pebble by total melting and stepwise heating methods. Trapped noble gases were degassed completely by a high‐temperature thermal event, probably at the formation of the Vaca Muerta parent body (VMPB). The presence of fissiogenic Xe isotopes from extinct 244Pu in the bulk samples might be a result of rapid cooling from an early high‐temperature metamorphism. High concentrations of cosmogenic noble gases enabled us to determine precise isotopic ratios of cosmogenic Kr and Xe. Spallogenic Ne from Na and unique Ar isotopic compositions were observed. The 81Kr‐Kr exposure age of 168 ± 8 Myr for the silicate pebble is distinctly longer than the age of 139 ± 8 Myr for the bulk samples. The precursor of the pebble had been irradiated on the surface of the VMPB for more than 60 Myr (first stage irradiation), with subsequent incorporation into bulk materials approximately 4 Gyr ago. The Vaca Muerta meteorite was excavated from the VMPB 140 Myr ago (second stage irradiation). Relative diffusion rates among the cosmogenic Ar, Kr, and Xe based on data obtained by stepwise heating indicate that Kr and Xe can be partially retained in pyroxene and plagioclase under the condition that resets the K‐Ar system. This result supports the presence of fission Xe and of excess concentration of cosmogenic Kr, which could have survived the thermal event approximately 3.8 Gyr ago.  相似文献   

A meteorite fall was heard and collected on July 13, 2010 at about 18:00 (local time) in the Shibanjing village of the Huaxi district of Guiyang, Guizhou province, China. The total mass of the fall is estimated to be at least 1.6 kg; some fragments are missing. The meteorite consists mainly of olivine, low‐Ca pyroxene, high‐Ca pyroxene, plagioclase, kamacite, taenite, and troilite. Minor phases include chromite and apatite. Various textural types of chondrules exist in this meteorite: most chondrule textures can be easily defined. The grain sizes of secondary plagioclase in this meteorite range from 2 to 50 μm. The chemical composition of olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene are uniform; Fa in olivine and Fs in low‐Ca pyroxene are, respectively, 19.6 ± 0.2 and 17.0 ± 0.3 (mole%). Huaxi has been classified as an H5 ordinary chondrite, with a shock grade S2, and weathering W0. The weak shock features, rare fractures, and the high porosity (17.6%) indicates that Huaxi is a less compacted meteorite. The preatmospheric radius of Huaxi is ~11 cm, corresponding to ~21 kg. The meteorite experienced a relatively short cosmic‐ray exposure of about 1.6 ± 0.1 Ma. The 4He and 40Ar retention ages are older than 4.6 Ga implying that Huaxi did not degas after thermal metamorphism on its parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report a high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar study of mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of olivine‐phyric (Dhofar 019, Sayh al Uhaymir [SaU] 005) and basaltic (Shergotty, Zagami) shergottites. Excess argon is present in all samples. The highest (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratios are found for argon in pyroxene melt inclusions (?1500), maskelynite (?1200), impact glass (?1800) of Shergotty and impact glass of SaU 005 (?1200). A high (40Ar/36Ar)trapped component‐usually uniquely ascribed to Martian atmosphere‐can also originate from the Martian interior, indicating a heterogeneous Martian mantle composition. As additional explanation of variable high (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratios in shocked shergottites, we suggest argon implantation from a “transient atmosphere” during impact induced degassing. The best 40Ar‐39Ar age estimate for Dhofar 019 is 642 ± 72 Ma (maskelynite). SaU 005 samples are between 700–900 Ma old. Relatively high 40Ar‐39Ar ages of melt inclusions within Dhofar 019 (1086 ± 252 Ma) and SaU 005 olivine (885 ± 66 Ma) could date entrapment of a magmatic liquid during early olivine crystallization, or reflect unrecognized excess 40Ar components. The youngest 40Ar‐39Ar age of Shergotty separates (maskelynite) is ?370 Ma, that of Zagami is ?200 Ma. The 40Ar‐39Ar chronology of Dhofar 019 and SaU 005 indicate >1 Ga ages. Apparent ages uncorrected for trapped (e.g., Martian atmosphere, mantle) argon components approach 4.5 Ga, but are not caused by inherited 40Ar, because excess 40Ar is supported by 36Artrapped. Young ages obtained by 40Ar‐39Ar and other chronometers argue for primary rather than secondary events. The cosmic ray exposure ages calculated from cosmogenic argon are 15.7 ± 0.7 Ma (Dhofar 019), 1.0–1.6 Ma (SaU 005), 2.1–2.5 Ma (Shergotty) and 2.2–3.0 Ma (Zagami).  相似文献   

Abstract— Most 40Ar‐39Ar ages of L chondrites record an event at approximately 500 Ma, indicating a large collisional impact at that time. However, there is a spread in ages from 400 to 600 Ma in these meteorites that is greater than the analytical uncertainty. Identification of, and correction for, trapped Ar in a few L chondrites has given an age of 470 ± 6 Ma. This age coincides with Ordivician fossil meteorites that fell to Earth at 467 ± 2 Ma. As these fossil meteorites were originally L chondrites, the apparent conclusion is that a large impact sent a flood of L chondrite material to Earth, while material that remained on the L chondrite parent body was strongly heated and reset. We have reduced 40Ar‐39Ar data for Northwest Africa 091 using various techniques that appear in the literature, including identification and subtraction of trapped Ar. These techniques give a range of ages from 455 to 520 Ma, and show the importance of making accurate corrections. By using the most straightforward technique to identify and remove a trapped Ar component (which is neither terrestrial nor primordial), an 40Ar‐39Ar age of 475 ± 6 Ma is found for Northwest Africa 091, showing a temporal link to fossil meteorites. In addition, high temperature releases of Northwest Africa 091 contain evidence for a second trapped component, and subtraction of this component indicates a possible second collisional impact at approximately 800 Ma. This earlier age coincides with 40Ar‐39Ar ages of some H and L chondrites, and lunar samples.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 1950 is a new member of the lherzolitic shergottite clan of the Martian meteorites recently found in the Atlas Mountains. The petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical data are very close to those of the other known lherzolitic shergottites. The meteorite has a cumulate gabbroic texture and its mineralogy consists of olivine (Fo66 to Fo75), low and high‐Ca pyroxenes (En78Fs19Wo2‐En60Fs26W14; En53Fs16Wo31‐En45Fs14Wo41), and plagioclase (An57Ab41Or1 to An40Ab57Or3; entirely converted into maskelynite during intense shock metamorphism). Accessory minerals include phosphates (merrillite), chromite and spinels, sulfides, and a glass rich in potassium. The oxygen isotopic values lie on the fractional line defined by the other SNC meteorites (Δ17O = 0.312 %o). The composition of NWA 1950 is very similar to the other lherzolitic shergottites and suggests an origin from the same magmatic system, or at least crystallization from a close parental melt. Cosmogenic ages indicate an ejection age similar to those of the other lherzolitic shergottites. The intensity of the shock is similar to that observed in other shergottites, as shown by the occurrence of small melt pockets containing glass interwoven with stishovite.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report new 39Ar‐40Ar measurements on 15 plagioclase, pyroxene, and/or whole rock samples of 8 Martian shergottites. All age spectra suggest ages older than the meteorite formation ages, as defined by Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isochrons. Employing isochron plots, only Los Angeles plagioclase and possibly Northwest Africa (NWA) 3171 plagioclase give ages in agreement with their formation ages. Isochrons for all shergottite samples reveal the presence of trapped Martian 40Ar (40Arxs), which exists in variable amounts in different lattice locations. Some 40Arxs is uniformly distributed throughout the lattice, resulting in a positive isochron intercept, and other 40Arxs occurs in association with K‐bearing minerals and increases the isochron slope. These samples demonstrate situations where linear Ar isochrons give false ages that are too old. After subtracting 40Ar*that would accumulate by 40K decay since meteorite formation and small amounts of terrestrial 40Ar, all young age samples give similar 40Arxs concentrations of ?1–2 × 10?6cm3/g, but a variation in K content by a factor of ?80. Previously reported NASA Johnson Space Center data for Zagami, Shergotty, Yamato (Y‐) 000097, Y‐793605, and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201 shergottites show similar concentrations of 40Arxs to the new meteorite data reported here. Similar 40Arxs in different minerals and meteorites cannot be explained as arising from Martian atmosphere carried in strongly shocked phases such as melt veins. We invoke the explanation given by Bogard and Park (2008) for Zagami, that this 40Arxs in shergottites was acquired from the magma. Similarity in 40Arxs among shergottites may reveal common magma sources and/or similar magma generation and emplacement processes.  相似文献   

High‐precision isotope data of meteorites show that the long‐standing notion of a “chondritic uniform reservoir” is not always applicable for describing the isotopic composition of the bulk Earth and other planetary bodies. To mitigate the effects of this “isotopic crisis” and to better understand the genetic relations of meteorites and the Earth‐forming reservoir, we performed a comprehensive petrographic, elemental, and multi‐isotopic (O, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni, Mo, Ru, and W) study of the ungrouped achondrites NWA 5363 and NWA 5400, for both of which terrestrial O isotope signatures were previously reported. Also, we obtained isotope data for the chondrites Pillistfer (EL6), Allegan (H6), and Allende (CV3), and compiled available anomaly data for undifferentiated and differentiated meteorites. The chemical compositions of NWA 5363 and NWA 5400 are strikingly similar, except for fluid mobile elements tracing desert weathering. We show that NWA 5363 and NWA 5400 are paired samples from a primitive achondrite parent‐body and interpret these rocks as restite assemblages after silicate melt extraction and siderophile element addition. Hafnium‐tungsten chronology yields a model age of 2.2 ± 0.8 Myr after CAI, which probably dates both of these events within uncertainty. We confirm the terrestrial O isotope signature of NWA 5363/NWA 5400; however, the discovery of nucleosynthetic anomalies in Ca, Ti, Cr, Mo, and Ru reveals that the NWA5363/NWA 5400 parent‐body is not the “missing link” that could explain the composition of the Earth by the mixing of known meteorites. Until this “missing link” or a direct sample of the terrestrial reservoir is identified, guidelines are provided of how to use chondrites for estimating the isotopic composition of the bulk Earth.  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of the stable isotopes of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe in the two lunar impact‐melt breccias Abar al’ Uj (AaU) 012 and Shi?r 166 to obtain information on their cosmic‐ray exposure histories and possible launch pairing; the latter was suggested because of their similar chemical composition. AaU 012 has higher gas concentrations than Shi?r 166 and clearly contains implanted solar wind gases, indicating a shallow to moderate shielding for this meteorite in the lunar regolith. The maximum shielding depth of AaU 012 was most likely ≤310 g cm?2 and its lunar regolith residence time was ≥420 ± 70 Ma. Our results indicate that in Shi?r 166 the trapped component is a mixture of air and solar wind. The low concentration of cosmogenic and solar wind gases indicate substantial diffusive gas loss and a shielding depth of <700 g cm?2 on the Moon for Shi?r 166. All differences seen in the concentrations and isotopic compositions of the noble gases suggest that AaU 012 and Shi?r 166 are most likely not launch pairs, although a different exposure history on the Moon does not exclude the possibility that the two meteorites were ejected by a single, large impact event.  相似文献   

The hornblende‐ and biotite‐bearing R chondrite LAP 04840 is a rare kind of meteorite possibly containing outer solar system water stored during metamorphism or postshock annealing deep within an asteroid. Because little is known regarding its age and origin, we determined 40Ar/39Ar ages on hornblende‐rich separates of the meteorite, and obtained plateau ages of 4340(±40) to 4380(±30) Ma. These well‐defined plateau ages, coupled with evidence for postshock annealing, indicate this meteorite records an ancient shock event and subsequent annealing. The age of 4340–4380 Ma (or 4.34–4.38 Ga) for this and other previously dated R chondrites is much older than most impact events recorded by ordinary chondrites and points to an ancient event or events that predated the late heavy bombardment that is recorded in so many meteorites and lunar samples.  相似文献   

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