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Our results illustrate the performance of at-site and regional GEV/PWM flood quantile estimators in regions with different coefficients of variation, degrees of regional heterogeneity, record lengths, and number of sites. Analytic approximations of bias and variance are employed. For realistic GEV distributions and short records, the index-flood quantile estimator performs better than a 2-parameter GEV/PWM quantile estimator with a regional shape parameter, or a 3-parameter at-site GEV/PWM quantile estimator, in both humid and especially in arid regions, as long as the degree of regional heterogeneity is moderate. As regional heterogeneity or record lengths increases, 2-parameter estimators quickly dominate. Flood frequency models that assign probabilities larger than 2% to negative flows are unrealistic; experiments employing such distributions provide questionable results. This appraisal generally demonstrates the value of regionalizing estimators of the shape of a flood distribution, and sometimes the coefficient of variation.  相似文献   

Studies have illustrated the performance of at-site and regional flood quantile estimators. For realistic generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions and short records, a simple index-flood quantile estimator performs better than two-parameter (2P) GEV quantile estimators with probability weighted moment (PWM) estimation using a regional shape parameter and at-site mean and L-coefficient of variation (L-CV), and full three-parameter at-site GEV/PWM quantile estimators. However, as regional heterogeneity or record lengths increase, the 2P-estimator quickly dominates. This paper generalizes the index flood procedure by employing regression with physiographic information to refine a normalized T-year flood estimator. A linear empirical Bayes estimator uses the normalized quantile regression estimator to define a prior distribution which is employed with the normalized 2P-quantile estimator. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that this empirical Bayes estimator does essentially as well as or better than the simpler normalized quantile regression estimator at sites with short records, and performs as well as or better than the 2P-estimator at sites with longer records or smaller L-CV.  相似文献   


The multivariate extension of the logistic model with generalized extreme value (GEV) marginals is applied to provide a regional at-site flood estimate. The maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters were obtained numerically by using a multivariable constrained optimization algorithm. The asymptotic results were checked by distribution sampling techniques in order to establish whether or not those results can be utilized for small samples. A region in northern Mexico with 21 gauging stations was selected to apply the model. Results were compared with those obtained by the most popular univariate distributions, the bivariate approach of the logistic model and three regional methods: station-year, index flood and L-moments. These show that there is a reduction in the standard error of fit when estimating the parameters of the marginal distribution with the trivariate distribution instead of its univariate and bivariate counterpart, and differences between at-site and regional at-site design events can be significant as return period increases.  相似文献   


Flood frequency analysis (FFA) is essential for water resources management. Long flow records improve the precision of estimated quantiles; however, in some cases, sample size in one location is not sufficient to achieve a reliable estimate of the statistical parameters and thus, regional FFA is commonly used to decrease the uncertainty in the prediction. In this paper, the bias of several commonly used parameter estimators, including L-moment, probability weighted moment and maximum likelihood estimation, applied to the general extreme value (GEV) distribution is evaluated using a Monte Carlo simulation. Two bias compensation approaches: compensation based on the shape parameter, and compensation using three GEV parameters, are proposed based on the analysis and the models are then applied to streamflow records in southern Alberta. Compensation efficiency varies among estimators and between compensation approaches. The results overall suggest that compensation of the bias due to the estimator and short sample size would significantly improve the accuracy of the quantile estimation. In addition, at-site FFA is able to provide reliable estimation based on short data, when accounting for the bias in the estimator appropriately.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor Sheng Yue  相似文献   


Regional frequency analysis of annual maximum flood data comprising 407 stations from 11 countries of southern Africa is presented. Forty-one homogeneous regions are identified. The L-moments of the observed data indicate that the possible underlying frequency distributions are Pearson type 3 (P3), lognormal 3-parameter (LN3), General Pareto (GPA) or General Extreme Value (GEV). Simulation experiments for the selection of the most suitable flood frequency procedure indicate that Pearson type 3/Probability Weighted Moments (P3/PWM) and log-Pearson type 3/Method of Moments (LP3/MOM) are suitable procedures for the region.  相似文献   


Pooling of flood data is widely used to provide a framework to estimate design floods by the Index Flood method. Design flood estimation with this approach involves derivation of a growth curve which shows the relationship between XT and the return period T, where XT ?=?QT /QI and QI is the index flood at the site of interest. An implicit assumption with the Index Flood procedure of pooling analysis is that the XT T relationship is the same at all sites in a homogeneous pooling group, although this assumption would generally be violated to some extent in practical cases, i.e. some degree of heterogeneity exists. In fact, in only some cases is the homogeneity criterion effectively satisfied for Irish conditions. In this paper, the performance of the index-flood pooling analysis is assessed in the Irish low CV (coefficient of variation) hydrology context considering that heterogeneity is taken into account. It is found that the performance of the pooling method is satisfactory provided there are at least 350 station years of data included. Also it is found that, in a highly heterogeneous group, it is more desirable to have many sites with short record lengths than a smaller number of sites with long record lengths. Increased heterogeneity decreases the advantage of pooling group-based estimation over at-site estimation. Only a heterogeneity measure (H1) less than 4.0 can render the pooled estimation preferable to that obtained for at-site estimation for the estimation of 100-year flood. In moderately to highly heterogeneous regions it is preferable to conduct at-site analysis for the estimation of 100-year flood if the record length at the site concerned exceeds 50.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor A. Carsteanu

Citation Das, S. and Cunnane, C., 2012. Performance of flood frequency pooling analysis in a low CV context. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 433–444.  相似文献   

Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood parameter and quantile estimators of the 2-parameter kappa distribution are studied. Eight methods for obtaining large sample confidence intervals for the shape parameter and for quantiles of this distribution are proposed and compared by using Monte Carlo simulation. The best method is highlighted on the basis of the coverage probability of the confidence intervals that it produces for sample sizes commonly found in practice. For such sample sizes, confidence intervals for quantiles and for the shape parameter are shown to be more accurate if the quantile estimators are assumed to be log normally distributed rather than normally distributed (same for the shape parameter estimator). Also, confidence intervals based on the observed Fisher information matrix perform slightly better than those based on the expected value of this matrix. A hydrological example is provided in which the obtained theoretical results are applied.  相似文献   

Ugo Moisello 《水文研究》2007,21(10):1265-1279
The use of partial probability weighted moments (PPWM) for estimating hydrological extremes is compared to that of probability weighted moments (PWM). Firstly, estimates from at‐site data are considered. Two Monte Carlo analyses, conducted using continuous and empirical parent distributions (of peak discharge and daily rainfall annual maxima) and applying four different distributions (Gumbel, Fréchet, GEV and generalized Pareto), show that the estimates obtained from PPWMs are better than those obtained from PWMs if the parent distribution is unknown, as happens in practice. Secondly, the use of partial L‐moments (obtained from PPWMs) as diagnostic tools is considered. The theoretical partial L‐diagrams are compared with the experimental data. Five different distributions (exponential, Pareto, Gumbel, GEV and generalized Pareto) and 297 samples of peak discharge annual maxima are considered. Finally, the use of PPWMs with regional data is investigated. Three different kinds of regional analyses are considered. The first kind is the regression of quantile estimates on basin area. The study is conducted applying the GEV distribution to peak discharge annual maxima. The regressions obtained with PPWMs are slightly better than those obtained with PWMs. The second kind of regional analysis is the parametric one, of which four different models are considered. The congruence between local and regional estimates is examined, using peak discharge annual maxima. The congruence degree is sometimes higher for PPWMs, sometimes for PWMs. The third kind of regional analysis uses the index flood method. The study, conducted applying the GEV distribution to synthetic data from a lognormal joint distribution, shows that better estimates are obtained sometimes from PPWMs, sometimes from PWMs. All the results seem to indicate that using PPWMs can constitute a valid tool, provided that the influence of ouliers, of course higher with censored samples, is kept under control. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The key problem in nonparametric frequency analysis of flood and droughts is the estimation of the bandwidth parameter which defines the degree of smoothing. Most of the proposed bandwidth estimators have been based on the density function rather than the cumulative distribution function or the quantile that are the primary interest in frequency analysis. We propose a new bandwidth estimator derived from properties of quantile estimators. The estimator builds on work by Altman and Léger (1995). The estimator is compared to the well-known method of least squares cross-validation (LSCV) using synthetic data generated from various parametric distributions used in hydrologic frequency analysis. Simulations suggest that our estimator performs at least as well as, and in many cases better than, the method of LSCV. In particular, the use of the proposed plug-in estimator reduces bias in the estimation as compared to LSCV. When applied to data sets containing observations with identical values, typically the result of rounding or truncation, the LSCV and most other techniques generally underestimates the bandwidth. The proposed technique performs very well in such situations.  相似文献   

Flood frequency analysis is usually based on the fitting of an extreme value distribution to the local streamflow series. However, when the local data series is short, frequency analysis results become unreliable. Regional frequency analysis is a convenient way to reduce the estimation uncertainty. In this work, we propose a regional Bayesian model for short record length sites. This model is less restrictive than the index flood model while preserving the formalism of “homogeneous regions”. The performance of the proposed model is assessed on a set of gauging stations in France. The accuracy of quantile estimates as a function of the degree of homogeneity of the pooling group is also analysed. The results indicate that the regional Bayesian model outperforms the index flood model and local estimators. Furthermore, it seems that working with relatively large and homogeneous regions may lead to more accurate results than working with smaller and highly homogeneous regions.  相似文献   

The index flood procedure coupled with the L‐moments method is applied to the annual flood peaks data taken at all stream‐gauging stations in Turkey having at least 15‐year‐long records. First, screening of the data is done based on the discordancy measure (Di) in terms of the L‐moments. Homogeneity of the total geographical area of Turkey is tested using the L‐moments based heterogeneity measure, H, computed on 500 simulations generated using the four parameter Kappa distribution. The L‐moments analysis of the recorded annual flood peaks data at 543 gauged sites indicates that Turkey as a whole is hydrologically heterogeneous, and 45 of 543 gauged sites are discordant which are discarded from further analyses. The catchment areas of these 543 sites vary from 9·9 to 75121 km2 and their mean annual peak floods vary from 1·72 to 3739·5 m3 s?1. The probability distributions used in the analyses, whose parameters are computed by the L‐moments method are the general extreme values (GEV), generalized logistic (GLO), generalized normal (GNO), Pearson type III (PE3), generalized Pareto (GPA), and five‐parameter Wakeby (WAK). Based on the L‐moment ratio diagrams and the |Zdist|‐statistic criteria, the GEV distribution is identified as the robust distribution for the study area (498 gauged sites). Hence, for estimation of flood magnitudes of various return periods in Turkey, a regional flood frequency relationship is developed using the GEV distribution. Next, the quantiles computed at all of 543 gauged sites by the GEV and the Wakeby distributions are compared with the observed values of the same probability based on two criteria, mean absolute relative error and determination coefficient. Results of these comparisons indicate that both distributions of GEV and Wakeby, whose parameters are computed by the L‐moments method, are adequate in predicting quantile estimates. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Q.J. Wang 《Journal of Hydrology》1990,120(1-4):115-124
Unbiased estimators of probability weighted moments (PWM) and partial probability weighted moments (PPWM) from systematic and historical flood information are derived. Applications are made to estimating parameters and quantiles of the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. The effect of lower bound censoring, which might be deliberately introduced in practice, is also considered.  相似文献   

Based on the Partial Duration Series model a regional Bayesian approach is introduced in the modelling of extreme rainfalls from a country-wide system of recording raingauges in Denmark. The application of the Bayesian principles is derived in case of both exponential and generalized Pareto-distributed exceedances. The method is applied to, respectively, the total precipitation depth and the maximum 10 minutes rain intensity of individual storms from 41 stations. By means of the regional analysis prior distributions of the parameters in the Partial Duration Series model are estimated. It is shown that the regional approach significantly reduces the uncertainty of the T-year event estimator compared to estimation based solely on at-site data. In addition, the regional approach provides quantile estimates at non-monitored sites.  相似文献   

Two well-known methods for estimating statistical distributions in hydrology are the Method of Moments (MOMs) and the method of probability weighted moments (PWM). This paper is concerned with the case where a part of the sample is censored. One situation where this might occur is when systematic data (e.g. from gauges) are combined with historical data, since the latter are often only reported if they exceed a high threshold. For this problem, three previously derived estimators are the “B17B” estimator, which is a direct modification of MOM to allow for partial censoring; the “partial PWM estimator”, which similarly modifies PWM; and the “expected moments algorithm” estimator, which improves on B17B by replacing a sample adjustment of the censored-data moments with a population adjustment. The present paper proposes a similar modification to the PWM estimator, resulting in the “expected probability weighted moments (EPWM)” estimator. Simulation comparisons of these four estimators and also the maximum likelihood estimator show that the EPWM method is at least competitive with the other four and in many cases the best of the five estimators.  相似文献   

In this study, the parameter estimations for the 3-parameter generalized logistic (GL) distribution are presented based on the methods of moments (MOM), maximum likelihood (ML), and probability weighted moments (PWM). The asymptotic variances of the MOM, ML, and PWM quantile estimators for the GL distribution are expressed as functions of the sample size, return period, and parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation was performed to verify the derived expressions for variances and covariances between parameters and to evaluate the applicability of the derived asymptotic variances of quantiles for the MOM, ML and PWM methods. The simulation results generally show good agreement with the analytical results estimated from the asymptotic variances of parameters and quantiles when the shape parameter (β) of the GL distribution is between −0.10 and 0.10 for the MOM method and between −0.25 and 0.45 for the ML and PWM methods, respectively. In addition, the actual sample variances and the root mean square error (RMSE) of asymptotic variances of quantiles for various sample sizes, return periods, and shape parameters were presented. In order to evaluate the applicability of the estimation methods to real data and to compare the values of estimated parameter, quantiles, and confidence intervals based on each parameter estimation method, the GL distribution was fitted to the 24-h annual maximum rainfall data at Pohang, Korea.  相似文献   

 Estimation of confidence limits and intervals for the two- and three-parameter Weibull distributions are presented based on the methods of moment (MOM), probability weighted moments (PWM), and maximum likelihood (ML). The asymptotic variances of the MOM, PWM, and ML quantile estimators are derived as a function of the sample size, return period, and parameters. Such variances can be used for estimating the confidence limits and confidence intervals of the population quantiles. Except for the two-parameter Weibull model, the formulas obtained do not have simple forms but can be evaluated numerically. Simulation experiments were performed to verify the applicability of the derived confidence intervals of quantiles. The results show that overall, the ML method for estimating the confidence limits performs better than the other two methods in terms of bias and mean square error. This is specially so for γ≥0.5 even for small sample sizes (e.g. N=10). However, the drawback of the ML method for determining the confidence limits is that it requires that the shape parameter be bigger than 2. The Weibull model based on the MOM, ML, and PWM estimation methods was applied to fit the distribution of annual 7-day low flows and 6-h maximum annual rainfall data. The results showed that the differences in the estimated quantiles based on the three methods are not large, generally are less than 10%. However, the differences between the confidence limits and confidence intervals obtained by the three estimation methods may be more significant. For instance, for the 7-day low flows the ratio between the estimated confidence interval to the estimated quantile based on ML is about 17% for T≥2 while it is about 30% for estimation based on MOM and PWM methods. In addition, the analysis of the rainfall data using the three-parameter Weibull showed that while ML parameters can be estimated, the corresponding confidence limits and intervals could not be found because the shape parameter was smaller than 2.  相似文献   

Due to the social and economic implications, flood frequency analysis must be done with the highest precision. For this reason, the most suitable statistical model must be selected, and the maximum amount of information must be used. Floods in Mediterranean rivers can be produced by two different mechanisms, which forces the use of a non-traditional distribution like the TCEV. The information can be increased by using additional non-systematic data, or with a regional analysis, or both. Through the statistical gain concept, it has been shown that in most cases the use of additional non-systematic information can decrease the quantile estimation error in about 50%. In a regional analysis, the␣benefit of additional information in one station, is propagated to the rest of␣the␣stations with only a small decrease with respect to the at-site equivalent analysis.  相似文献   

Rainfall extremes often result in the occurrence of flood events with associated loss of life and infrastructure in Malawi. However, an understanding of the frequency of occurrence of such extreme events either for design or disaster planning purposes is often limited by data availability at the desired temporal and spatial scales. Regionalisation, which involves “trading time for space” by pooling together observations for stations with similar behavior, is an alternative approach for more accurate determination of extreme events even at ungauged areas or sites with short records. In this study, regional frequency analysis of rainfall extremes in Southern Malawi, large parts of which are flood prone, was undertaken. Observed 1-, 3-, 5- and 7-day annual maximum rainfall series for the period 1978–2007 at 23 selected rainfall stations in Southern Malawi were analysed. Cluster analysis using scaled at-site characteristics was used to determine homogeneous rainfall regions. L-moments were applied to derive regional index rainfall quantiles. The procedure also validated the three rainfall regions identified through homogeneity and heterogeneity tests based on Monte Carlo simulations with regional average L-moment ratios fitted to the Kappa distribution. Based on assessments of the accuracy of the derived index rainfall quantiles, it was concluded that the performance of this regional approach was satisfactory when validated for sites not included in the sample data. The study provides an estimate of the regional characteristics of rainfall extremes that can be useful in among others flood mitigation and engineering design.  相似文献   

Due to the social and economic implications, flood frequency analysis must be done with the highest precision. For this reason, the most suitable statistical model must be selected, and the maximum amount of information must be used. Floods in Mediterranean rivers can be produced by two different mechanisms, which forces the use of a non-traditional distribution like the TCEV. The information can be increased by using additional non-systematic data, or with a regional analysis, or both. Through the statistical gain concept, it has been shown that in most cases the use of additional non-systematic information can decrease the quantile estimation error in about 50%. In a regional analysis, the␣benefit of additional information in one station, is propagated to the rest of␣the␣stations with only a small decrease with respect to the at-site equivalent analysis.  相似文献   

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