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We analyze the encounters of the neutron star (pulsar) Geminga with open star clusters in the OB association Ori OB1a through the integration of epicyclic orbits into the past by taking into account the errors in the data. The open cluster ASCC21 is shown to be the most probable birthplace of either a single progenitor star for the Geminga pulsar or a binary progenitor system that subsequently broke up. Monte Carlo simulations of Geminga-ASCC21 encounters with the pulsar radial velocity V r = ?100±50 km s?1 have shown that close encounters could occur between them within ≤10 pc at about t = ?0.52 Myr. In addition, the trajectory of the neutron star Geminga passes at a distance of ≈25 pc from the center of the compact OB association λ Ori at about t = ?0.39 Myr, which is close to the age of the pulsar estimated from its timing.  相似文献   

Since 1983, a TI 800×800 CCD has been routinely used on the 1.5-m astrometric reflector during dark time to measure parallaxes of faint (V16.0) stars. The rest of the time remains devoted to the fine grain (Kodak type IIIa emulsions) photographic parallax program, which now uses magnitude compensating filters to extend the range of the program to V=0. Sufficient data are now available to evaluate the precisions of these programs. For CCD fields, the mean error for the relative parallax ranges from ±0".0025 for fields with relatively few observations to ±0".0005 for intensively observed fields such as vB10. The photographic program is now producing relative parallaxes with average mean errors of ±0".0026 compared to ±0".0038 previously obtained with coarse grain emulsions.  相似文献   

The trigonometric parallex of BD +2°348 is derived using the central overlap iteration algorithm. The result is 0″.0879± 0″.0178.  相似文献   

We consider the possibility that gravitational energy may play a local as well as global role in the behavior of matter in strong gravitational fields. A particular idealized equation, suggested as representing uniform energy density in general relativity, is examined, and its stability with respect to oscillatory and convective perturbations shown to be consistent with general relativistic hydrodynamics, subject to a new physical effect predicted for the behavior of fluids moving in strong fields. We calculate from this idealized equation the mass of a non-rotating neutron star, obtaining a maximum surface redshift ofz=2.48 and a maximum core mass of 9.79 14 –1/2 M. This compares withz=2.00 and 11.4 14 –1/2 M for a Schwarzschild star (=const.) and 6.8 14 –1/2 M for a causal star (dP/d1).  相似文献   

Rotational stability condition is applied to the PSR 1937+214 pulsar, suggesting that its rapid rotational rate may be close to the limit of rotational stability. This application implies additional bounds on the mass, radius, and moment of inertia of neutron star models, which depend on the theory of gravitation and the equation of state of cold superdense matter. Results obtained for various equations of state and theories of gravitation are used to set limits on the surface magnetic field and slow down rate of pulsar models.  相似文献   

By considering the relativistic expression for isothermal NS cores,T·e /2 = constant, we have shown that some of the standard equations of state, when applied to NS cores, correspond to constancy of some adiabatic exponents. It has been shown that the equation of state,P=KE, corresponds to 1 = to 2 = 3 1 +K and the equation of state, dP/dE=K, corresponds to 3 1 +K. The conditions under which different equations of state represent isothermal cores have been obtained: For isothermal NS, the local temperatureT, can be expressed in terms of pressureP, energy densityE, and rest mass density . For example: (a)P =KE :T = constant × (E/); (b)P=KE :T = constant × (P/); (c) dP/dE =K :T K ; (d) = 2 :T = constant × (P/E); and (e) = 3 :T = constant × (P/)1/2. Equation of state corresponding to = 2 is obtained as:P=E/ln(K/E) and the equation corresponding to = 3 comes out as:E=P ln(K/P). Core-envelope models can be developed for these two cases. When core equation corresponding to = 2 or = 3 is used in the core, we can ensure the continuity of dP/dE at the core-envelope boundary, along with the continuity ofP, E, , and . The parameters of isothermal NS cores corresponding to the cases = 2 and = 3, have been obtained. The maximum mass of these NS cores comes out to be 2.7 .  相似文献   

Radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars like Geminga may account for a number of the unidentified EGRET sources in the Galaxy. The number of Geminga-like pulsars is very sensitive to the geometry of both the γ-ray and radio beams. Recent studies of the shape and polarization of pulse profiles of young radio pulsars have provided evidence that their radio emission originates in wide cone beams at altitudes that are a significant fraction (1–10%) of their light cylinder radius. Such wide radio emission beams will be visible at a much larger range of observer angles than the narrow core components thought to originate at lower altitude. Using 3D geometrical modeling that includes relativistic effects from pulsar rotation, we study the visibility of such radio cone beams as well as that of the γ-ray beams predicted by slot gap and outer gap models. From the results of this study, one can obtain revised predictions for the fraction of Geminga-like, radio quiet pulsars present in the γ-ray pulsar population.   相似文献   

We study eigenmodes of acoustic oscillations of high multipolarity l ∼ 100–1000 and high frequency (∼100 kHz), localized in neutron star envelopes. We show that the oscillation problem is self-similar. Once the oscillation spectrum is calculated for a given equation of state (EOS) in the envelope and given stellar mass M and radius R , it can be rescaled to a star with any M and R (but the same EOS in the envelope). For l ≳ 300, the modes can be subdivided into the outer and inner ones. The outer modes are mainly localized in the outer envelope. The inner modes are mostly localized near the neutron drip point, being associated with the softening of the EOS after the neutron drip. We calculate oscillation spectra for the EOSs of cold-catalyzed and accreted matter and show that the spectra of the inner modes are essentially different. A detection and identification of high-frequency pressure modes would allow one to infer M and R and determine also the EOS in the envelope (accreted or ground state) providing a new, potentially powerful method to explore the main parameters and internal structure of neutron stars.  相似文献   

We investigate the spectrum of torsional modes in the neutron star crust and discuss what conclusions may be drawn about the global properties of the star from observations of such modes.   相似文献   

After reviewing the outer and central regions of a neutron star, we discuss the central region and the possibility that the core has a solid structure. We present the work of different groups on the solidification problem, suggesting that the neutron star-cores are indeed solid.  相似文献   

We report new radial velocity observations of V779 Cen, the optical companion to the X-ray pulsar Cen X-3. Two sets of results at two epochs yield very different radial velocity amplitudes. We demonstrate there are problems with the first set, not least that they are incompatible with the observed duration of the X-ray eclipse for all inclination angles. The anomalously high radial velocities are probably a result of changes in the outflow behaviour of the companion star. Although there is no reason to doubt the results from the second epoch when viewed in isolation, given the anomalous radial velocities of the first epoch, they must be treated with caution. Using these data, the semi-amplitude of the resulting radial velocity curve is found to be 24.4±4.1 km s−1. Given the accurately measured semi-amplitude of the orbit of the pulsar, 414.3±0.9 km s−1, the mass ratio of the system is 0.059±0.010. The inclination of the system is found to be 702±27, assuming that the optical component fills its Roche lobe, and that the system is in synchronous rotation. Hence the mass of the neutron star is 1.21±0.21 M, and the mass of the optical companion is 20.5±0.7 M. This is a smaller uncertainty than previously reported values, and is consistent with the canonical neutron star mass of 1.4 M.
In addition, we use our spectra to determine the spectral class of V779 Cen to be O6-7II-III.  相似文献   

The constraints on the properties of neutron star matter from the mass of neutron star PSR J1614-2230 are examined in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory. We find that there are little differences between the σ potentials of large mass neutron star and those of canonnical mass neutron star. For potentials of ω, ρ, neutrons and electrons, the values corresponding to the large mass neutron star are larger than those to the canonnical mass neutron star as the baryon number density is more than a certain value. We also find that for the relative particle number density of electrons, muons, neutrons and protons and the pressure of the neutron star, the values corresponding to the large mass neutron star are far larger than those to the canonnical mass neutron star. For the relative particle number density of hyperons Λ, Σ?, Σ0, Σ+ and Ξ?, the values corresponding to the large mass neutron star are far smaller than those to the canonnical mass neutron star. These mean that the larger mass of neutron star is more advantageous to the production of protons but is not advantageous to the production of hyperons.  相似文献   

Spectra of the spreading layers on the neutron star surface are calculated on the basis of the Inogamov–Sunyaev model taking into account general relativity correction to the surface gravity and considering various chemical composition of the accreting matter. Local (at a given latitude) spectra are similar to the X-ray burst spectra and are described by a diluted blackbody. Total spreading layer spectra are integrated accounting for the light bending, gravitational redshift and the relativistic Doppler effect and aberration. They depend slightly on the inclination angle and on the luminosity. These spectra also can be fitted by a diluted blackbody with the colour temperature depending mainly on a neutron star compactness. Owing to the fact that the flux from the spreading layer is close to the critical Eddington, we can put constraints on a neutron star radius without the need to know precisely the emitting region area or the distance to the source. The boundary layer spectra observed in the luminous low-mass X-ray binaries, and described by a blackbody of colour temperature   T c= 2.4 ± 0.1 keV  , restrict the neutron star radii to   R = 14.8 ± 1.5 km  (for a  1.4-M  star and solar composition of the accreting matter), which corresponds to the hard equation of state.  相似文献   

The analysis of observations of pulsar B1931+24 shows that the mechanism of the spin-down of a rotating magnetized neutron star is due to the plasma generation in its magnetosphere and, consequently, the radio emission generation. The unique observation of the switch on and switch off of this pulsar allows us to distinguish between the energy loss in the absence of radio emission (the magnetodipole radiation) and the current loss due to the rotation energy expenditure to the relativistic plasma generation and acceleration in the pulsar magnetosphere. The inclination angle χ, the angle between the rotation axis and the magnetic dipole axis, can be stationary for this pulsar,  χ=χst  . From observations and theory it follows that  χst= 59°  .  相似文献   

The composition of neutron star atmospheres is calculated as a function of time including effects of diffusion, cooling and thermonuclear reactions. A seven-component nuclear reaction network with includes He4, C12, O16, Ne20, Mg24, Si28 and Fe56 is utilized. Neutron star models with different initial nuclear abundances are compared as to subsequent nucleosynthesis. It is found that the final abundances are independent of original composition assuming He4 as the major initial constituent. The final composition of the atmosphere is predominantly Fe56. Mass loss from an evolving neutron star is examined as a possible source of cosmic rays. It is found that a neutron star contributes only Fe56 significantly to the cosmic-ray spectrum.  相似文献   

We present a first analysis of a deep X-ray spectrum of the isolated neutron star RBS1223 obtained with XMM-Newton. Spectral data from four new monitoring observations in 2005/2006 were combined with archival observations obtained in 2003 and 2004 to form a spin-phase averaged spectrum containing 290 000 EPIC-pn photons. This spectrum shows higher complexity than its predecessors, and can be parameterised with two Gaussian absorption lines superimposed on a blackbody. The line centers, E 2≃2E 1, could be regarded as supporting the cyclotron interpretation of the absorption features in a field B∼4×1013 G. The flux ratio of those lines does not support this interpretation. Hence, either feature might be of truly atomic origin.   相似文献   

The lattice whose properties have been tabulated by Baymet al. (1971) is unstable against nuclear quadrupole deformation for nuclear chargeZ>Z c, 120<Z c<201, if the electron gas is assumed to be of uniform density. Electron screening corrections to the change in energy density with nuclear deformation are large and it is shown that their inclusion removes the instability. The expression of Fuchs (1936), given originally for monovalent metals, overestimates the shear modulus of the lattice, for largeZ, by less than a factor of two.  相似文献   

The motion of charged particles in a pulsar magnetosphere is examined in the present paper. Using the non-relativistic approximation, the trajectories of the charged particles are investigated qualitativley both in the case of axial and in the case of incline rotator. The obtained results can be used for the construction of the pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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