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艾比湖的湖岸地貌及其反映的湖面变化   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
艾比湖为一典型的内陆干旱区封闭型湖泊,干旱区的湖泊对气候和环境变化的响应非常敏感,该湖自形成以来的变化湖岸地貌中留下了很好的记录,对湖积堤和湖成阶地的系统研究以及对湖各平原的分析结果展现了艾比湖的湖在变化过程。  相似文献   

中亚五国在咸海流域水资源分配与利用上的矛盾,随着社会经济发展对水资源需求的增加而变得日益突出,探寻各国对咸海流域水资源利用的策略,对中亚地区水资源合理分配、可持续发展和地区安全至关重要。运用博弈论方法,分析中亚各国对咸海流域水资源的分配诉求及水政策,梳理各国在咸海流域水资源问题上的合作历程,探讨中亚各国在水资源问题上采取不同策略的利弊得失。认为目前咸海流域利益得不到协调使中亚各国深陷水资源分配困局,“协调博弈”是当前令咸海流域水资源问题走出“囚徒困境”的首选,将会获得最佳报酬。各国相互信任、转变观念,以利益分配取代水量分配,实现真正意义上的国家间合作,才能从根本上解决流域水资源分配与利用的困局。  相似文献   

采用2002—2016年GRACE(Gravity recovery and climate experiment)重力卫星JPL-RL06M数据分析咸海流域陆地水储量变化(Terrestrial water storage change,TWSC)时空变化特征,并结合CRU TS4.03气象数据、GLDAS-Noah...  相似文献   

王金华  董玉祥 《热带地理》2014,34(5):719-728
地处全球变化敏感地区的海岸沙地的利用变化及其环境效应日益受到关注。文章通过对海岸沙地利用及其变化研究的发展历程,海岸沙地利用变化研究的案例与技术方法,海岸沙地利用变化所引起的大气环境、水环境、土壤环境、生物环境等方面的环境效应研究等文献的梳理和总结,对国内外海岸沙地利用变化及其环境效应的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了今后研究的主要方向:海岸沙地利用变化未来发展的情景模拟、海岸沙地利用演变驱动机理的定量分析、海岸沙地利用的整体生态环境效应研究、海岸沙地防护林地的合理开发与布局等。  相似文献   

中昆仑山区距今一万七千年以来湖面波动研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据湖盆地貌、湖泊沉积物分析,本文指出:中昆仑山区的封闭湖泊17000年以来湖面在总体下降过程中,出现了3期相对高湖面,近期湖泊仍在收缩咸化,未来仍将继续达一趋势。  相似文献   

贵阳城市土地利用变化及其环境效应   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
苏维词 《地理科学》2000,20(5):462-468
从城市土地利用的范围 (规模 )、土地利用功能和用地形态等方面阐述了贵阳城市土地利用变化过程、特征、趋势 ,探讨了城市土地利用变化的驱动力因子 ,并对近代贵阳城市土地利用变化所带来的系列环境效应进行了分析评述。  相似文献   

咸海危机的起因与解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛汉英 《地理研究》1991,10(2):76-84
根据成海国际会议的论文以及近年苏联的资料,并结合笔者的实地考察,本文阐述了咸海危机的因由、后果与解决途径。  相似文献   

内蒙古黄旗海湖泊沉积物粒度指示的湖面变化过程   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
内蒙古黄旗海是位于东亚夏季风尾闾与冬季风腹地的一个封闭流域,其湖泊沉积敏感并反映了区域冬夏季风变化的历史。基于黄旗海北部湖滩上的H3剖面,在高分辨率年代序列的基础上,利用粒度特征,特别是沉积物各粒级的时间序列变化特征,探讨了古湖泊水位变化、剖面沉积环境过程与冬季风的风尘记录。研究结果表明,8.0~5.1 ka BP,气候暖湿,湖泊水量丰富,为相对稳定的深水-半深水环境,为全新世气候最适宜期,降尘微弱;但在6.7~5.5 ka BP期间存在两次明显的湖面回落,降沉剧烈的气候恶化事件,揭示了气候适宜期气候也存在短暂的不稳定性。5.1~4.0 ka BP,气候逐渐变得冷干,风力作用较强,降尘加剧,湖面波动较大;3.6~2.2 ka BP,剖面所在位置演变为浅滩沼泽相,并可能季节性暴露地表。  相似文献   

张雪芹  靳铮  沈鹏珂  郑度 《地理学报》2023,(11):2797-2810
气候变暖背景下湖泊表层水热交换及其气候归因对高寒湖泊蒸发机制和水分平衡有重要影响。本文基于2016—2017年西藏高寒湖泊羊卓雍错非封冻期涡动相关湍流观测通量数据,首次探讨了该湖水热通量小时、日、月变化特征及其与气象因子的关联。研究发现,4—12月羊卓雍错湖面潜热通量平均值显著高于感热通量;水热通量季节差异明显,夏季较高的空气温湿度组合对湖面的湖—气能量交换控制作用显著。在小时、日、月等时间尺度上,与感热通量统计相关性最高的气象因子为湖—气温差;在半小时、日平均等时间尺度上,潜热通量与风速、风速—水汽压差协同量均为较强正相关;日、月平均时间尺度上的湖面水热通量则与水面净辐射通量呈显著负相关,这归因于水面净辐射季节变化以及因湖—气温差和水—气热容量差异所导致的湖面水热通量强度变化的位相差异。本文揭示了藏南高寒湖泊水热通量变化在不同时间尺度上的主控气象因子差异,增进了对高寒湖泊在气候变化背景下能量交换和蒸发机制的认识。  相似文献   

An overview of recent changes in salinity in the surface waters of the Aral sea basin is given. Total dissolved salts (salinity) in most waters are higher than admissible values for drinking water, and ionic composition has changed with time. Salinity of the ‘Big Sea’ of the Aral was 48 g L−1 in 1998, but has decreased to below 21 g L−1 in the ‘Small Sea’ due to the building of a new dam between the two parts of the Aral Sea.  相似文献   

30多年来柴窝堡湖演化特征及其环境效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对柴窝堡地区多期陆地资源卫星、中巴资源卫星以及Modis遥感影像解译基础上,结合器测气象资料、地下水以及湖泊水深等数据,对柴窝堡湖面积变化及其环境效应进行了研究.结果表明:20世纪70年代以来湖泊总体呈下降趋势,但到20世纪末至21世纪初期受流域降水增加影响,湖泊面积出现一定程度的扩展,面积最高达到约29.5 km2...  相似文献   

Data are presented on the composition and biomass of the Aral Sea zooplankton in August and October, 1989. As salinity gradually increased, a decrease in zooplankton species composition occurred at a salinity of 25–30 g L−1. Because the Aral has now divided into two water-bodies, the zooplankton communities in these lakes have begun to conform with their individual hydrological and biological regimes.  相似文献   

The macrozoobenthos was investigated at eight sites in the Aral Sea inshore zone and in the lower reaches of the Syrdaria river. In the sea, the benthos comprised bivalve molluscsSyndosmya segmentum Recluz andCerastoderma isthmicum Issel, gastropods fromCaspiohydrobia Starob., the polychaeteNereis diversicolor O.F. Müller and the crabRhithropanopeus harrisii tridentatus (Maitland). In the Syrdaria, MysidaeParamysis lacustris (Czern.) and GammaridaeDikerogammarus aralensis (Uljanin) were found. These taxa have not been recorded from the Sea since the 1970s. The total zoobenthos biomass and density varied between the investigated Sea areas from 92 to 582 g/m2 and from 1,600 to 39,000 ind./m2, respectively. Spatial and temporal salinity changes within the range 20–41 g/L did not affect macrozoobenthos composition and structure. The conclusion is that the benthic ecosystem of the Aral Sea was in a state of comparative stability from the middle of the 1980s to the middle of the 1990s. Analysis of the zoobenthos in the inshore zone is proposed as a convenient and accessible method for monitoring the status of the zoobenthos of the entire Aral Sea.  相似文献   

 中亚咸海流域地处全球气候变化的敏感中心,生态环境脆弱、水资源紧缺,过去百年来中亚咸海流域气候、人类活动、生态环境均经历了较为显著的变化,分析中亚咸海流域气候-水-生态-人类活动的关系,对自然与人文相近的新疆可持续发展具有重要的借鉴意义。以最新收集的资料为基础,对比研究近50 a来新疆及近80 a来中亚咸海流域的气温、降水和主要河流的径流变化情况,结合二者水资源开发利用的演变历程,分析气候变化与人类活动对研究区生态环境与持续发展的影响,最后借鉴中亚咸海流域气候变化、人类活动、生态环境的综合关系,讨论气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的适应性对策。结果表明:近80 a来,新疆与中亚咸海流域气候呈现较为一致的变暖趋势,尤其是20世纪80年代以来,二者绝大部分地区气候呈现“暖干”向“暖湿”转型迹象,河川径流也有不同程度的增加,但由于人类活动规模与强度的迅速、持续增强,研究区生态环境呈现尚未得到有效遏制的恶化趋势。立足于有利的气候时期,强化水资源开发利用管理,提高水资源利用效率和效益,加快关键水源工程建设,完善水资源配置网络体系的建设,是未来一段时期内应对气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的主要适应性对策。  相似文献   

A survey of recent bottom sediments in the Northern Aral Sea was undertaken to elucidate the main direction of the alteration of sedimentation processes as a result of the significant decrease in the level of the sea from the beginning of the 1960s. Investigations were carried out in August–September 1991 from on board helicopter MI-8 MTV-1 which was equipped with the navigation system “LORAN-OMEGA”. Sediments were sampled by means of gravity coring and grab sampling. The frequency of sampling was about 1 station per 10 km2. At several sites, water samples were collected. Grain-size analysis was undertaken and the mineralogy of the sediments was determined by optical means, using an SEM energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis, and X-ray diffractometry using a DRON-2.0 diffractometer.  相似文献   

The remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (AVHRR NDVI) and precipitation data were analysed in the Aral Sea region in Central Asia during two recent decades. Both variables exhibited pronounced seasonal variation, with maximum precipitation in March and maximum NDVI in May–June. The regions of synchronous seasonal and inter-annual variability between the vegetation index and precipitation were distinguished using the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) method and time-lagged correlations between EOF modes. At a seasonal scale, precipitation and the vegetation index were correlated with a time lag from 1 to 6 months in different regions with peak plant growth following precipitation maxima.  相似文献   

Experiments to determine the upper limits of potential salinity tolerance of four species of Aral Sea benthic macroinvertebrates were carried out. Invertebrates of marine origin tolerate salinity increases up to 70–90 g L–1, and the gastropodCaspiohydrobia, up to 100–110 g L–1. It was concluded that the express-method based on the estimation of salinity resistance of isolated tissues cannot be used to estimate the limits of tolerance. The prediction is made that bivalve molluscs and polychaetes will remain in the Aral Sea until the salinity increases to 60–70 g L–1, but perhaps gastropods will tolerate salinity increases to 100–110 g L–1.  相似文献   

The benthos of the Small and Large Aral Sea was investigated in 1989. OnlyNereis diversicolor, Syndosmya segmentum, Cerastoderma isthmicum, Caspiohydrobia spp., Chironomidae andPalaemon elegans occurred in the Small Sea. In the Large Sea, the benthos was similar, but Chironomidae were absent andRhithropanopeus harrisii was present.  相似文献   

刘爽  白洁  罗格平  吕娜娜  吴淼 《地理学报》2021,76(5):1257-1273
1960年以来咸海流域大规模的水土资源开发使得社会经济用水激增,致使至1990年咸海面积萎缩50%,引发咸海生态危机.目前对引起咸海生态危机的社会经济用水的时空变化特征和趋势尚不清楚.本文在整合了多途径获取的1960-2016年咸海流域国家/州级水资源和社会经济数据的基础上,利用系统动力学模型,仿真模拟和分析了 196...  相似文献   

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