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叶璐  刘永柱  陈静  夏宇  王静 《气象学报》2020,78(4):648-664
目前国际上采用的奇异向量集合预报初值扰动法对于初值不确定性的描述存在一定的不足,为了更有效地反映初始误差的时空多尺度特性,基于GRAPES全球奇异向量计算技术,计算了不同空间分辨率及不同最优时间间隔的多个尺度的奇异向量,并采用基于高斯分布的线性组合法来构造多尺度奇异向量的扰动初值,以代表在相空间中增长最快的多尺度初值误差模态。通过2019年1月19日的初值扰动集合预报试验,对比分析了单一尺度奇异向量初值扰动法与多尺度初值扰动法的扰动特征及集合预报效果。结果表明,多尺度奇异向量初值扰动法为区域集合预报提供的初始扰动场是合理的,扰动的大小随时间增长,且在空间分布上较好地反映了当前大气的斜压不稳定特征。此外,多尺度奇异向量扰动可以描述一定的大尺度以及中小尺度运动误差特征,较单一尺度奇异向量扰动能反映出更多初始场的不确定性信息。检验分析表明,GRAPES多尺度奇异向量集合预报在集合一致性、连续等级概率评分、离群值等方面有一定的优势,相比于单一尺度奇异向量法有较好的预报技巧。因此,基于GRAPES的多尺度奇异向量初值扰动法对于集合预报的预报效果有一定的提高,能为构建一套完善的GRAPES区域奇异向量集合预报系统提供一定的科学依据和应用基础。   相似文献   

The authors apply the technique of conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations (CNOPs) as a means of providing initial perturbations for ensemble forecasting by using a barotropic quasi-geostrophic (QG) model in a perfect-model scenario. Ensemble forecasts for the medium range (14 days) are made from the initial states perturbed by CNOPs and singular vectors (SVs). 13 different cases have been chosen when analysis error is a kind of fast growing error. Our experiments show that the introduction of CNOP provides better forecast skill than the SV method. Moreover, the spread-skill relationship reveals that the ensemble samples in which the first SV is replaced by CNOP appear superior to those obtained by SVs from day 6 to day 14. Rank diagrams are adopted to compare the new method with the SV approach. The results illustrate that the introduction of CNOP has higher reliability for medium-range ensemble forecasts.  相似文献   

初始扰动结构和振幅的合理性直接影响到集合预报的质量和整体性能,合理的初始扰动结构是确保集合预报扰动质量的关键.本文基于欧洲中期天气预报中心数据、我国T639全球集合预报系统以及GRAPES区域集合预报系统的预报场,针对模式初值不确定性,主要研究了风场初始扰动结构及其集合离散度、扰动能量等结构和演变特征,分析了集合预报风...  相似文献   

初始扰动方案是集合预报研究的核心问题之一.文中根据最新提出的基于集合卡尔曼变换(ETKF)理论的集合初始扰动方案,利用模拟观测系统及其调整的观测误差与放大因子的方案,研究发展了针对中国GRAPES全球预报系统的集合初始扰动方案,建立了GRAPES全球集合预报系统.利用14个集合成员进行了近两个月的集合预报试验,重点研究了初始扰动的结构特征、扰动振幅以及扰动增长特征,分析了集合扰动初始场的质量与性能.初步试验结果表明,基于ETKF初始扰动方案的GRAPES全球集合初始扰动能够较好地反映分析误差方差的主要模态结构和扰动振幅,并具有比较合理的集合离散度.分析误差方差能够准确地反应模拟观测资料的空间分布特征.初始扰动方差近似等于预报误差方差,并对全球观测系统的空间变化具有准确的响应.集合扰动具有合适的增长率,在96 h的预报时效内可以有效地保持适当的集合离散度.52 d集合预报统计分析显示,北半球集合平均的预报质量评分相对于控制预报具有较明显的优势,副热带高压特征线的个例预报也表明GRAPES全球集合预报在短期预报时效内具有很好的预报效果.基于ETKF初始扰动方案的GRAPES全球集合预报系统显示出良好的发展前景和应用潜力.  相似文献   

A method for selecting optimal initial perturbations is developed within the framework of an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). Among the initial conditions generated by EnKF, ensemble members with fast growing perturbations are selected to optimize the ENSO seasonal forecast skills. Seasonal forecast experiments show that the forecast skills with the selected ensemble members are significantly improved compared with other ensemble members for up to 1-year lead forecasts. In addition, it is found that there is a strong relationship between the forecast skill improvements and flow-dependent instability. That is, correlation skills are significantly improved over the region where the predictable signal is relatively small (i.e. an inverse relationship). It is also shown that forecast skills are significantly improved during ENSO onset and decay phases, which are the most unpredictable periods among the ENSO events.  相似文献   

An ensemble statistical forecast scheme with a one-month lead is developed to predict year-to-year variations of Changma rainfall over the Korean peninsula. Spring sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the North Atlantic, the North Pacific and the tropical Pacific Ocean have been proposed as useful predictors in a previous study. Through a forward-stepwise regression method, four additional springtime predictors are selected: the northern Indian Ocean (NIO) SST, the North Atlantic SST change (NAC), the snow cover anomaly over the Eurasian continent (EUSC), and the western North Pacific outgoing longwave radiation anomaly (WNP (OLR)). Using these, three new prediction models are developed. A simple arithmetic ensemble mean produces much improved forecast skills compared to the original prediction model of Lee and Seo (2013). Skill scores measured by temporal correlation and MSSS (mean square error skill score) are improved by about 9% and 17%, respectively. The GMSS (Gerrity skill score) and hit rate based on a tercile prediction validation scheme are also enhanced by about 19% and 13%, respectively. The reversed NIO, reversed WNP (OLR), and reversed NAC are all related to the enhancement of a cyclonic circulation anomaly to the south or southwest of the Korean peninsula, which induces southeasterly moisture flux into the peninsula and increasing Changma precipitation. The EUSC predictor induces an enhancement of the Okhotsk Sea high downstream and thus strengthening of Changma front.  相似文献   

Statistical downscaling of 14 coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCM) is presented to assess potential changes of the 10 m wind speeds in France. First, a statistical downscaling method is introduced to estimate daily mean 10 m wind speed at specific sites using general circulation model output. Daily 850 hPa wind field has been selected as the large scale circulation predictor. The method is based on a classification of the daily wind fields into a few synoptic weather types and multiple linear regressions. Years are divided into an extended winter season from October to March and an extended summer season from April to September, and the procedure is conducted separately for each season. ERA40 reanalysis and observed station data have been used to build and validate the downscaling algorithm over France for the period 1974–2002. The method is then applied to 14 AOGCMs of the coupled model intercomparison project phase 3 (CMIP3) multi-model dataset. Three time periods are focused on: a historical period (1971–2000) from the climate of the twentieth century experiment and two climate projection periods (2046–2065 and 2081–2100) from the IPCC SRES A1B experiment. Evolution of the 10 m wind speed in France and associated uncertainties are discussed. Significant changes are depicted, in particular a decrease of the wind speed in the Mediterranean area. Sources of those changes are investigated by quantifying the effects of changes in the weather type occurrences, and modifications of the distribution of the days within the weather types.  相似文献   

鉴于当前短期气候预测中,纯粹使用动力学方法尚不能完全满足气候预测业务的需要,因此有必要在策略上采取动力和统计相结合的办法.在具体实现手段上,简要介绍了从历史资料中提炼预测信息,发展了一种基于历史相似误差订正的相似—动力短期气候预测新方法.分别在月、季节以及ENSO等短期气候预测领域相继开展了试验和应用,取得了—些令人鼓舞的初步结果,为下一步深入开展有关短期气候预测科学的研究提供了些许借鉴.  相似文献   

We analyze ensembles (four realizations) of historical and future climate transient experiments carried out with the coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) of the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, version HADCM2, with four scenarios of greenhouse gas (GHG) and sulfate forcing. The analysis focuses on the regional scale, and in particular on 21 regions covering all land areas in the World (except Antarctica). We examine seasonally averaged surface air temperature and precipitation for the historical period of 1961–1990 and the future climate period of 2046–2075. Compared to previous AOGCM simulations, the HADCM2 model shows a good performance in reproducing observed regional averages of summer and winter temperature and precipitation. The model, however, does not reproduce well observed interannual variability. We find that the uncertainty in regional climate change predictions associated with the spread of different realizations in an ensemble (i.e. the uncertainty related to the internal model variability) is relatively low for all scenarios and regions. In particular, this uncertainty is lower than the uncertainty due to inter-scenario variability and (by comparison with previous regional analyses of AOGCMs) with inter-model variability. The climate biases and sensitivities found for different realizations of the same ensemble were similar to the corresponding ensemble averages and the averages associated with individual realizations of the same ensemble did not differ from each other at the 5% confidence level in the vast majority of cases. These results indicate that a relatively small number of realizations (3 or 4) is sufficient to characterize an AOGCM transient climate change prediction at the regional scale. Received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

穆穆  段晚锁  徐辉  王波 《大气科学进展》2006,23(6):992-1002
Considering the limitation of the linear theory of singular vector (SV), the authors and their collaborators proposed conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) and then applied it in the predictability study and the sensitivity analysis of weather and climate system. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Chinese National Committee for World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), this paper is devoted to reviewing the main results of these studies. First, CNOP represents the initial perturbation that has largest nonlinear evolution at prediction time, which is different from linear singular vector (LSV) for the large magnitude of initial perturbation or/and the long optimization time interval. Second, CNOP, rather than linear singular vector (LSV), represents the initial anomaly that evolves into ENSO events most probably. It is also the CNOP that induces the most prominent seasonal variation of error growth for ENSO predictability; furthermore, CNOP was applied to investigate the decadal variability of ENSO asymmetry. It is demonstrated that the changing nonlinearity causes the change of ENSO asymmetry. Third, in the studies of the sensitivity and stability of ocean’s thermohaline circulation (THC), the nonlinear asymmetric response of THC to finite amplitude of initial perturbations was revealed by CNOP. Through this approach the passive mechanism of decadal variation of THC was demonstrated; Also the authors studies the instability and sensitivity analysis of grassland ecosystem by using CNOP and show the mechanism of the transitions between the grassland and desert states. Finally, a detailed discussion on the results obtained by CNOP suggests the applicability of CNOP in predictability studies and sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

考虑到全球预报模式与风暴尺度预报模式在分辨率上的显著差异,在构造风暴尺度集合预报系统的时候需要用一个中间分辨率的中尺度区域模式为风暴尺度模式提供侧边界条件扰动,但如何构造侧边界扰动才能更为有效地提高风暴尺度集合预报系统的预报能力目前仍然未知。本文基于WRF模式,通过一次个例试验设计了风暴尺度集合预报中的3种不同侧边界扰动方案,结果表明:直接通过0.5°水平分辨率全球集合预报扰动插值所得到的侧边界扰动(LBC_DOWN)在预报中可以获得较高的大尺度扰动能量,而在中尺度区域模式(本文中为模式外层)中通过ETKF循环所构造的侧边界条件扰动(LBC_CYCLE)包含较高的中小尺度能量,而将LBC_CYCLE中的中尺度扰动信息与LBC_DOWN中的大尺度扰动信息相混合所得到的混合侧边界扰动(LBC_BLEND)在大尺度能量上更接近于LBC_DOWN,在中小尺度能量上更接近于LBC_CYCLE;LBC_BLEND较前两种方案有着更好的离散度技巧表现;在降水概率预报技巧方面LBC_BLEND与LBC_CYCLE较为接近,且均优于LBC_DOWN。  相似文献   

GRAPES区域集合预报条件性台风涡旋重定位方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴政秋  张进  陈静  庞波  夏宇  陈法敬 《气象学报》2020,78(2):163-176
为了在集合预报中更合理描述台风涡旋中心定位的不确定性,采用2009—2018年中国气象局和日本气象厅台风最佳路径数据,分析台风最佳路径涡旋中心定位的不确定性特征,在此基础上设计条件性台风涡旋重定位方法(Conditional Typhoon Vortex Relocation,CTVR),构建集合成员台风涡旋中心重定位阈值条件、台风涡旋分离数学处理及涡旋重定位等数学处理过程,利用中国气象局数值预报中心区域集合预报系统(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediciton System-Regional Ensemble System,GRAPES-REPS)对2018年西北太平洋上的3个台风(1808号"玛莉亚"、1824号"谭美"和1825号"康妮")进行轴对称结构和轴对称+非对称结构条件性台风涡旋重定位两种方案的集合预报试验和检验评估。结果表明:(1)中国气象局和日本气象厅台风最佳路径误差平均值为13.72 km,可视为台风涡旋中心定位不确定性的合理估计值;(2)统计检验结果和典型个例分析表明,采用轴对称结构和轴对称+非对称结构条件性台风涡旋重定位...  相似文献   

张星  穆穆  王强  张坤 《山东气象》2018,38(1):1-9
对近年来利用条件非线性最优扰动(Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation,CNOP)方法开展的黑潮目标观测研究进行了总结,主要包括日本南部黑潮路径变异的目标观测研究、黑潮延伸体模态转变的目标观测研究和源区黑潮流量变化的目标观测研究。通过计算这些事件的CNOP型扰动,发现这些事件的CNOP型扰动具有局地特征,可以作为实施目标观测的敏感区。理想回报试验结果表明,如果在由CNOP方法识别的敏感区内实施目标观测,则会大幅度提高上述事件的预报技巧。  相似文献   

We present and describe in detail the advantages and limitations of a technique that combines in an optimal way model results and proxy-data time series in order to obtain states of the climate system consistent with model physics, reconstruction of past radiative forcing and proxy records. To achieve this goal, we select among an ensemble of simulations covering the last millennium performed with a low-resolution 3-D climate model the ones that minimise a cost function. This cost function measures the misfit between model results and proxy records. In the framework of the tests performed here, an ensemble of 30 to 40 simulations appears sufficient to reach reasonable correlations between model results and reconstructions, in configurations for which a small amount of data is available as well as in data-rich areas. Preliminary applications of the technique show that it can be used to provide reconstructions of past large-scale temperature changes, complementary to the ones obtained by statistical methods. Furthermore, as model results include a representation of atmospheric and oceanic circulations, it can be used to provide insights into some amplification mechanisms responsible for past temperature changes. On the other hand, if the number of proxy records is too low, it could not be used to provide reconstructions of past changes at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Summary ?In many instances, snow cover and duration are a major controlling factor on a range of environmental systems in mountain regions. When assessing the impacts of climatic change on mountain ecosystems and river basins whose origin lie in the Alps, one of the key controls on such systems will reside in changes in snow amount and duration. At present, regional climate models or statistical downscaling techniques, which are the principal methods applied to the derivation of climatic variables in a future, changing climate, do not provide adequate information at the scales required for investigations in which snow is playing a major role. A study has thus been undertaken on the behavior of snow in the Swiss Alps, in particular the duration of the seasonal snow-pack, on the basis of observational data from a number of Swiss climatological stations. It is seen that there is a distinct link between snow-cover duration and height (i.e., temperature), and that this link has a specific “signature” according to the type of winter. Milder winters are associated with higher precipitation levels than colder winters, but with more solid precipitation at elevations exceeding 1,700–2,000 m above sea-level, and more liquid precipitation below. These results can be combined within a single diagram, linking winter minimum temperature, winter precipitation, and snow-cover duration. The resulting contour surfaces can then be used to assess the manner in which the length of the snow-season may change according to specified shifts in temperature and precipitation. While the technique is clearly empirical, it can be combined with regional climate model information to provide a useful estimate of the length of the snow season with snow cover, for various climate-impacts studies. Received May 14, 2002; revised August 12, 2002; accepted August 17, 2002  相似文献   

王波  霍振华 《大气科学进展》2013,30(4):1213-1223
An extension of the conditional nonlinear optimal parameter perturbation (CNOP-P) method is applied to the parameter optimization of the Common Land Model (CoLM) for the North China Plain with the differential evolution (DE) method. Using National Meteorological Center (NMC) Reanalysis 6-hourly surface flux data and National Center for Environmental Prediction/Department of Energy (NCEP/DOE) Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project II (AMIP-II) 6-hourly Reanalysis Gaussian Grid data, two experiments (I and II) were designed to investigate the impact of the percentages of sand and clay in the shallow soil in CoLM on its ability to simulate shallow soil moisture. A third experiment (III) was designed to study the shallow soil moisture and latent heat flux simultaneously. In all the three experiments, after the optimization stage, the percentages of sand and clay of the shallow soil were used to predict the shallow soil moisture in the following month. The results show that the optimal parameters can enable CoLM to better simulate shallow soil moisture, with the simulation results of CoLM after the double-parameter optimal experiment being better than the single-parameter optimal experiment in the optimization slot. Furthermore, the optimal parameters were able to significantly improve the prediction results of CoLM at the prediction stage. In addition, whether or not the atmospheric forcing and observational data are accurate can seriously affect the results of optimization, and the more accurate the data are, the more significant the results of optimization may be.  相似文献   

针对江苏夏季旱涝和高温热浪等异常气候的预测难题,以江苏夏季站点降水和气温为预测目标,建立了一种基于全球动力模式BCC_CSM1.1(m)和最优可预测气候模态和异常相对倾向(SMART)原理结合的统计降尺度季节气候预测方法。利用历史观测资料和SVD方法提取决定中国夏季降水异常相对倾向的同期热带地区向外长波辐射(Outgoing Longwave Radiation,OLR)和北半球中高纬500 hPa位势高度场异常相对倾向的最优可预测气候模态,并利用逐步回归法构建其与同期江苏站点降水和气温异常相对倾向同期关系的统计降尺度模型;将动力模式对最优可预测气候模态的预测带入统计降尺度模型,实现对区域降水和气温异常相对倾向的预测;最后通过引入观测的近期背景异常实现对降尺度的降水和气温总距平的预测。通过对1991—2019年江苏夏季降水和气温的回报检验表明,本文建立的统计降尺度模型效果较BCC_CSM1.1(m)动力模式的直接预测效果有显著提高,为区域精细化季节气候预测提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

相似集合是近年来提出的一种基于相似理论、大数据挖掘和集合预报思路的统计释用方法。文中首先介绍了相似集合的基本原理,并应用该方法对北京快速更新循环数值预报系统(BJ-RUC)v3.0预报地面要素开展了订正释用试验。结果表明,相似集合订正后,在0—36 h预报时段内,10 m风速的均方根误差降低44%,2 m气温的均方根误差降低22%,均方根误差均显著减小。对比测站预报误差的水平分布,相似集合方法的应用对于提升非城区站点的10 m风速预报、复杂地形区域的2 m气温预报具有更为明显的效果。相同预报因子的相似集合和支持向量机方法对模式10 m风速和2 m气温预报均具有显著且相似的订正效果,但相似集合方法具有计算资源需求较少、不需要大量人工干预的优势。相似集合方法形成的集合较好地模拟了模式平均误差的增长情况,集合离散度与集合平均均方根误差表现出理想的统计一致性,即相似集合方法在形成确定性预报的同时,还能够提供预报要素的不确定性或概率信息。因此,相似集合方法在模式预报订正及释用方面具有广阔的应用前景。   相似文献   

The “optimal fingerprint” method, usually used for detection and attribution studies, requires to know, or, in practice, to estimate the covariance matrix of the internal climate variability. In this work, a new adaptation of the “optimal fingerprints” method is presented. The main goal is to allow the use of a covariance matrix estimate based on an observation dataset in which the number of years used for covariance estimation is close to the number of observed time series. Our adaptation is based on the use of a regularized estimate of the covariance matrix, that is well-conditioned, and asymptotically more precise, in the sense of the mean square error. This method is shown to be more powerful than the basic “guess pattern fingerprint”, and than the classical use of a pseudo-inverted truncation of the empirical covariance matrix. The construction of the detection test is achieved by using a bootstrap technique particularly well-suited to estimate the internal climate variability in real world observations. In order to validate the efficiency of the detection algorithm with climate data, the methodology presented here is first applied with pseudo-observations derived from transient regional climate change scenarios covering the 1960–2099 period. It is then used to perform a formal detection study of climate change over France, analyzing homogenized observed temperature series from 1900 to 2006. In this case, the estimation of the covariance matrix is only based on a part of the observation dataset. This new approach allows the confirmation and extension of previous results regarding the detection of an anthropogenic climate change signal over the country.  相似文献   

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