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Shallow structure beneath the Central Volcanic Complex of Tenerife from new gravity data: Implications for its evolution and recent reactivation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J. Gottsmann A.G. Camacho J. Martí L. Wooller J. Fernndez A. García H. Rymer 《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》2008,168(3-4):212-230
We present a new local Bouguer anomaly map of the Central Volcanic Complex (CVC) of Tenerife, Spain, constructed from the amalgamation of 323 new high precision gravity measurements with existing gravity data from 361 observations. The new anomaly map images the high-density core of the CVC and the pronounced gravity low centred in the Las Cañadas caldera in greater detail than previously available. Mathematical construction of a sub-surface model from the local anomaly data, employing a 3D inversion based on “growing” the sub-surface density distribution via the aggregation of cells, enables mapping of the shallow structure beneath the complex, giving unprecedented insights into the sub-surface architecture. We find the resultant density distribution in agreement with geological and other geophysical data. The modelled sub-surface structure supports a vertical collapse origin of the caldera, and maps the headwall of the ca. 180 ka Icod landslide, which appears to lie buried beneath the Pico Viejo–Pico Teide stratovolcanic complex. The results allow us to put into context the recorded ground deformation and gravity changes at the CVC during its reactivation in spring 2004 in relation to its dominant structural building blocks. For example, the areas undergoing the most significant changes at depth in recent years are underlain by low-density material and are aligned along long-standing structural entities, which have shaped this volcanic ocean island over the past few million years. 相似文献
Mesoscale processes that form due to changes in surface characteristics play a dominant role in the development of the planetary boundary layer structure and the formation of convection. In this study, effects of the Sandhills region of North and South Carolina on mesoscale processes are examined. Climatological analyses indicate increased convective precipitation in this location as compared to the surrounding region. This is believed to be due to enhanced convection induced by horizontal heat flux gradients caused by sharp changes in soil type and hence the heat capacity of the soil. Simulations using a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5 version 3.3) were made for a non-precipitation case with a 5-km resolution domain centered over the Carolinas from August 15, 2000 to August 18, 2000. The results showed the existence of a mesoscale circulation over the Sandhills region. Differential heating induced by contrasting soil types dividing the Coastal Plain from the central Piedmont causes this circulation. Sea-breeze circulation often combines with the Sandhills circulation to initiate convection in this region. Diurnal variations are handled well by the model indicating that the thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere is well simulated. 相似文献
Ory Dor Judith S. Chester Yehuda Ben-Zion James N. Brune Thomas K. Rockwell 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2009,166(10-11):1747-1773
Following theoretical calculations that suggest shallow generation of rock damage during an earthquake rupture, we measure the degree of fracture damage in young sedimentary rocks from the Juniper Hills Formation (JHF) that were displaced 21 km along the Mojave section of San Andreas Fault (SAF) and were not exhumed significantly during their displacement. In exposures adjacent to the fault, the JHF typically displays original sedimentary fabrics and little evidence of bulk shear strain at the mesoscopic scale. The formation is, however, pervasively fractured at the microscopic scale over a zone that is about a 100 m wide on the southwest side of the SAF near Little Rock. The abundance of open fractures, the poor consolidation, and the shallow inferred burial depth imply that the damage was generated close to the surface of the Earth. The spatial correlation of this damage with a seismically active trace of the SAF suggests that it was generated by SAF slip events that by assumption were of a seismic nature throughout the displacement history of the JHF. Thus the JHF provides a very shallow upper bound for the generation of brittle damage in a seismic fault zone. The fracture fabric is characterized by preferred orientations of fractures that split grains between contact points and is consistent with overall deformation under directed compression. However, the available results cannot be used to distinguish between proposed off-fault damage mechanisms. Fracture orientations are compatible with a maximum compressive stress oriented at a high angle to the fault at about 10 m, and at a lower, more variable angle farther away from the fault. The fracture distribution and fabric are consistent with observations made of the microscale damage characteristics of the Hungry Valley Formation in the northwestern section of the SAF in the Mojave, and with previous observations of exhumed, ancestral strands of the SAF. 相似文献
Skillful low visibility forecasts are essential for air-traffic managers to effectively regulate traffic and to optimize air-traffic
control at international airports. For this purpose, the COBEL-ISBA local numerical forecast system has been implemented at
Paris CDG international airport. This local approach is robust owing to the assimilation of detailed local observations. However,
even with dedicated observations and initialization, uncertainties remain in both initial conditions and mesoscale forcings.
The goal of the research presented here is to address the sensitivity of COBEL-ISBA forecast to initial conditions and mesoscale
forcings during the winter season 2002–2003. The main sources of uncertainty of COBEL-ISBA input parameters have been estimated
and the evaluation of parameter uncertainty on the forecasts has been studied. A budget strategy is applied during the winter
season to quantify COBEL-ISBA sensitivity. This study is the first step toward building a local ensemble prediction system
based on COBEL-ISBA. The conclusions of this work point out the potential for COBEL-ISBA ensemble forecasting and quantify
sources of uncertainty that lead to dispersion. 相似文献
Observations from two SOund Detection And Ranging (SODAR) units, a 10 m micrometeorological tower and five Automated Surface Observing Stations (ASOS) were examined during several synoptic scale flow regimes over New York City after the World Trade Center disaster on September 11, 2001. An ARPS model numerical simulation was conducted to explore the complex mesoscale boundary layer structure over New York City. The numerical investigation examined the urban heat island, urban roughness effect and sea breeze structure over the New York City region. Estimated roughness lengths varied from 0.7 m with flow from the water to 4 m with flow through Manhattan. A nighttime mixed layer was observed over lower Manhattan, indicating the existence of an urban heat island. The ARPS model simulated a sea-breeze front moving through lower Manhattan during the study period consistent with the observations from the SODARs and the 10-m tower observations. Wind simulations showed a slowing and cyclonic turning of the 10-m air flow as the air moved over New York City from the ocean. Vertical profiles of simulated TKE and wind speeds showed a maximum in TKE over lower Manhattan during nighttime conditions. It appears that this TKE maximum is directly related to the influences of the urban heat island. 相似文献
Geophysics and Shallow Faults in Unconsolidated Sediments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Patrick C. Taylor 《Surveys in Geophysics》2012,33(3-4):609-617
This paper presents an overview of discussions during the Cloud’s Role session at the Observing and Modelling Earth’s Energy Flows Workshop. N. Loeb and B. Soden convened this session including 10 presentations by B. Stevens, B. Wielicki, G. Stephens, A. Clement, K. Sassen, D. Hartmann, T. Andrews, A. Del Genio, H. Barker, and M. Sugi addressing critical aspects of the role of clouds in modulating Earth energy flows. Presentation topics covered a diverse range of areas from cloud microphysics and dynamics, cloud radiative transfer, and the role of clouds in large-scale atmospheric circulations patterns in both observations and atmospheric models. The presentations and discussions, summarized below, are organized around several key questions raised during the session. (1) What is the best way to evaluate clouds in climate models? (2) How well do models need to represent clouds to be acceptable for making climate predictions? (3) What are the largest uncertainties in clouds? (4) How can these uncertainties be reduced? (5) What new observations are needed to address these problems? Answers to these critical questions are the topics of ongoing research and will guide the future direction of this area of research. 相似文献
Susan K. Liddle Roy W. Whitmore Robert E. Mason W. Joseph Alexander Larry R. Holden 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》1990,10(1):142-146
Ground water studies that require long data collection periods may be affected by temporal changes in ground water chemistry. Seasonal fluctuations in ground water chemistry are particularly apparent in shallow aquifers. Of specific interest is the inclusion of temporal variability in the design of statistical surveys of agricultural chemicals in well water. Statistical treatment of temporal variability involves selecting a probability sample from temporal units. The selection strategy may include repeating the same spatial units in each temporal stratum or choosing an independent sample of spatial units for each temporal stratum. The appropriate strategy depends on the specific study objectives. Failure to account for temporal variability may compromise the validity of study conclusions. An example of a large-scale retrospective survey designed to estimate temporal averages of water quality across all wells is presented. 相似文献
通过对山西省奇村热田基本状况的调查研究,提出了奇村热田区周围冷井大量连续抽水会对热田造成一定影响的观点,探讨了1991年水氡、水温、水位产生大幅度异常变化的原因。 相似文献
This paper describes a drive point system for installing small‐diameter (15 to 25 mm ID) piezometers to depths of several metres in unconsolidated sediments. The system fills the gap between (1) heavy duty drive point systems powered by drilling rig hydraulics or air hammers that are capable of installing large diameter drive points to depths of many tens of metres and (2) manually driven systems that typically install 10 mm ID or smaller tubing to depths of <2 m. Unlike many existing systems, which install piezometers inside an outer casing that is later removed, our system protects the piezometer screen inside the casing and extends it only once the casing is driven to the desired depth. This avoids clogging of the screen during installation and the risk of creating an annulus around the piezometer, which can provide a preferential pathway for water movement. The piezometer has a larger diameter than most manually driven systems, and thus has a higher yield; it also permits use of most commercially available pressure transducers and electrical conductivity sensors. The piezometers have been successfully installed to depths of up to 6 m using an electric hammer. The system overcomes some issues associated with existing systems and provides the advantages of affordability, rapid installation, mechanical assistance and manual portability. 相似文献
Stefanie A. Crisman Fred. J. Molz David L. Dunn Frank C. Sappington 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》2001,21(4):96-100
It is increasingly common for the electromagnetic borehole flowmeter (EBF) to he used to measure hydraulic conductivity (K) distributions in subsurface flow systems. Past applications involving the EBF have been made mostly in confined aquifers (Kabala 1994; Boman et al. 1997; Podgorney and Ritzi 1997; Ruud and Kabala 1997a, 1997b; Flach et al. 2000), and it has been common to set up a flow field around a test well using a small pump that is located near the top of the well screen (Mob, and Young 1993). In thin, unconfined aquifers that exhibit ground water tables near the ground surface and that undergo drawdown during pumping, such a configuration can be problematical because pumping and associated drawdown may effectively isolate the upper portion of the aquifer from the flowmeter. In these instances, a steady-state flow field in the vicinity of the test well may be created using injection rather than pumping, allowing for testing in the otherwise isolated upper portion of the aquifer located near the initial water table position. Using procedures developed by Molz and Young (1993), which were modified for an injection mode application, testing was conducted to determine whether or not the injection mode would provide useful information in a shallow, unconfined aquifer that required the collection of data near the initial water table position. Results indicated that the injection mode for the EBF was well suited for this objective. 相似文献
An updated analysis of the global paleomagnetic database shows that the frequency distributions of paleomagnetic inclinations for the Cenozoic and Mesozoic eras (younger than 250 Ma) are compatible with a random geographical sampling of a time-averaged geomagnetic field that closely resembles that of a geocentric axial dipole. In contrast, the frequency distributions of paleomagnetic inclinations for the Paleozoic and Precambrian eras (prior to 250 Ma) are over-represented by shallow inclinations. After discounting obvious secondary causes for the bias, such as from data averaging, sedimentary inclination error, inhomogeneous lithological distributions, and tropical remagnetization, we show that the anomalous inclination distributions for the Paleozoic and Precambrian can be explained by a geomagnetic field source model which includes a relatively modest (25%) contribution to the axial dipole from a zonal octupole field and an arbitrary zonal quadrupolar contribution. The apparent change by around 250 Ma to a much more axial dipolar field geometry might be due to the stabilization of the geodynamo from growth of the inner core to some critical threshold size, a gross speculation which would imply that either the threshold size was rather large or the inner core nucleated rather late in Earth history. Alternatively, if a geocentric axial dipole model is assumed or can eventually be demonstrated independently, the anomalous inclination distributions for the Paleozoic and Precambrian may reflect a tendency of continental lithosphere to be cycled into the equatorial belt, perhaps because geoid highs associated with long-term continental aggregates influence true polar wander. 相似文献
Gill M. Martin 《Surveys in Geophysics》2014,35(3):553-575
Despite their obvious environmental, societal and economic importance, our understanding of the causes and magnitude of the variations in the global water cycle is still unsatisfactory. Uncertainties in hydrological predictions from the current generation of models pose a serious challenge to the reliability of forecasts and projections across time and space scales. This paper provides an overview of the current issues and challenges in modelling various aspects of the Earth’s hydrological cycle. These include: the global water budget and water conservation, the role of model resolution and parametrisation of precipitation-generating processes on the representation of the global and regional hydrological cycle, representation of clouds and microphysical processes, rainfall variability, the influence of land–atmosphere coupling on rainfall patterns and their variability, monsoon processes and teleconnections, and ocean and cryosphere modelling. We conclude that continued collaborative activity in the areas of model development across timescales, process studies and climate change studies will provide better understanding of how and why the hydrological cycle may change, and better estimation of uncertainty in model projections of changes in the global water cycle. 相似文献
Thierry Bergot 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2007,164(6-7):1265-1282
Short-term forecasting of fog is a difficult issue which can have a large societal impact. Fog appears in the surface boundary
layer and is driven by the interactions between land surface and the lower layers of the atmosphere. These interactions are
still not well parameterized in current operational NWP models, and a new methodology based on local observations, an adaptive
assimilation scheme and a local numerical model is tested. The proposed numerical forecast method of foggy conditions has
been run during three years at Paris-CdG international airport. This test over a long-time period allows an in-depth evaluation
of the forecast quality. This study demonstrates that detailed 1-D models, including detailed physical parameterizations and
high vertical resolution, can reasonably represent the major features of the life cycle of fog (onset, development and dissipation)
up to +6 h. The error on the forecast onset and burn-off time is typically 1 h. The major weakness of the methodology is related
to the evolution of low clouds (stratus lowering). Even if the occurrence of fog is well forecasted, the value of the horizontal
visibility is only crudely forecasted. Improvements in the microphysical parameterization and in the translation algorithm
converting NWP prognostic variables into a corresponding horizontal visibility seems necessary to accurately forecast the
value of the visibility. 相似文献
The Tsugaru Strait, which connects the Sea of Japan with the Pacific Ocean, is characterized by the eastward Tsugaru Warm Current (TWC) and oscillating tidal currents of similar magnitude. A 15-day current observation was conducted in one of the two narrow channels in the strait, at the northwest tip of the Shimokita Peninsula. The observation revealed that the spectral energy of the semidiurnal current exceeds that of the diurnal current, contrary to the conventional view. The Tsugaru Strait regional model was developed to study the mechanism of this spectral energy reversal (140–141.5° E, 40.4–42.6° N, 500?m grid resolution). At the eastern and western open boundaries, the model was driven by the constant Tsugaru warm current and tidal elevation, which was adjusted by comparing the model with tidal gauge observations within the channel. The relative magnitude of the spectral energies differed from that of the observation when the model was driven by tide only. However, the spectral energy levels were reversed when the model was driven by both tide and current. The nonlinear interaction of periodic tidal currents and the steady TWC was explained by the vorticity equation, which describes the production and advection of residual currents from tidal currents. According to the model results, flow separation and advection of vorticity by the TWC was the most prominent factor in this phenomenon. Because of the strong nonlinearities, flow separation around the headland occurred during the tidal period with dominant current magnitude and furnished the main difference between the diurnal and semidiurnal interactions. These phenomena were enhanced by the complex topography, and demonstrate the importance of scale interaction, especially when developing high-resolution regional models. 相似文献
For the Fiji-Tonga-Kermadec area and for the period from January 1977 to July 2003, the Harvard CMT catalogue lists 1022 shallow,
410 intermediate and 633 deep earthquakes of moment magnitude from 4.9 to 8.0. The magnitude threshold, above which the catalogue
is complete, is 5.3–5.4, and the number of earthquakes of magnitude above this value is 691 for shallow, 329 for intermediate
and 476 for deep events, respectively. The proportion of earthquakes associated with doublets and multiplets against the total
number of earthquakes is approximately the same in both data sets and therefore all earthquake pairs were considered regardless
of their magnitude. We investigated all the pairs of earthquakes that occurred at a centroid distance of less than 40, 60
or 90 km from each other and within a time interval of 200, 300 or 450 days, depending on their magnitude. We found 208 pairs
of shallow, 31 of intermediate and 92 of deep events. To ascertain whether these earthquakes in pairs are not connected by
chance, the possibility of their occurrence in an uncorrelated Poissonian catalogue was considered. It was assumed that in
such a catalogue the inter-event time is exponentially distributed, the earthquake magnitude follows the Gutenberg-Richter
relation, and the distribution of centroid distances between the events in pairs is controlled by its non-parametric kernel
estimate. The probability of the appearance of the observed proportion of doublets of shallow earthquakes in the Poissonian
catalogue was found to be very low. The low probability of occurrence in a semi-random catalogue, created by randomising centroid
locations in the actual data set, also indicates major importance of the distance criterion used for a doublet specification.
In general, shallow earthquakes tend to form pairs at shorter distances and within shorter time intervals than deep earthquakes.
Both the distance and the time intervals do not depend on the magnitude of involved events. The largest number of pairs of
deep earthquakes is observed at a depth of about 600 km, and the proportion of deep events associated with doublets against
the number of all events increases with depth. From comparison of the focal mechanism of earthquakes in pairs, measured by
the 3-D rotation angle, it follows that deep earthquakes forming pairs have a more diverse focal mechanism than shallow events;
the rotation angle for three quarters of shallow pairs and only for about one third of deep pairs is reasonably small. The
azimuth between two events forming a doublet is in about 60–65% of cases close to the strike of one of nodal planes of the
first or the second event. 相似文献