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国家自然科学基金项目资助的地貌学研究现状与效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
程维明  刘樯漪  申元村 《地理学报》2016,71(7):1255-1261
通过对2010-2015年国家自然科学基金资助下地貌学研究项目的总体状况、项目类型、依托单位、研究区域、人才队伍、研究热点、成果产出、获奖及社会效应等方面的分析,归纳概括地貌学的研究现状与态势等。结果表明:近5年来,地貌学获得的资助项目呈上升趋势,相关研究不断深入,各类研究团队显著壮大;研究系统已由高等院校为主逐渐发展成高等院校与科研机构并行的格局;不同地域地貌学研究的发展程度、研究对象及热点问题均表现出一定的区域不均衡性;构造、河流水文、黄土、冰川、风沙等是目前中国地貌学研究的主体方向。从资助项目的研究成果和产生效应来看,地貌学研究得到恢复和较快速发展,发表论文的数量和质量稳步提升,资助项目成果获奖层次高、社会效益显著。  相似文献   

“一带一路”建设模式研究——基于制度与文化视角   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
刘卫东  姚秋蕙 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1134-1146
推动“一带一路”建设向高质量发展转变,对学术界提出了新命题,需要对已有建设模式和建设项目进行深入剖析,总结经验和教训,提出对“一带一路”建设具有指导意义的理论知识。以往地理学主要关注企业对外直接投资,而“一带一路”建设项目涉及的范畴要大得多,既包括中国的直接投资,也包括中国提供融资并承建的项目,还包括一些新兴的混合项目。已经进行的“一带一路”建设案例研究表明,中国企业“走出去”比较容易忽视的因素是中国与东道国之间在制度和文化上的差异。利用“制度和文化转向”研究思路来剖析“一带一路”建设项目,总结其建设模式,对于经济地理学的发展以及指导“一带一路”建设都具有重要意义。本文首先简要回顾了“制度和文化转向”出现的背景以及主要研究脉络;而后总结了“一带一路”建设项目的主要形式,提出了基于工程总承包(EPC)、基于特许经营和企业直接投资三大类建设模式;最后借鉴“制度和文化转向”的研究技巧,从“地域嵌入的广度和深度”和“技术及项目的‘破坏性’”两个维度,将“一带一路”建设项目分为变革性项目、支撑性项目、一般性项目和海外经贸合作园区4种类型,用以识别它们的制度和文化敏感性,并举例进行了说明。本文提出的分析框架为进行“一带一路”建设案例研究提供了一个思考方向。  相似文献   


Most preservice teachers complete their social science course requirements in isolation from their social studies methods course. This paper reports the unique co-mingling of one interdisciplinary social science course (emphasizing geographic and environmental education) with the social studies methods for a cohort of undergraduate preservice teachers. Integrating parts of their curricula, instruction, assignments, and assessments through a co-mentoring process and action research project connected professors and preservice teachers with children and their environments. A review of the professors' process accompanied by a summary of preservice teachers' projects and reactions describes the classroom experiences and pedagogical outcomes experienced by each group.  相似文献   

Many regions in the world are affected by land degradation. Successive development projects have promoted a variety of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures to prevent further land degradation. However, these measures have seldom been adopted on a large scale. This paper deals with the adoption process of investments in SWC measures, and with the factors influencing adoption and continued use of these measures. After a theoretical introduction, whereby three phases in the adoption process are distinguished, it presents and compares some results of independent empirical research projects on adoption of SWC measures in five developing countries. Some general conclusions are drawn from these diverse research results.  相似文献   

刘涵  张侠 《极地研究》2017,29(2):245-255
近些年来南极科研越来越受到世界各国的重视,作为《南极条约》的发起者和南极条约体系的管理者,美国始终站在南极科学研究前沿,对维护其国际南极事务领导地位有着重要意义。1953—2016年美国国家科学基金资助了7 759个南极科研项目,通过统计分析对项目投入进行以下4个方面的分析:南极项目投入、南极科研各学科投入、科研大项目以及合作机构。研究发现:(1)1953年至今,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)对美国南极科研项目的资助力度和重视力度不断增加,促进了美国南极政策的落实和发展;(2)美国各大科学指导机构出台的前瞻性文件对引领美国南极科考发展方向起到重要作用;(3)NSF充分利用各高等院校和研究机构的资源设施,搭建科研支撑平台,与之展开长期南极科研项目合作;(4)NSF重视科研大项目的开展,这些大项目站在南极科学前沿,引领美国南极科研更好地发展;(5)NSF通过学校、社会、媒体多个渠道开展南极教育,增进群众对南极了解并培养科研人员来维护美国在南极的科考领先地位。上述研究发现为中国南极科研政策制定提供了相应的启示。  相似文献   

1 Research background The globalization in process challenges our traditional way of looking at territories. New regional entities are emerging at sub-continental level as it is the case in Western and Central Europe through the growing assertion of Europ…  相似文献   

Since 2001, the French and Chinese researchers have done a cooperative research on the comparison of integrated development of large river basins. The Yangtze River was chosen as a crux of this research and linked with other older river experiments like the Rhone, the Nile and the Mississippi. This research includes not only the environmental issues but also economic and social issues. One special issue journal has been published in French for our research results. Other two collective and comparative books in French and Chinese will be finished at the end of this year. In the future, the comparison should be widened to Italy (the Po), Egypt (the Nile development planning) and the United States (the Mississippi Basin) and we would like to enlarge our research group and want to link up different teams and research projects, in order to get a global understanding of large river regions phenomenon.  相似文献   

Phil Jones  Neil Macdonald 《Area》2007,39(4):490-498
This paper addresses recent debates on the need for greater collaboration across the physical and human geography divide. We discuss some of the problems of producing work that can be considered genuinely interdisciplinary. The paper reflects on a project examining the use of sustainable drainage systems in Glasgow and how we unwittingly produced a piece of social science research looking at a physical science topic. We suggest that more than simply the need for 'trust' between researchers, the actual practice of working together in the field – and, indeed, having the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them – is essential. In working together, academics have a better opportunity to understand each other's intellectual and epistemological framework and develop projects where researchers can move beyond their disciplinary boundaries and weave their expertise into a coherent research output.  相似文献   

将策划理论与旅游规划相结合,以尉犁生态园为例,集高科技农业示范、干旱区生态恢复研究、农业观光旅游于一体,并结合现代化农业培训和农业科技推广等的协调发展,尤其注重突出干旱区特色。从策划的角度对规划的背景、原则、设计及构思与进行讨论,以求对干旱区生态观光农业规划的发展有所启益。  相似文献   

Research on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, particularly projects aiming to contribute to practical adaptation initiatives, requires active involvement and collaboration with community members and local, regional and national organizations that use this research for policy-making. Arctic communities are already experiencing and adapting to environmental and socio-cultural changes, and researchers have a practical and ethical responsibility to engage with communities that are the focus of the research. This paper draws on the experiences of researchers working with communities across the Canadian Arctic, together with the expertise of Inuit organizations, Northern research institutes and community partners, to outline key considerations for effectively engaging Arctic communities in collaborative research. These considerations include: initiating early and ongoing communication with communities, and regional and national contacts; involving communities in research design and development; facilitating opportunities for local employment; and disseminating research findings. Examples of each consideration are drawn from climate change research conducted with communities in the Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   

中国人地关系演进及其资源环境基础研究进展   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
李小云  杨宇  刘毅 《地理学报》2016,71(12):2067-2088
人地关系研究始终贯彻在地理学发展的各个阶段,是地理学研究的核心。本文在大量的文献梳理基础上,对中国人地关系的内涵特征、研究概况和主要研究内容进行了系统综述。① 阐述了中国人地关系在不同社会发展阶段的内涵及演进规律,发现人地关系作为地理学研究核心的地位不断强化,其内涵随时代不断演变,尤其是可持续发展等理念的提出极大地丰富了人地关系的内涵及理论体系。② 运用文献计量方法概述中国人地关系的基本研究状况,对1980年以来人地关系研究的经费来源、主要研究团队和主要传播期刊等进行了定量识别,研究经费以国家级基金支持为主,并呈现多元化趋势;研究的优势团队主要集中在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所及师范类院校;中国地理学会主办的期刊对人地关系研究传播具有重要影响力。③ 资源环境是人地关系的基本载体,本文进一步聚焦到人地关系的资源环境基础研究,发现中国资源环境基础研究经历了从单要素视角逐步向多要素综合视角演变的历程,研究主题从土地资源、水资源、能源矿产资源等单一要素逐步向资源环境综合要素转变。服务于国家和区域发展战略的实证研究是中国人地关系研究的特色,未来要更加注重以发展、动态的思路关注“人”、“地”特征的变化以及新因素对人地关系的影响研究,尤其要注重资源环境绝对区位的时空变化对人地相互作用的模式影响研究,加强学科交叉以及综合集成技术的系统性研究,以推进人地关系理论与实践应用的发展。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金推动下的中国人文地理学发展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黄耿志  冷疏影 《地理学报》2018,73(3):578-594
选取土地利用、城市体系、经济全球化、气候变化、社会文化地理5个研究议题,以1986-2017年所有相关的人文地理学国家自然科学基金资助项目为研究样本,对每个项目的研究主题、研究内容、研究队伍、主要成果进行梳理,分析国家自然科学基金对中国人文地理学发展的推动作用。分析认为,国家自然科学基金在推动中国人文地理学自由开展基础研究、服务国家战略需求,促进学科交叉和方法创新,培育学科新生长点以及培养和壮大专业人才队伍等方面发挥了重要的支持和引导作用。本文同时反映了30年来国家自然科学基金支持下人文地理研究取得的重要进展,有助于了解中国人文地理学学科发展的特征与态势。  相似文献   

被誉为世界屋脊和亚洲水塔的青藏高原是中国资源宝库和生态安全屏障。1949年以来,青藏高原科学考察研究作为国家战略任务受到高度重视。1949—2017年第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究(简称“第二次青藏科考”)启动之前,中国科学家在青藏高原地区开展的科学考察研究历程大致可分为4个阶段:① 区域专题科学考察阶段(20世纪50—60年代),该阶段取得了重要的第一手资料,为此后的大规模青藏高原综合科学考察研究奠定了基础;② 第一次青藏高原综合科学考察研究阶段(简称“第一次青藏科考”,1973—1992年),该阶段首次开展了大规模多学科的综合考察研究,完成了面积约260万km2的青藏高原综合科学考察研究,积累了大量的科学资料,产生了巨大的科学和社会影响;③ 问题主导的科学考察研究阶段(20世纪90年代—21世纪初),包括攀登计划、国家重点基础研究发展计划、高水平国际合作等为特征的科学问题主导的科学考察研究,实现了由静态到动态、由定性到定量、由单一学科到交叉学科的里程碑式转变;④ 建制化和团队攻坚的科学考察研究阶段(2003—2017年),这一阶段以2003年中国科学院青藏高原研究所成立为标志,队伍规模化组建,野外台站体系化建成,实验室建设形成规模,国际合作不断深化,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项以及第三极环境国际计划等重大项目的实施,汇集了全国和全球开展青藏高原研究的杰出人才,推动青藏高原研究走进世界地学研究的第一方阵,为2017年启动第二次青藏科考打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):730-755
Urban renewal infill projects adjacent to university campuses provide ideal opportunities to create mixed-use landscapes with lasting character and strong place identity, especially when planning guidelines promote sustainability and smart growth principles. Despite such conditions, powerful growth coalitions can still manipulate the development process so that projects are altered to serve their own interests. This research examines how an innovative infill project in Colorado Springs devolved into a very traditional, automobile-oriented big-box shopping center unlikely to serve the needs of students or create a lively destination site. We analyze the strategies of powerful stakeholders and public agencies during the development process to determine how such a breakdown could occur. We conclude that a deregulated political culture empowers the growth machine coalition to define the "reality" of what can and cannot be built, perpetuating the creation of placeless, generic landscapes insensitive to local site characteristics or alternative visions.  相似文献   

王云  马丽  刘毅 《地理科学进展》2018,37(2):239-254
本文运用CiteSpace和HistCite文献计量方法,以中文核心期刊和Web of Science核心合集中的城镇化研究文献为对象,通过对文章数量、研究主题词与团队的分析,总结国内外城镇化研究的总体特征。研究发现:城镇化研究领域发表的期刊文章数量总体上呈上升趋势,并已逐渐成人文地理学的重要研究方向之一;国际城镇化研究则呈现分散化的特点,主要包括环境科学、城市研究、自然地理、公共管理、区域研究等,各个研究方向之间相对独立,但仍存在相互引证关系;与其他国家或地区相比,中国的城镇化研究虽起步较晚,但由于中国城镇化进程的独特特征与复杂性,中国城镇化研究的问题和内容上更为丰富和细化,主要包括可持续发展、土地利用、工业化、产业结构、生态环境、新型城镇化、空间结构等方向。  相似文献   

Henry Buller 《Area》2009,41(4):395-403
Food chain research offers particular opportunities for the development of interdisciplinary problematics and approaches. For example, the issue of 'quality' cannot be interpreted solely from natural or from social science perspectives but rather requires a consilient and interdisciplinary vision. Suggesting a 'ground upwards' approach, building upon transitional objects and networks of practice and drawing upon a recently completed research project involving natural and social science research teams, this paper considers the practice and performance of interdisciplinarity as a lively process of knowledge creation that operates within what Luhmann calls 'forums of articulation' through which epistemologically mobile socio-natural entities are defined and explored.  相似文献   

Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have promoted the rapid development of ice-snow tourism in China, which contributes to achieving the goal of having “300 million people participate in ice-snow sports”. This paper analyzes the status quo and problems associated with the growth of ice-snow tourism in China based on the methods of documentation and field investigation. The results indicate that China’s efforts have born abundant fruits. Notwithstanding, there are still some problems due to the limited time and hastened process of ice-snow tourism development, including unreasonable exploitation, low-quality products and services, imperfect investment and financing system, inadequate management, a single marketing mode, and insufficient talent teams. Compared with developed countries in Europe and the United States, ice-snow tourism in China is in the stage of rapid development. To achieve the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, this paper proposes actions from eight aspects which involve policy, products and services, marketing, safety management and control, talent teams, standardization construction, science and technology, and community participation. This study can provide references for the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, as well as perfecting Chinese theoretical research on ice-snow tourism.  相似文献   

Drawing on ethnographic case studies from Madagascar, this research shows that multiple marine conservation projects have institutionalized inequitable access to marine recourses along gendered lines. Despite discursive and institutional shifts toward more “collaborative” and “community-based” conservation programing, there is a deficiency of women’s nominal as well as effective participation in community management organizations. This research shows that conservation organizations’ focus on proximate drivers of marine resource use, or a politics of picking the “low-hanging fruit,” over ultimate drivers such as global commodity chains, places disproportionate emphasis on marine spatial enclosures and restricting specific, and gendered, harvest methods. To address gender bias concerning access to and control over natural resources, we must go beyond the rhetoric of “community involvement” to address gendered inequalities in conservation decision making, and whose interests are served by conservation projects.  相似文献   

There is a gap between the great vision and high-quality targets of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) and Western recognition of them, which challenges Chinese and Western scholars. This gap should be narrowed by conducting in-depth case studies and comparative studies at the project level. In recent years, the international academic community has paid increasing attention to Chinese outward foreign direct investment(FDI), but Belt and Road construction is much broader in scope, comprising not only FDI projects but also China-financed projects and emerging mixed projects. Our investigation, observation, and examination of the BRI projects find that compared to their Western counterparts, Chinese enterprises have less experience in doing business in other countries and often pay less attention to institutional and cultural differences between China and the host countries. Thus, revisiting the institutional and cultural turn in economic geography and employing its ideas to analyze the BRI projects and summarize their construction modes may contribute to the development of both economic geography and the BRI. This paper first briefly reviews the background and research trends of the institutional and cultural turn and then summarizes three major modes of Belt and Road construction, namely, EPC(Engineering Procurement Construction)-based projects, concession-based projects, and FDI; finally, it draws on the institutional and cultural turn to classify the BRI projects according to the two indicators of "Breadth and Depth of Territorial Embeddedness" and "Destructive Effect of a Project and/or Technology" into four types: transformative, supportive, ordinary projects and overseas industrial cooperation parks. Different institutional and cultural sensitivity can be observed for each type of project. The preliminary theorization proposed in this paper may offer a potential framework for further research on the BRI.  相似文献   

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