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南黄海春季水团分析   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
根据1992年5月在南黄海取得的CTD资料和两个断面的温,盐度和溶解氧资料,和“对应在分析法”研究该海域的水团配置和特性,并对其中的某些问题进行探讨。结果表明:春季,南黄海海域存在8个水团,即黄海水、贰黄海冷水团,青岛冷水团,黄海暖流水以及长江冲淡水,苏北沿岸水,成山角冷水和朝鲜西岸沿岸水;  相似文献   

本文根据2007年南黄海的CTD调查资料,分析了南黄海中层冷水的10个示性特征及其分布特征,指出2007年春季中层冷水主要出现于35°N以北的海域,核心区主要位于50 m等深线附近,中心深度位于25~40 m,宽度约为100 km,厚度为10~25 m,跃变强度为0.04~0.14℃/m。对比分析冬季与夏季温度、盐度及实测海流资料,南黄海春季出现的中层冷水主要是黄海暖流、沿岸冷水以及春季表层升温等过程的综合作用结果。  相似文献   

本文使用1960—1980年春季的水文资料,以温度和盐度作为主要指标,根据聚类分析逼近温盐图解,结合对该海域地理环境特征的分析,对烟台、威海及石岛近海春季的水团结构演变及其和渔场、渔期的关系进行综合分析。结果表明,北黄海及青岛外海的冷水团,以及黄海暖水团的强度与位置的变动,对春季渔期的早迟以及渔场位置的变动,都有很大的影响。  相似文献   

黄海北部水团锋面分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1989年8月黄海北部14个周日连续站3d的表层水湿和有关大面站准同步资料及由卫片获取的海面温度资料,对该海域水团锋面进行了分析,黄海北部表层水温为北黄海沿岩水(水团)、渤海沿岸水(水团)、朝鲜西部冷水团和黄海暖流余脉所控制。该项研究对长海县海洋牧场的开发具有现实意义。  相似文献   

南黄海暖流水附近冷水块的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南黄海东南部,呈现高温、高盐特征的南黄海暖流水(以下简称暖流水)终年入侵。冬半年,暖流水自济州岛东南沿西北方向大量涌入南黄海,并盘踞其大部海区,因此,该海域水文要素场(温度、盐度、密度)等值线的分布大多呈舌形。但在济州岛西北,朝鲜半岛西南海域外的水文状况则呈现低温、高盐特征。夏半年,黄海冷水团与南黄海沿岸流强盛,暖流水势力锐减,南黄海温、盐度等值线的分布不再大片地呈现明显舌形,舌状分布仅出现在34°N以南,124°E以东海区。此时,在暖流水附近,济州海峡西北部,朝鲜半岛西南海岸外,经常出现一个具有高盐特性的冷水块。此冷水块的出现与南黄海暖流水的变异有关,并且存在时间较长,因此,其温、盐性质构成了南黄海水文特征的一部分。本文试图分析研究这一冷水块的基本水文特征并对其成因提出初步看法。 本文主要引用1976-1979年在南黄海海域调查的部分观测资料以及朝鲜1934-1938年的近海观测资料。  相似文献   

初春南黄海水文特征及环流状况的分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
根据1996年初春中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查所获资料,分析了南黄海水文特征及其环流状况,并获得了以下几点主要认识:(1)初春南黄海的温、盐分布特征及环流基本形态,与以往所揭示的冬季状况基本相似.然而,本次调查发现,在30m以浅,黄海中部暖水舌轴线比冬季的明显偏东;且出现一范围较小的孤立的相对高温高盐区.在垂向,一种中层冷水和表层逆温跃层现象出现在黄海局部区域.(2)直接测流的结果,不仅部分地印证了由温、盐场所显示的环流基本形态,而且较好地揭示了流场中发生的一些新现象,其中尤其是绕济州岛的流动.(3)黄海暖流水是对马暖流水和陆架水混合而成.而且,它主要是在济州岛西侧水域,从锋带中衍生出来的.  相似文献   

南黄海春季温、盐结构特征分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用1992年5月在南黄海获得的CTD资料对该海域春季温、盐结构特征进行了分析,结果表明:(1)春季,南黄海温、盐结构处于由冬季型向夏季型的过渡期,此时,整个研究海域大体上可以20m层为界分为上、下两层。上表层的温、盐结构已基本呈现夏季型特征,但深底层还具有冬季型的某些特征。(2)南黄海春季温、盐结构特征与水团配置具有较密切的关系,亦即不同的温、盐结构对应着不同的水团,反之,同一个水团具有相近的温  相似文献   

1999年6月南黄海和东海东北部的水文及环流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

夏季北黄海冷水团多年变化特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据横贯北黄海冷水团的大连一成山角断的42年观测资料,采用“相似系数”方法分析了北黄海冷水团的分布范围、低温中心位置、厚度、相对体积、温、盐等特征等多年变化特征。根据诸特征的标准离差,将这42年北黄海冷水团划分为强、弱和平年三种情况。  相似文献   

On the basis of hydrographic data and current measurement (the mooring system, vessel-mounted ADCP and toward ADCP) data obtained in June 1999, the circulations in the southern Huang-hai Sea (HS) and northern East China Sea (ECS) are computed by using the modified inverse method. The Kuroshio flows northeastward through eastern part of the investigated region and has the main core at Section PN, a northward flow at the easternmost part of Section PN, a weaker anti-cyclonic eddy between these two northward flows, and a weak cyclonic eddy at the western part of Section PN. The above current structure is one type of the current structures at Section PN in ECS. The net northward volume transport (VT) of the Kuroshio and the offshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCOB) through Section PN is about 26.2×106m3/s in June 1999. The VT of the inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCIB) through the investigated region is about 0.4×106m3/s. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) has much effect on the currents over the  相似文献   

The seasonal circulation in the southeastern Huanghai Sea has been studied with hydrographic data,which were observed in February and June 1994 and bimonthly during 1970-1990,and numerical model results.Horiwntal distributions of temperature and salinity in 1994 are quite different due to strong tidal mixing so that we need a analysis to see the real distributions of water masses.The mixing ratio analysis with the data of 1970-1990 shows the connection of the waters in the west coasts of Kotea Peninsula with warm and saline waters from the south in summer,which means northward inflows along the west coasts of Korea Peninsula in summer.With this flow,the seasonal circulations,which are deduced from the seasonal change of water mass distributions in the lower layer,are warm inflows in winter and mld outflows in summer in the central Huanghai Sea,and cold outflows in winter and warm inflows in summer along the west coasts of Korea Peninsula.The seasonally changed inflows might be the Huanghai Sea Warm Current.The monsoon winds can drive such circulations.However,summer monsoon winds are weak and irregular.As one of other possible dynamics,the variation of Kuroshio transport is numerically studied with allowing sea level fluctuations.Although it should be studied more,it possibly drives the summer circulations.The real circulations seem to be driven by both of them.  相似文献   

南黄海环流的若干特征   总被引:40,自引:7,他引:40  
主要根据近几年来中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查结果,结合有关历史资料,对南黄海环流的若干特征进行了分析。所得主要认识为:(1)南黄海环流存在明显的季节变异。冬、夏季环流的基本形态有着较大的差别。(2)黄海暖流的路径和强度均有一定的年际变化。分析显示,1997年冬季,暖流路径明显偏于槽的西侧;而1986年冬,暖流的主流路径则沿槽北上。(3)黄海暖流并非对马暖流的直接分支。黄海暖流水是对马暖流水和陆架水混合而成。而且,它主要是在济州岛西侧海域,从锋区中衍生出来的。(4)夏季黄海表、底层环流大致皆是由一大的道时针向流系构成。但在其表层海盐尺度的气旋式环流内部还存在小的气旋和反气旋流环。分析亦表明,不论表层或底层,皆无高盐暖水从济州岛邻近海域进入黄海东部的明显迹象。  相似文献   

秋季南黄海水文特征及海水的混合与交换   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1996年10月中韩合作调查获得的CTD资料,分析探讨了南黄海秋季跃层的分布特征及垂直混合状况,同时对黄海冷水团的垂向混合进行了初步探讨.还利用改进后的逐步聚类分析法划分了表、底层水团,确定了各水团的温度、盐度、溶解氧和PH值4要素的平均特征值,并根据各水团的特性和温度、盐度的平面分布特征,重点探讨了黄海水与沿岸水及东海水的混合和交换.  相似文献   

渤海、黄海、东海冬季海流场温度场数值模拟和同化技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用NASA高分辨率的卫星遥感资料SST,采用Nudging同化来模拟渤海、黄海、东海的三维温度场,减小用热通量作上边界条件所带来的误差.结果表明,模拟的海流场能较好地反映渤海、黄海、东海的环流特征.数据同化后的温度场优于未经同化的温度场.3个选择站点的同化值与实测值的均方根误差分别为1.307,0.526,0.744,用热通量资料模拟的水温与实测值的均方根误差分别为2.160,0.979,1.330.尽管只同化了海表温度,但数据同化对三维温度场结构都有影响.  相似文献   

东海西部陆架海域水团的季节特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
On the basis of the CTD data and the modeling results in the winter and summer of 2009, the seasonal characteristics of the water masses in the western East China Sea shelf area were analyzed using a cluster analysis method. The results show that the distributions and temperature-salinity characteristics of the water masses in the study area are of distinct seasonal difference. In the western East China Sea shelf area, there are three water masses during winter, i.e., continental coastal water(CCW), Taiwan Warm Current surface water(TWCSW) and Yellow Sea mixing water(YSMW), but four ones during summer, i.e., the CCW, the TWCSW, Taiwan Warm Current deep water(TWCDW) and the YSMW. Of all, the CCW, the TWCSW and the TWCDW are all dominant water masses. The CCW, primarily characterized by a low salinity, has lower temperature, higher salinity and smaller spatial extent in winter than in summer. The TWCSW is warmer, fresher and smaller in summer than in winter, and it originates mostly from the Kuroshio surface water(KSW) northeast of Taiwan, China and less from the Taiwan Strait water during winter, but it consists of the strait water and the KSW during summer. The TWCDW is characterized by a low temperature and a high salinity, and originates completely in the Kuroshio subsurface water northeast of Taiwan.  相似文献   

Using conductivity-Temperature-depth data of a recent cruise during July 22-28, 2008 and historical data, it is found that temperature inversions occur from time to time in the Huanghai Sea(Yellow Sea) cold water mass (HSCWM) in summer. The temperature inversions are produced by the movement of the fresh and cold HSCWM masses above the warm and saline Huanghai Sea Warm Current water at the central bottom of the Huanghai Sea Trough. The non-homogeneous profiles of the temperature and the salinity suggest that vertical mixing in the HSCWM, which is of great importance to the circulation in the Huanghai Sea in summer, is weak. Trajectories of satellite-tracked surface drifters suggest that waters in the northern reach of the Huanghai Sea move southward along the 40-50 m isobaths and descend into the southern Huanghai Sea to form the western core of the HSCWM.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing observations show that during winter, sea surface temperature (SST) presents the structure of double warm tongues in the Huanghai Sea trough:the western and the eastern warm tongues. Numerical experiments based on POM are carried out to study the forming mechanism of this thermal structure and its relation to the Huanghai Sea Warm Current (HSWC). The control experiment reproduces this phenomenon quite well, and comparing experiments investigate the effect of wind and tide. It is found that the western warm tongue is mainly caused by the HSWC, which can be strengthened by wintertime southward wind. The eastern warm tongue develops under the influence of an anti-clockwise circulation which is induced by the temperature front of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass (HSCWM) in summer and autumn. In the eastern portion of this circulation, the northward current carries warm water to the north, forming the eastern warm tongue, which remains till winter.  相似文献   

Four sources of surface heat flux (SHF) and the satellite remote sensing sea surface temperature (SST) data are combined to investigate the heat budget closure of the Huanghai Sea (HS) in winter. It is found that heat loss occurs all over the HS during winter and the area averaged heat content change decreases with a rate of -106 W/m2. Comparing with the area averaged SHF of -150 W/m-2 from the four SHF data sets, it can be concluded that the SHF plays a dominant role in the HS heat budget during winter. In contrast, the heat advection transported by the Huanghai Warm Current (Yellow Sea Warm Current, HWC) accounted for up to 29% of the HS heat content change. Close correlation, especially in February, between the storm events and the SST increase demonstrates that the HWC behaves strongly as a wind-driven compensation current.  相似文献   

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