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An attempt has been made in the present work to reveal the directivity of solar non-thermal X-ray emission using the data obtained from the Prognoz and Explorer satellites. The frequency of occurrence of X-ray bursts and the mean intensities of the emission are studied as a function of distance from the central meridian. The most complete statistics have been obtained for the 4–24 keV X-ray bursts for the period 1970–1973. The X-ray burst frequency of occurrence normalized to the corresponding H flare frequency increases towards the solar limb. During the studied period this trend is more pronounced to the east than to the west. Distributions of the mean intensities of X-ray bursts are very similar to those of the frequency of occurrence of X-ray bursts; the effect is more noticeable for the low intensity bursts. The effect of the east-west asymmetry for H flares has been found to vary in magnitude and direction during the 20th solar activity cycle. 相似文献
M. Tavani 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1995,231(1-2):181-186
We briefly discuss possible applications of the mechanism of relativistic shock emission to soft-gamma-ray repeaters and gamma-ray burst sources. 相似文献
J. Fang L. Zhang J. F. Zhang Y. Y. Tang H. Yu 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,392(2):925-929
Non-thermal X-rays and very high energy (VHE) γ-rays have been detected from the supernova remnant (SNR) RX J1713.7−3946, and the recent observations with the Suzaku satellite clearly reveal a spectral cut-off in the X-ray spectrum, which directly relates to the cut-off of the energy spectrum of the parent electrons. However, whether the origin of the VHE γ-rays from the SNR is hadronic or leptonic is still in debate. We studied the multi-band non-thermal emission from RX J1713.7−3946 based on a semi-analytical approach towards the non-linear shock acceleration process by including the contribution of the accelerated electrons to the non-thermal radiation. The results show that the multi-band observations on RX J1713.7−3946 can be well explained in the model with appropriate parameters, and the TeV γ-rays have hadronic origin, i.e. they are produced via proton–proton interactions as the relativistic protons accelerated by the shock collide with the ambient matter. 相似文献
S. Gabici F. A. Aharonian S. Casanova 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,396(3):1629-1639
Molecular clouds are expected to emit non-thermal radiation due to cosmic ray interactions in the dense magnetized gas. Such emission is amplified if a cloud is located close to an accelerator of cosmic rays and if energetic particles can leave the accelerator site and diffusively reach the cloud. We consider here a situation in which a molecular cloud is located in the proximity of a supernova remnant which is efficiently accelerating cosmic rays and gradually releasing them in the interstellar medium. We calculate the multiwavelength spectrum from radio to gamma rays which is emerging from the cloud as the result of cosmic ray interactions. The total energy output is dominated by the gamma-ray emission, which can exceed the emission in other bands by an order of magnitude or more. This suggests that some of the unidentified TeV sources detected so far, with no obvious or very weak counterparts in other wavelengths, might be in fact associated with clouds illuminated by cosmic rays coming from a nearby source. Moreover, under certain conditions, the gamma-ray spectrum exhibits a concave shape, being steep at low energies and hard at high energies. This fact might have important implications for the studies of the spectral compatibility of GeV and TeV gamma-ray sources. 相似文献
Sébastien Lépine 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1994,221(1-2):371-382
A wavelet analysis technique is developed and used to study variable spectral features on top of broad emission lines in Wolf-Rayet stars. A decomposition of the signal in discrete structures allows one to look for scaling laws. Results from the study of two Wolf-Rayet stars suggest we are seeing the upper tail-end of a scaled distribution. This provides a test for turbulence models, and sets new constraints on theoretical wind models. 相似文献
This is a quantitative investigation of the electron beam effect on the hydrogen line profiles and continuum intensity distribution during the impulsive phase of flares. The flaring atmosphere is suggested to be a hydrogenic one and its physical condition corresponds to the gas dynamics problem solution. The radiative transfer, steady-state and particle conservation equations are solved for the three-level hydrogen model atoms with continua. Return-current losses were neglected. Hydrogen line profiles are found to be slightly sensitive to nonthermal impacts with beam electrons in the cores and more sensitive in the wings. With the initial energy flux,F
0, rising and energy spectral index, , decreasing, the wing intensities begin to increase, and the H lines are shown to have rather extended wings as is often observed. The hydrogen continua are shown to be strongly affected by nonthermal impacts. The bigger the value ofF
0 and the smaller the value of , the greater absolute intensities of the hydrogen continua heads. This effect is more noticeable for the Balmer and Paschen continua. The head intensity slopes of them can be used for determination of these electron beam parameters on depths of the hydrogen emission origin and their following comparison with the same parameters for the coronal heights from the X-ray observations. 相似文献
Z. Abraham U. Barres de Almeida T. P. Dominici A. Caproni 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,375(1):171-176
The existence of free–free absorption in the nucleus of Cen A was suggested by Tingay & Murphy in 2001 as an explanation for the large value of the spectral index between 2.2 and 5 GHz. In this paper we present further evidence for this absorption, based on the observations of short time-scale variability at mm wavelengths and their lack of correlation with X-ray emission, as expected if they were both originated in the same physical process. To explain the short-term variability, we assumed that the mm-wave emission is produced near the base of the inhomogeneous parsec-scale jet that has a bulk velocity of about 0.5 c . The presence of an ionized media between the jet and the observer will produce the observed 7-mm flux density variability, as different jet features move behind the absorbing material. We estimated that a region with 5 × 106 electrons cm−3 and 1.5 × 1015 cm radius can explain the intensity and the duration of the mm-flux variations, but the corresponding column density would not be enough to absorb significantly the X-ray flux, explaining the lack of correlation between the radio and X-ray variability. The upper limit for the cloud size inferred for the absorbing region shows that the media surrounding the core of Cen A must be clumpy. 相似文献
The line shape of the non-thermal O(1D) 6300 Å emission is calculated using the two population model of Schmitt, Abreu and Hays (Planet. Space Sci.29, 1095, 1981). The calculated line shapes simulate observations made from a space platform at different zenith angles and altitudes. The non-thermal line shapes observed at zenith angles other than the local vertical have been obtained by using the Addition theorem for spherical harmonics of a Legendre polynomial expansion of the non-thermal population distribution function. 相似文献
I. Bains M. Cohen J. M. Chapman R. M. Deacon M. P. Redman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,397(3):1386-1401
Midcourse Space eXperiment and Infrared Astronomical Satellite colour diagnostics as well as OH maser profile characteristics were used to select a sample of post-asymptotic giant branch (pAGB) candidates for a radio continuum detection experiment with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Seven out of 28 sources, six of which are new detections, show a continuum. A planetary nebula serendipitously detected in the field of an undetected pAGB candidate also reveals radio continuum. The radio continuum properties of these eight sources are described. Almost half have non-thermal emission. dusty modelling of the infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the three strongest detections reveals that they all have central stars with temperatures substantially lower than that required for significant photoionization, leading us to infer that the radio continuum has arisen from wind–shock interactions. This hypothesis is consistent with the detection of non-thermal radio emission in one of these three objects. 相似文献
Complete high-resolution light curves of GRB 080319B observed by Swift present an opportunity for detailed temporal analysis of prompt optical emission. With a two-component distribution of initial Lorentz factors, we simulate the dynamical process of shells being ejected from the central engine in the framework of the in- ternal shock model. The emitted radiations are decomposed into different frequency ranges for a temporal correlation analysis between the light curves in different energy bands. The resulting prompt optical and gamma-ray emissions show similar tempo- ral profiles, with both showing a superposition of a component with slow variability and a component with fast variability, except that the gamma-ray light curve is much more variable than its optical counterpart. The variability in the simulated light curves and the strong correlation with a time lag between the optical and gamma-ray emis- sions are in good agreement with observations of GRB 080319B. Our simulations suggest that the variations seen in the light curves stem from the temporal structure of the shells injected from the central engine of gamma-ray bursts. Future observations with high temporal resolution of prompt optical emission from GRBs, e.g., by UFFO- Pathfinder and SVOM-GWAC, will provide a useful tool for investigating the central engine activity. 相似文献
Evgeny V. Derishev 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2007,309(1-4):157-161
We consider the synchrotron emission from relativistic shocks assuming that the radiating electrons cool rapidly (either through
synchrotron or any other radiation mechanism). It is shown that the theory of synchrotron emission in the fast cooling regime
can account for a wide range of spectral shapes. In particular, the magnetic field, which decays behind the shock front, brings
enough flexibility to the theory to explain the majority of gamma-ray burst spectra even in the parameter-free fast cooling
regime. Also, we discuss whether location of the peak in observed spectral energy distributions of gamma-ray bursts and active
galactic nuclei can be made consistent with predictions of diffusive shock acceleration theory, and find that the answer is
negative. This result is a strong indication that a particle injection mechanism, other than the standard shock acceleration,
works in relativistic shocks. 相似文献
M. Gilfanov E. Churazov M. Revnivtsev 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,316(4):923-928
Using RXTE /PCA data, we study the fast variability of the reflected emission in the soft spectral state of Cyg X-1 by means of Fourier frequency-resolved spectroscopy. We find that the rms amplitude of variations of the reflected emission has the same frequency dependence as the primary radiation down to time-scales of ≲30–50 ms. This might indicate that the reflected flux reproduces, with nearly flat response, variations of the primary emission. Such behaviour differs notably from that of the hard spectral state, in which variations of the reflected flux are significantly suppressed in comparison with the primary emission, on time-scales shorter than ∼0.5–1 s.
If related to the finite light-crossing time of the reflector, these results suggest that the characteristic size of the reflector, presumably an optically thick accretion disc, in the hard spectral state is larger by a factor of ≳5–10 than in the soft spectral state. Modelling the transfer function of the disc, we estimate the inner radius of the accretion disc to be Rin ∼100 R g in the hard state and R in ≲10 R g in the soft state for a 10-M⊙ black hole. 相似文献
If related to the finite light-crossing time of the reflector, these results suggest that the characteristic size of the reflector, presumably an optically thick accretion disc, in the hard spectral state is larger by a factor of ≳5–10 than in the soft spectral state. Modelling the transfer function of the disc, we estimate the inner radius of the accretion disc to be R
A long-term study of 13 active galaxies has been carried out at 10.7 GHz over the period September 1980 to April 1982. The sources were observed at approximately monthly intervals and most of them were selected because they are also X-ray sources. The data obtained are used to measure their respective variabilities and to search for any correlations with other source parameters. No obvious relationship to radio or X-ray luminosity was found, though there does appear to be two distinct levels of radio variability for these sources and clear evidence of higher X-ray than radio variability. 相似文献