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We have constructed models of axisymmetric, circumstellar envelopes for Be star discs by successfully combining two numerical codes: a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative transfer code which calculates the level populations and disc temperature distribution self-consistently, and a hydrodynamical code. The output of one code is used as input to the other code, and hence evolving density and thermal structures may be examined. The temperatures, disc density and velocity distribution are used to investigate the outflowing viscous disc model for Be stars. We find that these simulations place constraints on the power-law density decrease in the disc with increasing distance from the star. We find that the power-law index for the line-forming region of the disc lies between 3 and 3.5 with a small dispersion.  相似文献   

From the LRS spectra of almost 2000 IRAS sources showing the 1612 MHz OH emission we found 9 candidates for OH/IR stars with SiC features in their envelopes. Further study indicates that 6 of these are definitely or very probably carbon star with the 11.3 μm SiC emission feature in addition of being OH/IR stars showing the 1612 MHz OH maser emission.  相似文献   

Copious mass loss on the Asymptotic Giant Branch dominates the late stages of stellar evolution. Maps of extended circumstellar envelopes provide a history of mass loss and trace out anisotropic mass loss. This review concentrates on observations of millimeter wavelength molecular line emission, on high resolution maps of maser emission and on observations of submillimeter, millimeter and radio wavelength continuum emission. Radio continuum observations show that AGB stars are larger at radio than at optical wavelengths. The extended chromospheres indicated by these observations extend to distances from the star large enough for dust to form, thereby initiating mass loss. Molecular line maps have found time-variable mass loss for some stars, including detached shells indicating interrupted mass loss and evidence for a rapid increase in the mass loss rate at the end of the AGB phase. Maps of circumstellar envelopes show evidence of flattening, bipolar outflow and angular variations in both the mass loss rate and the outflow velocity. As stars evolve away from the AGB and planetary nebula formation begins, these structures become more pronounced, and fast bipolar molecular winds are observed. The time scales derived from the dynamical times of these winds and from the expansion rates of the central planetary nebulae are very rapid in some cases, about 100 years, in agreement with the predictions of stellar evolution theory.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of circumstellar dust envelopes of 36 stars of early(O-B-A) types in the directions of the associations Cas OB1, Cas OB2, Per OB1, and Ori OB1. We determine the absorption at 1640 Å, the linear radius of the dust envelopes, the mean value of the coefficient k, and the masses of the envelopes. They differ significantly from one another.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1995.  相似文献   

Circumstellar peculiarities of the A0-type Herbig stars are analyzed on the basis of high-resolution CCD spectroscopic data, obtained in 1991-1994 at the ESO and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (about 250 spectrograms). The results of investigation of the rapid line profile variability in H , H , HeI 5876 and DNa lines are presented for AB Aur, HD 163296, HD 36112 and HD 100546. The conclusion is made that the behaviour of these lines can be explained in the framework of the model containing an equatorially concentrated and azimuthally inhomogeneous stellar wind and an external cool shell occasionally losing matter in the form of infall on to the star.  相似文献   

We have investigated the chemistry of phosphorus-bearing compounds in the circumstellar envelopes of both oxygen-rich and carbon-rich evolved stars. In accordance with thermodynamic calculations of photospheric chemistry, we have assumed that the dominant forms of phosphorus in the inner circumstellar envelope (CSE) are PS and HCP in each case. In the C-rich case, we can reproduce the observed CP abundance reasonably well if it is the photodaughter of HCP. In the O-rich case we find, for the same amount of P available in PS, that large abundances of atomic P are available for reaction but that a low abundance of PO can be produced. We have not extensively explored the effect of additional neutral processes since our results are partly compromised by the fact that neither HCP nor PS is detected in the three CSEs where searches have been made; our models predict column densities in excess of the published upper limits. Sensitive searches for these molecules at higher frequencies are required before their presence in circumstellar envelopes can definitely be ruled out. Dust condensation may incorporate all the available P into refractory grains and so we suggest that searches for P-bearing molecules may have the greatest opportunity for success in more evolved objects, such as protoplanetary nebulae, where P has been released from grains through the action of strong shock waves.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature changes in circumstellar silicate-like envelopes upon the polarization effects is investigated. It is shown that under the assumption that ΔT g>50° and conductivity of silicate grains is indirectly proportional toT g this mechanism can be responsible for the observed dependence of intensity vs polarization in some late-type stars, e.g. V CVn. The same effects can be produced by dirty ices and graphite grains. It is suggested that irradiation by electrons and/or protons can affect the circumstellar envelopes in a similar way, especially those of early-type stars, and irradiation by neutrons can exert an influence on the envelopes of supernovae.  相似文献   

An overview is given of recent results on some basic properties of the circumstellar envelopes of evolved stars. The focus is on well studied examples which illustrate envelopes of different types and at different stages of evolution. The close connection between the physical and chemical properties of the envelopes is emphasized.  相似文献   

The rate equations of a restricted set of gas-phase chemical reactions occuring in an expanding circumstellar envelope are integrated numerically on the assumption that no chemical evolution has occurred in the stellar atmosphere. Abundances of all species are found to peak at a time on the order ofr 0/u 0, wherer 0 is the initial radius andu 0 the expansion velocity. After this time geometrical dilution dominates. For an initial density of 108 cm–3, on the order of 1% of hydrogen is converted to H2, and CH and CO have comparable densities of 10–6 relative to H, OH and O2 remain very low in abundance. For higher initial densities, H and H2 are more nearly comparable, and nearly all carbon is in CO, CH, OH and O2 remain low in abundance. The relevance of these results to M giants and other objects is discussed.  相似文献   

Millimetre observations of three southern carbon stars, IRAS 07454-7112, IRAS 15082-4808 and IRAS 15194-5115 detected 14 molecular species and some of their isotopomers. The12C/13C ratio was found to vary between sources.  相似文献   

The pumping of 22.2-GHz H2O masers in the circumstellar envelopes of asymptotic giant branch stars has been simulated numerically. The physical parameters adopted in the calculations correspond to those of the circumstellar envelope around IK Tau. The one-dimensional plane-parallel structure of the gas-dust cloud is considered. The statistical equilibrium equations for the H2O level populations and the thermal balance equations for the gas-dust cloud are solved self-consistently. The calculations take into account 410 rotational levels belonging to the five lowest vibrational levels of H2O. The stellar radiation field is shown to play an important role in the thermal balance of the gas-dust cloud due to the absorption of emission in rotational-vibrational H2O lines. The dependence of the gain in the 22.2-GHz maser line on the gas density and H2O number density in the gas-dust cloud is investigated. Gas densities close to the mean density of the stellar wind, 107?108 cm?3, and a high relative H2O abundance, more than 10?4, have been found to be the most likely physical conditions in maser sources.  相似文献   

Photometric data between 0.4 and 20 are discussed for K stars. Evidence of IR excess in the 11 region has been found for five stars in a sample of fourteen. The hypothesis of the presence of circumstellar matter in K stars seems to be confirmed.
Sono stati analizzati dati fotometrici per stelle K tra 0.4 e 20 . Si è riscontrata la presenza di un eccesso infrarosso nella regione intorno a 11 per 5 stelle su 14. Sembra così trovare conferma la ipotesi della presenza di materia circumstellare anche in stelle K.

We investigate the production of26Al during hydrogen burning and its ejection by massive single and binary stars. Effects of convection and rotation are studied. We discuss the importance of RSGs, LBVs and WR stars to the total Galactic26Al production, and the detection probability of the26Al decay in individual objects as P Cygni, Velorum and Carinae.  相似文献   

In this paper which is a continuation of Neutsch and Schmidt (1985a) (later on referred to as part I) we shall investigate the structure of binary envelopes under the hypothesis that at least one of the companions produces a very intense radiation field. The limiting case in which the forces due to the system's rotation (i.e., Coriolis and centrifugal forces) as well as gas pressure can be neglected is solved analytically using a classical result of Euler. Beyond this the velocity and density distributions in the envelope are determined.Under the assumptions mentioned above, the results are exact and are, therefore, of value as a reference model for later more advanced considerations (see, e.g., Neutsch and Schmidt, 1985b). Although the present approach is quite simple, it nevertheless shows some typical features of the general case. Furthermore, it serves as a helpful guide in guessing the system parameters to be initially adopted in physically sounder. calculations (for example: the Monte-Carlo approximation which will be described in Part III).  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been shown that microlensing is a powerful tool for examining the atmospheres of stars in the Galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds. The high gradient of magnification across the source during both small impact parameter events and caustic crossings offers a unique opportunity for determining the surface brightness profile of the source. Furthermore, models indicate that these events can also provide an appreciable polarization signal: arising from differential magnification across the otherwise symmetric source. Earlier work has addressed the signal from a scattering photosphere for both point mass lenses and caustic crossings. In a previous paper, polarimetric variations from point lensing of a circumstellar envelope were considered, as would be suitable for an extended envelope around a red giant. In this work, we examine the polarization in the context of caustic crossing events, the scenario that represents the most easily accessible situation for actually observing a polarization signal in Galactic microlensing. Furthermore, we present an analysis of the effectiveness of using the polarimetric data to determine the envelope properties, illustrating the potential of employing polarimetry in addition to photometry and spectroscopy with microlensing follow-up campaigns.  相似文献   

Results of simultaneous spectral and photometric monitoring of the Ae Herbig star WW Vul in the neighborhoods of the Ha line and the sodium NaI D resonance doublet are reported. It is shown that the spectral variability of the star is caused mainly by the anisotropic disk wind, whose high velocity component forms in the inner region of the accretion disk. The circumstellar gas in footpoint of the wind shows the variability of the density and velocity, that is in good agreement with the results of modeling of an accretion and outflows around young stars controlled by the stellar and/or disk magnetic field. An analysis of the variability of the parameters of the Ha emission line also showed that the density of the gas in the inner region of the accretion disk varies over a time scale exceeding 10 years. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 171–185 (May 2006).  相似文献   

Summary All of the barium and marginal barium stars in the 1972 MacConnell, Frey, and Upgren (1972: MFU) list of such objects which are located south of the celestial equator were examined for visual duplicity. Over 200 objects were observed, and a total of six possible candidates for wide pair visual binaries were found. Of these, four are most likely optical in nature. These data suggest that the incidence of wide binaries among barium stars is of the order of 1%.  相似文献   

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