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我国油气勘探向海外进军已成为全球油气勘探的趋势,深水区更是当今油气勘探的热点,然而海外深水区块经常会遇到井少,水深变化大,海底水道发育,重力滑塌,盐底辟活动等问题,采用传统时深转换方法精度低且容易出现“假构造”现象,给时深转换带来新的挑战.本文提出了海底水道填平解释模式及引入“虚拟井”方法,有效提高了时深转换的精度,避...  相似文献   

The process of aquifer recharge by flood events in an arid region was investigated as applied to the Hazeva Formation (the Karkom graben, the Wadi Paran watershed, Israel). The hydrological model was established as a complex system, with due regard for groundwater and transmission losses of surface runoff. It was based on a previously outlined hydrogeological model of the Karkom graben and a model of transmission losses in arid watercourses under conditions of data deficiency. Proceeding from calculation of groundwater balances, the contribution of surface runoff as a decisive balance component was confirmed. The main characteristics of aquifer regimes, such as changes in storage volume and groundwater level, as well as lateral flow, were all found to be dependent upon the net extraction rate, i.e. pumpage discounting replenishment by flood events. Analysis and physical interpretation of model parameters enabled assessment of the influence of groundwater extraction on aquifer recharge. This became apparent as increasing absorption capacity and recharge availability of the aquifer as a result of the groundwater abstraction. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

试论复杂地质体的油气地震勘探   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
论述了我国油气勘探工作中反射地震的发展历程,指出地震勘探中信噪比与分辨率之间的矛盾,针对中国前新生代海相残留盆地具有埋藏深、演化历史长、经受地质作用多,以致地表和地下条件都很复杂的特点,〖HT5”H〗提出了复杂地质体油气地震勘探的理念和方法途径〖HT5”K〗.我国油气资源多存储于复杂地质体如生物礁、鲕滩、风化壳、古潜山等储集体之中.不能完全搬用陆相油气勘探的经验.应在活动论大地构造理论指导下,根据“区域约束局部,深层制约浅层”的勘探经验,探索测区的时空演化规律,设计复杂地质体的观测系统,采取高密度连续采集技术,获取反射地震资料,再进行高分辨率与高信噪比的处理,从而使地震采集、处理与解释一体化,减轻山地采集困难,获取深部成像资料,在新的高度上寻找在复杂地质体中的油气资源.使地震勘探能在中国油气二次创业中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

The Central Tianshan Tectonic Zone (CTTZ) is anarrow domain between an early Paleozoic southernTianshan passive continental margin and a late Paleo-zoic northern Tianshan arc zone, which is character-ized by the presence of numerous Precambrian meta-morphic basement blocks. Proterozoic granitoidgneisses and metamorphic sedimentary rocks,namely Xingxingxia and Kawabulag and Tianhugroups, are the most important lithological assem-blages in these metamorphic basement blocks, and alittle of …  相似文献   

云南地区地壳磁异常与地质构造   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



Two major fluvial terrace surfaces, and four less significant surfaces, are identified by aerial photographic interpretation, field mapping and levelling on one c. 2 km long reach of the upper Bowmont Water, an upland stream draining the northern Cheviot Hills, Scotland. The oldest terrace surface remains undated. Cartographic, radiocarbon and palynological dating suggest that later terraces formed very recently, within the last 250 years, with the most prominent terrace fill having aggraded in the 18th century. Incision below this terrace surface is dated to approximately the end of the 18th century, correlated with channel trenching at other sites in the region. Detailed palaeoecological and documentary evidence is used to examine whether climatic or land-use changes might have instigated aggradation, and a link with increased precipitation and flooding during part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ is suggested.  相似文献   

复杂的边坡工程地质条件决定了建设摩崖石刻工程的位置和规模,但边坡上发育的崩塌、坠石等地质灾害和多变的地形地貌条件严重影响了边坡地质工程勘察的安全性、准确性和勘察技术方法的有效性,本文应用孔间电磁波层析成像技术探测和评价边坡工程内破碎带、岩溶以及岩体完整性变化等地质工程问题以及地质解释的关键技术.电磁波衰减特征及电磁波衰减吸收系数的变化趋势和异常结构特征可以有效地反映边坡岩体内节理发育带、岩溶以及场区具控制作用的溶蚀断裂带的发育深度及影响范围,评价边坡岩体完整性的垂向分带和空间分区特征,为边坡工程建造提供科学依据.  相似文献   

An updated analysis of the global paleomagnetic database shows that the frequency distributions of paleomagnetic inclinations for the Cenozoic and Mesozoic eras (younger than 250 Ma) are compatible with a random geographical sampling of a time-averaged geomagnetic field that closely resembles that of a geocentric axial dipole. In contrast, the frequency distributions of paleomagnetic inclinations for the Paleozoic and Precambrian eras (prior to 250 Ma) are over-represented by shallow inclinations. After discounting obvious secondary causes for the bias, such as from data averaging, sedimentary inclination error, inhomogeneous lithological distributions, and tropical remagnetization, we show that the anomalous inclination distributions for the Paleozoic and Precambrian can be explained by a geomagnetic field source model which includes a relatively modest (25%) contribution to the axial dipole from a zonal octupole field and an arbitrary zonal quadrupolar contribution. The apparent change by around 250 Ma to a much more axial dipolar field geometry might be due to the stabilization of the geodynamo from growth of the inner core to some critical threshold size, a gross speculation which would imply that either the threshold size was rather large or the inner core nucleated rather late in Earth history. Alternatively, if a geocentric axial dipole model is assumed or can eventually be demonstrated independently, the anomalous inclination distributions for the Paleozoic and Precambrian may reflect a tendency of continental lithosphere to be cycled into the equatorial belt, perhaps because geoid highs associated with long-term continental aggregates influence true polar wander.  相似文献   

The Yanshan Basin,located in northern North China,underwent three primary stages in the Mesoproterozoic,and corresponding biotas have been summarized for each stage in the present study.The three stages are stage A(the lower part of the Changcheng Group which dominated by clastic sediments),stage B(the upper part of the Changcheng Group to the Jixian Group which characterized by carbonate sediments),and stage C(the upper part of the Jixian Group which dominated by clastic sediments).This paper will focus on the evolution of biota during stage B.Microbiota of the stage B exhibits a high level of diversity and abundance.Planktonic microfossils have various forms and complex decorations.Most microfossils are small.In stage B,there was great variation in the biotic abundance and diversity,the average diameter of spherical benthic microfossils,and the maximum diameter of the spherical microfossils.We analyzed these parameters and identified two typical biotic events,and both biotic events were corresponded with geological events.The first event occurred in the third member of the Dahongyu Formation.In this era,the maximum diameter of the silicified microfossils significantly increased,and large,spherical planktonic specimens are abundant.The flourishing of large organisms in the strata is presumably related to volcanic activity.The second event occurred in the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation.During this era,the microfossil assemblage changed significantly.The changes correspond with a decline in stromatolites as well as the transformations of the carbon isotope ratios and the elemental geochemistry.  相似文献   

晚新近纪以来中国北方堆积的风成红粘土-黄土序列是古气候信息的良好载体, 在黄土高原北部的吴起地区存在一套湖相沉积物, 层位上介于第四纪黄土与晚新近纪红粘土之间, 但该古湖存在的具体时限尚不清楚. 我们利用岩石磁学及古地磁年代学方法并结合多种气候指标对代表“吴起古湖”的土佛寺剖面进行了初步研究, 结果表明湖相沉积物中特征剩磁的载体主要为磁铁矿和赤铁矿, 在此基础上得到的磁极性序列能很好地与国际地磁极性年表对比, 剖面起始于4.28 Ma B. P.左右, 湖相沉积层起始于3.0 Ma B. P.左右, 结束于1.2 Ma B. P.左右. 岩性、磁化率、粒度和沉积速率变化均反映出这一时期该地区环境变化的总体趋势是由暖湿向冷干发展, 期间“吴起古湖”的演化大致经历了三个阶段: 3.0~2.5 Ma B. P.为古湖形成时期, 水体相对较深; 2.50~2.05 Ma B. P.期间受古气候变化的影响湖水明显变浅; 2.05~1.20 Ma B. P.时古湖中仍有一定量的水体存在, 但随后逐步缩小并最终消亡. 该地区气候条件在1.2 Ma B. P.左右的恶化是导致吴起古湖消亡的主要因素, 区域构造活动引起的北洛河溯源侵蚀并切穿湖盆可能也是原因之一.  相似文献   

目前,华南地区通过数条地学大断面在内的地球物理探测工作,已经获得了大量深部地壳结构的信息,然而对其基底岩石的物理性质研究程度还不够.为此,我们选择华南地区扬子克拉通和华夏陆块具代表性的不同深度地壳岩石,对其进行高温高压弹性波速特征研究.结果表明两大构造单元基底的岩石波速差异较大,从而认为两者物质组成迥异,地壳结构完全不同.进而初步建立了扬子克拉通与华夏陆块各自的地壳结构模型,认为扬子克拉通具有多层结构的结晶基底,华夏陆块具三层结构但没有结晶基底,这一模型重新构建了华南的地壳结构,对华南深部地质研究和构造格局演化研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

利用山西数字地震台网中心6年的远震数据计算接收函数并进行H-k搜索,以获得台站下方的地壳厚度.结果表明, 山西地区在平遥盆地北缘的文水-晋中一线,地壳厚度存在北厚南薄差异变化的坡折带,称之为“晋中坡折带”.该带呈NEE向延伸,其南部地区地壳厚度37~40 km,北部地区厚41~45 km.本文分析认为,该坡折带代表早前寒武纪基底构造,是华北克拉通内部的重要构造边界.山西地区基底构造保存完好,地壳厚度未明显减薄.  相似文献   

利用华北平原地震带潜在震源区和河北省活动断裂资料,采用地质资料的定量化方法和中长期预报的震级-时间模型计算每个潜在震源区的地质因子和中长期预报因子.地质因子计算结果为:(1)地质因子最高的地区出现在唐山、北京、邢台、邯郸;(2)3类地区(全新世断裂活动、晚更新世断裂活动和无全新世或晚更新世断裂活动)的地质因子比值约为12∶4∶1.中长期预报因子采用邵辉成等人的研究成果,考虑历史地震和现代地震资料等不同精度的地震矩年变化率,其结果能代表长期的平均值,避免了使用部分平静期或活跃期的资料而掩盖长期地震活动的真实情况,从而减少结果的不确定性.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the easternQinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these different lithological rocks are extremely similar in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with the range of 0.705 187-0.707 254 for 87Sr/86Sr, 0.512 305-0.512 630 for 143Nd/144Nd, 18.53-18.97 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.51-15.72 for 207Pb/204Pb and 38.38-39.24 for 208Pb/204Pb. They are isotopically similar to the EMII end-member. This indicates that mantle metasomatism must have taken place in their source region. The formation of these particular rocks is related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling in a large-scale strike-slip and pull-apart fault zone at about 40 Ma in northern and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) data along two profiles were collected in Tulargen Cu-Ni mining area, Xinjiang, China. The MT profiles, crossing the known ore-bearing magmatic body, are interpreted to have further understanding of the ore-bearing magmatic bodies' stretch and shape in depth, and to evaluate the prospect in the mining area. The values of phase sensitivity skewness indicate a contaminated two-dimensional (2D) structure (there exist local three-dimensional (3D) structures at shallow level) over 3D structures. G-B decomposition of the impedance tensors indicates the dominant geoelectrical strike in survey area is in East-West direction. To obtain reliable electrical structures, four different 2D inversion codes as REBOCC, NLCG, OCCAM, and ABIC are adopted, inversions of a synthetic 3D model using these codes indicate TM data are more suitable to invert the electrical structures along the profiles in Tulargen Cu-Ni mining area, while TE and TE + TM inversions can be used to verify the transverse variation of electrical structures at shallow level. The 2D electrical structures show high-resistivity basement covered by relatively low-resistivity strata in the mining area, the conductive anomalies are imbedded in the upper covers. The known ore-bearing magmatic body is coincided with the positions of two conductive anomalies in both profiles at shallow level; its extension at depth is deduced according to the shapes of the anomalies. Other conductive anomalies, isolated and existing only at limited depth as the known ore-bearing magmatic body, are presumed of good prospect.  相似文献   

One active stalagmite from the Water Cave in Liaoning Province contains growth layers of three sizes. Based on thermal ionization mass spectrometry 230Th dating, we found that middle size layers are annual layers, with each middle layer consisting of one narrow dark layer and a wide bright layer. The small layers within middle layers are sub-annual layers and the large layers are multi-year layers. Based on the layer-counting method, we established a high-resolution time scale for layer thickness. Our results reveal two dramatic century-scale climate cycles over the past 1000 years in this region.  相似文献   

Our two newly obtained high-quality 40Ar/39Ar ages suggest that the high-K volcanic rocks of the Lawuxiang Formation in the Mangkang basin, Tibet were formed at 33.5±0.2 Ma. The tracing of elemental and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry indicates that they were derived from an EM2 enriched mantle in continental subduction caused by transpression. Their evidently negative anomalies in HFSEs such as Nb and Ta make clear that there is an input of continental material into the mantle source. The high-K rocks at 33.5±0.2 Ma in the Mangkang basin may temporally, spatially and compositionally compare with the early one of two-pulse high-K rocks in eastern Tibet distinguished by Wang J. H. et al., implying that they were formed in the same tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The longitudinal dunes of the Simpson Desert, in the vicinity of Birdsville, have been reworked largely during the Holocene from dunes deposited up to 80000 years ago or earlier. The widespread asymmetry of these roughly northward-trending dunes, with steeper eastern faces and more gentle western faces, supports wind-rose data showing sand-transporting winds from the southwest obliquely intersecting the dunes. While this suggests a change in the wind pattern since the dune field was oriented, it does not indicate that the dunes are necessarily shifting leeward (eastward) as a consequence. It is hypothesized that the direction of migration is controlled by the extent to which the dunes are vegetated. Relatively well-vegetated dunes can accrete sand on their gentle stoss slopes and erode on their lee slopes causing them to shift westward and hence obliquely into the wind, a condition that probably prevails in wetter regions and during episodes of relatively humid climate. In contrast, in very dry areas or during arid phases, sand can move unimpeded up a sparsely vegetated stoss face and over the crest to form an avalanche or slip face on the lee side, thereby causing the dunes to shift eastward. Despite evidence that longitudinal dune crests can shift laterally to some extent, the dunes in the western part of the Simpson Desert have not migrated, either westward or eastward, more than 100m or so from their Pleistocene cores. Aeolian transport and partial or complete removal of iron cutans from around quartz grains results in dunes of widely varying colour yet of similar age.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Okinawa Trough(OT) extends for ~1200 km between Taiwan and Kyushu, and is an incipient back-arc basin bounded by the Ryukyu Arc to the south and east, and by Diaoyudao Uplift Belt[1,2] (Tai- wan-Sinzi Belt[3]) to the north and west. Drastic faults and volcanic activities are the typical features in the OT. Generally, the OT is divided into three segments (north, middle and south) by the Tokara Strait and Kerama Gap[4]. The geological features, such as tec- tonics, m…  相似文献   

太行山东缘石家庄南部地壳结构及断裂活动性探测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用深、浅地震反射和钻孔地质剖面相结合的方法,对太行山东缘石家庄南部的地壳结构和隐伏断裂的活动性进行了研究.深地震反射探测结果表明,该区地壳厚度33~38 km,莫霍面从华北平原向太行山下倾伏.石家庄-晋县凹陷是受拆离断层控制的盆岭构造,太行山山前断裂为凹陷的西边界断裂,表现为上陡下缓的铲形断裂.石家庄-晋县凹陷中还发育北席断裂和栾城断裂,它们与太行山山前断裂一样受拆离断层的控制,未错断早更新世晚期以来沉积的地层不属于活动断裂.深地震反射剖面的中部还揭示了一个近垂直的穹窿状反射异常体,它可能起源于莫霍面,向上,穿过上、下地壳分界面,并延伸至上地壳.穹窿状反射异常体内部反射波视频率随深度增加而降低,在莫霍面附近的壳幔过渡带也出现明显的频率降低、界面扭曲和变形现象,推断它可能是上地幔岩浆上涌到地壳内部的侵入体.结合电磁测深结果可以发现,上地幔热物质的上涌和东、西向拉张可能是形成石家庄-晋县凹陷的动力学机制.探测结果为深入理解石家庄地区的深部地球动力学过程、华北克拉通破坏机制、深浅构造关系和地震构造提供了依据.  相似文献   

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