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The JHKL' photometry and 2.3–4 μm spectrophotometry of some M giants, S type stars and carbon stars are presented in this paper. It is found that in combination with IRAS data, the energy spectra in 1–100 μm of S type stars are intermediate between those of M giants and carbon stars, which are obviously different. The spectrophotometry in the near infrared shows that, besides carbon stars, which have HCN and C2H2 strong absorptions at 3.1 μm, some S type stars have the similar but weaker absorption in the same spectral region. However, no trace of any absorption at 3.1 μm can be seen in M giants. These results probably provide more evidence for the M-S-C sequence in the late stage of stellar evolution.  相似文献   

In 2006 ESO Council authorized a Phase B study of a European AO‐telescope with a 42 m segmented primary with a 5‐mirror design, the E‐ELT. Several reports and working groups have already presented science cases for an E‐ELT, specifically exploiting the new capabilities of such a large telescope. One of the aims of the design has been to find a balance in the performances between an E‐ELT and the James Webb Space Telescope, JWST. Apart from the larger photon‐collecting area, the strengths of the former is the higher attainable spatial and spectral resolutions. The E‐ELT AO system will have an optimal performance in the near‐IR, which makes it specially advantageous. High‐resolution spectroscopy in the near‐infrared has, however, not been discussed much. This paper aims at filling that gap, by specifically discussing spectroscopy of stellar (mainly red giant), photospheric abundances. Based on studies in the literature of stellar abundances, at the needed medium to high spectral resolutions in the near‐infrared (0.8–2.4 μm), I will try to extrapolate published results to the performance of the E‐ELT and explore what could be done at the E‐ELT in this field. A discussion on what instrument characteristics that would be needed for stellar abundance analyses in the near‐IR will be given (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— The Aerospace Corporation's broadband array spectrograph system (BASS) mounted on the NASA infrared telescope facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii was used to obtain spectral measurements of Mercury's thermal emission on 1998 March 21 (45–85° longitude), and on 1998 May 12 (68–108° longitude). The spectra show heterogeneous composition on Mercury's surface between longitudes 45–85° and about 68–108°. These observations include measurements from 3 to 6 μm, a spectral region not previously covered by mid‐infrared spectroscopy. Excellent quality data were obtained in the atmospheric windows between 3–4.2 and 4.6–5.5 μm. These wavelength regions exhibit high emissivity characteristic of a regolith with strong thermal gradients maintained in a vacuum environment with spectra dominated by grain sizes of ?30 μm. Emission peaks are present at 3.5 and 5 μm in the 45–85° longitude data. The 5 μm peak has been tentatively attributed to clinopyroxene. Data were also obtained in the 7.5–13.5 μm spectral region. Spectra obtained during both observing periods show well‐defined emissivity maxima (EM) in the spectral vicinity (between 7.7 and 9.2 μm) of the Christiansen frequency of silicate soils. The location of the EM for longitudes 45–85° (7.9 μm) is consistent with a surface composition of intermediate SiO2 content. The overall spectral shape is similar to that obtained previously at the same location with different instrumentation. In the region 68–108° longitude, three EM are observed at 7.8, 8.2, and 9.2 μm, indicating the presence of distinctly different surface composition from the other location. Comparisons of these data to other mid‐infrared spectra of Mercury's surface and asteroids, and of the different instrumentation used in observations are included.  相似文献   

We have derived the real and imaginary indices of refraction for 10 phyllosilicate minerals—montmorillonite, beidellite, nontronite, hectorite, saponite, illite, illite–smectite (60/40 interlayered) kaolinite, halloysite, and serpentine—from 100–2000 cm−1 (5–100 μm) at 2 cm−1 spectral sampling using classical Lorentz–Lorenz dispersion theory. We present the real and imaginary indices and the oscillator parameters with which they were modeled. Use of these optical constants will aid in the modeling of thermal infrared spectra of planets, asteroids, interplanetary and interstellar dust, and protoplanetary disks around nearby stars.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report isotopic abundances for C, N, Mg‐Al, Si, Ca‐Ti, and Fe in 99 presolar silicon carbide (SiC) grains of type X (84 grains from this work and 15 grains from previous studies) from the Murchison CM2 meteorite, ranging in size from 0.5 to 1.5 μm. Carbon was measured in 41 X grains, n in 37 grains, Mg‐Al in 18 grains, Si in 87 grains, Ca‐Ti in 25 grains, and Fe in 8 grains. These X grains have 12C/13C ratios between 18 and 6800, 14N/15n ratios from 13 to 200, δ29Si/28Si between ?750 and +60%0, δ30Si/28Si from ?770 to ?10%0, and 54Fe/56Fe ratios that are compatible with solar within the analytical uncertainties of several tens of percent. Many X grains carry large amounts of radiogenic 26Mg (from the radioactive decay of 26Al, half‐life ? 7 times 105 years) and radiogenic 44Ca (from the radioactive decay of 44Ti, half‐life = 60 years). While all X grains but one have radiogenic 26Mg, only ~20% of them have detectable amounts of radiogenic 44Ca. Initial 26Al/27Al ratios of up to 0.36 and initial 44Ti/48Ti ratios of up to 0.56 can be inferred. The isotopic data are compared with those expected from the potential stellar sources of SiC dust. Carbon stars, Wolf‐Rayet stars, and novae are ruled out as stellar sources of the X grains. The isotopic compositions of C and Fe and abundances of extinct 44Ti are well explained both by type Ia and type II supernova (SN) models. The same holds for 26Al/27Al ratios, except for the highest 26Al/27Al ratios of >0.2 in some X grains. Silicon agrees qualitatively with SN model predictions, but the observed 29Si/30Si ratios in the X grains are in most cases too high, pointing to deficiencies in the current understanding of the production of Si in SN environments. The measured 14n/15n ratios are lower than those expected from SN mixing models. This problem can be overcome in a 15 Modot; type II SN if rotational mixing, preferential trapping of N, or both from 15n‐rich regions in the ejecta are considered. The isotopic characteristics of C, N, Si, and initial 26Al/27Al ratios in small X grains are remarkably similar to those of large X grains (2–10 μm). Titanium‐44 concentrations are generally much higher in smaller grains, indicative of the presence of Ti‐bearing subgrains that might have served as condensation nuclei for SiC. The fraction of X grains among presolar SiC is largely independent of grain size. This implies similar grain‐size distributions for SiC from carbon stars (mainstream grains) and supernovae (X grains), a surprising conclusion in view of the different conditions for dust formation in these two types of stellar sources.  相似文献   

Abstract Thermal metamorphism study of the C, G, B, and F asteroids has been revisited using their UV, visible, NIR, and 3 μm reflectance spectra. High-quality reflectance spectra of seven selected C, G, B, and F asteroids have been compared with spectra for 29 carbonaceous chondrites, including thermally-metamorphosed CI/CM meteorites. There are three sets of spectral counterparts, among which 511 Davida and B-7904 are the most similar to each other in terms of both spectral shape and brightness. By comparing the 0.7 μm and 3 μm absorption strengths of 21 C, G, B, and F asteroids and heated Murchison samples, these asteroids have been grouped into three heating-temperature ranges. These correspond to (1) <400 °C: phyllosilicate-rich; (2) 400–600 °C: phyllosilicates transformed to anhydrous silicates; and (3) >600 °C: fully anhydrous. A good correlation between the UV and 3 μm absorption strengths has been confirmed for the C, G, B, and F asteroids and the CI, CM, and CR meteorites. A plot of the UV absorption strength vs. the IRAS diameter for 142 C, G, B, and F asteroids shows that the maximum UV absorption strength decreases as the diameter increases for the asteroids >60 km, with a notable exception, Ceres. These relationships suggest that some of the larger asteroids may be the heated inner portions of once larger bodies and that common CI/CM meteorites may have come from the lost outer portions, which escaped extensive late-stage heating events.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ibitira is a strongly recrystallized and unbrecciated noncumulate eucrite. We measured Ca compositional profiles of Ibitira pyroxene by electron microprobe and computed the cooling rate and burial depth from pyroxene exsolution profiles to gain information on early thermal history of Ibitira. Pyroxene begins to exsolve at 1082 °C and cools down to 550 °C at a rate of 0.02 °C/year, forming an augite lamella about 7.0 μm in width. A notable characteristic of the Ca profile of augite lamellae in Ibitira pyroxene is a gradient near the interface between augite and low‐Ca pyroxene (pigeonite). This profile suggests that after thermal metamorphism Ibitira pyroxene experienced a sudden temperature rise to above solidus temperature of pyroxene (~1082 °C), and subsequent rapid cooling. The 39Ar‐40Ar age of 4.485 Ga for Ibitira, which is the oldest 39Ar‐40Ar age for noncumulate eucrites, may date this reheating event.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fluence of dust particles <10 μm in diameter was recorded by impacts on aluminum foil of the NASA Stardust spacecraft during a close flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004. Initial interpretation of craters for impactor particle dimensions and mass was based upon laboratory experimental simulations using projectiles less than >10 μm in diameter and the resulting linear relationship of projectile to crater diameter was extrapolated to smaller sizes. We now describe a new experimental calibration program firing very small monodisperse silica projectiles (470 nm–10 μm) at approximately 6 km s?1. The results show an unexpected departure from linear relationship between 1 and 10 μm. We collated crater measurement data and, where applicable, impactor residue data for 596 craters gathered during the postmission preliminary examination phase. Using the new calibration, we recalculate the size of the particle responsible for each crater and hence reinterpret the cometary dust size distribution. We find a greater flux of small particles than previously reported. From crater morphology and residue composition of a subset of craters, the internal structure and dimensions of the fine dust particles are inferred and a “maximum‐size” distribution for the subgrains composing aggregate particles is obtained. The size distribution of the small particles derived directly from the measured craters peaks at approximately 175 nm, but if this is corrected to allow for aggregate grains, the peak in subgrain sizes is at <100 nm.  相似文献   

Abstract— To constrain the metamorphic history of the H‐chondrite parent body, we dated phosphates and chondrules from four H6 chondritic meteorites using U‐Pb systematics. Reconnaissance analyses revealed that only Estacado had a sufficiently high 206Pb/204Pb ratio suitable for our purposes. The Pb‐Pb isochron date for Estacado phosphates is measured to be 4492 ± 15 Ma. The internal residue‐second leachate isochron for Estacado chondrules yielded the chondrule date of 4546 ± 18 Ma. An alternative age estimate for Estacado chondrules of 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma is obtained from an isochron including two chondrules, two magnetically separated fractions, and four bulk chondrite analyses. This isochron date might represent the age of termination of Pb diffusion from the chondrules to the matrix. From these dates and previously established closure temperatures for Pb diffusion in phosphates and chondrules, we estimate an average cooling rate for Estacado between 5.5 ± 3.2 Myr/°C and 8.3 ± 5.0 Myr/°C. Using previously published results for Ste. Marguerite (H4) and Richardton (H5), our data reveal that the cooling rates of H chondrites decrease markedly with increasing metamorphic grade, in agreement with the predictions of the “onion‐shell” asteroid model. Several issues, however, need to be addressed before confirming this model for the H‐chondrite parent body: the discrepancies between peak metamorphic temperatures established by various mineral thermometers need to be resolved, diffusion and other mechanisms of element migration in polycrystalline solids must be better understood, and dating techniques should be further improved.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study of the Fukang pallasite that includes measurements of bulk composition, mineral chemistry, mineral structure, and petrology. Fukang is a Main‐group pallasite that consists of semiangular olivine grains (Fo 86.3) embedded in an Fe‐Ni matrix with 9–10 wt% Ni and low‐Ir (45 ppb). Olivine grains sometimes occur in large clusters up to 11 cm across. The Fe‐Ni phase is primarily kamacite with accessory taenite and plessite. Minor phases include schreibersite, chromite, merrillite, troilite, and low‐Ca pyroxene. We describe a variety of silicate inclusions enclosed in olivine that contain phases rarely or not previously reported in Main‐group pallasites, including clinopyroxene (augite), tridymite, K‐rich felsic glass, and an unknown Ca‐Cr silicate. Pressure constraints determined from tridymite (<0.4 GPa), two‐pyroxene barometry (0.39 ± 0.07 GPa), and geophysical calculations that assume pallasite formation at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), provide an upper estimate on the size of the Main‐group parent body from which Fukang originated. We conclude that Fukang originated at the CMB of a large differentiated planetesimal 400–680 km in radius.  相似文献   

Hypervelocity collisions of solid bodies occur frequently in the solar system and affect rocks by shock waves and dynamic loading. A range of shock metamorphic effects and high‐pressure polymorphs in rock‐forming minerals are known from meteorites and terrestrial impact craters. Here, we investigate the formation of high‐pressure polymorphs of α‐quartz under dynamic and nonhydrostatic conditions and compare these disequilibrium states with those predicted by phase diagrams derived from static experiments under equilibrium conditions. We create highly dynamic conditions utilizing a mDAC and study the phase transformations in α‐quartz in situ by synchrotron powder X‐ray diffraction. Phase transitions of α‐quartz are studied at pressures up to 66.1 and different loading rates. At compression rates between 0.14 and 1.96 GPa s?1, experiments reveal that α‐quartz is amorphized and partially converted to stishovite between 20.7 GPa and 28.0 GPa. Therefore, coesite is not formed as would be expected from equilibrium conditions. With the increasing compression rate, a slight increase in the transition pressure occurs. The experiments show that dynamic compression causes an instantaneous formation of structures consisting only of SiO6 octahedra rather than the rearrangement of the SiO4 tetrahedra to form a coesite. Although shock compression rates are orders of magnitude faster, a similar mechanism could operate in impact events.  相似文献   

Abstract— Physical properties were determined in a first step on post‐impact tertiary limestones from the depth interval of 404–666 m of the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) scientific well, drilled in the Chicxulub impact crater (Mexico). Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, density, and porosity were measured on 120 dry and water‐saturated rocks with a core sampling interval of 2–2.5 m. Nondestructive, non‐contact optical scanning technology was used for thermal property measurements including thermal anisotropy and inhomogeneity. Supplementary petrophysical properties (acoustic velocities, formation resisitivity factor, internal surface, and hydraulic permeability) were determined on a selected subgroup of representative samples to derive correlations with the densely measured parameters, establishing estimated depth logs to provide calibration values for the interpretation of geophysical data. Significant short‐ and long‐scale variations of porosity (1–37%) turned out to be the dominant factor influencing thermal, acoustic, and hydraulic properties of this post impact limestone formation. Correspondingly, large variations of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, acoustic velocities, and hydraulic permeability were found. These variations of physical properties allow us to subdivide the formation into several zones. A combination of experimental data on thermal conductivity for dry and water‐saturated rocks and a theoretical model of effective thermal conductivity for heterogeneous media have been used to calculate thermal conductivity of mineral skeleton and pore aspect ratio for every core under study. The results on thermal parameters are the necessary basis for the determination of heat flow density, demonstrating the necessity of dense sampling in the case of inhomogeneous rock formations.  相似文献   

Martian magmas are thought to be rich in chlorine compared with their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we experimentally investigate the effect of chlorine on liquidus depression and near‐liquidus crystallization of olivine‐phyric shergottite NWA 6234 and compare these results with previous experimental results on the effect of chlorine on near‐liquidus crystallization of the surface basalts Humphrey and Fastball. Previous experimental results showed that the change in liquidus temperature is dependent on the bulk composition of the basalt. The effect of chlorine on liquidus depression is greater for lower SiO2 and higher Al2O3 magmas than for higher SiO2 and lower Al2O3 magmas. The bulk composition for this study has lower Al2O3 and higher FeO contents than previous work; therefore, we provide additional constraints on the effect of the bulk composition on the influence of chlorine on near‐liquidus crystallization. High pressure and temperature crystallization experiments were performed at 1 GPa on a synthetic basalt, of the bulk composition of NWA 6234, with 0–4 wt% Cl added to the sample as AgCl. The results are consistent with previous notions that with increasing wt% Cl in the melt, the crystallization temperature decreases. Importantly, our results have a liquidus depression ?T (°C) from added chlorine that is consistent with the difference in bulk composition and suggest a dependence on both the bulk Al2O3 and FeO content. Our results suggest that the addition of chlorine to the Martian mantle may lower magma genesis temperatures and potentially aid in the petrogenesis of Martian magmas.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 15 km diameter Ames structure in northwestern Oklahoma is located 2.75 km below surface in Cambro‐Ordovician Arbuckle dolomite, which is overlain by Middle Ordovician Oil Creek Formation shale. The feature is marked by two concentric ring structures, with the inner ring of about 5 km diameter probably representing the collapsed remnant of a structural uplift composed of brecciated Precambrian granite and Arbuckle dolomite. Wells from both the crater rim and the central uplift are oil‐ and gas‐producing, making Ames one of the economically important impact structures. Petrographic, geochemical, and age data were obtained on samples from the Nicor Chestnut 18‐4 drill core, off the northwest flank of the central uplift. These samples represent the largest and best examples of impact‐melt breccia obtained so far from the Ames structure. They contain carbonate rocks, which are derived from the target sequence. The chemical composition of the impact‐melt breccias is similar to that of target granite, with variable carbonate admixture. Some impact‐melt rocks are enriched in siderophile elements indicating the possible presence of a meteoritic component. Based on stratigraphic arguments, the age of the crater was estimated at 470 Ma. Previous 40Ar‐39Ar dating attempts of impact‐melt breccias from the Dorothy 1–19 core yielded plateau ages of about 285 Ma, which is in conflict with the stratigraphic age. The new 40Ar‐39Ar age data obtained on the melt breccias from the Nicor Chestnut core by ultraviolet (UV) laser spot analysis resulted in a range of ages with maxima around 300 Ma. These data could reflect processes related either the regional Nemaha Uplift or resetting due to hot brines active on a midcontinent‐wide scale, perhaps related to the Alleghenian and Ouachita orogenies. The age data indicate an extended burial phase associated with thermal overprint during Late Pennsylvanian‐Permian.  相似文献   

We present continuous and time‐resolved R = 55 000 optical échelle spectroscopy of ε Aurigae from 2006–2013. Data were taken with the STELLA Echelle Spectrograph of the robotic STELLA facility at the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife. Contemporaneous photometry with the Automatic Photoelectric Telescopes at Fairborn Observatory in Arizona is presented for the years 1996–2013. Spectroscopic observations started three years prior to the photometric eclipse and are still ongoing. A total of 474 high‐resolution échelle spectra are analyzed and made available in this paper. We identify 368 absorption lines of which 161 lines show the characteristic sharp disk lines during eclipse. Another 207 spectral lines appeared nearly unaffected by the eclipse. From spectrum synthesis, we obtained the supergiant atmospheric parameters Teff = 7395 ± 70 K, log g ≈ 1, and [Fe/H] = +0.02 ± 0.2 with ξt = 9 km s–1, ζRT = 13 km s–1, and v sin i = 28 ± 3 km s–1. The residual average line broadening expressed in km s–1 varies with a period of 62.6 ± 0.7 d, in particular at egress and after the eclipse. Two‐dimensional line‐profile periodograms show several periods, the strongest with ≈110 d evident in optically thin lines as well as in the Balmer lines. Center‐of‐intensity weighted radial velocities of individual spectral lines also show the 110‐d period but, again, additional shorter and longer periods are evident and are different in the Balmer lines. The two main spectroscopic Hα periods, ≈ 116 d from the line core and ≈ 150 d from the center‐of‐intensity radial velocities, appear at 102 d and 139 d in the photometry. The Hβ and Johnson V I photometry on the other hand shows two well‐defined and phase‐coherent periods of 77 d and 132 d. We conclude that Hα is contaminated by changes in the circumstellar environment while the Hβ and V I photometry stems predominantly from the non radial pulsations of the F0 supergiant. We isolate the disk‐rotation profile from 61 absorption lines and found that low disk eccentricity generally relates to low disk rotational velocity (but not always) while high disk eccentricity always relates to high velocity. There is also the general trend that the disk‐absorption in spectral lines with higher excitation potential comes from disk regions with higher eccentricity and thus also with higher rotational velocity. The dependency on transition probability is more complex and shows a bi‐modal trend. The outskirts of the disk is distributed asymmetrically around the disk and appears to have been built up mostly in a tail along the orbit behind the secondary. Our data show that this tail continues to eclipse the F0 Iab primary star even two years after the end of the photometric eclipse. High‐resolution spectra were also taken of the other, bona‐fide, visual‐binary components of ε Aur (ADS 3605BCDE). Only the C‐component, a K3‐4‐giant, appears at the same distance than ε Aur but its radial velocity is in disagreement with a bound orbit. The other components are a nearby (≈ 7 pc) cool DA white dwarf, a G8 dwarf, and a B9 supergiant, and not related to ε Aur. The cool white dwarf shows strong DIB lines that suggest the existence of a debris disk around this star. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the analysis of optical and X‐ray XMM‐Newton data of the source 4U 1344‐60. On the basis of the optical data we propose to classify 4U 1344‐60 as a Seyfert 1.5 galaxy and we measured a redshift value z = 0.012 ± 0.001. The observed X‐ray spectrum is complex. The continuum emission can be described as a power law obscured by two neutral absorption components. 4U 1344‐60 exhibits a broad and skewed iron line at 6.4 keV most likely originated in a few gravitational radius of an accretion disc. The analysis also reveals the presence of two narrow emission line‐like features at ∼4.9 keV and ∼5.3 keV. Assuming that hot spots on the surface of the accretion disc, orbiting very close to the black hole is responsible of these emission lines, the accretion disc would present an inclination of 20° and the active regions would be located in the 6–10 R g radius range. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

It has been claimed by Taylor et al. that the low-redshift end of the K – z relation for radio galaxies is too bright by about half a magnitude owing to contributions from the obscured quasar nuclei. Such a result has major implications for the use of the K -band Hubble diagram in understanding the cosmological evolution of radio galaxies. In this paper we present 1–5-μm imaging data of a nearly complete sample of low-redshift radio galaxies; this approach allows us to determine accurately the strengths of any unresolved nuclear components in the galaxies. We detect nuclear sources in five targets, whose broad-band colours are consistent with reddened quasar spectra. In all the five cases the ratio of the inferred intrinsic near-infrared luminosity to the narrow-line luminosity is typical of quasars. We find a correlation between the inferred nuclear extinction and core-to-lobe ratio, which places constraints on the geometry of the torus. We find evidence for a shift of the K – z relation to fainter magnitudes, but by a much smaller amount (∼0.1 mag) than determined by Taylor et al. Under the assumption that the nuclear sources in radio galaxies have the same intrinsic near-infrared spectra as quasars, our multiwavelength images allow us to limit any possible shift to less than 0.3 mag.  相似文献   

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