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Two induction magnetometers have been installed at Chinese Zhongshan Station and Australia Davis Station, Antarctica respectively. We adopt the cross spectral analysis technique to analyze the data of the two induction magnetometers, in June, September, December 1996 and March 1997, and to investigate Pc5 frequency range pulsation (150 600 s) occurrence and propagation in cusp latitude. The results are summarized as follows: At Zhongshan Davis Station, the magnetic pulsations in Pc5 frequency band can occurs over a wide time, but more frequently at pre local magnetic noon and pre local magnetic midnight. The Pc5 pulsations have no significant seasonal variation in the amplitude, occurrence and propagation. The amplitude has a small peak at pre local magnetic noon and large value sometimes at pre local magnetic midnight. In daytime, the Pc5 pulsations propagate westward in morning and eastward in afternoon, and reversal at local magnetic noon. In nighttime, the Pc5 pulsations propagate westward before 20:00 MLT and eastward after 20:00 MLT. Near dusk time, the Pc5 pulsations propagate irregularly. These characteristics indicate that the Pc5 pulsations have different source at different local magnetic time.  相似文献   

杨少峰  刘勇华 《极地研究》1999,10(2):155-162
In this paper the data of geomagnetic pulsations at Zhongshan Station from February 3 to Novernber 30 in 1996 are analyzed in ordcr to study polarization characteristics of Zhongshan Station Pc3 pulsations which comprises the cusp Pc3 pulsation and the nightside Pc3 pulsation. For the cusp Pc3 pulsation. the right-handed polarization is always dominant. But their orientation of major axes of polarizations changes with season, NW-SE is dominant in summer and NE-SW in winter. For the nightside Pc3 pulsation,the right-handed with NE-SW is always dominant before midnight. But the left-handed with the mixing orientation of major axes is dominant in summer and the NE-SW with the mixing polarization sense is dominant in winter after midnight. It means that the two types of Zongshan Station Pc3 pulsations have different sources.  相似文献   

(杨少峰)(肖福辉)CharacteristicsofPc3pulsationsatGreatWallStation,Antarctica¥YangShaofengandXiaoFuhui(InstituteofGeophysics,Academia...  相似文献   

In this paper Pi2 pulsations at Zhongshan Station of Antarctica are analyzed from October 1 - 31, 1996. Their characteristics e. g. occurrence frequency,frequency, and polarization are studied. The characteristics of Pi2 pulsations are summerized as follows: (1 ) Pi2 pulsations at Zhongshan Station usually take place from 2000 MLT to 0200 MLT; the main frequencies are between 6. 79 mHz and 13. 58mHZ; (2 ) Pi2 pulsations with low frequencies are dominent. The range of main frequencies becomes narrow at midnight; (3) The Polarization of Pi2 pulsations are almost linear; (4) About the orientation of major axes the NW-SE direction is dominent before 2200 MLT and NE-SW is dominent after 2200 MLT. The generation mechanism of Pi2 pulsations at Zhongshan Station is discussed theoretically.  相似文献   

ThecharacteristicsofPi2pulsationsatGreatWallStation,AntarcticaYangShaofeng(杨少峰)andXiaoFuhui(肖福辉)(InstituteofGeophysics,Academ...  相似文献   

Climate anomalies in the southern high latitude associated with the Subtropical Dipole Mode (SDM) are investigated using a 23-year database consisting of SLP (sea level pressure), surface air temperature (SAT) and sea surface temperature (SST). The analysis depicts, for the first time, the spatial variability in the relationship of the above variables with the Subtropical Dipole Mode Index (SDI). It suggests that the SDM signal exists in the southern high latitudes and the correlation fields exhibit a wavenumber-3 pattern around the circumpolar Southern Ocean. Lead-lag correlation analysis used to the SLP, SAT, and SST anomalies with the SDI time series at the positive and negative correlation extremes shows that the southern-high-latitude climate responses to SDM almost instantaneously proposing the connection is by atmospheric and not by oceanic propagation.  相似文献   

AsurveyofSO2,NO2andNH3concentrationsinatmosphereathighlatitudesandinArcticChenLetian(陈乐恬)andTongYuqin(佟玉芹)ResearchCenterforEc...  相似文献   

A series of solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) event occurred in July 2000, particularly the largest flare (X5.7/3B) with CME on 14th of July since 1989, which stimulated a great geomagnetic storm with D st index reaching -300 nT. A number of data have been obtained from the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station (ZHS, INT Lat. 74.5°, L≈14), which is located at cusp latitude, and from the ACE satellite. After analyzing these data we have got the results as follows: a lot of solar high energy particles penetrated into the polar ionosphere and ionized it, which significantly increased the cosmic noise absorption (CNA) and blanked the DPS-4 data for more than two days. The magnetic pulsation in Pc 3/5 frequency band on the ground has a high relation with the fluctuation of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B z, which shows the contribution of interplanetary magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) waves to the Pc 3/5 pulsation on the ground. The Pc 3/5 pulsation was intensified much during the great magnetic storm. The H component of the magnetic field at ZHS varied with the southern value of IMF B z but lagged behind for about 8 10 h. While D st index responded to the variation of the IMF B z very quickly, which suggested that the magnetic storm occurred at low latitude firstly and then effected the ionospheric current at high latitude.  相似文献   

While error propagation in GIS is a topic that has received a lot of attention, it has not been researched with 3D GIS data. We extend error propagation to 3D city models using a Monte Carlo simulation on a use case of annual solar irradiation estimation of building rooftops for assessing the efficiency of installing solar panels. Besides investigating the extension of the theory of error propagation in GIS from 2D to 3D, this paper presents the following contributions. We (1) introduce varying XY/Z accuracy levels of the geometry to reflect actual acquisition outcomes; (2) run experiments on multiple accuracy classes (121 in total); (3) implement an uncertainty engine for simulating acquisition positional errors to procedurally modelled (synthetic) buildings; (4) perform the uncertainty propagation analysis on multiple levels of detail (LODs); and (5) implement Solar3Dcity – a CityGML-compliant software for estimating the solar irradiation of roofs, which we use in our experiments. The results show that in the case of the city of Delft in the Netherlands, a 0.3/0.6 m positional uncertainty yields an error of 68 kWh/m2/year (10%) in solar irradiation estimation. Furthermore, the results indicate that the planar and vertical uncertainties have a different influence on the estimations, and that the results are comparable between LODs. In the experiments we use procedural models, implying that analyses are carried out in a controlled environment where results can be validated. Our uncertainty propagation method and the framework are applicable to other 3D GIS operations and/or use cases. We released Solar3Dcity as open-source software to support related research efforts in the future.  相似文献   

李长龙  王燕  高志海  孙斌 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2803-2816
干旱地区林草植被生长动态变化是研究荒漠化形成发展和演变过程的重要依据。本文基于改进方向性像元二分模型构建的2000—2020年中国荒漠化潜在发生范围区(PEDC)年植被覆盖度数据集,采用Sen+Mann-Kendall时间序列趋势变化检测方法,分析了2000—2020年PEDC,特别是林草覆盖区的植被生长状况时空变化特征。研究结果表明:① 2000—2020年,PEDC平均植被覆盖度为0.284,改进的植被覆盖度估算结果能够较好地反映研究区植被覆盖状况,估算精度为86.98%。PEDC植被生长状况不断趋好,其中干旱区表现最为突出,显著增加区域达到了48%,而亚湿润干旱区平均增长量最大为0.1。② 林草生态恢复工程措施效果显著,但植被恢复是个长期缓慢的过程,特别是林草面积的恢复。2000—2010年林草面积增加较少(0.002%);2010—2020年增加较多(0.371%)。③ 2000—2020年PEDC林地植被改善最明显,草地则较为稳定,植被覆盖度显著性增加区域分别为76.4%和71.8%。其中林地植被覆盖度在亚湿润干旱区增长量最大为0.15,而整个研究区草地增长了0.06。本文更深入地掌握PEDC林草覆盖区长时间序列植被生长状况,为进一步制定和实施各项生态工程提供重要信息参考。  相似文献   

Plant growth at northern latitudes is highly responsive to the climatic changes that have occurred over recent decades. However, the sensitivity of the phasing of the seasonal cycle of terrestrial ecosystems to a changing environment remains less widely understood. We present an investigation and comparative study of large-scale changes in seasonal cy-cling of both land surface temperature and plant growth. Our results have shown trends in-dicating a marked increased towards overall plant productivity by ~3% from 1982 to 2005, reduced trends in seasonal variation at low-mid latitudes by ~2%, increased trends in sea-sonal variations at mid-high latitudes by ~7%, and an earlier phase in northern terrestrial ecosystems (~1.1 days) in parallel with changes in the phasing of surface temperatures at northern latitudes over the 24 years in this study. These shifts in annual cycles of terrestrial vegetation appear to have a distinct geographical zonality and are dependent upon latitudinal changes in climatic variables. More conspicuous changes in overall vegetation productivity and the seasonal phase of ecosystems have been observed in Eurasia compared to North America, largely because of a more rapid rise in temperature. Our results state that changing climate boosts plant growth at northern latitudes, but also alters the phase and seasonal variations of the annual cycle of terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The arid Puna plateau of the southern Central Andes is characterized by Cenozoic distributed shortening forming intramontane basins that are disconnected from the humid foreland because of the defeat of orogen‐traversing channels. Thick Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary fills in Puna basins have reduced topographic contrasts between the compressional basins and ranges, leading to a typical low‐relief plateau morphology. Structurally identical basins that are still externally drained straddle the eastern border of the Puna and document the eastward propagation of orographic barriers and ensuing aridification. One of them, the Angastaco basin, is transitional between the highly compartmentalized Puna highlands and the undeformed Andean foreland. Sandstone petrography, structural and stratigraphic analysis, combined with detrital apatite fission‐track thermochronology from a ~6200‐m‐thick Miocene to Pliocene stratigraphic section in the Angastaco basin, document the late Eocene to late Pliocene exhumation history of source regions along the eastern border of the Puna (Eastern Cordillera (EC)) as well as the construction of orographic barriers along the southeastern flank of the Central Andes. Onset of exhumation of a source in the EC in late Eocene time as well as a rapid exhumation of the Sierra de Luracatao (in the EC) at about 20 Ma are recorded in the detrital sediments of the Angastaco basin. Sediment accumulation in the basin began ~15 Ma, a time at which the EC had already built sufficient topography to prevent Puna sourced detritus from reaching the basin. After ~13 Ma, shortening shifted eastward, exhuming ranges that preserve an apatite fission‐track partial annealing zone recording cooling during the late Cretaceous rifting event. Facies changes and fossil content suggest that after 9 Ma, the EC constituted an effective orographic barrier that prevented moisture penetration into the plateau. Between 3.4 and 2.4 Ma, another orographic barrier was uplifted to the east, leading to further aridification and pronounced precipitation gradients along the mountain front. This study emphasizes the important role of tectonics in the evolution of climate in this part of the Andes.  相似文献   


It has repeatedly been reported that snow cover is a dominating factor in determining the presence or absence of permafrost in the discontinuous and sporadic permafrost regions. The temperature at the snow-soil interface by the end of winter, known as the bottom temperature of winter snow (BTS) method, has been used to detect the existence of permafrost in European alpine regions when the maximum snow depth is about 1.0 m or greater. A critical snow thickness of about 50 cm or greater can prevent the development of permafrost in eastern Hudson Bay, Canada. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of snow cover on the presence or absence of permafrost in cold regions through numerical simulations. A one-dimensional heat transfer model with phase change and a snow cover regime is used to simulate energy exchange between deep soils and the atmosphere. The model has been validated against the in situ data in the Arctic. The simulation results indicate that both snow depth and the onset date of snow cover establishment are important parameters in relation to the presence or absence of permafrost. Early establishment of snow cover can make permafrost disappear, even with a relatively thin snow cover. Permafrost may survive when snow cover starts after the middle of December even with a snow thickness >1.0 m. This effect of snow cover on the ground thermal regime can be explained with reference to the pattern of seasonal temperature variation. Early establishment of snow cover enhances the insulating impact over the entire cold season, thus warming and eventually thawing the permafrost. The insulating effect is substantially reduced when snow cover starts relatively late and snowmelt in the spring creates a huge heat sink, resulting in a favorable combination for permafrost existence.  相似文献   

1959-2008年淮河流域极端径流的强度和频率特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚梦婷  高超  陆苗  刘青  胡春生 《地理研究》2015,34(8):1535-1546
基于淮河中上游主干流两侧13个水文站点1959-2008年逐日径流量的年最大值序列和超门限峰值序列,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验、21种分布函数和Pearson III分布,分析淮河流域极端径流的强度和频率特征。结果表明:① 极端径流强度6个站点呈增加趋势,7个呈减少趋势;极端径流发生频率8个站点呈增加趋势,5个呈减少趋势。② 极端径流在径流值上的频率分布,年最大值序列总体较服从Weibull分布,而非普遍采用的广义极值分布;超门限峰值序列总体仍较服从广义帕累托分布。③ 基于超门限峰值序列和广义帕累托分布估算的50年一遇的极端径流值精度最高,大部分地区误差率低于0.2,精度优于工程标准Pearson III分布。气候变化背景下,极端径流频率特征发生变化,流域上游地区工程标准可能需要调整。受函数形态影响,极值序列最优拟合函数估算精度不如广义极值分布和广义帕累托分布。  相似文献   

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