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Abstract— We measured abundances and isotopic compositions of noble gases in metal and schreibersite of the Acuña (IIIAB) iron meteorite. The concentrations of noble gases in Acuña metal are very low compared to those reported so far for other iron meteorites. The isotopic ratios of He, Ne and Ar indicate that they are mostly of cosmogenic origin. Cosmogenic components are even present in Kr and Xe, which could not have been produced from Fe, Ni and P and are probably due to the spallation of trace elements of higher masses. The high 4He/21Ne ratio of 420 in Acuña metal indicates that the samples were at a deep position within a very large meteoroid. The exposure ages of Acuña were estimated to be 50–200 Ma from 3He, 21Ne and 38Ar abundances and by utilizing the diagrams of production rates vs. the 4He/21Ne ratio based on the Signer-Nier model. The low exposure age of Acuña may indicate a history different from that of other IIIAB irons whose exposure ages cluster at ~670 Ma. Otherwise, Acuña may be one of the samples with the low production rate, which can not be estimated from the diagrams of the Signer-Nier model.  相似文献   

Abstract— A devitrified glass inclusion from the Guin (UNGR) iron consists of cryptocrystalline feldspars, pyroxenes, and silica and is rich in SiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O. It contains a rutile grain and is in contact with a large Cl apatite. The latter is very rich in rare earth elements (REEs) (~80 × CI), which display a flat abundance pattern, except for Eu and Yb, which are underabundant. The devitrified glass is very poor in REEs (<0.1 × CI), except for Eu and Yb, which have positive abundance anomalies. Devitrified glass and Cl apatite are out of chemical equilibrium and their complementary REE patterns indicate a genesis via condensation under reducing conditions. Inclusion 1 in the Kodaikanal (IIE) iron consists of glass only, whereas inclusion 2 consists of clinopyroxene, which is partly overgrown by low‐Ca pyroxene, and apatite embedded in devitrified glass. All minerals are euhedral or have skeletal habits indicating crystallization from the liquid precursor of the glass. Pyroxenes and the apatite are rich in trace elements, indicating crystallization from a liquid that had 10–50 × CI abundances of REEs and refractory lithophile elements (RLEs). The co‐existing glass is poor in REEs (~0.1–1 × CI) and, consequently, a liquid of such chemical composition cannot have crystallized the phenocrysts. Glasses have variable chemical compositions but are rich in SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, and K2O as well as in HFSEs, Be, B, and Rb. The REE abundance patterns are mostly flat, except for the glass‐only inclusion, which has heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) > light rare earth elements (LREEs) and deficits in Eu and Yb—an ultrarefractory pattern. The genetic models suggested so far cannot explain what is observed and, consequently, we offer a new model for silicate inclusion formation in IIE and related irons. Nebular processes and a relationship with E meteorites (Guin) or Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) (Kodaikanal) are indicated. A sequence of condensation (CaS, TiN or refractory pyroxene‐rich liquids) and vapor‐solid elemental exchange can be identified that took place beginning under reducing and ending at oxidizing conditions (phosphate, rutile formation, alkali and Fe2+ metasomatism, metasomatic loss of REEs from glass).  相似文献   

The Twannberg iron meteorite is one out of only six members of the group IIG. The combined noble gas and radionuclide data obtained in this new systematic study indicate that Twannberg with its ~570 recently recovered specimens was a large object with a preatmospheric radius in the range of ~2 m, which corresponds to ~250 × 103 kg. The cosmic‐ray exposure age for Twannberg is 182 ± 45 Ma. The most surprising result is the long terrestrial age of Tterr =  ka, which is unexpected considering the humid conditions in Switzerland. However, this age is in accord with glaciation events, indicating that the less shielded samples from Mt. Sujet were found close to the position of the original strewn field, whereas the samples from Gruebmatt and Twannbach, which are from more shielded positions, were glacially transported to the east–northeast during the second last ice age (185–130 ka ago) from an original position west of Mt. Sujet.  相似文献   

The Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite exhibits only kamacite grains (~6 mm across) without any taenite. The kamacite is homogeneously enriched with numerous rhabdite inclusions of different size, shape, and composition. In some kamacite domains, this appears frosty due to micron‐scale rhabdite inclusions (~5 to 100 μm) of moderate to high Ni content (~26 to 40 wt%). In addition, all the kamacite grains in matrix are marked with a prominent linear crack formed during an atmospheric break‐up event and subsequently oxidized. This feature, also defined by trails of lowest Ni‐bearing (mean Ni: 23 wt%) mm‐scale rhabdite plates (fractured and oxidized) could be a trace of a pre‐existing γ–α interface. Agoudal experienced a very slow rate of primary cooling ~4 °C Ma?1 estimated from the binary plots of true rhabdite width against corresponding Ni wt% and the computed cooling rate curves after Randich and Goldstein (1978). Chemically, Agoudal iron (Ga: 54 ppm; Ge: 140 ppm; Ir: 0.03 ppm) resembles the Ainsworth iron, the coarsest octahedrite of the IIAB group. Agoudal contains multiple sets of Neumann bands that are formed in space and time at different scales and densities due to multiple impacts with shock magnitude up to 130 kb. Signatures of recrystallization due to postshock low temperature mild reheating at about 400 °C are also locally present.  相似文献   

Compound‐specific carbon isotope analysis (δ13C) of meteoritic organic compounds can be used to elucidate the abiotic chemical reactions involved in their synthesis. The soluble organic content of the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite has been extensively investigated over the years, with a focus on the origins of amino acids and the potential role of Strecker‐cyanohydrin synthesis in the early solar system. Previous δ13C investigations have targeted α‐amino acid and α‐hydroxy acid Strecker products and reactant HCN; however, δ13C values for meteoritic aldehydes and ketones (Strecker precursors) have not yet been reported. As such, the distribution of aldehydes and ketones in the cosmos and their role in prebiotic reactions have not been fully investigated. Here, we have applied an optimized O‐(2,3,4,5,6‐pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine (PFBHA) derivatization procedure to the extraction, identification, and δ13C analysis of carbonyl compounds in the Murchison meteorite. A suite of aldehydes and ketones, dominated by acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, and acetone, were detected in the sample. δ13C values, ranging from ?10.0‰ to +66.4‰, were more 13C‐depleted than would be expected for aldehydes and ketones derived from the interstellar medium, based on interstellar 12C/13C ratios. These relatively 13C‐depleted values suggest that chemical processes taking place in asteroid parent bodies (e.g., oxidation of the IOM) may provide a secondary source of aldehydes and ketones in the solar system. Comparisons between δ13C compositions of meteoritic aldehydes and ketones and other organic compound classes were used to evaluate potential structural relationships and associated reactions, including Strecker synthesis and alteration‐driven chemical pathways.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chondrules are generally believed to have lost most or all of their trapped noble gases during their formation. We tested this assumption by measuring He, Ne, and Ar in chondrules of the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3), Leoville (CV3), Renazzo (CR2), and the ordinary chondrites Semarkona (LL3.0), Bishunpur (LL3.1), and Krymka (LL3.1). Additionally, metalsulfide‐rich chondrule coatings were measured that probably formed from chondrule metal. Low primordial 20Ne concentrations are present in some chondrules, while even most of them contain small amounts of primordial 36Ar. Our preferred interpretation is that‐in contrast to CAIs‐the heating of the chondrule precursor during chondrule formation was not intense enough to expel primordial noble gases quantitatively. Those chondrules containing both primordial 20Ne and 36Ar show low presolar‐diamond‐like 36Ar/20Ne ratios. In contrast, the metal‐sulfide‐rich coatings generally show higher gas concentrations and Q‐like 36Ar/20Ne ratios. We propose that during metalsilicate fractionation in the course of chondrule formation, the Ar‐carrying phase Q became enriched in the metal‐sulfide‐rich chondrule coatings. In the silicate chondrule interior, only the most stable Ne‐carrying presolar diamonds survived the melting event leading to the low observed 36Ar/20Ne ratios. The chondrules studied here do not show evidence for substantial amounts of fractionated solar‐type noble gases from a strong solar wind irradiation of the chondrule precursor material as postulated by others for the chondrules of an enstatite chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The trace element distributions in the matrix of primitive chondrites were examined using four least‐contaminated matrix specimens from the polished sections of the Allende (CV) meteorite. Analysis of rare earth element (REE), Ba, Sr, Rb, and K abundances by isotope dilution mass spectrometry revealed that the elemental abundances of lithophile elements except for alkali metals (K, Rb) in the specimens of the Allende matrix studied here are nearly CI (carbonaceous Orgueil) chondritic (~1 × CI). Compared to refractory elements, all the matrix samples exhibited systematic depletion of the moderately volatile elements K and Rb (0.1–0.5 × CI). We suggest that the matrix precursor material did not carry significant amounts of alkali metals or that the alkalis were removed from the matrix precursor material during the parent body process and/or before matrix formation and accretion. The matrix specimens displayed slightly fractionated REE abundance patterns with positive Ce anomalies (CI‐normalized La/Yb ratio = 1.32–1.65; Ce/Ce* = 1.16–1.28; Eu/Eu* = 0.98–1.10). The REE features of the Allende matrix do not indicate a direct relationship with chondrules or calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), which in turn suggests that the matrix was not formed from materials produced by the breakage and disaggregation of the chondrules or CAIs. Therefore, we infer that the Allende matrix retains the REE features acquired during the condensation process in the nebula gas.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed the Steinbach IVA stony‐iron meteorite using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), laser ablation inductively‐coupled‐plasma mass spectroscopy (LA‐ICP‐MS), and modeling techniques. Different and sometimes adjacent low‐Ca pyroxene grains have distinct compositions and evidently crystallized at different stages in a chemically evolving system prior to the solidification of metal and troilite. Early crystallizing pyroxene shows evidence for disequilibrium and formation under conditions of rapid cooling, producing clinobronzite and type 1 pyroxene rich in troilite and other inclusions. Subsequently, type 2 pyroxene crystallized over an extensive fractionation interval. Steinbach probably formed as a cumulate produced by extensive crystal fractionation (?60–70% fractional crystallization) from a high‐temperature (?1450–1490 °C) silicate‐metallic magma. The inferred composition of the precursor magma is best modeled as having formed by ≥30–50% silicate partial melting of a chondritic protolith. If this protolith was similar to an LL chondrite (as implied by O‐isotopic data), then olivine must have separated from the partial melt, and a substantial amount (?53–56%) of FeO must have been reduced in the silicate magma. A model of simultaneous endogenic heating and collisional disruption appears best able to explain the data for Steinbach and other IVA meteorites. Impact disruption occurred while the parent body was substantially molten, causing liquids to separate from solids and oxygen‐bearing gas to vent to space, leading to a molten metal‐rich body that was smaller than the original parent body and that solidified from the outside in. This model can simultaneously explain the characteristics of both stony‐iron and iron IVA meteorites, including the apparent correlation between metal composition and metallographic cooling rate observed for metal.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present an isotope study of noble gases in Divnoe, an anomalous meteorite, and also Rb-Sr and K-Ar dating of this meteorite. The relatively young Rb-Sr age obtained (3.39 Ga) seems doubtful and, most probably, results from weathering or contamination. The ancient K-Ar age (4.67+0.20–0.40), together with clear excess of 129Xe, allows the suggestion of very early formation of the Divnoe meteorite. Concentrations and isotope ratios of noble gases in Divnoe are: 17.9 ≤ 3He ≤ 29.0 × 10?8; 20Ne = 6.22 × 10?8; 2.44 ≤ 36Ar ≤ 5.10 × 10?8; 130Xe = 41.3 × 10?12 cm3/g; 0.079 ≤ 3He/4He ≤ 0.193; 20Ne/22Ne = 0.860; 21Ne/22Ne = 0.927; 3.47 ≤ 40Ar/36Ar ≤ 9.47; 2.22 ≤ 36Ar/38Ar ≤ 3.27; 129Xe/132Xe = 1.09. The exposure age calculated from cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar is 17.9 ± 0.9 Ma. On the basis of the isotope data for the noble gases and O, and abundances of K, Rb, and Sr, an attempt was made to estimate the relationship of Divnoe to other meteorite types. The O-isotope characteristics of Divnoe are clearly distinct from those of ordinary chondrites, acapulcoites/lodranites, and SNC meteorites (Petaev et al., 1994, Clayton, 1993). In plots of 136Xe vs. 129Xe/130Xe, the Divnoe data fall outside of the data fields for carbonaceous and enstatite chondrites. The light noble gas data, especially the 40Ar/38Ar ratio, and the 40Ar, 38Ar, 3He, and 4He contents of Divnoe differ significantly from those of all meteorite types except diogenites. The K, Rb, and Sr abundances in Divnoe are substantially lower than in most other meteorites. In the concentrations of these elements, as well as in the REE pattern, the Divnoe meteorite is similar only to diogenites. Divnoe probably should be treated as a restite remaining after partial melting of the chondritic mantle of a parent asteroid body.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic He, Ne, and Ar as well as the radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 53Mn, and 60Fe have been determined on samples from the Gebel Kamil ungrouped Ni‐rich iron meteorite by noble gas mass spectrometry and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), respectively. The meteorite is associated with the Kamil crater in southern Egypt, which is about 45 m in diameter. Samples originate from an individual large fragment (“Individual”) as well as from shrapnel. Concentrations of all cosmogenic nuclides—stable and radioactive—are lower by a factor 3–4 in the shrapnel samples than in the Individual. Assuming negligible 36Cl decay during terrestrial residence (indicated by the young crater age <5000 years; Folco et al. 2011 ), data are consistent with a simple exposure history and a 36Cl‐36Ar cosmic ray exposure age (CRE) of approximately (366 ± 18) Ma (systematic errors not included). Both noble gases and radionuclides point to a pre‐atmospheric radius >85 cm, i.e., a pre‐atmospheric mass >20 tons, with a preferred radius of 115–120 cm (50–60 tons). The analyzed samples came from a depth of approximately 20 cm (Individual) and approximately 50–80 cm (shrapnel). The size of the Gebel Kamil meteoroid determined in this work is close to estimates based on impact cratering models combined with expectations for ablation during passage through the atmosphere (Folco et al. 2010 , 2011 ).  相似文献   

Abstract— Shock‐produced complex veins, including earlier and later veins, are identified in the Sixiangkou L6 chondrite. The early vein is intersected by the late vein and consists of coarse‐grained aggregates of ringwoodite, majorite, and lingunite, and fragments of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, metal, and troilite, as well as a fine‐grained matrix of garnet, ringwoodite, metal, and troilite. The late vein mainly consists of a fine‐grained matrix of garnet, magnesiowüstite, metal, and troilite, as well as a small amount of coarse‐grained aggregates. The amount of fine‐grained matrix suggests that the late vein was nearly completely melted, whereas the early vein underwent partial melting. Both fine‐grained assemblages of garnet plus ringwoodite in the early vein and garnet plus magnesiowüstite in the late vein are liquidus phases crystallized from shock‐induced melt. Based on our understanding of the liquidus assemblages, the late vein experienced a higher pressure and temperature than the early vein.  相似文献   

Noble gases and nitrogen were measured in two adjacent samples each from the Raghunathpura (IIAB) and the Nyaung (IIIAB) iron meteorite falls. Light noble gases in both the meteorites were of pure cosmogenic origin. Using (3He/4He)c ratios and the production systematic of Ammon et al. ( 2009 ), we estimated the sample depth and meteoroid size for Nyaung (~8 cm depth in a ~15 cm radius object) and Raghunathpura (~12–14 cm depth in a ~25 cm object). We derived cosmic ray exposure ages of 1710 ± 256 Ma (for Nyaung, the highest reported so far for the IIIAB group) and 224 ± 34 Ma (for Raghunathpura). Variable amounts of trapped Kr and Xe were found in both meteorites. The phase Q‐like elemental ratio (84Kr/132Xe) suggests that the trapped component is of indigenous origin, and most likely hosted in the heterogeneously distributed micro‐inclusions of troilite/schreibersite. Trapped phase Q component is being reported for the first time, for a IIAB iron meteorite. Both meteorites showed light isotopic composition for nitrogen, and need at least two N components to explain the observed N isotopic systematic. Variable amounts of trapped noble gases and the presence of more than one N component suggest that the magmatic process that formed the parent body of these meteorites either could not completely homogenize or completely degas all the phases.  相似文献   

Abstract— From November 1998 to January 1999, the 39th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) conducted a large‐scale micrometeorite collection at 3 areas in the meteorite ice field around the Yamato Mountains, Antarctica. The Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) collected were ancient cosmic dust particles. This is in contrast with the Dome Fuji AMMs, which were collected previously from fresh snows in 1996 and 1997 and which represent modern micrometeorites. To determine the noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions of individual AMMs, noble gas analyses were carried out using laser‐gas extraction for 35 unmelted Yamato Mountains AMMs and 3 cosmic spherules. X‐ray diffraction analyses were performed on 13 AMMs before the noble gas measurement and mineral compositions were determined. AMMs are classified into 4 main mineralogical groups, defined from the heating they suffered during atmospheric entry. Heating temperatures of AMMs, inferred from their mineral compositions, are correlated with 4He concentrations and reflect the effect of degassing during atmospheric entry. Jarosite, an aqueous alteration product, is detected for 4 AMMs, indicating the aqueous alteration during long‐time storage in Antarctic ice. Jarosite‐bearing AMMs have relatively low concentrations of 4He, which is suggestive of loss during the alteration. High 3He/4He ratios are detected for AMMs with high 20Ne/4He ratios, showing both cosmogenic 3He and preferential He loss. SEP (solar energetic particles)‐He and Ne, rather than the solar wind (SW), were dominant in AMMs, presumably showing a preferential removal of the more shallowly implanted SW by atmospheric entry heating. The mean 20Ne/22Ne ratio is 11.27 ± 0.35, which is close to the SEP value of 11.2. Cosmogenic 21Ne is not detected in any of the particles, which is probably due to the short cosmic ray exposure ages. Ar isotopic compositions are explained by 3‐component mixing of air, Q, and SEP‐Ar. Ar isotopic compositions can not be explained without significant contributions of Q‐Ar. SEP‐Ne contributed more than 99% of the total Ne. As for 36Ar and 38Ar, the abundance of the Q component is comparable to that of the SEP component. 84Kr and 132Xe are dominated by the primordial component, and solar‐derived Xe is almost negligible.  相似文献   

Lovina, classified as an ungrouped ataxite, is controversial and its identity as a meteorite has been questioned. In this work, we use Pb isotopes on targeted troilite nodules in Lovina as a test of its antiquity and provenance. Although precise ages cannot be obtained, LA‐ICP‐MS offers a rapid, straightforward procedure to establish the source of lead, whether ancient (meteoritic) or modern (terrestrial). For nine pristine, unweathered nodules in Lovina, we find a lead isotopic composition of: 206Pb/208Pb = 0.492 ± 0.003 (2σ, MSWD 0.79; 95%) and 207Pb/206Pb = 0.852 ± 0.003 (2σ, MSWD 1.09; 95%) with no detectable uranium. All lead compositions of the troilite fall in the range expected for modern environmental and mantle lead and are distinctly different from the primordial Canyon Diablo Troilite (CDT) composition of ancient meteoritic troilite. Although the origin of Lovina remains unknown, we conclude that lead in the Lovina troilite is unsupported by U decay and originated from a terrestrial source.  相似文献   

Abstract– We measured the concentrations and isotopic ratios of the cosmogenic noble gases He, Ne, and Ar in the very large iron meteorite Xinjiang (IIIE). The 3He and 4He data indicate that a significant portion of the cosmogenic produced helium has been lost via diffusion or in a recent impact event. High 22Ne/21Ne ratios indicate that contributions to the cosmogenic 21Ne from sulfur and/or phosphorous are significant. By combining the measured nuclide concentrations with model calculations for iron meteorites we were able to determine the preatmospheric diameter of Xinjiang to 260–320 cm, which corresponds to a total mass of about 70–135 tons. The cosmic‐ray exposure age of Xinjiang is 62 ± 16 Ma, i.e., relatively short compared to most of the other iron meteorites. With the current database we cannot firmly determine whether Xinjiang experienced a complex irradiation history. The finding of 3He and 4He losses might argue for a recent impact event and therefore for a complex exposure.  相似文献   

We report the first combined atom‐probe tomography (APT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study of a kamacite–tetrataenite (K–T) interface region within an iron meteorite, Bristol (IVA). Ten APT nanotips were prepared from the K–T interface with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB‐SEM) and then studied using TEM followed by APT. Near the K‐T interface, we found 3.8 ± 0.5 wt% Ni in kamacite and 53.4 ± 0.5 wt% Ni in tetrataenite. High‐Ni precipitate regions of the cloudy zone (CZ) have 50.4 ± 0.8 wt% Ni. A region near the CZ and martensite interface has <10 nm sized Ni‐rich precipitates with 38.4 ± 0.7 wt% Ni present within a low‐Ni matrix having 25.5 ± 0.6 wt% Ni. We found that Cu is predominantly concentrated in tetrataenite, whereas Co, P, and Cr are concentrated in kamacite. Phosphorus is preferentially concentrated along the K‐T interface. This study is the first precise measurement of the phase composition at high spatial resolution and in 3‐D of the K‐T interface region in a IVA iron meteorite and furthers our knowledge of the phase composition changes in a fast‐cooled iron meteorite below 400 °C. We demonstrate that APT in conjunction with TEM is a useful approach to study the major, minor, and trace elemental composition of nanoscale features within fast‐cooled iron meteorites.  相似文献   

A 435 kg piece of the Mont Dieu iron meteorite (MD) contains cm‐sized silicate inclusions. Based on the concentration of Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ir (8.59 ± 0.32 wt%, 25.4 ± 0.9 ppm, 61 ± 2 ppm, 7.1 ± 0.4 ppm, respectively) in the metal host, this piece can be classified as a IIE nonmagmatic iron. The silicate inclusions possess a chondritic mineralogy and relict chondrules occur throughout the inclusions. Major element analysis, oxygen isotopic analysis (Δ17O = 0.71 ± 0.02‰), and mean Fa and Fs molar contents (Fa15.7 ± 0.4 and Fs14.4 ± 0.5) indicate that MD originated as an H chondrite. Because of strong similarities with Netschaëvo IIE, MD can be classified in the most primitive subgroup of the IIE sequence. 40Ar/39Ar ages of 4536 ± 59 Ma and 4494 ± 95 Ma obtained on pyroxene and plagioclase inclusions show that MD belongs to the old (~4.5 Ga) group of IIE iron meteorites and that it has not been perturbed by any subsequent heating event following its formation. The primitive character of MD sheds light on the nature of its formation process, its thermal history, and the evolution of its parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 45 m in diameter Kamil impact crater was formed <5000 yr ago in the eastern Sahara, close to the southern border of modern Egypt. The original features of this structure, including thousands of fragments of the meteorite impactor, are extremely well preserved. With the exception of a single 83 kg regmaglypted individual, all specimens of Gebel Kamil (the iron meteorite that formed the Kamil crater) are explosion fragments weighing from <1 g to 34 kg. Gebel Kamil is an ungrouped Ni‐rich (about 20 wt% Ni) ataxite characterized by high Ge and Ga contents (approximately 120 μg g?1 and approximately 50 μg g?1, respectively) and by a very fine‐grained duplex plessite metal matrix. Accessory mineral phases in Gebel Kamil are schreibersite, troilite, daubréelite, and native copper. Meteorite fragments are cross‐cut by curvilinear shear bands formed during the explosive terrestrial impact. A systematic search around the crater revealed that meteorite fragments have a highly asymmetric distribution, with greater concentrations in the southeast sector and a broad maximum in meteorite concentration in the 125–160° N sector at about 200 m from the crater rim. The total mass of shrapnel specimens >10 g, inferred from the density map compiled in this study is 3400 kg. Field data indicate that the iron bolide approached the Earth’s crust from the northwest (305–340° N), travelling along a moderately oblique trajectory. Upon hypervelocity impact, the projectile was disrupted into thousands of fragments. Shattering was accompanied by some melting of the projectile and of the quartz‐arenite target rocks, which also suffered shock metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ovoid grains consisting of glass of stoichiometric (Mg, Fe)SiO3 composition that is intimately associated with majorite were identified in the shock veins of the Suizhou meteorite. The glass is surrounded by a thick rim of polycrystalline majorite and is identical in composition to the parental low‐Ca pyroxene and majorite. These ovoid grains are surrounded by a fine‐grained matrix composed of majorite‐pyrope garnet, ringwoodite, magnesiowüstite, metal, and troilite. This study strongly suggests that some precursor pyroxene grains inside the shock veins were transformed to perovskite within the pyroxene due to a relatively low temperature, while at the rim region pyroxene grains transformed to majorite due to a higher temperature. After pressure release, perovskite vitrified at post‐shock temperature. The existence of vitrified perovskite indicates that the peak pressure in the shock veins exceeds 23 GPa. The post‐shock temperature in the meteorite could have been above 477 °C. This study indicates that the occurrence of high‐pressure minerals in the shock veins could not be used as a ubiquitous criterion for evaluating the shock stage of meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrography and mineral and bulk chemistries of silicate inclusions in Sombrerete, an ungrouped iron that is one of the most phosphate‐rich meteorites known, was studied using optical, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) techniques. Inclusions contain variable proportions of alkalic siliceous glass (?69 vol% of inclusions on average), aluminous orthopyroxene (?9%, Wo1–4Fs25–35, up to ?3 wt% Al), plagioclase (?8%, mainly An70–92), Cl‐apatite (?7%), chromite (?4%), yagiite (?1%), phosphate‐rich segregations (?1%), ilmenite, and merrillite. Ytterbium and Sm anomalies are sometimes present in various phases (positive anomalies for phosphates, negative for glass and orthopyroxene), which possibly reflect phosphate‐melt‐gas partitioning under transient, reducing conditions at high temperatures. Phosphate‐rich segregations and different alkalic glasses (K‐rich and Na‐rich) formed by two types of liquid immiscibility. Yagiite, a K‐Mg silicate previously found in the Colomera (IIE) iron, appears to have formed as a late‐stage crystallization product, possibly aided by Na‐K liquid unmixing. Trace‐element phase compositions reflect fractional crystallization of a single liquid composition that originated by low‐degree (?4–8%) equilibrium partial melting of a chondritic precursor. Compositional differences between inclusions appear to have originated as a result of a “filter‐press differentiation” process, in which liquidus crystals of Cl‐apatite and orthopyroxene were less able than silicate melt to flow through the metallic host between inclusions. This process enabled a phosphoran basaltic andesite precursor liquid to differentiate within the metallic host, yielding a dacite composition for some inclusions. Solidification was relatively rapid, but not so fast as to prevent flow and immiscibility phenomena. Sombrerete originated near a cooling surface in the parent body during rapid, probably impact‐induced, mixing of metallic and silicate liquids. We suggest that Sombrerete formed when a planetesimal undergoing endogenic differentiation was collisionally disrupted, possibly in a breakup and reassembly event. Simultaneous endogenic heating and impact processes may have widely affected silicate‐bearing irons and other solar system matter.  相似文献   

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