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The compositional variation of chromite and associated olivine in chromite-rich and chromitepoor cumulus layers of the Panton Sill is described and a diffusion-controlled crystallization mechanism is proposed to explain this variation. By this mechanism, chromite initially precipitates with a fairly uniform composition, irrespective of the relative proportions of coprecipitating olivine and chromite, and is modified by continued growth during the postcumulus stage. The effect of postcumulus overgrowth of chromite, K d =(Mg/Fe2+)liquid/(Mg/Fe2+) chromite6, is to deplete the surrounding magma in chromium and decrease Fe2+ relative to Mg such that a chemical gradient exists between the overlying magma, through which the cumulus grains settled, and the magma in contact with settled chromite grains near the magma/crystal pile interface. Postcumulus equilibration of olivine and chromite with the surrounding magma results in higher Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratios of both olivine and chromite and higher Al content of chromite. The extent of this postcumulus modification is directly related to the proportion of chromite to olivine in a particular layer. This model can be extended to stratiform intrusions elsewhere in which chromite coprecipitates with olivine, orthopyroxene or plagioclase and displays similar compositional trends.  相似文献   

The Kapalagulu layered ultramafic and mafic intrusion is emplaced between the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian basement and overlying Neoproterozoic Itiaso Group metasedimentary rocks, located near the western shore of Lake Tanganyika. High-grade platinum group element (PGE) mineralization (1–6 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) is associated with chromitite and sulfide-bearing harzburgite within the southeastern extension of the intrusion, known as the Lubalisi Zone, which is covered by a layer of nickel-rich (0.2–2%Ni) laterite regolith that contains linear areas of PGE mineralization.In the Lubalisi Zone, the mineralization may be divided into several significant geometallurgical domains: (a) high-grade PGE mineralization (1–6 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with stratiform PGE reefs and chromitite seams within a harzburgite unit; (b) high-grade PGE mineralization (up to 12 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with small bodies and veins of nickel massive sulfide within harzburgite below PGE-bearing reefs and chromitite seams; (c) low-grade PGE mineralization (0.1–0.5 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with a sulfide-mineralized harzburgite unit above the PGE-bearing reefs; (d) laterite style residual PGE mineralization (0.2–4 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with chromite concentrations in the saprolite and overlying red clay horizons of the laterite regolith; and (e) supergene Ni associated with the saprock and overlying saprolite clay.Mineralogical study of three samples from the PGE reef consisting of high grade PGE chromitite and harzburgite indicate that this mineralization will give a good metallurgical response to conventional grinding and floatation due to the relatively coarse-grained nature of the PGM (P80 from ∼37 to 52 µm), association with base metal sulfides, and unaltered gangue minerals (Wilhelmij and Cabri, 2016). In contrast, mineralogical and metallurgical study of the Ni and PGE mineralized laterite indicate that it cannot be processed using conventional mineral processing techniques but that a hydrometallurgical route should be used to recover the base and precious metals. Because any process is very much deposit-controlled, significant metallurgical and geometallurgical testing of mineralized samples, as well as pilot plant testing, will be required to arrive at feasibility studies.  相似文献   

The anorthosite complexes and related rock types of the Indian Precambrian shield are primarily associated with either cratons or mobile belts. They were metamorphosed under amphibolites to granulite facies conditions. The major rock types are chromite-bearing meta-anorthosites, amphibolites, basic granulites, pink granites and gneisses. This study was carried out on chromitite bearing samples from Sittampundi layered anorthosite complex, Tamil Nadu, to evaluate the textural and compositional relationships of rutile and chromite. The pristine composition of the chromites is still preserved inspite of intense metamorphic and tectonic process. The rutiles are differentiated into isolated, clustered and exsolved rutile grains.  相似文献   

Dar es Salaam Quaternary coastal aquifer is a major source of water supply in Dar es Salaam City used for domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses. However, groundwater overdraft and contamination are the major problems affecting the aquifer system. This study aims to define the principal hydrogeochemical processes controlling groundwater quality in the coastal strip of Dar es Salaam and to investigate whether the threats of seawater intrusion and pollution are influencing groundwater quality. Major cations and anions analysed in 134 groundwater samples reveal that groundwater is mainly affected by four factors: dissolution of calcite and dolomite, weathering of silicate minerals, seawater intrusion due to aquifer overexploitation, and nitrate pollution mainly caused by the use of pit latrines and septic tanks. High enrichment of Na+ and Cl? near the coast gives an indication of seawater intrusion into the aquifer as also supported from the Na–Cl signature on the Piper diagram. The boreholes close to the coast have much higher Na/Cl molar ratios than the boreholes located further inland. The dissolution of calcite and dolomite in recharge areas results in Ca–HCO3 and Ca–Mg–HCO3 groundwater types. Further along flow paths, Ca2+ and Na+ ion exchange causes groundwater evolution to Na–HCO3 type. From the PHREEQC simulation model, it appears that groundwater is undersaturated to slightly oversaturated with respect to the calcite and dolomite minerals. The results of this study provide important information required for the protection of the aquifer system.  相似文献   

The Delakhari sill (maximum thickness cf. 200 m) is the most extensive Deccan Trap instrusion which occurs in central India, between longitutdes 78°3835 to 78°2240 and latitudes 22°26 and 22°2230. Based on petrographic examination, the sill is divided, from bottom to top, into (1) the Lower Chilled Zone (LCZ), up to 8 m thick, marked by abundant interstitial glass and an overall fine grain size, (2) the Olivine-Rich Zone (ORZ), 27 m thick, enriched in olivine (relative to the other zones in the sill), (3) the Central Zone (CZ), 70 m thick, marked by depletion in olivine and overall coarse grain size, (4) the Upper Zone (UZ), 55 m thick, marked by the presence of two chemically and morphologically distinct olivine types and abundant interstitial granophyre, and (5) the Upper Chilled Zone (UCZ), 10–25m thick, marked by abundant interstitial glass.Compositions of the pyroxenes and olivines show an overall increase in Fe/Mg with crystallization, but extensive interzonal and intrazonal variations and overlaps exist. Olivine ranges from Fa24 (ORZ) to Fa95 (UZ). In the UZ and inner UCZ, an equant (Fa44–50, called type-A olivine) and interstitial skeletal olivine (Fa70–95, called type-B olivine) occur together. Compositions of the Ca-rich and Ca-poor pyroxenes fall in the range Wo38En34Fs28 to Wo33En8Fs59 and Wo14En41Fs45 to Wo16En19Fs65, respectively. Overall, the two pyroxene trends converge with Fe-enrichment except for one anomalous sample from the UZ which contains a Ca-rich (Wo34En8Fs58) and a Ca-poor (Wo10En18Fs72) pyroxene well within the Forbidden Zone of Smith (1972).Compositions of coexisting oxide minerals indicate that the sill crystallized at oxygen fugacities from 10–10 atm (ORZ) to 10–13 (UZ). The magma prior to intrusion appears to have been derived from a more primitive melt from which a considerable amount of olivine and plagioclase have fractionated out. A model of open, interrupted fractional crystallization in the sill is proposed to explain the compositional variations exhibited by the major mineral phases.A previous study (Crookshank 1936) concluded that the sill is actually a multiple intrusion and has given rise to the lowermost (flow I) and the topmost (flow III) lava flows in the neighboring area around Tamia (78°4015, 22°2035). The olivines of flows I and III have compositions Fo87 and Fo88 respectively, and are much more Mg-rich than the maximum Mg-rich olivine (Fo76) of the Delakhari sill, refuting the possibility of the sill being the feeder of the lava flows I and III.Geosciences Department, University of Texas at Dallas Contribution No. 338  相似文献   

Concentrations of Re, Ir and Au are nearly constant within individual masses of the Cape York IIIAB iron meteorite, but differences between masses can be as large as a factor of 2, the extremes being Savik (5.1 μg/g Ir) and Agpalilik (2.7 μg/g Ir). The S concentration shows a still larger range from 13 mg/g in Agpalilik to 1.4 mg/g in Savik. A relatively large compositional hiatus between Dog and Agpalilik probably reflects inadequate sampling of the original material.Concentrations of Ir vary by ~10% and Au by ~3% between the ends of an 85-cm section from the Agpalilik mass of Cape York, but other sections through Agpalilik show smaller variations. These concentration ranges are much larger than expected from radial crystallization of a moderately large (radius 10 s of km) core. These variations in the Agpalilik mass may reflect dendritic crystallization, or they may have resulted from the process that produced the large concentration range among the Cape York masses.Large gradients in Re and Ir and small gradients in Ni and Au were also observed in samples within 2 cm of a large (100 cm3) troilite nodule. These gradients may reflect rapidly changing solid/liquid distribution coefficients during the final crystallization of S-rich liquid.The compositional trends among the various masses can either be explained by mixing of disparate end members followed by diffusive homogenization on a scale of m, or by dendritic crystallization on the ceiling of the IIIAB magma chamber. The mixing of a solid similar in composition to Savik with a liquid in equilibrium with this solid yields a good match to the observed trends, in which case Agpalilik consists of a mixture of 64% liquid and 36% solids. The bulk S content of the IIIAB core is calculated to be 14 mg/g on the basis of this model.  相似文献   

In the Variscan Western Tatra granites hybridization phenomena such as mixing and mingling can be observed at the contact of mafic precursors of dioritic composition and more felsic granitic host rocks. The textural evidence of hybridization include: plagioclase?CK-feldspar?Csphene ocelli, hornblende- and biotite-rimmed quartz ocelli, plagioclase with Ca-rich spike zonation, inversely zoned K-feldspar crystals, mafic clots, poikilitic plagioclase and quartz crystals, mixed apatite morphologies, zoned K-feldspar phenocrysts. The apparent pressure range of the magma hybridization event was calculated at 6.1?kbar to 4.6?kbar, while the temperature, calculated by independent methods, is in the range of 810°C?770°C. U-Pb age data of the hybrid rocks were obtained by in-situ LA-MC-ICP-MS analysis of zircon. The oscillatory zoned zircon crystals yield a concordia age of 368?±?8?Ma (MSWD?=?1.1), interpreted as the age of magma hybridization and timing of formation of the magmatic precursors. It is the oldest Variscan magmatic event in that part of the Tatra Mountains.  相似文献   

丁青蛇绿岩体位于班公湖—怒江缝合带东段,该缝合带与雅鲁藏布江缝合带并列,是寻找我国铬铁矿床的重要地区。该蛇绿岩体呈近南东向展布,总面积近600 km2,主要由地幔橄榄岩、辉石岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩、玄武岩、斜长花岗岩、硅质岩和泥质岩组成。根据空间分布,丁青蛇绿岩分为东、西两个岩体。在前人工作基础上,通过地质填图、实测剖面、探槽和钻孔编录,共发现豆荚状铬铁矿矿点83处,其中东岩体27处,西岩体56处。根据铬铁矿产出和围岩特征,丁青铬铁矿可分为4种产出类型。类型I:矿体呈脉状产出,围岩为条带状或透镜状纯橄榄岩和块状方辉橄榄岩;类型II:矿体呈透镜状、豆荚状或不规则团块状产出,围岩为薄壳状纯橄榄岩和斑杂状或块状方辉橄榄岩;类型III:矿体呈浸染状弥散分布于纯橄榄岩中,围岩为条带状纯橄榄岩和块状或斑杂状方辉橄榄岩;类型IV:矿体呈条带状产出,围岩为条带状或透镜状纯橄榄岩和具定向结构的方辉橄榄岩。根据矿石构造特征,主要分为块状、脉状、浸染状、浸染条带状4种类型。块状和脉状铬铁矿为矿石的主要类型,少量为浸染状和浸染条带状,局部纯橄榄岩中发育极少量瘤状或豆状构造。本研究选择了13处代表性铬铁矿点开展了详细的岩石学、矿相学、矿物学和矿物化学等工作。根据矿石中铬尖晶石的矿物化学特征,可将丁青铬铁矿矿体分为高铬(Cr#=78~86)、中高铬(Cr#=60~74)、中铬(Cr#2=30~51)和低铬(Cr#=9~14)4种类型(Cr#=100×Cr/(Cr+Al))。丁青东岩体赋存有中高铬型和中铬型铬铁矿,缺少高铬型铬铁矿;西岩体赋存有高铬型和中铬型铬铁矿,缺少中高铬型铬铁矿。同时在丁青东、西岩体内均发现存在一种Cr#极低的铬铁矿,暂定为"低铬型铬铁矿"。这些不同类型的铬铁矿体与野外产出有一定的对应关系,也可能后者制约了它们的成因。与罗布莎岩体中的典型高铬型铬铁矿对比,丁青豆荚状铬铁矿在矿物组合和矿物化学成分等方面具有许多相似性,认为存在较大的找矿空间。  相似文献   

The regional and local variations in the composition of the wolframite series associated with the ilmeniteseries and magnetite-series granitoids in the Inner Zone of SW Japan were investigated using X-ray diffraction and microprobe analyses. It is concluded that the variation in Mn/Fe ratios in the source materials (granitic magmas in most cases) is the dominant factor controlling the regional variation in the wolframite compositions, while, as exemplified by the Kaneuchi mine, Kyoto Prefecture, the wallrock chemistry and pH of ore fluids are responsible for the local variation within a single vein system. Within a fresh euhedral crystal from the mine, only slight compositional variation of less than 3 mole% MnWO4 is found in the form of oscillatory zoning. This study, combined with the fluid inclusion research, indicates that the wolframite compositions (Mn/Fe ratios) cannot be used as a geothermometer.  相似文献   

Adcumulate formation in mafic layered intrusions is attributed either to gravity-driven compaction, which expels the intercumulus melt out of the crystal matrix, or to compositional convection, which maintains the intercumulus liquid at a constant composition through liquid exchange with the main magma body. These processes are length-scale and time-scale dependent, and application of experimentally derived theoretical formulations to magma chambers is not straightforward. New data from the Sept Iles layered intrusion are presented and constrain the relative efficiency of these processes during solidification of the mafic crystal mush. Troctolites with meso- to ortho-cumulate texture are stratigraphically followed by Fe–Ti oxide-bearing gabbros with adcumulate texture. Calculations of intercumulus liquid fractions based on whole-rock P, Zr, V and Cr contents and detailed plagioclase compositional profiles show that both compaction and compositional convection operate, but their efficiency changes with liquid differentiation. Before saturation of Fe–Ti oxides in the intercumulus liquid, convection is not active due to the stable liquid density distribution within the crystal mush. At this stage, compaction and minor intercumulus liquid crystallization reduce the porosity to 30%. The velocity of liquid expulsion is then too slow compared with the rate of crystal accumulation. Compositional convection starts at Fe–Ti oxide-saturation in the pore melt due to its decreasing density. This process occurs together with crystallization of the intercumulus melt until the residual porosity is less than 10%. Compositional convection is evidenced by external plagioclase rims buffered at An61 owing to continuous exchange between the intercumulus melt and the main liquid body. The change from a channel flow regime that dominates in troctolites to a porous flow regime in gabbros results from the increasing efficiency of compaction with differentiation due to higher density contrast between the cumulus crystal matrix and the equilibrium melts and to the bottom-up decreasing rate of crystal accumulation in the magma chamber.  相似文献   

Field studies in the Eucalyptus area, northeastern Yilgarn Block have shown intrusive and extrusive rocks in an Archaean greenstone sequence to be comagma‐tic, and have suggested the sequence of subsequent granitoid intrusion and gold mineralisation. Andesitic volcanic rocks and related subvolcanic granodiorite porphyry and epiclastic sediments were followed by tholeiitic basalt with gabbro/dolerite sills and dykes, which were in turn succeeded by high‐Mg basalt with associated peridotite intrusions. Large, irregular gabbro and peridotite intrusions, which are inferred to represent subvolcanic magma chambers, occur in lower stratigraphic levels, whereas comformable subvolcanic sills occur in higher stratigraphic levels. Granodiorite plutons were followed by adamellite plutons; at least some gold mineralisation was contemporaneous with granitoid emplacement.  相似文献   

Ruan  Banxiao  Yu  Yingmin  Lv  Xinbiao  Feng  Jing  Wei  Wei  Wu  Chunming  Wang  Heng 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2017,111(5):693-708
Mineralogy and Petrology - The Hongshishan mafic-ultramafic complex is located in the western Beishan Terrane, NW China, and hosts an economic Ni-Cu deposit. Chromite as accessory mineral from the...  相似文献   

Adamellites, granite porphyries, and white granites of the western dome of the Arga-Ynnykh-Khaya Massif (Yakutiya) have been studied with emphasis on the white granites. The main features of its magmatic crystallization and initial transformation have been obtained by investigating the intensity of transformations using stochastic Markov models. The most widespread transformation is albitization. Two varieties exist. First, and most common, is development of a secondary albite crystal between two primary grains of potassium feldspar. Second, secondary albite has developed between primary quartz grains. Both variants have definite probabilities of occurrence. Less commonly, but with a constant probability, a secondary quartz grain forms as an intergrowth between two grains of potassium feldspar.  相似文献   

Summary Platinum-group mineral, silicate and other solid and fluid inclusions occur in disseminated and massive chromite in a variety of lithologies from ophiolitic and other mafic-ultramafic complex-types. The inclusions are small (<250 microns) and randomly distributed throughout their host. Silicate inclusions are modally more abundant than the other inclusion types. Platinum-group mineral phases are ruthenium-rich sulphides and PGE alloys are osmium-rich. Mafic silicates (olivine, pyroxenes, pargasitic-amphiboles, micas) are magnesium-, titanium-, and alkali-rich and felsic silicates are sodium-rich (albite, nepheline).The intimate association of these inclusions with chromite suggests that their origin must be considered within a chromite crystallization model. A hypothesis of origin is suggested wherein the platinum-group minerals and silicates are trapped as discrete, crystalline euhedral phases and silicate liquid during the precipitation of chromite. The similarity of physical characteristics, modal mineralogy and chemical compositions indicates that this model may be applicable to all mafic-ultramafic complex-types.
Minerale der Platin-Gruppe und andere feste Einschlüsse in Chromiten aus Ophiolit-Komplexen: Vorkommen und petrologische Bedeutung
Zusammenfassung Minerale der Platin-Gruppe, Silikate und andere feste und flüssige Einschlüsse kommen in disseminierten und massiven Chromiten in einer Vielzahl von Gesteinen in ophiolitischen und anderen mafisch-ultramafischen Komplexen vor. Die Einschlüsse sind klein (<250 microns) und unregelmäßig im Chromit verteilt. Silikat-Einschlüsse sind modal weiter verbreitet als andere Arten von Einschlüssen. Minerale der Platin-Gruppe sind durch Ruthenium-reiche Sulfide und Osmium-reiche Legierungen vertreten. Mafische Silikate (Olivin, Pyroxen, pargasitische Amphibole, Glimmer) sind Magnesium-, Titan- und Alkali-reich; felsische Silikate sind Natrium-reich (Albit, Nephelin).Die ausgeprägte Assoziation dieser Einschlüsse mit Chromit weist darauf hin, daß ihre Herkunft im Zusammenhang mit einem Kristallisations-Modell für Chromit zu sehen ist. Ein genetisches Konzept wird vorgelegt, wobei die Platin-Gruppen-Minerale als gut ausgebildete, idiomorphe kristalline Phasen, und die Silikate als Silikatschmelze während des Ausfallens des Chromites eingeschlossen werden. Die Ähnlichkeit der physikalischen Eigenschaften, der modalen mineralogischen Zusammensetzung und der chemischen Zusammensetzung weisen darauf hin, daß dieses Modell auf alle mafisch-ultramafischen Komplexe anzuwenden ist.

Late Cretaceous economic phosphorites from the Red Sea, Nile Valley, and Abu Tartur areas, Egypt, show distinct variations in the lithology of associated sediments, mineralogy of nonphosphatic constituents, and distributions of major and trace elements. In the Red Sea area, the phosphorite beds are intercalated with laminated black shales, and the nonphosphatic constituents are detrital quartz and calcite, ankerite, and pyrite cements. In the Nile Valley, the phosphorite beds are intercalated with chert, marl, and sandstone and the nonphosphatic constituents are detrital quartz and calcite and chalcedony cements. In the Abu Tartur Plateau, the phosphorite beds are intercalated with laminated black shales, and the nonphosphatic constituents are detrital quartz and ankerite and pyrite cements. The phosphorites studied also show distinct variations in major- and trace-element concentrations. The Abu Tartur phosphorites have higher contents of TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, Co, Nb, Pb, Sr, Th, Y, and Zr and lower SiO2, Ba, and U contents as compared to those in the Red Sea and Nile Valley areas. The positive correlations between Al2O3 and TiO2, K2O, Nb, Y, and Zr suggest the detrital origin of these constituents.Similarity in the phosphatic constituents, which were derived from outside the depositional sites, and variations in the lithology of associated sediments and the mineralogy and geochemistry of the nonphosphatic constituents, which reflect the conditions at the depositional sites, suggest that the variations in the depositional environment of the phosphorites are the potential controlling factor of the compositional variations among these phosphorites. The abundance of black shales in the Red Sea and Abu Tartur areas, as well as the occurrence of ankerite and pyrite as cementing materials for the phosphatic constituents, might reflect reducing conditions in these areas, while the abundance of siliciclastic sediments and calcite and chalcedony cements suggests oxidizing conditions in the Nile Valley. The reducing conditions in the Red Sea and Abu Tartur areas were probably developed within the pre-existing depressions in a shelf environment. These depressions might have formed as a result of a change in the movements of the North Atlantic, Eurasian, and African Plates during the late Santonian, which led to transgressive inversion of rifts along northern Egypt and consequent folding in the continental interior. The higher contents of detrital components in the Abu Tartur phosphorites compared to the Red Sea and Nile Valley areas suggest more detrital inputs during the deposition of the phosphorites in Abu Tartur. The products of the diagenesis and weathering of these deposits also reflect the variations in the depositional conditions.  相似文献   

A post-tectonic unzoned granite intrusion in the Meatiq Dome, a Late Proterozoic metamorphic complex in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, shows significant chemical and mineralogic heterogeneity on the scale of sampling (5 kg). Whole rock analyses of 21 samples indicate small variations in SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O and K2O, and larger systematic variations in the less abundant major elements such as FeO, TiO2, CaO, MnO and MgO, and trace elements such as Sc, Cr, Co, Rb, Sr, Zr, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Tb, Yb, Lu, Ta, Th and U. These variations cannot be accounted for by processes such as marginal accretion, assimilation, alteration by late stage fluids, or multiple intrusion. Instead, we proposed a model involving 35 percent solidification of the granite magma followed by partial solid-liquid segregation during emplacement, resulting in rocks containing 7–71 volume percent early-formed solids. Such randomly distributed local segregation could have been caused by filter pressing, flow differentiation, and possibly gravity segregation, either singly or in combination. Thus, each sample is interpreted as a mixture of two end-members with nearly constant compositions: an early-formed solid assemblage of crystals and a complementary residual liquid. Early formed solids are enriched in TiO2, FeO, CaO, P2O5, Sc, Co, Cr, Sr, La, Ce and depleted in SiO2, Rb, Yb, Lu, Ta, Th, and U, while the residual liquid has complementary enrichments and depletions. This simple mixing model is consistent with field and petrographic observations, experimental studies pertaining to the crystallization sequence in the system Ab-Or-Qtz-H2O at 1 Kb, and physical properties of silicic magmas. Furthermore, it is quantitatively supported by trace-element data for minerals, computed endmember compositions at 35% crystallization using mineral analyses and reasonable Kd values, and internal consistency in the percent solid for each sample computed from each of 17 elements in the inferred end-members. We suggest that this model might also apply to other small epizonal granite intrusions that show small-scale chemical heterogeneities.  相似文献   

西藏铬铁矿接替资源航磁勘查及找矿方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
西藏是重要的铬铁矿产地,应用航磁圈定超基性岩,进行铬铁矿资源评价是国内外使用的常规方法,能快速缩小找矿靶区、取得事半功倍的效果。中国国土资源航空物探遥感中心于1969年在西藏中东部地区进行了1∶50万—1∶100万中等精度航磁概查,为早期铬铁矿勘查提供了间接信息;近年来又在中西部和一江两河(雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河)及其北部地区进行了1∶100万—1∶20万高精度航磁调查。初步划分为5条强磁异常带和2个强磁异常群,为快速地发现超基性岩体、评价铬铁矿接替资源潜力提供了一批重要的间接找矿线索。  相似文献   

Two kinds of mylonite series rocks, felsic and mafic, have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold belt. During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the mylonite series rocks: plagioclases were sericitized and theAn values declined rapidly, finally all of them were transformed to albites; dark minerals were gradually replaced by chlorites (mostly ripidolite). Meanwhile, large-scale and extensive carbonation also took place, and the carbonatization minerals varied from calcite to dolomite and ankerite with the development of deformation. The δ13C values of the carbonates are −3.0‰ – −5.6‰ suggesting a deep source of carbon. The ductile deformation is nearly an iso-volume one (f v≈1). With the enhancement of shear deformation, SiO2 in the two mylonite series rocks was depleted, while volatile components suchs as CO2 and H2O, and some ore-forming elements such as Au and S were obviously enriched. But it is noted that the enrichment of Au in both the mylonite series rocks did not reach the paygrade of gold. The released SiO2 from water-rock interactions occurred in the form of colloids and absorbed gold in the fluid. When brittle structures were formed locally in the ductile shear zone, the ore-forming fluids migrated to the structures along microfractures, and preciptated auriferous quartz because of reduction of pressure and temperature. Fluid inclusion study shows that the temperature and pressure of the ore-forming fluids are 245–292°C and 95.4–131.7 MPa respectively; the salinity is 12.88–16.33wt% NaCl; the fluid-phase is rich in Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, F and Cl, while the gaseous phases are rich in CO2 and CH4. The δD and δ18O, values of the ore-forming fluid are −84.48‰ – −91.73‰ and −0.247‰ – +2.715‰ respectively, suggesting that the fluid is composed predominantly of meteoric water. This project is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 9488010).  相似文献   

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