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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Techniques of Sedimentary Mineralogy-Developments in Sedimentology . 4. F. G. T ickell
Sedimentary Features of Flysch and Greywackes-Developments in Sedimentology . 7. S. D zulynski and E. K. W alton .
Handbuch der Stratigraphischen Geologie . IV. Jura. H. H ölder .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of Electron Microscopy of Clay Minerals and their Admixtures — Atlas der Elektronenmikroskopie der Tonminerale und ihrer Beimengungen. H. B eutelspacher and H. W. van der M arel .
Beckensedimentation und Riffbildung an der Wende Trias/Jura in den bayerischtiroler Kalkalpen—Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Facies and Sedimentation in the Northern Calcareous Alps of Bavaria and the Tyrol. (International Sedimentary Petrographical Series, 9.) F. H. F abricius .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1987,3(1):31-35
Book reviewed in this article:
Principles of Physical Sedimentology by J.R.L. Allen.
Experiments in Physical Sedimentology by J.R.L. Allen.
Challinor's Dictionary of Geology (6th ed.) by Antony Wyatt (ed.)
Inside a Planet by G.H.A. Cole.
Geological Science by Andrew McLeish.
Ore Deposit Geology by Richard Edwards and Keith Atkinson.
Origins of Life by Jim Brooks.
The Geology of China by Yang Zunyi, Cheng Yugi & Wang Hongzhen.
Minerals and Mining in Antarctica: Science and Technology, Economics and Politics by Maarten J. de Wit.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1987,3(6):178-179
Book reviewed in this article:
An Introduction to Carbonate Sediments and Rocks by T.P. Scoffin.
Sedimentary Environments and Facies (2nd edition) by H. G. Reading (editor).
The Riddle of the Dinosaur by John Noble Wilford.
The Outcrop Quiz by John Wright.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books review in this article:
Sedimentary Environments and Facies, Ed. by H. G. Reading
A Color Illustrated Guide to Carbonate Rock Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities, by Peter A. Scholle.
A Color Illustrated Guide to Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities of Sandstones and Associated Rocks by Peter A. Scholle.
Cathodoluminescenceof Quartz and Its Application to Sandstone Petrology. Contributions to Sedimentology, No. 8, by U. Zinkernagel.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Lukashev, K. I., and V. K. Lukashev, Geokhimicheskiye poiski elementov v zone gipergeneza [GEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTING FOR ELEMENTS IN THE ZONE OF SUPERGENESIS]: 2 volumes. Nauka i tekhnika Press, Minsk, 1967. NK66-28(70).

Iskopayemyye rify i metodika ikh izucheniya [FOSSIL REEFS AND METHODS OF THEIR STUDIES]: Transactions of the 3rd Paleoecologial-Lithological Session (Ural, June 1965). 21 papers by 32 authors. G. I. Smirnov and M. L. Klyuzhina, Executive Editors. IGiG, Uralian Branch, AN SSSR. Sverdlovsk, 1968, 252 pp., 10 tables, 91 figs., 280 refs. NK67-30(50).

Markov, K. K., A. A. Velichko, et al., Plestotsen [THE PLEISTOCENE]: Vysskaya shkola Press, Moscow, 1968, 304 pp., 31 tables, 120 figs., 40 refs. Lists of plant spp., typical of glacial and interglacial periods, and of typical Neogene-Pleistocene faunal complexes. Subject index. NK68-21(198).

Markov, K. K., V. I. Bardin, et al., Geografiya Antarktidy [GEOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA]: Mysl' Press, Moscow, 1968. 439 pp., 61 tables, 67 figs., 653 refs. Index of geographical names. Map (loose); expeditions (traverses); topography under ice; survey; tectonics; shelf glaciers. NK66-47(125).

Paleovulkanizm Urala [PALEOVOLCANISM OF THE URAL]: Seven papers by 16 authors. S.N. Ivanov and V. M. Necheukhin, Executive Editors. IGiG, Uralian Branch, AN SSSR. Sverdlovsk, 1968. 184 pp., 7 tables, 64 figs., 220 refs. NK67-30(44).

Vulkanogennyye formatsii Kazakhstana [VOLCANOGENIC FORMATIONS OF KAZAKHSTAN]: Seventeen papers by 34 authors. R. A. Borukayev, Executive Editor. Nauka Press, KazSSR. Alma-Ata, 1967, 160 pp., 29 tables, 35 figs., 181 refs. NK66-48(27).

Kalinko, M. K., Neorganicheskoye proiskhozhdeniye nefti v svete sovremennykh dannykh. Kriticheskiy analiz [INORGANIC ORIGIN OF OIL IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN DATA. CRITICAL ANALYSIS]: Nedra Press, Moscow, 1968, 336 pp., 49 tables, 33 figs., 487 refs.

Margantsevyye mestorozhdeniya SSSR [MANGANESE ORE DEPOSITS OF THE USSR]. Based on the data at the Conference on Principal Genetic Types and Geochemistry of Manganese Ore Deposits, April 6–12, 1965, Moscow. IGEM, AN SSSR and others. Thirty-two papers by 53 authors. D. G. Sapozhnikov, Executive Editor. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 460 pp., 79 tables, 160 figs., 532 refs. Appendix: general bibliography, 1958–1964, 700 titles. NK66-26(10).

Alexandrov, S. M., V. L. Barsukov, and V. V. Shcherbina, Geokhimiya endogennogo bora [GEOCHEMISTRY OF ENDOGENIC BORON]: The Vernadskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 184 pp., 29 tables, 59 figs., 185 refs. NK66-46(69).

Yushkin, N. P., Mineralogiya i paragenezis samorodnoy sery v ekzogennykh mestorozhdeniyakh [MINERALOGY AND PARAGENESIS OF NATIVE SULFUR IN EXOGENIC ORE DEPOSITS]: Komi Branch, IG, AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Leningrad Div., 1968, 187 pp., 19 tables, 72 figs., 286 refs. SK68-1(335). By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Lamakin, V. V., Neotektonika Baykal'skoy vpadiny [NEOTECTONICS OF BAYKAL DEPRESSION]: Trudy GI AN SSSR, vyp. 187. Nauka Press, Moscow. 248 pp., 6 tables, 28 photos, 58 figs., 367 refs. ; index of geographical and geological names. SK 68-1(299).

Seysmotektonika i seysmichnost' riftovoy sistemy Pribaykal'ya [SEISMOTECTONICS AND SEISMISM OF THE BAYKALIAN RIFT SYSTEM]: Nine coordinated chapters by 12 authors. V. P. Solonenko, Executive Editor. IZK, SO AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 220 pp., 80 figs., 11 tables, 238 refs. Enclosure: map of seismotectonics of the rift zone, in color (1 cm = 25 km).

Parmuzin, Yu. P., Severo-vostok i Kamchatka [THE NORTHEAST AND KAMCHATKA]: “Mysl” Press, Moscow, 1967. 322 pp., 11 tables, 90 photographs and diagrams, 220 refs.; map of landscape regions (1 cm = 200 km). Indices: geographical names; flora; fauna.

Grinberg, C. A., Dokembriy Okhotskogo massiva [PRECAMBRIAN OF THE OKHOTSK MASSIF]: Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 36 tables, 40 figs., 157 refs. SK 68-1(285).

Tektonika Sovetskogo Dal'nego Vostoka i prilegayushchikh akvatoriy [TECTONICS OF SOVIET FAR EAST AND ADJACENT AQUATORIA]: Yu. A. Kosygin, Executive Editor. Sixteen papers by 30 authors. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 234 pp., 6 tables, 22 figs., 483 refs. Index of regional tectonic structures and terms. NK 67-45(35).

Murzayev, E. M., Priroda Sin'tszyana i formirovaniye pustyn' tsentral'noy Azii [NATURE IN SINKIANG AND DEVELOPMENT OF DESERTS IN CENTRAL ASIA]: Nauka Press, Moscow, 1966. 382 pp., 57 tables, 74 figs., 545 refs. (incl. 61 in Chinese); index of geographical names; toponymic glossary (380 terms, 22 pp.).

Votakh, O. A., Tektonika dokembriya zapadnoy okrainy Sibirskoy platformy [PRECAMBRIAN TECTONICS OF WESTERN MARGIN OF SIBERIAN PLATFORM]: IGiG SO AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 138 pp., 26 figs., 8 tables, 344 refs. Index of regional tectonic names; index of local lithological-stratigraphic subdivisions. SK 68-1(277).

Mokshantsev, K. B., et al., Glubinnoye stroyeniye vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy i prilegayushchikh skladchatykh sooruzheniy Verkhoyano-Chukotskoy oblasti [DEEP STRUCTURE OF EASTERN PART OF SIBERIAN PLATFORM AND ADJACENT FOLDED CONFIGURATIONS OF THE VERKHOYANSK-CHUKOTKA REGION]: Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 172 pp., 27 figs. 1 table, 347 refs. SK 68-1(306).

Problemy tektonicheskikh dvizheniy i noveyskikh struktur zemnoy kory [PROBLEMS OF TECTONIC MOVEMENTS AND NEWEST STRUCTURES IN TERRESTRIAL CRUST]: Thirty-one papers by 36 authors, for the 8th Congress, INQUA, in Paris, 1969. N. I. Nikolayev, Executive Editor. 226 pp., 5 tables, 61 figs., 253 refs. Nauka Press, Moscow. NK 68-20(91).

Bulleten' komissii po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda [BULLETIN OF COMMITTEE ON THE QUATERNARY, AN SSSR]: No. 35. V. I. Gromov and I. K. Ivanova, Executive Editors. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. Eighteen papers by 23 authors. 212 pp., 14 tables, 65 figs., 315 refs. SK 68-1(274).

Itogi nauki [SCIENCE REVIEWS]: Ser. geolog. Geokhimiya, mineralogiya, petrografiya, 1963–1964. Institute of Scientific Information, AN SSSR. VINITI Press, Moscow, 1965. A. S. Marfunin, Executive Editor. 237 pp. NK 65-48(38). By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Geologicheskiye rezul'taty geofizicheskikh issledovaniy v Sibiri i na Darnem Vostoke [GEOLOGICAL RESULTS OF GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN SIBERIA AND FAR EAST]: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian division, AN SSSR. Sixty‐five authors, under guidance and general editorship of E. E. Fotiadi, Corresponding Member of the Academy. Nauka Press, Siberian branch, Novosibirsk, 1967. 514 pp., 56 tables, 187 figs. 760 refs. (for introductory p. 5–200 only). Size of book: 11 3/4″ x 8 3/4″ x 1″ weight about 6 lbs.

Voprosy obrabotki geologo‐geofizicheskikh dannykh na elektronnykh tsifrovykh mashinakh [PROBLEMS IN PROCESSING GEOLOGICALGEOPHYSICAL DATA BY ELECTRONIC DIGITAL COMPUTERS]: Nine papers by 19 authors, edited by M. M. Lavrent'yev, SO AN SSSR, Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Nauka Press, Siberian Division. Novosibirsk, 1967. 142 pp. , 7 tables, 13 figs. , 78 refs.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1988,4(2):70-71
Book reviewed in this article:
Karst Hydrogeology: Engineering and Environmental Applications by Barry F. Beck and William L. Wilson (editors).
Lothian Geology: An Excursion Guide by A. D. McAdam and E. N. K. Clarkson.
Pioneers of Geology by Douglas A. Robson.
Gemstones by C. M. Woodward and R. R. Harding.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1985,1(3):94-95
Book reviewed in this articles
Geology of the Nonmetallics by Peter W. Harben & Robert L. Bates.
St. Kilda: an illustrated account of the geology by R.R. Harding, R.J. Merriman & P.H.A. Nancarrow.
British Fossils by John Thackray.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1988,4(1):34-35
Book reviewed in this article:
Plate Tectonics: How it Works by Allan Cox and Brian Robert Hart.
Energy Resources: Geology, Supply and Demand by G. C. Brown and E. Skipsey.
Sedimentation in the African Rifts by L. E. Frostick, R. W. Renaut, I. Reid and J-J. Tiercelin (editors).
Image Interpretation in Geology by S. A. Drury.
The Evolution and Palaeobiology of Land Plants by Barry A. Thomas and Robert A. Spicer.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1986,2(4):122-126
Book reviewed in this article
A Handbook of Sand by Gordon Osborn.
London Under London by Richard Trench and Ellis Hillman.
Mineral Resources and Engineering Geology. Akira Sasaki, Shuso Ishihara & Totaro Seki (Eds).
Environmental Chemistry by P. O'Neill.
On the Track of Ice Age Mammals by Antony J. Sutcliffe.
Wind as a Geological Process on Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan by R. Greeley & J.D. Iverson.
Introducing Groundwater by Michael Price.
A Practical Introduction to Optical Mineralogy by E.D. Gribble and A.J. Hall.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books review in this article:
Marine Chemistry: the Study of Water and the Chemistry of the Hydrosphere. R. A. H orne
The Story of Pearls. SHOHEISHIRAI
Non-marine Organic Geochemistry. FREDERICKM. SWAIN  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Volkov, V. V., Osnovnyye zakonomernosti geologicheskogo razvitiya Gornogo Altaya (Pozdniy dokembriy i ranniy paleozoy) [BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF GORNYY ALTAY (LATE PRECAMBRIAN AND EARLY PALEOZOIC)]: Nauka Press, Novosibirsk, 1966. 162 pp., 39 figs., 3 tables, 181 refs. NK66–12(30). [Reviewer: Boris V. Brajnikov].

Regional'nyye geofizicheskiye issledovaniya Sibini [REGIONAL GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN SIBERIA]: SO AN SSSR, Institute of Geology and Geophysics. 13 papers by 20 authors. Editorial Board: V. N. Gayskiy and others. Dedicated to 60th birthday of E. E. Fotiadi. 216 pp., 6 tables, 71 figs., 397 refs. NK 67(2)–66. [IGR Staff review].

Bogolepov, K. V., Mezozoyskaya tektonika Sibiri [MESOZOIC TECTONICS OF SIBERIA]: SSSR, Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Yu. A. Kosygin, Executive Editor. Nauka, Moscow. 1967, 328 pp., 7 tables, 38 figs., 600 refs. Index of names. Index of regional tectonic structures. Paleotectonic maps of Siberia and Far East. SK 67(1)–249. [IGR Staff review].

Metody geomorfologicheskikh issledovaniy [METHODS OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS]: Materials of the All-Union conference on geomorphology and neotectonics of Siberia and the Far East (Novosibirsk, April 1965). Volume I. V. P. Filosofov, Editor. Twenty eight papers by 40 authors. Nauka, Siberian Division. Novosibirsk, 1967. 233 pp., 18 tables, 29 figs., 257 refs. NK 66(12)–32. [IGR Staff review].

Elektromagnitnoye pole Zemli i kosmicheskiye luchi [ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD OF THE EARTH AND COSMIC RAYS]: Thirteen paper by 24 authors, edited by G. P. Berishvili and V. K. Koiava. "Metsniereba". Tbilisi. 1966. 113pp., 17 tables, 53 figs., 151 refs. NK 65(48)–236.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course
Fluid inclusions: Analysis and Interpretation  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Kaledonskiy kompleks ul'traosnovnykh, shchelochnykh porod i karbonatitov Kol'skogopoluostrova i Severnoy Karelii [CALEDONIAN COMPLEX OF IiLTRAMAFIC, ALKALINE, AND CARBONATITE ROCKS OF KOLA PENINSULA AND NORTHERN KARELIA]: E. A. Kukharenko, Editor, Nedra Press, Moscow, 1965. 772 pp., 325figs., 213 tables, 6 colored plates. Reviewer: Alexis N. Moiseyev. NK 65–19(47).

Misharina, L. A., Napryazheniya v zemnoy kore v riftovykh zonakh [TENSIONS IN TERRESTRIAL CRUST IN RIFT ZONES]: Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 135 pp., 19 tables, 24 figs., 72 refs. Appendices: tabulated data on longitudinal and transverse waves in seismic logs, in Baykal-Mongolia area (29 earthquakes, 1960–1963) in the Arctic Belt (19 earthquakes, 1948–1961), and elsewhere; list of seismic stations shown in the diagrams. NK 67–29(66).

Matheron, G., Éléments pour une théorie des milieux poreux [BASIC CONCEPTS FOR THE THEORY OF POROUS MEDIA]: Masson et Cie., Paris, 1967. 166 pp., 8 refs. , 3 appendices.

Kolesnik, Yu. N., Nefrity Sibiri [NEPHRITES OF SIBERIA]: SO AN SSSR, IGiG. Nauka Press, Novosibirsk, 1966. 150 pp., 56 figs., 3 tables, 280 refs. ; appendices: chemical analyses of nephrites, broadly prismatic tremolites, actinolites. NK 65–10(77).

Genezis endogennykh rudnykh mestorozhdeniy [GENESIS OF ENDOGENIC ORE DEPOSITS]: V. I. Smirnov, Editor. Eleven chapters by twelve authors. Nedra Press, Moscow, 1968. 719 pp., 316 figs., 68 tables, 655 refs. NK 67–18(24).

Rustanovich, D. N., Seyrnichnose territorii Turkmenskoy SSR i Ashkhabadskoye zemletryaseniye 1948g [SEISMICITY OF TERRITORY OF TURKMENIAN SSR AND THE ASHKHABAD EARTHQUAKE OF 1948]: Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 48 figs., 8 tables, 117 refs. Appendix: catalogue of earthquakes of the K 10 class, 1912–1962. NK 67–25(47).

Problemy geofiziki Sredney Azii i Kazakhstana [PROBLEMS OF GEOPHYSICS OF CENTRAL ASIA AND KAZAKHSTAN]: M. A. Sadovskiy, Executive Editor. Nine papers by 16 authors. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 79 pp., 16 figs. 1 table, 37 refs. NK 67–3(49).

Dubrov, E. F., Zyukovaya geolokatsiya [SONIC GEOLOCATION]: Nedra Press, Leningrad, 1968. 109 pp., 38 figs., 2 tables, 149 refs. NK 65–34(78).

Zemletryaseniya v SSSR v 1965 godu [EARTHQUAKES IN THE USSR IN 1965]; N. A. Vvedenskaya and N. V. Kondorskaya, Executive Editors. Fourteen reports by 80 authors. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 188 pp., 28 tables, 52 figs. , 42 refs. SK 68–1(224).

Rykunov, L. N., Mikroseysmy [MICROSEISMS]. Seismologiya No. 7 (International geophysical projects): Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 85 pp., 64 figs., 16 tables, 100 refs. Abstract (p. 80), table of contents, and title in English. SK 66–1(362–363).

Geofizicheskaya apparatura [GEOPHYSICAL APPARATUS]: V. M. Chashnik, Executive Editor. Nineteen papers by 29 authors. Special Construction Bureau, Ministry of Geology, USSR. Nedra Press, Leningrad, 1967. 192 pp., 83 figs., 10 tables, 162 refs. NK 67–14(75). By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1454-1458
Varlakov, A. S., Metamorfizm v svyazi s diabazami v rayone Bakal'skogo rudnogo polya [METAMORPHISM IN CONNECTION WITH DIABASES IN THE BAKAL ORE FIELD DISTRICT]: Nedra Press, Moscow, 1967. 143 pp., 32 tables, 49 figs., 95 refs. NK 67-15(14).

Fatsii i usloviya formirovaniya nefteproizvodyshchikh svit [FACIES AND CONDITIONS OF ORIGIN OF THE SOURCE ROCK SUITES]: IGiRGI, AN SSSR and MNP SSSR. G. I. Teodorovich, Executive Editor. Ten papers by 15 authors. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1966. 180 pp., 4 tables, 44 figs., 320 refs. NK 66-11 (42).

Predovskiy, A. A., Petrov, V. P., and Belyayev, 0.A., Geokhimiya rudnykh elementov metamorficheskikh seriy dokembriya (na primere Severnogo Priladozh'ya) [GEOCHEMISTRY OF ORE ELEMENTS IN PRECAMBRIAN METAMORPHIC SERIES, AS IN TERRITORY ABUTTING ON LAKE LADOGA FROM THE NORTH]: Nauka Press, Leningrad division, 1967. 139 pp., 22 tables, 30 figs., 92 refs. SK 67-1 (289).

Karyakin, A. E., and Smirnova, V. A., Struktury khrustal'nykh poley [STRUCTURES OF CRYSTAL-QUARTZ FIELDS]: Nedra Press, Moscow, 1967. 240 pp., 37 tables, 90 figs., 164 refs. NK 67-17 (16).

Metallogeniya i magmatizm Tyan' Shanya [METALLOGENY AND MAGMATISM OF TIEN SHAN]: A. A. Konyuk, Executive Editor. Twelve papers by 19 authors. IG, AN Kir SSR. “Ilim” Press, Frunze, 1967. 174pp., 14 tables, 15 figs., 121 refs. NK 67-35 (36). By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff

Geologiya i metallogeniya Uspenskoy tektonickeskoy zony (Tsentral'nyy Kazakhstan) [GEOLOGY AND METALLOGENY OF USPENSKAYA TECTONIC ZONE (CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN]: in six volumes. R. A. Borukayev and G. N. Shcherba, Editors. Vol. 1 - Geologiya Uspenskoy zony [GEOLOGY OF USPENSKAYA ZONE]: 372 pp., 58 figs., 33 tables, 143 refs. Vol. 2 - Mestorozhdeniya chernykh i redkikh metallov [FERROUS AND RARE METALS DEPOSITS]: 302 pp., 68 figs., 57 tables, 166 refs. Vol. 3 - Mestorozhdeniya tsvetnykh metallov [NON-FERROUS METALS DEPOSITS]: 261 pp., 66 figs., 36 tables, 163 refs. Alma-Ata, 1967, Nauka Press. NK66-44 (101). Vol. 4 - Gidrogeologiya i gidrokhimiya [HYDROGEOLOGY AND HYDROCHEMISTRY]: 158 pp., 30 figs., 32 tables, 157 refs. Alma-Ata, 1968, Nauka Press. Reviewer: Boris V. Brajnikov.

Mineral'nyye fatsii granitoidov i ikh rudonosnost' [MINERAL FACIES OF GRANITOIDS AND THEIR ORE POTENTIAL]: I. N. Govorov and I. A. Tararin, Executive Editors. Eighteen papers by 30 authors. DVGI SO AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1966. 288 pp., 32 tables, 93 figs., 386 refs. NK 65-44 (102). By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1988,4(6):214-216
Book reviewed in this article:
Alfred Wegener: The Father of Continental Drift by M. Schwarzbach.
Lost Lands and Sunken Cities by Nigel Pennick, Fortean Tomes
Earthquakes by Bruce A. Bolt  相似文献   

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