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The fate of the impactor is an important aspect of the impact‐cratering process. Defining impactor material as surviving if it remains solid (i.e., does not melt or vaporize) during crater formation, previous numerical modeling and experiments have shown that survivability decreases with increasing impact velocity, impact angle (with respect to the horizontal), and target density. Here, we show that in addition to these, impactor survivability depends on the porosity and shape of the impactor. Increasing impactor porosity decreases impactor survivability, while prolate‐shaped (polar axis > equatorial axis) impactors survive impact more so than spherical and oblate‐shaped (polar axis < equatorial axis) impactors. These results are used to produce a relatively simple equation, which can be used to estimate the impactor fraction shocked to a given pressure as a function of these parameters. By applying our findings to the Morokweng crater‐forming impact, we suggest impact scenarios that explain the high meteoritic content and presence of unmolten fossil meteorites within the Morokweng crater. In addition to previous suggestions of a low‐velocity and/or high‐angled impact, this work suggests that an elongated and/or low porosity impactor may also help explain the anomalously high survivability of the Morokweng impactor.  相似文献   

Seven impact melts from various places in the Nördlinger Ries were dated by 40Ar‐39Ar step‐heating. The aim of these measurements was to increase the age data base for Ries impact glasses directly from the Ries crater, because there is only one Ar‐Ar step‐heating spectrum available in the literature. Almost all samples display saddle‐shaped age spectra, indicating the presence of excess argon in most Ries glass samples, most probably inherited argon from incompletely degassed melt and possibly also excess argon incorporated during cooling from adjacent phases. In contrast, moldavites usually contain no inherited argon, probably due to their different formation process implying solidification during ballistic transport. The plateau age of the only flat spectrum is 14.60 ± 0.16 (0.20) Ma (2σ), while the total age of this sample is 14.86 ± 0.20 (0.22) Ma (isochron age: 14.72 ± 0.18 [0.22] Ma [2σ]), proofing the chronological relationship of the Ries impact and moldavites. The total ages of the other samples range between 15.77 ± 0.52 and 20.4 ± 1.0 Ma (2σ), implying approximately 2–40% excess 40Ar (compared to the nominal age of the Ries crater) in respective samples. Thus, the age of 14.60 ± 0.16 (0.20) (2σ) (14.75 ± 0.16 [0.20 Ma] [2σ], calculated using the most recent suggestions for the K decay constants) can be considered as reliable and is within uncertainties indistinguishable from the most recent compilation for the age of the moldavite tektites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thermodynamic analysis of the compositional profiles across large chemically‐zoned Fe, Ni metal grains in the Bencubbin‐like chondrite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411 suggests that these grains formed by non‐equilibrium gas‐solid condensation under variable oxidizing conditions, isolation degree, and Cr depletion factors. The oxidizing conditions must have resulted from the complete vaporization of nebular regions with enhanced dust/gas ratios (~ 10–40 × solar). Because the origin of each of the metal grains studied requires different condensation parameters (dust/gas ratio, isolation degree, and Cr depletion factor), a high degree of heterogeneity in the formation region of the Bencubbin‐like chondrite metal is required. To preserve compositional zoning of the metal grains and prevent their melting and sulfidization, the grains must have been removed from the hot condensation region into cold regions where the accretion of the Bencubbin‐like asteroidal body took place.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions of FeO‐rich silicates in the Sahara 97159 EH3 chondrite. This component is referred to as FeO‐rich because it contains substantially more FeO than the characteristic FeO‐poor silicates in the highly reduced enstatite meteorites. These FeO‐rich silicates are mostly low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs5–35) and their compositions suggest an origin under more oxidizing conditions, like those for the ordinary chondrites. However, the mafic silicates in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites are dominantly olivine, and the FeO‐rich silicates in the E chondrites are less commonly olivine. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the FeO‐rich silicates are indistinguishable from those of FeO‐poor silicates in Sahara 97159. These observations suggest that both the FeO‐rich silicates and the FeO‐poor silicates in EH chondrites formed from the same oxygen reservoir where redox conditions varied widely.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact craters are not always circular; sometimes their rims are composed of several straight segments. Such polygonal impact craters (PICs) are controlled by pre‐existing target structures, mainly faults or other similar planes of weakness. In the Argyre region, Mars, PICs comprise ? 17% of the total impact crater population (>7 km in diameter), and PICs are relatively more common in older geologic units. Their formation is mainly controlled by radial fractures induced by the Argyre and Ladon impact basins, and to a lesser extent by the basin‐concentric fractures. Also basin‐induced conjugate shear fractures may play a role. Unlike the PICs, ridges and graben in the Argyre region are mostly controlled by Tharsis‐induced tectonism, with the ridges being concentric and graben radial to Tharsis. Therefore, the PICs primarily reflect an old impact basin‐centered tectonic pattern, whereas Tharsis‐centered tectonism responsible for the graben and the ridges has only minor influence on the PIC rim orientations. According to current models of PIC formation, complex PICs should form through a different mechanism than simple PICs, leading to different orientations of straight rim segments. However, when simple and complex PICs from same areas are studied, no statistically significant difference can be observed. Hence, in addition to enhanced excavation parallel to the strike of fractures (simple craters) and slumping along the fracture planes (complex craters), we propose a third mechanism involving thrusting along the fracture planes. This model is applicable to both simple and small complex craters in targets with some dominating orientations of structural weakness.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence (TL) dating has been used to determine the age of the meteorite impact crater at Gebel Kamil (Egyptian Sahara). Previous studies suggested that the 45 m diameter structure was produced by a fall in recent times (less than 5000 years ago) of an iron meteorite impactor into quartz‐arenites and siltstones belonging to the Lower Cretaceous Gilf Kebir Formation. The impact caused the complete fragmentation of the impactor, and the formation of a variety of impactites (e.g., partially vitrified dark and light materials) present as ejecta within the crater and in the surrounding area. After a series of tests to evaluate the TL properties of different materials including shocked intra‐crater target rocks and different types of ejecta, we selected a suite of light‐colored ejecta that showed evidence of strong thermal shock effects (e.g., partial vitrification and the presence of high‐temperature and ‐pressure silica phases). The abundance of quartz in the target rocks, including the vitrified impactites, allowed TL dating to be undertaken. The variability of radioactivity of the intracrateric target rocks and the lack of direct in situ dosimetric evaluations prevented precise dating; it was, however, possible to constrain the impact in the 2000 BC–500 AD range. If, as we believe, the radioactivity measured in the fallback deposits is a reliable estimate of the mean radioactivity of the site, the narrower range 1600–400 BC (at the 2σ confidence level) can be realistically proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract– The twin Arkenu circular structures (ACS), located in the al‐Kufrah basin in southeastern Libya, were previously considered as double impact craters (the “Arkenu craters”). The ACS consist of a NE (Arkenu 1) and a SW structure (Arkenu 2), with approximate diameters of about 10 km. They are characterized by two shallow depressions surrounded by concentric circular ridges and silica‐impregnated sedimentary dikes cut by local faults. Our field, petrographic, and textural observations exclude that the ACS have an impact origin. In fact, we did not observe any evidence of shock metamorphism, such as planar deformation features in the quartz grains of the collected samples, and the previously reported “shatter cones” are wind‐erosion features in sandstones (ventifacts). Conversely, the ACS should be regarded as a “paired” intrusion of porphyritic stocks of syenitic composition that inject the Nubia Formation and form a rather simple and eroded ring dike complex. Stock emplacement was followed by hydrothermal activity that involved the deposition of massive magnetite–hematite horizons (typical of iron oxide copper‐gold deposits). Their origin was nearly coeval with the development of silicified dikes in the surroundings. Plugs of tephritic‐phonolitic rocks and lamprophyres (monchiquites) inject the Nubian sandstone along conjugate fracture zones, trending NNW–SSE and NE–SW, that crosscut the structural axis of the basin.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral imaging can be used to rapidly identify and map the spatial distributions of many minerals. Here, hyperspectral mapping in three wavelength regions (visible and near‐infrared, shortwave infrared, and thermal infrared) was applied to drill cores (ST001, ST002, and ST003) penetrating a continuous sequence of crater‐fill breccias from the Steen River impact structure in Alberta, Canada. The combined data sets reveal distinct mineralogical layering, with breccias derived predominantly from sedimentary rocks overlying those derived from granitic basement. This stratigraphy demonstrates that the breccias were not appreciably disturbed following deposition, which is inconsistent with formation models of similar breccias (suevites) by explosive impact melt–fluid interaction. At Steen River, volatiles from sedimentary target rocks were an inherent part of forming these enigmatic breccias. Approximately three quarters of terrestrial impact structures contain sedimentary target rocks; therefore, the role of volatiles in producing so‐called suevitic breccias may be more widespread than previously realized. The hyperspectral maps, specifically within the SWIR wavelength region, also delineate minerals associated with postimpact hydrothermal activity, including ammoniated clay and feldspar minerals not detectable using traditional techniques. These nitrogen‐bearing minerals may have originated from microbial processes, associated with oil‐ and gas‐producing units in the crater vicinity. Such minerals may have important implications for the production of habitable environments by impact‐induced hydrothermal activity on Earth and Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— The trace element distributions in the matrix of primitive chondrites were examined using four least‐contaminated matrix specimens from the polished sections of the Allende (CV) meteorite. Analysis of rare earth element (REE), Ba, Sr, Rb, and K abundances by isotope dilution mass spectrometry revealed that the elemental abundances of lithophile elements except for alkali metals (K, Rb) in the specimens of the Allende matrix studied here are nearly CI (carbonaceous Orgueil) chondritic (~1 × CI). Compared to refractory elements, all the matrix samples exhibited systematic depletion of the moderately volatile elements K and Rb (0.1–0.5 × CI). We suggest that the matrix precursor material did not carry significant amounts of alkali metals or that the alkalis were removed from the matrix precursor material during the parent body process and/or before matrix formation and accretion. The matrix specimens displayed slightly fractionated REE abundance patterns with positive Ce anomalies (CI‐normalized La/Yb ratio = 1.32–1.65; Ce/Ce* = 1.16–1.28; Eu/Eu* = 0.98–1.10). The REE features of the Allende matrix do not indicate a direct relationship with chondrules or calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), which in turn suggests that the matrix was not formed from materials produced by the breakage and disaggregation of the chondrules or CAIs. Therefore, we infer that the Allende matrix retains the REE features acquired during the condensation process in the nebula gas.  相似文献   

We present results of FIB–TEM studies of 12 Stardust analog Al foil craters which were created by firing refractory Si and Ti carbide and nitride grains into Al foils at 6.05 km s?1 with a light‐gas gun to simulate capture of cometary grains by the Stardust mission. These foils were prepared primarily to understand the low presolar grain abundances (both SiC and silicates) measured by SIMS in Stardust Al foil samples. Our results demonstrate the intact survival of submicron SiC, TiC, TiN, and less‐refractory Si3N4 grains. In small (<2 μm) craters that are formed by single grain impacts, the entire impacting crystalline grain is often preserved intact with minimal modification. While they also survive in crystalline form, grains at the bottom of larger craters (>5 μm) are typically fragmented and are somewhat flattened in the direction of impact due to partial melting and/or plastic deformation. The low presolar grain abundance estimates derived from SIMS measurements of large craters (mostly >50 μm) likely result from greater modification of these impactors (i.e., melting and isotopic dilution), due to higher peak temperatures/pressures in these crater impacts. The better survivability of grains in smaller craters suggests that more accurate presolar grain estimates may be achievable through measurement of such craters. It also suggests small craters can provide a complementary method of study of the Wild 2 fine fraction, especially for refractory CAI‐like minerals.  相似文献   

Abstract— It appears that the mineralogy and chemical properties of type 3 enstatite chondrites could have been established by fractionation processes (removal of a refractory component, and depletion of water) in the solar nebula, and by equilibration with nebular gas at low‐to‐intermediate temperatures (approximately 700–950 K). We describe a model for the origin of type 3 enstatite chondrites that for the first time can simultaneously account for the mineral abundances, bulk‐chemistry, and phase compositions of these chondrites by the operation of plausible processes in the solar nebula. This model, which assumes a representative nebular gas pressure of 10?5 bar, entails three steps: (1) initial removal of 56% of the equilibrium condensed phases in a system of solar composition at 1270 K; (2) an average loss of 80–85% water vapor in the remaining gas; and (3) two different closure temperatures for the condensed phases. The first step involves a “refractory element fractionation” and is needed to account for the overall major element composition of enstatite chondrites, assuming an initial system with a solar composition. The second step, water‐vapor depletion, is needed to stabilize Si‐bearing metal, oldhamite, and niningerite, which are characteristic minerals of the enstatite chondrites. Variations in closure temperatures are suggested by the way in which the bulk chemistry and mineral assemblages of predicted condensates change with temperature, and how these parameters correlate with the observations of enstatite chondrites. In general, most phases in type 3 enstatite chondrites appear to have ceased equilibrating with nebular gas at approximately 900–950 K, except for Fe‐metal, which continued to partially react with nebular gas to temperatures as low as ~700 K.  相似文献   

Previous age estimates of the Imbrium impact range from 3770 to 3920 Ma, with the latter being the most commonly accepted age of this basin‐forming event. The occurrence of Ca‐phosphates in Apollo 14 breccias, interpreted to represent ejecta formed by this impact, provides a new opportunity to date the Imbrium event as well as refining the impact history of the Moon. We present new precise U‐Pb analyses of Ca‐phosphates from impact breccia sample 14311 that are concordant and give a reliable weighted average age of 3938 ± 4 Ma (2σ). Comparison with previously published U‐Pb data on phosphate from Apollo 14 samples indicate that all ages are statistically similar and suggest phosphates could have been formed by the same impact at 3934 Ma ± 3 Ma (2σ). However, this age is older than the 3770 to 3920 Ma range determined for other samples and also interpreted as formed during the Imbrium impact. This suggests that several impacts occurred during a 20–30 Ma period around 3900 Ma and formed breccias sampled by the Apollo missions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fischer‐Tropsch catalysis, by which CO and H2 are converted to CH4 on the surface of transition metals, has been considered to be one of the most important chemical reactions in many planetary processes, such as the formation of the solar and circumplanetary nebulae, the expansion of vapor clouds induced by cometary impacts, and the atmospheric re‐entry of vapor condensate due to asteroidal impacts. However, few quantitative experimental studies have been conducted for the catalytic reaction under conditions relevant to these planetary processes. In this study, we conduct Fischer‐Tropsch catalytic experiments at low pressures (1.3 times 10?4 bar ≤ P ≤ 5.3 times 10?1 bar) over a wide range of H2/CO ratios (0.25–1000) using pure iron, pure nickel, and iron‐nickel alloys. We analyze what gas species are produced and measure the CH4 formation rate. Our results indicate that the CH4 formation rate for iron catalysts strongly depends on both pressure and the H2/CO ratio, and that nickel is a more efficient catalyst at lower pressures and lower H2/CO ratios. This difference in catalytic properties between iron and nickel may come from the reaction steps concerning disproportionation of CO, hydrogenation of surface carbon, and the poisoning of the catalyst. These results suggest that nickel is important in the atmospheric re‐entry of impact condensate, while iron is efficient in circumplanetary subnebulae. Our results also indicate that previous numerical models of iron catalysis based on experimental data at 1 bar considerably overestimate CH4 formation efficiency at lower pressures, such as the solar nebula and the atmospheric re‐entry of impact condensate.  相似文献   

Microtextural study of a single troilite‐metal nodule (TMN) from the Katol L6‐7 chondrite, a recent fall (May, 2012) in India suggests that the TMN is primarily an aggregate of submicron‐scale intergrowth of troilite and kamacite (mean Ni: 6.18 wt%) juxtaposed with intensely fractured silicates, mainly olivine (Fa: 25 mole%), low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs: 21.2 mole%), and a large volume of maskelynite. Evidence of shock textures in the TMN indicates a high degree of shock metamorphism that involves plagioclase‐maskelynite and olivine‐wadsleyite/ringwoodite transformations and formation of quenched metal‐sulfide melt textures due to localized shear‐induced frictional melting. It is inferred that the TMN formation is an independent, localized event by a high energy impact and its subsequent incorporation in the ejected chondritic fragment of the parent body. Katol chondrite has been calibrated with a peak shock pressure of S5 (~45 GPa) after Stöffler et al. (1991), whereas peak shock pressure within the TMN exceeds the shock facies S6 (>45 GPa) following Bennett and McSween (1996) and Stöffler et al. (1991). Overall, the shock‐thermal history of the Katol TMN is dissimilar as compared to the host chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Environmental conditions on Mars are conducive to the modification and erosion of impact craters, potentially revealing the nature of their substructure. On Earth, postimpact erosion of complex craters in a wide range of target rocks has revealed the nature and distribution of craterrelated fault structures and a complex array of breccia and pseudotachylyte dikes, which range up to tens of meters in width and tens of kilometers in length. We review the characteristics of fault structures, breccia dikes, and pseudotachylyte dikes on Earth, showing that they occur in complex network‐like patterns and are often offset along late‐stage crater‐related faults. Individual faults and dikes can undulate in width and can branch and bifurcate along strike. Detailed geological analyses of terrestrial craters show that faults and breccia dikes form during each of the major stages of the impact‐cratering process (compression, excavation, and modification). We report here on the discovery of prominent, lattice‐like ridge networks occurring on the floor of a highly modified impact crater 75 km in diameter near the dichotomy boundary of the northern lowland and southern upland. Interior fill and crater‐floor units have been exhumed by fluvial and eolian processes to reveal a unit below the crater floor containing a distinctive set of linear ridges of broadly similar width and forming a lattice‐like pattern. Ridge exposures range from ?1–4 km in length and ?65–120 m in width, are broadly parallel, straight to slightly curving, and are cross‐cut by near‐orthogonal ridges, forming a box or lattice‐like pattern. Ridges are exposed on the exhumed crater floor, extending from the base of the wall toward the center. On the basis of the strong similarities of these features to terrestrial crater‐related fault structures and breccia dikes, we interpret these ridges to be faults and breccia dikes formed below the floor of the crater during the excavation and modification stages of the impact event, and subsequently exhumed by erosion. The recognition of such features on Mars will help in documenting the nature of impact‐cratering processes and aid in assessment of crustal structure. Faults and breccia dikes can also be used as data for the assessment of post‐cratering depths and degrees of landform exhumation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Azuara structure is the largest one proposed so far in Spain as possibly related to a cosmic impact event. A review of the evidence set forward in favor of and against its cosmic origin indicates that the discussion is not yet finished. Some megascopic features (inverted stratigraphy, megabreccia, negative gravity anomalies) and shock‐metamorphic effects (planar deformational features) have been described in relation with the structure, although their real significance has been questioned and is still being debated. Comparison with other similar‐sized verified impacts suggests that unequivocal impactogenic features are yet to be found before the Azuara structure can be related to a cosmic impact. Until then, the Azuara structure should be considered as an unverified impact structure, and should not be included in global comprehensive maps of terrestrial impact structures.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the titanium isotopic compositions of 23 silicon carbide grains from the Orgueil (CI) carbonaceous chondrites for which isotopic compositions of silicon, carbon, and nitrogen and aluminum‐magnesium systematics had been measured previously. Using the 16 most‐precise measurements, we estimate the relative contributions of stellar nucleosynthesis during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase and the initial compositions of the parent stars to the compositions of the grains. To do this, we compare our data to the results of several published stellar models that employ different values for some important parameters. Our analysis confirms that s‐process synthesis during the AGB phase only slightly modified the titanium compositions in the envelopes of the stars where mainstream silicon carbide grains formed, as it did for silicon. Our analysis suggests that the parent stars of the >1 μm silicon carbide grains that we measured were generally somewhat more massive than the Sun (2–3 M) and had metallicities similar to or slightly higher than solar. Here we differ slightly from results of previous studies, which indicated masses at the lower end of the range 1.5–3 M and metallicities near solar. We also conclude that models using a standard 13C pocket, which produces a good match for the main component of s‐process elements in the solar system, overestimate the contribution of the 13C pocket to s‐process nucleosynthesis of titanium found in silicon carbide grains. Although previous studies have suggested that the solar system has a significantly different titanium isotopic composition than the parent stars of silicon carbide grains, we find no compelling evidence that the Sun falls off of the array defined by those stars. We also conclude that the Sun does lie on the low‐metallicity end of the silicon and titanium arrays defined by mainstream silicon carbide grains.  相似文献   

The Målingen structure is an approximately 700 m wide, rimmed, sediment‐filled, circular depression in Precambrian crystalline basement approximately 16.2 km from the concentric, marine‐target Lockne crater (inner, basement crater diameter approximately 7.5 km, total diameter in sedimentary strata approximately 13.5 km). We present here results from geologic mapping, a 148.8 m deep core drilling from the center of the structure, detailed biostratigraphic dating of the structure's formation and its age correlation with Lockne, chemostratigraphy of the sedimentary infill, and indication for shock metamorphism in quartz from breccias below the crater infill. The drill core reveals, from bottom to the top, approximately 33 m of basement rocks with increased fracturing upward, approximately 10 m of polymict crystalline breccia with shock features, approximately 97 m of slumped Cambrian mudstone, approximately 4.7 m of a normally graded, polymict sedimentary breccia that in its uppermost part grades into sandstone and siltstone (cf. resurge deposits), and approximately 1.6 m of secular sediments. The combined data set shows that the Målingen structure formed in conjunction with the Lockne crater in the same marine setting. The shape and depth of the basement crater and the cored sequence of crystalline breccias with shocked quartz, slumped sediments, and resurge deposits support an impact origin. The stratigraphic and geographic relationship with Lockne suggests the Lockne and Målingen craters to be the first described doublet impact structure by a binary asteroid into a marine‐target setting.  相似文献   

We report in situ LA‐ICP‐MS trace element analyses of silicate phases in olivine‐bearing chondrules in the Sahara 97096 (EH3) enstatite chondrite. Most olivine and enstatite present rare earth element (REE) patterns comparable to their counterparts in type I chondrules in ordinary chondrites. They thus likely share a similar igneous origin, likely under similar redox conditions. The mesostasis however frequently shows negative Eu and/or Yb (and more rarely Sm) anomalies, evidently out of equilibrium with olivine and enstatite. We suggest that this reflects crystallization of oldhamite during a sulfidation event, already inferred by others, during which the mesostasis was molten, where the complementary positive Eu and Yb anomalies exhibited by oldhamite would have possibly arisen due to a divalent state of these elements. Much of this igneous oldhamite would have been expelled from the chondrules, presumably by inertial acceleration or surface tension effects, and would have contributed to the high abundance of opaque nodules found outside them in EH chondrites. In two chondrules, olivine and enstatite exhibit negatively sloped REE patterns, which may be an extreme manifestation of a general phenomenon (possibly linked to near‐liquidus partitioning) underlying the overabundance of light REE observed in most chondrule silicates relative to equilibrium predictions. The silicate phases in one of these two chondrules show complementary Eu, Yb, and Sm anomalies providing direct evidence for the postulated occurrence of the divalent state for these elements at some stage in the formation reservoir of enstatite chondrites. Our work supports the idea that the peculiarities of enstatite chondrites may not require a condensation sequence at high C/O ratios as has long been believed.  相似文献   

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