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The geographies and histories of the introduction of cattle breeds to Australia in the period since white settlement are documented as an example of the diffusion of agricultural innovations. Three phases of development are identified: a colonial expansion phase from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century during which a number of primarily British cattle breeds were imported by the colonial settlers; an innovative phase in the mid twentieth century when both governments and private interests sought to produce or import new breeds deemed to be better adapted to Australian environments; and a multifunctional phase in recent decades. In this final phase, government deregulation and new technologies, such as the long distance transport of genetic packages, have facilitated the importation and development of many new cattle breeds in Australia. While this has produced a significant rise in the total number of breeds represented nationally, many recent and historic breeds currently exhibit extremely small numbers and a few generally well-established breeds such as Holstein, Hereford and Angus still dominate the national herd. This study of changing breed types and introductions provides some evidence of post-productivism and of a multifunctional transition in that several cattle breeds favoured by hobby farmers and boutique breeders are now represented, but the aggregate numbers for these breeds remain small and the numbers for several of the traditional (or colonial) breeds are currently in decline. Overall, it is apparent that Australia's cattle industry retains a strongly productivist ethos and that, particularly given the country's very great environmental variation, its levels of breed diversity remain low.  相似文献   

脆弱生态环境与农业现代化的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文首先对中国弱生态环境的范围及类型进行了划分,对全国及各省区的农业现代化水平进行了评价。然后,对脆弱生态环境与农业现代化水平的关系进行了相关分析。结论是不同地区脆弱生态环境与农业现代化水平之间的相关性不同。一般地,在工业和经济发展水平高、地理区位和交通条件好的我国东南沿海地区,脆弱生态环境与农业现代化水平相关不明显。反之,在工业和经济落后,地理区位和交通条件差的我国西部地区,脆弱生态环境与农业现  相似文献   

京津冀区域趋同的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据区域趋同基本理论,采用新古典方法,运用Barro和Sala—I—Martin趋同模型分析京津冀区域经济增长情况,进行了α趋同和β趋同检验,研究结果表明,第三产业的发展差距以及北京、天津显著的综合区位优势是造成京津冀区域趋异的主要原因。  相似文献   

振兴东北的战略反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从剖析东北地区的发展历史入手,指出东北工业基地的振兴关键在于转变观念,加强改革开放。着眼于全球化经济和东北所具的独特区位优势,提出应重新评估东北地区的国际战略地位,适时把握信息业发展和产业现代化所带来的机遇,促进东北地区产业的振兴,并及时制订东北地区的总体规划,谋求该地区的城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

The Organization of industrial production is becoming increasingly internationalized, and this is having important effects upon the groewth and changing structure of international trade. Three broad group of forces can be identified, each with its own set of economic impacts upon trade linkages: innovations in transport, communication, and manufacturing technology; the growth of multinational organizations; and changes in the politico-economic structure of the world. The international automobile industry is used to illustrate these developments.  相似文献   

The economically vulnerable and geographically isolated states and territories of the Pacific Islands find themselves increasingly powerless to resist the recent accelerated diffusion of globalisation and the economic options that this entails. Neoliberal policy has arrived in the ocean region later than elsewhere in the tropical world and in the developing world in general. However, it now almost exclusively frames regional and state policy agendas, and is profoundly restructuring economies and societies across the region. Agriculture, by far the leading economic sector in Pacific Island countries, has been targeted specifically for reform. The cultivation of non-traditional agricultural exports has formed the centrepiece of the evolving strategy. As well as "staple" exports such as sugar, copra, and taro going to non-traditional markets, "exotic" niche products are being developed for export to high income markets in Europe, Asia and North America. A major example of such a product is kava – a "traditional" crop used in the preparation of a ceremonial and/or social drink. Psycho- and physiological properties have been identified in the plant by the pharmaceutical industry that is marketing a range of kava products. Produced widely across the Pacific, Fiji is the major export source. This paper traces the evolution of globalisation in the Pacific Islands, placing the current wave of neoliberalism in its historical context. It goes on to outline the evolution of the Fijian kava export sector, and investigates some of the local socio-economic impacts of recent market growth. Given the evidence presented in this study, the paper asks if the power relations evolving under contemporary neoliberal globalisation are likely to be any different from those that existed during colonial globalisation.  相似文献   

开埠以来,台湾逐步迈入近代化阶段,为了明确近代化阶段台湾区域发展的特点及其变化,利用1714年法国传教士冯秉正绘制的实测地图、1891年《台湾地舆总图》、1904年《台湾堡图》,并辅以大量数据和文献,考察了开埠以来台湾区域发展的特点及其演变过程。研究结果表明:台湾的社会、经济在开埠以来获得较大发展,但大清王朝、日本殖民者的统治也曾不断加强;近代地图是治理台湾的重要工具,体现了统治者的权力和作为。  相似文献   

河南省现代化进程测度的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章首先提出了现代化的基本概念、科学内涵与特征,其次在此基础上建立了现代化进程的评价体系与标准,然后对河南省城市现代化进程进行了测度。结果表明,河南省已部分实现了现代化,目前已进入了现代化的发展期。但河南省内部却存在着明显的现代化区域差异。  相似文献   


The Organization of industrial production is becoming increasingly internationalized, and this is having important effects upon the groewth and changing structure of international trade. Three broad group of forces can be identified, each with its own set of economic impacts upon trade linkages: innovations in transport, communication, and manufacturing technology; the growth of multinational organizations; and changes in the politico-economic structure of the world. The international automobile industry is used to illustrate these developments.  相似文献   

Many researchers in the Caribbean have protested the generally negative stereotyping of small–scale farmers and the small–scale domestic agricultural sector. The essence of this pejorative attitude is that small–scale farmers display apathy and resistance to change and are reluctant to accept innovations. A major reason for this perspective is a lack of knowledge and understanding of and sensitivity towards the factors that influence and inform farmers' decisions. Studying the decision–making of small–scale farmers can, therefore, shed light on their activities and help inform policymaking. This paper uses the example of small–scale yam farmers in central Jamaica to explore and investigate important issues related to decision–making innovations around four questions. Can the decisions of farmers about innovations be considered to be rational? What are the major factors that influence decision outcomes? Why do so many agricultural innovations and modernization initiatives that target small–scale farmers fail? Do farmers really shun innovations that have clear and obvious benefits and, if so, why?  相似文献   

中部地带是我国农业的精华地带,目前,我国农业发展中面临的部分农产品结构性剩余严重,市场竞争力弱,农业劳动生产率和土地生产力低而不稳,农民收入增长放慢,农业持续发展的后劲不足等问题在中部地带表现更为典型,探索中部地带农业现代化建设的实施途径对于研究和解决当前我国农业发展面临的诸多问题都具有重要的作用。中部地带农业现代化途径主要是:整体规划,分类推进,极点突破;改革城乡户口隔离机制,加速农村城镇化;创新土地流转机制,培育规模经济的现代农业市场主体;创新科技机制,发挥高科技对农业的带动作用;拓宽农产品加工领域加大农产品市场建设力度。  相似文献   

黑龙江垦区农业现代化水平评价   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
以黑龙江垦区为例,在对其农业现代化水平进行国际比较基础之上,从农业生产现代化、物质装备现代化、经营管理现代化、农业生活现代化、农业环境保护5个方面,构建了黑龙江垦区农业现代化水平的综合评价指标体系。基于熵值法,对2000年以来的黑龙江垦区农业现代化水平进行了综合测度。结果表明,垦区在作物单产、农机装备水平、单位耕地化肥施用量和有机作物种植占比等方面已达到发达国家水平,但在经营规模、农业产业化、农产品加工业等方面差距较大。黑龙江垦区的农业现代化综合水平稳步提高,以农业生产现代化和农业生活现代化的快速演进为主,其次是物质装备现代化和经营管理现代化,农业环境保护水平有所下降,其中各子系统有不同演变特点。因此提出黑龙江垦区尚处于初步实现农业现代化阶段,未来需要进一步加强体制机制改革,攻克现代农业发展中的各种问题,全面实现农业现代化。  相似文献   

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw the emergence of large single-product organisations whose expansion was stimulated by a desire to control a substantial part of a particular product market. An Australian example is the Colonial Sugar Refining Company Ltd (CSR). By 1915, the company accounted for 90 per cent of refined sugar production in Australia. CSR had achieved this control over the Australian refined sugar market by using underselling, strategies that denied its competitors outlets for their refined sugars and amalgamations with rivals. After 1890, however, CSR was interested in sharing the Australian market for refined sugar with its rivals by forming spheres of influence in marketing areas or adopting production quotas, although the Queensland National Bank was the only organisation to successfully negotiate annual market share agreements with CSR in the 1900s. These agreements ensured the survival of its Millaquin Refinery. Other competitors eventually exited the industry. In 1915, the Commonwealth government institutionalised this duopoly in the sugar refining sector by agreements with CSR and the Queensland government, and allowed it to continue until deregulation of the Australian sugar refining sector in the early 1990s.  相似文献   

吉林省工业化、城镇化与农业现代化关系实证分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
工业化、城镇化和农业现代化相互影响,三者相互促进、相辅相成,有着内在的逻辑关系。通过建立吉林省工业化、城镇化和农业现代化评价指标体系,基于1991-2009年时间序列数据利用因子分析法计算了吉林省工业化、城镇化和农业现代化的发展指数,三条发展指数曲线相互交错,趋势基本相同,尤其是工业化和城镇化水平都在不断进步。但从三者对比来看,三化之间不同步现象明显,出现脱节现象。进而对其进行多变量协整检验,结果表明:"三化"在时间上并非同步而生,工业化的进步会滞后一期引起城镇化水平和农业现代化水平提高,工业化对"三化"的拉动作用在短期内立即体现,长期内需要工业化水平的不断提高才能为"三化"的进步提供源源不断的动力。农业现代化水平的提高也会促进城镇化水平提高,但是需要滞后三期才会体现。据此提出"三化"统筹的基本思路是"用农业化范式发展工业化","用工业化范式发展农业现代化","用工农业融合集聚发展城镇化"。  相似文献   

The discovery, extraction, and monopolistic control of key natural resources was a priority of New Spain's colonial administration. Managing the region's abundant resources, however, often proved difficult for the Spanish Crown. Human and environmental challenges impeded protoindustrial growth and development, and monopolistic control of resources often met resistance. In this article I examine these processes in the context of New Spain's little‐known monopoly on sulphur—a yellow, powdery mineral the Crown jealously guarded as its own. Sulphur was critical for gunpowder and explosives production, yet the Crown often failed to produce enough of it to meet the growing demand by its military and the silver blast‐mining industry. Colonial documents reveal administrators’ attempts to improve sulphur production through reform measures, which included advising sulphur miners on how to discover sulphur deposits and, eventually, how to develop their mines. Efforts to improve sulphur production were moderately successful, although the process was messy and inefficient.  相似文献   

东北振兴以来吉林省四化发展的协调性研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
尹鹏  刘继生  陈才 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1101-1108
运用耦合协调度模型、探索性空间数据分析和障碍度模型,判别东北振兴以来吉林省四化发展的协调性。结果表明:吉林省四化发展水平具有时间波动性和空间非均衡性,仅有农业现代化水平呈现递减态势,工业化和城镇化的空间分异不断缩小,信息化和农业现代化的空间分异逐渐增大;四化发展处于低水平耦合阶段,非同步性特征明显,中部城市群和东部沿边地区耦合度较高,西部内陆地区耦合度低,包括严重失调、中度失调和轻度失调三种类型;四化协调水平相似地区由离散分布向弱集聚状态转变,中部长吉、东部延边和通化地区是四化协调的热点或次热点,热点区县域不断减少,冷点区县域逐渐增加;2003年四化协调的前5项障碍指标是三产产值比重>人均GDP>非农人口比重>万人医院和卫生机构床位数>邮电业务指数,2012年前5项障碍指标是二产产值比重>二产从业人员比重>人均工业总产值>农业地均经济产出>农业劳均农产品产量,子系统障碍度大小排序为城镇化>农业现代化>工业化>信息化。最后,从区域战略政策、经济产业基础和自然地理环境探讨四化协调演化的驱动机制,并提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Neoliberal restructuring in Morocco has been taking place for over twenty years. Beginning with a decade of structural adjustment, from the early 1980s to the early 1990s, parts of the public sector have been privatized, state services such as health care and education reduced, tariffs lowered and exports heavily promoted. In the dryland agricultural areas, a declensionist colonial environmental narrative has been appropriated to help justify and implement the neoliberal goals of land privatization and the intensification of agricultural production in the name of environmental protection. This paper contributes to areas of growing interest for geographers through an analysis of the underexplored relationship between neoliberalism and environmentalism, in the form of questionable environmental narratives, in Morocco. Land degradation in the dryland agricultural areas of Morocco is commonly blamed on overgrazing by local pastoralists despite existing documentation that suggests instead that ploughing of marginal lands and over-irrigation are the primary drivers of land degradation in the region. The deployment of this colonial environmental narrative of 'native improvidence' has facilitated an expansion of state power over collective rangelands under neoliberalism at the same time that government involvement has decreased in other sectors. The effects of neoliberalism in Morocco have been complex and thus the paper argues that current neoliberal reforms such as the Morocco–US free trade agreement need to be scrutinized carefully to prevent a further exacerbation of poverty as well as to prevent further land degradation in these areas.  相似文献   

This paper explores the spatiality of colonial and postcolonial power and discourse as produced, performed and imagined by former British colonial service officers and contemporary UK international development professionals. It focuses on two key aspects of spatial practices. The first addresses the spaces inhabited by these colonial officers and development professionals overseas and how their locatedness, embedded or enclavic, shapes relationships to others. The second explores this distinctive social and spatial distancing through their relationship to, and imagined geographies of, home and away and how these are embodied in their institutional and cultural capital. The paper examines the regularities and consistencies that stand out from numerous individual practices through which both former colonial officers and development professionals negotiate the situations in which they live and work. It also specifies how authoritative management, privilege and distance informs their spatial practices despite changing global contexts and a more diverse composition of those who articulate contemporary relationships between 'first' and 'third' worlds. Finally, the paper suggests that the cultures which travelled over colonial space through being performed by colonial officers have been reworked throughout the postcolonial period, belying epochal historical periodizations that conjure up a clear disjuncture between colonial and development eras.  相似文献   

受区域发展不平衡规律的影响,重庆直辖市城市化发展区域差异十分明显,城市化水平由都市经济区向东、西递降特征十分明显。三大经济区域城市化的差异主要表现在城市化率、城镇密度、城镇规模结构、城市经济水平、城市现代化水平等诸多方面。区位交通、历史基础、资源开发与产业布局、体制与制度安排等因素是造成城市化区域差异的主要原因,三大经济区域应在采取不同的城市化发展模式基础上联动发展,共同构筑协调的重庆城市发展新格局。  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1956, the Swazi sugar industry has been dominated by large-scale estates. In 1991, due to a combination of political and economic factors, steps were taken to allow the industry to become more accessible to small-scale Swazi farmers. The paper considers the scale and nature of this newly emerging group and discusses its likely impact on employment. Although these developments have been introduced to enable the benefits of the industry to trickle down more effectively to the rural poor, evidence suggests that better off or more organised groups or individuals are best placed to take advantage of the new opportunities. Further growth is now limited by a lack of water and it is likely that the recent rapid increase in this sector will now slow down. Some concern also exists over the impact of sugar cane monoculture on soils.  相似文献   

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