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We review a selection of recent papers describing solar wind charge exchange emission occurring in the Earth's exosphere as seen by the X‐ray observatory XMM‐Newton. We discuss the detection of this emission, the occurrence with respect to the solar cycle and solar activity, and various spectral signatures observed. We also describe a model developed to predict the X‐ray signal from exospheric charge exchange as would be detected by XMM‐Newton, given the upstream solar wind conditions obtained from in situ solar wind monitors (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Endeve  Eirik  Leer  Egil 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):235-250
In coronal holes the electron (proton) density is low, and heating of the proton gas produces a rapidly increasing proton temperature in the inner corona. In models with a reasonable electron density in the upper transition region the proton gas becomes collisionless some 0.2 to 0.3 solar radii into the corona. In the collisionless region the proton heat flux is outwards, along the temperature gradient. The thermal coupling to electrons is weak in coronal holes, so the heat flux into the transition region is too small to supply the energy needed to heat the solar wind plasma to coronal temperatures. Our model studies indicate that in models with proton heating the inward heat conduction may be so inefficient that some of the energy flux must be deposited in the transition region to produce the proton fluxes that are observed in the solar wind. If we allow for coronal electron heating, the energy that is needed in the transition region to heat the solar wind to coronal temperatures, may be supplied by heat conduction from the corona.  相似文献   

NASA's Genesis Mission returned solar wind (SW) to the Earth for analysis to derive the composition of the solar photosphere from solar material. SW analyses control the precision of the derived solar compositions, but their ultimate accuracy is limited by the theoretical or empirical models of fractionation due to SW formation. Mg isotopes are “ground truth” for these models since, except for CAIs, planetary materials have a uniform Mg isotopic composition (within ≤1‰) so any significant isotopic fractionation of SW Mg is primarily that of SW formation and subsequent acceleration through the corona. This study analyzed Mg isotopes in a bulk SW diamond‐like carbon (DLC) film on silicon collector returned by the Genesis Mission. A novel data reduction technique was required to account for variable ion yield and instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) in the DLC. The resulting SW Mg fractionation relative to the DSM‐3 laboratory standard was (?14.4‰, ?30.2‰) ± (4.1‰, 5.5‰), where the uncertainty is 2? SE of the data combined with a 2.5‰ (total) error in the IMF determination. Two of the SW fractionation models considered generally agreed with our data. Their possible ramifications are discussed for O isotopes based on the CAI nebular composition of McKeegan et al. (2011).  相似文献   

The heating of inflowing interstellar gas by the solar wind is calculated. The experimental differential cross sections have been used for calculating electron-H(He) and proton-H(He) elastic scattering rate coefficients. The solar wind is assumed to be a two-component (protons and electrons), steady, spherically symmetric stream moving radially outward, with the inflowing gas following Keplerian trajectories. The spatial distributions of effective temperature increase within interplanetary space have been obtained.  相似文献   

Wavelet Analysis of solar,solar wind and geomagnetic parameters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Prabhakaran Nayar  S.R.  Radhika  V.N.  Revathy  K.  Ramadas  V. 《Solar physics》2002,208(2):359-373
The sunspot number, solar wind plasma, interplanetary magnetic field, and geomagnetic activity index A p have been analyzed using a wavelet technique to look for the presence of periods and the temporal evolution of these periods. The global wavelet spectra of these parameters, which provide information about the temporal average strength of quasi periods, exhibit the presence of a variety of prominent quasi periods around 16 years, 10.6 years, 9.6 years, 5.5 years, 1.3 years, 180 days, 154 days, 27 days, and 14 days. The wavelet spectra of sunspot number during 1873–2000, geomagnetic activity index A p during 1932–2000, and solar wind velocity and interplanetary magnetic field during 1964–2000 indicate that their spectral power evolves with time. In general, the power of the oscillations with a period of less than one year evolves rapidly with the phase of the solar cycle with their peak values changing from one cycle to the next. The temporal evolution of wavelet power in R z, v sw, n, B y, B z, |B|, and A p for each of the prominent quasi periods is studied in detail.  相似文献   

H. J. Fahr 《Solar physics》1973,30(1):193-206
The effect of a new energy source due to energies transferred from supra-thermal secondary ions on the temperature profile of the solar wind has been considered. For this purpose a solution of a tri-fluid model of the solar wind including solar electrons, protons, and -particles, and starting with the boundary conditions of Hartle and Barnes at 0.5 AU is given. On the base of the assumption that suprathermal He+-ions which have four times the temperature of suprathermal protons are predominantly coupled to solar -particles by Alfvén waves, it is shown that the temperature T of solar -particles should be appreciably higher than those T p of solar protons beyond the orbit of the Earth. For 1 AU a temperature excess T over T p according to that which has been found in some solar wind ion spectrograms can only be explained for a small part of the orbit of the earth which is inside the cone of enhanced helium densities. Around 1 AU the temperatures T and T p are found to decrease much slighter with solar distance than given in the two-fluid model of Hartle and Barnes. Beyond 1.7 and 2.2 AU the temperatures T and T p even start increasing with solar distance and come up to about 105 at about 10 AU. These predictions should lend some support to future temperature measurements with deep-space probes reaching Solar distances of some AU.Forschungsberichte des Astronomischen Institutes, Bonn, 72-10.  相似文献   

The equations of motion of all relevant parameters of Alfvén waves propagating from the sun outwardly into the expanding interplanetary medium are discussed for the case of a quiet, ideal, isotropic, one-fluid solar wind plasma. It is found that the frequency of the wave reamains constant, while the wave vector and the amplitudes depend, in general, on the evolution of the background medium and on the angle between the wave vector and the interplanetary magnetic field. This latter dependence cancels approximately for the evolution of the amplitudes in the case of a pure, overall spiral magnetic field. It is shown that in this case the results of earlier discussions can be derived by less decisive restrictions.  相似文献   

The main results of Whitham's averaged Lagrangian method for the treatment of linear wave-trains in a weakly inhomogeneous, moving medium are presented briefly. This method is then applied to an ideal, isotropic, one-fluid plasma which can be taken for the lowest order approximation for the interplanetary solar wind expansion.  相似文献   

Applying an Alfvén-Wave-Extended-QRH-approximation and the method of characteristics, we solve the equations of motion for outwardly propagating Alfvén waves analytically for three different cases of an azimuthal dependence of the background solar wind, (a) for a pure fast-slow stream configuration, (b) for the situation where the high-speed stream originates from a diverging magnetic field region, and (c) for the case of (b) and an initially decreasing density configuration (‘coronal hole’). The reaction of these waves on the background state as well as mode-mode coupling effects are neglected. These three solar wind models are discussed shortly. For the superimposed Alfvén waves we find, on an average, that there is a strong azimuthal dependence of all relevant wave parameters which, correlated with the azimuthal distributions of the solar wind variables, leads to good agreements with observations. The signature of high-speed streams and these correlations could clearly indicate solar wind streams originating from ‘coronal holes’. Contrary to the purely radial dependent solar wind, where outwardly propagating Alfvén waves are exclusively refracted towards the radial direction, we now find a refraction nearly perpendicular to the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field in the compression region and closely towards the magnetic field direction down the trailing edge and in the low-speed regime.  相似文献   

J. Sýkora 《Solar physics》1992,140(2):379-392
The long-term distribution of the Green Corona Low Brightness Regions (GCLBR) on the solar surface is investigated. The frequency curves of the GCLBR follow the solar cycle, but are displaced considerably relative to the curve of the sunspot number cycle. The observed displacement increases with the size of the GCLBR and reaches up to 4–5 years for the largest regions. It is, however, interesting that the displacement in the equatorial zone is opposite to that in the higher-latitude zones.An older idea on the physical affinity between GCLBR and coronal holes led us to study the frequency of GCLBR and the properties of High-Speed Plasma Streams (HSPS) in the solar wind. Maximum velocity and duration of the coronal-hole-related HSPS seem to be well correlated with the number and size of GCLBR located in the N 60-N 20 and S 20-S 60 latitudinal zones. This is particularly evident at the end of the solar cycle.Geophysical Kp and aa indices are used to demonstrate a possible genetic dependence of geoactivity on the size, position on the Sun's surface and frequency of the GCLBR. In this sense, the most pronounced period is 1973–1976.

Three kinetic equations describing the linear and non-linear wave-particle interaction for an anisotropic solar wind plasma have been developed. These equations have been solved numerically to find the variation inT /T with respect to time, whereT andT are the perpendicular and parallel temperatures with respect to the ambient magnetic field of the solar wind. For wave energy greater than a critical value (strong turbulence), non-linear wave-particle interactions are important but do not lead to thermalization. On the other hand, weak nonlinear interactions tend to increaseT /T , but make only a negligible contribution in the quantitative sense. Thus, only the linear wave-particle interaction remains as the significant contributer to the increase ofT /T .  相似文献   

A direct transfer of energy from photospheric activity to the solar wind by means of electric currents is discussed. Currents are assumed to flow in quiescent prominences which occasionally erupt and give rise to expanding loop-like structures in the corona, as observed from Skylab. Due to expansion, the legs of the loops are transformed into coronal rays which carry currents from the photosphere to the outer parts of the corona or interplanetary medium and then back again to the photosphere. It is proposed that energy is transferred from photospheric activity to the solar wind in the following ways: (1) as kinetic energy of the ejected loop matter; (2) as electric power directly fed into the extended loops; and (3) as torsional waves produced by fluctuations in the loop currents.  相似文献   

Relationship between the geoefficiency of the solar flares as well as of the active regions passing the central meridian of the Sun and the configuration of the large scale solar magnetic field is studied.It is shown that if the tangential component of the large scale magnetic field at the active region or at the flare region is directed southwards, that region and that flare produce geomagnetic storm. In case when the tangential magnetic field is directed northward, the active region and the flares occurring at that region do not cause any geomagnetic disturbance.An index of the geoefficiency of the solar flares and of the active regions is proposed.  相似文献   

It has previously been suggested that the solar wind might terminate at distances of 5 AU to 20 AU from the Sun, and that the solar wind might be drastically slowed down by charge exchange and photoionization of interstellar hydrogen atoms which approach the Sun. However, recent satellite measurements of resonantly scattered Lyman alpha radiation, together with pulsar dispersion and Faraday rotation measures, imply very small values for the interstellar hydrogen density (0.05 cm−3) and magnetic field strength (3 μG). As a result, the solar wind is not expected to be slowed down by more than about 30% inside the termination distance, which is expected to be about 100 AU.  相似文献   

The stability of the solar wind is studied in the case of spherical symmetry and constant temperature. It is shown that the stability problem must be formulated as a mixed initial and boundary-value problem in which are prescribed the perturbation values of velocity and density at an initial time and additionally the velocity perturbation at the base of the corona for all times. The solution is constructed by linear superposition of normal solutions, which contain the time only in an exponential factor. The stability problem becomes a singular eigenvalue problem for the amplitudes of the velocity and pressure perturbations, since additionally to the boundary condition at the base of the corona one must add the condition that the amplitudes behave regularly at the critical point. It is proved that only stable eigenvalues exist.  相似文献   

The influence of the solar wind on large-scale temperature and density distributions in the lower corona is studied. This influence is most profoundly felt through its effect upon the geometry of coronal magnetic fields since the presence of expansion divides the corona into magnetically open and closed regions. Each of these regions is governed by entirely different energy transport processes. This results in significant temperature differences since only the open field regions suffer outward conductive heat losses. Because the temperature influences the density in an exponential manner, large density inhomogeneities are to be expected.An approximate method for calculating the temperature and density distribution in a known magnetic field geometry is outlined and numerical estimates are carried out for representative coronal conditions. These estimates show that temperature differences of a factor of about two and density differences of ten can be expected in the lower corona even for uniform base conditions. As a result, we do not regard the so-called coronal holes necessairly as locations of reduced mechanical heating. Alternatively, we suggest that they are regions of open magnetic field lines being continuously drained of energy contert by the solar wind expansion and outward thermal conduction.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Tangential discontinuities in the solar wind   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper considers six discontinuity surfaces which were observed by magnetometers on 3 spacecraft in the solar wind. It is shown that the actual surface orientations, determined from the measured time delays and solar wind speed, are consistent with the theoretical orientations which were computed from the relation , where is the normal to the surface of a hydromagnetic tangential discontinuity across which the magnetic field direction changes from to . The plasma and magnetic field data for these discontinuities are consistent with the pressure balance condition, and the magnetic field vectors in the associated current sheets are parallel to the discontinuity surface, as required theoretically. The 6 discontinuity surfaces extended without much distortion over ∼ 0.002 AU. A seventh surface is discussed which satisfies the condition but which extended without much distortion over 0.01 AU. This latter is not a typical surface, however, and its curvature is larger than average. Most of the surfaces tended to lie along the spiral direction, but one was nearly perpendicular to the spiral direction.  相似文献   

Recent theories of the solar cycle and of coronal heating strongly suggest that solar cycle variations of different quantities (i.e. sunspots, coronal green line, etc.) ought not to be expected to be in phase with one another. In agreement with this notion we note that the shape of the corona typical of a maximum eclipse occurs 1.5yr before sunspot maximum, compared with 2 yr as might be expected from Leighton's standard model. Further, we argue that the phase of the solar wind cycle can be determined from geomagnetic observations. Using this phase, a solar cycle variation of 100 km s–1 in the solar wind velocity and 1 in the magnetic field intensity becomes apparent. In general, the solar wind cycle lags the coronal-eclipse-form cycle by 3 yr, compared with the 2 yr that might be expected from model calculations.  相似文献   

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