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Formation mechanisms and development of numerous and morphologically diverse lacustrine basins of the Baikal rift zone are considered in terms of morphotectonics. All the representative lake species are characterized, and their regional morphotectonic classification is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the accessibility of nodes in the Belgian road network. The intersection of roads are considered as the nodes and their connecting roads as the edges of a network. By means of the Dijkstra algorithm accessibility values are computed for each node by summing shortest travel times to a reference system of 158 nodes spread evenly over the Belgian territory. A comparison of the measured actual accessibility with that determined from an optimal situation provides an indication of the quality of directness of the Belgian road system. Accessibility and directness are shown cartographically. An isochronal map illustrates the access to Brussels.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the accessibility of nodes in the Belgian road network. The intersection of roads are considered as the nodes and their connecting roads as the edges of a network. By means of the Dijkstra algorithm accessibility values are computed for each node by summing shortest travel times to a reference system of 158 nodes spread evenly over the Belgian territory. A comparison of the measured actual accessibility with that determined from an optimal situation provides an indication of the quality of directness of the Belgian road system. Accessibility and directness are shown cartographically. An isochronal map illustrates the access to Brussels.  相似文献   

本文以河西走廊黑河中游八灌区为例,利用ESRI公司的MapObjects开发的河西走廊水文地质信息系统(HXSIS)为平台,具体阐述了研究区内地下水均衡计算、地下水数值模拟、地下水资源评价及合理配置等与GIS的有机结合,对于改善地下水勘查的工作效率,提高水资源计算与评价精度,达到对水文地质实体的准确认识,分析河西走廊地下水资源开发利用潜力,评价与地下水资源开发利用有关的地质生态环境问题,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

姜大伟  张世民  丁锐 《地质科学》2023,58(3):1137-1146

在活动构造研究方面,传统RTK技术常用于局部的地表测量,测量距离受限于信号的地形影响。而网络RTK技术基于全国区域性的基准站网,通过移动通信可以实现百公里以上尺度厘米级精度动态测量,在构造地表分析方面具有广阔应用空间。本文以横跨龙门山地区的大塘断裂为试验对象,利用网络RTK技术测量了一条长度17.7 km的地表剖面。测量结果表明,尽管大塘断裂局部受到强烈的侵蚀作用不易识别,但网络RTK测线能够反映出区域性的褶皱变形特征。结合深部地震剖面进行定量分析发现,地表的冲积扇发生反坡向的构造抬升,与深部的断层扩展褶皱变形对应。进一步参考年代学数据计算得出,横跨大塘断裂的第四纪构造缩短速率为0.29±0.04 mm/yr。试验分析结果表明,网络RTK技术可以用于大尺度、高精度的构造变形分析,识别区域性的构造变形。


地面变形对工程建设安全稳定具有一定影响,对工程建设规划、地质灾害防治等具有重要意义。本文利用卫星导航定位基准站(CORS)网全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)连续观测,实现了区域地面大地高、地面重力和地倾斜变化面的监测,通过与部分地质灾害信息进行时空分析,确定了用于地面稳定性变化分析的要素和权重,进而定量分析了地面稳定性变化。该方法在浙江省东南部地区进行了测试验证,获得了较好的效果。利用CORS网连续观测能够定量监测地面变形整个面的变化,分析区域地面稳定性变化情况,可为区域规划和地质灾害防治提供技术支持和参考。  相似文献   

古湖泊学研究——以桦甸断陷盆地为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古湖泊学是研究湖泊系统历史演变的科学,是一门综合性很强的地球科学。本文综述了古湖泊学的定义、研究现状及常用的研究方法,并以吉林桦甸古近纪断陷含油页岩湖盆为例进行了应用。桦甸盆地为小型半地堑盆地,盆地南缘F1断裂控制了古近系湖泊演化特征。桦甸盆地富含油页岩资源,具有开展古湖泊学研究的优势条件。桦甸油页岩具明显的黑白相间的双层结构特征,有机质条带和陆源碎屑颗粒呈现良好的韵律互层,有机质呈现褐色或黑色条带,夹杂石英、长石颗粒的粘土矿物呈白色条带。根据泥岩和油页岩的有机碳含量垂向变化特征,桦甸组古湖泊生产力演化趋势为:中部含油页岩段>上部含煤段>下部含黄铁矿段,反映油页岩沉积时,湖盆古湖泊生产力最高。根据油页岩岩石学特征、V/(V+Ni)、Sr/Ba和B/Ga等元素比值分析,中部含油页岩段时期,表现出一种淡水与半咸水—咸水交替变化的沉积演变过程,可以形成一定程度的盐度分层,使底层水处于缺氧环境,有利于有机质的保存。随着古湖泊学的不断发展,它已经在油气资源勘探开发及全球环境与气候变化等领域发挥了重要作用,但仍存在一些理论及方法问题需要湖泊地质工作者的不断努力与探索。  相似文献   

热液成矿作用地球化学:以金矿为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
文中以金矿为例总结了热液成矿地球化学特征,包括热液蚀变、金在成矿热液中的地球化学行为、富集-沉淀机制以及在硫化物中的存在形式。热液蚀变过程中形成的矿物组合反映了成矿流体的地球化学特征,蚀变模式具有重要的找矿勘探意义。在热液体系中,金主要以Au-Cl或者Au-S络合物的形式进行运移,体系温度、压力、氧逸度以及硫逸度等条件的变化是导致络合物分解、金沉淀的主要机制。在较高压力条件下,金趋向于在热液蒸汽相中富集。As和Sb是金矿热液体系中常见的伴生元素,在较低硫逸度条件下,形成自然砷/自然锑-自然金组合。金从热液中沉淀后主要以显微包裹体或者固溶体金的形式赋存于黄铜矿、毒砂、磁黄铁矿以及黄铁矿等硫化物中,而硫化物中固溶体金的量主要受热液H_2S活动性的控制。  相似文献   

铀的地球化学性质与成矿——以华南铀成矿省为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
铀是强不相容元素,随着岩浆演化而不断富集,在岩浆演化末期受结构氧增加影响进入独居石、磷钇矿等副矿物中。岩浆演化通常无法直接形成达到工业品位的铀矿床。铀是对氧逸度敏感的变价元素。在表生风化过程中岩体(层)中的铀被氧化为UO_2~(2+)而极易溶解进入水体中,并可在还原环境沉淀而富集成矿,氧化还原界面是找矿的理想选区。大气水可通过断裂构造系统进入一定深度,并受热源作用形成高氧逸度的热液而萃取出岩体(层)中的铀在还原位置沉淀富集形成矿床。新元古代氧化事件以及Marinoan冰期结束使得表生风化过程中更多的U进入水体;而寒武纪生命大爆发,易在沉积盆地底部形成还原环境,有利于U的沉淀富集。受上述三方面因素控制,在华南形成了广泛分布的富铀黑色页岩层,并被之后的沉积物覆盖,成为华南各型铀矿床的铀源层。印支期构造运动使部分富铀黑色页岩层发生部分熔融形成了富铀的S型花岗岩,该类岩石亦是之后铀成矿作用的铀源岩。燕山运动后期华南发生伸展构造背景下的岩浆热事件为以大气水为主的高氧逸度热液的形成并作用于铀源岩(层)提供了有利条件,促使华南各类型铀矿床开始在白垩纪集中形成。  相似文献   

In the mountain area of Southwestern China, there are large quantities of runoff-generated debris flows that are threatening the local people and facilities seriously. Gangou is a typical runoff-generated debris flow; its source is old deposit from floods and the debris flows downstream of the channel. On June 30, 2005, Gangou occurred debris flow, the debris flow destroying the road, the communications facilities and the farmland at the gully mouth. Unlike the formation mechanisms of other debris flows, the formation of 2005 debris flow in Gangou has its distinctive characteristics as follows. (1) The supply of the loose sources is intensive and distribute near the mouth of the gully; it is rare to see any debris flow initiate at such a lower location. (2) The debris flow finishes its initiation, flow and deposition around the 700-m-long channel, accompanied with the blocking process in the gully when the debris flow ran out; however, 10 min later, it releases and amplifies the peak flow about three times. (3) The topographic condition of the basin does not contribute much to the formation of the 2005 debris flow; instead, its formation is the result of the co-effort of continuous rainfall and a short-time heavy rainfall. In other words, the previous cumulative precipitation enables the moisture content of the soil on the right bank of the gully to reach saturation; then the soil slides into the channel under the action of the heavy rainfall at a later time. Meanwhile, the heavy rainfall accelerates the formation of gully run-off and initiates the loose mass in the channel from slide, thus forming the debris flow.  相似文献   

This investigation covers the area bounded by latitudes 20° to 33° N and longitudes 9.5° to 25°E.The seismicity of area for the period 1900–2005 is evaluated. Libyan earthquake catalog is complete for the 4.4 M and greater over a 70-year span. The overall seismicity of Libya is found to be low to intermediate. The seismic activity is concentrated in three zones of the northern Libya. Outside of these zones, epicenters are scattered and sparsely distributed. The b value for Libya is –0.71. This low b value is a characteristic feature for intraplate environment. A seismotectonics map is constructed for Libya. It shows that the epicenters agree well with the distribution of the major tectonic features. Majority of seismic activity in Libya is concentrated near Hun Graben and Cyrenaica, and the locations of earthquakes are near the transition zones between the stress domains in northern Libya. These transition zones are locations of stress concentration. This investigation suggests that the stress concentration theory is generally considered as causative mechanism for seismicity of Libya.  相似文献   

探索了利用高温炉合成玄武岩玻璃制作原位微区主微量元素含量分析的标准物质的实验条件.选取玄武岩标准物质GBW07105(GSR-3)进行高温熔融、淬火实验研究,获得玄武岩玻璃,为合成其他地质样品微区分析标准参考物质的研制提供了参考方法.用激光剥蚀-四极杆等离子体质谱(LA-Q-ICPMS)对样品微区46个主元素和微量元素...  相似文献   

The U.S. airline network is one of the most advanced transportation infrastructures in the world. It is a complex geospatial structure that sustains a variety of dynamics including commercial, public, and military operations and services. We study the U.S. domestic intercity passenger air transportation network using a weighted complex network methodology, in which vertices represent cities and edges represent intercity airline connections weighted by average daily passenger traffic, non-stop distance, and average one-way fares. We find that U.S. intercity passenger air transportation network is a small-world network accompanied by dissortative mixing patterns and rich-club phenomenon, implying that large degree cities (or hub cities) tend to form high traffic volume interconnections among each other and large degree cities tend to link to a large number of small degree cities. The interhub air connections tend to form interconnected triplets with high traffic volumes, long non-stop distances, and low average one-way fares. The structure of the U.S. airline network reflects the dynamic integration of pre-existing urban and national transportation infrastructure with the competitive business strategies of commercial airlines. In this paper we apply an emerging methodology to representing, analyzing, and modeling the complex interactions associated with the physical and human elements of the important U.S. national air transport and services infrastructure.  相似文献   

Sculptural patterns that aid the burrowing process are found on the exoskeletons of a broad range of fossil and Recent marine invertebrates. A review of these characters is used to illustrate how theoretical principles of functional morphology have been applied to practical cases. The presence of burrowing sculptures has allowed the recognition of burrowing habits and the reconstruction of the burrowing mechanism in several extinct groups, including linguliform brachiopods, trilobites and mitrates.  相似文献   

为查明青藏工程走廊热融湖塘水理化特性及其理化特性与湖塘分布之间的关系,选取青藏工程走廊楚玛尔河至风火山段为研究区域,沿青藏公路从北向南依次选取19个热融湖塘进行水深、面积等几何特征调研并取水样,进行阴阳离子等理化参数测定。分析了热融湖塘水的理化特性,并结合调研资料探讨了热融湖塘理化特性与区域环境及湖塘分布之间的相关性。结果表明在3个研究亚区湖的水理化特性有较大差别,楚玛尔河高平原从北向南湖水矿化度逐渐升高,水质由淡水向咸水再到强咸水过渡,主要与该区域"碟"状湖的分布特征和寒旱多风及蒸发量大有关;可可西里山区和北麓河盆地的湖水矿化度较低,水质以弱咸水或淡水为主。这两个亚区湖较深,地形以丘陵盆地为主,降低了湖面的蒸发量。  相似文献   

A new conceptual palaeo-oceanographical model is outlined in this paper. The model differs from previous models by using shifts in Hadley circulation caused by orbital variations, and the rotation rate of the Earth, to locate the position of the planetary oceanic low-and high-pressure systems, around which the planetary ocean surface currents flow. Adapting the model to the Arenig (early Ordovician) the temperate low pressure zones were found to be located at 50° latitude and the subtropical high pressure zones at 25° latitude.
Traditionally, most Palaeozoic palaeogeographical recon-structions are reconstructed using palaeomagnetic data supplemented with data from climate-sensitive lithofacies and palaeo-biogeographical distributions. However, as a new approach in palaeogeographical reconstructions, the con-ceptual palaeo-oceanographical model is combined with palaeobiogeographical data for the Arenig series, comple-menting the palaeomagnetic data, and resulting in a new, refined palaeogeographical reconstruction.  相似文献   

Two types of carbonate and carbonate-silicate rocks: synmetamorphic marble melange and veined bodies in amphibolites, gabbroic rocks, and syenites are recognized in the Early Paleozoic Ol’khon collision system in the West Baikal region. The marble melange is characterized by the various size of the fragments of the mafic granulite, gneisses, metagabbros, and granites. It is suggested that the melange was injected into the silicate matrix as a result of a ductile flow. The calcite, dolomite, and carbonate-silicate rocks are characterized by their massive and fine-grained texture. They are often associated with coeval granite and dolerite dikes and occasionally reveal indications of carbonate-silicate mingling. It is suggested that carbonate and carbonate-silicate rocks were injected at late stages of the synmetamorphic tectogenesis. In isotopic composition, geochemistry, and mineralogy, these carbonate rocks differ from mantle carbonatites, and their origin is most likely related to the melting of carbonate rocks in the lower crust in the presence of aqueous fluid according to the model proposed by Lentz [29]. The shearing facilitated drainage of the lower crust and the upper mantle and made it possible to inject carbonate material to the upper level as a melt and a ductile mixture along with crustal granitic and mantle-derived basic melts. The injection carbonate rocks have been described from other metamorphic complexes, e.g., in the Caledonides of Norway and in the Himalayan collision system.  相似文献   

在变质变形复杂的辽宁东部—吉林南部的本溪—临江地区开展的三维地质调查工作的基础上,经反复探索实践,得出了由区域主干剖面、区域建模剖面、建模约束剖面和建模剖面四级剖面控制下的分单元三维地质调查方法可以有效约束地下深部地质结构;提出了开展三维区域地质调查的17个步骤;讨论了方法与流程在本溪—临江地区的应用情况、有效性、可操作性及可靠性。  相似文献   

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