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起源于传统自然资源管理和利用过程,形成于20世纪90年代的生态系统管理不仅具有丰富的科学内涵,而且还具有迫切的社会需求和广阔的应用前景。1992年以来逐渐成为美国等国家的一些政府机关和非政府机构所采用的自然资源管理模式。20世纪90年代后期引入我国后,学者们展开了一系列理论探讨,主要内容为陆地生态系统管理的理论与实践,在海洋领域仅涉及海岸带综合管理和大海洋生态系统,但尚未在海洋政策中确立以生态系统为基础的海洋管理模式。文章在综述生态系统管理相关研究进展的基础上,结合我国海洋生态系统特点及其开发利用特征,系统阐述了在我国实施海洋生态系统管理的必要性与紧迫性,提出了我国建立以生态系统为基础的海洋管理新战略与行动,为我国制定海洋区域化管理模式提供参考。  相似文献   

We develop an index that is a measure of the intensity of marine activities in large marine ecosystems (LMEs). We compare this marine activity index with an index of socioeconomic development across ocean regions. This comparison identifies regions that may be capable of achieving the sustainable development of their regional marine environment on their own and those that are less likely to do so. The latter may be candidates for international financial or management assistance. An important next step is to carry out detailed case studies designed to improve our understanding of any specific ocean region.  相似文献   

The Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) concept is widely established as a large-scale approach to coastal and marine management. LME-oriented activities have focused mainly on natural sciences. Socioeconomic and governance aspects have only recently been receiving increased attention. The 64 LMEs that have been defined appeared to exhibit considerable diversity in characteristics that would be expected to affect governability. This paper explores two questions: (1) Do the LMEs vary widely enough in geopolitical complexity that different approaches to governance may be required for different LMEs? (2) Are there groups of LMEs within which one might take similar approaches to governance? The analysis demonstrates that there is considerable heterogeneity among LMEs with regard to characteristics that would be expected to affect governability. It concludes that a diversity of governance approaches will be required to cope with this heterogeneity. It also appears that LMEs can be grouped according to these characteristics. This suggests that different approaches could be considered for clusters rather than for individual LMEs and that there can be sharing of experience and learning within clusters. The types of relationships between features of LMEs and the ‘best’ approaches to marine governance are discussed in the context of emerging governance ideas.  相似文献   

An approximate carbon budget for the Sierra Leone River Estuary and adjacent inner continental shelf indicates that phytoplankton production is balanced by grazers only in the wet season estuary; on the continental shelf, and in the dry season estuary, phytoplankton production exceeds demand of consumer populations by 70–90%. Regional production is dominated by the dry season estuary where diatom blooms support large population of the phytophagous clupeid fish Ethmalosa fimbriata. It is suggested that as well as what is used in bacterial respiration, not quantified in the study, important amounts of inshore organic carbon production are available for export, or burial, or both, either in inshore mudbanks or at the shelf edge by slumping. This carbon budget for a tropical continental shelf having neither coral-reefs nor coastal upwelling appears to correspond with what is emerging as a generic distinction between shelves and open ocean ecosystems: surplus production on shelves, balance between producers and consumers in the open ocean.  相似文献   

Ecosystems often shift abruptly and dramatically between different regimes in response to human or natural disturbances. When ecosystems tip from one regime to another, the suite of available ecosystem benefits changes, impacting the stakeholders who rely on these benefits. These changes often create some groups who stand to incur large losses if an ecosystem returns to a previous regime. When the participation cost in the decision-making process is extremely high, this can “lock in” ecosystem regimes, making it harder for policy and management to shift ecosystems out of what the majority of society views as the undesirable regime. Public stakeholder meetings often have high costs of participation, thus economic theory predicts they will be dominated by extreme views and often lead to decisions that do not represent the majority viewpoint. Such extreme viewpoints can create strong inertia even when there is broad consensus to manage an ecosystem towards a different regime. In the same manner that reinforcing ecological feedback loops make it harder to exit an ecosystem regime, there are decision-making feedback loops that contribute additional inertia.  相似文献   

Fourteen indicators of marine living resource management performance by country, reflecting both their intention to sustainably use the resource within their Exclusive Economic Zones and the effectiveness of their policies, were developed and the performances of 53 maritime countries were assessed. Four rankings of the countries, which jointly account for over 95 percent of the world's marine fisheries landings, are presented here as aggregated scores of the fourteen indicators, using different schemes for weighting the indicators, each reflective of the management preferences identified by the Global Environment Outlook 4 (GEO4) future development scenarios: Market First; Policy First; Security First; and Sustainability First. The resulting rankings differed substantially between the weighting schemes for the top performing countries but less so for the countries performing poorly.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(3-4):110-132
A number of studies have speculated on the utility of publicly available information for decision-making in the context of large marine ecosystems (LME) management. An indicator-based study using the pressure-state-response model was carried out among senior decision-makers in the Seychelles government to determine (i) whether the precautionary principle is applied in policy development; (ii) the relative importance of ‘control-and-command’ and market mechanisms in the management of living marine resources; (iii) the influence of pubic opinion in decision-making and (iv) linkages between the various LME management modules. Results indicate that policy-makers in Seychelles apply the precautionary principle in most situations, are more oriented towards the ‘command-and-control’ approach, and are very sensitive to public opinions. The study further indicated that whilst policy-makers in Seychelles acknowledged the use of indicators within the LME strategy, some gaps including limitations of indicators in conveying complex interactions were identified which require further study.  相似文献   

In October 2004, the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) sponsored a symposium to consider “Mechanisms that regulate North Pacific ecosystems: Bottom up, top down, or something else?” It sought to examine how marine populations, particularly the upper-trophic-level species, are regulated and to understand how energy flows through marine ecosystems. This introductory essay examines aspects of control mechanisms in pelagic marine ecosystems and some of the issues discussed during the symposium and in the 11 papers that were selected for this special issue. At global scales, the greatest biomass of fishes, seabirds and marine mammals tends to occur in regions of the world ocean with high primary production, e.g., the sub-arctic seas and up-welling regions of continental shelves. These large-scale animal distribution patterns are driven by food availability, not the absence of predators. At regional scales however, it is likely that current predation or past predation events have shaped local distributions, at least in marine birds and pinnipeds. Wasp-waist control occurs when one of the intermediate trophic levels is dominated by a single species, as occurs with small pelagic fishes of the world’s up-welling zones. Processes in these ecosystems may have features that result in a switch from bottom-up to top-down control.  相似文献   

An ecosystem model was used to (1) determine the extent to which global trends in the ratio of mesozooplankton production to primary production (referred to herein as the “z-ratio”) can be explained by nutrient enrichment, temperature, and euphotic zone depth, and (2) quantitatively diagnose the mechanisms driving these trends. Equilibrium model solutions were calibrated to observed and empirically derived patterns in phytoplankton biomass and growth rates, mesozooplankton biomass and growth rates, and the fraction of phytoplankton that are large (>5 μm ESD). This constrained several otherwise highly uncertain model parameters. Most notably, half-saturation constants for zooplankton feeding were constrained by the biomass and growth rates of their prey populations, and low zooplankton basal metabolic rates were required to match observations from oligotrophic ecosystems. Calibrated model solutions had no major biases and produced median z-ratios and ranges consistent with estimates. However, much of the variability around the median values in the calibration dataset (72 points) could not be explained. Model results were then compared with an extended global compilation of z-ratio estimates (>10 000 points). This revealed a modest yet significant (r=0.40) increasing trend in z-ratios from values ~0.01–0.04 to ~0.1–0.2 with increasing primary productivity, with the transition from low to high z-ratios occurring at lower primary productivity in cold-water ecosystems. Two mechanisms, both linked to increasing phytoplankton biomass, were responsible: (1) zooplankton gross growth efficiencies increased as their ingestion rates became much greater than basal metabolic rates and (2) the trophic distance between primary producers and mesozooplankton shortened as primary production shifted toward large phytoplankton. Mechanism (1) was most important during the transition from low to moderate productivity ecosystems and mechanism (2) was responsible for a relatively abrupt transition to values >0.1 in high productivity ecosystems. Substantial z-ratio variations overlying these mean trends remained unexplained by these mechanisms. Potential sources of this variability include zooplankton patchiness, unresolved effects of advection and unsteady dynamics, unresolved shifts in mesozooplankton sizes and species, and unresolved aspects of zooplankton bioenergetics. Comparison of the modeled z-ratio patterns and mechanisms diagnosed herein with those obtained using models with expanded biological dynamics embedded in global circulation models will help further elucidate the causes of this variation.  相似文献   

The transformation of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) fisheries from communal to commons to neoliberal regulation has had significant impacts on the health and sustainability of marine ecosystems on the Northwest Coast of North America. Due to their abundance, seasonality, and sensitivity in disturbance, herring were carefully cultivated and protected by coastal Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian communities. The early industrial fishing era undermined this communalist approach in favor of an unregulated commons for bait and reduction fisheries, attracting non-local fleets and leading to conflicts with local Natives and tragedy of the commons style overexploitation of herring stocks by the mid-twentieth century. Since the 1970s, a re-regulated neoliberal sac roe fishery for Japanese markets has provided new opportunities for limited commercial permit holders, but with further depredations on local spawning populations. This paper uses frame theory and historical and political ecology to show how this transformation was justified by three critical but dubious (re)framings of Southeast herring populations under modern scientific management: (1) a reductionist framing of single species productivity models, expressed as herring “biomass,” within space and time (baseline scale framing); (2) the selective framing and privileging of human industrial predation under maximum sustainable yield (MSY) within a dynamic ecosystem of multiple predator populations (actor relations framing); and (3) the strategic framing of spawning failure events and policy responses to those events by professional fisheries managers (event–response framing). Finally, the paper argues for a new social–ecological systems approach, based on aboriginal models of herring cultivation, to sustain a commercial, subsistence, and restoration economy for the fishery.  相似文献   

The United Nations General Assembly in 2006 and 2009 adopted resolutions that call for the identification and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) from significant adverse impacts of bottom fishing. While general criteria have been produced, there are no guidelines or protocols that elaborate on the process from initial identification through to the protection of VMEs. Here, based upon an expert review of existing practices, a 10-step framework is proposed: (1) Comparatively assess potential VME indicator taxa and habitats in a region; (2) determine VME thresholds; (3) consider areas already known for their ecological importance; (4) compile information on the distributions of likely VME taxa and habitats, as well as related environmental data; (5) develop predictive distribution models for VME indicator taxa and habitats; (6) compile known or likely fishing impacts; (7) produce a predicted VME naturalness distribution (areas of low cumulative impacts); (8) identify areas of higher value to user groups; (9) conduct management strategy evaluations to produce trade-off scenarios; (10) review and re-iterate, until spatial management scenarios are developed that fulfil international obligations and regional conservation and management objectives. To date, regional progress has been piecemeal and incremental. The proposed 10-step framework combines these various experiences into a systematic approach.  相似文献   

End-to-end models that represent ecosystem components from primary producers to top predators, linked through trophic interactions and affected by the abiotic environment, are expected to provide valuable tools for assessing the effects of climate change and fishing on ecosystem dynamics. Here, we review the main process-based approaches used for marine ecosystem modelling, focusing on the extent of the food web modelled, the forcing factors considered, the trophic processes represented, as well as the potential use and further development of the models. We consider models of a subset of the food web, models which represent the first attempts to couple low and high trophic levels, integrated models of the whole ecosystem, and size spectrum models. Comparisons within and among these groups of models highlight the preferential use of functional groups at low trophic levels and species at higher trophic levels and the different ways in which the models account for abiotic processes. The model comparisons also highlight the importance of choosing an appropriate spatial dimension for representing organism dynamics. Many of the reviewed models could be extended by adding components and by ensuring that the full life cycles of species components are represented, but end-to-end models should provide full coverage of ecosystem components, the integration of physical and biological processes at different scales and two-way interactions between ecosystem components. We suggest that this is best achieved by coupling models, but there are very few existing cases where the coupling supports true two-way interaction. The advantages of coupling models are that the extent of discretization and representation can be targeted to the part of the food web being considered, making their development time- and cost-effective. Processes such as predation can be coupled to allow the propagation of forcing factors effects up and down the food web. However, there needs to be a stronger focus on enabling two-way interaction, carefully selecting the key functional groups and species, reconciling different time and space scales and the methods of converting between energy, nutrients and mass.  相似文献   

This article examines coastal residents' awareness and knowledge about impacts of seawater desalination on marine ecosystems Carlsbad, California. The paper explores to what extent sociodemographics, motivational factors, and information use shape public awareness and self-assessed and factual knowledge. Data was collected using a mail survey (n=330) from a random sample of residents in Carlsbad. Both self-assessed and factual knowledge about the desalination plant and its impacts on marine ecosystem were low, with only two of 11 factual questions answered correctly by more than 50% of respondents. Gender, frequency of ocean use, and use of distinct information sources correlated positively with greater factual knowledge. Education, age, time of residency in local community, membership in an NGO, and place attachment to marine areas did not increase factual knowledge. Findings also demonstrate that knowledge shaped attitudes towards the seawater desalination plant as greater knowledge about marine impacts reduced support.  相似文献   

The main objective of recent international legislative measures and policies concerning marine ecosystems is to ensure sustainable environmental management to maintain a good status for marine waters, habitats and resources, with the ultimate target of achieving an integrated ecosystem-based approach to management. Because bioinvasions pose significant threats to marine ecosystems and the goods and services these provide, non-indigenous species (NIS) are included in the more recent legislative documents. A major challenge for the scientific community is to translate the principles of the legislative directives into a realistic, integrated ecosystem-based approach and at the same time provide stakeholders with best practices for managing NIS. The aim of this paper, prepared by members of the Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), is to provide guidance for the application of NIS related management in the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Ten recommendations, including NIS identification, standardization of sampling and data, indicators, propagule pressure and management issues are considered in this paper. While most of these suggestions were developed to improve the implementation of the MSFD, several may be more widely applicable.  相似文献   

This study focuses on body size–abundance distributions of nano- and micro-phytoplankton guilds in coastal marine areas of the Southern Adriatic–Ionian region. The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of common patterns of body size–abundance distributions in relation to physical, chemical and biological environmental forcing factors and to taxonomic composition of phytoplankton guilds. This paper is based on data collected during four oceanographic cruises carried out seasonally along the Southern Apulian coast (Adriatic and Ionian Seas, SE Italy) as a part of the INTERREG II Italy–Greece Program. The study was performed at 21 stations located on 7 transects perpendicular to the coastline, with 3 stations per transect at a distance of 3, 9 and 15 NM from the coastline. At each station, profiles of the major physical features of the water were determined and water samples were collected for phytoplankton and nutrient analysis. Overall, 320 nano- and micro-phytoplankton taxa were identified, 76% of which at species level, with phytoplankton cells ranging in size from 0.008 to 4697.54 ng. Body size–abundance distributions showed some common features: they were relatively invariant (average similarity 65%) with respect to taxonomic composition (average similarity 32%), right skewed (90%), leptokurtic (77%) and log normal (76%). Moreover, abiotic, biotic and spatial ecosystem components accounted for up to 75% of body size–abundance distribution variation. The results of this study suggest that body size–abundance distributions are an intrinsic property of marine phytoplankton communities, emphasising functional dependence on ecological constraints related to trophic factors and intra-guild coexistence relationships.  相似文献   

伴随着海洋资源开发和海洋科技进步,海洋产业在国民经济中扮演着日益重要的角色,海洋经济与区域经济的协调发展成为研究热点。江苏省是沿海地区经济发展强省,但其海洋经济发展优势并不突出,为了对其海洋经济与区域经济的耦合协调发展状态及耦合发展的制约因素进行研究,文章在探析海洋经济系统与区域经济系统耦合发展机理的基础上,借鉴物理学耦合度函数构建了海洋经济与区域经济的耦合协调度模型,并对2006~2012年江苏及其他沿海省市海洋经济与区域经济的耦合协调度进行了评价。结果表明2006~2012年间,江苏省海洋经济与区域经济的耦合协调度不断提高,逐步迈入了磨合发展的关键期,但海洋产业发展模式落后和海陆互动性弱等因素导致其与沿海其他省市相比仍有较大差距。本研究能够为江苏海洋经济发展提供科学建议。  相似文献   

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