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The infrared absorption cross-sections for eight commonly used halogenated methanes and ethanes have been measured as a function of temperature from 203 to 293 K. High resolution spectra (0.03 cm-1) have been used to derive integrated band strengths and peak cross-sections associated with the spectral features in the infrared region from 600 to 1500 cm-2. The values obtained in this study are compared to those from previous reports, and recommendations are made for uses in atmospheric sensing and radiative energy transfer models. The observed temperature dependence in the spectral features is also discussed.  相似文献   

Internal secular variability in an ocean general circulation model   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
We describe results of an experiment in which the Hamburg Large-Scale Geostrophic Ocean General Circulation Model was driven by a spatially correlated white-noise freshwater flux superimposed on the climatological fluxes. In addition to the red-noise character of the oceanic response, the model exhibits pronounced variability in a frequency band around 320 years. The centers of action of this oscillation are the Southern Ocean and the Atlantic.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil.  相似文献   

W. Cheng  R. Bleck  C. Rooth 《Climate Dynamics》2004,22(6-7):573-590
A century scale integration of a near-global atmosphere–ocean model is used to study the multi-decadal variability of the thermohaline circulation (THC) in the Atlantic. The differences between the coupled and two supplementary ocean-only experiments suggest that a significant component of this variability is controlled by either a collective behavior of the ocean and the atmosphere, particularly in the form of air-sea heat exchange, or sub-monthly random noise present in the coupled system. Possible physical mechanisms giving rise to the mode of this THC variability are discussed. The SST anomaly associated with the THC variability resembles an interdecadal SST pattern extracted from observational data, as well as a pattern associated with the 50–60 year THC variability in the GFDL coupled model. In each case, a warming throughout the subpolar North Atlantic but concentrated along the Gulf Stream and its extension is indicated when the THC is strong. Concomitantly, surface air temperature has positive anomalies over the warmer ocean, with the strongest signal located downwind of the warmest SST anomalies and intruding into the western Eurasian Continent. In addition to the thermal response, there are also changes in the atmospheric flow pattern. More specifically, an anomalous northerly wind develops over the Labrador Sea when the THC is stronger than normal, suggesting a local primacy of the atmospheric forcing in the thermohaline perturbation structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, the leading modes of ocean temperature anomalies (OTA) along the equatorial Pacific Ocean are analyzed and their connection with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and interdecadal variation is investigated. The first two leading modes of OTA are connected with the different phases of the canonical ENSO and display asymmetric features of ENSO evolution. The third leading mode depicts a tripole pattern with opposite variation of OTA above the thermocline in the central Pacific to that along the thermocline in the eastern and western Pacific. This mode is found to be associated with so-called ENSO-Modoki. Insignificant correlations of this mode with the first two leading modes suggest that ENSO-Modoki may be a mode that is independent to the canonical ENSO and also has longer time scales compared with the canonical ENSO. The fourth mode reflects a warming (cooling) tendency above (below) the thermocline since 2000. Both the first and second modes have a large contribution to the interdecadal change in thermocline during 1979–2012. Also, the analysis also documents that both ENSO and OTA shifted into higher frequency since 2000 compared with that during 1979–1999. Interestingly, the ENSO-Modoki related OTA mode does not have any trend or significant interdecadal shift during 1979–2012. In addition, it is shown that first four EOF modes seem robust before and after 1999/2000, suggesting that the interdecadal shift of the climate system in the tropical Pacific is mainly a frequency shift and the changes in spatial pattern are relatively small, although the mean states over two periods experienced some significant changes.  相似文献   

王超   《山东气象》2020,40(2):40-51
为了评估美国地球物理流体动力学实验室(GFDL)模式模拟海洋通风的能力,利用GFDL的物理气候系统模式和地球系统模式(GFDL-ESM2G、GFDL-ESM2M、GFDL-CM3)模拟海洋中CFC-11(一氟三氯甲烷,CCl3F)的资料,对CFC-11的海面浓度分布、单位面积水柱总量、全球总物质的量、最大穿透深度以及在大西洋、太平洋、南大洋的垂直剖面的特征进行了分析。本文将GFDL模拟结果与盐度、海温、CFC-11的观测资料比较,得到了如下重要结论:GFDL模式模拟的CFC-11海面高值中心集中在高纬度,如北大西洋、西北太平洋,但是在南大洋罗斯海、威德尔海模拟结果比观测值低了1.5 pmol·kg-1,这是CFC-11的溶解度与海面温度成负相关造成的,即随海面温度升高,CFC-11的溶解度降低;GFDL模拟的全球海洋中CFC-11总物质的量都比观测值高,尤其是CM3的模拟结果比观测高22.9%,GFDL模式平均值高于观测15.6%。通过对北太平洋46°N、北大西洋24°N和南大洋65°S的纬向断面的分析表明,目前GFDL模式在模拟一些重要水团时还有一定的改进空间,比如GFDL在24°N断面1 000 m以下模拟CFC-11浓度极大值位置过深。  相似文献   

Summary Seventeen years of sea level pressure (SLP), 200-hPa zonal wind and 500-hPa geopotential height data were used to investigate the boreal winter and summer interannual (IA) circulation patterns. The IA patterns for these variables and for their zonally asymmetric (ZA) part were determined by performing empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses on the SLP and on ZA SLP. The corresponding patterns for the other variables were obtained by correlating their time series with the amplitude time series of these EOF analyses. For both seasons, the SLP and ZA SLP show a zonal wavenumber one pattern extending from the tropics into the winter hemisphere extratropics, which is consistent with the circulation anomalies related to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles. The zonal wavenumber one pattern observed for the boreal winter describes the SLP and ZA SLP variations related to the mature state of the El Niño and La Niña episodes, and that for the summer, the SLP and ZA SLP variations associated with the initial or decay stages of these phenomena. The 200-hPa zonal wind and 500-hPa geopotential height patterns exhibit strong seasonal dependence, and the ZA parts of these two variables show even more pronounced seasonal differences. These results indicate that the seasonal cycle of the atmospheric circulation, in particular at the upper tropospheric levels, might play an important role in extending the IA wavetrain-like structure into the subtropics as noted for the 200-hPa zonal wind and its ZA part in the Pacific/Americas sector. This wavetrain-like structure shows its Southern Hemisphere (SH) and Northern Hemisphere (NH) branches for the boreal winter, and only its SH branch, for the boreal summer. Thus, the effects of the seasonal cycle of the atmospheric circulation on the IA patterns seem to be stronger for the NH.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Dust variability in the climate system has been studied for several decades, yet there remains an incomplete understanding of the dynamical mechanisms controlling interannual and decadal variations in dust transport. The sparseness of multi-year observational datasets has limited our understanding of the relationship between climate variations and atmospheric dust. We use available in situ and satellite observations of dust and a century-length fully coupled Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulation to show that the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exerts a control on North African dust transport during boreal summer. In CESM, this relationship is stronger over the dusty tropical North Atlantic than near Barbados, one of the few sites having a multi-decadal observed record. During strong La Niña summers in CESM, a statistically significant increase in lower tropospheric easterly wind is associated with an increase in North African dust transport over the Atlantic. Barbados dust and Pacific SST variability are only weakly correlated in both observations and CESM, suggesting that other processes are controlling the cross-basin variability of dust. We also use our CESM simulation to show that the relationship between downstream North African dust transport and ENSO fluctuates on multidecadal timescales and is associated with a phase shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation. Our findings indicate that existing observations of dust over the tropical North Atlantic are not extensive enough to completely describe the variability of dust and dust transport, and demonstrate the importance of global models to supplement and interpret observational records.  相似文献   

An ocean analysis, assimilating both surface and subsurface hydrographic temperature data into a global ocean model, has been produced for the period 1958–2000, and used to study the time and space variations of North Atlantic upper ocean heat content (HC). Observational evidence is presented for interannual-to-decadal variability of upper ocean thermal fluctuations in the North Atlantic related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) variability over the last 40 years. The assimilation scheme used in the ocean analysis is a univariate, variational optimum interpolation of temperature. The first guess is produced by an eddy permitting global ocean general circulation forced by atmospheric reanalysis from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The validation of the ocean analysis has been done through the comparison with objectively analyzed observations and independent data sets. The method is able to compensate for the model systematic error to reproduce a realistic vertical thermal structure of the region and to improve consistently the model estimation of the time variability of the upper ocean temperature. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis shows that an important mode of variability of the wintertime upper ocean climate over the North Atlantic during the period of study is characterized by a tripole pattern both for SST and upper ocean HC. A similar mode is found for summer HC anomalies but not for summer SST. Over the whole period, HC variations in the subtropics show a general warming trend while the tropical and north eastern part of the basin have an opposite cooling tendency. Superimposed on this linear trend, the HC variability explained by the first EOF both in winter and summer conditions reveals quasi-decadal oscillations correlated with changes in the NAO index. On the other hand, there is no evidence of correlation in time between the NAO index and the upper ocean HC averaged over the whole North Atlantic which exhibits a substantial and monotonic warming trend during the last two decades of the analysis period. The maximum correlation is found between the leading principal component of winter HC anomalies and NAO index at 1 year lag with NAO leading. For SST anomalies significant correlation is found only for winter conditions. In contrast, for HC anomalies high correlations are found also in the summer suggesting that the summer HC keeps a memory of winter conditions.  相似文献   

The meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the coupled ECHAM5/MPIOM exhibits variability at periods of near 30 years and near 60 years. The 30-year variability, referred to as interdecadal variability (IDV), exist in an ocean model driven by climatological atmospheric forcing, suggesting that it is maintained by ocean dynamics; the 60-year variability, the multidecadal variability (MDV), is only observed in the fully coupled model and therefore is interpreted as an atmosphere–ocean coupled mode. The coexistence of the 30-year IDV and the 60-year MDV provides a possible explanation for the widespread time scales observed in climate variables. Further analyses of the climatologically forced ocean model shows that, the IDV is related to the interplay between the horizontal temperature-dominated density gradients and the ocean circulation: temperature anomalies move along the cyclonic subpolar gyre leading to fluctuations in horizontal density gradients and the subsequent weakening and strengthening of the MOC. This result is consistent with that from less complex models, indicating the robustness of the IDV. We further show that, along the North Atlantic Current path, the sea surface temperature anomalies are determined by the slow LSW advection at the intermediate depth.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of the European winter air temperature is partially caused by anomalous atmospheric circulation and the associated advection of air masses, mainly linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). However, a considerable part of the temperature variability is not linearly described by atmospheric circulation anomalies. Here, a long control simulation with a coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model is analyzed, with the goal of decomposing the European temperature (ET) anomalies in a part linked to the anomalous atmospheric circulation and a residual. The amount of interannual variability of each contribution is roughly 50%, although at subdecadal (overdecadal) time scales the variability of the residuals is dominant. These residuals are found to be linked to temperature anomalies of the same sign in the whole North Atlantic and Greenland, in contrast to the well-known temperature zonal seesaw associated with the NAO. The association between the residuals and other processes in the North Atlantic has been also analyzed. The thermohaline circulation, closely connected in the model to the intensity of the Gulf Stream, lags the evolution of the temperature residuals by several years and thus is not able to control their evolution. The variability of the oceanic convection in the Northern North Atlantic, on the other hand, correlates with the temperature residual at lags close to zero. It is hypothesized that oceanic convection produces a sea-surface temperature fingerprint that leads to the ET residuals. The implications of these results for multi-year predictability and for empirical climate reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, interannual fluctuations of the mixed layer depth (MLD) in the tropical Indian Ocean are investigated from a long-term (1960–2007) eddy permitting numerical simulation and a new observational dataset built from hydrographic in situ data including Argo data (1969–2008). Both datasets show similar interannual variability patterns in relation with known climate modes and reasonable phase agreement in key regions. Due to the scarcity of the observational dataset, we then largely rely on the model to describe the interannual MLD variations in more detail. MLD interannual variability is two to four times smaller than the seasonal cycle. A large fraction of MLD interannual variations is linked to large-scale climate modes, with the exception of coastal and subtropical regions where interannual signature of small-scale structures dominates. The Indian Ocean Dipole is responsible for most variations in the 10°N–10°S band, with positive phases being associated with a shallow MLD in the equatorial and south-eastern Indian Ocean and a deepening in the south-central Indian Ocean. The El Niño signature is rather weak, with moderate MLD shoaling in autumn in the eastern Arabian Sea. Stronger than usual monsoon jets are only associated with a very modest MLD deepening in the southern Arabian Sea in summer. Finally, positive Indian Ocean Subtropical Dipoles are associated with a MLD deepening between 15 and 30°S. Buoyancy fluxes generally appear to dominate MLD interannual variations except for IOD-induced signals in the south-central Indian Ocean in autumn, where wind stirring and Ekman pumping dominate.  相似文献   

Climate Dynamics - The interannual-decadal variability of the wintertime mixed layer depths (MLDs) over the North Pacific is investigated from an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of an...  相似文献   

21个气候模式对东亚夏季环流模拟的评估II:年际变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张宏芳  陈海山 《气象科学》2011,31(3):247-257
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心的ERA40再分析资料, 评估了参与政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告的21个全球海气耦合模式对东亚地区夏季大气环流年际变率的模拟能力,结果表明:(1)模式对东亚地区不同要素的年际变率模拟能力整体偏弱, 500 hPa高度场的模拟能力总体优于海平面气压场及850 hPa风场;(2)两大环流系统年际变率的模拟结果评估表明:就相关系数而言,副高强度、面积的模拟能力优于印度低压,多数模式能正确模拟出副高1970s后期增强的趋势;就标准差来看,模式对印度低压、印度低压东伸槽模拟效果相对较好;(3)评估三种季风指数的模拟能力结果显示,环流异常指数模拟效果略好,但多数模式都不能模拟出海陆气压差、经向风、环流异常季风指数的年际变化。  相似文献   

全球海洋模式对CFC-11分布的初步模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
使用中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP)三十层全球海洋模式(L30T63)研究了CFC-11在全球海洋中的吸收和分布,初步讨论了决定其分布特征的可能因素.该模式采用自由表面结构和Gent-McWilliams中尺度示踪物参数化方案.通过对控制试验得到的CFC-11模拟结果分析可知,CFC-11海表浓度受温度影响显著,其分布形状大致与温度相似,但梯度相反.通量的分布受温度影响很大,且表现出很明显的季节变化特征,如不饱和区一般出现在冬季海区的中层水形成处或者强对流混合存在的区域.另外,对CFC-11的模拟结果与三个大洋的五个断面航测资料做了对比,发现模拟结果与观测资料吻合较好,能比较清楚地反映CFC-11输送与等密度面垂直分布以及环流场的密切关系,如在南大洋50°S以北至35°S以南等密度面的向下加深区是CFC-11的主要贮存区等.与大多数前人的工作相比,该模拟结果较好地反映了CFC-11在南大洋的分布特征.从这些反映出该模式对于大洋十年尺度物质交换与海洋内部输送的模拟是比较准确的.  相似文献   

This study considers an ensemble of six 10-year climate simulations conducted with the Canadian Climate Centre 2nd generation General Circulation Model (CCC GCM2). Each simulation was forced according to the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) experimental protocol using monthly mean sea surface temperatures and sea-ice extents based on observations for January, 1979 to December 1988. One simulation, conducted on a CRAY computer, was initiated from analysed 1 January 1979 conditions while the remaining 5 simulations, conducted on a NEC computer, were initiated from previously simulated model states obtained from a long control integration. The interannual variability and potential predictability of simulated and observed 500 hPa geopotential, 850 hPa temperature and 300 hPa stream function are examined and inter-compared using statistical analysis of variance techniques to partition variance into a number of components. The boundary conditions specified by AMIP are found to induce statistically significant amounts of predictable variance on the interannual time scale in the tropics and, to a lesser extent, at extratropical latitudes. In addition, local interactions between the atmosphere and the land surface apparently induce significant amounts of potentially predictable interannual variance in the tropical lower atmosphere and also at some locations in the temperate lower atmosphere. No evidence was found that the atmosphere's internal dynamics on their own generate potentially predictable variations on the interannual time scale. The sensitivity of the statistical methods used is demonstrated by the fact that we are able to detect differences between the climates simulated on the two computers used. The causes of these physically insignificant changes are traced. The statistical procedures are checked by confirming that the choice of initial conditions does not lead to significant inter-simulation variation. The simulations are also interpreted as an ensemble of climate forecasts that rely only on the specified boundary conditions for their predictive skill. The forecasts are verified against observations and against themselves. In agreement with other studies it was found that the forecasts have very high skill in the tropics and moderate skill in the extratropics. Received: 18 December 1995 / Accepted: 4 April 1996  相似文献   

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