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卫星图像的解译误差与提高精度的方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在实际应用中,目视解译仍然是卫星遥感信息应用中的主要技术。通过分析 译可能带来的误差,得出计算机自动矢量化和属性自动识别,是解决所有问题的最终方法。在计算机自动识别尚不成熟时,使用屏幕数据化解译方法,是提高卫星图像应用精度水平的一条途径。  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into the relationship of closure,a baseline offset and mean centeringto the interpretation of matrix rank.The equivalence of a certain type of closure to a constant baseline(i.e.a simple numerical offset which may vary between response channels but is constant over all samples)is demonstrated.A systematic approach to the interpretation of the rank of a matrix is given.  相似文献   

地域系统理论与北京山区优化开发研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
李廷芳 《地理研究》1996,15(2):92-99
地域系统理论是区域开发的理论基础。本文结合《北京山区优化开发研究》课题的实践,讨论了地域系统的结构与机制、地域过程的极化与扩散、地域系统的调控、地域系统类型与综合区划等地域系统理论的基本内容。  相似文献   

中共十八大报告对文化产业的发展提出了新的要求,文化产业作为一个新兴产业,越来越受到各国各地区的重视。西南各省市区位于中国西南边陲,经济欠发达,科技水平较低,但文化资源丰富,民族特色得天独厚,文化产业正在日新月异的发展。然而由于地理位置,资源环境,生态环境等方面的不同导致西南各省市区文化产业发展极其不平衡。因此,使用主成分分析法对西南各省市区的文化产业竞争力进行分析和研究,进而提出西南地区发展文化产业的模式及相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Rank estimation by canonical correlation analysis in multivariate statistics has been proposed as analternative approach for estimating the number of components in a multicomponent mixture.Amethodological turning point of this new approach is that it focuses on the difference in structure ratherthan in magnitude in characterizing the difference between the signal and the noise.This structuraldifference is quantified through the analysis of canonical correlation,which is a well-established datareduction technique in multivariate statistics.Unfortunately,there is a price to be paid for having thisstructural difference:at least two replicate data matrices are needed to carry out the analysis.In this paper we continue to explore the potential and to extend the scope of the canonical correlationtechnique.In particular,we propose a bootstrap resampling method which makes it possible to performthe canonical correlation analysis on a single data matrix.Since a robust estimator is introduced to makeinference about the rank,the procedure may be applied to a wide range of data without any restrictionon the noise distribution.Results from real as well as simulated mixture samples indicate that when usedin conjunction with this resampling method,canonical correlation analysis of a single data matrix isequally efficient as of replicate data matrices.  相似文献   

陈发祖 《地理研究》1990,9(2):76-84
本文用近年来的大量观测结果,揭示了被长期使用的梯度扩散理论的问题和局限性。讨论了它的成立条件:只有当湍流的涡旋尺度远小于梯度变化的空间尺度时,梯度扩散理论才可以正确使用。对于几种典型的近地层条件,计算了它们的湍流的涡旋尺度,从而说明了梯度扩散理论在这些条件下失败的原因。  相似文献   

CompilinganatlasofnaturaldisastersinChinaisabasistoresearchintoregionaldisasterssystems,torevealthetemPOralandspatialpatternofnaturaldisasters,aswellastoestablishcountermeasuresopinstnamraldisasters.TaldngtheuAtlasOfNaturalDisastersinChina"**asanexample,thisarticleinquiresintotheoreticalandpracticalproblemsaboutcompilinganatlasofregionalnaturaldisasters.ThebasictheoryofcompilinganatlasOfregionaldisastershasbeenfOundedonthecombinati0nofthesciencesofdisasters,cart0graphyandregiotalmhy.Theref…  相似文献   

经济学和地理学对区位论发展轨迹的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从学科发展史的角度,论述了区位论的发展轨迹,区位论与经济学和地理学在研究内容和方法上的异同,以及相互之间的促进关系。  相似文献   

捕获器是目前研究沉降颗粒物的生物地球化学循环最直接的手段。捕获器不仅能够定量不同时间、空间以及不同深度的颗粒物通量 ,而且还能够收集到进行物理、化学分析的样品。但是尽管捕获器被广泛地认为是海洋中的“颗粒物测量器” ,然而关于捕获器的绝对精确度仍存在异议。本文综合了当前的众多研究 ,对有关捕获器偏差的误差来源及相关建议做了一定的总结。重点讨论了一些大家关注的诸如“swimmers”的去除以及样品保护的问题  相似文献   

一种基于GIS的森林分类专家系统(FCGES)理论与方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
GIS与ES的结合,是GIS发展的重要方向.在GIS基础上建立森林分类专家系统(FCGES)更是林业系统一个崭新的研究领域.通过阐述FCGES的概念及基于贝叶斯概率的一种专家算法,对其设计与实现过程进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

系统理论在泥石流研究中的应用刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泥石流的形成及发生是一个很复杂的过程,它是自然环境和人文环境两大因子的综合产物,单凭泥石流学科本身的相关理论是无法对其产生机制、发生过程及动力特征等进行深入的研究。系统科学的引入,给泥石流研究注入了新的活力,虽还未得到广泛应用,但已经取得了相当的进展。例举系统科学的一些主要理论在泥石流研究中的现状,根据当前泥石流研究的进程及趋势,提出系统理论在未来泥石流研究中的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

旅游环境承载力理论及其实践意义   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:68  
本文从影响旅游环境承载力的社会—文化环境、社会—心理环境和生态—经济环境诸因子分析入手,构建了旅游承载力指数(TBCI)及运算模式。作者认为,在某一旅游地环境的现存状态和结构组合不发生对当代人和未来人有害变化的前提下,在当地居民心理承受范围之内,在一定时期内旅游地所能承受的旅游活动强度,称之为旅游环境承载力(TEBC),它包括三个基本分项指数——游客密度、旅游用地强度和旅游收益强度指数等。而表征旅游承载力强度的无量纲指标称为旅游承载力指数,它是旅游业是否可持续发展的重要判据。本文较深入地探讨了旅游环境承载力的理论和表示方法,以试图建立起比较规范化的理论模型。文章最后进行了简单的案例分析。  相似文献   

In 1983, the former government of Transkei, South Africa established the Transkei Appropriate Technology Unit (TATU) to develop a rural technology transformation programme. The programme sought to build on existing indigenous technologies to achieve improvements in various income generating and non-income generating projects. This paper attempts to study the TATU programme in terms of how the social improvement processes are structured and how they can be restructured for the better. Towards this end, this paper draws from structuration theory and critical theory to illuminate the theoretical and methodological problems in the development process associated with the TATU programme. It is highlighted in the paper that structuration theory provides a useful framework for understanding the existing state of affairs in the adoption of technologies whilst critical theory complements structuration theory in revealing problems and constraints as well as providing useful insights for positive change.  相似文献   

适用于旅游地理学的一种概念模型   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
王家骏 《地理学报》1994,49(6):561-566
米切尔以反映旅游业特征的需求、供给、联系为列,目的、结构、区位三大层面为行,建立起概念矩阵模型。本文阐释这一模型,并将其具体化为旅游地理学研究体系。最后给出应用实例,指出这个模型对一些命题单一、针对性强、又很具体的旅游业可以提供一种有益的系统思维方式。  相似文献   

For the calibration of chromatographic systems,different methods can be used.One class of methodsutilizes three-way approaches.The calibration problem is stated in such a way that the decompositionof a three-way array can serve for the prediction of retention on new stationary phases.Two three-way approaches are presented:the Unfold-PCA and PARAFAC models.The theory ofboth methods is presented and the differences are highlighted,the main difference being that PARAFACis a trilinear decomposition whereas Unfold-PCA is not.Both three-way methods are evaluated on asmall data set consisting of retention measurements of eight solutes at six mobile phase compositions onsix stationary phases.The differences in performance of the two models are minor,For calibration purposes,two variants of the methods are discussed:three-way PLS and an extensionof PARAFAC.Again the theory and differences between the two methods are explained.The predictiveperformance of the two methods is compared using the same data set as earlier.The differences inpredictive performance,however,are minor.Both methods are capable of predicting 98% of thevariation in the test sets.Yet,there are other considerations when comparing methods than predictiveperformance,e.g.the quality of the predictions.  相似文献   

Each eigenvector of the dispersion matrix[X]~T[X]was shown to be a partial predictor of the originaldata matrix [X],the sum of the predictions from the individual principal components being equal to theexpectance of [X].By comparing the distributions of the members of two neighbouring predictedmatrices,[X]_(1...i)and [X](1...i+1)(i.e.the sums of the first i and i+1 individual predictions respectively),it was shown that they should be indistinguishable provided that i is equal to or greater than the effectiverank of [X],and significantly different otherwise.This was confirmed by analysing the visible absorptionspectra of methyl orange and methyl red solutions as well as the Raman spectra of Na_2SO_4 and MgSO_4solutions.On the grounds of these findings,a non-parametric goodness-of-fit test for assessing theeffective rank of[X]was proposed which proved to be comparatively conservative and more robust thanmost currently used tests.  相似文献   

受区域发展不平衡规律的影响,重庆直辖市城市化发展区域差异十分明显,城市化水平由都市经济区向东、西递降特征十分明显。三大经济区域城市化的差异主要表现在城市化率、城镇密度、城镇规模结构、城市经济水平、城市现代化水平等诸多方面。区位交通、历史基础、资源开发与产业布局、体制与制度安排等因素是造成城市化区域差异的主要原因,三大经济区域应在采取不同的城市化发展模式基础上联动发展,共同构筑协调的重庆城市发展新格局。  相似文献   

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