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The osculating orbit of a planetary satellite moving in the equatorial plane of the central body under the influence of a rotational symmetric perturbation force is elliptical in first order approximation even if the true orbit is always circular. The satellite motion is influenced by a resonance effect due to this perturbing force. An inclined true satellite orbit cannot be circular.  相似文献   

A plot of spin rate versus orientation when Hyperion is at the pericenter of its orbit (surface of section) reveals a large chaotic zone surrounding the synchronous spin-orbit state of Hyperion, if the satellite is assumed to be rotating about a principal axis which is normal to its orbit plane. This means that Hyperion's rotation in this zone exhibits large, essentially random variations on a short time scale. The chaotic zone is so large that it surrounds the ½ and 2 states, and libration in the 3/2 state is not possible. Stability analysis shows that for libration in the synchronous and ½ states, the orientation of the spin axis normal to the orbit plane is unstable, whereas rotation in the 2 state is attitude stable. Rotation in the chaotic zone is also attitude unstable. A small deviation of the principal axis from the orbit normal leads to motion through all angles in both the chaotic zone and the attitude unstable libration regions. Measures of the exponential rate of separation of nearby trajectories in phase space (Lyapunov characteristic exponents) for these three-dimensional motions indicate the the tumbling is chaotic and not just a regular motion through large angles. As tidal dissipation drives Hyperion's spin toward a nearly synchronous value, Hyperion necessarily enters the large chaotic zone. At this point Hyperion becomes attitude unstable and begins to tumble. Capture from the chaotic state into the synchronous or ½ state is impossible since they are also attitude unstable. The 3/2 state does not exist. Capture into the stable 2 state is possible, but improbable. It is expected that Hyperion will be found tumbling chaotically.  相似文献   

We provide evidences that the angular momentum of a symmetric rigid body in a spin–orbit resonance can perform large scale chaotic motions on time scales which increase polynomially with the inverse of the oblateness of the body. This kind of irregular precession appears as soon as the orbit of the center of mass is non-circular and the angular momentum of the body is far from the principal directions with minimum (maximum) moment of inertia. We also provide a quantitative explanation of these facts by using the theory of adiabatic invariants, and we provide numerical applications to the cases of the 1:1 and 1:2 spin–orbit resonances.  相似文献   

The general problem of motion of a rigid body about a fixed point under the action of stationary non-symmetric potential and gyroscopic forces is considered. The equations of motion in the Euler-Poisson form are derived. An interpretation is given in terms of charged, magnetized gyrostat moving in a superposition of three classical fields. As an example, the problem of motion of a satellite — gyrostat on a circular orbit with respect to its orbital system is reduced to that of its motion in an inertial system under additional magnetic and Lorentz forces.When the body is completely symmetric about one of its axes passing through the fixed point, the above problem is found to be equivalent to another one, in which the body has three equal moments of inertia and the forces are symmetric around a space axis. The last problem is well-studied and the given analogy reveals a number of integrable cases of the original problem. A transformation is found, which gives from each of these cases a class of integrable cases depending on an arbitrary function. The equations of motion are also reduced to a single equation of the second order.  相似文献   

This paper treats analytically the problem of the stability of the attitude motions of a gravity-stabilized gyrostat satellite that is in a circular orbit around a spherical planet. The vehicle considered consists of a body with no special symmetries that has any number of rotors attached to it. The internal angular momentum vector due to these rotors is parallel to one of the principal axes of the entire satellite; this axis is aligned with (or close to) the normal to the orbit plane. Both the cases in which each rotor is driven by a motor at a constant spin rate relative to the main body of the vehicle and the one in which each rotor is rotating freely, without any friction, are treated. Stability (both infinitesimal and in the sense of Liapunov) of the attitude motions of the vehicle can be quickly predicted by using the results derived here, which are summarized in the form of a continuous, three-dimensional, stability diagram.National Research Council Post-Doctoral Research Associate at NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Parts of this research were included in [12].  相似文献   

Owing to its extremely slow rotation, Venus must be regarded as a triaxial body with differences of all three principal moments of inertia comparable in magnitude, thus rendering it a body essentially different from a rapidly rotating planet. The dynamical problem then arises of how such a body, with a rotation-period comparable with its orbital period, would be affected by couples exerted upon it by the gravitational action of the Sun. Equations for the rotatory motion are set up in a form suitable for numerical solution by machine-calculations, but the problem so presented can be adequately investigated only for a hypothetical planet with far larger differences of principal moments than could hold for Venus. Results obtained on this limited basis nevertheless suggest that for the actual planet the direction of the rotation axis may move almost randomly between the two hemispheres defined by the orbital plane and thus that the present direction near the south celestial pole of the orbit may be only a temporary situation. Order-of-magnitude considerations based on the equations of motion suggest that a time-scale of order 107 to 108 yr may on average be required for large changes in direction of the rotation axis to take place.  相似文献   

In preparation for the Rosetta mission, the location and widths of gravitational resonances surrounding a regularly shaped and possibly complex rotating body are mapped following the second fundamental model of resonance. It is found that for uniaxial rotation of the central body, the surrounding resonances are widest for prograde orbits. If the figure axis is tilted with respect to the spin axis of the central body, an additional number of wide resonances appear with a preference for prograde and inclined orbits, and the occurrence of initial conditions which lie in the globally connected chaotic web is significantly increased. For larger rotational excitations, it is seen how these new additional resonances overlap internally at low eccentricity for very large semi-major axes. However, with exceptions for some excited short-axis rotational modes of the central body, it is argued that most resonances vanish for retrograde orbits lying in the plane normal to the body spin, and that resonant or non-resonant stability therefore can be expected for a wide range of mean orbit eccentricities.  相似文献   

The stability of attitude equilibria relative to gravitational torques for a rigid satellite in a circular orbit has been divided into three inertia regions, the Lagrange region of assured Liapunov stability, the Beletskii-Delp region which is often described as stabilized due to gyroscopic coupling, and an assured instability region. The generalization of these regions to the case of dual-spin or gyrostat satellites whose internal spin momentum is along a principal axis is treated here. The stability boundaries are obtained for all possible equilibrium orientations for such vehicles, and the variations of these boundaries corresponding to changes in the internal momentum magnitude, or to aligning the momentum with a different principal axis, are determined.Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Institut für Mechanik; on sabbatical leave from Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We investigate the stability of the periodic motion of a satellite, a rigid body, relative to the center of mass in a central Newtonian gravitational field in an elliptical orbit. The orbital eccentricity is assumed to be low. In a circular orbit, this periodic motion transforms into the well-known motion called hyperboloidal precession (the symmetry axis of the satellite occupies a fixed position in the plane perpendicular to the radius vector of the center of mass relative to the attractive center and describes a hyperboloidal surface in absolute space, with the satellite rotating around the symmetry axis at a constant angular velocity). We consider the case where the parameters of the problem are close to their values at which a multiple parametric resonance takes place (the frequencies of the small oscillations of the satellite’s symmetry axis are related by several second-order resonance relations). We have found the instability and stability regions in the first (linear) approximation at low eccentricities.  相似文献   

The gyroscopic motion of a spin-stabilized satellite due to gravity gradient torques in a circular orbit has been analyzed to varying degrees in numerous publications. This paper shows that the restriction to a circular orbit is, in fact, not essential and with a slight increase in complexity, noncircular orbits may be treated. More importantly, a uniform regression of the orbital node can also be accounted for. The general results are expressed in closed form using Jacobian elliptic functions. Finally, and this is perhaps most important, certain algebraic integrals of the precession are given which can be used to place limits on the excursions of the spin axis without actually solving for the motion. This allows one to design orientations such that the maximum angle between the orbit normal and spin axis never exceeds a specific amount even though the orbit normal is in precession.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the integrability of a dynamical system describing the rotational motion of a rigid satellite under the influence of gravitational and magnetic fields. In our investigations we apply an extension of the Ziglin theory developed by Morales-Ruiz and Ramis. We prove that for a symmetric satellite the system does not admit an additional real meromorphic first integral except for one case when the value of the induced magnetic moment along the symmetry axis is related to the principal moments of inertia in a special way.  相似文献   

Two special cases of the problem of the secular perturbations in the orbital elements of a satellite with a negligible mass produced by the joint influence of the oblateness of the central planet and the attraction by its most massive (or main) satellites and the Sun are considered. These cases are among the integrable ones in the general nonintegrable evolution problem. The first case is realized when the plane of the satellite orbit and the rotation axis of the planet lie in its orbital plane. The second case is realized when the plane of the satellite orbit is orthogonal to the line of intersection between the equatorial and orbital planes of the planet. The corresponding particular solutions correspond to those polar satellite orbits for which the main qualitative features of the evolution of the eccentricity and pericenter argument are described here. Families of integral curves have been constructed in the phase plane of these elements for the satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.  相似文献   

Saturn’s moon, Hyperion, is subject to strongly-varying solid body torques from its primary and lacks a stable spin state resonant with its orbital frequency. In fact, its rotation is chaotic, with a Lyapunov timescale on the order of 100 days. In 2005, Cassini made three close passes of Hyperion at intervals of 40 and 67 days, when the moon was imaged extensively and the spin state could be measured. Curiously, the spin axis was observed at the same location within the body, within errors, during all three fly-bys—~ 30° from the long axis of the moon and rotating between 4.2 and 4.5 times faster than the synchronous rate. Our dynamical modeling predicts that the rotation axis should be precessing within the body, with a period of ~ 16 days. If the spin axis retains its orientation during all three fly-bys, then this puts a strong constraint on the in-body precessional period, and thus the moments of inertia. However, the location of the principal axes in our model are derived from the shape model of Hyperion, assuming a uniform composition. This may not be a valid assumption, as Hyperion has significant void space, as shown by its density of 544± 50  kg m−3 (Thomas et al. in Nature 448:50, 2007). This paper will examine both a rotation model with principal axes fixed by the shape model, and one with offsets from the shape model. We favor the latter interpretation, which produces a best-fit with principal axes offset of ~ 30° from the shape model, placing the A axis at the spin axis in 2005, but returns a lower reduced χ 2 than the best-fit fixed-axes model.  相似文献   

A closed-form first-order perturbation solution for the attitude evolution of a triaxial space object in an elliptical orbit is presented. The solution, derived using the Lie–Deprit method, takes into account gravity-gradient torque and is facilitated by an assumption of fast rotation of the object. The formulation builds on the earlier implementation of Lara and Ferrer, which assumes a circular orbit. The previously presented work—which assumes spin about an object’s axis of maximum inertia—is further extended by the explicit presentation of the transformations required to apply the solution to an object spinning about its axis of minimum inertia. Additionally, several numerical analyses are presented to more completely assess the utility of the solution. These studies (1) validate the elliptical solution, (2) assess the impact of varying the small parameter of the perturbation procedure, (3) analyze the assumption of fast rotation, and (4) apply the solution to the common and important scenario of a tumbling rocket body.  相似文献   

David Parry Rubincam   《Icarus》2007,192(2):460-468
Photon thrust from shape alone can produce quasi-secular changes in an asteroid's orbital elements. An asteroid in an elliptical orbit with a north–south shape asymmetry can steadily alter its elements over timescales longer than one orbital trip about the Sun. This thrust, called here orbital YORP (YORP = Yarkovsky–O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack), operates even in the absence of thermal inertia, which the Yarkovsky effects require. However, unlike the Yarkovsky effects, which produce secular orbital changes over millions or billions of years, the change in an asteroid's orbital elements from orbital YORP operates only over the precession timescale of the orbit or of the asteroid's spin axis; this is generally only thousands or tens of thousands of years. Thus while the orbital YORP timescale is too short for an asteroid to secularly journey very far, it is long enough to warrant investigation with respect to 99942 Apophis, which might conceivably impact the Earth in 2036. A near-maximal orbital YORP effect is found by assuming Apophis is without thermal inertia and is shaped like a hemisphere, with its spin axis lying in the orbital plane. With these assumptions orbital YORP can change its along-track position by up to ±245 km, which is comparable to Yarkovsky effects. Though Apophis' shape, thermal properties, and spin axis orientation are currently unknown, the practical upper and lower limits are liable to be much less than the ±245 km extremes. Even so, the uncertainty in position is still likely to be much larger than the 0.5 km “keyhole” Apophis must pass through during its close approach in 2029 in order to strike the Earth in 2036.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the spin-orbit interaction of a sphereM 8 and a rotating asymmetrical rigid bodyM a are examined. No restrictions are imposed on the masses, on the orientation of the rotation axis to the orbit plane, or on the orbit eccentricity. The zonal potential harmonics ofM a induce a precession of the spin axis as well as a precession of the orbit plane, the net effect being a uniform precession of the node on an invariant plane normal to the constant total angular momentum of the system. In general, the effect of the tesseral harmonics is to induce short-period perturbations of small amplitude in both the orbital and spin motions. Resonances are shown to exist whenever the orbital and rotational periods are commensurable. In any resonant state a single coordinate is found to represent both orbital and spin perturbations; and the system may be described as trapped in a localized potential well. The resultant spin and orbit librations are in phase with a common period. The relative amplitudes of the spin/orbit modes are determined by the characteristic parameter =M a M s a 2 /3(M a +M s )C, wherea is the semimajor axis of the orbit, andC is the moment of inertia ofM a about the rotation axis. When ga1, the solutions reduce to those for pureorbital resonance, in whichM s librates in an appropriate reference frame while the rotation rate of the asymmetrical body remains constant. In the opposite extreme of 1, the solutions are appropriate to purerotational resonance, in which the orbital motion is unperturbed but the spin ofM a librates. In each of these special cases the equations developed herein on the basis of a single theory are in agreement with those previously determined from separate theories of spin and orbital resonances.  相似文献   

Dual-spin or gyrostat satellites subject to gravitational torques can adopt an infinite number of possible equilibria obtained by adjusting the magnitude and direction of the rotor angular momentum within the satellite. This paper seeks to answer the question, which of these equilibria is best — and best is chosen here to mean most stable in the sense that the energy required to perturb the orientation by any prescribed amount is maximized, i.e. the smallest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix of the dynamic potential energy is maximized. Using this criterion, it is shown that the conventional configuration for dual-spin satellites with the angular momentum of the rotor, the spacecraft principal axis of maximum moment of inertia, and the perpendicular to the orbital plane coincident is not always the best orientation. The optimal configuration is shown to have the minimum moment of inertia always aligned with the local vertical, but the principal axis of maximum moment of inertia, shifts from the perpendicular to the orbital plane to lying in-plane as the angular momentum of the rotor is increased from zero (corresponding to a rigid gravity gradient satellite) to some sufficiently large value which is determined as a function of parameters. For angular momentum greater than this value, global optimality is established analytically, and otherwise local optimality is proved analytically with global optimality demonstrated numerically.  相似文献   

A problem of attitude motion of the smallest body for the restricted three-body problem is analyzed. Axial symmetry is assumed for the body, and attention is focused on the case in which the symmetry axis is normal to the orbit plane. For libration point satellites, results are similar to those for a satellite in orbit about a single body. However, for orbit equilibrium points lying on the line joining the two larger bodies, attitude stability results depart markedly from those for the two-body problem.This paper presents the results of one phase of research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under Contract No. NAS 7-100, sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Attitude motion of a satellite subjected to gravitational and aerodynamic torques in a circular orbit is investigated. In special case, when the center of pressure of aerodynamic forces is located on one of the principal central axes of inertia of the satellite, all equilibrium orientations are determined. Necessary and (or) sufficient conditions of stability are obtained for each equilibrium orientation. Evolution of domains where stability conditions take place is investigated. All bifurcation values of parameters corresponding to qualitative change of domains of stability are determined.  相似文献   

Attitude motion of a satellite subjected to gravitational and aerodynamic torques in a circular orbit is considered. In special case, when the center of pressure of aerodynamic forces is located in one of the principal central planes of inertia of the satellite, all equilibrium orientations are determined. Existence conditions of all equilibria are obtained and evolution of domains with a fixed number of equilibria is investigated in detail. All bifurcation values of the system’s parameters corresponding to the qualitative change of these domains are determined. Sufficient conditions of stability are obtained for each equilibrium orientation using generalized integral of energy.  相似文献   

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