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The Abu Dom complex is one of a cluster of Younger Granite ring-complexes piercing the Proterozoic gneisses of the Bayuda Desert of Sudan. Intrusive rocks predominate and range from early metaluminous syenites to later peralkaline syenites and granites. They are disposed as ring-dykes, nested intrusions, and cone-sheet swarms. Field evidence and geochemical variation indicate that the peralkaline rocks evolved from a metaluminous syenitic parent magma as a result of high-level fractionation. The suite carries a clear within-plate signature exemplified by marked enrichments in HFS elements such as Zr and Nb.  相似文献   

苏丹拜尤达地区位于苏丹北部尼罗河州,区内已圈定1处中型金矿床,7处金矿找矿靶区.根据拜尤达地区金矿成矿地质条件及哈佳吉中型金矿床的地质特征、矿石和围岩的微量元素地球化学特征,将金矿床成矿过程分为热液期、表生氧化期和风化沉积期.认为该地区金矿为受区域韧性剪切带控制的中温浅成变质热液矿床,属造山型金矿.成矿物质主要来源于前寒武系变质岩,造山作用引起构造—岩浆活动,区域变质作用造成流体的活化,并萃取围岩中的成矿物质,最终在构造有利部位富集形成金矿床.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional modelling of gravity data shows that the Dutsen-Wai ring complex of the Nigerian Younger Granite Province can be a high-level, thin, tabular body with subsurface extension of felsic material, dominantly biotite granite, well beyond the outcrop limits of the complex in all directions. This geometry is consistent with emplacement of the body by near-surface lateral spreading of an intrusive diapir. Emplacement by this mechanism creates horizontally directed tensile stresses in the overburden which leads to the formation of ring fractures above the spreading intrusive.  相似文献   

粤北笋洞花岗岩的形成时代、地球化学特征与成因   总被引:25,自引:10,他引:25  
笋洞花岗岩体是粤北贵东复式花岗岩体的一个重要组成部分。锆石U-Pb年龄为189.1±0.7Ma,是燕山早期岩浆活动产物。该岩体的主要元素显示富硅、富碱、强过铝质和低 CaO/Na_2O比值等特征;微量元素方面,富集Rb,Th,U,Ce,Sm,Y,亏损 Ba,Sr,P,Ti;LREE轻微富集(LREE/HREE=6.6~8.8,(La/Yb)_N=6.44~10.74),Eu亏损明显(δEu=0.14~0.31);它具有低的ε_(Nd)(t)(-11.4~-9.3),高的δ~(18)O(10.2~12.7‰)、(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr);(0.72949~0.74923)、~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb(18.180~18.488)、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb(15.655~15.661)和古老的Nd模式年龄(1762~1933Ma)。上述这些特征表明,笋洞岩体属于典型的壳源型花岗岩,是在地壳伸展-减薄的构造背景下,通过以泥质成分为主的古-中元古代变质沉积岩部分熔融的方式形成。  相似文献   

The similarity of the lead isotopic composition in older granites, pegmatites and the younger granites, together with the distribution of tin and the absence of tourmaline in the Mesozoic ring-complexes, are utilised as evidence to establish that the Nigerian younger granites were derived from an initial peralkaline melt by fusion of local basement rocks. It is also suggested that the associated metaluminous trend is caused simply by more complete melting, and that peraluminous granites developed during subsequent cooling. When feldspar normative compositions of younger granites are plotted in the quartz-saturated ternary feldspar system (James and Hamilton, 1969), they support a cyclic event of fusion and cooling to account for the variation in rock-type. The actual source material has not been established but it could be similar to bauchite, a quartz-fayalite monzonite, which was melted by a linear zone of high heat flow from the mantle during the disruption of Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

Five suites of rocks collected from the Precambrian basement in the NE Bayuda Desert of central northern Sudan give late Proterozoic whole-rock RbSr isochron ages. The Abu Harik Complex, thought by some previous workers to be an older basement, gives an age of 898 ± 51 Ma. Upper amphibolite-facies metasediments give a metamorphic age of 761 ± 22 Ma. The supposedly younger greenschist-facies El Koro Volcanic Series were erupted 800 ± 83 Ma ago. These are chemically similar to the volcanics which unconformably overlie the Sol Hamed ophiolite in the Red Sea Hills of NE Sudan and to some modern island are volcanics. The metasediments were intruded 678 ± 43 Ma ago by the Diefallab Granite, which is itself deformed. The younger, weakly-deformed Amaki Series, with a basal conglomerate containing basement clasts overlain by purple grits, is probably equivalent to the molasse-type Hammamat Group of the Eastern Desert of Egypt which was deposited between 616 and 596 Ma ago. Finally, the post-tectonic Shallal Granite, with within-plate geochemistry, was intruded 549 ± 12 Ma ago. Geochemical data suggest that the Abu Harik Complex, the El Koro Volcanic Series and the Diefallab Granite are arc-related magmatic rocks. They were intruded into, or thrust onto, shallow-water, shelf sediments during subduction and then collision, between c. 900 and 550 Ma. The data presented here give no support to previous views that the high-grade metasediments were metamorphosed prior to the late Proterozoic events, that they unconformably overlie a still older, perhaps Archaean, basement or that they are unconformably overlain by younger late Proterozoic low-grade volcanics. The Precambrian rocks along the E side of the Bayuda Desert must now all be assigned to the late Proterozoic and the boundary between this late Proterozoic fold belt and an older craton, known to crop out at Jebel Uweinat, must lie farther to the W.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the volcano-sedimentary sequence of Kurmut terrane in southeast Bayuda Desert and its continuation east of the Nile. The sequence is situated at the inferred transition between the Neoproterozoic juvenile Arabian–Nubian Shield and the old reworked Saharan Metacraton. Lithologically, the rocks are composed of intermediate to basic metavolcanics and volcanoclastics intercalated with tuffeous material and metapelite sediments that formed in cyclic graded bedding, indicating a turbid environment in the active orogenic zone. For the first time in the study area, intraformational conglomerates with cigar-shaped volcanic clasts within the low-grade metasediments suggest a high-energy depositional environment. Minerals and textural examination of rock assemblage indicate an anticlockwise P/T condition from amphibolite facies to retrograde greenschist facies conditions in a large high strain zone of distributed deformation. Geochemical results of metavolcanics indicate derivation from different mantle sources (island arc tholeite, calc-alkaline basalt, mid-oceanic ridge, and back-arc basalt). Within this sequence, field relation and microstructural analysis clearly show the best evidence of superimposition of sinistral shear of the NNE–SSW-trending Keraf Shear Zone on the early dextral NE–SW Nakasib Suture Zone. Consequently, based on lithological and structural observations with support of available geochemical data, the volcano-sedimentary sequences SE of Bayuda Desert and east of Nile are similar to their equivalent assemblage of juvenile Neoproterozoic arc lavas association of the Arabian–Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

粤北帽峰花岗岩体地球化学特征及成因研究   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
帽峰花岗岩体是粤北贵东复式花岗岩体中一个重要的产铀岩体。单颗粒锆石U-Pb定年结果为219.6±0.9Ma, 属于印支期岩浆活动产物。该岩体的主要元素显示富硅、富碱、强过铝质和低CaO/Na2O比值等特征。微量元素富集Rb,Th, U,Ce,Sm和Y而亏损Ba,Sr,P和Ti;LREE轻微富集(LREE/HREE=1.70-9.63,(La/Yb)N=0.41-6.25),Eu亏损明显(δEu=0.02-0.22);具有低的εNd(t)值(-12.3--10.8),变化的δ18O(4.1-11.3‰)、(87Sr/86Sr)i(0.71049- 0.73359)、206Pb/204Pb(18.345-22.019)和207Pb/204Pb(15.646-15.863)以及古老的Nd模式年龄(1879-1996Ma)。以上特征表明,帽峰岩体属于典型的壳源型花岗岩,是在地壳伸展-减薄的构造背景下,通过古元古代成分不均一的泥质变质岩低程度部分熔融的方式形成。  相似文献   

The Upper Miocene and Pliocene evaporite deposits of the Atacama Desert of northern Chile (Hilaricos and Soledad Formations) are among the few non‐marine evaporites in which aridity not only formed the deposits, but has also preserved them almost unaltered under near‐surface conditions. These deposits are largely composed of displacive Ca sulphate and halite together with minor amounts of glauberite, thenardite and polyhalite. However, at the base and top of these deposits, there are also beds of gypsum crystal pseudomorphs that originally formed as free‐growth forms within shallow brine bodies, rather than as displacive sediments. The halite is present as interstitial cement, displacive cubes and shallow‐water, bottom‐growth chevron crusts. Most of the calcium sulphate is presently anhydrite, pseudomorphous after gypsum, that was the primary depositional sulphate mineral. The secondary anhydrite formed under early diagenetic conditions after slight burial (some metres) resulting from the effect of strongly evolved pore brines. The anhydrite has been preserved without rehydration during late diagenetic and exhumation stages on account of the arid environment of the Atacama Desert. Both the Hilaricos and the Soledad Formations contain geochemical markers indicating that these Neogene evaporites had a largely non‐marine origin. Bromine content in the halite is very low (few p.p.m.), indicating neither a sedimentological relation with sea water nor the likelihood of direct recycling of prior marine halites. Moreover, the δ34S of sulphates (+4·5‰ to +9‰) also reflects a non‐marine origin, with a strong volcanic influence, although some recycling of Mesozoic marine sulphates cannot be ruled out. δ34S of dissolved sulphate from hot springs and streams in the area commonly displays positive values (+2‰ to +10‰). Leaching of oxidized sulphur and chlorine compounds from volcanoes and epithermal ore bodies, very common in the associated drainage areas, have been the main contribution to the accumulation of evaporites. The sedimentary and diagenetic evolution of the Hilaricos and Soledad evaporites (based on lithofacies analysis) provides information about the palaeohydrological conditions in the Central Depression of northern Chile during the Neogene. In addition, the diagenesis and exhumation history of these evaporites confirms the persistence of strongly arid conditions from Late Miocene until the present. A final phase of tectonism took place permitting the internal drainage to change and open to the sea, resulting in dissolution and removal of a significant portion of these deposits. Despite the extensive dissolution, the remaining evaporites have undergone little late exhumational hydration.  相似文献   

When viewed from the air, Scottish ‘hummocky moraine’ can be resolved into a series of linear ridges that resemble those found at the margins of actively retreating glaciers today. Recent work has supported the interpretation of these linear ridges as ice-marginal landforms and the authors believe that the majority of ‘hummocky moraine’ deposits can be interpreted in this way. Consequently the pattern of deglaciation can be established fairly precisely from the pattern of linear ridges. This approach is applied to the landforms of the northern part of the Loch Lomond Stadial ice-field in order to reconstruct the regional pattern of deglaciation. This leads to important inferences about the significance of topographic control during deglaciation and more importantly it provides fresh insight into the environment of the British Isles during the Loch Lomond Stadial.  相似文献   

唐晓音  郭帅  熊小峰  纪沫  王龙  郭佳 《中国地质》2022,49(1):336-338
1 研究目的(Objective) 南海处于欧亚、太平洋和印—澳板块的交汇区,受到特提斯域和太平洋域的双重制约作用,经历了复杂的演化历史.南海北部大陆边缘盆地位于华南大陆与南海海盆的连接部位,是海盆扩张及周缘块体相互作用的综合产物.其独特的构造环境,丰富的地质记录以及巨大的油气资源潜力吸引了众多地学工作者的广泛关注.南...  相似文献   

吴限 《地质与勘探》2018,54(1):31-40
基于矿床地质特征的研究,以构造地质学、流体力学等为主要研究手段,对粤北石人嶂矿区含钨矿花岗岩侵入体进行分析。通过对岩体形成时的温压条件、岩浆密度、岩浆粘度、岩浆冷凝速度等岩浆动力学参数进行计算,并分析岩浆动力学特征,发现了密度值随温度的变化规律,对于侵位过程中的能量聚集有利,冷却速度缓慢,因而有足够的时间满足任何晶体生长。通过花岗岩体侵位机制的深入探讨,查明了岩体侵位与钨矿化的关系,为总结矿床的成因提供了流体动力学依据,为矿床成因探讨和矿山可持续开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

粤北下庄花岗岩地球化学特征与成因研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
印支期下庄花岗岩是粤北贵东复式花岗岩体的重要组成部分, 其岩石的主要元素显示出富硅、富碱、过铝质等特征; 微量元素表现为富集Rb、Th、U、Ce、Sm、Y, 亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti;LREE轻微富集 (LREE/HREE=7 .54~11 18, (La/Yb)N=7 .36~16.03), Eu亏损明显 (δEu=0 .24~0 .33); 构造环境判别显示下庄花岗岩属于后碰撞花岗岩范畴。这些特征表明, 下庄岩体属于典型的壳源型花岗岩, 是在地壳伸展减薄的构造背景下, 通过以泥质岩和砂质岩组成的古元古代变质沉积岩部分熔融而形成。  相似文献   

藏南程巴岩体副矿物研究:岩浆源区的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周利敏  侯增谦  郑远川  李为 《岩石学报》2011,27(9):2786-2794
藏南程巴岩体具有埃达克岩的地球化学性质,但其形成年代、产出位置和成矿组合不同于冈底斯带成矿斑岩。利用背反射图像和电子探针成分分析发现其具有钙碱性花岗岩不常见的副矿物组合:Fe-Ti氧化物+锆石+磷灰石+榍石+独居石+钍石+氟碳铈矿+晶质铀矿+水氟碳钙钍矿,其中独居石富Th,钍石富U,独居石和钍石经富F、CO2流体交代形成氟碳铈矿和水氟碳钙钍矿。在(87Sr/86Sr)i和Th含量图解中,冈底斯带含矿斑岩与程巴岩体落在一条混合线线上,程巴岩体位于已证明受到上地壳物质或其他富集组分混染的甲马含矿斑岩和其他冈底斯含矿斑岩之间,表明程巴岩体在其源区或演化过程中也受到了富集端元的混染,但加入量少于甲马斑岩。  相似文献   

北喜马拉雅恰芒巴二云母花岗岩的年龄及形成机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
恰芒巴二云母花岗岩体位于特提斯喜马拉雅的西部, 岩石发育片麻状构造, 主要矿物组成为石英、钾长石、白云母和黑云母。LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb定年显示, 锆石年龄分布范围为35.1~17.3 Ma, 暗示较长时间的深熔作用过程, 其中最年轻的年龄(18.1±0.4 Ma)代表了花岗岩的最终结晶年龄。地球化学分析表明, 岩石具有高的SiO2(73.06%~73.79%)、Al2O3(14.73%~15.06%)和CaO(1.18%~1.24%)含量, 以及高的K2O/Na2O值(1.16~1.25)和A/CNK值(1.16~1.20), 属于高钾钙碱性过铝质花岗岩。岩石强烈富集Rb、Th、U和K, 而亏损Ba、Nb、Sr和Zr, 轻重稀土分馏较强(La/Yb)N=9.98~11.35, 并显示较弱的负Eu异常(δEu=0.70~0.74)。(87Sr/86Sr)i和εNd(t)值分别为0.742 298~0.743 092和-14.1~-14.0, 可与大喜马拉雅结晶杂岩(GHC)中变质沉积岩对比, 推测源岩为GHC变质沉积岩或与之成分相当的岩石。岩石(87Sr/86Sr)i值较低而Sr浓度较高, 随着Ba浓度的增加, Rb/Sr值基本不变, 与水致白云母部分熔融的趋势一致, 推测恰芒巴二云母花岗岩可能是水致白云母部分熔融的产物, 部分熔融作用可能与藏南拆离系的活动密切相关。  相似文献   

北秦岭两河口岩体的地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
北秦岭西段新元古代两河口岩体,岩性为眼球状片麻状二长花岗岩,含少量黑云母、角闪石及榍石,属钾质钙碱性花岗岩类;主量元素SiO2=68.48%~72.45%,K2O/Na2O=1.35~2.07,为钾质;在K2O~SiO2关系图上投入高钾钙碱性区;A/CNK介于1.03~1.31,总体为钾质钙碱性弱过铝质花岗岩.岩石富集LILE元素(K、Th、Rb、Ba等),亏损HFSE元素(Ta、Nb、Y、Yb等);稀土元素总量较高(ZREE=126.82×10^-6~267.359×10^-6),轻重稀土强烈分馏(∑LREE/∑HREE=5.447~8.894),稀土元素分配模式为轻稀土富集型,具中等程度Eu负异常(δEu=0.417~0.621).微量、稀土元素分配模式与北秦岭东部的碰撞型德河岩体、寨根岩体及牛角山岩体一致.Pb-Sr-Nd同位素组成具低的εNd=-3.9180~-6.0064、较高的87Sr/86Sr(t)=0.70760~0.71675、富放射性成因Pb同位素组成,模式年龄tDM=1849.73~2022.79Ma,指示两河口岩体源岩特征与秦岭岩群、马衔山群相近,岩浆源区为下地壳成因.结合区域资料,认为两河口岩体形成于同碰撞末期-后碰撞初期的构造转换时期;这一认识细化了北秦岭新元古代碰撞造山过程;其所确立的汇聚碰撞时间与我国晋宁运动时限一致;为研究中国古陆块在新元古代时期汇聚时限、过程、方式及Rodinia超大陆事件在秦岭地区的响应提供了重要证据.  相似文献   

青藏高原北部常年冻土地区部分断裂破碎带发育移动冰丘。青藏铁路沿线典型移动冰丘包括不冻泉活动断裂诱发移动冰丘、鸟丽活动断裂诱发86道班移动冰丘、二道沟盆南断裂破碎带桥梁施工诱发雅玛尔河移动冰丘、断裂破碎带桥基施工诱发83道班移动冰丘和鸟丽盆北断裂破碎带DK1202+668大桥中部桥墩施工诱发85道班移动冰丘。移动冰丘的形成演化与活动断裂、地下水运动、气温变化存在动力学成因联系,是青藏高原北部常年冻土地区内动力与外营力相互耦合的标志和产物。移动冰丘能够穿刺公.路路基、拱曲破坏涵洞结构、导致桥梁墩台破裂和输油管道拱曲变形,产生显著的灾害效应,成为高寒环境地质灾害的重要类型。采用适当的工程措施,通过疏导、排放地下泉水,能够有效地防治移动冰丘及灾害效应。  相似文献   

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