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In 2011, a geophysical survey was carried out in the surroundings of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, using a Very Low Frequency method. The measurements were designed to determine the reason of frequent flooding of the lowest level of the building. The main objective of the study was to find out from where and in which way the rainwater seeps into the building and how this problem can be solved in the least invasive manner. The aim of geophysical methods was also to provide necessary information that will enable the construction of a hydro-geological model of the local environment. The interpretation revealed the presence of a sandy gutter surrounded by impermeable clay. There is a big resistivity contrast between those layers. Their location and approximate dimensions were determined.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the possibility of using integrated GPS (Global Positioning System) surveys and ground penetrating radar surveys to precisely locate damages to levees, particularly due to the activity of small fossorial mammals. The technology of intercommunication between ground penetrating radar (GPR) and an RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) survey unit, and the method of data combination, are presented. The errors which may appear during the survey work are also characterized. The procedure for processing the data so that the final results have a spatial character and are ready to be implemented in digital maps and geographic information systems (GIS) is also described.  相似文献   

Many geoscientific applications exploit electrostatic and electromagnetic fields to interrogate and map subsurface electrical resistivity—an important geophysical attribute for characterizing mineral, energy, and water resources. In complex three-dimensional geologies, where many of these resources remain to be found, resistivity mapping requires large-scale modeling and imaging capabilities, as well as the ability to treat significant data volumes, which can easily overwhelm single-core and modest multicore computing hardware. To treat such problems requires large-scale parallel computational resources, necessary for reducing the time to solution to a time frame acceptable to the exploration process. The recognition that significant parallel computing processes must be brought to bear on these problems gives rise to choices that must be made in parallel computing hardware and software. In this review, some of these choices are presented, along with the resulting trade-offs. We also discuss future trends in high-performance computing and the anticipated impact on electromagnetic (EM) geophysics. Topics discussed in this review article include a survey of parallel computing platforms, graphics processing units to multicore CPUs with a fast interconnect, along with effective parallel solvers and associated solver libraries effective for inductive EM modeling and imaging.  相似文献   

溶洞、裂隙发育是桩基工程施工中的主要安全隐患之一,因此,溶洞勘察在工程中显得尤为重要。传统的溶洞勘察方法以电阻率法为主,但是受限于该法的勘探深度,同时其勘探结果也不能确定溶洞的边界,钻探也只是在极小的范围确定岩层的溶蚀状况。电磁波层析成像(简称电磁波CT)是一种发展中的地球物理勘探技术,它以电磁波在不同介质中传播特性不同作为勘探理论基础。本文以电磁波CT技术在某特大桥桥基岩溶勘察的结果,结合井中录像以及钻孔资料来证明该技术在溶洞勘察方面具有显著的效果。  相似文献   

层状介质中地下瞬变电磁场全空间效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全空间效应是矿井瞬变电磁方法固有的特殊理论问题之一.建立了3种典型的层状地质模型,采用时域有限差分法求解Maxwell方程,并引入电磁波衰减因子EA(dB),来分析全空间效应的影响特征及影响因素.研究结果表明,地下瞬变电磁法工作装置中,分离回线装置对低阻目标层的探测效果优于重叠回线装置;相对于半空间低阻层瞬变响应,全空间低阻层瞬变响应的时间范围更宽,因而需要更长的观测时间;全空间效应影响因素为顶、底板内低阻层相对电阻率差异大小和目标层深度与厚度,当目标层电阻率大于顶板内低阻层电阻率时,所观测响应主要为低阻层响应,此时将会增大资料解释的难度.此外,研究还显示,瞬变电磁法对低阻层的纵向分辨率与低阻层厚度相关,厚度越小分辨率越高,当厚度较大时,其纵向分辨能力较差.研究成果为实际工作参数选择及资料处理与解释提供了参考.  相似文献   

三维连续密度分布的重力计算及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
楼海  王椿镛 《地震学报》1999,21(3):297-304
给出了基于矩形网格模型的三维连续密度分布的重力解析公式.这种密度模型与一类地震层析算法采用的速度模型有相同的参数化形式.因此,地震层析成像的速度模型可以很方便地通过适当的速度密度函数转换为密度模型,从而进行地震 重力资料的综合解释.一致性的速度密度模型还有利于地震重力资料的联合反演.试验表明,在相同计算精度下,变密度分布情形的线性密度算法比常密度算法要快.利用这个算法对大别山东段的三维地震层析结果进行了地震重力的综合解释.  相似文献   

The results of electromagnetic researches at sea and in the oceans are considered. Those in the U.S.S.R. are given particular attention.  相似文献   

The implications of a broad range of factors for the intensity of the oceanic gravimetric effect has been estimated. These factors include dissipation, mass correction, the selection of the oceanic tidal model and Earth’s density model, and discarding the near-zone approximation, as well as allowance for the ellipticity of the Earth and the relative, Coriolis, and inertial accelerations. It has been shown that, with the presentday requirements to computational accuracy, the joint effect of these factors, rather than the separate contributions of each individual factor are of primary importance. The load Love numbers are calculated up to degree n = 50000.  相似文献   

—Coseismic surface deformation provides important information needed to determine source rupture geometry and slip distribution as well as to estimate seismic moment. In this study, numerical experiments were designed to analyze and classify how free-surface topography affects surface deformation. The investigation was performed by 3-D finite element modeling. Results of this study show that crustal deformation induced by near-fault terrain is significant and can be measured with present geodetic survey techniques. The characteristics of the terrain effects show that a hill structure produces more crustal deformation than a half-space model, and that the crustal deformation of a basin structure is less than that of the half-space model. The topographic correction is in the order of five percent of the fault dislocation. On the basis of the relationship between fault offset and earthquake magnitude, it is suggested that the terrain effects on the coseismic crustal deformation of shallow earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 5.6 should be considered as one of the major errors in coseismic deformation modeling which ignored the surface topography on the order of 300 meters.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a method for observing electromagnetic fluctuations in a range of geomagnetic pulsations based on the registration of electrojet variations in the ULF-VLF hiss band modulated by these electromagnetic fluctuations. The observations of natural noise at the Kamchatka electric networks made it possible to detect electromagnetic fluctuations in the (35–67) × 10−3 Hz frequency band. It has been indicated that these fluctuations can originate in the ionospheric-magnetospheric oscillatory circuit formed by magnetic force tubes (inductance) and the electrojet-Earth region (capacity).  相似文献   

The general state of global investigations of electromagnetic induction in the oceans and also some new results obtained in the past few years in the U.S.S.R. are considered.  相似文献   

Propagation through stress-aligned fluid-filled cracks and other inclusions have been claimed to be the cause of azimuthal anisotropy observed in the crust and upper mantle.This paper examines the behavior of seismic waves attenuation caused by the internal structure of rock mass,and in particular,the internal geometry of the distribution of fluid-filled openings Systematic research on the effect of crack parameters,such as crack density,crack aspect ratio(the ratio of crack thickness to crack diameter),pore fluid properties(particularly pore fluid velocity),VP/VS ratio of the matrix material and seismic wave frequency on attenuation anisotropy has been conducted based on Hudson’s crack theory.The result shows that the crack density,aspect ratio,material filler,seismic wave frequency,and P-wave and shear wave velocity in the background of rock mass,and especially frequency has great effect on attenuation curves.Numerical research can help us know the effect of crack parameters and is a good supplement for laboratory modeling.However,attenuation is less well understood because of the great sensitivity of attenuation to details of the internal geometry.Some small changes in the characteristics of pore fluid viscosity,pore fluids containing gas and liquid phases and pore fluids containing clay can each alter attenuation coefficients by orders of magnitude.Some parameters controlling attenuation are therefore necessary to make reasonable estimations,and anisotropic attenuation is worth studying further.  相似文献   

谷伟  董婧蒙 《地震工程学报》2019,41(4):1086-1091
震后危险建筑倾斜度的移动测量过程较为复杂,常规测量方法会存在对称偏差。为了提高震后危险建筑倾斜度测量的准确性,设计三维测量光流恢复算法结合BIM的震后建筑倾斜度测量方法。采用BIM技术采集并整合全部建筑倾斜度信息,构建危险建筑信息模型;采用三维测量光流恢复算法获取所构建建筑信息模型内多个目标特征点,设计震后危险建筑倾斜度的三维测量模型。仿真实验说明,所提方法测量震后危险建筑三维坐标值误差率均小于0.4%,平均评估时间仅为2.5 s,说明该方法可提高建筑倾斜度评估效果。  相似文献   

Umorin  P. P. 《Water Resources》2002,29(2):196-201
A mathematical model is developed to simulate bacterial oxidation of CH4 in the presence of protozoa. The model describes the vertical structure and time variations in the concentrations of dissolved CH4, O2, N-NH4, and N-NO3 in the water column. The model results correlate well with experimental data obtained on a laboratory assembly simulating near-bottom conditions, which form during stratification in dimictic freshwater bodies. Numerical experiments with the model were conducted to establish the relationships between the protozoa and methan-oxidizing bacteria. The principal mechanism for protozoa to control CH4 oxidation was found to be the protozoa releasing reduced form of N.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic data (onshore and offshore), geophysical borehole data as well as detailed lithofacies from airlift boreholes were acquired in northern Netherlands on and around the island of Ameland. Marine and land seismic data combined with information from land boreholes have been explored with the objective of providing a sedimentary model. Qualitative seismic facies analysis of the valley fill commonly shows a thin unit with high amplitude reflectors at the base. Thick units of variable seismic facies (transparent to high amplitude) occur higher up in the sequence. Onlap is common at mid–upper levels within the sandy valley fill (with clay in mm layering), and a transparent seismic facies, corresponding to firm clays, is common at the top. Almost all lithological unit boundaries recognised within core parameters correspond with seismic unconformities within error margins. Subunits contain multiple cyclical trends in gamma ray and grain size. Cyclical trends show lower order fluctuations in gamma radiation on a scale of less than 1 m. Gamma-ray pattern variability between units, e.g. in general coarsening-up or fining-up units, suggests migration of subaqueous outwash fans or ice margin fluctuations. Seismic results could support a headward excavation and backfilling process suggested by Praeg [Morphology, stratigraphy and genesis of buried Elsterian tunnel valleys in the southern North Sea basin [PhD thesis]: University of Edinburgh, 207 pp.; Journal of Applied Geophysics, (this volume)] as being responsible for the formation of buried valleys. On a lithological scale, a more complicated, detailed and cyclical pattern arises. Catastrophic processes are considered unlikely as being responsible for the infill sequence because of the observed small-scale facies variability and because of the presence of diamicton layers. Diamicton layers at the base of basal unconformities as well as higher in sequence could suggest subglacial deformation by grounded ice before and during the valley-fill process.  相似文献   

北京地区地震动的三维有限差分模拟   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
根据北京地区地壳结构和1679年三河-平谷8级地震的研究结果,对北京地区进行了三维有限差分地震动模拟研究,并研究了北京地区的盆地效应。结果表明,盆地效应非常明显。在北京盆地内的大部分地区,盆地效应的放大系数达到1.3,在某些地区甚至达到2.0。将盆地的放大效应与北京市区地表土层的放大效应进行了对比,发现它们的放大率为同等水平,在部分地区盆地的放大效应更为明显。我国现行的抗震规范中只考虑了地表土层效应的影响,由于许多城市位于盆地内,并且已经修建或正在修建大量的具有较长自振周期的高层建筑。因此,本文的研究结果对城市规划与防震减灾具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

A Seismic Model of Casing Failure in Oil Fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—We develop a seismic model that characterises the sudden tensional failure of oil-well casings. The energy released by the rupture of a well casing is transformed into heat and seismic energy. The upper bound of the seismic efficiency of this process is estimated at about 3%. The static situation at the completion of a casing failure episode is modelled by calculating the static displacement field generated by two opposing forces separated by an arm. The azimuthal patterns of these displacements and the change in the strain and stress fields caused by the force couple are described. The dynamics of the failure episode are modelled as a dipole with a seismic moment equivalent to the product of the average drop in shear stress, the failure surface, and an arm. The radiated P and S waves have mean-square radiation pattern coefficients of 1/5 for P waves and 2/15 for S waves. The displacement field as a function of time during rupture and the spectral properties in the far field are derived. The most promising seismic parameters that can be used for distinguishing between casing failure events and other possible events are polarisation properties of S waves and S/P amplitude ratios. S-wave polarisation distinguishes between shear events and casing failure events. S/P amplitude ratios distin guish between tensile events and casing failure events.  相似文献   

Studies of the relationships between ground-water systems and surface-water systems (lakes) generally require knowledge of the hydrogeologic properties of lakebed materials. Direct measurement of these properties may be prohibitively expensive or difficult in an offshore environment. A correlation between longitudinal conductance, a geoelectric parameter, and lakebed leakance (vertical hydraulic conductivity divided by thickness) may provide a rapid and inexpensive method for estimating lakebed hydrogeological properties using data collected by offshore seismic and electrical surveys. A test of the method at three study sites in Lake Michigan shows a positive linear relationship between the logarithm of longitudinal conductance and the logarithm of lakebed leakance at the three sites.  相似文献   

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