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Pyroclastic deposits exposed in the caldera walls of Santorini Volcano (Greece), contain several prominent horizons of coarse-grained andesitic spatter and cauliform volcanic bombs. These deposits can be traced around most of the caldera wall. They thicken in depressions and are intimately associated with ignimbrite and co-ignimbrite lithic lag breccias. They are interpreted as a proximal facies of pyroclastic flow deposits. Evidence for a flow origin includes the presence of a fine-grained pumiceous matrix, flow deformation of ductile spatter clasts, exceedingly coarse grain sizes several kilometres from any plausible vent, imbrication of flattened spatter clasts, intimate interbedding with normal pyroclastic flow deposits and the presence of inversely graded basal layers. The deposits contain hydrothermally altered, rounded lithic ejecta including gabbro nodules. The andesitic ejecta and the fine matrix are typically moderately to poorly vesicular indicating that magmatic gas had a subordinate role in the eruptive process. The andesitic clasts contain abundant angular lithic inclusions and some clasts are themselves formed of pre-existing agglutinate. We propose that these eruptions occurred when external water gained access to the vents, causing large-scale explosions which formed pyroclastic flows rich in coarse, semifluid but poorly vesicular ejecta. We postulate that large volumes of coarse pyroclastic ejecta and degassed lava accumulated in a deep crater prior to being disrupted by these large explosions to form pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

Initial results of a thermal treatment study on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of impact breccias from Chicxulub crater are used to investigate the nature of the magnetic fabrics. Chicxulub impact breccias are heterogeneous materials, with carbonate, basement and melt clasts within carbonate-rich or melt-rich matrix. Samples studied come from the carbonate-rich basal unit Lower Suevite in the Yaxcopoil-1 borehole impactite sequence (core depth interval: 885?C895 m). The Lower Suevite is characterized by mixed prolate and oblate ellipsoids with shallow to steep principal susceptibility axes, which had been related to emplacement as an excavation flow with ground-surge components during the early cratering stages. Thermal treatment results in changes in the fabrics with a tendency to oblate fabrics. Stepwise thermal treatment up to 700°C reveals different behaviors for the oblate, neutral and prolate fabrics marked by changes in AMS parameters and principal susceptibility axis orientations. A sample with oblate fabrics and vertical minimum axes showed an increase of magnetic susceptibility at high temperatures, indicating formation of secondary magnetite and fabric enhancement. A sample with neutral ellipsoid showed heating-induced changes towards oblate fabrics and vertical minimum susceptibility axes. Samples characterized by prolate ellipsoids with horizontal maximum axes showed no directional changes. In a sample with apparent intermediate or inverse fabrics, vertical maximum axes showed changes to horizontal inclinations, with the intermediate and maximum axes switching positions. Changes induced by stepwise thermal treatment appear useful to characterize the fabrics of impact lithologies. Further investigation of heating-induced effects in mineralogy, grain size and textural changes is, however, required to relate the different behaviors observed after stepwise thermal treatment with the magnetic mineralogy and emplacement mode of the breccias.  相似文献   

Twenty six samples from seven hand specimens, collected from the station 6 boulder at the Apollo 17 landing site, were studied magnetically. The boulder is a breccia consisting of three lithologic units distinguished by their clast population. The direction of magnetization of samples from unit B which is almost devoid of large clasts cluster fairly well after alternating field demagnetization. Samples from unit C which is characterized by abundant large clasts up to 1 m in size do not contain a uniform direction of magnetization but the distribution is not random. Based on these data we propose that the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in these breccias is the vector sum of two magnetizations, a pre-impact magnetization and a partial thermoremanence acquired during breccia formation. The relative contribution of the two components is controlled by the thermal history of the ejecta, which in turn is determined by its clast population. Depending on the clast population, the NRM can be a total thermoremanence, a partial thermoremanence plus a pre-impact magnetization, or a pre-impact magnetization. This model of thermal overprinting might be applicable to all lunar breccias of medium and higher metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

Pristine granite clasts in Apollo-14 breccias 14321 and 14303 have estimated masses of 1.8 and 0.17 g, respectively. The 14321 clast is ~ 60% K-feldspar and 40% quartz, with traces of extremely Mg-poor mafic silicates and ilmenite. The 14303 clast is roughly 33% plagioclase, 32% K-feldspar, 23% quartz, 11% pyroxene, and 1% ilmenite; pyroxene and ilmenite are moderately Mg-rich; plagioclase and pyroxene are strongly zoned. Both clasts are severely brecciated, but monomict (pristine). Both have abundant graphic intergrowths of K-feldspar with quartz. Unlike the majority of similar Earth rocks, both clasts are devoid of hydrous phases. The bulk composition of the 14321 clast is similar to those of several other lunar granitic samples, but the 14303 clast is unique: it bears as close a resemblance to KREEP as it does to other lunar granites. Silicate liquid immiscibility may explain why the granites are low in REE relative to KREEP.  相似文献   

We have discovered four clasts in three ordinary-chondrite regolith breccias which are a new kind of type 3 chondrite. Like ordinary and carbonaceous type 3 chondrites, they have distinct chondrules, some of which contain glass, highly heterogeneous olivines and pyroxenes, and predominantly monoclinic low-Ca pyroxenes. But instead of the usual fine-grained, Fe-rich silicate matrix, the clasts have a matrix composed largely of aggregates of micron- and submicron-sized graphite and magnetite. The bulk compositions of the clasts as well as the types of chondrules (largely porphyritic) are typical of type 3 ordinary chondrites, although chondrules in the clasts are somewhat smaller (0.1–0.5 mm). A close relationship with ordinary chondrites is also indicated by the presence of similar graphite-magnetite aggregates in seven type 3 ordinary chondrites. This new kind of chondrite is probably the source of the abundant graphite-magnetite inclusions in ordinary-chondrite regolith breccias, and may be more common than indicated by the absence of whole meteorites made of chondrules and graphite-magnetite.  相似文献   

KREEP-rich poikilitic impact melt rocks 65777,11, 65015,88, and 62235,66 are the only mafic impact melt rocks from Cayley Plains stations, Apollo 16, from which areas of subophitic texture can be reported.The bulk chemistry of these unique subophitic areas and the surrounding poikilitic matrices, as well as mineral compositions (olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, Fe-Ni metal) were determined by electron microprobe analysis. All subophitic areas could be undoubtedly identified as impact melt rockclasts. Inclusion 65777,11 II is of uniquely KREEP-rich composition, 62235,66 II can be classified as anorthositic. Therefore our attempt to identify pristine volcanic basement rocks of the Cayley regions among these inclusions of basaltic texture failed.However, the absence of pristine volcanic target rock fragments and the existence of KREEP-rich and anorthositic impact melt clasts in KREEP-rich impact melt rocks from Cayley Plains favors the theory that the Cayley Plains formation is part of the ejecta blanket from a large basin-type impact crater (Imbrium?), which is underlain by anorthositic material (Nectaris ejecta?), and has been reworked by local impacts in post-Imbrian times.  相似文献   

The BK9 kimberlite consists of three overlapping pipes. It contains two dark varieties of massive volcaniclastic kimberlite, informally termed dark volcaniclastic kimberlite (DVK). DVK(ns) is present in the north and south pipes and is interbedded with lenses of basalt breccia at the margins of the pipes. DVK(c) is present within the central pipe where it is overlain by a sequence of basalt breccias with interbedded volcanogenic sediments. The features observed within the DVK units of the BK9 kimberlite provide strong evidence for gas fluidisation of the accumulating pyroclastic material. These include the massive interior of the pipes, marginal epiclastic units, well-dispersed country-rock xenoliths and small-scale heterogeneities in lithic clast abundance. The upper portions of the central pipe provide a record of the transition from pyroclastic eruption and infill to passive epiclastic infilling of the crater, after the eruption has ceased. The wall-rock of the BK9 kimberlite dips inwards and is interpreted as post pipe-fill subsidence of the adjacent country rock. The two DVK units contain interstitial, silt-sized pyroclasts. The DVK(ns) has a higher fraction of former melt and displays evidence of incipient welding, as a result of differences in eruption dynamics. These units demonstrate that whilst DVK is comparable in many respects to MVK and forms part of a spectrum of volcaniclastic rocks formed by fluidisation, it differs in frequently containing silt-sized particles and including agglutinated and welded varieties with a high melt fraction. The DVK varieties, studied here, also have a distinctive hydrothermal assemblage, resulting from the abundance of low-silica accidental lithic clasts. Both the hydrothermal alteration and the abundance of silt-sized particles contribute to the DVKs distinctive dark colour.  相似文献   

塔河油田碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层的测井识别与评价方法研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
塔河油田奥陶系以碳酸盐岩为主,油气的主要储渗空间为裂缝和溶蚀孔洞,具有很强的非均质性.本文利用常规及成像测井资料,对碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层的识别与评价方法进行研究.为了综合各种测井方法识别裂缝,建立了综合裂缝概率模型,计算综合裂缝概率指示裂缝的发育程度.利用地层微电阻率扫描成像测井资料进行裂缝和溶蚀孔洞的定性、定量解释.定量计算的裂缝参数为:裂缝密度、裂缝长度、裂缝平均宽度、平均水动力宽度、裂缝视孔隙度;定量计算的溶蚀孔洞参数有:面孔率、孔洞密度.根据缝洞型储层孔隙空间类型及其中子孔隙度、补偿密度、声波、双侧向电阻率的测井响应物性特征,建立缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层复杂孔隙介质解释模型,用于确定裂缝、溶蚀孔洞孔隙度和评价储层.  相似文献   

 Coarse, co-ignimbrite lithic breccia, Ebx, occurs at the base of ignimbrite E, the most voluminous and widespread unit of the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) in Greece. Similar but generally less coarse-grained basal lithic breccias (Dbx) are also associated with the ignimbrites in the underlying D unit. Ebx shows considerable lateral variations in texture, geometry and contact relationships but is generally less than a few metres thick and comprises lithic clasts that are centimetres to a few metres in diameter in a matrix ranging from fines bearing (F2: 10 wt.%) to fines poor (F2: 0.1 wt.%). Lithic clasts are predominantly vent-derived andesite, although clasts derived locally from the underlying sedimentary formations are also present. There are no proximal exposures of KPT. There is a highly irregular lower erosional contact at the base of ignimbrite E at the closest exposures to the inferred vent, 10–14 km from the centre of the inferred source, but no Ebx was deposited. From 14 to <20 km from source, Ebx is present over a planar erosional contact. At 16 km Ebx is a 3-m-thick, coarse, fines-poor lithic breccia separated from the overlying fines-bearing, pumiceous ignimbrite by a sharp contact. This grades downcurrent into a lithic breccia that comprises a mixture of coarse lithic clasts, pumice and ash, or into a thinner one-clast-thick lithic breccia that grades upward into relatively lithic-poor, pumiceous ignimbrite. Distally, 27 to <36 km from source Ebx is a finer one-clast-thick lithic breccia that overlies a non-erosional base. A downcurrent change from strongly erosional to depositional basal contacts of Ebx dominantly reflects a depletive pyroclastic density current. Initially, the front of the flow was highly energetic and scoured tens of metres into the underlying deposits. Once deposition of the lithic clasts began, local topography influenced the geometry and distribution of Ebx, and in some cases Ebx was deposited only on topographic crests and slopes on the lee-side of ridges. The KPT ignimbrites also contain discontinuous lithic-rich layers within texturally uniform pumiceous ignimbrite. These intra-ignimbrite lithic breccias are finer grained and thinner than the basal lithic breccias and overlie non-erosional basal contacts. The proportion of fine ash within the KPT lithic breccias is heterogeneous and is attributed to a combination of fluidisation within the leading part of the flow, turbulence induced locally by interaction with topography, flushing by steam generated by passage of pyroclastic density currents over and deposition onto wet mud, and to self-fluidisation accompanying the settling of coarse, dense lithic clasts. There are problems in interpreting the KPT lithic breccias as conventional co-ignimbrite lithic breccias. These problems arise in part from the inherent assumption in conventional models that pyroclastic flows are highly concentrated, non-turbulent systems that deposit en masse. The KPT coarse basal lithic breccias are more readily interpreted in terms of aggradation from stratified, waning pyroclastic density currents and from variations in lithic clast supply from source. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 October 1997  相似文献   

We studied the fine-grained matrices (< 150 μm) of 14 gas-rich ordinary chondrite regolith breccias in an attempt to decipher the nature of the lithification process that converted loose regolith material into consolidated breccias. We find that there is a continuous gradation in matrix textures from nearly completely clastic (class A) to highly cemented (class C) breccias in which the remaining clasts are completely surrounded by interstitial, shock-melted material. We conclude that this interstitial material formed by shock melting in the porous regolith. In general, the abundances of solar-wind-implanted 4He and 20Ne are inversely correlated with the abundance of interstitial, shock-melted, feldspathic material. Chondrites with the highest abundance of interstitial, melted material (class C) experienced the highest shock pressures and temperatures and suffered the most extensive degassing. It is this interstitial, feldspathic melt that lithifies and cements the breccias together; those breccias with very little interstitial melt (class A) are the most porous and least consolidated.  相似文献   

Deeply subducted carbonate rocks from the Kokchetav massif (Northern Kazakhstan) recrystallised within the diamond stability field (P = 4.5–6.0 GPa; T  1000 °C) and preserve evidence for ultra high-pressure carbonate and silicate melts. The carbonate rocks consist of garnet and K-bearing clinopyroxene embedded in a dolomite or magnesian calcite matrix. Polycrystalline magnesian calcite and polyphase carbonate–silicate inclusions occurring in garnet and clinopyroxene show textural features of former melt inclusions. The trace element composition of such carbonate inclusions is enriched in Ba and light rare earth elements and depleted in heavy rare earth elements with respect to the matrix carbonates providing further evidence that the inclusions represent trapped carbonate melt. Polyphase inclusions in garnet and clinopyroxene within a magnesian calcite marble, consisting mainly of a tight intergrowth of biotite + K-feldspar and biotite + zoisite + titanite, are interpreted to represent two different types of K-rich silicate melts. Both melt types show high contents of large ion lithophile elements but contrasting contents of rare earth elements. The Ca-rich inclusions display high REE contents similar to the carbonate inclusions and show a general trace element characteristic compatible with a hydrous granitic origin. Low SiO2 content in the silicate melts indicates that they represent residual melts after extensive interaction with carbonates. These observations suggest that hydrous granitic melts derived from the adjacent metapelites reacted with dolomite at ultra high-pressure conditions to form garnet, clinopyroxene – a hydrous carbonate melt – and residual silicate melts. Silicate and carbonate melt inclusions contain diamond, providing evidence that such an interaction promotes diamond growth. The finding of carbonate melts in deeply subducted crust might have important consequences for recycling of trace elements and especially C from the slab to the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

Impact ejecta from the Albion Formation are exposed in northern Belize. The ejecta come from the outer portion of the continuous ejecta blanket of the Chicxulub crater, which is located 360 km to the northwest. The basal unit of the Albion Formation is a 1-m-thick clay and dolomite spheroid bed composed of up to four discrete flows. The clay spheroids are altered impact glass, and the dolomite spheroids are accretionary lapilli. The upper unit is a 15-m-thick coarse diamictite bed containing altered glass, large accretionary blocks, striated, polished, and impacted cobbles, and rare shocked quartz. The abundance of accretionary clasts, evidence for atmospheric drag sorting, and the presence of multiple flows in the Albion Formation indicate that atmospheres play an important role in the formation of the outer portions of continuous ejecta blankets of large craters.  相似文献   

Cirque-wall exposures of cone-forming deposits of Pleistocene Broken Top volcano, Oregon Cascade Range, reveal that the volcano is composed of unconformity-bounded constructional units of coherent lava (lava-flow cores) and breccia. Coarse-grained autoclastic breccias are found above and below lava-flow cores and may extend downslope from coherent lava outcrops where they may or may not be associated with thin lava stringers. Mantle-bedded scoria-fall breccias are recognized by generally good sorting, mantle bedding, and presence of aerodynamically shaped bombs. These breccias vary considerably in thermal oxidation coloration (black, red, orange, purple). Many breccia layers are unsorted mixtures of scoria and lithic (nonvesicular) fragments that grade laterally to unambiguous autoclastic breccia or lava-flow cores. These layers are interpreted as hybrid pyroclastic–autoclastic deposits produced by incorporation of falling or fallen tephra into advancing lava-flow fronts. This latter breccia type is common at Broken Top and offers particular challenges for clast or deposit classification.Progressive thermal demagnetization results for selected examples of different breccia types show that most scoria-fall and autoclastic breccias are emplaced at elevated temperatures (averaging 100–300°C). Clasts within single deposits record different emplacement temperatures ranging, in some cases, from 100 to over 580°C indicating a lack of thermal equilibration within deposits. Magnetization directions for single breccia deposits are more dispersed than data typically reported for lava flows. Settling and rotation of clasts after cooling or incorporation of colder clasts that are not significantly reheated probably accounts for the relatively high dispersion and suggests that paleomagnetic studies demanding low within-site dispersion (e.g., for determining paleomagnetic poles or evaluating tectonic rotation) should avoid volcanic breccias.  相似文献   

The lapilli tuff breccias (LTB-1 and LTB-2) of the Archean Hunter Mine Group in the south-central part of the Abitibi greenstone belt are inferred to be the product of subaqueous lava fountaining. Intercalated sub-wave base iron-formations, interstratified turbiditic tuffs, the absence of wave-induced sedimentary structures, and the stratigraphic position of lapilli tuff breccias beneath basaltic komatiites, support this contention. A complete eruptive sequence shows a tripartite division into (a) massive breccia, (b) stratified lapilli tuff, and (c) turbiditic tuff-lapilli tuff division. The massive breccia division is characterized by clusters of isolated and compressed irregular-shaped clasts inferred to be deposited directly from the hot magmatic lava fountain. Abundant vesicular pyroclasts with a vesicle content of up to 60% exhibit locally coalescing vesicles indicating bubble nucleation prior to eruption. The prevalence of irregular to amoeboid clast shapes suggests transport from the vent in a steamy-rich, high-density current to the site under a self-generated steam cupola. Ubiquitous subequant lapilli-size pyroclasts of the stratified lapilli tuff division suggest that significant ingress of water into the fountain changed the prevalent fragmentation process from magmatic to hydrovolcanic. The turbiditic tuff-lapilli tuff division composed of pumice, lithic fragments and vitric ash is envisaged to have formed by gravitational collapse of a subaqueous turbulent eruptive plume. This type of eruptive mechanism constituted a minor but important process of volcanic construction on the ocean floor during the Archean, and possibly during incipient arc and backarc formation in modern day settings.  相似文献   

The Abee E4 enstatite chondrite breccia consists of clasts (many rimmed by metallic Fe, Ni), dark inclusions and matrix. The clasts and matrix were well equilibrated by thermal metamorphism, as evidenced by uniform mineral compositions, recrystallized chondrules, low MnO content of enstatite and high abundance of orthoenstatite. The clasts acquired their metal-rich rims prior to this metamorphic episode. The occurrence in Abee of relatively unmetamorphosed dark inclusions, clasts with nearly random magnetic orientations and a matrix with a uniform magnetic orientation [18,19] indicates that clast and matrix metamorphism occurred prior to the agglomeration of the breccia.The dark inclusions are an unusual kind of enstatite chondritic material, distinguished from the clasts and matrix by their relative enrichments in REE [21–23], low relative abundances of kamacite, total metallic Fe, Ni and silica, lower niningerite/(total sulfide) ratios, high relative abundances of oldhamite and martensite, smaller euhedral enstatite, more heterogeneous enstatite and metallic Fe, Ni, more calcic enstatite and more nickeliferous schreibersite.We propose the following model for the petrogenesis of the Abee breccia: The maximum metamorphic temperature of breccia parent material was?- 840°C (the minimum temperature of formation of Abee niningerite) and perhaps near 950–1000°C (the Fe-Ni-S eutectic temperature). Euhedral enstatite crystals in metallic Fe, Ni- and sulfide-rich areas grew at these metamorphic temperatures into pliable metal and sulfide. Breccia parent material was impact-excavated from depth, admixed with dark inclusions and rapidly cooled (700 to 200°C in about 2 hours) [15]. During this cooling, clast and matrix material acquired thermal remanent magnetization. Random conglomeration of clasts and unconsolidated matrix materials caused the clasts to have random magnetic orientations and the matrix areas to have net magnetic intensities of zero (due to the cancellation of numerous randomly oriented magnetic vectors of equal intensity in the matrix). A subsequent ambient magnetic field imparted a uniform net magnetic orientation to the matrix and caused the magnetic orientations of the clasts to be somewhat less random. The Abee breccia was later consolidated, possibly by shock or by shallow burial and very long-period/low-temperature (< 215°C) metamorphism.  相似文献   

The 1959 summit eruption of Kīlauea volcano produced the highest recorded Hawaiian fountain in Hawai‘i. Quantitative analysis of closely spaced samples from the final two high-fountaining episodes of the eruption result in a fine-scale textural study of pyroclasts and provide a record of postfragmentation processes. As clast vesicularity increases, the vesicle number density decreases and vesicle morphology shifts from small and round to larger and more irregular. The shift in microtexture corresponds to greater degrees of postfragmentation expansion of clasts with higher vesicularity. We suggest the range of clast morphologies in the deposit is related to thermal zonation within a Hawaiian fountain where the highest vesicularity clasts traveled in the center and lowest traveled along the margins. Vesicle number densities are greatest in the highest fountaining episode and therefore scale with intensity of activity. Major element chemical analyses and fasciculate crystal textures indicate microlite-rich zones within individual clasts are portions of recycled lava lake material that were incorporated into newly vesiculating primary melt.  相似文献   

A unique terrestrial large impact melt sheet is preserved in the 1850 Ma Sudbury Structure, Ontario. We have undertaken a Pb isotope investigation of the southern limb of the melt sheet, termed the South Range Main Mass. The model initial Pb isotope ratios (207Pb/204Pbm) vary stratigraphically through the predominantly quartz monzogabbroic Lower Unit, varying from 15.40 to 15.45 at the base to ca. 15.35 at the top of the sequence. Lateral variations of similar range occur in basal Lower Unit samples over scales of less than 5 km. The range of these variations is similar to those of locally exposed upper crustal target rocks, and it is evident that the melt sheet has efficiently preserved inherited variability. During the violent phases of crater formation superheated impact melts are expected to be well-mixed mechanically, therefore significant post-impact melting of target rocks, fallback material and entrained clasts is required to explain such heterogeneity.The Sudbury Structure hosts world class Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide ore deposits. Systematic variation in 207Pb/204Pbm occurs throughout sulphide ores within the Creighton Embayment, from massive (15.42–15.45) to interstitial (ca. 15.40–15.41) and disseminated (ca. 15.39) sulphide. Linking the Pb isotope composition of these ores to the immediately overlying Lower Unit stratigraphy, a protracted sulphide segregation history is apparent. Massive sulphides segregated early, prior to or during initial silicate crystallisation, although the total time involved in sulphide accumulation spanned much of the crystallisation of the Lower Unit. It is also shown that lateral variations in Ni depletion throughout the Main Mass correlate with Pb isotopes. Those segments with the strongest chalcophile element depletion signatures, reflecting the accumulation of significant basal sulphides, have high initial Pb isotope values, consistent with early sulphide segregation. The characterisation of Pb isotopic heterogeneity has therefore provided insights into the evolution and scales of mixing of the melt sheet, with the identified chemical variability between melt cells having a significant influence on ore forming processes.  相似文献   

Downslope movements of 109 clasts ranging in intermediate diameter from 30 to 870 mm were monitored over a five-year period on hillslopes in the Valley and Ridge province of southwest Virginia. Gradients ranged from 8° to 42°. Regression on slope tangent, depth of clast base below ground surface, clast size, and clast shape explained 70 per cent of clastmovement variance. A substantial part of the unexplained variance appears due to variation in substrate and slope aspect. Additional measurements made on two steep boulder streams showed extremely low rates.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping of Tok Island, located in the middle of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), along with lithofacies analysis and K-Ar age determinations reveal that the island is of early to late Pliocene age and comprises eight rock units: Trachyte I, Unit P-I, Unit P-II, Trachyandesite (2.7±0.1 Ma), Unit P-III, Trachyte II (2.7±0.1 Ma), Trachyte III (2.5±0.1 Ma) and dikes in ascending stratigraphic order. Trachyte I is a mixture of coherent trachytic lavas and breccias that are interpreted to be subaqueous lavas and related hyaloclastites. Unit P-I comprises massive and inversely graded basaltic breccias which resulted from subaerial gain flows and subaqueous debris flows. A basalt clast from the unit, derived from below Trachyte I, has an age of 4.6±0.4 Ma. Unit P-II is composed of graded and stratified lapilli tuffs with the characteristics of proximal pyroclastic surge deposits. The Trachyandesite is a massive subaerial lava ponded in a volcano-tectonic depression, probably a summit crater. A pyroclastic sequence containing flattened scoria clasts (Unit P-III) and a small volume subaerial lava (Trachyte II) occur above the Trachyandesite, suggesting resumption of pyroclastic activity and lava effusion. Afterwards, shallow intrusion of magma occurred, producing Trachyte III and trachyte dikes.The eight rock units provide an example of the changing eruptive and depositional processes and resultant succession of lithofacies as a seamount builds up above sea level to form an island volcano: Trachyte I represents a wholly subaqueous and effusive stage; Units P-I and P-II represent Surtseyan and Taalian eruptive phases during an explosive transitional (subaqueous to emergent) stage; and the other rock units represent later subaerial effusive and explosive stages. Reconstruction of volcano morphology suggests that the island is a remnant of the south-western crater rim of a volcano the vent of which lies several hundred meters to the north-east.  相似文献   

Reaction coronas of pyroxene ± ilmenite occur around clasts of olivine in Apollo 14 high-grade metamorphic breccias. In experiments of several months duration, there was no evidence of corona formation at 1000°C, but at 1050°, withfO2 at or above Ilm-Ru-Fe and below Fe-Fe1?x O, incipient coronas formed around Fo50–70 in synthetic 14311 matrix. In addition, withfO2 controlled by Ilm-Ru-Fe at 1050°C, the olivines reduced to Fo68, En69 + Fe. Reduction of olivine under these conditions is inconsistent with the calculated stability relations and is attributed to uncertainties in the activity coefficient for olivine or pyroxene. The experiments also suggest that vesicularity in the Apollo 14 high-grade breccias may correlate with the amount of glassy material in their unmetamorphosed precursors. The metamorphic event is attributed to burial in a hot ejecta blanket, such as that of the Imbrium event.  相似文献   

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