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重视科技论文摘要的编写提高期刊的办刊质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蕾 《广西气象》2007,28(2):75-77
针对目前气象科技论文提要撰写中经常出现的一些问题,对科技信息传播方面的影响,重申提要编写的重要性,并提出:(1)应举办面向有关摘要编写的论文作者、编辑的培训班或学习班。(2)编辑工作者应加强各种知识的学习和积累,严把英文摘要关(3)广泛招揽一些学术水平高,各方面素质较高的人才加入到编辑行列中来(4)编辑部应经常开展一些工作研讨,就英文摘要中经常发现的问题进行探讨,不断提高中英文摘要的编写水平等改进摘要编写,提高期刊办刊质量的措施和建议。  相似文献   

英文摘要的规范化写作将有助于科学技术的国际交流,从而有利于扩大科技成果的国际影响。本文分析了科技论文英文摘要的内容和特点。分别从长短、时态、语态、层次结构、标点符号等方面就科技论文英文摘要写作中应遵循的原则进行了归纳总结。即写作科技论文英文摘要时,应多用规范正式的专业词汇或意义准确的“大词”,多用现在时态;多用被动语态;层次清楚,逻辑连贯。  相似文献   

科技论文英文摘要的特点及写作   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
英文摘要的规范化写作将有助于科学技术的国际交流,从而有利于扩大科技成果的国际影响。本文分析了科技论文英文摘要的内容和特点。分别从长短、时态、语态、层次结构、标点符号等方面就科技论文英文摘要写作中应遵循的原则进行了归纳总结。即写作科技论文英文摘要时,应多用规范正式的专业词汇或意义准确的“大词”,多用现在时态,多用被动语态;层次清楚,逻辑连贯。  相似文献   

鉴于目前科技论文的中、英文摘要均不规范、过于简单 ,不能全面准确地反映论文的主要内容 ,不利于科研成果的检索、应用和国际国内交流 ,本刊决定从 2 0 0 3年第 1期起 ,充实中、英文摘要 ,希望广大作者配合。摘要编写规则与要求如下 :1 中文摘要  摘要是描述一篇科技论文的主要内容和总体结论的陈述性短文 ,具有自明性 ,独立性和完整性。摘要的作用包括在不阅读全文的情况下帮助读者迅速了解论文的主要内容以及为文摘杂志与科技信息检索系统提供方便。撰写论文摘要时需要注意以下问题 :   1 )本刊要求尽量写报导性文摘 ,即须指明论文…  相似文献   

鉴于目前科技论文的中、英文摘要均不规范、过于简单 ,不能全面准确地反映论文的主要内容 ,不利于科研成果的检索、应用和国际国内交流 ,本刊决定从 2 0 0 3年第 1期起 ,充实中、英文摘要 ,希望广大作者配合。摘要编写规则与要求如下 :1 中文摘要  摘要是描述一篇科技论文的主要内容和总体结论的陈述性短文 ,具有自明性 ,独立性和完整性。摘要的作用包括在不阅读全文的情况下帮助读者迅速了解论文的主要内容以及为文摘杂志与科技信息检索系统提供方便。撰写论文摘要时需要注意以下问题 :   1 )本刊要求尽量写报导性文摘 ,即须指明论文…  相似文献   

摘要和提要是目前科技论文文摘的两种常用写作形式。摘要与提要一书之差,但两者的内涵、适用范围、写作方法不尽相同,其区别主要体现在四个方面。  相似文献   

分析总结了气象科技论文文题摘要的书写规范,例举文章中常见的问题,并以国家标准为依据,对其进行了科学及规范性分析,给出了解决问题的正确方法。认为气象科技论文编写应科学、简明、规范。  相似文献   

《气象科技》是一份中国气象科学研究院、北京市气象局及中国气象局大气探测技术中心联合主办的综合性科技期刊。刊载关于大气科学各领域发展水平的综合评述及反映大气科学及相关科学各领域新理论、新方法和新技术的研究论文。报道内容包括:预报理论与方法、天气与气候分析、气候与全球变化、大气物理与大气化学、应用气象(城市与环境气象、人工影响天气、农业与生态气象等)、探测技术、计算机信息与网络技术、防灾减灾等。欢迎从事大气科学及相关学科研究的科研、业务、教学人员投稿和订阅。来稿要求和注意事项:1.来稿务必论点明确,文字精练,数据可靠,图表清晰。每篇论文(含图表)不超过2000~6000字,包括:题目(尽量控制在20字之内)、作者姓名、作者单位、城市名、邮政编码、中文摘要、关键词(3~8个)、正文、参考文献、英文题目、英文摘要、英文关键词、作者和单位英文名称,请单面打印。2.摘要请交待清楚研究的目的、对象、方法、结果和结论(不得少于200字,但不多于400字),并提供相应英文提要(包括英文文题、姓名、单位)。3.量和单位及数字用法等应符合国家标准。变量符号请用单个斜体西文字母表示,可带下标或其他说明性记号,不要用英文首字母缩写当作...  相似文献   

科技论文英文部分的书写规范化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为方便与国际交流,许多科技期刊都要求论文的题名、摘要、关键词等翻译成英文。本文对科技论文英文部分的规范化进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

1 主要征稿内容《高原山地气象研究》主要征稿内容:与高原和山地密切相关的天气、气候、气候变化、生态与农业气象、大气物理与大气探测、国内外气象科技发展等方面的科技成果,包括研究论文、综述等。2 来稿要求2.1 稿件应具有科学性、创新性、逻辑性、可读性。稿件应做到论点明确、论据充分、文字精练、数据可靠。2.2 论文一般不超过8000字,全文应包括标题(不宜超过20字)、作者姓名、所在单位全称,所在城市及邮政编码、中文摘要(200字左右)、关键词(3~5个)、引言、正文、结论、致谢(需要时)、参考文献。同时应在文末附论文的英文标题、作者姓名、所在单位全称、所在城市、邮政编码、摘要、关键词,中英文应做到对应一致,英文翻译应准确流畅。  相似文献   

由作者提供的科技论文插图图题常常存在信息冗余或缺少必要信息等不规范问题,通过举例子的方法,分析了图题写作的规范性,并简要介绍了与图题有关的图注、等值线标记、标目等的规范表达,为作者撰写科技论文和编辑加工提供一定参考。  相似文献   

大气科学类论文的撰写、投稿和修改   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对大气科学论文的特点,从科技论文的结构、规范两方面论述了科技论文撰写的要求,重点讨论了论文撰写所涉及的规范性内容:量和单位、数学符号、图表及参考文献,并列表给出了与大气科学有关的部分常用量和单位。最后就论文的投稿和修改给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Several features of the maintenance of breaking gravity waves and turbulence in a marine inversion are examined. A formulation is proposed for a critical Richardson number based on a mutual response of the mean and turbulent states to a wave-like disturbance. The energy balance, based on averaged aircraft soundings, is examined to ascertain the order of magnitude of the component terms in the vicinity of a contemporaneous radar echo. Some physical mechanisms are discussed which may explain some aspects of the sustained existence of the echo layers.After preparation of this paper, a considerable number of pertinent and up-dated results bearing on waves and turbulence in stable layers were published as Volume 4 ofBoundary-Layer Meteorology, April 1973. The present discussion should be considered in relation to these papers and of Gossardet al. (1973) and Metcalf and Atlas (1973) in particular.  相似文献   

An annual cycle of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) is presented. The winter and summer zonal averages of the atmospheric fields are compared with an observed climatology. The main features of the observed seasonal means are well reproduced by the model. One of the main discrepancies is that the simulated atmosphere is too cold, particularly in its upper part. Some other discrepancies might be explained by the interannual variability. The AGCM surface fluxes are directly compared to climatological estimates. On the other hand, the calculation of meridional heat transport by the ocean, inferred from the simulated energy budget, can be compared to transport induced from climatologies. The main result of this double comparison is that AGCM fluxes generally are within the range of climatological estimates. The main deficiency of the model is poor partitioning between solar and non-solar heat fluxes in the tropical belt. The meridional heat transport also reveals a significant energy-loss by the Northern Hemisphere ocean north of 45° N. The possible implications of model surface flux deficiencies on coupling with an oceanic model are discussed.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil  相似文献   

通过“中国知网”检索2012年发表的包含中国地图插图的论文,选择其中25种期刊40篇论文进行中国地图中南海诸岛附图表达形式的调查统计,探讨了此类附图的规范表达形式。结果表明:在40篇论文中,中国地图中南海诸岛附图出现了4种不同的表达形式;其规范表达形式为,南海诸岛作为附图在中国地图中出现,附图包含西沙群岛、南沙群岛等岛屿,中国地图中出现的物理量分布在附图中应以相同形式出现。  相似文献   

The workshop focused on methodologies to assess the impacts of climate change on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and their socioeconomic consequences. It did not deal in any detail with the other components (i.e., models designed to estimate changes in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases or in climatic factors) of an integrated assessment shown in Figure 2 of the introduction. This final chapter discusses some of the issues addressed during the San Diego workshop and highlights a few of the major findings of the papers. Issues discussed below include limitations of past modeling efforts and impediments to developing better models of the impacts of climate change on forest, grassland, and water resources; suggestions for future research both to develop better data and models and to employ existing data and modeling capabilities to improve the usefulness of climate impact assessments for policy purposes; and the need for developing a common assessment framework.The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of their institutions or the other participants in the February 28 to March 3, 1993 workshop held in San Diego, California.  相似文献   

Using atmospheric observational data from 1998 to 2013,station rainfall data,TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) data,as well as annual statistics for the plateau vortex and shear line,the joint activity features of sustained departure plateau vortexes(SDPVs) and southwest vortexes(SWVs) are analyzed.Some new and useful observational facts and understanding are obtained about the joint activities of the two types of vortex.The results show that:(1) The joint active period of the two vortexes is from May to August,and mostly in June and July.(2) The SDPVs of the partnership mainly originate near Zaduo,while the SWVs come from Jiulong.(3) Most of the two vortexes move in almost the same direction,moving eastward together with the low trough.The SDPVs mainly act in the area to the north of the Yangtze River,while the SWVs are situated across the Yangtze River valley.(4) The joint activity of the two vortexes often produces sustained regional heavy rainfall to the south of the Yellow River,influencing wide areas of China,and even as far as the Korean Peninsula,Japan and Vietnam.(5) Most of the two vortexes are baroclinic or cold vortexes,and they both become strengthened in terms of their joint activity.(6) When the two vortexes move over the sea,their central pressure descends and their rainfall increases,especially for SWVs.(7) The two vortexes might spin over the same area simultaneously when there are tropical cyclones in the eastern and southern seas of China,or move southward together if a tropical cyclone appears near Hainan Island.  相似文献   

This article introduces this special journal issue on climate change impacts on Sierra Nevada water resources and provides a critical summary of major findings and questions that remain open, representing future research opportunities. Some of these questions are long standing, while others emerge from the new research reported in the eight research papers in this special issue. Six of the papers study Eastern Sierra watersheds, which have been under-represented in the recent literature. One of those papers presents hydrologic projections for Owens Valley, benefiting from multi-decadal streamflow records made available by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for hydrologic model calibration. Taken together, the eight research papers present an image of localized climatic and hydrologic specificity that allows few region-wide conclusions. A source of uncertainty across these studies concerns the inability of the (statistically downscaled) global climate model results that were used to adequately project future changes in key processes including (among others) the precipitation distribution with altitude. Greater availability of regional climate model results in the future will provide research opportunities to project altitudinal shifts in snowfall and rainfall, with important implications to snowmelt timing, streamflow temperatures, and the Eastern Sierra’s precipitation-shadow effect.  相似文献   

Mean fields from a perpetual January simulation of a GCM extending from the surface to 0.01 hPa (near 80 km) are compared to observations. The zonal mean temperature and wind fields correspond quite well with reality; the low stratosphere, especially in the polar night, is too cold, but warmer than in the original version of the model, with an upper boundary at 25 hPa. Mean fields at standard levels show that the major features of the troposphere are represented by the model, but rather over emphasised; the stratospheric winter polar vortex is too strong, too cold, and too barotropic; it resembles an `undisturbed' January rather than the climatology. Differences in the stationary eddy activity between the extended and orginal versions of the model are noted, and used to explain some differences between the two simulations.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute für Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil  相似文献   

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