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The discovery of the Crab Nebula as the first source of TeV gamma rays in 1989, using the technique of ground-based imaging air Cherenkov telescope, has marked the birthday of observational gamma astronomy in very high energy range. The team led by Trevor Weekes, after twenty years of trial and error, success and misfortune, step-by-step improvements in both the technique and understanding of gamma shower discrimination methods, used the 10 m diameter telescope on Mount Hopkins in Arizona, and succeeded measuring a 9σ signal from the direction of Crab Nebula. As of today over 160 sources of gamma rays of very different types, of both galactic and extra-galactic origin, have been discovered due to this technique. This is a really fast evolving branch in science, rapidly improving our understanding of the most violent and energetic sources and processes in the sky.The study of these sources provides clues to many basic questions in astrophysics, astro-particle physics, physics of cosmic rays and cosmology. Today’s telescopes, despite the young age of the technique, offer a solid performance. The technique is still maturing, leading to the next generation large instrument. This article is devoted to outlining the milestones in a long history that step-by-step have made this technique emerge and have brought about today’s successful source hunting.  相似文献   

Detection of cosmic sources of very high energy gamma rays based on the atmospheric Cerenkov technique is discussed. Very high energy gamma-rays initiate, on entering the terrestrial atmosphere, electron-photon cascade showers with in turn produce Cerenkov photons in the air. Parabolic reflectors are used to focus these photons onto fast photomultipliers. Two methods of deployment of parabolic reflectors are in vogue: one in which all the reflectors are located close to each other in a compact array and the other in which the reflectors are spread out farther apart forming a distributed array. In the latter mode, the arrival direction of individual showers can be determined accurately by using the measured relative arrival times between different detectors. Detailed studies with the distributed array helped us to understand the various parameters in the two designs and evaluate their relative merits in reaching the ultimate goals of lowering the energy threshold and improving the signal to background ratio for the detection of gamma-ray sources. It is found that the relative superiority among the two types of arrays is a function of the exponent assumed for the differential power law energy spectrum for the gamma ray source. It is also seen that with the type of reflectors commonly used in atmospheric Cerenkov work, lower energy thresholds can be achieved with use of larger aperture.  相似文献   

We present a new method of image cleaning for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The method is based on the utilization of wavelets to identify noise pixels in images of gamma-ray and hadronic induced air showers. This method selects more signal pixels with Cherenkov photons than traditional image processing techniques. In addition, the method is equally efficient at rejecting pixels with noise alone. The inclusion of more signal pixels in an image of an air shower allows for a more accurate reconstruction, especially at lower gamma-ray energies that produce low levels of light. We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations of gamma-ray and hadronic air showers which show improved angular resolution using this cleaning procedure. Data from the Whipple Observatory's 10-m telescope are utilized to show the efficacy of the method for extracting a gamma-ray signal from the background of hadronic generated images.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2009,32(1):47-52
The ARGO-YBJ (Astrophysical Radiation Ground-based Observatory at YangBaJing) experiment is designed for very high energy γ-astronomy and cosmic ray researches. Due to the full coverage of a large area (5600 m2) with resistive plate chambers at a very high altitude (4300 m a.s.l.), the ARGO-YBJ detector is used to search for transient phenomena, such as Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Because the ARGO-YBJ detector has a large field of view (2 sr) and is operated with a high duty cycle (>90%), it is well suited for GRB surveying and can be operated in searches for high energy GRBs following alarms set by satellite-borne observations at lower energies. In this paper, the sensitivity of the ARGO-YBJ detector for GRB detection is estimated. Upper limits to fluence with 99% confidence level for 26 GRBs inside the field of view from June 2006 to January 2009 are set in the two energy ranges 10–100 GeV and 10 GeV–1 TeV.  相似文献   

The technique of γ-ray astronomy at very high energies (VHE:>?100 GeV) with ground-based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes is described, the H.E.S.S. array in Namibia serving as example. Mainly a discussion of the physical principles of the atmospheric Cherenkov technique is given, emphasizing its rapid development during the last decade. The present status is illustrated by two examples: the spectral and morphological characterization in VHE γ-rays of a shell-type supernova remnant together with its theoretical interpretation, and the results of a survey of the Galactic Plane that shows a large variety of non-thermal sources. The final part is devoted to an overview of the ongoing and future instrumental developments.  相似文献   

Details are presented of an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope for use in very high energy gamma-ray astronomy which consists of a cluster of 109 close-packed photomultiplier tubes at the focus of a 10 meter optical reflector. The images of the Cherenkov flashes generated both by gamma-ray and charged cosmic-ray events are digitized and recorded. Subsequent off-line analysis of the images improves the significance of the signal to noise ratio by a factor of 10 compared with non-imaging techniques.  相似文献   

TeV gamma-ray astronomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The field of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has enjoyed rapid growth in recent years. As an increasing number of sources are detected at TeV energies, the field has matured and become a viable branch of modern astronomy. Lying at the uppermost end of the electromagnetic rainbow, TeV photons are always preciously few in number but carry essential information about the particle acceleration and radiative processes involved in extreme astronomical settings. Together with observations at longer wavelengths, TeV gamma-ray observations have drastically improved our view of the universe. In this re- view, we briefly describe recent progress in the field. We will conclude by providing a personal perspective on the future of the field, in particular, on the significant roles that China could play in advancing this young but exciting field.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the possibility of using the observations by GLAST of standard gamma sources, as the Crab Nebula, to calibrate imaging air Cherenkov detectors, MAGIC in particular, and optimise their energy resolution. We show that at around 100 GeV the absolute energy calibration uncertainty of Cherenkov telescopes can be reduced to 10% by means of such cross-calibration procedure.  相似文献   

The period of very high energy (E>2×1012 eV) gamma-ray emission of Cyg X-3 by using the data of observations of the source made during 6 years, 1972–1977, was specified. The value of the period is equal to 0.199 683±1×10–6 days. Phase histogram reveals two peaks, one lagging the other by 0.6 of the period. The averaged 6 year data amounts to 1.8×10–10 quanta cm–2 s–1 (peak intensity). It corresponds to luminosity of about 1.2×1037 erg s–1 if one assumes that an emission is isotropical and the distance is equal to 10 kpc.
- E>2×1012 Cyg X-3 . 1972–1977 . - T=0,199 683 ±10–6 . , 0,6 . 1,8×10–10 –2 –1 ( ), 1,2×1037 / 10 .

Results are reported from a study of the variability of the x-ray and very high energy (VHE) γ -ray emission from Mrk 421 during a 10-day period of enchanced source activity at the end of 2005. The TeV data were taken from observations with the Whipple 10-m Cerenkov telescope and the soft x-ray data, from the ASM on board the RXTE orbital observatory. Light curves for this source indicated an obvious variability in the form of flares in both energy ranges. During the flares, the flux of VHE γ -rays exceeded that from the Crab nebula and correlated positively with the observed x-ray emission. The flux of VHE γ - rays varied almost linearly with the soft x-ray flux. The statistical characteristics of the variability were independent of energy and the two emission components were detected quasi-simultaneously. The observed temporal properties of the source can be interpreted in terms of the rapid acceleration of leptons in a jet using a synchrotron self-Compton model. Our studies confirm a flare activity intrinsic to this source on the scale of a day found in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Significance testing, parameter estimation and sensitivity calculations for -ray telescopes are discussed for single on-off astronomical observations. Four widely used significance test methods are examined by Monte-Carlo simulations. The Maximum Likelihood Ratio Method is found to consistently over-estimate the significance of an observation by a few percents whereas the Fisher's Exact Test is shown to be slightly conservative and always under-estimates the significance by about the same amount when the reported significance is about 3 and therefore it is preferred for -ray astronomy applications. Two methods for constructing a confidence interval and an upper limit for -ray source counts are discussed. It is found that the method based on the Smooth Transformation provides slightly better estimations. A new formula for the calculation of the sensitivity of a -ray telescope is presented, in contrast to the widely accepted one, and their statistical meanings are explained in detail.  相似文献   

We discuss the concept and the performance of a powerful future ground-based astronomical instrument, 5@5 – a 5 GeV energy threshold stereoscopic array of several large imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) installed at a very high mountain elevation of about 5 km a.s.l. – for the study of the γ-ray sky at energies from approximately 5 to 100 GeV, where the capabilities of both the current space-based and ground-based γ-ray projects are quite limited. With its potential to detect the “standard” EGRET γ-ray sources with spectra extending beyond several GeV in exposure times from 1 to 103 s, such a detector may serve as an ideal “gamma-ray timing explorer” for the study of transient non-thermal phenomena like γ-radiation from AGN jets, synchrotron flares of microquasars, the high energy (GeV) counterparts of gamma ray bursts, etc. 5@5 also would allow detailed γ-ray spectroscopy of persistent nonthermal sources like pulsars, supernova remnants, plerions, radiogalaxies, and others, with unprecedented for γ-ray astronomy photon statistics. The existing technological achievements in the design and construction of multi(1000)-pixel, high resolution imagers, as well as of large, 20 m diameter class multi-mirror dishes with rather modest optical requirements, would allow the construction of such a detector in the foreseeable future, although in the longer terms from the point of view of ongoing projects of 100 GeV threshold IACT arrays like HESS which is in the build-up phase. An ideal site for such an instrument could be a high-altitude, 5 km a.s.l. or more, flat area with a linear scale of about 100 m in a very arid mountain region in the Atacama desert of Northern Chile.  相似文献   

Due to its sensitivity and speed, the detector still widely used in Cerenkov astrophysics experiments remains the Photo-Multiplier Tube (PMT). However, there are some disadvantages to the PMT technology: the rather poor quantum efficiency, the use of high voltages, the high cost when used in large number in a matrix arrangement and a subsequent large weight. Hence, we have investigated the possibility to design future Cerenkov telescope cameras based on solid state technology, specifically Geiger Avalanche PhotoDiodes (G-APD’s). This paper describes our extensive simulations to design the optical setup to be employed with G-APD’s. We also discuss the reflector configurations, pixel layouts, light concentrators, microlens arrays and spectral efficiencies to optimize light collection. The electronic aspects of our work were presented in a recent companion paper (Pellion et al., Exp. Astron. 27(3):187, 2010).  相似文献   

Observations of the gamma-ray sky reveal the most powerful sources and the most violent events in the Universe. While at lower wavebands the observed emission is generally dominated by thermal processes, the gamma-ray sky provides us with a view on the non-thermal Universe. Here particles are accelerated to extreme relativistic energies by mechanisms which are still poorly understood, and nuclear reactions are synthesizing the basic constituents of our world. Cosmic accelerators and cosmic explosions are the major science themes that are addressed in the gamma-ray regime.With the INTEGRAL observatory, ESA has provided a unique tool to the astronomical community revealing hundreds of sources, new classes of objects, extraordinary views of antimatter annihilation in our Galaxy, and fingerprints of recent nucleosynthesis processes. While INTEGRAL provides the global overview over the soft gamma-ray sky, there is a growing need to perform deeper, more focused investigations of gamma-ray sources. In soft X-rays a comparable step was taken going from the Einstein and the EXOSAT satellites to the Chandra and XMM/Newton observatories. Technological advances in the past years in the domain of gamma-ray focusing using Laue diffraction and multilayer-coated mirror techniques have paved the way towards a gamma-ray mission, providing major improvements compared to past missions regarding sensitivity and angular resolution. Such a future Gamma-Ray Imager will allow to study particle acceleration processes and explosion physics in unprecedented detail, providing essential clues on the innermost nature of the most violent and most energetic processes in the Universe.  相似文献   

We present a high-performance event reconstruction algorithm: an Image Pixel-wise fit for Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (ImPACT). The reconstruction algorithm is based around the likelihood fitting of camera pixel amplitudes to an expected image template. A maximum likelihood fit is performed to find the best-fit shower parameters. A related reconstruction algorithm has already been shown to provide significant improvements over traditional reconstruction for both the CAT and H.E.S.S. experiments. We demonstrate a significant improvement to the template generation step of the procedure, by the use of a full Monte Carlo air shower simulation in combination with a ray-tracing optics simulation to more accurately model the expected camera images. This reconstruction step is combined with an MVA-based background rejection.Examples are shown of the performance of the ImPACT analysis on both simulated and measured (from a strong VHE source) gamma-ray data from the H.E.S.S. array, demonstrating an improvement in sensitivity of more than a factor two in observation time over traditional image moments-fitting methods, with comparable performance to previous likelihood fitting analyses. ImPACT is a particularly promising approach for future large arrays such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) due to its improved high-energy performance and suitability for arrays of mixed telescope types.  相似文献   

MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes located in the Canary island of La Palma, Spain. During summer 2011 and 2012 it underwent a series of upgrades, involving the exchange of the MAGIC-I camera and its trigger system, as well as the upgrade of the readout system of both telescopes. We use observations of the Crab Nebula taken at low and medium zenith angles to assess the key performance parameters of the MAGIC stereo system. For low zenith angle observations, the standard trigger threshold of the MAGIC telescopes is ∼ 50  GeV. The integral sensitivity for point-like sources with Crab Nebula-like spectrum above 220 GeV is (0.66 ± 0.03)% of Crab Nebula flux in 50 h of observations. The angular resolution, defined as the σ of a 2-dimensional Gaussian distribution, at those energies is ≲ 0.07°, while the energy resolution is 16%. We also re-evaluate the effect of the systematic uncertainty on the data taken with the MAGIC telescopes after the upgrade. We estimate that the systematic uncertainties can be divided in the following components: < 15% in energy scale, 11%–18% in flux normalization and ± 0.15 for the energy spectrum power-law slope.  相似文献   

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