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As a child Frederick C. Leonard displayed such a precocious aptitude for astronomy that he became known as “Chicago's Boy Astronomer.” But within a decade after receiving his Ph.D., his interests had turned to meteorites. He persuaded Harvey Nininger to help him found the Society for Research on Meteorites, later renamed The Meteoritical Society, in 1933—a time when the study of meteorites was not considered a worthy pursuit of serious scientists. He nurtured the Society and held it together through the Great Depression, World War II, a destructive feud, and a significant personal and family crisis. He obtained legitimacy and affiliation for the Society with mainstream scientific organizations. He was its first President, and he was Editor of its publications from the Society's founding until a year before his death in 1960. Through it all he was a persistent advocate for the importance of the study of meteorites and the legitimacy of meteoritics as a valuable field of science.  相似文献   

In this interview, Dieter Stöffler (Fig. 1) describes how his interest in meteorites and impact craters dates from his Ph.D. studies at the University of Tübingen when it was learned that the Ries crater was formed by impact. A paper by Dieter's advisor, Wolf von Engelhardt, also triggered an interest in meteorites. After graduation, Dieter helped to establish a laboratory for high pressure mineralogy and he examined rocks from the Ries crater, which led to the concept of progressive shock metamorphism. The group also worked on newly returned Apollo samples and guided astronauts over the crater. A year at the NASA Ames Research Center taught Dieter about experimental impact research with a light‐gas gun. After a few more years at Tübingen, Dieter obtained a professorship at the University of Münster where he created the Institute of Planetology, got involved in planning space missions including comet sample return, and continued high pressure mineralogy in collaboration with colleagues in Freiburg. Through several decades of research, Dieter and colleagues have documented the effects of shock on all the major rock‐forming minerals and devised widely accepted schemes for the classification of shocked rocks. After the unification of Germany, Dieter became Director of the Natural History Museum in Berlin, during which he made much progress rebuilding the laboratories and the collections. Dieter also helped to create a museum and research center in the Ries crater. He received the Barringer Award of the Meteoritical Society in 1994 and several prestigious awards in Germany.  相似文献   

Abstract— In August, 1933, at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, The Society for Research on Meteorites was founded with an enrollment of 57 charter members and Frederick C. Leonard and Harvey H. Nininger as the first President and Secretary-Treasurer, respectively. Within five years, the Society had doubled in size, with members from the U.S.A. and ten other nations. Annual meetings were suspended during World War II (1942 through 1945) and when it reconvened in 1946 the members adopted the name “The Meteoritical Society”. By that time personal and professional antagonisms had arisen that threatened to fragment the Society and led, in 1949, to the resignation of Nininger and his wife. Throughout the 1950s the Society was widely regarded as a small, disorganized and essentially moribund organization. Revitalization of the Society began in the early 1960s after the advent of the Space Age when the Society steadily gained members with expertise in mineralogy, petrology, isotope geochemistry, electron microprobe and neutron activation analysis, and impact dynamics. When Nininger was persuaded rejoin in 1963, he found a renewed Society. In the election year of 1966 a group of youthful insurgents nominated an alternate slate to that proposed by the Council and won every contested seat on the Council except that of the Editor. The Society's first publication Contributions of the Society for Research on Meteorites was published as a section of Popular Astronomy and from 1935 to 1946 reprints of the items (articles, reviews, and notices) were bound and distributed separately each year. When the Society changed its name in 1946, its journal became Contributions of the Meteoritical Society, which continued publication until Popular Astronomy ceased publication in 1952. A new journal, Meteoritics, was instituted in 1953. After 1956, its publication lapsed for six years but began again in 1963 and has continued under the leadership of four successive editors becoming one of the most frequently cited geoscience journals. In 1970, the Society also became a co-sponsor with The Geochemical Society of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, but the future of this arrangement remains in doubt. In 1938, the Society had gained considerable prestige by its acceptance as a full Affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, but in view of its increasingly international membership and activities the Society terminated its affiliation with the AAAS in 1976. Again in response to its international status, in 1992 The Meteoritical Society affiliated with the International Union of Geological Sciences. The Society held its first annual meeting outside North America at the Universität Tübingen in West Germany in 1971. Subsequently, it met in Europe every second year until 1990, when it met at Perth in Western Australia. During the 1980s, the membership of the Society grew to more than 900 and the annual meetings attracted between 300 and 450 participants. As meteoritical research continues to probe the borderlands with astrophysics, planetary science, and terrestrial geology, and as younger members assume leadership roles, a productive future seems assured for both meteoritical science and The Meteoritical Society.  相似文献   

Lockne is a concentric impact structure due to a layered target where weak sediments and seawater covered a crystalline basement. A matrix‐supported, sedimentary breccia is interlayered between the crystalline breccia lens and the resurge deposits in the crater infill. As the breccia is significantly different from the direct impact breccia and the resurge deposit, we propose a separate unit name, Tramsta Breccia, based on the type locality (i.e., the LOC02 drilling at Tramsta). We use granulometry and a novel matrix line‐log method to characterize the sedimentology of the Tramsta Breccia. The obliquity of impact combined with the layered target caused an asymmetric, concentric transient crater, which upon its collapse controlled the deposition of the breccia. On the wide‐brimmed downrange side of the crater where the sedimentary target succession was removed during crater excavation, wide, overturned basement crater ejecta flaps prevented any slumping of exterior sediments. Instead, the sediments most likely originated from the uprange side where the brim was narrow and the basement crater rim was poorly developed, sediment‐rich, and relatively unstable. Here, the water cavity wall remained in closer proximity to the basement crater and, aided by the pressure of the collapsing water wall, unconsolidated black mud would flow back into the crater. The absence of interlayered resurge deposits in the Tramsta Breccia and the evidence for reworking at the contact between the overlying resurge deposits and the Tramsta Breccia indicate that the slumping was a rapid process (<75 s) terminating well before the resurge entered the crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— Meteor Crater is one of the first impact structures systematically studied on Earth. Its location in arid northern Arizona has been ideal for the preservation of the structure and the surviving meteoric material. The recovery of a large amount of meteoritic material in and around the crater has allowed a rough reconstruction of the impact event: an iron object 50 m in diameter impacted the Earth's surface after breaking up in the atmosphere. The details of the disruption, however, are still debated. The final crater morphology (deep, bowl‐shaped crater) rules out the formation of the crater by an open or dispersed swarm of fragments, in which the ratio of swarm radius to initial projectile radius Cd is larger than 3 (the final crater results from the sum of the craters formed by individual fragments). On the other hand, the lack of significant impact melt in the crater has been used to suggest that the impactor was slowed down to 12 km/s by the atmosphere, implying significant fragmentation and fragments' separation up to 4 initial radii. This paper focuses on the problem of entry and motion through the atmosphere for a possible Canyon Diablo impactor as a first but necessary step for constraining the initial conditions of the impact event which created Meteor Crater. After evaluating typical models used to investigate meteoroid disruption, such as the pancake and separated fragment models, we have carried out a series of hydrodynamic simulations using the 3D code SOVA to model the impactor flight through the atmosphere, both as a continuum object and a disrupted swarm. Our results indicate that the most probable pre‐atmospheric mass of the Meteor Crater projectile was in the range of 4.108to 1.2.109kg (equivalent to a sphere 46–66 m in diameter). During the entry process the projectile lost probably 30% to 70% of its mass, mainly because of mechanical ablation and gross fragmentation. Even in the case of a tight swarm of particles (Cd < 3), small fragments can separate from the crater‐forming swarm and land on the plains (tens of km away from the crater) as individual meteorites. Starting from an impactor pre‐atmospheric velocity of ?18 km/s, which represents an average value for Earth‐crossing asteroids, we find that after disruption, the most probable impact velocity at the Earth's surface for a tight swarm is around 15 km/s or higher. A highly dispersed swarm would result in a much stronger deceleration of the fragments but would produce a final crater much shallower than observed at Meteor Crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— Observations of impact craters on Earth show that a water column at the target strongly influences lithology and morphology of the resultant crater. The degree of influence varies with the target water depth and impactor diameter. Morphological features detectable in satellite imagery include a concentric shape with an inner crater inset within a shallower outer crater, which is cut by gullies excavated by the resurge of water. In this study, we show that if oceans, large seas, and lakes existed on Mars for periods of time, marine‐target craters must have formed. We make an assessment of the minimum and maximum amounts of such craters based on published data on water depths, extent, and duration of putative oceans within “contacts 1 and 2,” cratering rate during the different oceanic phases, and computer modeling of minimum impactor diameters required to form long‐lasting craters in the seafloor of the oceans. We also discuss the influence of erosion and sedimentation on the preservation and exposure of the craters. For an ocean within the smaller “contact 2” with a duration of 100,000 yr and the low present crater formation rate, only ?1–2 detectable marine‐target craters would have formed. In a maximum estimate with a duration of 0.8 Gyr, as many as 1400 craters may have formed. An ocean within the larger “contact 1‐Meridiani,” with a duration of 100,000 yr, would not have received any seafloor craters despite the higher crater formation rate estimated before 3.5 Gyr. On the other hand, with a maximum duration of 0.8 Gyr, about 160 seafloor craters may have formed. However, terrestrial examples show that most marine‐target craters may be covered by thick sediments. Ground penetrating radar surveys planned for the ESA Mars Express and NASA 2005 missions may reveal buried craters, though it is uncertain if the resolution will allow the detection of diagnostic features of marine‐target craters. The implications regarding the discovery of marine‐target craters on Mars is not without significance, as such discoveries would help address the ongoing debate of whether large water bodies occupied the northern plains of Mars and would help constrain future paleoclimatic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Abstract— We show that at the end of the main accretional period of the terrestrial planets, a few percent of the initial planetesimal population in the 1–2 AU zone is left on highly‐inclined orbits in the inner solar system. The final depletion of this leftover population would cause an extended bombardment of all of the terrestrial planets, slowly decaying with a timescale on the order of 60 Ma. Because of the large impact velocities dictated by the high inclinations, these projectiles would produce craters much larger than those formed by asteroids of equal size on typical current near‐Earth asteroid orbits: on the Moon, basins could have been formed by bodies as small as 20 km in diameter, and 10 km craters could be produced by 400 m impactors. To account for the observed lunar crater record, the initial population of highly‐inclined leftovers would need to be a few times that presently in the main asteroid belt, at all sizes, in agreement with the simulations of the primordial sculpting of both these populations. If a terminal lunar cataclysm (a spike in the crater record ~3.9 Ga ago) really occurred on the Moon, it was not caused by the highly‐inclined leftover population, because of the monotonic decay of the latter.  相似文献   

Abstract– Single crystal (U‐Th)/He dating was applied to 24 apatite and 23 zircon grains from the Wetumpka impact structure, Alabama, USA. This small approximately 5–7.6 km impact crater was formed in a shallow marine environment, with no known preserved impact melt, thus offering a challenge to common geochronological techniques. A mean (U‐Th)/He apatite and zircon age of 84.4 ± 1.4 Ma (2σ) was obtained, which is within error of the previously estimated Late Cretaceous impact age of approximately 83.5 Ma. In addition, helium diffusion modeling of apatite and zircon grains during fireball/contact, shock metamorphism, and hydrothermal events was undertaken, to show the influence of these individual thermal processes on resetting (U‐Th)/He ages in the Wetumpka samples. This study has shown that the (U‐Th)/He geochronological technique has real potential for dating impact structures, especially smaller and eroded impact structures that lack impact melt lithologies.  相似文献   

Abstract The Chicxulub crater in Mexico is a nearly pristine example of a large impact crater. Its slow burial has left the central impact basin intact, within which there is an apparently uneroded topographic peak ring. Its burial, however, means that we must rely on drill holes and geophysical data to interpret the crater form. Interpretations of crater structures using geophysical data are often guided by numerical modeling and observations at other large terrestrial craters. However, such endeavors are hindered by uncertainties in current numerical models and the lack of any obvious progressive change in structure with increasing crater size. For this reason, proposed structural models across Chicxulub remain divergent, particularly within the central crater region, where the deepest well is only ?1.6 km deep. The shape and precise location of the stratigraphic uplift are disputed. The spatial extent and distribution of the allogenic impact breccias and melt rocks remain unknown, as do the lithological nature of the peak ring and the mechanism for its formation. The objective of our research is to provide a well‐constrained 3D structural and lithological model across the central region of the Chicxulub crater that is consistent with combined geophysical data sets and drill core samples. With this in mind, we present initial physical property measurements made on 18 core samples from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill hole between 400 and 1500 m deep and present a new density model that is in agreement with both the 3D velocity and gravity data. Future collation of petrophysical and geochemical data from Yax‐1 core, as well as further seismic surveys and drilling, will allow us to calibrate our geophysical models—assigning a suite of physical properties to each lithology. An accurate 3D model of Chicxulub is critical to our understanding of large craters and to the constraining of the environmental effects of this impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Haughton impact structure has been the focus of systematic, multi‐disciplinary field and laboratory research activities over the past several years. Regional geological mapping has refined the sedimentary target stratigraphy and constrained the thickness of the sedimentary sequence at the time of impact to ?1880 m. New 40Ar–39Ar dates place the impact event at ?39 Ma, in the late Eocene. Haughton has an apparent crater diameter of ?23 km, with an estimated rim (final crater) diameter of ?16 km. The structure lacks a central topographic peak or peak ring, which is unusual for craters of this size. Geological mapping and sampling reveals that a series of different impactites are present at Haughton. The volumetrically dominant crater‐fill impact melt breccias contain a calcite‐anhydrite‐silicate glass groundmass, all of which have been shown to represent impact‐generated melt phases. These impactites are, therefore, stratigraphically and genetically equivalent to coherent impact melt rocks present in craters developed in crystalline targets. The crater‐fill impactites provided a heat source that drove a post‐impact hydrothermal system. During this time, Haughton would have represented a transient, warm, wet microbial oasis. A subsequent episode of erosion, during which time substantial amounts of impactites were removed, was followed by the deposition of intra‐crater lacustrine sediments of the Haughton Formation during the Miocene. Present‐day intra‐crater lakes and ponds preserve a detailed paleoenvironmental record dating back to the last glaciation in the High Arctic. Modern modification of the landscape is dominated by seasonal regional glacial and niveal melting, and local periglacial processes. The impact processing of target materials improved the opportunities for colonization and has provided several present‐day habitats suitable for microbial life that otherwise do not exist in the surrounding terrain.  相似文献   

Abstract— We propose the Sirente crater field to be the first discovered impact craters in Italy. They are located in the Sirente plain within the mountains of the Abruzzo region, central Italy. The craters are distributed in a field 450 m long and 400 m wide. This field consists of ?17 smaller craters close to a larger main crater. The main crater is located in the southern end of the crater field and is 140 m long and 115 m wide, measured rim‐to‐rim. It has a well‐developed, saddle‐shaped rim that rises at a maximum 2.2 m above the surrounding plain. Radiocarbon dating of the target surface preserved below the rim gave a calibrated age of formation at about a.d. 412 (1650 ± 40 radiocarbon years b.p.). This young age is consistent with the apparent little modification of the rim. The morphology of the main crater and its relation to a crater field strongly points to its origin by impact from a projectile that broke up during its passage through the atmosphere. Quartz is very rare in the target and no planar deformation features have been found so far. The rim material and the upper 4 m of the main crater infill are impregnated with ferric oxides, which gives a more reddish colour compared to the other sediments of the plain. Rusty crusts with high Fe and Mn content occur in the rim material, but have not been found in the plain's sediments. Some of these crusts can be separated by magnet, and have sporadic micron‐sized Ni‐rich granules. The main crater is in the size range of the craters with explosive dispersion of the projectile and has many features comparable to both large experimental and meteoritic impact craters formed in loose sediments. We suggest that this crater represents a rare example of well‐preserved, small impact crater formed in unconsolidated target materials.  相似文献   

Linné is a simple crater, with a diameter of 2.23 km and a depth of 0.52 km, located in northwestern Mare Serenitatis. Recent high‐resolution data acquired by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera revealed that the shape of this impact structure is best described by an inverted truncated‐cone. We perform morphometric measurements, including slope and profile curvature, on the Digital Terrain Model of Linné, finding the possible presence of three subtle topographic steps, at the elevation of +20, ?100, and ?200 m relative to the target surface. The kink at ?100 m might be related to the interface between two different rheological layers. Using the iSALE shock physics code, we numerically model the formation of Linné crater to derive hints on the possible impact conditions and target physical properties. In the initial setup, we adopt a basaltic projectile impacting the Moon with a speed of 18 km s?1. For the local surface, we consider either one or two layers, in order to test the influence of material properties or composite rheologies on the final crater morphology. The one‐layer model shows that the largest variations in the crater shape take place when either the cohesion or the friction coefficient is varied. In particular, a cohesion of 10 kPa marks the threshold between conical‐ and parabolic‐shaped craters. The two‐layer model shows that the interface between the two layers would be exposed at the observed depth of 100 m when an intermediate value (~200 m) for the upper fractured layer is set. We have also found that the truncated‐cone morphology of Linné might originate from an incomplete collapse of the crater wall, as the breccia lens remains clustered along the crater walls, while the high‐albedo deposit on the crater floor can be interpreted as a very shallow lens of fallout breccia. The modeling analysis allows us to derive important clues on the impactor size (under the assumption of a vertical impact and collision velocity equal to the mean value), and on the approximate, large‐scale preimpact target properties. Observations suggest that these large‐scale material properties likely include some important smaller scale variations, disclosed as subtle morphological steps in the crater walls. Furthermore, the modeling results allow advancing some hypotheses on the geological evolution of the Mare Serenitatis region where Linné crater is located (unit S14). We suggest that unit S14 has a thickness of at least a few hundreds of meters up to about 400 m.  相似文献   

Pangboche crater (17.2°N, 226.7°E; 10.4 km dia.) lies close to the summit of Olympus Mons volcano, Mars, at an elevation of ~20.9 km above the datum. Given a scale height of 11.1 km for the atmosphere, this relatively large fresh crater most likely formed at an atmospheric pressure <1 mbar in essentially volatile‐free young lava flows. Detailed analysis of Pangboche crater from High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) images reveals that volatile‐related features (e.g., fluidized ejecta layers and pitted floor material) are absent. In contrast, abundant impact melt occurs on the floor, inner walls, and rim of the crater, and there is an extensive field of secondary craters that extend up to approximately 45 km from the rim crest. All of these attributes argue that it was the absence of volatiles in the target rocks at the time of crater formation, rather than the thin atmosphere, which had a controlling influence on crater morphology. Digital elevation data derived from the CTX images reveal that Pangboche crater has a depth of about 954 m (depth/diameter = approximately 0.092) and that uplifted target rocks comprise about 58% of the relief of the 180 m‐high north rim. As the target material comprised a sequence of layered lava flows, Pangboche crater may well represent the best crater on Mars for direct comparison with craters formed on the Moon (permitting variations in gravitational effects to be investigated) or on Mercury (allowing the role of the atmosphere to be studied).  相似文献   

Many bodies in the outer solar system are theorized to have an ice shell with a different subsurface material below, be it chondritic, regolith, or a subsurface ocean. This layering can have a significant influence on the morphology of impact craters. Accordingly, we have undertaken laboratory hypervelocity impact experiments on a range of multilayered targets, with interiors of water, sand, and basalt. Impact experiments were undertaken using impact speeds in the range of 0.8–5.3 km s?1, a 1.5 mm Al ball bearing projectile, and an impact incidence of 45°. The surface ice crust had a thickness between 5 and 50 mm, i.e., some 3–30 times the projectile diameter. The thickness of the ice crust as well as the nature of the subsurface layer (liquid, well consolidated, etc.) have a marked effect on the morphology of the resulting impact crater, with thicker ice producing a larger crater diameter (at a given impact velocity), and the crater diameter scaling with impact speed to the power 0.72 for semi‐infinite ice, but with 0.37 for thin ice. The density of the subsurface material changes the structure of the crater, with flat crater floors if there is a dense, well‐consolidated subsurface layer (basalt) or steep, narrow craters if there is a less cohesive subsurface (sand). The associated faulting in the ice surface is also dependent on ice thickness and the substrate material. We find that the ice layer (in impacts at 5 km s?1) is effectively semi‐infinite if its thickness is more than 15.5 times the projectile diameter. Below this, the crater diameter is reduced by 4% for each reduction in ice layer thickness equal to the impactor diameter. Crater depth is also affected. In the ice thickness region, 7–15.5 times the projectile diameter, the crater shape in the ice is modified even when the subsurface layer is not penetrated. For ice thicknesses, <7 times the projectile diameter, the ice layer is breached, but the nature of the resulting crater depends heavily on the subsurface material. If the subsurface is noncohesive (loose) material, a crater forms in it. If it is dense, well‐consolidated basalt, no crater forms in the exposed subsurface layer.  相似文献   

Review of the Barringer crater studies and views on the crater’s origin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first scientific studies of Barringer crater, Arizona, USA (also known as the Coon Butte crater), began more than a century ago; however, views on the crater’s origin have been contradictory. At the beginning of the 20th century, D.M. Barringer, a mining engineer, became interested in the possibility of finding large useable iron masses in this crater and searched for these masses for more than 25 years, standing up for the idea of the crater’s meteoric origin, contrary to the objections of opponents who tried to indicate that the crater was caused by terrestrial geological processes. Mining, accompanied by different scientific works, made it possible to obtain reliable data on the structure and impact origin of the crater; however, attempts to find meteorite iron deposits in this crater were unsuccessful. Barringer crater was the first object on the Earth where purposeful studies were performed for many decades and made it possible to develop many criteria of the impact origin of circular geological structures and mechanisms of formation of these structures, as well as to compare this crater with similar morphostructures on the surfaces of other planets. These studies have played an important role in the formation and development of the theory of impact cratering, which has been generally acknowledged in present-day science.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Vredefort structure in South Africa was created by a meteorite impact about two billion years ago. Since that time, the crater has been deeply eroded; so to estimate its original size, researchers have had to rely heavily upon comparison to other terrestrial impact structures. Recent estimates of the original crater diameter range from 160 km to as much as 400 km. In this study, we combined the capabilities of both hydrocode and finite-element modeling, using the former to predict where the pressure of an impact-generated shock wave would have been high enough to form planar deformation features (PDFs) and shatter cones and the latter to follow the subsequent displacement of these shock isobars during the collapse of the crater. We established constraints on the sizes of the projectile and the transient crater (and, thus, on the size of the final crater) by comparing the observed locations of PDFs around Vredefort to the results of our simulations of impacts by projectiles of various sizes. These simulations indicate that a rocky projectile with a diameter of ~10 km, impacting vertically at a velocity of 20 km/s generates shock pressures that are consistent with the distribution of PDFs around Vredefort. These projectile parameters correspond to a transient crater ~80 km in diameter or a final crater ~120–160 km in diameter. Allowing for uncertainties in our modeling procedures, we consider final craters 120 to 200 km in diameter to be consistent with the observed locations of PDFs at Vredefort. The shock pressure contour corresponding to the formation of shatter cones is almost horizontal near the surface, making the locations of these features less useful constraints on the crater size. However, they may provide a constraint on the amount of erosion that has occurred since the impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— Post‐impact crater morphology and structure modifications due to sediment loading are analyzed in detail and exemplified in five well‐preserved impact craters: Mjølnir, Chesapeake Bay, Chicxulub, Montagnais, and Bosumtwi. The analysis demonstrates that the geometry and the structural and stratigraphic relations of post‐impact strata provide information about the amplitude, the spatial distribution, and the mode of post‐impact deformation. Reconstruction of the original morphology and structure for the Mjølnir, Chicxulub, and Bosumtwi craters demonstrates the long‐term subsidence and differential compaction that takes place between the crater and the outside platform region, and laterally within the crater structure. At Mjølnir, the central high developed as a prominent feature during post‐impact burial, the height of the peak ring was enhanced, and the cumulative throw on the rim faults was increased. The original Chicxulub crater exhibited considerably less prominent peak‐ring and inner‐ring/crater‐rim features than the present crater. The original relief of the peak ring was on the order of 420–570 m (currently 535–575 m); the relief on the inner ring/crater rim was 300–450 m (currently ?700 m). The original Bosumtwi crater exhibited a central uplift/high whose structural relief increased during burial (current height 101–110 m, in contrast to the original height of 85–110 m), whereas the surrounding western part of the annular trough was subdued more that the eastern part, exhibiting original depths of 43–68 m (currently 46 m) and 49–55 m (currently 50 m), respectively. Furthermore, a quantitative model for the porosity change caused by the Chesapeake Bay impact was developed utilizing the modeled density distribution. The model shows that, compared with the surrounding platform, the porosity increased immediately after impact up to 8.5% in the collapsed and brecciated crater center (currently +6% due to post‐impact compaction). In contrast, porosity decreased by 2–3% (currently ?3 to ?4.5% due to post‐impact compaction) in the peak‐ring region. The lateral variations in porosity at Chesapeake Bay crater are compatible with similar porosity variations at Mjølnir crater, and are considered to be responsible for the moderate Chesapeake Bay gravity signature (annular low of ?8 mGal instead of ?15 mGal). The analysis shows that the reconstructions and the long‐term alterations due to post‐impact burial are closely related to the impact‐disturbed target‐rock volume and a brecciated region of laterally varying thickness and depth‐varying physical properties. The study further shows that several crater morphological and structural parameters are prone to post‐impact burial modification and are either exaggerated or subdued during post‐impact burial. Preliminary correction factors are established based on the integrated reconstruction and post‐impact deformation analysis. The crater morphological and structural parameters, corrected from post‐impact loading and modification effects, can be used to better constrain cratering scaling law estimates and impact‐related consequences.  相似文献   

Abstract— The lengths of the shadows cast within simple, bowl‐shaped impact craters have been used to constrain their depths on a variety of planetary bodies. This technique, however, only yields the “true” crater depth if the shadow transects the crater center where the floor is deepest. In the past, attempts have been made to circumvent this limitation by choosing only craters where the shadow tip lies very near the crater center; but this approach may introduce serious artifacts that adversely affect the slope of the regressed depth vs. diameter data and its variance. Here we introduce an improved method for deriving depth information from shadow measurements that considers three basic shape variations of simple craters: paraboloidal, conical, and flat‐floored. We show that the shape of the cast shadow can be used to constrain crater shape and we derive improved equations for finding the depths of these simple craters.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Obolon impact structure, 18 km in diameter, is situated at the northeastern slope of the Ukrainian Shield near its margin with the Dnieper‐Donets Depression. The crater was formed in crystalline rocks of the Precambrian basement that are overlain by marine Carboniferous and continental Lower Triassic deposits. The post‐impact sediments comprise marine Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian) and younger Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits. Today the impact structure is buried beneath an about 300‐meter‐thick sedimentary rock sequence. Most information on the Obolon structure is derived from two boreholes in the western part of the crater. The lowest part of the section in the deepest borehole is composed by allogenic breccia of crystalline basement rocks overlain by clast‐rich impact melt rocks and suevites. Abundant shock metamorphic effects are planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz and feldspars, kink bands in biotite, etc. Coesite and impact diamonds were found in clast‐rich impact melt rocks. Crater‐fill deposits are a series of sandstones and breccias with blocks of sedimentary rocks that are covered by a layer of crystalline rock breccia. Crystalline rock breccias, conglomeratic breccias, and sandstones with crystalline rock debris have been found in some boreholes around the Obolon impact structure to a distance of about 50 km from its center. Those deposits are always underlain by Lower Triassic continental red clay and overlain by Middle Jurassic marine clay. The K‐Ar age of impact melt glasses is 169 Ma, which corresponds to the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) age. The composition of crater‐fill rocks within the crater and sediments outside the Obolon structure testify to its formation under submarine conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The possibility of ocean water invasion into the Chicxulub crater following the impact at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary was investigated based on examination of an impactite between approximately 794.63 and 894.94 m in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) core. The presence of cross lamination in the uppermost part of the impactite suggests the influence of an ocean current at least during the sedimentation of this interval. Abundant occurrence of nannofossils of late Campanian to early Maastrichtian age in the matrices of samples from the upper part of the impactite suggests that the carbonate sediments deposited on the inner rim margin and outside the crater were eroded and transported into the crater most likely by ocean water that invaded the crater after its formation. The maximum grain size of limestone lithics and vesicular melt fragments, and grain and bulk chemical compositions show a cyclic variation in the upper part of the impactite. The upward fining grain size and the absence of erosional contact at the base of each cycle suggest that the sediments were derived from resuspension of units elsewhere in the crater, most likely by high energy currents association with ocean water invasion.  相似文献   

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